What is affected by continuous work experience. Continuous work experience - why is it needed

Continuous work experience is a period of time during which the employee carried out work activities without interruptions, except for cases of the established duration specified by law. Previously, this concept was actively used in labor practice and legislation, as it influenced many factors. For example, depending on the duration of continuous work experience (STC), the amount of compensation for a certificate of temporary disability and pension payments changed.

With regard to exceptions, that is, periods of time when a citizen does not work, but this is not a reason for interrupting his work experience. According to the established rules and depending on the circumstances, a person has the right to remain unemployed in this case from 1 to 3 months.

If earlier this concept was actively used, then after 2002, when the pension reform was carried out, continuous work experience began to be used much less frequently. In addition, now it is retained only if the worker, after being fired from one enterprise, got a job at another, but took a similar position there. Therefore, at the moment this concept is often used only within the framework of the work of a worker in one enterprise or corporation. It should be borne in mind that some time intervals are also referred to as continuous work experience when an employee did not actually fulfill his job duties. These include:

  • Maternity leave, including up to three years of caring for him;
  • Military service - if the citizen was drafted during the period of labor activity;
  • Passage of contract or alternative service;
  • Working hours on collective farms and cooperatives;
  • Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Holding the position of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

All of these time intervals are not considered interruptions of employment. However, they are not taken into account as the time of performance of official duties. Thus, if a woman has worked at the enterprise for 5 years, and then went on maternity leave, then after her reinstatement, the duration of her continuous work experience will not increase and will be equal to 5 years.

That is why the process of calculating the duration of a continuous can be associated with certain difficulties. In this situation, many nuances must be taken into account. Sometimes this concept is confused with seniority. However, they are not the same, although they do have common features.

Continuous work experience and the procedure for calculating it

Since continuous work experience is, first of all, the time of performing labor actively, many people mistakenly believe that any termination of work is considered the end of this period. However, the current legislation stipulates many situations in which, even if an employee is dismissed, his STC continues.

For example, after the termination of an employment contract on the initiative of an employee, the STC is retained for him for one month. If he finds a job during this time, then his calculation will be continued. For citizens carrying out labor activities outside our country or in the territories of the Far North and equated to it, the period of such a "pause" is extended to 2 months. This also applies to foreign citizens working in the Russian Federation, if an agreement on social security for this time period was signed with their country. Those citizens who were paid from their main place of work due to staff reduction, reorganization or liquidation of the organization can count on three months of "pause".

It is necessary to take into account one more nuance, although at the moment it is rare. If one of the spouses is officially (this is a key moment) transferred to work in another region, then the second spouse will have to pay off from his enterprise. In this case, the state provides him (or her) with a “pause” of 3 months, during which the citizen must find a job in a new place.

For the calculation of the length of uninterrupted work experience, the position that the employee took after the dismissal will also matter. As noted above, the NTS continues only if the worker finds a job similar to the one from which he left.

If a retired citizen decides to resume his labor activity, then his STC is also extended. This also applies to servicemen transferred to the reserve. But only if they have at least 20 years of service. The participation of an employee in military operations outside the Russian Federation may be taken into account when the length of service is insufficient.

What does continuous work experience affect?

Initially, such a concept as continuous work experience was introduced in order to increase the attractiveness of permanent work among citizens. This gave them the opportunity to receive many privileges, bonuses and allowances. For example, the opportunity to get a ticket to a sanatorium or retire with a large premium to payments.

Now this scheme continues to operate, however, not at the state level, but at the local level. If earlier all the benefits that workers with a large NTS received were paid at the expense of the state, now the number of such bonuses has significantly decreased. At the same time, many large companies and corporations at the local level try to reward employees who have been working for them for a long time. Bonuses are also provided for citizens working in the health care system.

However, in this case, it is not the continuity of the experience itself that plays an important role, but its duration. At the same time, the total length of service includes not only the time of work, but also service in the army, as well as training in higher educational institutions and industrial practice.

With regard to the size of the pension, today it is enough to make the necessary monthly payments to the Pension Fund. It is on their number and size that the size of payments in the future will depend. At the same time, for employees working under an employment contract, the transfers are made by the company's accountant in the manner and amount established by law. If a citizen operates as an individual entrepreneur, then he independently determines the amount of deductions and upon retirement, it will be enough for him to present the relevant extracts.

In this regard, the question of the need for such a concept as continuous work experience in the conditions of modern realities has been raised more than once. Indeed, from a practical point of view, it does not have a significant impact. During the discussions, the question was raised about the possibility of using the NTS for early retirement or preferential loan processing. However, at the moment, the final decision has not been made. Although some credit institutions note that they have a great chance to arrange loans for those citizens who have a long uninterrupted work experience, as this increases the chances of returning the funds issued.

In fact, at the moment, the NTS does not give significant preferences. For civil servants, long uninterrupted work experience is a plus in the resume, and in some enterprises it makes it possible to get more convenient terms of annual leave for the employee. However, all this is only a minor bonus for workers, which cannot replace the real bonuses that workers with long-term STC received earlier.

How is the continuous work experience calculated according to the work book?

Based on the fact that the calculation of continuous experience has a number of peculiarities and nuances, the process of determining its duration is often difficult. On the Internet, you can find special calculators for determining the NTS, but there is no guarantee of the correctness of their work, moreover, it is necessary to take into account the latest changes in the legislation. These changes are rarely made to programs. In addition, calculators determine the approximate duration of continuous work experience, and independently or with the help of specialists, you can calculate it accurately.

The calculation of the work book should start from the first working day. It should be borne in mind that the day of commencement of duties is considered the next, after the day of employment. Next, you need to write down all working periods. Regardless of where and when you went, if the time without work did not exceed the set maximum. Thus, there are 30 days in a month, and 12 months in a year. When calculating, it should also be borne in mind that the last day, which is marked on the working day as the day of dismissal, is considered a worker according to labor law.

In addition, continuous work experience in case of temporary disability of an employee is calculated differently than in other cases. Upon receipt of sick leave, in accordance with current legislation, the worker is given 3 months to restore health, which are counted in the NTS. In case of exceeding the established maximum, the duration of this experience is interrupted.

When calculating continuous length of service, service in the army, which is marked in labor, is also counted. If you need to clarify the number of days included in the NTS, you can contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, whose specialists will tell you in detail about the calculation procedure and the latest changes in legislation in this area.

Many people use special Internet programs when calculating continuous work experience. When using them, you need to pay attention to the dates of their release. As in the case of calculators, changes in the current legislation are made infrequently, which can lead to errors in calculations. In addition, when carrying out the calculation, the worker must take into account the reason for the termination of employment and the corresponding duration of the "pause" for continuous work experience.

Since, upon dismissal of his own free will, the employee must get a job within a month so that his work experience is not interrupted, and with a reduction, this period increases to 3 months. Separately, it is necessary to consider the procedure for calculating continuous work experience for disabled workers. For them, the current legislation provides for special conditions. In both cases, the "pause" time also gives workers the right to receive benefits and pay insurance premiums, thereby extending the total length of service, which accordingly affects the size of the future pension.

After the expiration of the "pause" time established by the legislation, the unemployed citizen loses all the benefits and advantages that his continuous work experience gives him. And although there are not so many such advantages left, some citizens try not to lose them unnecessarily.

Therefore, if a worker strives to maintain the continuity of his work experience, experts recommend paying off from work if there is a place for employment. In this case, only official work is taken into account, which provides for an entry in the work book.

Since previously continuous work experience was used to calculate the amount of pension benefits, these calculations were often made by specialists from the local branch of this civil service. At the moment, only the total length of service is taken into account, which is confirmed by providing the citizen's work book to the FIU. This document indicates all official places of work, as well as the reasons for dismissal and suspension from employment. If for some time a citizen has been registered as an individual entrepreneur, then this fact must be confirmed by an appropriate extract. It is allowed when submitting papers to the Pension Fund, providing a certificate from the place of work about the presence of continuous work experience at this enterprise and its duration.

The country's legislation states that the activities of a citizen within the framework of labor, during which the periods of absence from work have not exceeded the terms specified in the Labor Code, are called continuous work experience. According to this decree, employees throughout the year may not go to the workplace from 30 to 90 calendar days, so that the length of service remains uninterrupted. The timing of absenteeism depends on certain life circumstances.

A Russian citizen must, within 30 days, find a job in a new place that he chooses for work, if the dismissal was carried out at his request and no justified reasons for this action were indicated in the letter of leave.

For 60 days, those Russian citizens who work in the following places must find a job in a new job:

  1. In harsh conditions, for example, in the Far North of the country.
  2. Russians who previously worked outside their homeland, that is, abroad.
  3. Citizens of foreign states, if an international social security treaty has been signed between their country and Russia.

The latest news indicates that for 90 days, those who are laid off due to staff reductions or the complete liquidation of an organization or company may not go to work.

Also, the legislation says that continuous work experience is maintained if one of the spouses is transferred to work, the activities of which will have to be carried out in another region. In this case, both spouses will need to move to another place to live, so they will have to quit their permanent job, whatever one may say.

Does the length of uninterrupted service affect pension payments

Previously, the length of service, which was considered continuous, was of great importance in relation to the calculation of pension payments. Its terms not only influenced the amount of money, but also helped to receive a certain type of benefits. But after the country chose an updated system for calculating pension contributions, this moment has completely changed.

Today, when calculating pensions, they do not take into account the period of continuous work experience, but take into account how taxpayers paid contributions for insurance state institutions and what was their amount. That is, what the pension will be depends on how much the citizen contributed. It is this period that is now considered work experience of continuous importance.

In addition to this concept, the work of those citizens who resigned for a good reason, but retained their profession, also belongs to continuous labor activity. The latter, according to the law, was allocated to him, taking into account working conditions. At the same time, the living conditions and climatic features of the region are taken into account. However, the length of service will be considered continuous in this situation if the subsequent employment is carried out within the terms that were previously indicated. And it will be taken into account only after the citizens of the country receive a certain type of benefits or allowances that should be provided for wages.

For example, allowances are due to medical personnel who constantly, that is, continuously, work in the medical field of activity. Also, the allowance is provided for those Russian citizens who conduct their activities in harsh and difficult climatic conditions.

In what other cases should the experience of a continuous nature be maintained

In addition to the above situations, continuous work experience is maintained if:

  • the employee of the company is a parent and he needs to quit his job due to the fact that a child with HIV infection is growing up in the family and he needs constant care. The length of service will legally remain uninterrupted if the parent signs an agreement that he will continue his activities as soon as the sick child reaches the age of majority;
  • if persons who have retired on retirement decide to resume their previous work activities;
  • the length of service of a continuous nature is also preserved for servicemen who were fired from their place of service. In this case, the length of service will be taken into account, the period of which must be at least 20 years, as well as whether the military personnel took part in hostilities that took place outside the borders of the Russian Federation.

For all of the above cases, the length of service will be considered continuous, without taking into account the period of time after which a new employment will be issued, that is, after how long a person will be employed in a new job.

What is taken into account when the period of continuous work experience is calculated

When calculating the terms of continuous service, the following are taken into account:

  • calendar days;
  • how many months the employee worked;
  • what is his length of service in years.

All these indicators are taken into account for calculating the length of service for those employees who did not leave their workplace during the calculation period, that is, worked in the same company or organization. When moving to another job, the period will be calculated if the labor activity is carried out in accordance with the law on employment, and also if the terms of legal employment are not violated.

Is it possible to independently calculate your own term of continuous work experience in 2018-2019

You can find out your experience on your own using the testimonies that are entered in the work book for this. Also, this operation can be performed using a special program on the Internet, which is called an "online calculator". However, it should be noted that, of course, she will make a calculation, but the results will be only approximate. Therefore, it is best to do this event yourself, listening to the recommendations of specialists.

So, the calculation needs to be done in stages:

  • all entries in the book are taken into account, taking into account the very first;
  • for a month for the calculation, 30 days are taken, for a year - 12 months;
  • all periods of work are written out;
  • calculate how many days, months and years are provided;
  • only those days considered as days of employment are deducted from the total amount.

The amount received will indicate what period of continuous service is provided for a citizen.

Things to Consider When Using an Online Calculator

If you calculate the length of service will be an online calculator, then you need to first of all pay attention to the year the program was released. In a certain column, it is necessary to enter not only the time during which the citizen was considered unemployed, but also indicate the reason for the abandonment of the workplace. That is, the dismissal was by order or at the request of the employee, and also to enter the contract number and other type of necessary documentation.

It should be added: experts recommend resigning from a job only if the citizen already knows what job he will switch to. In this case, the continuity of contributions will be maintained and the length of service will remain unchanged. After all, few can find a new job that will satisfy their needs in 30 calendar days. Namely, such a period of time, according to the law, is given to a citizen to find a new job and maintain the length of service in continuous activity.

Previously, the continuity of work experience and the dates of entry into the work book were very closely followed. We tried to move from work to work literally day in and day out. Does this indicator have any meaning today? And in general, what is it - continuous work experience?

Continuous work experience

At the moment, there is no clear definition of this concept in the legislation. There are a number of generally accepted rules that have been operating by inertia since the days of the USSR. In general, today, continuous work experience is the number of years an employee has worked in one company. He could move from one position to another, but at the same time remain registered with one legal entity.

Previously, the continuous work experience also included the time worked at another enterprise, provided that the gap between dismissal and hiring in another organization was no more than one month. The main condition for this is that the dismissal had to take place of their own free will. If the employee was suspended from work under the "article", the calculation of continuous length of service is terminated.

Also, sometimes the gap in time from dismissal to employment for calculating continuous service could increase to two months. This happened in cases where the previous work was carried out in difficult conditions or abroad.

It was possible to look for a job even for three months - in the event that you were laid off, or your spouse was transferred to another position in another region, and a move was required.

In Soviet times, continuous work experience made it possible to receive various bonuses, and upon retirement, it guaranteed an increase. For example, when working without dismissal in one organization for fifteen or more years, the amount of pension benefits increased by 10%.

Also, continuous work experience influenced the amount of temporary disability benefits.

Some interruptions in work associated with the performance of important social functions by the employee are also counted in the continuous work experience. For example, the time spent on maternity leave, parental leave, service in the army - alternative, by contract, by conscription, as well as work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and as a deputy in the State Duma is not removed from the experience.

Continuous work experience - why is it needed today?

In the days of the USSR, this indicator made it possible to receive various allowances and bonuses from the state, and participated in the calculation of pension benefits. Today, the importance of continuous work experience is being lost.

There are individual companies that calculate this indicator and reward especially loyal workers. In the field of medicine, continuous work experience affects the bonuses of employees. But on a global scale, this indicator plays almost no role.

Pension benefits are currently formed from contributions to the Pension Fund of insurance contributions. And only their size affects the size of the future pension.

Today, continuous work experience does not play a significant role. More attention is paid to the duration of work activity than to its continuity. It makes little sense to comply with all the conditions in order to maintain continuous work experience. Unless only by designating this fact as a personal achievement in your own resume.

Mezentseva Vasilisa

Labor relations with the employer presuppose certain social guarantees both from the state and from enterprises and organizations. Until recently, continuous work experience was of great importance in this regard. At the moment, after the reform of the pension system, this concept is practically not used.

Definition of continuous work experience (NTS)

The very formulation of continuous work experience presupposes a continuous period of time during which the worker had officially registered relations with the employer, reflected by the corresponding entry in the work book, the employment contract.

The calculation of the NTS is not as straightforward as its definition. There are many exceptions and rules that must be taken into account when calculating it.

Until the NTS was used as a concept at the state level, this period included the total period of a person's labor relations with all employers. Since the abolition of the STC in labor legislation, the concept has been used locally within the system of motivation of each specific enterprise in relation to labor collectives.

Why do you need continuous work experience and what does it affect?

The system of continuous employment brings many benefits, primarily for the employer, and directly affects one of the most important factors of profitable low-cost activities - employee turnover. Low indicators of this component of effective management ensure:
  • continuity of production processes;
  • stability of functioning of all divisions;
  • availability of knowledge and experience corresponding to technological requirements;
  • established psychological climate in the team.
As a method of reducing staff turnover in the Soviet Union, the concept of continuous work experience was adopted at the legislative level. Its use played a huge stimulating role in keeping the workforce in the same place.

Depending on the term, the NTS made it possible to receive certain bonuses, privileges and allowances. In addition, based on the results of work, one could count on an increased pension, and during the next vacation - a voucher with partial or full compensation for the cost of rest.

Until 2002, the calculation of STC at the state level had a direct impact on the size of pension payments, as well as upon receipt of other socially guaranteed benefits. In particular, the amount of sick leave payments (up to 2007) or additional vacation days also depended on the STC term.

As of 2017, continuous work experience is used exclusively privately. At the legislative level, this concept was excluded from circulation.

Now the NTS is taken into account by commercial structures in agreement with the owners. It is still used to incentivize the most dedicated employees with all kinds of bonuses, bonuses or intangible incentives that are compensated by businesses. Of course, their number is limited by the budget allocated for the promotion of personnel. Whereas before the reform, the state bore the main burden of social security and motivation of citizens.

In addition to commercial structures, the NTS remained in the bonuses of health care workers, although in this case the main focus is on the length of service.

What is included in the NTS?

When calculating the period of continuous work experience, there are many clauses that were adopted at the legislative level and were in effect until 2002.

In addition to continuous labor activity, the STC includes:
  • Military service, regardless of the type of troops. The main condition is the break between the end / beginning of military duties and the beginning / end of labor relations or studies is no more than three months.
  • Leave of female military personnel who were forcedly dismissed from places of service due to pregnancy, subsequent childbirth and time for caring for children up to 1.5 years old inclusive, as well as at the birth of a child and up to 3 years, with the preservation of a job.
  • All types of practice in production (paid).
  • The period of study for obtaining professional or special education (including: advanced training, higher, secondary specialized). The break is possible no more than 3 months.
  • Work in special areas in the agricultural sector. Including after the liquidation of collective farms.
  • The period of the forced break due to improper dismissal (upon the fact of restoration to the previous job).
The term of educational and scientific activity in universities is not a reason for a break in the scientific and technical conference. More information about studies and work experience -.

Is continuous work experience taken into account when calculating pension or sick leave payments?

At the moment, the use of three main categories of work experience is legally enshrined:
  • general;
For the appointment of pensions, as well as when calculating sick leave payments (as a result of temporary disability), the concept of another length of service is used - insurance. This is the time when deductions were made from wages or official income received to the relevant funds. In addition, the total period of employment is taken into account.

NTS is accounted for exclusively on a private basis, when the owners of commercial structures accept it as a starting point for a system of motivation and incentives for their employees.

In addition, the NTS is used to determine when, after employment, a new employee can go on vacation, namely after six months of continuous work at the enterprise.

When is the NTS not interrupted even in the event of dismissal?

Before the reform of the pension system, continuous work experience was distinguished by a large number of exceptions. Subsequent employment after the dismissal of an employee was counted in it. It is important that the time pause does not exceed the term of 3/4 weeks (according to the legislative norms in force at different times, depending on the changes). The number of transitions in one year was also taken into account.

The first dismissal of a citizen from work of his own free will was allowed without good reason. If within 12 months. the second happened, then the subsequent employment became part of the NTS with the existence of documented valid reasons that were entered in the work book. In exceptional situations - according to the individual decision of trade union organizations. Among the acceptable reasons are considered:

  • Violation of the contract (labor / collective) by the management of the enterprise.
  • Winning selection for competitive positions.
  • Disability / serious illness of family members, requiring the presence and constant care of an employed citizen (must be certified by an appropriate medical certificate).
  • The beginning of training in any educational institution.
  • Official transfer in service / work, relocation, including due to illness, of one of the spouses to another region.
  • The effect of the provisions of mandatory state programs on labor migration.
For disabled people, pensioners, guardians of 3 or more minor children, pregnant women and women raising a small child, there is a valid reason for the second dismissal within 12 months. - the condition is optional.

In addition, the NTS remains even if there is a break of more than a month (up to 2-3 months), provided:
  • change of place of work after employment in the Far North;
  • moving from abroad. It was allowed if the citizen worked in international organizations, institutions and branches of national importance;
  • moving from friendly countries (if there are international social security agreements);
  • reorganization of enterprises and bodies of the Armed Forces. The same possibility was envisaged in case of staff reduction or liquidation;
  • the end of the period of disability or illness (according to the conclusion of the MSEC or the VKK), as well as if the dismissal from the previous place of work is related to the state of health;
  • reduction of the teaching staff of primary grades (in particular - in the transition to a new training system or lack of students).
NTS remains:
  • in pregnant women who are also guardians / parents of young children and persons with disabilities up to the age of 14 and 16, respectively. An important clarification: upon reaching this age, citizens must find a job;
  • for the period of the forced relocation of one of the spouses to another region;
  • for all categories of employed pensioners.

How to count continuous work experience?

NTS is calculated only if there is official employment, the availability of documents confirming valid reasons for temporary interruptions in work (diplomas, certificates, sick leaves, conclusions of MSEC and VKK).

Depending on the personnel policy and the staffing table, each enterprise has a service that has access to work books or contracts. Based on their data, employees calculate the STC.

Continuous work experience during the existence of the Soviet Union had an important legal significance and influenced the calculation of pensions and the payment of social benefits. In connection with the adoption of a number of amendments, the status of this legal concept has significantly changed in labor legislation.

What the continuity of work experience affects today, how it differs from the general one and at what duration is not taken into account to break the period of work, you will learn in detail from this material.

What is continuous work experience

This refers to periods after dismissal that do not exceed the time intervals provided by law for individual cases of termination of contracts with employers.

After adoption Federal Law No. 225 dated December 29, 2006 "On compulsory social insurance" in case of temporary incapacity for work due to motherhood, only those periods during which contributions were made to the FSS of the Russian Federation are taken into account when making payments.

Previously adopted norms on the continuity of service were in conflict with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on freedom of labor, and therefore were canceled.

They mean the inclusion of the specified terms in the insurance experience. It is not only the fact of payment of contributions to non-budgetary funds that matters, but also their size.

When the seniority is considered interrupted

Work experience is interrupted in the absence of a concluded contract with a new employer within the timeframes stipulated by the legislation, calculated in connection with the specifics of employment.

Currently, the state does not strictly enforce the terms of employment after dismissal. This factor also does not affect the amount of pension benefits.

On average, it is counted in a continuous period of service up to 1 month when changing jobs. However, proof of continuity may be required when applying for a certain position: obtaining the accreditation of a lawyer, the status of a judge, and other benefits.

Basically, continuity affects the possibility of obtaining a decent job under a new contract.

When work experience is interrupted after dismissal

Continuous work experience lasts for 1 month after dismissal from the previous job. This rule applies to the termination of labor relations with workers employed in industrial enterprises, in commercial and state, municipal institutions, organizations of any form of ownership.

The exception is valid for the following categories of employees (for them, it is included in the continuous work experience for a period of 2 months after signing the order to terminate the contract):

  • upon termination of activity at enterprises located in the regions of the Far North or an equivalent area, upon termination of the contract due to the expiration of the term;
  • with official employment abroad upon termination of the contract with the employer;
  • when working in countries with which Russia has signed social security agreements.

Three months is counted as seniority after dismissal:

  • in case of staff reduction due to liquidation or reorganization of a company in any form: accession, separation, merger, etc., recognition of an organization of any form of ownership as insolvent (bankrupt);
  • if it is impossible to hold a position as in the last place of work due to a deterioration in health, the onset of partial incapacity, confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • when transferring another spouse to another locality to perform labor functions.

The length of service qualifies as uninterrupted when a citizen who is retired comes back to official work under an employment contract.

The interrupted work experience can be restored on the basis of the order of the trade union of the regional or district levels. In any case, the time spent traveling to another location for the spouse and, in general, all adult family members of the employee is not counted as a break.

What should be done so that the experience is not interrupted?

So that the experience is not interrupted, it is necessary to track how long a break in activity is considered. In this regard, you can use the norms Resolutions of the USSR Council of Ministers of 04/13/1973 N 252 , previously canceled, but applied in practice by analogy.

If continuity is monitored in connection with employment for a certain position, obtaining the status of a judge, lawyer, or other professional activities, then the provisions of industry-specific acts should be followed.

The continuity of seniority does not affect the amount of pension provision or its establishment, but it can affect the accrual of additional vacation days, bonuses or other benefits for employees established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts at the enterprise.

What can a continuous work experience affect today?

According to modern legislation, the continuity of experience will affect the following factors:

  • the amount of social benefits for incapacity for work - depends on the hours worked, for a period of up to 5 years it is paid as a percentage of 60% to income, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, from 8 years - 100%;
  • the possibility of employment for a position, since employers take into account, when hiring, the possibility of loss of professional skills due to the long gap between dismissal and placement in a new job.

It does not affect the continuity of work experience, this provision remains in 2019 and subsequent periods until the possible adoption of appropriate changes in labor legislation.

When it is necessary to go to work at a new enterprise, how many days are counted in the length of service upon admitting a break, is established in the internal acts of the enterprise.

What periods are not included in the insurance, but do not interrupt the total length of service

They are not included in the general work experience, but do not interrupt its periods:


Enrollment in clinical residency or postgraduate studies, if the term of dismissal and admission to the relevant organizations, including preparatory periods, did not exceed 3 months.

For those who were early expelled from institutions or attended a course in the period before July 1, 1973 when applying for work on October 1 of the same year, the break period is counted in the length of service, regardless of the date of expulsion and the conclusion of an agreement with the employer.

Work abroad

When performing official duties abroad in branches of Russian enterprises, or when employed in international organizations, or when performing service, if the period between returning to the homeland and the conclusion of an agreement has not exceeded 2 months.

Off-season period

During the off-season, employed in certain types of work, upon completion of the activity in the previous period, completely upon returning to work within the period specified in the employment contract.

Being in a sanatorium

While in a medical-labor and prophylactic sanatorium, if the time between leaving and enrolling in a place of employment is 1 month. .