The main directions of the system of physical education. Principles of the physical education system

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1. Physical education as a social system

2. Functions and tasks of physical education

3. Principles of the physical education system

4. Fundamentals of the physical education system

5. The main directions of the system of physical education


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Physical education is also the most important means of forming a person as a person. Physical exercise allows you to multifaceted influence on the consciousness, will, on the moral character, character traits of boys and girls. They cause not only significant biological changes in the body, but to a large extent determine the development of moral convictions, habits, tastes and other aspects of the personality that characterize the spiritual world of a person.

Scientific and technological progress, the rapid development of the media, an increase in the educational level of parents, the perfection of teaching methods - all this, of course, determines the earlier and higher intellectual development of modern youth. Accelerated maturation of the body increases the mental and physical performance of boys and girls, which allows them to more successfully cope with the significantly increased requirements of school curricula. physical education social general cultural

However, intense mental work at school and at home, as well as other types of activity, cause a significant overload of the body in students. At the same time, they spend most of their free time in computer clubs, near the TV. The teenager leads a sedentary lifestyle. And this negatively affects physical development, general health, and the level of physical fitness. That is why physical culture and sports are vital, which allow strengthening health, purposefully influencing the whole body, improving motor activity and forming physical qualities.

Physical conditioning to some extent determines the further life activity of a person. Awareness of health and usefulness gives confidence in their abilities, fills them with vigor, optimism and cheerfulness.

Finally, this is the most important condition for high performance, which opens up wide opportunities for mastering the chosen profession. The physical weakness of a person and the resulting feeling of inferiority have a depressing effect on the human psyche and cause these feelings of inferiority, developing such qualities as pessimism, timidity, disbelief in oneself, isolation, individualism.

Long-term practice has shown that physical culture also contributes to mental development, brings up valuable moral qualities - confidence, determination, will, courage and courage, the ability to overcome obstacles, a sense of collectivism, friendship.

Unfortunately, not all high school students understand the importance of physical education. Many of them are limited only to attending compulsory physical education lessons. This in no way can compensate for the lack of motor activity of high school students, as a result of which there is excessive obesity, a lag in physical development, and mental performance decreases.

Therefore, in terms of relevance, this topic should occupy the first place in pedagogy.

Purpose yesof work is the study of the system of physical education. To achieve the goal, the following were set tasks:

to reveal the essence, meaning and basic concepts of physical education;

determine the main tasks and functions of physical education;

highlight the principles of physical education;

To reveal the main directions of the physical education system

1. Physical education as a social system

Physical education is a socially conditioned, pedagogically organized process of mastering the values ​​of physical culture.

The social conditioning of physical education lies in the fact that in the course of it a socially significant goal is achieved, i.e. a goal that is essential both for the development of the person himself and for the progress of society as a whole. In addition, this means that physical education takes place within the framework of a certain social organization, which has the necessary capabilities to ensure the interests of society in this direction.

Such a social organization is called a system.

The system of physical education is a set of elements of physical culture ordered in relation to the purpose of the activity.

As in any other social system, physical education can be distinguished: 1) a certain composition and structural organization of its constituent elements; 2) functions; 3) the nature of the relationship with other systems of society.

The system of physical education can include a variety of elements of physical culture, i.e. any factors of material and spiritual culture associated with the "production" of physically perfect people. However, only those that are directly related to physical education become its integral elements. Without them, the system cannot exist as a single social organism (management, personnel, scientific support, etc.).

In the process of activity, certain connections are established between the elements of the system. Forming the basis of the structure of the system.

The main factor in the existence of any system is its functioning.

Functions express the possibilities objectively inherent in the system in transforming man, nature and society. The functions of the physical education system include activities to ensure the physical improvement of people.

Distinguish between external and internal functions.

The external functions of the physical education system are aimed at people. Their object is a person; subject - health, physical strength and abilities of people. Internal functions are the interaction of system elements that ensure external functioning (provision of physical culture personnel, premises, financing, etc.). A healthy person brings more benefits to society.

The physical education system is closely related to other systems of society: economy, culture, science, politics.

As one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations, it develops under the influence of changes taking place in all spheres of social life (modern period). It has a specifically historical character. That is why it acts both as a type and as a type of social practice.

As a type, it reflects the specifics of this type of educational activity, as a type, it carries all the basic properties of the social system of society.

2. Functions and tasks of physical education

Physical culture in the life of society performs a number of important functions. The developmental function is to improve all the physical essential forces of people, including the muscular and nervous systems, mental processes; arms and legs; flexibility and slenderness of the body, eyes and ear, the ability to navigate in space in extreme situations, to adapt to changing conditions.

The upbringing function of physical culture is aimed at strengthening endurance and hardening a person's morale. Physical education should be organically linked with high moral goals and noble aspirations. In this case, the hardened will, firmness and decisiveness of character, the collectivist orientation of the individual will serve the interests of society: the fight against licentiousness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. The educational function is to acquaint people with the theory and history of physical culture, its significance in the life of an individual; with various types of physical education, the contemplation of wrestling, the manifestation of skill, fortitude, the beauty of the human body awakens strong feelings in people, delivers aesthetic pleasure.

The health-improving and hygienic function is due to the fact that in modern living conditions in many people, due to the deficit of active action, hypodynamia develops, and the body's resistance decreases. This makes it necessary for every person to daily exercise, rhythmic gymnastics, physical training breaks at work.

A general cultural function, which consists in the fact that physical education organizes and fills free time with a useful and exciting activity.

Fulfilling the general tasks of the all-round development of the personality, physical education has its own special purpose. Its tasks are complex and varied.

1. Strengthening the health and hardening of the body of schoolchildren, promoting the correct physical development and increasing efficiency. Preserving the health of the Belarusian nation is a state task. The successful solution of the problem is facilitated by systematic medical and pedagogical control over the state of health, over the dynamics of physical development, as well as taking into account the age, individual and gender characteristics of students. 12; 140]

2. Formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities and communication of related knowledge. Motor skills and abilities play a significant role in human life. They are at the heart of many practices. The formation of these skills is the main purpose of physical education at school.

3. Development of basic motor qualities. The implementation of many practical actions by a person is associated with the manifestation of physical abilities. The motor qualities include such as strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility.

4. Formation of habit and sustained interest in systematic physical exercise. The importance of this task is determined by the fact that the positive effects of physical exercise are achieved only when they are performed regularly. It is important to achieve pupils' interest in regular activities through extracurricular and extracurricular activities, however, for this interest to acquire active forms, arouse the need for independent, everyday activities.

5. Education of hygiene skills, communication of knowledge in the field of exercise and tempering.

6. Formation of organizational skills, preparation of public physical culture active, ie. inclusion in active physical culture and sports activities. It is necessary to involve students in social work in physical culture: in the organization of competitions, games, hikes. ...

3. Principles of the physical education system

a) The principle of a health-improving orientation obliges the teacher to organize physical education in such a way that it fulfills both preventive and developmental functions. This means that with the help of physical education it is necessary, firstly, to compensate for the lack of physical activity that occurs in the conditions of modern life; secondly, to improve the functional capabilities of the body, increasing its efficiency and resistance to adverse influences.

This principle is implemented by fulfilling the basic requirements:

Means and methods of physical education should be used only those that have a scientific basis for their health-improving value;

Physical activity must be planned in accordance with the capabilities of the children;

Medical and pedagogical control should be a mandatory element of the educational process;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rational use of the sun, air and water - all this should be taken into account when organizing each exercise session.

b) The principle of all-round personality development.

In physical education, this principle provides for the fulfillment of two basic requirements: 1) the solution of the tasks of physical education should be carried out in organic connection with mental, labor, moral and aesthetic education; 2) the content of physical education should be planned in such a way as to ensure the coordinated and proportionate development of all physical abilities, sufficiently versatile formation of motor skills and arming with special knowledge.

c) The principle of connection with labor and defense practice expresses the applied orientation of the entire education system, designed to educate comprehensively trained people "who know how to do everything." Receiving a person comprehensive training satisfies not only his personal needs, but also the needs of society.

The connection between physical education and life is reflected in the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

The implementation of this principle is carried out through the fulfillment of the following requirements: 1) the content of physical education should provide for the formation, first of all, of vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc. This requirement is embodied in the content of the physical culture and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus and physical education curricula; 2) with all-round physical education it is necessary to create such a broad preparedness of a person. That his general level of physical performance would allow him to master a wide variety of labor and military actions; 3) make the most of physical exercises for labor and patriotic education.

For the implementation of the principles, certain conditions are necessary, i.e. appropriate economic, material, technical, social and cultural base. Practical activities for their implementation should be adequate to this base. Otherwise, the proclaimed principles may turn into utopian appeals.

4. Fundamentals of the physical education system

1. Socio-economic foundations.

The physical education system is closely related to other socio-economic systems of society: economy, politics, science and culture. Being one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations taking place in these systems.

The objective basis of these connections is the inclusion of the physical education system in social production. However, it has an indirect effect on social production. The system is not directly involved in the creation of a social product. But it has an indirect impact on this area through the subject of production relations - a person.

By its various forms, the system of physical education is included in all the main types of human social activity. The system of physical education satisfies not only his biological needs in movement, but also social - the formation of the personality, the improvement of social relations (physical culture and sports activities are subject to strict rules and norms of behavior).

Realizing its educational and pedagogical functions, the system of physical education is able to solve the problems of moral, aesthetic, labor and intellectual development.

The physical education system is a developed area of ​​economic relations.

Being complex in its organizational structure (a combination of the principles of state and public leadership), it also combines sources of financing and material and technical support of various origins: the state budget, public funds, funds of enterprises, trade unions, cooperative societies, sponsorship, etc.

In economic terms, the system acts as branch national economy, which includes a developed network of production of material and non-material nature. In the sphere of material production, the labor of workers in the industry has a material, material form: sports facilities, inventory, footwear, clothing. But this sphere is of a service nature in relation to the main sphere of the physical education system - non-production, aimed at the physical improvement of a person.

2. Legal basis.

The physical education system is based on a certain set of regulations governing its functioning. These acts have different legal force (laws, regulations, decrees, instructions). A special place among them is occupied by the Constitution, which enshrines the right of people to physical education. There are also other regulatory documents that determine the activities of organizations and institutions that provide physical education (kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, universities, etc.).

3. Methodological foundations.

The methodological foundations are revealed in the laws of physical education and the corresponding recommendations for the implementation of the principles of training and education, as well as for the use of means, methods and forms of organizing classes in each social group of the population.

In the methodological foundations, a characteristic feature of the physical education system is expressed - its scientific nature. The initial theoretical positions and methods of their practical implementation are developed based on the fundamental sciences (philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, biology, etc.) by a whole complex of specialized theoretical and sports-pedagogical sciences.

4. Program and regulatory framework.

The program and regulatory framework is disclosed in a three-stage system of interrelated regulatory requirements for the level of physical fitness and physical education of the population.

1) Unified state programs of physical education determine the mandatory minimum of physical education, carried out in nurseries, kindergartens, general education schools, in secondary special and higher educational institutions.

These programs establish the basic means of physical education and regulatory requirements for indicators of physical fitness and physical education, taking into account age, gender and type of educational institution.

2) The sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus is the program and regulatory framework for the requirements for the physical training of people. The complex covers persons of both sexes between the ages of 7 and 17. Part of the funds and some regulatory requirements of the complex are included in the unified state programs of physical education. This reveals their interdependence.

The progressive development of the physical education system is accompanied by a change in the content, structure and regulatory requirements of the physical culture and health complex of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with age capabilities, regulatory requirements increase in each successive stage.

The normative requirements of each stage determine, firstly, the quantitative criteria of achievements in some of the most important actions for a person (running, jumping, etc.); secondly, the range of vital motor skills that a person needs for full-fledged life; third, the amount of theoretical information about the rules of personal and public hygiene.

3) The unified sports classification is the highest final stage of the program-normative basis of the physical education system. It establishes principles and rules for assigning sports categories and titles that are uniform for all sports organizations in the country, as well as standard requirements for the fitness of athletes that are uniform in each sport. The main purpose of the sports classification is to promote the mass character of sports, the comprehensive education of athletes, improve the quality of their training and, on this basis, achieve the highest sports results.

The composition of sports and the regulatory requirements for individual sports are reviewed approximately every four years, usually in the first post-Olympic year. Thus, the required perspective for the development of each sport is created for the next Olympic Games.

The sports classification provides for two types of regulatory requirements: category norms for sports, in which the results are assessed by objective indicators (in terms of time, weight, distance, etc.), and category requirements for sports, in which achievement is assessed in fact. and the value of a victory won in a competition personally or as part of a team (boxing, sports games, etc.).

The Regulation on the Unified Sports Classification provides for the rules that oblige the athlete to improve their theoretical training and general physical fitness. This creates conditions for the all-round development of a person and establishes continuity with the sports and recreation center of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Organizational framework.

The organizational basis of physical education systems is a combination of state and public forms of government.

The state form of government is carried out by state bodies and institutions on the basis of uniform programs.

The main links of the state form of leadership and the implementation of physical education are:

Ministry of Public Education (kindergartens and nurseries, secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities);

Ministry of Defense (military units and subdivisions, military schools, institutes, academies);

Ministry of Health (sports dispensaries, polyclinics [exercise therapy], health resorts);

Ministry of Culture (clubs, houses and palaces of culture, parks of culture and rest);

Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (DYUSSH, SHVSM, SDYUSHOR).

The public-amateur form of organization and leadership is aimed at mass coverage of physical education on an amateur basis of all age contingents of the population.

These include: trade unions, defense organizations - DOS AAF, sports clubs, sports associations (DSO - Dynamo, Spartak, etc.).

5. The main directions of the physical education system

The predominant solution of certain pedagogical problems allows us to distinguish three main directions in physical education:

1. General physical education.

General physical education is aimed at improving health and maintaining performance in educational or work activities. In accordance with this, the content of physical education is focused on mastering vital motor actions, coordinated and balanced development of strength, speed, endurance, dexterity and mobility in the joints. General physical education creates that mandatory minimum of a person's physical fitness, which is necessary for normal life, for specialization in any kind of professional or sports activity. It is carried out in preschool institutions, in physical education lessons, in a general education school, in sections (groups) of general physical training and groups of a physical culture and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus, in health groups, etc.

2.Physical education with a professional orientation.

Physical education with a professional orientation is designed to ensure the nature and level of physical readiness that a person needs in a specific type of labor or military activity (in this sense, they speak of the special physical education of an astronaut, a high-altitude fitter, etc.).

The content of physical training is always conditioned by the requirements of a specific type of professional activity. Therefore, physical exercises for classes are selected that would most contribute to the formation of work skills, correspond to the conditions of present and future work activity. Physical training is carried out in special secondary, higher educational institutions and in the army.

3. Physical education with a sports orientation.

Physical education with a sports orientation provides an opportunity to specialize in the chosen type of physical exercises and achieve maximum results in them. Physical education aimed at preparing for high achievements in the chosen sport is called sports training.

Sports training together with sports orientation and selection, theoretical studies of athletes, rehabilitation activities, etc. constitute what is commonly called sports training.

In sports training, some of its aspects are conventionally distinguished, including physical training, which provides a high level of functional capabilities of the body and strengthening the athlete's health for maximum achievements in the chosen sport.

All three directions are subject to a single goal, general objectives and principles of the physical education system.


Thus, the tasks set were achieved in the work. The work revealed the basic concepts of physical education. The principles, main directions of physical education are considered.

In the process of physical education, one cannot lose the progressive, humanistic, personal orientation of physical education. The problems of physical education should take their rightful place in the State program for the education of young people. There should be an adjustment to the problems of physical education and the ways of its implementation. This process should be permanent, leading to effective practical steps that contribute to improving the quality of life and health of children, pupils and students.

Used literation

1. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture: a textbook for institutes TMPK - M .: FiS, 1991.

2. Molchanov S.V. The triunity of physical culture: (Historical theoretical analysis of the social-pedagogical system). - Minsk: Polymya, 1991.

3. Rodionov A., Rodionov V. Physical development and mental health. Program for the development of a child's personality by means of physical activity. - M .: TEIS, 1997.

4. Theory and methodology of physical education / BA. Ashmarin, Yu.A. Vinogradov, Z.N. Vyatkina and others; Ed. B.A. Ashmarin. - M .: Education, 1990.

5. Furmanov A.G. Recreational physical culture. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003.

6. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. - M., 2001.-607s.

7. Nastaўnitskaya Gazeta ad 28 verasnya 2000. The concept of physical education in the Republic of Belarus in the context of education reform.

8. Rashchupkin G.V. Physical culture of schoolchildren in grades 9-10. Kiev, 1979.-174s.

9. Savin N.V. Pedagogy. M., 1972 .-- 303s.

10. Ter-ovanesyan A.L. Pedagogical foundations of physical education. - M., 1978. - 206s.

11. Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. - M, 1997 .-- 512s.

12. Shchukina G.I. Pedagogy. - M., 1971. -384s.

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At the present stage of development of the theory and methodology of physical education, the question of developing an integrated approach to defining the main concepts of this direction has become relevant. This is due, first of all, to the need to establish the relationship of concepts related to physical education with leading general pedagogical terms and categories.


Physical education is a type of education, the specificity of the content of which reflects the teaching of motor exercises, the formation of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical culture knowledge and the formation of a conscious need to familiarize with physical education.

The system of physical education is a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, which includes ideological, scientific-methodological, program-normative and organizational bases that ensure the physical perfection of people.

The sphere of physical education includes many concepts that reflect the essence and specifics of this process. Among them are physical development, physical fitness, physical education, physical culture work, physical fitness, physical perfection.

Physical (bodily) development is a complex of changes in the human body, characterized by a need, regularity and a predetermined tendency (progressive or regressive).

Physical development is understood as the process and result of the formation of the abilities and functions of the human body, achieved under the influence of heredity, the environment and the level of physical activity.

Physical formation is the action of the environment on a person with the aim of changing the level of his bodily organization. It can be both spontaneous and purposeful.

Physical culture work is a form of active human activity towards others and towards oneself in order to achieve physical perfection.

Physical culture is a type of material culture that characterizes the level of formation of both society as a whole and a person separately from the side of the intensive, purposeful formation of one's own physical perfection.

The doctrine of physical culture is the highest form of scientific knowledge, which gives a holistic view of the patterns and relationships of intensive, purposeful formation of physical perfection.

Physical training in a broad sense is interpreted as a process of developing physical strengths and mastering basic movements.

Physical training in a narrow sense is interpreted only as a process of upbringing physical qualities.

Physical perfection is a historically conditioned standard of physical development and physical fitness of a person.

The main means of physical education are: physical exercises and procedures, gymnastics, games, sports, daily regimen.


Physical exercises and procedures are conscious motor actions aimed at solving specific problems of physical education.

They are carried out according to a specific method and have a great impact on the functioning of the central nervous system, reduce the fatigue of the cerebral cortex and increase overall functionality. After the exercises, the body of the students can more easily cope with the intense educational work. In addition, under the influence of physical exercises, the musculoskeletal system improves: the bones become stronger and more mobile in the joints, the size of the muscles, their strength and elasticity increase. Physical procedures are also of particular importance, as they are used to develop and maintain the muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs.

Gymnastics is a diverse set of exercises that have a multifaceted beneficial effect on the body in general and in particular. Gymnastic procedures differ in terms of time and amount of physical activity during classes. In the practice of physical education, the following types of gymnastics have been formed: basic, sports, acrobatics, artistic, hygienic, and therapeutic.

In the physical education of students, the main role belongs to basic gymnastics, the procedures of which make up a considerable part of the school curriculum for physical culture. The content of the exercises ensures the general physical formation of students and the formation of life skills for work and life (movement in the appropriate direction, control of the movements of the arms, legs, body, head, working postures). All kinds of exercises are designed for strength, endurance, speed.

An important place in the life of students is taken by hygienic gymnastics: morning exercises, physical activity during recess, physical education in the classroom in various subjects. This allows you to keep your body awake throughout the day, as well as reduce fatigue.

Games are also a means of physical education and play a special role in physical development. Regular holding of games requires the activity of the students themselves and contributes to the formation of their main motor skills and such qualities as speed, dexterity, strength, endurance. The emotionality of games presupposes an opportunity for the manifestation of personal characteristics and initiative. In addition, the games improve the mood of the students.

Team games help to strengthen mutual support, teach collectivism. United by one goal, students show mutual support and assistance, which leads to the strengthening of friendly relations and team building.

Games are subdivided into active and sports. They are included in school physical education programs. Outdoor games in the elementary grades of the school are conducted at physical education lessons, during recess, in various sections and, to a greater extent, in the fresh air. In the middle and senior grades, the role of sports team games is increasing.

Some types of physical exercise are considered as separate sports (athletics, skiing, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, and others). Sport as a means of physical education makes it possible to comprehensively implement the tasks of maintaining well-being, the development of physical strength and motor abilities, moral and volitional qualities with the achievement of great results in certain sports. Sports are considered specific to sports. As a means of monitoring the state of physical culture and sports work, they stimulate physical perfection and promote involvement in sports.

In the practice of physical education of schoolchildren, walks, excursions, and hiking trips are also used. They not only improve overall well-being, bring up physical conditioning, but also allow you to broaden your horizons. Hikes equip students with the necessary skills of a marching life, teach them to endure the action of natural factors and correctly apply them in order to improve the body's health.

Natural factors can also become private means of physical education. Sunbathing, swimming, showers or body wipes are used as wellness treatments.

The daily routine describes the rigid routine of life and activity of students, the appropriate alternation of the time of work and rest, food and sleep. Constant adherence to the regime forms vital qualities in children - accuracy, organization, discipline, a sense of time and self-control. The mode synthesizes all kinds of means and forms of physical education, makes it possible to use them comprehensively in the practice of working with students.

The value of physical education

Physical education and sports are so important in life that it is impossible to overestimate it. Everyone can, without the help of others, are able to study and appreciate the importance of physical education and sports in their own personal life. But with all this, one should not forget that physical culture and sports are of national importance, it is really the strength and health of the nation.

The complex of physical education means exists for the harmonious development of a person. Physical culture classes relieve mental fatigue and fatigue of the whole organism, increase its functionality, and promote health.

It is important that physical education is part of a joint healthy lifestyle. A clear, correct daily routine, an intense motor regimen, together with systematic hardening procedures, provide the greatest mobilization of the body's defenses, and, therefore, provide tremendous opportunities to maintain good health and increase life span.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is focused not only on protecting and strengthening health, but also on the harmonious development of the individual, including physical and spiritual interests, human capabilities, and the correct use of his reserves.

Physical education system - a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, ensuring the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The basics: 1. Worldview... Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity. Ideological attitudes are aimed at promoting the all-round development of the individual, strengthening and maintaining health for many years, preparing on this basis for professional activities.

2. Theoretical and methodological. Scientific provisions of natural, social, pedagogical sciences, on the basis of which "Theory and methodology of physical education" develops the laws of physical education.

3. Regulatory software. Norms and requirements of state programs, norms of the Unified Russian Sports Classification, norms of the All-Russian complex "Physical Culture and Health".

4. Organizational:

- state forms of organization (compulsory physical exercises in preschool institutions, general education schools, professional educational institutions, the army, in medical and preventive organizations);

Social and amateur forms of organization (the system of voluntary sports societies: "Spartak", "Lokomotiv", "Dynamo", "Labor reserves", etc.);

Management and management bodies (Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, State Duma Committee for Tourism and Sports, regional and municipal committees for physical culture and sports, relevant departments of the Ministry of Education, regional and municipal departments of education authorities).

The purpose of the physical education system - optimization of the physical development of a person, the all-round improvement of the physical qualities and abilities inherent in each in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities and to ensure, on this basis, the preparedness of each member of society for fruitful labor and other types of activity.

The objectives of the physical education system:

1. Wellness (tasks to optimize physical development):

Optimal development of human physical qualities;

Strengthening and maintaining health, including hardening the body;

Improvement of physique and development of physiological functions;

Maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years.

2. Educational:

Formation of vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature in physical culture.

3. Educational (tasks for the formation of a person's personality):

Promoting the development of moral qualities;

Facilitating the formation of behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society;

Promoting the development of intelligence;

Promoting the development of psychomotor functions.

Principles of the physical education system:

The principle of influencing the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two provisions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form a harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education and related forms of using physical culture, an integrated approach is needed in solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Complex use of various factors of physical culture for the complete general development of vital physical qualities inherent in a person and motor abilities based on them, along with the formation of a wide fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life. In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical education, it is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special physical training.

The principle of linking physical education with the practice of life (the principle of application). This principle to the greatest extent reflects the purpose of physical culture: to prepare a person for labor, as well as, by virtue of necessity, for military activity. The principle of applicability is concretized in the following provisions.

1. Solving specific tasks of physical training, other things being equal, one should give preference to those means (physical exercises) that form vital motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any forms of physical culture, it is necessary to strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as the diversified development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully associate physical cultural activity with the formation of an active life position of the individual on the basis of upbringing of industriousness, patriotism and moral qualities.

The principle of a health-improving orientation. The meaning of the principle lies in the obligatory achievement of the effect of strengthening and improving human health.

In modern education, one of the main areas of training is physical education from an early age. Now, when children spend almost all their free time at computers and phones, this aspect is becoming especially relevant. After all, the upbringing of which is the goal of modern education is not only a complex of knowledge and skills, but also good physical development, which means good health. That is why it is important to know the principles of physical education, its purpose and objectives. Such knowledge will help each parent to take an active part in the formation of a healthy personality of their child from the preschool level and help him develop correctly.

Physical education: goals, objectives, principles

Physical education is an educational process that is aimed at forming a child's motor skills, his psychophysical qualities, as well as helping him to make his body perfect.

The purpose of this direction is to bring up a harmoniously developed, physically perfect child, who has such qualities as cheerfulness, vitality, and the ability to be creative at a high level. Physical education is aimed at solving such problems as:

The improvement of the child's health is a priority task of the pedagogical process and is aimed at strengthening the health and protection of the child's life. This also includes harmonious psychomotor development, increased immunity through hardening, as well as increased efficiency. Wellness tasks are designed to:

  • help to form the correct posture, curves of the spine, a harmonious physique;
  • develop the arches of the foot;
  • to strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus;
  • regulate the growth and mass of bones;
  • develop muscles of the face, body and all other organs.

Educational tasks are aimed at forming motor skills and abilities, as well as developing psychophysical qualities. This also includes the acquisition of a certain system of knowledge about sports exercises, their structure and what kind of health-improving function they have for the body. In the process of upbringing, a child must become aware of his motor actions, learn the terminology, physical and spatial, as well as acquire the necessary level of knowledge about the correct performance of movements and sports exercises, fix in his memory what objects, shells, manuals are called, and remember how to use them. He must cognize his body, and the pedagogical process is designed to form his bodily reflection.

They consist in the formation of the ability to rationally use in independent motor activity, as well as in assistance in acquiring gracefulness, flexibility and expressiveness of movements. Such qualities as independence, initiative, creativity, self-organization are trained. Education of hygienic qualities is formed, as well as assistance to the educator in organizing various games. The educational tasks include the creation of favorable conditions for the formation of positive personality traits, the laying of its moral foundations and strong-willed qualities, instilling a culture of feelings and aesthetic attitude to sports exercises.

Solving all problems in unity is the key to the formation of a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality.

The principles of physical education are made up of the basic methodological laws of the pedagogical process, which are expressed in the basic requirements for the content, construction and organization of the educational and methodological process.

Harmonious physical education is possible in combination of general pedagogical and specific laws of this direction of education.

General pedagogical principles: awareness, activity, consistency and repetition

The principles of physical education of preschool children are based primarily on the basic pedagogical, which are designed to help in achieving the goal. Only the unity of all components ensures the development of the child at the required level. So, the basic principles of physical education of preschoolers based on general pedagogical:

Gradualness, clarity, accessibility, individualization - other general pedagogical principles

It should be borne in mind that each of these principles in a complex ensures the formation of a healthy, developed personality. Failure to comply with at least one of them reduces the likelihood of an accurate achievement of the set goal.

Principles of Physical Education: Characteristics of Each Principle

Modern requirements for education imply careful adherence to all the rules of education for the systematic achievement of the goal. Preschool age is the initial stage of personality learning. And right now it is extremely important to take into account all the principles of physical education, so that by the transition to a new link in education, the child has the necessary motor skills, bodily reflection and other indicators of a physically developed personality. The principles to be followed in this area of ​​education are as follows:

  1. which is one of the most important. They provide the order of the sessions, the connection between them, and how often and for how long they should be done. Classes are the key to the correct physical development of a preschooler.
  2. The principle of systematic alternation of rest and stress. In order to increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to combine high activity and rest of the child in various types of motor activity. This principle is expressed in a dynamic change in the forms and content of functional loads from one stage to another.
  3. The principle of a gradual build-up of developmental and training influences determines a sequential increase in loads. This approach increases the developmental effect, enhances and renews the effect of exercises on the body in the course of this direction of education.
  4. The principle of cyclicality provides a repetitive sequence of classes, thus making it possible to increase their effectiveness, improve the physical fitness of a preschooler.

Other principles of the system of this direction of education

The description of the principles of physical education will be incomplete without mentioning the rest of the basic norms:

The educator is required to strictly adhere to each principle in order for the upbringing of the preschooler's personality to be as effective as possible.

Methods of this direction of education

The method is understood as a set of techniques that are aimed at optimizing the educational process. The choice of the method is determined by the tasks facing the educator for a specific period of time, the content of educational activities, as well as the individual and age characteristics of the preschooler.

The methods and principles of physical education in the aggregate are aimed at achieving a single goal: the formation of a physically developed personality.

It should be borne in mind that activation of physical and mental strength, and then rest after exertion, restore performance much faster and more efficiently.

The main methods of this direction of education, which are fundamental for the educator in the process of working with preschoolers, are as follows:

  1. An information-receptive method that determines the relationship and interdependence of the joint activities of the child and the educator. Thanks to him, the educator can concretely and clearly convey knowledge to the preschooler, and he can consciously remember and perceive them.
  2. Reproductive, another name for which is the method of organizing the reproduction of methods of activity. It consists in thinking over a system of physical exercises, which are aimed at reproducing actions already known to a preschooler, formed through the use of an information-receptive method.
  3. learning is an integral part of systemic education, which without it will be incomplete. This is due to the fact that the child cannot learn to think, as well as develop creative abilities to the required level only through the assimilation of knowledge. The basis of problem learning is formed by the laws of the development of human thinking and his creative activity for cognition. The child's mental activity is activated when he needs to understand something. In search of a solution to a particular problem, he independently obtains knowledge. And they are absorbed better than ready-made answers. In addition, when a child solves tasks that are feasible for his age in outdoor games, this contributes to the development of his self-esteem and self-confidence. By introducing problem situations into motor activity, the educator makes teaching more interesting and effective. In addition, this is a good prerequisite for the development of creative abilities, which become an integral part of the development of preschoolers.
  4. The method of strictly regulated exercise solves the problem of providing the best conditions for the child to master motor skills and develop psychophysical qualities.
  5. assuming the movement of a preschooler in a predetermined circle, the performance of specific tasks and exercises that make it possible to influence various muscle groups, organs and systems of the body. The goal of this method is to achieve a high health-improving effect from exercise and to increase the body's performance.

General didactic methods of this direction of upbringing of preschoolers

In addition to the above, there are other methods of this direction of upbringing of preschoolers, which are general didactic:

In the learning process, it is important to take into account that all methods and principles of physical education are interconnected and should be applied in a complex for a more effective result.

Physical exercise - development of independence and creativity

The first seven years of a child's life are a period of intensive development, both physical and mental. That is why it is so important to provide him with optimal learning conditions and implement all the principles of physical education. His future work and academic achievements directly depend on how well he will control his body and its movements. Dexterity and orientation, as well as the speed of the motor reaction, are of great importance.

Having correctly organized the physical education of a preschooler in everyday life, the teacher and parents ensure the fulfillment of a motor regime, which is a necessary condition for a healthy physical and mental state of the child during the day.

Forms of implementation of physical education of a preschooler

The main principle of physical education is the implementation of the goals and objectives. What is achieved by various forms of physical activity:

  • outdoor games;
  • stroll;
  • individual work with an individual preschooler or a small group;
  • engaging children in various physical exercises in an independent form;
  • sports holidays.

Regular physical education lays the foundation for how well a child will master motor skills.

However, the educator cannot, within the framework of such activities, ensure the improvement of the acquired skills, their stability, as well as the ability to independently acquire them in everyday life. That is why the implementation of the principles of physical education takes place throughout the school day with the help of various forms of work. For this, in addition to gymnastics every morning and a specific number of exercises, the daily schedule provides time for various outdoor games, personal activities, as well as providing the opportunity for children to play independently or in small groups. Thus, the principles of physical education of preschool children are implemented practically through all forms of activity during their stay in a preschool institution.

Compliance with each principle is the key to successful achievement of the goal

Preschool education is the initial stage of a child's educational and cognitive activity. Indeed, at this time, the foundation is being formed on which the success of further education will be based. And given the close relationship of physical education with the health of the child, this is the basis for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality. That is why it is necessary to observe all the principles of physical education. By briefly examining each of them, you can see the degree of importance of a particular principle in the complex of measures taken to achieve the goal.

It should also be borne in mind that for a more effective development of a preschooler, one should not be limited only to classes in kindergarten. Each parent should fully understand the importance of fully observing the principles of the physical education system for the further formation of the child's personal and psychological qualities. And since it is during this period that the basis of the future personality is formed, it is extremely important to strive to pay as much attention as possible to the physical development of the child. Instead of watching cartoons and playing games on the computer, you should accustom your child to outdoor games. In the process of mastering, they will contribute to its correct physical formation.

The concept "system of physical education" reflects in general a historically defined type of social practice of physical education, i.e. expediently ordered set of its initial foundations and forms of organization, depending on the conditions of a particular social formation.

Together with its defining provisions, the physical education system is characterized by:

Ideological foundations, expressed in its social goals, principles and other starting ideas, which are dictated by the needs of the whole society;

    Theoretical and methodological foundations, which in a developed form represent a holistic concept that combines scientific and practical knowledge about the laws, rules, means and methods of physical education;

    Regulatory framework, i.e. program material, selected and systematized according to the targets and the adopted concept, and the standards established as criteria for physical fitness, which should be achieved as a result of physical education;

    The way in which all these initial foundations are institutionalized and implemented in the activities of organizations and institutions that directly carry out and control physical education in society.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the system of physical education is characterized not so much by individual phenomena of the practice of physical education, but by its general orderliness, and by what initial system-forming foundations ensure its orderliness, organization and purposefulness within the framework of a specific social formation.

The general principles on which the modern system of physical education is based are:

    The principle of all-round harmonious development of the personality;

    The principle of linking physical education with labor and defense practice;

    The principle of a health-improving orientation.

1.4. Components of physical education

Sport is a part of physical culture, based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it. In it, a person seeks to expand the boundaries of his capabilities; it is a huge world of emotions, the most popular show, in which the most complex process of interhuman relations is present. It clearly shows the desire for victory, the achievement of high results, requiring the mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person.

Physical education is a pedagogically organized process of developing physical qualities, teaching motor actions and forming special knowledge.

The purpose of physical education is to educate physically perfect people, all-round physically prepared for creative work and defense of the Motherland.

Physical education is included in the education and training system, starting with preschool institutions.

Professionally applied physical culture creates the preconditions for the successful mastering of a particular profession. The content and composition of PPFC funds is determined by the characteristics of the labor process.

Health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture. It is associated with the targeted use of physical exercise as a means of treating diseases and restoring body functions, impaired or lost due to illness, injury, overwork and other reasons. Its type is medical physical culture.

Background types of physical culture. These include hygienic physical culture, included in the framework of everyday life (morning exercises, walks, other physical exercises during the day that are not associated with significant loads), and recreational physical culture, the means of which are used in the mode of active recreation (tourism, physical culture and health entertainment). The following are used as means of physical culture:

    Physical exercises;

    Natural forces of nature (sun, air, water);

    Hygiene factors (personal hygiene, daily routine, diet, etc.).