Inscriptions on wedding rings. Beautiful engraving on wedding rings

With every year spent in a happy marriage, engraving on a wedding ring becomes more touching and romantic. After all, it was made many years ago and the husband and wife were able to carry with dignity the wishes inscribed on the ring through all the ups and downs.

Typically, couples buy classic sleek precious metal rings. This allows you to give the ring individuality, in the form of a short wish, by making an engraving on it.

The inscriptions on the rings have acquired historical significance over the years. In ancient times, rings were passed exclusively by inheritance and on the inner part of the ring, and sometimes on its outer part, one could see the year in which this ring fell into this family and what was the name of the great-grandmother or great-grandfather. In addition, engraving on a ring can carry a secret meaning that only two people understand.

An engraving can start on one ring and end on the second, so the loss of one of the rings can bring a lot of unpleasant and even sad minutes.

The simplest engraving is the wedding date. With this engraving on your wedding ring, you will surely not forget to congratulate each other on the anniversary.

The sentence should be short, otherwise it will not fit on the inner surface of the ring, where secret words are most often applied. If the master can do a long engraving, then it will be very difficult to read it. Therefore, the number of characters in the phrase, including spaces, should be approximately equal to the size of the ring: 19th size - about 19 characters, etc.

The engraving on the outside of the ring looks spectacular, if there is a stone on the wedding ring, then it can also be stylishly beaten.

The engraving made on the inside of the ring will last much longer, since this side is not subject to external factors.

Usually, engraving on wedding rings is understandable only for two people. The inscriptions on the rings are most often sublime, less often it is a comic inscription, or the names of the groom or bride.

It is important to understand that the inscriptions on the ring do not have an expiration date, they are simply made forever. It happens that an inscription made today may no longer be relevant in many years. The inscription on the rings can be in a language that is understandable to both and is completely incomprehensible to the other person. It is only important to clearly and concisely think over the inscription. The year and day of the wedding might work too. If one of the spouses turns out to be forgetful, you can simply remove the ring from your finger and show it to your spouse.

If the ring is not made in a traditional shape, but has facets or stones, then the inscription can be made only on the inner side of the ring, and if it is an ordinary classical one, then engraving can be done on the outer side as well.

Of course, making commemorative engraving on wedding rings is an old tradition, and people at all times have believed and continue to believe in eternal love. Thus, a graceful inscription on wedding rings can, at a difficult moment, remind you of what feelings the groom or the bride had on the day of their marriage.

An excellent engraving option is a declaration of love in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world: S'agapo - in Greek, Ti Amo - in Italian, Je t'aime - in French, I love you - in English, Ich liebe dich - German, Te quiero - in Spanish, Vos amo - in Latin, Seni seviyorum - in Turkish, etc.

Engraving on a wedding ring can be made in the form of a symbolic drawing. For example, half a heart on each ring or pigeons or another symbol that the newlyweds understand.

Popular engravings on wedding rings are inscriptions in Russian, romantic and very personal:

  • Faithful (faithful) only to you.
  • Together forever.
  • Take my heart.
  • Even the sky is not higher than love.
  • I loved, I love and I will love.
  • Love and fidelity.
  • My heart Belongs to you.
  • My love is always with you.
  • Forever yours (yours)
  • Together forever.
  • Nobody but you.
  • Never part.
  • One life one love.
  • Once and forever.
  • I give all of myself.
  • Today, tomorrow, forever.
  • With great love.
  • Happy to love you.
  • You are in my heart.
  • Yours (yours) forever.
  • You are the meaning of my life and others.

Bible quotes or eternal truths in Latin - short, thoughtful and time-tested:

  • Ab ovo. - From the beginning till the end.
  • Absque omni exceptione. - Without any doubts.
  • Ad futuram memoriam. - For the long memory.
  • Amor omnia vincit. - Love will conquer everything.
  • Caritas et pax. - Respect and peace.
  • Con amore. - With love.
  • Consensu omnium. - By common agreement.
  • Credo! - I believe!
  • Deus Nos Iunxit. - God has united us.
  • Fata viam invenient. - You can't escape fate.
  • Fiat voluntas tua. - Thy will be done.
  • Fortiter ac firmiter. - Strong and strong.
  • Hoc erat in fatis. - So it was destined by fate.
  • Nil nisi bene. - Nothing but good.
  • Semper fidelis. - Always true.
  • Semper in animo meo. - Forever in my heart.
  • Sensus veris. - Feeling of spring.
  • Tantum cognoscitur, quantum diligitur. - We learn as much as we love.
  • Tertium nоn datur. - There is no third.
  • Ubi concordia - ibi victoria. - Where there is agreement - there is victory and others.

Comic phrases, the choice of which is not so small:

  • Game over.
  • Be a good girl (good boy)
  • If you find it, keep the man for yourself, and return the ring.
  • Red light dear!
  • We'll be together for another 999 years and 999 days.
  • Put it back on!
  • He bewitched me (I bewitched him).
  • To be continued…
  • Goodbye Freedom!
  • A deal is a deal.
  • Resistance is futile!
  • Stop - busy!
  • It's just sex!

Romantic phrases with deep meaning in English:

  • A perfect fit. - Perfect fit.
  • All my love always and forever. - All my love always and forever.
  • As long as there are stars. - As long as the stars have existed.
  • Honestly and for true. - Sincerely and truly.
  • Crazy for you. - Crazy about you.
  • Forever in love. - Forever in love.
  • Friends & Lovers. - Friends & Lovers.
  • From This Day Forward. - From this day and forever.
  • I Am Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine. - I love and I am loved).
  • I was born for you. - I was born for you.
  • I will always love you. - I will Always Love You.
  • Let’s Grow Old Together. - Let's grow old together.
  • Love is Eternal. - Love is eternity.
  • Love Endures All Things. - Love withstands everything.
  • Love, Honor, Cherish. - Love, honor, care.
  • My life began with you. - My life began only with you.
  • Today, tomorrow, forever. - Today, tomorrow, forever.
  • Two Friends Become One. - Two friends became one.
  • We are written in the stars. “Our names are etched in the stars.
  • When this you see, remember me. “When you look at this, remember me.
  • You are simply my best time. - You are my best time.
  • You are the answer to my prayers. - You are the answer to my prayers and others.

And here are examples of engraving on wedding rings in French, which many consider the language of true love and poetry:

  • A Vila Mon Coeur Gardi Li Mo! - Here is my heart, keep it!
  • Autre Ne Vueil. - Nobody but you.
  • Écoute ton coeur. - Listen to your heart.
  • Heureux ensemble. - Happy together.
  • Jet'adore. - I adore you.
  • Je vais au rêve. - I'm going to my dream.
  • Jouis de chaque moment. - Enjoy every moment.
  • L'amourfou. - Crazy Love.
  • Les rêves se réalisent. - Dreams Come True.
  • Mon Amour. - My love.
  • Tous mes rêves se réalisent. - All my dreams come true.
  • Vivre et aimer. - To live and love.
  • Un amour, une vie. - One love, one life, etc.

The lead time and the cost of the work are largely determined by the customer: It is worth choosing in advance the method of cutting the inscription.

The most common types of engraving are in-depth and relief. The first method is to cut out characters or etch with acids, the second to remove "excess" metal between the characters and inside them. Nowadays, it is also fashionable to frame a stone on a ring with engraving: it turns out very elegant and unusual. The cost of engraving depends on the number of characters and the font, that is, on the complexity of the work.

The application technique also determines the price and quality of work. Hand or diamond engraving is carried out respectively with the cutter or the sharp side of the diamond. Laser "burning" of the inscription gives the symbols a black or dark gray color and completely excludes the possibility of changing the size of the ring without damaging the engraving itself.

The price for laser engraving in Moscow is about $ 20 per ring

The work on applying the inscription on the metal is done quickly (if it is laser processing), but still the rings should be taken to the jewelry workshop in advance to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

On the wedding day, the newlyweds say the most important and warm words to each other, show their feelings for each other and do not hide their happiness. However, there are things that will remind you of this wonderful day many years later, each time causing you a gentle smile. You can engrave your wedding rings to symbolize something important to both of you. The rings can be engraved with the phrase or words that will be very important to you. Many people choose to engrave designs on wedding rings. It can also be each other's names or oath words of eternal love and fidelity. Engraved rings will become for you not just an adornment, but a memorable gift for your whole life.

If you dream of engraving, but have not yet decided which inscription should be engraved on the rings, the wedding portal site will tell you some ideas for engraving on selected wedding rings.

Wedding rings: what to choose

Choosing the lettering that will be inscribed on your wedding ring is really a daunting task, as the lettering needs to be meaningful to both the groom and the bride. Engraving on wedding rings can be done both on the outside and on the inside of the ring, but the inscription on the inside will be more personal and intimate, since it will be hidden from the eyes of others. Many lovers believe in signs associated with rings, so choosing a symbol is a difficult task.

Types of inscriptions on rings

Engraving wedding rings: types of engraving

Engraving is also carried out in various ways, which have their own distinctive features. Each craftsman has his own technical secrets, but most of them carry out inscriptions in three main ways. You can choose any kind of engraving on your wedding rings, depending on your budget and preference. Do not forget that the work is not completed in one day, so take care of this issue in advance.

Also, the newlyweds are wondering how much it costs to engrave wedding rings. Handcrafting will cost you approximately $ 30-40 for two rings. Laser and diamond engravings will range from $ 20-30. Also, the cost depends on the urgency. If you urgently need to engrave

Declaration of love is always a touching and pleasant moment in the life of any person! It can be a simple chalk inscription on the asphalt, a solemn request for a hand and heart after a victorious football match of your favorite team, a romantic evening with candles to the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra. However, whatever it may be, over time, everything will be forgotten. To avoid this and perpetuate the memory of such an important event, many newlyweds make a joint inscription on the wedding ring. Do you want one? Then read our article carefully.

What should be the inscription?

So let's say you've decided to do a joint engraving on your wedding rings. What's next? It is necessary to purchase the rings themselves and seriously think about the text of the message.

But keep in mind that it should not be too long, as a large phrase simply will not fit on a tiny ring. Otherwise, the artist will have to change the font and make it small, which will turn your beautiful romantic message into an unreadable squiggle.

In addition, it is worth deciding on the font and language. It is quite possible that you decide to make a commemorative inscription on your wedding ring, for example, in English, Spanish or Greek. In short, think about it for now, and we will tell you briefly about the existing engraving options.

What is engraving?

Jewelry is usually engraved on either the outer or inner surface. It is of the following types:

  • embossed;
  • in-depth.

Embossed engraving on wedding rings is the work of transferring the desired symbols or letters to one side of the ring by etching away unwanted areas of the metal with acid.

In-depth engraving involves the work of a metal craftsman using the appropriate tools. A little less common is such jewelry work as engraving words on diamonds. Also, a kind of "lace inscription" is created on an individual basis.

What are the ways to create engraving?

Depending on the engraving you choose on wedding rings (phrases and approximate expressions can be found in our article), the method of applying the inscription will depend. In particular, you can find manual or machine work. Moreover, the first option involves the work of a master with acids and special tools for engraving, and the second one helps to make inscriptions using a laser or machine.

Which side of the ring is better to write on?

As we said earlier, engraving on wedding rings is usually done inside or outside the ring. However, most experts are convinced that it is still better to carry out a commemorative inscription inside. Firstly, this approach will help to keep the message itself secret, since this is a purely intimate and personal matter for everyone.

Secondly, wedding rings are not often removed from the finger, therefore they are not exposed to any external influences. Consequently, all the records made inside the items retain their original appearance for a very long time.

A little less often you can find inscriptions made in several languages. Moreover, the messages are made both from the inside and the outside of the product. Therefore, when choosing a side for transferring the inscription, it is so important to take into account the moment of wear and the zone of visibility of the message.

What does the cost of the master's work depend on?

When deciding to make inscriptions inside the wedding rings, remember that the final cost of the work will depend on many factors. For example, it is believed that the harder the metal from which the rings are made, the more expensive the work will cost you.

But the plus of such a ring is obvious - the thicker the metal layer, the longer the memorial inscription will last. The price will also increase if you need to apply complex phrases and word forms on your rings. The simpler and shorter they are, the cheaper the work of the master will cost you.

And, of course, the price will depend on the complexity and characteristics of the work, on the number of materials and tools used. And remember, if the terms for creating the inscription are very limited in time, the cost of your order will at least double.

What should be considered when engraving rings?

When engraving, pair wedding rings need a kind of hike. So, there are several important points to consider. For example, not all gold is suitable for this kind of work. In particular, pure gold is too soft, therefore, it is strongly discouraged to write poems and declarations of love on it. Gold "585" is best suited for these purposes.

It is durable and at the same time pliable material that will not burst or deform. Moreover, it is best to choose rings in the classic version (without decor and other delights). Such products after engraving look more interesting and stylish.

The inscriptions on wedding rings in Russian are ideal, not in gold, but in platinum. And although the cost of such work will be "oh, how to bite", but the longevity of this message is guaranteed.

Metals such as tungsten and titanium are also not suitable for engraving. This is due to a too thick base and a certain difficulty in transferring the message to the product. If you nevertheless decide to make an inscription on such rings, then get ready to see an illegible or blurry phrase.

The second very important point - if the rings that you plan to give to the master for engraving are too big for you, first adjust them to size. It is strongly discouraged to do it exactly the opposite. Otherwise, the structure of the letters and the very inscription on the wedding ring will be damaged.

When choosing a phrase to apply to rings, give preference to those that will appeal to both of you. However, they must be timeless. For example, "Everything will pass and be forgotten, but our love will last forever." And, of course, your rings should not be too narrow, as this will complicate the work of the wizard and reduce the visibility of the image to a minimum.

What can you write on wedding rings?

If you still do not know what inscriptions to make on wedding rings (we will consider examples of phrases below), pay attention to what information the newlyweds most often indicate to them. So, the first place in the ranking of the most common expressions and phrases deservedly belongs to the date of the wedding.

In second place are less significant dates, for example, the number of the first declaration of love, date, acquaintance, etc. In third place, you can put the following words:

  • love;
  • recognition;
  • promises of loyalty and devotion.

Also here can be attributed a secret word or inscription on the wedding ring, which is associated with the newlyweds with certain moments in life. The fourth place is taken by words and phrases of famous people, favorite actors, as well as popular expressions in various languages. In fifth place we will place the initials of the beloved (on the ring of the husband - the initials of the wife, and on her - the wife)

Sixth place - the most favorite phrases from poems or any other prose that both lovers like. In seventh place are phrases with a deep philosophical meaning, for example, words about eternity, endless love, memory, etc. And, finally, in the honorable eighth place, it makes sense to place such phrases that, in a comic form, speak of the impossibility of returning this ring back.

Engraving on wedding rings: phrases

The following phrases are suitable for engraving:

  • "Together until the end";
  • “Together in the storm and in the cold”;
  • "In love and fidelity";
  • "Love until the grave";
  • "In weal and woe";
  • "Love you";
  • “In Wealth and Poverty”;
  • “I swear to love and be faithful”;
  • "My Favorite Cat" or "My Sweet Pussy";
  • "I am always with you";
  • "Inseparable";
  • "Our love is strong";
  • "My other half";
  • "You are mine, and I am yours";
  • "My bunny" or "My bunny";
  • "You are the light in my window";
  • “I follow you into fire and water”;
  • "In love" or "in love", etc.

Is there an alternative to engraving?

If you order a pair of engagement rings for a wedding, but are not fans of metal engraving, you can always find an alternative. For example, instead of classic rings, there is an opportunity to order filigree ones.

Such products, as a rule, have a relief base and contain a certain hidden symbol or pattern. Or you can order a full-fledged jewelry making on order. In this case, it is possible not only to put a hidden message in your rings, but also to make them according to an individual design.

In conclusion, if you decide to perpetuate your feelings and relationships, be sure to make a commemorative inscription on your wedding rings. In this case, you will not forget about significant events and dates until the end of your days.

To capture your love forever, to designate a memorable date, the names of two people, until the end of their lives, tied by marriage and vows of love until the last day. Engraving on engagement rings will make the engagement rings very individual and add a bit of mystery.

Ancient custom

Engraving on wedding rings appeared in Medieval Europe and migrated into modern times. The ancient Celts engraved their wedding rings, carving runes and signs on the rings that only two could understand. The same custom existed in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. This tradition is very popular in the West, in the USA and Canada. Now the custom has taken root in the Slavic culture. Today it is more of a tribute to fashion, but the engraving, hidden from everyone's eyes inside the wedding rings, remains an intimate and secret sign for only two hearts.

How it's done?

The rings are engraved in two ways. Handmade by a master, while the engraving is done using a thin chisel. The second method is engraving with a diamond cutter. A distinctive feature of this engraving is the characteristic shine of the inscription and the change in the color of the metal, from dark gray to black, since the laser burns through the top layer of the metal.

Types of engraving: relief and in-depth. Deep engraving cuts out the metal when creating the lettering. In relief engraving, metal is also cut between the letters in the inscription.

The cost of engraving will depend on the complexity of the execution, on the chosen font, on the number of characters, if it is an inscription. If you want to make an engraving, you should contact only professional workshops to good craftsmen who will definitely not spoil the rings and will do the job efficiently.

Examples of hand and laser engraving in the photo:

Choice of engraving, what to consider

Size matters, or rather, limitations. The inscription on the ring is limited by the circumference of the ring. The engraving should be short and concise. That is why newlyweds choose expressions or catch phrases in other languages:

  • latin,
  • french, the language of love,
  • laconic English.

Images and signs will be limited to the height of the ring. If you want to reproduce a long inscription, a large image, choose wider rings. Then the inscription will be placed in two rows.

Make sure that the rings are of the correct size, adjust it to size before the inscription is made. After engraving, if you want to change the size of the ring, the inscription or image will be damaged.

Engraving is not a quick job. This should be done in advance.

Choosing an inscription for engraving, you should give preference to a simple printed font. It is easier to accomplish, less costly and good readability of the lettering, so to speak. Calligraphic (uppercase) lettering looks more elegant, but if it is small, it is difficult to read.

Inscriptions, signs, images, dates

What to write on wedding rings? Examples from the simplest to the most complex and intricate.

Important dates for the bride and groom:

  • date of acquaintance,
  • date of the first date,
  • the day the proposal was made
  • date of registration, engagement.

The names of lovers are memorable names of places. The original solution is a nickname, if the newlyweds met on the Internet, this is no longer a rarity. Combinations of name and date.

Diminutive nicknames of young people or images. For example, if the newlyweds call each other a kitten, a fish, an asterisk, the sun. Images, symbols of love, such as a heart with an arrow, swans or doves, a double heart.

Popular aphorisms, phrases from songs, films, lines from poetry, excerpts from prayers. A phrase that begins on one ring and continues on the second.

Inscriptions in Russian

  • one heart for two
  • you are in my heart together forever
  • now and forever
  • i'm only yours (yours)
  • my life belongs to you
  • you are my Love
  • you are my heart (you are my life),
  • nothing will separate us

In a comic form of an inscription

  • i'm busy (busy)
  • we have agreed to
  • family life is not a sentence
  • who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne
  • he (she) belongs only to me

Love phrases in French

  • Aimer c'est avant tout prendre un risque - To love is, above all, to take risks
  • Je t'aime - passionate love
  • L'amourfou - crazy love
  • Mon Amour - my love
  • Vivre et aimer live and love
  • Un amour, une vie - one love one life

Phrases in English

  • Let’s Grow Old Together - let's grow old together
  • You’re the answer to my prayers - you’re the answer to my prayers
  • I will always love you - I will always love you
  • Love is being stupid together - Love is fooling around together
  • Your love is all that I need - Your love is all that I need

And in Latin

If it is difficult to decide what to choose for engraving on rings, a catalog is provided for these purposes in the workshops. Inscriptions about eternal love, devotion and fidelity in any language.
Video selection

Increasingly, modern newlyweds prefer to write inscriptions on wedding rings. And hardly anyone would argue that this tradition is very touching and symbolic for every couple in love.

Engraved wedding rings are not just a whim, but a couple's desire to emphasize their special relationship to marriage, a way to highlight the individuality and some zest of the newly-made family. The only thing left is to choose the engraving style and phrases for the wedding rings.!

Wedding rings: what to choose?

The main requirement for phrases on wedding rings is conciseness and meaning. Basically, lovers have their own memorable dates or "code words" with which the warmest memories are associated.

As an engraving, you can choose:

  1. Pair initials;
  2. Memorable dates (acquaintance, first kiss, wedding, etc.);
  3. Aphorisms or quotes from a mutually favorite book or movie;
  4. Words that lovers call each other;
  5. Comic phrases (about them a little later).

Engraving on wedding rings is a kind of oath of allegiance. Therefore, take the choice of the inscription extremely seriously.

The inscription on wedding rings in Russian

Some of the most popular engravings on wedding rings are in Russian. We would like to offer you the most beautiful and interesting phrases.

Romantic mood:

  • My love is always with you.
  • One life one love.
  • Together forever.
  • Two souls - one heart.
  • Today. Tomorrow. Forever and ever.
  • Until the end of time.
  • Strong and strong.
  • Nobody but you.
  • My eternal passion.
  • Forever and ever.
  • We are one flame.
  • Are inseparable.
  • I breathe you.
  • From this day and forever.
  • You are my best time.
  • Home is where we are together.
  • And they lived happily ever after…

Funky inscriptions on wedding rings:

  • I picked up a cool blonde dd / mm / yy
  • My love, my life, my beer keg.
  • Frankenstein / Bride of Frankenstein.
  • Stick your finger here.
  • If you find it, keep the man for yourself and return the ring.
  • Forever friends, lovers and bowling partners.
  • Say goodbye to freedom, Baby.
  • A deal is a deal.
  • It's just sex !!!
  • Don't miss your chance with me.
  • Go to the bedroom!
  • Better than ice cream.
  • To have and to own.

Of the songs:

  • I am you, you are me.
  • Thanks for the day, thanks for the night ...
  • To love, to hate - if only mutually ...
  • I am bound forever with you.
  • Enchanted, bewitched ...
  • We are next to you, dear, we will go along a happy path.

Words for engraving on wedding rings from books:

  • Dying for love is not difficult. It's hard to find a love worth dying for (Frederic Beigbeder "Ideal").
  • Love is a battle. Lost in advance (Frederic Beigbeder "Love Lives Three Years").
  • True love never dies (Stepin King "Nona").
  • Love turns existence into life (Andrey Lavrukhin "Canons").
  • Love will always find a way out (Stephen King's "Confrontation").

Quotes of the great:

  • To love is to live the life of the one you love (Leo Tolstoy).
  • They do not enter the truth except through love (Augustine).
  • True love does not tolerate outsiders (Erich Maria Remarque).
  • People love each other, and that's it (Erich Maria Remarque).
  • Nothing is difficult for a lover (Mark Thulius Cicero).
  • Love is stronger than fear of death (William Shakespeare).

We have offered you not all examples of inscriptions in Russian for engraving on wedding rings. As you can see, important phrases are everywhere. The main thing is to find the one that will touch your soul and thoughts.

Phrases in Latin

The inscriptions on wedding rings in Latin always carry a deep meaning. And even after many years, engraving in Latin will not seem like a stupid decision.

  • Ab hinc - From now on.
  • Ad infinitum - To infinity, without end.
  • Ad vitam aut culpam - For life or until the first fault.
  • Amor omnia vincit - Love will conquer everything.
  • Consortium omnis vitae - Commonwealth of all life.
  • Hoc erat in fatis - It was so destined by fate.
  • Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.
  • Ani ldodi vdodi li (Heb.) - I love and love (a).
  • Amor omnibus idem - Love is one for all.
  • Dum spiro, spero - As long as I breathe - I hope.
  • Ibi victoria, ubi concordia - There is a victory, where agreement.
  • Lux in tenebris - Light in the darkness.
  • Non solus - Not alone.
  • Sic fata voluerunt - So it was fate.
  • Vale et me ama - Be healthy and love me.
  • Semper fidelis - Always true.
  • Sub specie aeternitatis - From the point of view of eternity.
  • Tantum cognoscitur, quantum diligitur - We know as much as we love.
  • Ubi tu Ibi ego - Where you are, there I am.
  • Aeterna historia amoria - Eternal love story.
  • Animae dimidium meae - Half of my soul.

When choosing engraved wedding rings, make sure that the expression you like is spelled correctly, even if you want to place the inscription inside the ring.

Engraving phrases in other languages

Beautiful quotes and expressions in a foreign language look more mysterious and mysterious. If your couple wants to hide the meaning of the engraving, then foreign language rings are a great idea.

  • Together Forever - Together forever.
  • Till Death - Until death.
  • Love, Honor, Cherish - Love, honor, care.
  • Two Friends Become One - Two friends become one.
  • From this moment on - From this day ...
  • I would run away with you! - I would like to run away with you.
  • Come on & kiss me - Come to me and kiss me.
  • Love is Eternal - Love is eternity.
  • Lets grow old together - Let's grow old together.
  • To the moon and back - To the moon and back.
  • You are my sunshine - You are my sunshine.
  • Forever isn’t long enough ... - Forever is not enough.
  • My Miracle - My miracle.
  • Dreams come true - Dreams come true.
  • I finally found you - I finally found you.

In French:

  • Por Tous Jours - For All Seasons.
  • Autre Ne Vueil - Nobody but you.
  • Mon Amour - My love.
  • Par Grant Amour - My Greatest Love.

In Spanish:

  • Quiero estar contigo toda mi vida - I want to be with you all my life.
  • Te amo - I love you.
  • Eres la luz de mi sonrisa - You are the light of my smile.

Before choosing a wedding ring finally, we advise you to decide on the inscription. Indeed, the width of the decoration may depend on the length of the phrase.

You already know what engravings are done on wedding rings. We hope that you like the selection of the portal. Share your wedding engraving ideas with us!