Writing official letter. Rules for business letters

A service letter is a document that is an integral part of business communication. Most often, it is transmitted by mail and serves as a special way to exchange information.

Basic concepts

Business correspondence is needed to solve various economic or production issues. With its help, the enterprise and organization communicate with the external environment: partners, customers or government agencies. Usually a service letter is used for this.

It is so generalizable called a written document that may be:

  • response to previously received messages or requests;
  • accompanying paper sent to the addressee together with other documents or materials;
  • initiative letter, in the case when a different way to communicate is impossible.

Each of the listed options has its own characteristics. Nevertheless, there are general rules, in accordance with which any service letter is usually drawn up. This is understandable, because it is from business correspondence, for example, most often the conclusion of most transactions begins. A properly executed document can create a favorable impression of a possible partner from the addressee.

Types of business letters

Depending on the information that the service letter contains, it can be:

  1. Accompanying. In the case when the message contains that there is a package of applications.
  2. Claimed. That is, it is discontent with this or that situation (complaint).
  3. Instructive. The text gives certain instructions.
  4. Warranty. The sender confirms the execution in the future set out in the commitment document.
  5. Informational. The letter contains information that the recipient may be interested.
  6. Advertising. Information is provided to attract cooperation.
  7. Letter notification. Information about holding public events.
  8. Confirmation letter. obtaining certain documents or materials.
  9. Letter request. The text contains an appeal to the impressions of the addressee to action.
  10. Letter-message. In it, the sender provides concrete information representing mutual interest to the parties.

The purpose of these documents is to maintain links between organizations or its structural divisions.

Compilation of a claim letter

In matters of cooperation, sometimes there are situations when one of the parties for one reason or another does not fulfill its obligations. In this case, the partner first sends a letter to its counterparty. In it, he, as a rule, outlines its proposals to eliminate the violation of his legitimate rights. This is a service letter. A sample of such a document can be made arbitrarily. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  1. Must be official business with the installation for a partnership.
  2. The essence of the claim should be expressed extremely clearly.
  3. During the presentation of information, you need to convincingly operate with specific facts.

The claim letter must contain:

  • sender details (name, return address and telephones for communication);
  • full information about the addressee;
  • the description of the circumstances in which the conflict situation occurred;
  • reference to legal norms, which for its part broke the counterparty;
  • specific requirements for eliminating violations indicating the timing of their implementation;
  • the consequences that may occur if the opposite side will evade their execution.

Special attention should be paid to how the service letter is drawn up. The sample must be developed so that the impairment does not perceive it as a threat. It must be remembered that this is just a reminder with the requirement of compliance with legality.


Special attention must be paid to the registration of service letters. True, the law does not provide for this some strict standards and rules.

Despite this, when drawing up such documents, the following mandatory moments must be taken into account:

1. Any service letter must be prepared on the form. It is designed in advance specialists in office work and is approved by the order of the head of the enterprise.

2. The document must contain certain details:

2.1. Information about the recipient and sender.

2.2. The outgoing number and date of this letter. It is necessary for registration.

2.4. Header.

2.5. Information about the availability of any applications indicating their names and numbers.

2.6. Information about the person signing this document (position and Full name).

3. Only one question should be considered in the letter. The presence of several topics will make it difficult to choose the performer.

4. The information must be set on extremely briefly, but it is clear. It is desirable that the text takes no more than two pages.

5. Properly indicate the details of the recipient. In case it comes to an organization, you must follow the following sequence:

5.1. Name of the company (in the nominative case).

5.2. Structural unit (if necessary).

5.3. Position of the addressee (in the duties).

5.4. His initials.

5.5. Mail address of the enterprise.

6. In the event that the addressees are somewhat, then first indicates the main, and then all the others.

If we take into account all these moments, then the design of official letters, in principle, will not be much difficulty.

Order of presentation

In order for the document to be properly drawn up, it is necessary to take into account a certain order of presentation in it. For example, you can consider the option how to write a service letter-answer. First you need to remember that, according to the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to respond to information during the day from the date of its receipt. If we are talking about an electronic message, then the optimal time will be no more than two hours. In the case when adheres to such a rule is not possible, it is better to send a partner a corresponding message.

The letter itself, in essence, will consist of two parts:

  1. Input. The sender sets the subject, reason and the basis of his writing. Here you can refer to the regulations that by law serve as a basis for providing an answer. In addition, it is worth paying attention to some points regarding the situation under consideration. They will help to reveal the essence of the question.
  2. Main. This part is aimed at clarification and conviction. The text must be clear, clear and concise, and the outlined facts are proven and objective. If necessary, they can be confirmed by real numbers.

After such a text, a list of applications is usually followed. The document signed by the sender ends. In addition, you need to know how to write a service letter to not offend the addressee. First, the appeal to it is desirable to start with the phrase "Dear". Secondly, it is possible to use in the text of the Careless Type of "Carefully examining your suggestions" or "thoroughly checking your comments." Such observance of the etiquette will only benefit both parties.


Drawing up service letters is included in the duties of clerical producers, secretaries or other employees who are entrusted with these responsibilities. Becoming for work, they must adhere to the actions of a certain sequence. The process of drawing up such a document usually passes the following steps:

  1. Careful study of the circumstances of this issue. It is necessary to fully own the situation in order to correctly assess the possible ways to solve it.
  2. Drawing up a letter of writing. Here it is necessary to take into account all the above requirements.
  3. Coordination of the prepared text. Sometimes it has to be edited, taking into account the comments of the head. It can make some clarification or explanations on the topic.
  4. Approval by his head.
  5. The final design and signing of the document.
  6. Registration of letters.
  7. Sending correspondence to the recipient.

Only passing all these stages, the letter, reaching the addressee, will be able to fulfill the mission entrusted to it.

Mandatory Regulations

To issue a service letter, it is necessary to consider that its first page is necessarily printed on a special form. For the rest, you can use the usual clean sheets of A4 format. Here you need to remember that the text field itself has its borders: the top and the lower are 2 centimeters, the left is 3.5 centimeters, the right is 1 centimeter. Do not break the standard sizes to fit the information on one sheet. It is better to comply with all the rules and just add an extra page.

You must also type the text for all the rules:

1. To print, use standard Times New Roman font. Other options are better not to apply.

2. Font dimensions are also regulated:

  • for the main text - 14;
  • page alignment and mark on execution - 12.

3. The placement of details is also made in accordance with the rules:

  • interval between rows - 1;
  • text alignment is produced "width";
  • transfers are automatically set;
  • the distance from the registration number to the header is 2 cargo intervals, and from it to the main text - 3.

Compliance with these norms is mandatory for the correct design of the appropriate emails.

Location requisites

To properly compile a standard business letter, it is necessary to clearly know where its details and components should be arranged. The answers to these questions contains GOST R 6.30-2003. It describes in detail the form of the service letter. In essence, this is a sample in which the set of all document details is located in a certain way. It is needed to:

  1. Unify the process of registration of official (business) letters.
  2. You can have the ability to centrally prepare standard forms in advance, while reducing the need to perform part of the work manually.
  3. Easy and reduce visual search for information.
  4. Expand the possibility of processing letters using computing and other techniques.

So, 30 standard details are used for the usual business letter, which are located in eleven mandatory zones:

  • emblems and coat of arms;
  • author;
  • source data;
  • header;
  • approval;
  • recipient;
  • resolutions;
  • text;
  • signatures and applications;
  • coordination and assurances;
  • marks.

The placement of information in certain sectors allows specialists to be better oriented in the document, and ordinary users facilitate the process of drawing up.

Primary requirements

Some managers mistakenly believe that business correspondence can be conducted arbitrarily, without observing any rules and rules. But experts who are responsible for this should know the basic requirements for service letters:

  1. The presence of a special (corporate) form.
  2. Proper use and placement of details.
  3. The text must be readable and well-edited. To present the essence of the question, preference is better to give simple common offers. It is necessary to express themselves briefly so that each word has in itself the maximum of information.
  4. Depending on the type, the document must be decorated accordingly. The letter may also contain several aspects. In this case, in this case, it is necessary to try to combine them.
  5. Proper use the norms installed for the text set.
  6. Try to keep the letter not there were categorical expressions. The recipient may regard these phrases as a threat. When designing proposals, it is better to use the introductory words like "apparently", "as you know", "possibly" and "as it should".

The fulfillment of these requirements in practice helps to work properly in the enterprise.

Letters wrote from time immemorial and continue to write to this day. They serve as a tool for communicating between people who help intelligibly state the essence of the interlocutor, who was the reason for writing him. In this article, we will consider several types of business correspondence and learn how to competently draw up business letters.

To properly compile any business letter, you need to be able to clearly state it with the essence and correctly structure. Business correspondence is conducted on approved by the Firmware with its own logo and address. In the upper right corner, a hat is filled, consisting of the position and name of the head of the recipient's company. At the end of the cap writes a brief information about the sender. The next stage of writing the writing of the appeal. It may sound differently, depending on the degree of acquaintance with the addressee. If you are familiar with him personally, you can contact him like this: "Dear Sergey Yuryevich!". If the addressee is an unfamiliar person, the appeal may look as follows: "Dear Mr. Ivanov!". It should be borne in mind that in these cases it is unacceptable to reduce the word Mr. or instead of the surname and the name to put initials. Report the essence of the letter in brief shape - the problem of the preamble. Most often it consists of one paragraph. After reading the preamble, the recipient must already briefly understand the content of the letter. After it, the main text begins, comprising several paragraphs. The text must concisely state your thoughts about the situation. It is desirable that the main text does not exceed four paragraphs. Complete the letter should conclude, where the results of the letter are briefly summed up, the date and signature is set with an indication of the name and position of the sender. Depending on the occasion of writing the appeal, sometimes it is appropriate to complete it with the words: "Your sincerely!", "With hope for further cooperation", etc. One of the common types of business letters is a warranty letter. In its main text, the author guarantees a fulfillment of a promise, the final date of execution of guarantees and establishes the amount of the penalty that he will have to pay in case of violation of warranty obligations.

You can download here.

Thanksgiving letters are also one of the types of business, but already from the category of personal. They can be drawn up on the enterprise blank or greeting card. The main text should include congratulations to the addressee, indicating the event that served as the reason for the preparation of the letter and transfer the prominent merit of the recipient.

On our website.

Lettering letters are most often drawn up for the employee of the enterprise on behalf of the head. They contain information about the best qualities of the employee, his merits and achievements. Usually in such letters the previous employer is ready to vouch for his employee in front of the future employer.

Download here.

Not only organizations have to conduct a business correspondence. When searching for work, it is also necessary to comply with business etiquette. The applicant should be able to correctly draw up a summary and the accompanying letter to it in which in brief form is written to the employer, indicates the source of information about the desired vacancy, the name of the applicant and its phone number.

Do you work in Russia or are preparing to come here to work? Maybe among your customers and partners there are Russians? Or you just live in Russia and want to complain about bank employees ... There are many situations when you may need to write an official letter in Russian. How to do it?

Structure and content of business letter

The structure and content of the business letter, it seems to me that in all countries are more or less than the same. There will definitely be the appeal ("Dear, Mikhail Petrovich!"), The main text, the etiquette phrase at the end of the letter ("With respect") and the author's signature. If this is not an email, but a letter on paper, then there will be more:

  • the name of the company in which the author works, its contact details, trademark;
  • company name in which the addressee works, its contact information, position, surname and recipient initials;
  • date when a letter was written (important: in Russia we write first the number, then a month, then year);
  • signature of the author and printing companies;
  • there may be other details (resolution, coat of arms, a stamp of confidentiality, etc.).
But where should every details be located? This is fixed in the Special State Standard (from July 1, 2018 - a new state standard). I also visually portrayed the basic structure of the business letter (only the main details) in my blog.

What to write in the text of the letter, I am sure you know without me. But how to write it in Russian - we will talk about it next!

Phrases-cliché in business letters

The language in business letters is always very standardized, and the Russian language is not an exception here. It is enough to learn the main cliches, learn to complement them with the right words - and you are already a master of business correspondence!

Please note that the letter can be written:
a) on behalf of the company:
Company N. reports / thanks / invites, etc. - the most formal option

B) on behalf of all employees (we):
We inform, thank you, invite.

C) from himself:
On behalf of the company, I inform me, I am gratitude, I invite. - NEAME formal option

And now let's see what cliché adopted in the business correspondence in Russian.


  1. Dear, Mr. Ivanov! / Dear, Mrs. Ivanova! - The most formal option (so you contact only a very large boss or ... to the minister).
  2. Dear, Mikhail Petrovich! / Dear, Maria Petrovna! - Also a very formal style. Most often in official letters, we write this way. "Dear Sirs!" - If we do not know what the name is a person who is writing.
  3. There are less formal options in the electronic correspondence: "Hello, Mikhail Petrovich!", "Mikhail Petrovich, good afternoon!", "Mikhail, Hello!". There is a lot depends on the degree of your acquaintance with a person and his position. If you do not know which option, it is preferred - copy its appeal. But a person who is older than you by age or is at a higher position, it is better to write: "Dear, ...".
Liquid phrase at the end
  • The most common and win-win version - " respectfully, ...».
  • If you write partners, you can write: " We hope for further cooperation», « With hope for further cooperation" More cooperation can be "mutually beneficial" and "fruitful."
  • People with whom you are familiar with, in an email can write something creative from yourself (of course, if this is not a serious formal letter).
Links to previous contacts on the topic
  • According to + what?: "According to the telephone conversation", "according to our previous agreements", "according to the law ...".
  • In accordance with + what?: "In accordance with the telephone conversation", "in accordance with the agreements previously achieved", "in accordance with the law ...".
  • In response to + what?: "In response to your letter", "In response to your request", "In response to your appeal", etc.
  • Due to + what? (rising gasoline prices).
  • For the reason + what? (rising gasoline prices).
  • In view of + what? (rising gasoline prices).
  • As a result, + what? (rising gasoline prices).
  • Due to + what? (rising gasoline prices).
  • We ask you + what to do? (Send a commercial offer), I ask you + what to do? (Send a commercial offer).
  • We will be grateful / We will be grateful: "I will be very grateful if you give us samples ...", "We will be grateful for help in organizing the event."
  • Less formal options: "Could you + what to do? (Send a commercial offer) "," Be kind / be kind + what to do? (Send us a commercial offer). "
  • "We are glad to invite you ...", "Company N. Rada inform you ...".
  • "We inform you that ...", "We inform you that ...", "Company N. informs you that ...", "on behalf of the company, I inform ....".
  • "We remind you that ...", "Company N. reminds you of what ...".
  • "We guide you + what? (Commercial offer) "," Send + What? (New catalogs). "
  • Ready / agree + what to do?: "Ready to offer you + what? (cooperation) "," ready to provide you + what? (product information) "," Company N. Agree to offer you ... ", etc.

"We thank you for ...", "Company N. thanks you for ...", "We express you for gratitude for ...", "on behalf of the company, I express your gratitude for ..." + What? (Help in organizing the exhibition).


"Forced to refuse you + what? (in the delivery of goods) "," Regret tell you + what? (The fact that we are forced to terminate the contract).

Where else to find information about business correspondence in Russian?

  1. Writing

In business document flow, the format of the request letter is used very often when the need to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Ready samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for the preparation of such letters you will find in this article.

The tradition and rules for compiling a request letter have developed exclusively in practical document flow - i.e. At the legislative level, any forms or instructions are not approved. Nevertheless, in general, such a structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the "cap" is first filled in, which indicates the full name of the sender organization with the corresponding contact information, as well as the name of a particular employee (usually director of the company) and the name of the recipient's organization.
  2. Next, the text itself follows, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale of the request. The text should be possible whether 1-2 paragraphs are usually enough. It is important to specifically and unequivocally state your request so that the interlocutor well understood the essence of your appeal.
  3. Then follows the signature, the decoding of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard option for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used on the example of this.

NOTE. Solution to specify or not specify the name of the document (i.e., to register in the middle "Letter-request") takes the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appointed to emphasize the nature of the document and the goal that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Since in this case we are talking about the fact that one company expects a certain service or even a concession from his partner, of course, to writing a letter, its design and even to send it very seriously. An impression can produce any detail, so it is better to take into account the nuances that are even ill-known at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it with the help of physical mail - ordinary mail of Russia or even better a private organization that delivers correspondence from the door to the door and much faster. A message in electronic form or the more transmitted by fax is often perceived more without spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way of registration of the document (i.e., as ordinary postal postal) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, envelope, brand and other means of registration.
  3. To write text, the corporate form is always selected - it allows you to give a request more than the official.
  4. In the text it is better to avoid explicit offseleamism - i.e. Sustainable words and expressions that are used in the business environment. They literally "dried" the narration and produce a generally negative impression. They are easily replaced by more original options - for example, "I ask you to consider" on "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is as a whole to adhere to the traditions of business correspondence, i.e. The text is preferably written in an official business style. Lyrical deviations, too complex syntactic structures, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. It should be taken care of the interlocutor to be very easy to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

Council. If you can write text from hand, it is better to use exactly in this way. The handwritten letter allows you to highlight it against the background of everyone else. However, it is better to entrust the writing by a specialist who owns the receptions of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are empty options. Basically, requests relate to financial issues - for example, the provision of discounts, decline in payment for the service or delay. A smaller part of letters requests is devoted to promoting any other issues in solving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples of letters are discussed below.

On the allocation of money

The request for money allocation even for charity goals is a rather serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to specifically describe the situation and it is also clear to indicate what money is required, and for what reason they are impossible to take from another source.

When compiling, you can take the basis of such a sample.

From NPO "Rainbow"

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly

st. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! You are welcomed by the director of the non-profit organization of the Rainbow. " Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years is continuously engaged in the provision of financial assistance to children suffering from sharp form of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate drugs and carrying out complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing our activity was the enterprise LLC "...". However, in April of the current 2017, financing volumes declined sharply, and at the moment we cannot carry out charitable shares in the same amount.

According to our data, the annual budget of the Fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We hope for your assistance, since finding sponsors are currently not possible.

Sincerely, Cvetozar V.K.

About the delivery of goods

It is important to demonstrate your interest and the desire to cooperate. Therefore, you need to find the right words so that the interlocutor makes trust and adopted the appropriate decision. As a basis, you can take such a sample.

General Director of LLC "..."

Nekrasov N.K.

From the director of the company "..."

Elizarova V.M.

Greetings to you, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional exhibition on agriculture, which took place in May of this year, our company is interested in samples of equipment and equipment that were offered on your part.

We would like to start working with you with the delivery of a trial lot of goods (the full list is applied by a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payment of payments for goods and services. We express hope for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

On the provision of discount

Currently, this is a fairly common type, since economic conditions have deteriorated in many terms. As experience shows, to convince the counterparty in the provision of discounts is especially good in such cases:

  • if companies collaborate for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if a large number of goods are purchased at once.

to CEO

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We appreciate your appreciation for the consistently high quality of your services, as well as for assisting in solving a number of current issues.

We believe it is not a secret for you that over the past year the economic situation in our market niche deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we experience a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, we hope for your understanding and agreement in the provision of a discount of 10% for services that will be rendered next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial conditions in the event of stabilizing the economic situation.

Regards, Alexandrov K.N.

About reducing rent

In this case, the rationale for his request will be approximately the same as considered in the previous example.

to CEO

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the fiscal year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded the expected 10%. It is forced to state that our company touched the financial crisis. This is expressed in reducing the client flow by 15-20% of the owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. Please note that we are quite large tenants and at the same time, for all the time of our five-year cooperation, not a single payment delay, and also filled out all other terms of the contract. We proceed from that measure temporary, so they are ready to continue to make a fee in full, as soon as the market situation is stabilized.

Regards, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to recognize that you really did not make payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately indicate the maturity of the entire amount.

Director LLC "Svetodar"

Vakulov N.Yu.

From the director of Parabolia

Aksakova T.G.

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not make the next for your services in the amount of 100,000 rubles. On the impossibility of making a payment, we officially notified you for the month. At the moment, explain that the company found funds for payment. We ask you to provide installments for two months: October and November (500,000 rubles).

We do not evade your financial obligations and debt and pay your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never broken the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company will take over the fulfillment of financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use such a pattern.

IP thanks to A.K.

from IP Inina A.A.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have indebted in front of me in the amount of 100,000 rubles. For the past fiscal year, I also had a debt to 3 companies in the amount of 50,000 rubles. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, we guarantee the provision of installments for the rest of your debt for a period of 6 months.

With respect, Alin A.A.

About promoting in resolving the issue

Finally, if you need to solve some particular question, you can write this text:

IP Nikanorov V.R.

From the director of "Good decisions"

Abdulova V.N.

Dear Vladimir Romanovich, I head a charitable organization that is engaged in New Year's holidays for children from poor families. As we became known from open sources, you are implementing confectionery products. We ask you to organize the delivery of New Year's gifts in the amount of 1000 pieces for 20 events.

For our part, we guarantee you to express your written and oral gratitude and leave positive feedback in all organizations, in your wish.

With respect, Abdulova V.M.

That questions about how and what means can be created and sent to arise in principle should not. However, not everyone is ready to immediately begin to fulfill this task if it comes to official letters, especially when the author of the letter expects to receive an answer. I will reveal you a small secret of business correspondence than it is stricter in nature and style a letter has been drawn up, the greater the chances of a response from the recipient. In this lesson, I will give several samples of emails that should help users decide on their own style and further compile appeals in the most competent way.

To begin with, you need to decide what the letter we create will be created. I divorce all outgoing letters for three main types:

  • Business offer
  • Business request
  • Friendly appeal

Accordingly, for all three types, I have template blanks, both in the form of simple text files and the form of templates sharpened under certain postal programs. Let's go in order to each of them.

Business offer

Hello (good afternoon), [the name of the person who appeals is happening]!

The name is preferably indicated in any letter when communicating, because the personal appeal sets a person to a friendly way. However, if the name is so failed, there will be a template greeting.

Allow me to present to your attention a new service (new product) from our company [Company name].

Let me suggest cooperation in the field of [NAME OF ACTIVITY].

Next, briefly describe the advantages of your offer in the price version, or some qualitative characteristics. The main thing is not to overdo it. Megabytes of the text, and even complemented by bright meaningless pictures only scare away people. If the recipient of the letter is interested in your offer from the first lines, it will surely contact you for more information.

If you are seriously interested, so that the necessary people contact you at the first appeal, that is, it makes sense to think about availability not only by email. Will not be extended to start accounts in such services as ICQ I.Skype. Sometimes a person is much easier to contact you on the usual phone, if the number is such, of course will be prudently left in the signature.

For what you need to duplicate your own e-mail address in the signature, you ask if it is automatically recharged by the mail server. There is a rule for which excessive information in business correspondence is never unnecessary. Imagine the situation when your letter receives a person is potentially not interested in the sentence, or simply not competent for the correct answer to it. It recreates the received message to another user, but at the same time for any reason, information about the true sender is lost from automatically added data, which leads to difficulty contact you. However, it will always be enough to look at the signature to identify the author of the letter and its necessary contacts.

Business request

Hello (good afternoon)!

Or if the name of the addressee is known, then (Dear, [Name, Patronymic])!

Please provide information on the product (service) [Product / Service Name] with a description of full characteristics and competitive qualities.

Based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation [number and date of the document], please provide information [describe necessary for obtaining data].

You can also contact the leadership of a particular service on the Internet, when you violate your rights.

In connection with the violation of the [Point number in the User Agreement] of the User Agreement, namely: "[quote the full text of the named item]", I ask you to check and take appropriate sanctions against the guilty [responsible (if it comes to service employees)] [Site (site name)]. I ask you to report on the review and imputed sanctions to [your own email address].

Friendly appeal

Greetings (good day) (hello), [human name]!

When you first handle in a friendly form, the good indicator will be the completeness of your text handling. Correctly written, volumetric text will indicate to your high interest in contact with the desired person and will cause the desire of response. Do not forget to unleash a conversation with several primary questions.

An example of an email letter