Autumn holiday turnip in a new way. The scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior preparatory group with the staging of the fairy tale "Turnip" educational and methodological material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. If you need a short scene about autumn

Scenario of the autumn holiday for children 6-7 years old "Autumn TV STUDIO WELCOMES YOU"

Target: Activate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. To develop interest in the phenomena and objects of nature, to encourage children to expressively convey the characteristic features of various characters, their emotional experiences and moods.
preliminary work: learning poems, songs, talking about animals, about the work of people in the fall, looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals.
Characters: Leading (educator), Zucchini, turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, boletus mushroom, hare, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, fox (children).
Attributes:; masks of animals, vegetables, mushrooms, umbrellas for dancing, mushrooms for playing, carrots and cones, a tree with apples, a basket of mushrooms, a house.
Scenery: Festive hall decorated in autumn, Carrot beds, Turnip garden, Autumn trees, leaves, stump.
presenter: And again the autumn leaf covers the earth,
And again Queen Autumn decorates our garden.
We celebrate the holiday here
And we invite the guys to the hall.
1.Music. The kids come in and take their seats.
1 child: There is one country in the world,
Can't find another one like it
Not marked on the map
After all, the size is small.
2 child: But he lives in that glorious country
wonderful people,
And wherever you look,
A friend walks with you.
3 child: Here's a riddle so a riddle,
Don't guess right away
You tell us the answer
Where can we find that country?
4child: Speak there, lives,
wonderful people,
Have fun and play
All day and all year round!
5 child: Where is it? What is this?
Yes, this is
All children: Kindergarten!
presenter: Looked autumn holiday
to a kindergarten,
To please both adults and children.
2. Song: "Autumn reflection." (L.A. Starchenko)
1 buy
Autumn has come to us, summer has already passed.
We will ask her "you prolong the heat"
Leaves fly around, rustle under foot
Rain escorts children to kindergarten
Autumn gave us a colorful rainbow,
She covered the whole road with a rug of leaves,
And the rain will not stop knocking outside the window
And we want to walk outside.
Mushrooms hid, berries can not be seen.
We can only collect leaves.
And we'll bring our colorful bouquet to the garden,
We'll get caught in the rain, maybe we'll grow up.
Child: How beautiful everything is around
Golden autumn day
yellow leaves are flying
They rustle underfoot.

Child.Summer flew by quickly,
The wind rustled
Autumn looks out the window to us,
Frequent rain knocks.

presenter. Oh guys, autumn rain
He knocked on our window.
Both girls and boys
He drove home.
3. SONG "RAIN" (M. Paukhaladze)
Drip, drip, knock, knock, knock on the glass there was a knock
This rain in the morning woke up all the kids.
Drip, drip, don, don, don, drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk, don't forget to take an umbrella.
Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, the rain has a cheerful disposition
Tomorrow morning, we will go for a walk again in the rain.

Girl 1. Colored umbrellas all around
Opened up in the rain.
Somebody's boots were launched
Run from the rain.

Girl 2..In vain mother gasped
It's raining, so be it.
I'm not made of sugar at all
I'm not afraid to melt.

presenter And now we'll ask everyone to look
In the studio of the channel "Autumn".
And now we know
What is autumn with us.
5. Musical screensaver "Good morning" (Zucchini COMES OUT)
presenter.Live - garden. Our correspondent Kabachok is in touch. Garden, can you hear us? How are you?

Zucchini. The garden went around
I didn't find anyone.
Everyone left me.
Where is my whole family?
Cucumbers and tomatoes
Salted in banks
And cabbage and carrots
The cellar was closed.
The earth will rest
In gardens and fields.

Leading. And what - be it interesting, did you happen in the garden?
Zucchini. It was in September, autumn came in the yard.
Grandfather goes to the garden to see what grows there?
Fairy tale "TURNIP IN A NEW WAY"
Turnip. Respected by the people
I grow up in the garden.
That's how big I am!
How good am I!
Sweet and strong
I am called a turnip.
to you with such a beauty
Can't handle anything. (sits down in the garden)
7.Musiccarus. nar. "Lady" comes out Grandfather.
Grandfather. Oh, I'm tired today. Where is my whole family?
Granddaughter, like all children, got lost on the Internet.
A bug with a cat, that's the trouble, they fled in all directions.
Here the mouse dug here and where did he go?
Grandfather. That's so amazing! This is how big the turnip has grown.
Grandfather. No, you won't vomit, that's a shame! You need to call your grandmother for help.
Grandma, hey, run here, help pull the turnip.
Music outlet grandma
Grandmother. Grandfather, I have no time today, your garden will wait.
In the program about health, Komarovsky is talking. (leaves)

Grandfather. Granddaughter, run here, help pull the turnip!
Music exit granddaughter
Granddaughter. No, grandpa, it's almost evening. I have a meeting on the site.
I'll run to the computer and help you tomorrow.
(granddaughter leaves)
Grandfather. Hey, Barbos, run here, help pull the turnip.
Music outlet watchdog

Barbos. I really want to help. I just can't right now.
I'm afraid to be late today for a dog show. (leaves)
Grandfather. Kitty, run here to pull the turnip, help.
Music outlet cat
Cat. Me, grandpa, is not up to the turnip. I rarely rest these days.
Shooting in my advertisement, now you can handle it yourself. (leaves)
Grandfather. Well, and you, little mouse, are you still nibbling a book for breakfast?
After all, she's tasteless.
Mouse. Grandfather, chewing on books is harmful.
Book, pay attention, about healthy eating.
Grandfather. The turnip has grown big. I don't know what to do with her.
Mouse. Turnip! This is wonderful! There are a lot of vitamins in the turnip.
Enough for a year of them completely for you and the whole family.
mouse. Let's wait a little more. Here comes a dog with a cat.
Cat. Oh, what a weariness!
Dog. There is no strength left.
Cat. How hard models work.
Dog. Snacks and fast food will not bring you to good.
Granddaughter. Something ripples in my eyes, my head hurts a lot.
There is no strength at all, as if ...
Grandfather. Computer knocked you down.
Grandmother. They said on TV: eat more vegetables.
Well, why are you standing here?
Pull the turnip soon!

Grandfather. Stand up one after another!
Together they took a turnip!
We pull, we pull, we pulled a turnip.
Grandmother. The turnip is just a feast for the eyes.
People are all surprised.
Leading. Thank you senor zucchini. In the yard - late autumn. Both people and animals are preparing for the winter, making supplies and thanking Autumn every day for her gifts. We turn on the forest. Our correspondent Grib Borovik is in touch. Les, can you hear me? How are you?
14. Sounds of the forest.
Mushroom. The fields have long been mowed,
And the earth will sleep until spring.
But the autumn forest does not sleep:
There full - full of miracles!
Leading: So the forest animals are preparing their winter supplies. And the Bear walks through the forest, smiling.
14 forest sounds.
A Hare appears near the house with a basket, collects carrots from the garden.
I planted a carrot
He raised her for rabbits.
Bunnies love in the evening
Gnawing carrots at the table.
The Bear enters to the music.
Bear. Hello Kosoy, what are you doing?
Hare. Hello, grandfather Misha!
I pick carrots
To not starve in winter.
I have a lot of carrots
I can give you some!
How quickly the summer flew by
It's time for me to get down to business.
I, Hare, will help you,
I'll pick my own carrots!
Hare. I don't mind, I have a lot of it!
The bear pulls the carrots, he will soon get tired of it. He throws carrots into the garden.
I'm bored of carrying carrots,
I'm going for a walk in the woods!
Farewell, Koso!
Hare. Farewell, grandfather!
(The bear went to the forest.
The hare leaves with a basket of carrots.)

17. Song. Autumn in the forest.
Autumn, autumn, autumn,
She came to us again.
Autumn, autumn, autumn
Wonderful time.
In a golden dress, parks and gardens,
Autumn, autumn we waited impatiently.
And in the forest, wonderfully simply beauty,
And the path goes straight to the pond.
Berries hang on the branches of viburnum,
Hats are hiding behind a stump1
A squirrel in a clearing gnaws cones,
A barefoot hedgehog is walking through the forest.
On the back of the hedgehog are apples, rowing,
Hedgehog really love Autumn gifts?
(Hedgehog answers) Yes, yes I love, yes, yes I love.
A bear wanders through the forest. The Hedgehog is walking towards him, carrying apples on his back.
Bear. Hello Hedgehog, what are you talking about?
Hedgehog. Hello, grandfather Misha!
I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
I have two pairs of legs
I need to collect apples
To not starve in winter.
Bear. And I want apples!
Hedgehog. So go and pick some apples!
The bear approaches the apple tree, tries to reach the apples.
How to get apples
To keep your coat from breaking?
They hang high
They are looking at me.
Maybe break my branch
Pick apples from a branch?
What are you, Misha. You can not do it this way!
All living things are our friends!
Bear. And that's right! I don't need these apples.
The hedgehog leaves the bear sits on a stump.
Belka appears with a basket of mushrooms.
Bear. Hello Belochka! What's in your basket?
Squirrel. Hello, grandfather Misha!
All summer I was not lazy,
Worked well:
Jumped between the trees
And pick mushrooms.
Can I collect mushrooms?
Celebrate the New Year with them?
Squirrel. Try it, grandfather Misha.
The bear is trying to "gather" mushrooms.
Bear. I won't pick mushrooms, they are so small, I can't see them! Yes, and my back ached to bend over!
Squirrel. You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.
Bear. I don't need these mushrooms! Farewell, Belochka! (leaves)
Squirrel. Guys, do you want to collect mushrooms? (Yes)
The bear sits on a stump with its head down.
Children play pick mushrooms blindfolded.
Music appears The fox sings along and dances to the beat of the melody.
Fox. What made you sad, Misha? What sadness is bothering you?
Bear Oh, is that you, red-haired cheat?
Do you all sing, dance deftly?
What are you, Mishenka, sitting,
Are you staring at me?
Well, get up quickly
Start singing with me!
They perform a Russian folk song. Autumn. Luchiki group.
The leaves turned yellow, the birds flew away.
Fall, fall, fall, / fall.
Puddles on the road, cold on the threshold, / in autumn / 3r.
Warm boots will not get your feet wet./Autumn/3r.
Gloomy weather, Sad nature./Autumn/3r.
Fox: How is your sadness gone?
Let's go, Mishenka, to collect my harvest.
Bear. And what is your harvest?
Fox. The best. All summer I raised, fed, nurtured a chicken and a cockerel. She didn't eat, she didn't drink.
Bear. Where is the harvest?
Fox (pushing the Bear to the fence near the house)
Fox: You trust me, Bear.
Try not to make noise!
Open the door to the chicken coop
Get the chicken fast!
Bear; I don't need any harvest.
I’ll go to the den, I’ll lie there for the winter and suck my paw.
The bear leaves. Other animals appear
Animals together. Everyone knows: “You can’t take a fish out of the pond without labor.”
Surprise moment. Relay game
A relay race is being held, two teams of bunnies and squirrels. Near each team there are baskets, and at the bottom of the baskets are apples covered with autumn leaves, a surprise for the children. At a distance from the teams in the hoop are attributes: carrots and cones. The first child in the team wears a BUNNY hat, in another Squirrel. On command: ONE, TWO, THREE - START THE GAME The children run after the corresponding attribute. At the end of the relay race, the children look at what they have collected and find a surprise - apples. Children pick apples and sit on chairs.

Autumn holiday in the middle group of kindergarten. Scenario "Grandfather planted a turnip"

The scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the middle group

Target: Raising a sense of community in children.
develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;
promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.
continue to introduce children to fairy tales
Description: The script is designed for middle preschool age. It will be useful in the work of music directors and educators.

Autumn, grandfather, grandmother - adults
Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse - children of the preparatory group
Children enter the hall and line up to dance
Dance "Polka"

(sit down)
Autumn enters to the music.

Autumn -
I walk in the autumn park
I give gifts to everyone.
Red beads -
Pink apron -
Umbrella yellow -
I will give you fruits.

Hello guys! So the summer flashed by unnoticed, and after it I came - the Golden sorceress Autumn. In her attire beautiful and colorful. Let's sing an autumn song with you.
The song "Autumn has come"

Autumn - I did not come empty-handed, but with a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. What vegetables do you know? And what fruits?
1. Guess my riddles.
The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Who undresses him

He sheds tears.
2. The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon,
And the spit is on the street.

3. No windows, no doors
Full of people.

4. Himself red, sugar,
Green velvet caftan

And here is the last riddle.
5.Yelta, not the sun.
Round, not a ball.
Sweet, not sugar.
With a tail, not a mouse.
And you won't get it out.

That's right - it's a turnip. This is about the turnip and our story will go.

Grandfather planted a turnip, weeded out the weeds, watered all summer, fed the seedlings, and by the autumn a large turnip had grown. The mouse was the first to know about it.
(Mouse Exit)
She ran to the turnip, pushes, pulls it, but nothing happens.

Mouse - Oh, and a big turnip! There is nothing wrong with her. What would grab her? What would you like to find? (looks around)
Autumn - Play, mouse, with our guys in the orchestra, maybe you will pick up something with which to hook a turnip.
Noise Orchestra - "Oh, canopy"

(The mouse tries to hook the turnip with a rattle).
Autumn - Does not work? Well, sit down, sit with the guys, wait, maybe someone else will come to the rescue.
(Exit Cat)
Here is someone stealing. Yes, it's a cat. I also found out that the turnip was ripe. He sniffs it, scratches it, but cannot get it.

Cat - This means that the turnip has not ripened, since it does not want to get out of the ground, and it is probably not tasty either.
Autumn - Delicious and ripe, you just don’t have the strength to pull it out, so you’re angry. You need to get the hang of it. Maybe that will work.
Game "Transfer fruits and vegetables"
And now, Cat and Mouse, pull the turnip. (Pull) Apparently, we have gained little strength, sit down, let's wait for someone else.
(Exit Bugs)
Yes, this is the Bug - the dog of our neighbors! I also wanted turnips.

bug - Oh, and a hefty turnip has grown, probably sweet, but how you want to bite off. (whining)
Autumn - Don't whine, bug. Dance with the guys, and then we'll see how we can help you.
Dance "Skomorokhi"
Autumn - Pull the turnip together. (Pull) Doesn't stretch?

(Exit Granddaughter)
Look, Masha is coming, Grandma's granddaughter. All summer she helped her grandfather water the turnip, and now she came to visit.

Granddaughter(pulls a turnip)- Oh, how heavy! Big big big! I can't do it alone here. Who would help me? (looks around)
Autumn - Sing, Mashenka, a cheerful song with the guys, maybe whatever comes to mind.
The song "Favorite toys" muses A. Berlyakov
Autumn - From a cheerful song, the mood rises, but strength is added. Try to pull the turnip with the four of you. Bug, Mouse, Cat, help! (Pull) Does not work? What a shame...
(Grandma's Exit)
Look, an old grandmother is walking with a staff. I also wanted something sweet.

(Grandma pulls a turnip)
Pulls, pulls, but where to get the strength.
grandmother - Oh-ho-honey! Completely out of strength. Gotta get that passion! Do not pull out of the ground.
Autumn - It can be seen that the legs are weakened, grandmother, they do not rest well on the ground. We need to warm up, dance with the girls.
Dance "Pick mushrooms"
Autumn - now five of us pull the turnip, maybe you can master it.
(They pull, fuss around. Grandfather enters with a shovel)

Grandfather - Eco has piled you on my turnip. Weeded, watered alone. Granddaughter helped a little. And here the eaters are countless. If you really want to try turnip porridge, then at least scare away the birds from the garden.
Game "Scarecrow"

Autumn - And now everyone around the turnip will have fun in a round dance.
Round dance "Turnip"

Grandfather - now let's pull the turnip, I suppose, sweet and fragrant was born. Help, kids! (Everyone lines up behind the grandfather and pulls the turnip. Under the turnip is a treat.)

Grandfather - A turnip with a surprise! A meal in it. Eat in good health. (Handing out candy)
grandmother - Oh, for that year I will also plant a turnip and call everyone to harvest. And now it's time to cook turnip porridge. Goodbye!



"Autumn Turnip"

To the cheerful music, two girls run into the hall.

1-I: The sun looks from heaven,

With kind regards!

2nd Me: Would you like, friends,

Meet summer?



LEADING: The sun rose over the Kuban,

The wind touched the poplars.

Again the path in the early morning

I admire my city!

1 CHILD: Who has not visited us?

And did you see Kropotkin?

We are happy to invite everyone

Visit the Kuban!

2 CHILD: Birches are sleeping in silver -

Brighter green pines.

Because in the yard...

CHILDREN IN CHOIR: Golden autumn!!!


(Magazine "Kolokolchik" No. 19. 2000)

At the end of the song, Autumn enters the gate.

AUTUMN: (sings) My time has come - they did not notice,

So autumn was elegantly met.

She dressed the Kuban in golden lace,

The leaves danced with the wind.

MUSIC "Autumn dream".

CHILD: Hello, Golden Autumn!

We are waiting for you

And we invite you to dance!


At the end of the dance, the children scatter into chairs.

AUTUMN: Here is a maple, a birch, here is a viburnum

Shine in the sun - how beautiful!

We will approach the Kalinka together,

Let's start our dance!

Round dance "KALINUSHKA" (music by G. Vikhareva)

AUTUMN: I am generous with beauty - golden autumn!

And rich - a miracle - harvest!

Come on, guys, guess my riddle:

CHILDREN: Turnip!!!


(Children are put on turnip hats. Children pretend to be grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bugs, mice. They run around the turnip and, clinging to each other, build train trailers. The latter catches the turnip. Whoever pulls it out faster wins).

AUTUMN: Thank you, kids! You made me happy!

I also want to surprise you -

Invite everyone to the fairy tale!

Grandfather grew a turnip, watered it.

And by the autumn she, that's what she grew up!

MUSIC. The curtain opens. The turnip sits. Next to her is her grandfather.

GRANDFATHER: (sings to the tune of "Golden Wedding")

Hello turnip! I see you!

I see the turnip that you have grown!

Do not bypass, and do not bypass.

And you won't find another like it in the world!

(tries to pull out the turnip, but fails).

REPKA: (sings to the tune of "The Bremen Town Musicians" music by Entin)

They say that the turnip is strong.

Eh, they're telling the truth.

Although firmly planted in the ground,

They want to take me out.

Oh-la-la! (2 times) Come on, get me out!

Oh-la-la! (2 times) Ehma!

GRANDFATHER: (sings to the tune of "The Bremen Town Musicians" music by Entin)

It's not easy to pull you out

You are right about this turnip.

I'll call my grandmother for help

Let's pull you out together.

Grandmother! (2 times) Quickly here!

HOST: She doesn't hear. Maybe the spoons will help us?

CHILD: You are being addressed

Oh, dashing spoons!

Our spoons are playing

From dawn to dawn!


MUSIC. Grandma runs. She picks up her grandfather.

BABKA: (sings to the tune of the song "Robin")

I rush to him, as if on a date.

I'll work with you

And I will do my best!

(spoken) Oh, yes turnip! Good luck!

DED: It's time to pull her out, grandma!

GRANDMA: (rubbing her hands) It's time, it's time!

For me, grandpa, hold on tight!

Together we will pull a turnip!

MUSIC. Grandfather and grandmother are pulling a turnip.

BABKA: No strength. We need to refresh ourselves.

We will harvest apples

We will get a lot of vitamins!


MUSIC. Granddaughter runs out.

GRANDDUCH: (sings to the motive of the song "It's fun to walk together"

V. Shainsky)

I'm running to help you from the forest, from the forest, from the forest,

There today I picked mushrooms, I mushrooms, I mushrooms.

Together we will become one after the other quickly, quickly, quickly.

Together we will pull the turnip faster, faster.

MUSIC. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter are pulling a turnip.

LEADING: They pull, they pull - they can't pull it out!

GRANDDUCH: It hurts your back, your hands are aching!

You can't do it without Bugs!

MUSIC. From the booth you can hear the barking of Bugs.

Bug: (sings to the motive of the r.n.p. “Lyuli, lyuli ...”)

Grandfather and woman, what did you plant?

What did you plant? They tell you!

GRANDFATHER and BABA: They planted a turnip that sat down firmly,

And we can't get it!

Bug: You better look at me,

Better look, they tell you!

I'll cut her, sometimes with my paws,

Even clods fly to the side!

GRANDMA: Grab each other!

Get in order!

MUSIC. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug pulling a turnip.

LEADING: They pull, they pull - they can't pull it out!

BABKA: Start the fence soon,

To make it more fun!

GAME "WATCH" r.n.m. (team of grandparents)

BUG: Woof, woof! What the heck?

Gotta get the cat here!

You have to wake up the cat -

Let's work a little!

MUSIC. The cat wakes up.

CAT: (sings to the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

There is no more beautiful in the world of Murka,

And you won't find a stronger one.

Pull the turnip out? Certainly!

How can you not help!

Bug: Come on, Murka, don't be lazy!

Grab my tail!

MUSIC. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat pulling a turnip. The mouse is running.

GRANDMA: Mouse, hide in your hole,

And the cat will eat you!

CAT: No, I'm a modern cat

And I don't eat mice at all.

We'd better dance with a mouse,

To make it more fun!


MOUSE: How to stomp the garden bed to no avail,

Get on the charger!

To get down to business

We need to gain strength!


MUSIC. Everyone gets up and pulls the turnip. At the end, the turnip stands up, and everyone falls to the floor.

REPKA: All of you are a friendly family

Pulled out a turnip!

And for such joy

Dance with me!


1 CHILD: Here the fairy tale ends!

Everyone was great here!

2 CHILD: There is nothing more wonderful,

How to end a fairy tale with a song!


(music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Yu Entin)

AUTUMN: Everyone worked hard today,

Have fun from the heart!

Our loaf is ready -

I invite everyone to the table!!!

Autumn holiday for children of the senior group of kindergarten

(Based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip")


Leader (teacher)




Children enter the hall to the music, stand scattered, read poetry:

1st child:

Welcome autumn generously,

Collect fruits in baskets!

2nd child:

Vegetable harvest:

Loaf on the table

3rd child:

barrel of honey

Mushrooms in tubs.

4th child:

This is our autumn!

You are welcome to visit!

Children stand in the center of the hall, singing a song ♪ "Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit." After that, they sit on chairs. The presenter comes out in a Russian folk costume.


We are inseparable from a good fairy tale,

Well, and songs in a fairy tale - to heaven!

Can you imagine how boring it would be

If there were no songs, no miracles.

Presenter: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a grandfather and a woman ....

A child comes out dressed as Grandfather, imitating his walking.

Scene (Characters come out, do everything according to the action)
Grandpa planted a turnip...
Grandfather comes out, plants a turnip.
Grandfather turnip said:
You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
Grandmother (coming to grandfather):

For vegetables to grow

They need to be watered

Let's call the rain together

It won't be boring with him!

"Top boots"

(Everyone dances, after the song they sit on the chairs, and the heroes of the fairy tale return to their places)


All you have to do is jump and dance!
Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep!

(He lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)

Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile, the turnip grows
Here is autumn in the yard.
Chilly morning in September
Grandfather woke up, scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering his teeth.)

Ah, I am an old sleeper.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little.
Oh, yes, the turnip was born!
I never dreamed of such a thing.

(Grabs a turnip and pulls.)

Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.

What a clumsy old man!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You did not wash your eyes.
Turnips I am a hundred times slimmer.
And orange too.
If you need a Korean salad,
You will be lost without me...
Do not drink carrot juice
There is no substitute for my soup...
And one more secret.
I am vitamin rich
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.
What is it, what a miracle
Maybe I slept badly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait,
I'll pull out another turnip. (Approaches the potato, pulls).

Oh oh oh,
I protest!
I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits
It's as clear as twice two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
No need to pick up a spoon.
I hear for chips, grandfather,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look here
I can become french fries
I am your main crop!

Well, get in the basket.
Well, I'll go to the turnip again. (Approaches the cabbage, pulls).
How firmly it sits in the earth!
Oh yes turnip, here are those on!

Right, I'm outraged!
Grandfather, you overate Snickers
Seen the series
Did you fall off the stove?
I didn't recognize the cabbage.
I don't look like a turnip
She has one dress
I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons ... And then!
I am crispy cabbage!
Without me, the salad is empty
And with me any lunch
Stuffed cabbage or vinaigrette ...
It will become 10 times more useful!
And then me, dear,
You can sour and salt ...
And keep it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

You are welcome ... in the basket.
What are these miracles?
It's been two hours
I spent in the garden.
Where is the turnip? This one is like ... (Approaches the beets).

Again, the grandfather did not guess.
Know you lost points
Or has the devil beguiled you?
I confused beets with turnips!
I'm a hundred times redder than her
And healthier and tastier!
There are no beets and no borscht,
In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...
I alone - the source of color!
A beet cutlet -
It's just a meal!
One hundred percent - weight loss.
I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.
And you will find a place.
But still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one? (Approaches the bow).

I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let a little and insidious,
But popular among the people.
The most delicious barbecue
The one with the bow.
All hostesses know me
Add to soup and porridge
In pies, in mushrooms, in broth ...
I am a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu scares me...
At least now I'm ready to fight.
I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.

What a strange crop

The garden went around the whole -

Well, I didn’t find a turnip!

Turnip: I, grandpa, grow up here,

You can see it in the bush

And why should I brag

I am known to everyone!

Grandfather: Get in the basket!

What a glorious harvest!

Leading: The evening is drawing to a close.
The moon rises to heaven.
It's time for grandpa to go home.
Gain strength until the morning

And grandpa went to sleep

Well, vegetables again,

They began to argue, to find out -

Who is more beautiful, who is more useful

And who is it time to pluck!

♪ "Song about vegetables"

In the morning the sun rose

Give everyone warmth

Grandmother and grandfather - in the garden,

They hear someone roaring there.

Vegetable children go to the middle of the hall and stand in front of the basket


Oh, and the turnip is crying, do not calm down,

What happened? Don't understand.


You are our turnip, not a sister,

We don't want to hang out with you!


I ask: do not expel,

Don't hurt the turnip!


It's not nice to be a turnip

We don't want to be friends with you.


Whether business: Tomato,

You can't take your eyes off.

I am beautiful, bright red,

I have a satin coat.


I am green cucumber

Juicy, bright fellow.

I'm proud of my color

I'm not ashamed to show up.


Don't brag, friends

The prettiest of all is me!

I, Carrot, brightest of all.

I have great success.


I am a green pea

I'm not bad with color either.

I don't sit on the ground

I look at everyone from above.


I have a burgundy coat

Very thin, delicate, new.

Look at me

The prettiest of all is me!


For all of you to be empty

I'm the prettiest of all, Cabbage!

The center is white because it is ripe.

And the edges are green, juicy, vigorous.


Oh, how fluffed up you are!

It hurt a lot.

My color is the most expensive

Because it's golden.

Who disagrees with me

Tears will flow like a river.


Bright color is good, friends,

I understand it.

You have so much beauty

Just a little kindness.


We all want to reconcile

Stop the unnecessary argument!


Use is important, not color

Here is your grandfather's answer.

You are all delicious, all are useful,

Drive away diseases.


So stop arguing and arguing here. Me too, eagles! Reconcile quickly.


And for joy now

We'll go to a fun dance!

♪Song "Merry Garden"

Leading. And what is it, grandma and grandpa, are you so funny?

Grandfather. How can we not have fun?
We harvested a rich harvest!
Grandmother. Look at our crop today. (Grandfather pours vegetables, fruits and berries into a hoop lying in the middle of the hall.)
Grandmother. Well, grandfather, how sloppy you are: vegetables, fruits, and berries - you collected everything in one pile! Who is doing this?
Leading. So our guys will help you!

Attraction "Sort vegetables, fruits and berries"

The game involves three players. There are baskets in three corners of the hall. The players, one at a time, carry and put them in their baskets. 1st participant collects vegetables, 2nd - fruits, 3rd - berries. The winner is the one who fills his basket the fastest.

Grandmother. Thanks, little ones. That's how fast they did it!

Grandfather. Oh! Our harvest is good!

Grandmother. Yes, good! If only we could prepare canned food for the winter. Yes, only you and I are old to go so far. Legs don't move, back hurts.

Leading. Don't be so upset, grandma and grandpa! Here are some vegetables that will help you.
Cucumber: Hey, well done cucumbers, pay for salting for the winter on command!

♪Song of cucumbers

Cucumber 1:

Green cucumber
Big-big trickster:
He sits on his own bed,
He plays hide and seek with people.

Cucumber 2:

We were green
We have become salty.
It's pretty damp here.
But a separate apartment -
Light and new

Grandfather. Oh, granny, now we’ll pickle for the winter, we’ll eat cucumbers all winter.

Grandmother. And here’s some jam for my tea….

Grandfather: And who will pick berries for you? After all, we are not young anymore!

A berry pops out: And you, grandma and grandpa, don't worry, we'll get together ourselves!

Hey strawberries,

Raspberries, blackberries,

You don't hide under the sheets,

Say hello to guests!

♪Song of berries

Berry 1:

Here is the ripe one strawberry.
Next to her is her sister.
They sit together in the leaves
And they look at the sun.

Berry 2:

To stock up on vitamins

You show patience.

And cook yourself for the winter

Jam from berries!

So, autumn, surprised!

Harvest gave us!

Now let's feed the whole family

We invite all family members.


Eat, eat, fly

Red summer remember!

And when spring comes

Let's go work in the garden

The sun will warm

We will sow a turnip.


A big turnip will grow!

The story has come to an end.
Whoever listened, well done.
I look forward to your applause
And other compliments...
After all, the artists tried,
Let them worry a little!

Rodina Elena Yurievna

Under autumn melody, the children snake into the hall. They dance in a circle with leaves and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Song about "Yellow leaf autumn golden is coming to visit us "

The phonogram of the sound of rain turns on, the children stand in their places. Then poems:

Child 1:

Hot summer fled into the distance

Warm days dissolve somewhere

Somewhere there are rays of gold,

Warm waves remained sea!

child 2.

Somewhere there were forests and oak forests,

Berries, fruits, trees and herbs.

Well, now - only the leaves turn yellow

And they fall as soon as they can!

Child 3.

Golden rain walks along the alley,

Blue rain hits my window -

Autumn flow through puddles and glass,

Our street is already wet!

Child 4.

Trees get wet and cars get wet,

And traffic lights, and shops!

The rain sings its song to us,

I'll sing it softly to you!

Children's song - Autumn golden 1:25

After the song, the children disperse to the chairs.

Sounds like a smooth melody autumn. Autumn is spinning in place, dances, then reads a verse.

Autumn: Did you call me? Here I am! Hello my friends!

Hurry up to you guys! I am very glad to see all of you!

I came to you today, I'm not alone, Cheerful brought a fairy tale.

Do you hear? The leaves rustle. Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

To the music of rustling leaves autumn goes to the chair.

Russian folk melody sounds. Russian folk melody Russian iiii

Grandfather and grandmother enter the hall. They bow.

All the children sing a song "Once upon a time, there were" A. Pakhmutova.

1. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman with a little granddaughter,

It can't be, ha ha ha!

What is this nonsense?

They called their red cat the Bug.

2. And they called the foal Corydalis,

It can't be, ha ha ha!

What is this nonsense?

And they also had Burenka chicken!

3. And they also had a dog Murka,

It can't be, ha ha ha!

What is this nonsense?

And in the barn there are two goats - Sivka and Burka!

Grandfather: Look - people, we have a garden!

grandma: Let's deftly get down to business, so that everything autumn is ripe.

Gardeners come out

1 gardener: We plant tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cucumbers in a row

2 gardener: So that the beds are thick

We will plant cabbage here

3 gardener: Here we will plant potatoes,

eggplant and carrots.

Gardeners take children "vegetables" from "baskets" and put on stumps in the center of the hall.

Grandfather: I'll tell you more friends. I'll plant turnip i!

Plants a girl « turnip»

A round dance is performed around the turnip "Lapotukha"

1 child: We will put a scarecrow in the garden

Let's keep order.

A scarecrow comes out to a Russian folk tune. Russian folk melody

2 child: In the garden, a scarecrow put his hat on

He waves his sleeves and seems to be dancing

Scarecrow: I'm a stuffed guard put up so that the birds don't fly

Vegetables so as not to peck

A blue scarf on a stick so that jackdaws are afraid.

The game song is being performed "Scarecrow"

In the garden of the Scarecrow, the Scarecrow is standing.

Scarecrow does not order us to pick cucumbers from the garden.

We will quietly approach and pick cucumbers

Scarecrow: cucumbers cannot be torn here - I will catch up with you!

The scarecrow catches the children, the children run to their chairs.

Scarecrow: I drove everyone from the garden

And here I quickly put things in order.

Woman: Vegetables don't grow in the garden

They need a lot of work to take care of!

To the music, gardeners imitate weeding, hilling, watering.

The scarecrow goes aside and stands while the gardeners "work" then the scarecrow goes away

Granddaughter comes out with buckets.

Granddaughter: I water the land with river water.

And while I'm watering, the orchestra will play for you.

Orchestra of folk instruments. All children.

Grandfather: Time goes by quickly, the garden is ripening.

Tomato: I'm very important senor -

I am fat and solid

Immediately clear, a prominent vegetable.

I have a red coat

I didn't grow up here in vain.

2 cucumbers:

Green cucumber -

big big sly:

He sits on his own bed,

He plays hide and seek with people.

Potato: And the potatoes, and the potatoes were born very large!

Onion: I grow in the garden, everyone knows me among the people.

I'm good for the teeth. All of you eat me!

Eggplant: in the world of vegetable fashion, everyone shines with beauty

Purple caftan puts on eggplant

Cabbage: How smart I am, Kruglobok, green!

I'm in the garden bed Immediately visible from afar!

Carrot: Ripe carrots give vitamins again and again

Beet: Beetroot is a bright girl,

Everything in the garden is young,

She has a new coat

The old is no longer.

And green boots

She hid her legs.

Radish: I am a ruddy radish.

I bow low to you.

Why praise yourself?

I am known to everyone.

Gardener: All vegetables are important and all people need them.

Dance of vegetables.

Muska and cats run out to the music.

Muska: We are fluffy cats We know how to meow and sing a little

Cat 1: that's how beautiful we are - we have small ears on the top of our head,

Soft paws, and claws in them - scratches.

Cat 2: Yes, we are not simple cats and we do not catch mice

We'd better dance for you to make it more fun

Dance "Cats" J. Aguzarova.

Cat 1 and cat 2 go to the chairs after the dance

Bug comes out

bug: I'm called a doggie Bug I have a squiggle tail

I love to dance very much and drive cats around the yard.

Dance of Muska and Zhuchka.

Leading: Here the mouse ran, waving its tail to the cats

Mouse, prick up your ears and run away from cats

Hide in your hole or they will eat you.

Cat 1 and Cat 2 run out and run after the mouse around the hall.

Granddaughter: Our turnip has grown

She became taller than her grandfather and grandmother

The turnip sings a song

2 gardener: We planted a turnip in the spring

All raised, watered

And to autumn she, that's how it grew

Leading: Grandfather pulls, pulls. Can't pull out

Grandfather calls grandmother to run without looking back

Grandfather: To pull us turnip hold on to me firmly

Leading: grandmother with grandfather old people can't handle a turnip alone

Called granddaughter for help

All children: They pull, they pull, they cannot pull

Leading: It is necessary to call the Bug for help

Help grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter

All children: They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

Leading: Born to fame turnip

stuck in the ground firmly

Nothing with turnips

Here you need a cat to help

All children: They pull, they can't pull, they can't pull

Leading: A mouse jumps out

mouse: As you wish, yes or no

I will give you one piece of advice

All of you friends need to temper more

Exercise in the morning should be done

Here I am a mouse, though small, but I am friendly with sports

I will lead with a tail, I will help my grandfather and woman

Old men and all the guys should do physical exercises.

All children do "Zverobiku"

Leading: One after another stood up again

All children: One, two took. One, two took!

Leading: Hold on tight to grandpa, and pulled out turnip.

Everyone stand in a circle and sing

How on repkins we baked a loaf for a name day.

Loaf, loaf, whoever you want, choose!

turnip chooses the chef in the center of the circle

Cook: I conjure like a magician - fry, steam and cook.

I am not bored at all in the realm of bowls and pots.

Anything to order, I will concoct for you.

For our guys, for our turnips, I’ll make porridge.

In a deep bowl, let's give the porridge to the pussies,

And put a little more porridge in a bowl for the Bug.

And for all of you, we have pies with filling!

grandfather and grandmother: Eat, eat, help yourself and don't be shy about anyone!

Leading: We ate porridge, played. Songs were sung, danced

fairy tale our end Everyone who listened well done!

Music sounds autumn. Building "for photo".