Male actions return his wife. Can I use prayers and conspiracies? How to return the former wife after a divorce

Many families face the loss of mutual feelings - the years of living together, love dissolves, is essential, attention, attention, and life turns into the second work, filled with duties and claims. Lell sensitive men are not able to notice changes in the behavior of his wife, because it is an externally, it smiles, performs usual actions, listens, and inside it has long been ripe a plan for further life without him. How to return my wife then?

Men are focused on making money, public opinion is important for them, social status. Women whom they have achieved, forget to give the warmth, care, manifestations of love. This is considered the norm of behavior, so the male floor is not able to notice the beginning of the problems - they immediately have to face with the consequences "I was thrown and betrayed." How to return the love of my wife? Shouting and blameing it for sure - it is necessary to calm down and consider the situation.

The reasons

Why did the wife swollen? What cool down, if all is well? In fact, feelings do not pass suddenly. This must be preceded by a certain impetus - frequent scandals, financial difficulties, severe losses. The main reason why the woman ceases to love her husband is in the municipality of life - the same feelings can kill monotony.

On the one hand, wake up perfectly together, breakfast together, look in the evenings Favorite films. But on the other, the regular execution of the same actions leads to irritability and negative. Spouses are so painted that they become a burden, and not the second half. A woman needs shakes, surprises, unusual actions so that she felt those "butterflies in his stomach" and understood "I love me," she is still the road to her husband, and he is ready to surprise her and conquer. In men, the shores of their women, never arises the question "How to Wife"?

Men will say that they are tired after work, they have no time, no desire to be a romantic, because after some 10-12 hours they will again go to the office and work. In their thoughts only spinning "I do not regret, do not appreciate." But the second halves are not needed daily manifestations - it is enough to invent something interesting or at least unusual for the family to come up with something interesting or even unusual for the family, and it will not have any thoughts from her husband.

The situation in intimate relations is similar - even sexual attraction will kill monotony. If every time the script repeats, sooner or later the woman will not stand. The disdain, the wife is also the cause of missing feelings - if a man behaves selfishly in a weekend, seeks to meet with friends, play computer games or engage in other "His deeds", then you can not doubt - in the near future, the wife either immediately inform Scandals will begin. Favorite person must enter the weekend plans. No one restricts in freedom, you can alternate rest with family and rest in the society of friends, but the regular absence of a husband leads to indifference.

How to understand that love is gone?

What are the signs of what she really sobbed a husband? Pay attention to several points:

  • Woman refuses sex.
  • She communicates with other men, is interested in their successes. At the same time, it is not necessary to have physical treason.
  • Changing priorities - the husband is no longer interested in her, she prefers to meet with friends, walk to the cinema herself, to build plans themselves.

There are secondary signs:

  • Ceased to hide its drawbacks;
  • Often unreasonably jealous;
  • Annoyed for any reason;
  • Ignore the presence of a husband;
  • Became selfish, rude;
  • Stopped cooking food, care for the house;
  • No longer advised in making important decisions.

These are the main signs of an indifference from a woman - how to behave if at least one of the items arose in relationships? Measures should be taken until love is completely faded!

What to do?

How to return the love of my wife? Many men mistakenly believe that this is enough to make a solid gift, for example, to buy a car or an expensive decoration. However, women notice not the number of money spent on them, but the units of attention rendered to her. Gave flowers without reason - plus one, invited to the cinema - another one, got up earlier and welded coffee - another plusy. Small actions are remembered by women much stronger than cash gifts.

But what if the wife swollen and resolutely set up? Or wife says she no longer loves me? It is unlikely that in such a situation she will want to go to a concert or a romantic walk through the park. There was a critical moment, and you need to act quickly, thinking through every step.

Faithful ways

How to return the love of my wife, if you know for sure that you are ready to fight for her? Take advantage of the right ways to help establish relationships:

  • The most effective way to solve the problem is a frank conversation. You should pick up the moment when both partners are calm and have free time, and simply discuss the situation. Try together to analyze the relationship and find the reason they have spoiled. It is important that the conversation does not exceed the next scandal.
  • When the wife gone and said that the reason for the concrete act, and the man knows which one, you have to apologize. You can correct the guilt by organizing a surprise that she will definitely like it. If we are talking about treason, then maybe it will never forgive, but it is necessary to try.
  • If a wife sobbed, then it is necessary that she fell in love again! Help at home, decisive actions, interest in her life and what is happening at work will give her to understand that her husband is still the best.
  • So that the wives of the wife returned, you need to call it on the conversation and listen to all the claims and criticism without interrupting. The main thing is to find out what exactly does not suit, then to think about their actions and understand whether a man is ready to change and return it.
  • Parting - really, if she sobbed, let her the opportunity to live alone. During this time, both reflective life alone, and later they will be able to make a decision, converge again or not.
  • Specialist help - psychologist's advice on consultation saves 60% of the steam. If she says that it does not want to attend such sessions, then you need to independently examine the information on this topic, to personally go to the reception and try to do everything possible to establish relationships.
  • If no one wants to behave differently, concessions are for both sides by a psychological barrier, a mutual alienation is felt, it means it's time to part forever. What constantly swear, it is easier to disperse.

How to return my wife? Change everything! If earlier the man behaved as an absolute egoist, did not pay attention to his beloved, now he must show an understanding. No need to constantly remind her of shortcomings, it is important to listen to a woman, help and maintain it. After all, it will not be possible to return his wife if you promise her a completely new life, changed only for a few days. The next time she will leave again, and most likely forever.

Save or accept?

How to save the family if the wife swollen? Before answering this question, a man needs to understand whether he wants to return his wife who sobbed? At this life stage there are two options for the development of events - to fight for the love of a person who value, or to take the situation, and however nothing had to search for a new woman. Refusing to the spouse, you should appreciate the entire period of living together, remember how it all began, as you cope with domestic issues, with the upbringing of children. Think about how my wife belongs to you, how much does it exhibit.

If a couple really good relationships, there are no special scandals, but there can be no betrayal and speech, it means that it is to restore. But when the spouses are tormented together, there are constantly imposing mutual claims, then it is possible to gain the strength of the will, making this step - to divorce. However, you can dispense at any time, so any psychologist will advise first try to reconcile.

Married, we see our future with your favorite people in pink light. Ahead of us is waiting for life, full of joy and happiness. In fact, it happens that it takes time, and one of the partners (or both) is disappointed in family life. Such crises overtake many families. Some of them disintegrate, while others try to establish mutual understanding with all their might.

Usually, the initiative of the divorce is attributed to a man, but what to do, if a woman left the house? How to return my wife? Is everything irrevocably lost or still have a chance to establish a joint life?

Why do women leave their husbands?

The rupture of the long relationship is always very painful for all conflict participants. It is especially difficult to survive the departure of a loved one when the feelings have not yet cooled. In order for the woman to leave the family, there must be good reasons. Observe what pushed it to this decisive step. No one knows your wife better than you yourself.

As a rule, women go to the following reasons:

How to keep his wife if she no longer wants a relationship?

The first advice of the psychologist, when one of the spouses leaves, - to figure it out, and whether it is worth returning this person. Is it worth the situation of your experiences or better try to build a new life? If the game costs the candle, then there are many ways to return your wife.

Return home and keep a person against his will is impossible, nothing but love and affection will not be able to keep marriage. Think why she does not want a relationship, and try to fix it. Usually men are not enough in the emotional plan, it is difficult for them to analyze the behavior of a woman. Try to answer the question that I do not like the spouse in your family life. Surely she told you about it, and more than once.

If a man really wants to return the family, you will have to sit at the negotiating table and discuss what ways to solve the situation. At least try to ask what she wants. No logical arguments will help you return my wife. Remember, because she once loved you. What qualities did she like them then? Only at the level of feelings and emotions can be reached to a loved one. If there is not even a visible solution, try to correct your mistakes - women often make a decision on emotions.

When the reason was the non-permitting behavior of her husband, you will have to make a lot of effort and show yourself on the other side. In the future, you will have to follow the same rules, otherwise the separation is inevitable.

If a woman lacks attention, work on yourself, change your behavior. The man needs to learn how to develop a habit of talking to your favorite compliments, notice the changes in her hairstyle or make-up, give gifts, let inexpensive, because attention is important. This little secret fastens the marriage.

Divorce due to fatigue from domestic affairs, which fell on women's shoulders will require a man to revise their attitude towards the management of the economy. Show your spouse that you can score a nail and take the garbage. Believe me, do household chores alone - difficult work. Remove part of the responsibilities from his wife, and she will look at you with other eyes. Do not forget that helping the house will always have if you want to keep marriage.

When drunkenness becomes the cause, it is difficult to restore the marriage. Many wives understand that her husband's promises do not drink false and there is no way except the final break. It is more difficult to re-create relationships after treason. Of course, there are wives who suffer and forgive the adventures of the wrong husband, but this behavior of the spouse very undermines confidence in the family.

However, in this case, not everything is lost. If you are seriously configured to restore your family, stop your bad behavior, go to a psychologist, encode. Take everything that is just in your power.

How to be if there is a child in the family?

This situation is harder, because the conflict, except for two, are also drawn by small children. The most unforgutable behavior of the former spouse is a manipulation of a child, the pressure on the parent feelings of his wife, attempts to remake the mother in the eyes of the son or daughter, threats to the abduction, blackmail. Such actions are injured primarily a child who suffers from parting parents. In the modern world, a woman is quite in force to feed the family and with one, and with two children. Financial manipulations in this case will not help either.

There is a chance that after an aggressive onset of her husband, a woman from fear will agree to a joint accommodation. Only love and good relationship will not add from this. All family members, quarrels and scandals are guaranteed to suffer.

If a man is configured to return his beloved and children, re-try to create a strong and friendly family, you need to act differently. Show that you can be a caring, attentive husband and father. Do not lose contact with them, help your spouse financially, buy the necessary children, participate in their upbringing. Do not forget to congratulate children happy birthday and other holidays. Your attentiveness and participation will surely melt the heart of the spouse, she will look at you with other eyes.

Go again with children in the amusement parks, attend interesting events. A rather small push, so that the trembling feelings broke out again between mom and dad, which will see that children are happy when they become friendly family.

What if the spouse went to another?

If the woman went to the lover and says that they sobbed you, do not need to take these words on faith. So often comes offended woman who wants to take revenge on her husband. It feels emotionally devastated. She wants her to regret her, climbed and calmed down. If there is a man nearby, who is able to give her, she will begin to build relationships with him.

The worst decision in this situation will be the persecution of spouses, surveillance, threats and accusations. There will be no good and excessive attention, promises to correct, giving up with flowers and gifts.

To begin with, calm down, let cool the emotion boos after parting. In this situation, it is absolutely no need to show jealousy and dependence on a woman. If you will scandalize and impose your communication, everything will happen to the opposite, the wife will annoy this behavior. Pull yourself off for a while, communicate with her carefully, calmly and politely.

When a quiet contact between you is installed, the spouse's irritability will disappear, start acting. Recall that I liked my wife in the Konfito-Budget period of your relationship. Invite it on a romantic date, in a restaurant, on a picnic. Change places with its current civil husband. Try to revive the former atmosphere of love, if the spouses left for you feelings, it is possible that they will flare up with a new force.

Give yourself a setting that you will forget all the insults and jealousy to her new novel. Start life from pure sheet, because without trusting nothing will happen.

How to survive the final divorce with your beloved?

When the rupture is inevitable, it remains to be completed and continue to live. Take the fact that a woman is not the ownership of her husband. She has the right to her desires, feelings and actions. She has the opportunity to choose her further life.

Even if the gap is experiencing very hard, try to be in a circle of people who are pleasant to you, find new hobbies, realize what has long been dreamed of, but could not afford. In this difficult period, it is important not to close it in yourself, pour your experiences, to pronounce them.

A good decision will be the consultation of a psychologist or just a conversation with friends. Feel free to your emotions, do not closure them in yourself and even more so do not drink strong drinks. Help yourself reappear the joy of life.

Having accepted and letting the situation, you will start to feel joyful emotions, and a happy turn will happen in your fate. You can open for new relationships.

It happens, went to another spouse or began to go to the left, forgot about the house and the past relationship. If you want to return it, one of the power of belief is not enough. It will require a conspiracy to return the wife - one of the strongest love spells of family occult art.

Many men appeal to the Savory and ask to spend the ritual to return his wife to the family. Meanwhile, the simplest spells that can be read by themselves help restore the marriage. The best of these rituals is in front of you.

Most of the conspiracy on his wife refers to the sphere of white magic, so they are associated with Christian symbolism. So that the wife does not leave you, you have to observe a number of church settings. Here are these settings:

  • the performer must pass through baptism rite;
  • about the return of the wife better to ask for light forces;
  • reading a prayer for a leaving wife is better to start with icons;
  • marriage recovery conspiracy must be learned (errors are not allowed);
  • refusal of worldly names when reading a love conspiracy will increase your chances.

Some supervisors practice long-term spiritual training before reading spells. The conspiracy of the wife's return is better to support the hike to the church and the appeal to the Holy Panteleon. When the negative energy goes, proceed to perform more serious tasks.

Rite with ring and photography

The ritual is suitable for those who are ready to eliminate disagreements to return his wife. Resume communication with the former spouse helps her photography, ring and white candle. Wife will come back if you do the following:

  1. Sit in front of the candle, slightly further. Snapped with a spouse that decided to leave.
  2. Concentrate on your experiences.
  3. Think about my wife.
  4. Light the wick candles, put on the wax pin ring.
  5. Read a plot three times to restore marriage.

Having waited for a complete troughing of the candle, remove the ring (it will be hot) and wrap it into the photo. Cut. Remove away from prying eyes. If you did everything right, the love of his wife to her husband will be restored. Conspire text:

"Vecedy in the church, we have connected forever. Separately, we do not live, you can not see separation. Where you go, there and my way lies. Where to stop, there will be a favorite wife (name). Our souls joined, not separated them to anyone. Prayer read - the castle sealed. Amen".

We speak Oak Prut

  • red thread;
  • oak rod;
  • candle (wax, not paraffin).

You need to light the candle and read the spell, parallel to winding on a twist red thread. When it becomes there is nothing to wind, lubricate the thread melted wax and let him die. Skip the design under the roots of oak - this is enough for the spouse to come back. Conspire text:

"There is a glada in a dark forest, there is a spiner without a case. Stop, spinning, moss, make up, tell me how to return my wife. The girl is sitting for a spicy, does not go anywhere. With rogging to that girl, I will come up, I will make the dust from the pitchflowers to sleep, disrupt the moss, weave the fateful thread. Let him return to me (the name of the wife), even if she does not want a relationship. Return with kisses yes with repentance. While the native threshold (name) will not cross, the driver will not drink, it will begin to scold, the white light will hate. Amen".

Take a spouse for food

Return his wife conspiracy to food will help in fairly short time. Remember your favorite dish with your narrowed and try to invite her for dinner under any pretext. Buy a bottle of red wine, burn the candles (the more romantic will be the situation, the better). During the preparation of the dish, three drops of their own blood there. Read the spell:

"Delicious vapper prepare, add blood potion. Let my favorite (called the name) of this food taste and again the heart will focus. We don't have more apart, old age in a happy marriage to meet. Good word, blood is hot. Amen".

Binding on the castle

This is a very strong plot, it will work if your spouse decided to live with another man. Magic will help to cool the female feelings towards a lucky competitor and again shook his wife to you. Best as objects:

  • photograph of spouses;
  • mirror;
  • a small lock (you need to insert the key);
  • two candles.

Wait for midnight and disappear in a separate room (close people should not enter the room). Light a candle, put a photo of the beloved woman. In the left hand, squeeze the castle, right - the key. Read the spell three times, and on the last words, close the mechanism key. The text is:

"Higher forces, foaming, hear Moluba of God's slave (your name). Help return home your spouse (Women's name), strengthen our happiness. As this castle closes the key, so the heart of the wife grows to me. It will only be mine. Amen".

Fast return of the wife

Want to solve the problem in accelerated mode? Then you need to appeal to the holy feel. Wait for worship affected by the Significant Orthodox Holiday. If you are not painted, you need to go through this sacrament. Go to church, let's say, in the Easter week, and read the plot:

"Damian and Cosmo, Holy Wonderworkers, I hope. Save my marriage, return home to God's slave (the name of the left spouse). You are my only assistants. I stand on your knees before your faces. Hear me, give happiness and grace. Amen".

Cemetery Length

There is a whole occult partition, referred to as the passage magic - it is worth a resort to it in extreme cases. It is necessary to conduct a ritual after the onset of the first lunaries. You will need candy, any item from wardrobe wives, church candle. Procedure:

  1. Come on the cemetery.
  2. Lay the grave where the namesake of your spouse is buried.
  3. Light a candle, put it on the stove.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Type a handful of passing land.
  6. Wrap the soil in marital clothes.
  7. Leave a dead candy on the spill.

Conspire text: "Sleeps the deceased, she dreams of an icy, life fruitless and dry bones. Let the one threw me, will sucks back to me. Sleep the late in the coffin, and you (called the name) forever bored for me, does not find peace for yourself. The deceased in the grave will remain, and you and your husband will not break up. Discover me heart forever. While I myself do not wish, you can not get anywhere from me. "

Let the candle be prohibiting to the end, and you will have to bury in 9 days from the gravestone. Severate artifact under the living tree - a month later, the spouse should return home. As you can see, useful rites are enough, but some of them are associated with black magic. Therefore, work carefully, pour sins in the temple.

Many familiar situations when men throw a family. However, the representative of the strong gender, being abandoned, as a rule, does not find a place and does not know what to do and how to return his wife after a divorce. Everyone wants to keep marriage, but not everyone is under power. Psychologists are confident that you first need to identify the true reason, which led to parting. After that, a man must decide for himself: "Do I want to restore relationships and return my half home, and is it possible to do it if she loved others?"

The grounds for which women leave families

Often, after the divorce, men had to understand that just so the spouse did not want to leave him. Assist to return the love of the wife of the psychologist's advice. Experts identified the most common cases when the spouse leaves the family, and for each circumstance they tried to answer the question: can I return my wife after the divorce?

Detection of reasons and search for a possible outlet of a dead end is just the initial stage on the return of the wife in the Lono of the family. It happens that the spouse, calming down and believing her husband, quickly comes home. However, other situations occur when the reunification may not be so simple.

How to behave to restore marriage

When the wife went to another, it is possible to return it, but it will require deeper analysis and preparation. After all, if the woman has started a lover, is not a simple entertainment. An abandoned husband must be solved for himself, whether he needs such a wife, and think who became the culprit of the disintegration of the family. There may be two reasons:

  1. The husband himself provoked his spouse, and she found him a replacement. In such a situation, it is necessary to convince a woman in repentance, to recognize himself to be guilty and impose responsibility for it on his shoulders.
  2. A woman without visible reasons started a lover. This case is more complicated and requires more careful understanding. Maybe such a woman should not return to the family at all? It happened once, it will repeat. In such an environment, it is important to determine the feelings, understand self-esteem, revise relationships and analyze: can I return the love of my wife? Only after that it is worth deciding on further actions.

The situation becomes unbearable and exacerbated if the wife left with a child. Then it is necessary to work in the following directions:

  • You can begin to communicate with her new family and friends who can be imprinting to tell you how to return his wife with a child and imperceptibly affect the decision of the spouse. Potential "accomplices", having acquainted with you closer, will tell what her ex-husband is wonderful.
  • If the faithful gone left with children, then they need more attention and give their free time. Even if your relationships do not apply, you must do everything you need so that the children do not suffer because of "adult" problems and conflicts.
  • It is impossible to quarrel in the presence of your chad, it is better to come up with unusual joint entertainment. The spouse recognizes you on the other hand and may appear a chance to return the love of my wife.
  • There will be no good conflicts with a new chosen one. It is necessary to be higher than your emotions and try to change yourself. The role of a decent father will show a woman that besides his native dad, it will not be better for a son or daughter anyone else. The constant presence in the life of children may become for two people who once like each other people reason to reunite.

What to do a man after official termination of marriage?

According to psychologists, the cooled feelings of the second half - a bad sign. If she sobbed, it can be difficult to resume relationships and do not always help bring his wife's advice. Before proceeding with actions, it is necessary to calm down, analyze why the spouse has left and cool, reveal the cause of the breakdown, try to step by step to solve the problem and return your beloved wife. It is necessary to act carefully and firmly, adhering to the following recommendations of specialists:

  1. It is impossible to rush the events. And a man and a woman need time to rest from each other. Do not try to write a former spouse, call or meet after work. It will be better to devote this period to yourself and even think about how to return the love of my wife.
  2. It is worth paying the time of its own attractiveness. And not only in order to return the love of the former spouse. It is necessary to become interesting for other women too .. change the hairstyle, style of clothing, do sports.
  3. Two months after the divorce and their own transformation, it is possible to offer former wife to meet at neutral territory. During the conversation, be calm, ask she, which caused your divorce. The conversation should be supplied so that the beloved woman does not guessed that she was trying to return. It must be said that it is necessary to work on yourself and prevent such mistakes in the future. In a trustful conversation, a woman will definitely post all the claims and tell about the minuses of his ex-husband.
  4. Having received information, it is necessary to continue to work on changing yourself. Do not think that you have left not to return, because you want to return my wife home!

Now you can proceed to drawing up a strategy and begin to implement a plan to return my wife. One of its items can be unconventional, but sometimes effective methods.

It is considered magic as a means to return the former wife after the divorce is effective. But an abandoned man must comply with all the necessary rules, so as not to cause harm or a beloved. Many who recently appealed: help return his wife, - today they found their family.

Magic and prayer

Restore the relationship is complex task. Psychology is a good helper in this matter. But there are quite a few ways to return the love of my wife with the help of magic. When going to apply spells, you need to configure it right and focus well. The strongest magical rituals should be used purified. For security reasons, it is better to refer to the methods of white witchcraft, as they do not contain bad wishes and will not be able to harm.

The rituals and conspiracies committed during the growing moon are effective, but it is not recommended to use rites associated with the cemetery. It is better to find out what prayers quickly return his wife to the family. So that conspiracies really helped, it is impossible to tell anyone anyone, and before execution it is not allowed to eat.

If the wife went to the former, a few drops of anise oil applied to a piece of white bread will help to return it. It must be reckoned on the married bed, reading seven times a prayer. Then everything must be collected in the handkerchief and hide from people. The conspiracy with the help of prayer will be considered executed if it is possible to plug the crumbs into the food of the former spouse and take it on the marriage bed.

Another strongest prayer capable of returning his wife after cheating is read on a glass with water. It is necessary to pronounce certain conspiracies three times. Then the tank becomes the head of the bed, and at night it is necessary to represent intimate proximity to the wife. In the morning half of the water, it is necessary to shed at yourself "by chance", and the second part to your beloved. It is believed that after the ritual, a woman only will dream of closeness with her husband.

There are other efficient ways and conspiracies, for example, on pins or photograph. How to return my wife if she does not want, telling the ritual with her hair. They need to be accurately wounded on the calculation, uttering special words, and it is possible to use it.

Prayer for fire helps to return his wife with a child, and the conspiracy in the photo - if she left after a quarrel and lasts a long time on his spouse.

You can "heal" love relationships and return his wife with the help of an old Orthodox prayer. It should be read daily before the icon and lit candle. For the relationship returned after the dissolution, go to the temple and thank the Lord.

If the wife sobbed, then you can apply another one of the vintage conspiracies to bring her home. It is easy to do this: you need to put a photo of my wife, take a glass with holy water, drink three throat, and over the rest of the liquid to read prayer and sprinkle a photo.

With the help of a probitive conspiracy on a young month, which you need to read seven days, you can quickly return my wife from the lover.

If offended hostess for a long period does not forgive her husband, helps to return the wife "freezing" to his wife. It is necessary in thoughts to form all conflicts in the form of a blackcloth and, pronouncing the necessary words, "put it" in a snowdrift. In the spring, it is impossible to step on this place.

Of course, help to return my wife after a divorce of psychologist's advice, strong magical love spells, and Orthodox prayers arrange thoughts and calm the heart. However, a man must be aware of: relationships become unstable due to both spouses. Find the strength to independently settle the problem, analyze the situation even before the wife decided to leave or you divorced. Magic is only auxiliary. If your unpleasant stories will be repeated, no methods, how to return his wife after divorce, will not help.

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"I was asked to write a similar article about the return of my wife. Despite the fact that our site is positioned as female Almanac, I consider such a request to just and I fully fulfill it. And so, - how to return my wife?

Immediately make a reservation that this article is not an instruction (instructions can not be in principle) or recommendation on how exactly you, reading these lines, return your wife. This article is conceptual and designed to specify the right direction in which you need to follow if you want to return your wife.

I changed, then why my wife does not return to me?

Most men in their unwild desire to return wives who left them, commit the same mistakes - have an unprecedented pressure, proving that they have changed or work to change that they decided or are ready to solve all the problems accumulated over the years of marriage. They are trying to convince their wives that the changes they made literally a week ago are constant.

Dear men, in fact, all of the listed wives are not interested. Moreover, such behavior is even more expanding the abyss formed between you and even stronger reduces the chances.

If you want your wife to be returned, you should understand the true reason for her care from you.

As a rule, men believe that the wife left them due to the fact that they did something "not that" or because they did not do something. In principle, in order to think so there is a foundation, because it is precisely what the wives say when they leave, this is exactly what they are most often voiced as the cause of their care.

Yes, indeed, some non-resident act or some blatant idleness of her husband can provoke his wife to leave, but still, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this is not a true cause of care.

Whatever their wives about the causes of their care, they very rarely leave because the husband did something or did not do something. A woman is unlikely to leave her husband for this reason. The wife takes only when she appears hope for a better life, to be happy. As long as this hope is not, the woman is likely to be even in the unsuccessful marriage for himself, and it can reach the day, months and years. Having hope, a woman does not have strength, energy, determination and incentive for care. But when hope appears ... The woman believes that the only way to try to improve your life is to do it without you!

Why does Nadezhda appear? - Unknown. This is a spontaneous process, the catalyst of which can become anything.

Why your efforts do not give results

When a man thinks that his wife left because he did something or did something, he comes to a simple logical conclusion - it is necessary to change it and then the wife immediately or not at all right away, but still wants to return.

For example, a man drank. He throws drinks and solemnly informs his wife that for a week (month, half a year) was not triggered to alcohol. Or a man did not perform men's work in the house. He joyfully informs his wife, which has already cleaned all the flowing taps, screwed all the electrical sockets and switches, glued down the stools, and he himself fastened and folded his socks and underwear into the closet. And maybe a man did not pay attention to his wife. He immediately surrounds her care and tries to care, as in the first month of dating.

In fact, all this has a negative impact on the possibility of return for several reasons:

  • First, if you have threw the drink now, you started to repair everything in the house, give flowers and candy, then why didn't you do this year, two, five, ten years ago, when did you really worry your wife? After all, you all knew about it all this and did nothing. Invented a thousand "respectful" reasons to continue to do what you did or continue not to do what you did not. Why suddenly you still have time and opportunity? And where, as a masturbation of the magic stick, were "respectful" reasons?
  • Secondly, it is obvious that you abandoned alcohol, became a master for all hands and a gallant cavalier only to return to you. This means that all these changes you did not for it, but for yourself!
  • Third, the wife knows you quite well, for a long time I saw how you behave in different situations, so it should be full, sorry, fool to think that if she returns, you will not start drinking again , do not fall on the sofa again, without doing anything and not paying any attention to it.
  • Fourthly, the wife simply does not like you anymore, which means that of her "list of essentials" for a better life and future happiness, your name is just just crossed out.

Naturally, I used alcohol addiction, homework and attention as an example. You can substitute any other values \u200b\u200binstead.

Try to get on my wife's place

If you have long tolerated some shortcomings of your wife, who revealing your life, believed every time for many years that she could change, swear, offended, worried, tried to help her finally ... blocked. Everything ended with you "Fuel"! You do not like her more. Emptiness in the soul and in the heart. How fast in this case would you be ready to return to it on the basis of its promises and changes in its behavior on the last two, three, five months?

Would you consider her promises to truth, and the changes are constant? Wouldn't it be enough to you to love it again like anything happened? - no, your memory is filled with the images of conflicts and the insult of the last few years and you least want to go through all this again, especially now when you are free and you have hope for a bright future, for the best life, on what you can We still have time to achieve all this and enjoy this before the occurrence of old age.

Attempts to prove will give a negative result

Now, when she left, you think much about what she told you and what many times have complained over the years, and now you can come up with how to solve all these problems. Moreover, many of your suggestions are quite good, and some are so simple ingenious and creative.

Nevertheless, when you come to my wife with these sentences, it turns out that all this is absolutely not impressive. Even if you progressively prove that all your suggestions will work, it is already uninteresting. Why? - To understand, you need to return to the reasons for its care.

  • First, she does not love you.
  • Secondly, she wants to be happy, wants a better life.

Your most ingenious offers do not solve any of these issues. All of them look like the means that you apply exclusively in order to satisfy your desire to return it. But your desires do not mean anything for her. She no longer care what you want or what you need, because it does not see and does not understand how it is connected with her own happiness. In addition, she does not believe that he can love you again.

Can this be fixed? - At least, you can try. The situation is not completely hopeless.

The only way to return my wife

There is only one working way for the case when you were left my wife, which no longer loves you. That is, - the way to revive in her love for you and your attractiveness in her eyes. Before your wife agree to build your future with you, she should want to have a common future with you and see this future, and now she does not want it and does not see.

Your suggestions for solving problems and changes will not return her feelings for you. However, suggestions and changes are necessary, because without it, it will not even hypothetically consider the possibility of returning. It is especially important that your suggestions are real and fulfilled, and stable changes. If it is empty spotting and not reinforced with promises (even a little bit), you will lose its respect and then nothing will help.

And now about the most important thing. You must stop focusing on what you want, and instead, focus on what she wants. I pay attention - not on what she wants from you (because it doesn't want anything from you anymore), but on what she wants for himself. Your task is to make your wife believed - you are the person who can give her what she wants is the best life and happiness. I pay attention again - not to prove it to her, but to make it believed in it. If the wife does not trust you, you will have to sweat and spend more time, it can even be a lot of time. Soberly appreciate your capabilities and decide whether you can really justify its hopes and trust.

That's all that could be written in one article. It seems to be written little and looks simple, but in fact, even if it is written little, but it says a lot. And all this is not easy to implement. Compared to returned husbands, the percentage of returned wives is very small.

From the author: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private person, and not a recommendation of a specialist. I'm trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately physically I do not have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then respond in detail, and I do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because it requires a huge amount of free time, and I have it very little.

In this regard, I really ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not try to use comments for correspondence or chat and not count that I will advise in the comments.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but then be prepared for what I ignore your. This is not a question of principle, but exclusively time and my physical abilities. Do not be offended.

If you want to get qualified help, please contact the advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge with complete return.

With Respect and Hope for Understanding, Frederick