Pedagogical Council “Optimization of the process of health preservation and health preservation of preschoolers and teachers in kindergarten and family. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten red riding hood

Pedagogical council number 2

Topic: "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"


Systematization of teachers' knowledge on the health improvement of children of early and preschool age, promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the employees of preschool educational institutions.


  1. To expand the knowledge of teachers, taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.
  2. The search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of physical culture and health improvement work in a preschool educational institution.
  1. Develop the creativity of teachers through play.


  1. Opening remarks by the director E.V. Lemnar "The urgency of the problem"
  2. Speech teacher-speech therapist Pirozhkova O.A. "Health-saving technologies"
  3. Speech by the senior educator AV Gubaidulina: results of the thematic control "Planning physical culture and health-improving work during the day"; questionnaires of parents.
  4. Speech by the educator of the younger group Goncharenko I.Ya. "Wellness gymnastics after sleep"
  5. Speech by senior nurse V.A. Dubeeva "Plan of treatment and prophylactic work in a preschool educational institution"
  6. Blitz-poll, game "Name the FTZ"
  7. Workshop (educators):
  • Plan for organizing recreational work in groups, preschool educational institutions for 2016-17.
  • Demonstrate one of the types of health-saving technologies; designate the purpose, time.
  1. Decision of the pedagogical council

Event progress:

Parable (senior educator)

“Long ago, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. They thought for a long time what a person should be like. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A man must be healthy," the third said: "A man must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others behind the high mountains. Where do you think the gods hid their health?

One of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself." This is how people have lived for a long time, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods! So, the topic of our today's teacher's council is devoted to health, health-preserving technologies.

  1. Opening remarks by the director E.V. Lemnar "The urgency of the problem"

“Taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children, ”V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

"Health is the peak that everyone must conquer himself" - this is how Eastern wisdom says.

The task of teachers is to teach children to conquer this peak. The culture of health determines, first of all, the ability to live without harming your body, but bringing it benefits. So, there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person.

In the concept of preschool education, the solution of problems related to the protection and strengthening of children's health is given a leading place.

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory documents as:

  • RF Law "On Education" (Art. 51)
  • "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."
  • Sanpin DOW

As well as by decrees of the President of Russia

  • "On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation"
  • "On the approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation."

The joint activity of preschool educational institutions and parents to preserve and strengthen the health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the foundations of hygienic and physical culture has not only pedagogical, but also deep social significance. After all, children's health is the future of the country, the basis of its national security.

  1. Speech teacher-speech therapist Pirozhkova O.A. "Health-saving technologies"

What types of health-preserving technologies are used in preschool educational institutions? (teachers' answers)

The system of health-saving technologies in the preschool educational institution.

A healthy lifestyle is not just a sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, therefore the main task is to develop their independence and responsibility.

One of the main conditions for the success of work in this direction is the competent organization of the health-saving process in kindergarten.

Health-saving educational technologies are a systemically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process, aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of children.

The goal of health-saving technologies:

1) Ensuring a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and fostering a health-saving culture as a combination of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, health-saving competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

2) Promoting the formation of a culture of health, including the culture of professional health of preschool educational institutions and valeological education of parents.

The following types of health-saving technologies in preschool education can be distinguished:

  • Medical - prophylactic;
  • Physical education and health;
  • Technologies for ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child;
  • Health-saving educational technologies.
  • Technologies of valeological education of parents.
  • Technologies of health preservation and health enrichment of preschool teachers.
  1. Speech of the senior educator AV Gubaidulina: results of the thematic control "Planning of physical culture and health-improving work during the day"; questionnaires of parents.

The results of the questionnaire survey of parents. Physical education is undoubtedly an important element of family education. However, in this direction, we observe clearly insufficient activity of parents. In order to identify the role of parents in the formation of health and familiarizing preschool children with a healthy lifestyle, their attitude to the work of a kindergarten in this area, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the topic: "Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and in the family." The result is as follows (Appendix 1)


Results of thematic control

« Planning physical education and health work during the day»

From November 9 to November 15, a thematic control "Planning physical culture and health work during the day" was carried out

Target: Analysis of the work system of the preschool educational institution for planning and carrying out physical culture and health-improving work in different types of activities during the day.

Thematic control plan

Sections of the plan Content
1. Observation of motor activity - Supervision of children during GCD by physical. culture, free activities, walking, morning exercises, post-sleep exercises
2. Assessment of the professional skills of educators. Work planning - Knowledge of program tasks and methods of work in the section: "Physical development".

- Ability to plan and organize the motor regime of children during the day.

- Ability to lead the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

- Planning physical education and health work during the day

- Working with parents on this topic.

3. Creating conditions for the upbringing and education of children in a group - Creation of conditions for outdoor games.

- Conditions for independent motor activity of children

During the control, it was revealed that in MKDOU "Kindergarten" Firefly "conditions are created for the organization of physical activity of pupils.

Observation, analysis of walks, schedules, dynamic pauses, hardening activities, morning exercises showed that teachers correctly understand the importance of tasks to improve the health of children.

In all groups, the general daily regimen is observed, morning exercises, hardening activities (by age), GCD for physical culture, dynamic pauses are held.

  • gymnastics is carried out systematically. In early age groups, the teachers themselves conduct morning exercises, accompanied by a musical instrument - a tambourine, in the groups there are morning exercises complexes, from the younger group the physical education instructor conducts morning exercises and GCD in the gym, with musical accompaniment, the exercises are selected according to age.

Children sleep in groups in ventilated bedrooms. Quartzing is carried out in a timely manner.

The conditions for independent motor activity of children have been created in the groups. Teachers understand all forms of physical culture and health work, they know in what period of time and for what purpose to carry out this or that form. All forms of physical culture and health improvement work are interconnected and have a planned character.

At every walk, the presence of outdoor games is mandatory. Conversations are held on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, CGN.

An important role in the preschool educational institution is also played by work with the family on this issue, which is reflected in the information stands for parents.

In general, we can conclude that the work is being done, but not in the system, the child's natural need for movement is satisfied.

  1. Systematically carry out hardening activities, carrying out an individual approach.
  2. Exercise after sleep every day.
  3. To replenish the RPPS on physical education, to enable children to use sports equipment in free activities.
  4. Apply musical accompaniment to awaken children.
  5. In the calendar plans, reflect daily individual work on the development of physical qualities, ATS with children.

Responsible: all teachers, physical education teacher. culture.

Based on the above, I am making a proposal to hold in 2017-2018. review-competition "Organization of RPPS for physical development".

    1. Speech by the educator of the younger group Goncharenko I.Ya. "Wellness gymnastics after sleep"
    2. Speech by senior nurse V.A. Dubeeva "Plan of treatment and prophylactic work in a preschool educational institution"
    1. Blitz survey
  1. What are the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually.)
  2. Name insects - indicators of a person's lack of hygiene skills. (Fleas, lice.)
  3. What proverb teaches us the right diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.)
  4. Who are the "owls" and "larks"? (These are people with different biological rhythms.)
  5. Why shouldn't children under 15 do weightlifting? (Up to this age, there is an active formation of the skeleton.)
  6. How many hours a day should a person sleep? (Adult - 8 hours, teenager - 9-10, child - 10-12 hours.)
  7. What is the name of health science? (Valeology)
  8. Rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day. (Daily regime)

Game "Name the FTZ"

What health-saving technologies can and should be used in preschool institutions?

  1. Visual gymnastics (performed 2 times a day to relieve tension in the eye muscle and prevent myopia)
  2. Physical minutes (held in static classes - mathematics, speech development, literacy, drawing - to relieve muscle tension)
  3. Finger games (performed 2-3 times a day to develop fine motor skills)
  4. Respiratory gymnastics (performed 1-2 times a day in morning exercises and physical education or a walk to restore breathing and in order to strengthen the respiratory muscles)
  5. Exercises for the correction of flat feet (carried out in morning exercises, physical education, during gymnastics after sleep to form the musculoskeletal system and strengthen the arch of the foot)
  6. Gymnastics after sleep (performed daily after sleep to raise tone and vivacity)
  7. Massage and self-massage (carried out 1-2 times a week in a physical training session, is present in the gymnastics complex after sleep for a positive effect on all organs and muscle systems)
  8. Logorhythmic gymnastics (performed to correct speech and movement at any time)
  9. Outdoor games and relay games (carried out in physical education, in free time and on a walk to maintain the necessary motor regime)
  10. Hardening procedures (carried out daily (depending on the season and age) performed by means of air, sun and water)
  11. Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily performance contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit to start the day with it.
  12. Physical education classes. They are held in a well-ventilated area 3 times a week, in the gym 2 times and outdoors 1 time.
  13. Relaxation - is carried out depending on the condition of the children and the goals set, for all age groups (during the final part of classes, before bedtime). For this I use calm classical music, sounds of nature.
    1. Workshop (educators)
    2. The decision of the pedagogical council.

Compiled by the senior educator A.V. Gubaidulina

Annex 1

Parents questionnaire

"Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home"

  1. Does your child often get sick?

not sick at all 1

rarely get sick 56

often sick 25

  1. Causes of the disease:

insufficient physical education of the child in kindergarten 3

insufficient physical education of the child in the family 14

heredity, predisposition

  1. What, in your opinion, should the family and the kindergarten pay special attention to, taking care of the health and physical culture of the child?

hardening activities all but 3; only - 3

nothing 1; all 9

  1. What hardening procedures are most appropriate for your child?

lightweight clothing in a group +

walk in any weather +

nothing - 3; all - 2

  1. Do you think that physical education and sports have a beneficial effect on health promotion?
  1. Do you do physical education at home with your child?
  1. What kind of sports equipment do you have at home?

Ball +; skipping rope +

  1. Are you ready to assist the teacher in making materials for equipping the "Health Corner" in the group?

Yes - 51; no - 23; have not decided on their opinion - 8

  1. Are you ready to participate in the planned activities to introduce children to healthy lifestyles?

Yes - 53; no - 23

  1. Does your child follow a preschooler's weekend routine?

Yes 43; no 2; partially 37

  1. Do you do morning exercises with your child?
  1. Do you monitor your child's posture?
  1. How is your family tempered?

not tempered 8; not answered 6

  1. Who, in your opinion, should carry out work to familiarize children with the basics of a healthy lifestyle?

Educators +

  1. Are you satisfied with the care and medical care at the preschool educational institution?

medical care 2 only; 3 everything except

hardening - 1 all except

informing about the prevention of various diseases - 14

nothing -8; all- 10

16. What questions would you like to ask us on this topic?

The general outline of the work of the collegial management body - the pedagogical council - should include not only the initial and final, but also thematic sessions. It is customary for a pedagogical council on health preservation in a preschool educational institution to be held next after the installation. All pedagogues of the institution, a nurse, a speech therapist, a speech therapist, a physical education teacher, a music worker and representatives of the administration are invited to the event. The importance of the event is dictated by the fact that the implementation of educational programs may be questionable due to low attendance and high morbidity in children.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the pedagogical council for health preservation should pursue goals that are important for the preschool educational institution and its pupils:

  • strengthening and maintaining the health structure of preschool children;
  • the use of effective forms of motivation for pupils and pedagogues to (hereinafter - healthy lifestyle);
  • striving to popularize healthy lifestyles;
  • creating in preschoolers, their parents and educators the skills of responsibility in matters of preserving health.


The magazines "Handbook of the head of a preschool institution" and "Handbook of a senior teacher of a preschool institution" published important materials for heads of preschool educational institutions:

!!! How to conduct a teacher's council for the manager so as not to violate regulatory requirements
!!! What is a psychologically safe educational environment: discussed at the teachers' council

To achieve the goals, short-term and long-term tasks are planned that the participants of the meeting must complete during the meeting or for a certain period set by them. The key tasks aimed at preserving the health of children include:

  1. To achieve the most effective interaction of teachers, physical education teachers and kindergarten health workers.
  2. To systematize health-improving work and physical education of preschoolers.
  3. To streamline the knowledge of teachers on the prevention of morbidity in children, their health improvement and the introduction of methods for maintaining health.
  4. To develop the creativity, health-promoting skills and knowledge of pedagogues in the context of social change and current demands.
  5. To educate children in the skills of cultural and hygienic behavior.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a pedagogical council on health preservation in a preschool educational institution can include methods for activating teachers, and therefore a thematic meeting dedicated to the prevention of childhood morbidity and preserving the health of pupils is held both in the traditional form and in the format of a round table, discussion, brainstorming, quiz.

A meeting in the traditional vein begins with setting the goals and objectives of the meeting, announcing the agenda, clarifying the teachers present and absent. The secretary of the pedagogical council keeps the minutes of the pedagogical council on physical education and health preservation in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The head or senior educator announces the topic of the meeting.

New career opportunities

Try it for free! Training program: Interaction with the parents of pupils in the preschool educational institution. For passing - a diploma of professional retraining. Training materials are presented in the format of visual abstracts with expert video lectures, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

The pedagogical council should be useful and interesting to every pedagogue, therefore, everyone should be involved in the course of discussion, solving pedagogical problems, and planning. An important addition to the meeting will be tables, charts and posters, video demonstrations or informative slides. For a meeting to be effective, it must be preceded by, among other things, the creation of information sheets, the search for statistical information, and current information from the city health department.

Mandatory preparatory work includes:

  1. Creation of an information stand or wall newspaper about the topic of the upcoming event.
  2. Selection of special literature, study and analysis of sources regarding physical culture and health-preserving work.
  3. Preliminary counseling of teachers on this topic.
  4. Visiting colleagues' lessons, organizing open events on the topic of preserving children's health.
  5. Working with parents (questioning, decorating stands, attending parents' meetings).
  6. Planning a scenario (for a non-traditional teachers' council) and an agenda (for a traditional event).
  7. Creation of developments.

At the event:

  • The state of health of children and the distribution of pupils by health groups, which occurs at the beginning of the school year, the dynamics of changes, the number of passes due to illness, the organization of sanitary and hygienic conditions are analyzed. Cases of injuries (if any), epidemics, schedule and results of preventive medical examinations and vaccinations are noted. The physical development of children is assessed (weight, height, physiological indicators of health).
  • Reports of specialized specialists (speech therapist, nurse, defectologist, physical education teacher) and pedagogues are heard, who summarize the results of the work of organizing gymnastics, daily exciting walks, hardening procedures, and preventive measures.
  • A questionnaire survey of teachers is carried out to assess the state of their health and the ability to preserve the health of children, the results of the survey of parents, which was conducted the day before, are analyzed.
  • Videos and slides are watched that create a comfortable atmosphere of friendliness, broaden the horizons of teachers, demonstrate the best practices of introducing technologies that save.
  • Game exercises are performed, elements of didactic games are used - solving pedagogical crosswords, games to continue proverbs, sayings, composing poems or fairy tales, guessing riddles, etc.
  • Discussions are held with the discussion of opposing points of view and the argumentation of each of them.
  • Recommendations are developed for group educators: regular filling of the equipment of "Sports corners", observing the schedule and duration of walks, updating the stand with information for parents, updating the card index of games and walks with children.

If the meeting of the pedagogical council on health at the preschool educational institution is held in an unconventional form, the head and representative of the kindergarten method of the association choose among a number of popular event formats.

Theme: « Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions "

Systematization of teachers' knowledge about the health improvement of preschool children, promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the employees of preschool educational institutions.


1. To systematize physical culture and health-improving work, to establish the interaction of teachers and a medical worker of a preschool educational institution.

2. To expand the knowledge of teachers, taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of physical culture and health improvement work in a preschool educational institution.

4. To develop the creative potential of teachers.

Action plan:

1. Study of long-term plans, plans of work with parents on the topic of teachers' council - otv. senior educator

2. Thematic control "Organization of recreational work in the daily routine with preschool children" - otv. senior educator

3. Review-competition "The best sports corner in the group" - otv. senior educator

4. Questioning parents to identify attitudes towards healthy lifestyles - otv. educators

5. Viewing GCD "Health" on the topic "Non-traditional methods of healing" - otv. educator number 11

5. Sports festival "Play with Petrushka, friends!" (junior age)

"Petrushka's friends" (old school age) - otv. educators.

6. Seminar for educators « Health-saving technologies "- otv.

senior educator

7. Diagnostics of the incidence of children - otv. Art. nurse

9. Making a manual for one of the types of health-saving technologies - otv. educators.

Pedagogical council progress

Senior educator: Let us all stand in a large circle and greet each other beautifully (for example, curtsy or bow)

Well done, today we will not only work well, but also play, because a person cannot be in constant tension and movement - he will get tired, therefore relaxation and rest are simply necessary to gain strength, so that the mood is good and health is strong.

Game "Tok".

Let's join hands now. The current runs very quickly through the circuit. Our hands are our chain. We give each other our handshakes (2 - 3 times).

(Division into teams)

We will now split into groups. (Educators choose chips with numbers)

We will answer the questions that you already know. For the correct answer 1 point. The team with the most points will be the winner. The jury will judge.

“Taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children. " Sukhomlinsky

Health is the pinnacle that everyone must conquer for himself, ”says eastern wisdom.

The task of teachers is to teach children to conquer this peak. The culture of health determines, first of all, the ability to live without harming your body, but bringing it benefits. So, there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person. And in order to understand all the multifaceted nature of this problem, let's clarify what health is. The most comprehensive and generally accepted throughout the world is the wording

« Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being "... (sign on the board)

The loss of at least one of these structural parts leads to the loss of the whole. More often than not, we judge health as the absence of disease at the moment. But the criteria of health are the predisposition to disease, and the level of physical and mental development, and the state of the body's resistance to disease, and much more. Therefore, the main task of strengthening the health of children in kindergarten is to form their habit of a healthy lifestyle.

In the concept of preschool education, the solution of problems related to the protection and strengthening of children's health is given a leading place.

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory documents as

RF Law "On Education" (Art. 51)

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."

As well as by decrees of the President of Russia

"On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation"

"On the approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation."

It is undeniable that the main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for an independent life, giving him the necessary skills and habits for this, bringing up certain habits. -hygienic measures.

Data from various studies show that recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and is only 10% of the contingent of children entering school. There are several components of health: 1. Somatic health - the current state of organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development. 2. Physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and body systems. 3. Mental health - the state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the state of general mental comfort. It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, education and upbringing of a preschooler can be realized only under the condition of close interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

Finish the proverbs about health Cleanliness - (a guarantee of health) Health is more expensive (than gold) Live purely - (be healthy) Health is in order - (thanks to exercise) If you want to be healthy - (temper) In a healthy body - (healthy mind) Health for money ( you will not buy) Take care of the dress with a new one, (and health from a young age) There will be health - (everything will be).

The joint activity of preschool educational institutions and parents to preserve and strengthen the health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the foundations of hygienic and physical culture has not only pedagogical, but also deep social significance. After all, children's health is the future of the country, the basis of its national security.

Physical education is an important element of family education. However, in this direction too, we observe clearly insufficient activity of parents in the physical education of children. In order to identify the role of parents in the formation of health and familiarizing preschool children with a healthy lifestyle, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the topic: "Preserving and strengthening the health of a child in the family." The data of the questionnaires indicate that there are only a few who are engaged in hardening and sports with children.

According to domestic and foreign researchers, human health depends 50% on one's own lifestyle, 15% on the environment, 15% on heredity, and 10% on the level of healthcare development in the country. You cannot improve your heredity and personally influence the level of health care, you cannot significantly change the ecological conditions of your existence, but the lifestyle that a person chooses depends entirely on himself.

Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face:

This is because I did not like to wash in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?

Because I didn't clean them and smoked them, like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such dull eyes?

Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling all over and walking slowly?

This is because, my Baby, she did not exercise in the morning

In general, a systematic approach to the organization of physical culture and health-improving work with children has developed in preschool institutions. In order to provide a child with good health, of course, a lot is important: a healthy lifestyle, and proper, nutritious nutrition, and the condition of the musculoskeletal system, etc. However, as Vera Grigorievna Alyamovskaya and Yuri Fedorovich Zmanovsky state in their studies, the main "whales" on which human life and health are held is the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems of the body. The main means of developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems are movements The development of the cardiovascular system is improved by the so-called cyclic movements, in which the same action is repeated, allowing you to alternate between relaxation and muscle tension. Please name them? (walking, running, swimming, cycling, jumping, etc.) Ancient Greek sages said: “If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! Do you want to be smart, run! Name the types of jogging used when working with preschoolers. Teachers call: running alone (normal, on toes, wide stride, with high knees, etc.),running in various formations (in a column one by one, two by one, scattering),in different directions (forward, in a circle, snake, etc.),with a change of pace, (with acceleration, at a speed),with additional tasks, etc. It is the cyclical types of movements (running, walking, jumping) that are most natural for a preschooler. Therefore, the first statement that the physical education system in kindergarten should be guided by is as follows: when conducting physical education in kindergarten, two-thirds of the movements that make up its structure should be cyclical. (will post a signbon the board)

2 task.

There are -3 hats on the table. You have to choose one of them.

In them, each of the teams is offered a task:

1.. Show the complex of gymnastics after sleep.

2. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

3. Show a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

The assimilation of oxygen from the air by the body is also directly related to movement. Please remind me what is the daily walk duration for preschool children? ( teachers' answers) Therefore, under the second "whale" we will put the phrase: "The walk of a preschooler should be 4 - 4.5 hours a day."

A walk in kindergarten should be interesting, exciting, rich in various motor activities. Name the types of physical activity of children during a walk.

The teachers voice the types of activity, the teacher of the pedagogical council writes them down and fixes them under the phrase (outdoor games, sports games and exercises, individual work on the internal affairs department, independent physical activity, etc.). (jury evaluates)

From all that has been said, the second statement follows, which makes it possible to provide a health-improving orientation to physical development in kindergarten: an increase in the reserves of the child's respiratory system occurs due to regular physical activity in the fresh aire(hang a sign on the board)

3 task.

What types of health-saving technologies are used in a preschool educational institution?

Answers of teachers.

- hardening, physical education, exercise minutes, morning exercises, walks in the fresh air. - vfulfillment of requirementsSanPiN, strict adherence to the daily routine- the teacher seeks to create a favorable emotional environment in the group- teachers implement a personality-oriented approach to children. It also contributes to preserving the health of children.

The system of immunobiological defense is quite complex, but it is also associated with movement. Each preschool institution uses a variety of health-preserving technologies, compiled its own set of tempering measures, universal, effective and accessible for preschool children. However, when conducting them, you always need to follow certain rules. Let's voice the rules governing hardening activities.

Teachers call: gradualness, taking into account the state of health and individual characteristics of the child, consistency, emotional and physical attractiveness for the child. From all that has been said, one more conclusion can be drawn: organic combination of allhealth-preservingtechnologies in the preschool educational institution contributes to the improvement of the child's immune defense system. (Thang the label on the board)


Blitz - poll

1. Name the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually.)

2. Name insects - indicators of a person's lack of hygiene skills. (Fleas, lice.)

3. What proverb teaches us the correct diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.)

4. Who are the "owls" and "larks"? (These are people with different biological rhythms.)

5. Why shouldn't children under 15 do weightlifting? (Up to this age, there is an active formation of the skeleton.)

6. How many hours a day should a person sleep? (Adult - 8 hours, teenager - 9-10, child - 10-12 hours.)

Teachers, we have identified three statements on which the physical education system in kindergarten should be guided first of all:

1.When carrying out a physical education lesson in a kindergarten, two-thirds of the movements that make up its structure should be cyclical.

2. An increase in the reserves of the child's respiratory system occurs due to regular physical activity in the fresh air.

3. The organic combination of all health-preserving technologies in the preschool educational institution contributes to the improvement of the child's immune defense system.

Do you think this will be enough to make the system Is Kindergarten Physical Education Really Wellness For Our Children? What else should we pay attention to? (teachers' answers) Doctor Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov said that "you cannot gain health by doing 10-12 exercises, or walk a kilometer in 20 minutes." The essence of health-improving physical exercises is the systemic build-up of the body's reserve capacities. Hence the fourth statement: regular physical activity contributes toan increase in the reserve capacities of the child's body. (hang a sign on the board)


Solve pedagogical problems:

Pedagogical situation number 1

How to be a teacher with children who fell asleep late:

Raise them together with everyone?

Raise them later?

How would you proceed?

Pedagogical situation number 2

According to the schedule, it's time to start the lesson, and a group of children enthusiastically stands on the bridge ...

What the teacher should do:

Delay the start of the class?

Abort the construction game?

How would you proceed?


Pedagogical situation number 3

Masha's parents often ask not to take the girl for a walk, fearing that she will catch a cold.

What the provider should do:

Satisfy the parents' request?

Not to satisfy their request?

What else can a teacher do?


Pedagogical situation number 4

In the morning, meeting the children, greeting them affably, the teacher asks everyone what he wants to do before the gymnastics begins. For those who cannot find something to their liking, he gives instructions: feed the fish, wipe the leaves of the plants, prepare the material for the lesson. With Yulia, a little talkative girl, the teacher conducts a conversation about which cartoon he likes best. Asks about its content.

1) What tasks does the teacher solve?

2) What types of activities can be organized during this period?


Pedagogical situation number 5

On any offer brought up some kind of work, the child replies: "I do not know how"

1) What is the reason for this behavior of the child?

2) How to change the psychological attitude of the child?


Pedagogical situation number 6

How should a teacher behave in relation to children who in the classroom several times ask (what to do? How) and require an assessment of their activities (how am I doing? I have it right).

1) What are the reasons for this behavior of children in class?

2) What should the caregiver take?


Pedagogical situation number 7

Some parents are only interested in nutrition and hygiene in kindergarten.

1) How can this be explained?

2) What can the educator do to expand the circle of pedagogical parents?

Pedagogical situation number 8

How to behave if the child invents a brother, sister, talks about them as real ones? Can this be considered a lie?


Pedagogical situation number 9

Friendship children often ask their caregiver to assign them to watch together.

Do I need to satisfy their request?


Pedagogical situation number 10

During a conversation between a teacher and children about the work of their parents, one girl said: “My mother is the most important one. If not for her, all people would be dirty! "

Where do you think this girl's mother worked and where?

Why does the child speak so about the work of his mother? How can you use this example in a conversation with children?

Pedagogical situation number 11

The family went for a walk in the forest. During the rest, a 9-year-old son climbed to the top of a tree. The daughter of 5 years also tried, but she did not succeed. She began to cry and began to ask her parents to help her. Which of the suggested parental responses is the most correct?

1. Parents shouted at their son, demanded to immediately get down from the tree and both children were strictly forbidden to climb trees, explaining to them that it was dangerous.

2. The father praised his son for his dexterity, helped his daughter to climb the lower branch of the tree, then go down independently. The girl repeated the exercise several times.

3. The mother calmed her crying daughter, tenderly asked her son to come down to the ground, and then spanked him.


Pedagogical situation number 12

The child does not want to eat. Grandmother tries to get him to eat the prescribed portion, using a fairy tale, jokes. The mother promises to buy a new toy. The father says: "If you don't want to, don't eat." Who is right?



Now let's calculate the points. Find out which team scored the most points. While the jury sums up the results, we will play a game "Pay attention". We will now stand in a circle. Let's stand in pairs, those who are to the left will be birds - they wave their left hand-wing, those to the right - take the train, they move the wheels with their right hand. As soon as I clap my hands, everyone changes places, who stood to the left, become to the right, and vice versa. (the game is performed with rhythmic music.

The jury reports on the results, awards prizes.

Galina Dzingel
Pedagogical council "Use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

L. I. Kupriyanova (manager)

Lomova G.V. (deputy head for educational work)

Theme: .

I will start my work with the words of the psychologist Victor Pahanyan: “Everyone has the potential to move in a naturally positive direction. To each teacher a sense of self-worth and dignity and the ability to direct their lives and move in the direction of self-actualization, personal and professional growth is inherent. "

purpose of work pedagogical council: Finding ways to optimize the system of measures to protect and strengthen children's health... Designing the model health preservation of children in preschool educational institutions.

The plan of the pedagogical council:

1. About the implementation of the decision pedagogical council number 1.

2. Introductory remarks by the deputy head.

health improvement of children and a report on the use of health-saving technologies(facts, results)

4. "Brainstorm" "What health» , a reflective role-playing game “What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy(Lomova G.V.).

5. Designing the model health-preserving system in a preschool educational institution.

healthy lifestyle of their children.

7. Solution pedagogical council.

1. Execution of the solution pedagogical council:

Conduct propaganda among the parents of the preschool educational institution healthy lifestyle through various forms work: parent meetings, corners health, information stands, entertainment with the participation of parents.

To improve treatment-and-prophylactic and wellness work through non-traditional forms health improvement.

Organize educators MDOU collective visit to the theater, as well as a visit to the spa salon and hairdresser.

Emotional, psychological attitude to work.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said that the only real luxury on earth is human communication. In the process of communication, as you know, many amazing things: the necessary information is transmitted, important issues are discussed, many problems are solved. To make our communication pleasant and complete, let's introduce ourselves to each other in a humorous manner.

Exercise: it is necessary to compose a couplet in which your name appears, starting in words: "My name is Lena, I don't like milk foam",

"My name is Larisa, I am a cool actress" etc.

"My name is Galina, I want to be a ballerina"

2. The theme of our teachers' council« The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions» ... Impossible to have healthy children if they are in danger, both physically and mentally.

According to domestic and foreign researchers, health a person depends by 50 - 55% on their own way of life, by 20 - 25% - on the environment, by 16 - 20% - on heredity and by 10 - 15% - on the level of development of healthcare in the country. You cannot improve your heredity and personally influence the level of health care, you cannot significantly change the ecological conditions of your existence, but the lifestyle that a person chooses entirely depends on himself.

Role teacher The preschool educational institution consists of organizing pedagogical process saving health a child of preschool age and raising a value attitude towards health... In the course of joint activities with children educator collaborating with the family, ensures the preschooler's ascent to culture health.

Valeologists have determined the basic conditions of nature-like, health-saving education:

Meeting the basic needs of the child. In this case, he most fully develops his abilities, learns his own uniqueness; in the process of self-actualization, the main components are involuntarily formed in him health.

Creation of environmentally friendly (adaptation, rehabilitation, educational) space for every child. Only in these conditions will the preschool educational institution be able to reveal the individuality of each pupil.

Raising the need for children health, the formation of their elementary ideas about healthy lifestyle and the development of an individual way of valeologically based behavior.

REGULATIONS (deputy head)

In the concept of preschool education, solving problems related to the protection and strengthening children's health, the leading place is assigned.

Preservation and strengthening today health children is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory documents as

RF law "On education" (art. 51)

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".

As well as by decrees of the President of Russia

"On urgent measures to ensure health of the population of the Russian Federation»

"On the approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation."

"Instructional and methodological letter on hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education"

The listed documents and measures taken by educational authorities helped to achieve certain results of stabilization, and in a number of preschool institutions - a qualitative improvement in children's health... But at the same time, the incidence rates of preschool children continue to deteriorate both in general and in the main classes of diseases.

The kindergarten works according to subject: "Formation healthy lifestyle through the integration of all types of activities ", which means that the specialists of the preschool educational institution and educators work in the same direction, and now educators The preschool educational institution will show fragments of work on health preservation.

3. Analysis of the conditions created for health improvement of children and a report on the use of health-saving technologies(facts, results,

Psychological exercise. (Conducted by G.V. Lomova)

The exercise is aimed at mastering the techniques of relaxation and concentration, which help to increase the energy potential.

Standing, bring your shoulder blades, smile and wink with your left, then your right eye repeat: "I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot".

Putting your left palm on your forehead, then your right to repeat: "I solve any problems, I am always with love and luck".

Rubbing palm on palm repeat: "I lure luck, I get richer every day".

Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by the sunbeam, I deserve the best".

Hands to the sides, clench fists, making rotations hands: "I have no obstacles on the way, everything will turn out as it should".

Hands on the belt bending forward - backward, to repeat: "Any situation is subject to me, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful".

Bouncing on the right, then on the left, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great.".

Hands folded, making a deep inhale: "The universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me".

4. BRAINSTORM (deputy head):

Please tell me what it depends on the health of our children? (motor regime, walk, airing, adherence to the daily routine, (answers).

What health?

(teachers' answers).

To date, more than 79 concepts have developed in science « health» ... It turned out that it is not so easy to give him an exhaustive definition. Let's consider some of them (educators are offered in writing).

Health- This is a normal function of the body at all levels of its organization.

Health Is a dynamic balance of the organism and its functions with the environment.

Health Is the body's ability fit to constantly changing conditions of existence in the environment, the ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, ensuring normal and versatile life activities, the preservation of the living principle in the body.

Health- this is the absence of disease, painful conditions, painful changes.

Health Is the ability to fully perform basic social functions.

Health- this is complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being. Harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, the principle of the unity of the body, self-regulation and balanced interaction of all organs.

Read again the definitions of what is health... And choose the wording that matches the topic of today's teachers' council.

REFLEXIVE - ROLE PLAY “What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy»

We deliberately raised the question of the negative effects on the child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons, the consequences of which we can influence without affecting global: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition, etc.

The participants in the game are united in the following group:





The participants of each group need to determine in writing the reasons that, from their point of view, prevent the child attending our kindergarten from being healthy(in a written form)

Each group is selected by 2 teacher, who will take part in the development of an approximate program of action based on the above group developments.


(By applying magnetic board and marker).

Creation of conditions for health improvement for children;

Therapeutic wellness work in a preschool educational institution;

Organization of motor activity;


Creation of conditions ensuring the protection of psychological health;

Organization of cognitive classes to familiarize children with their bodies;

Working with parents.

6. Memo for parents on the formation healthy lifestyle of their children.

Start a new day with a smile and a morning warm-up.

Observe the daily routine.

Remember: Better a smart book than aimless TV viewing.

Love your child, he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your way.

A child should be hugged at least four times a day, and preferably 8 times.

A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.

A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

Use natural hardening factors are sun, air and water.

Remember: simple food is healthier for health than artful dishes.

The best kind of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.

Solution teachers' council:

1. Observe the conditions necessary for health savings preschool children age:

Individual needs of the child

Health-saving space

Formation healthy lifestyle.

2. Continue to work on health improvement and hardening of children... Physical instructor culture:

Consult with educators"Outdoor games in the air".

3. Organize additional conversations with older preschool children on valeological education. Responsible: all preschool educators.

And as Socrates said: « Health is not everything but all without health is nothing

Summing up my work with you, I want you to choose a flower for yourself, with your favorite color, because chromotherapy is also health-saving technology, on the back is written the meaning of the color, and from you I want to hear a wish for me (one word).

I wish you all strong health!

Elena Klinkova
Pedagogical council "Use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Target: increase pedagogical the skill of educators in the direction "Physical development"; continue to form the experience of the preschool educational institution in health preservation of children.

Tasks: analyze the work educators to preserve and strengthen health of preschoolers; stimulate creative professional activity educators to solve this problem; replenish the bank of ideas with new initiatives educators on health-improving work with children interacting with family.

Form of conducting: mixed.

Agenda pedagogical council:

1. Introductory remarks on the topic pedagogical council senior educator "The main directions of a systematic approach to the content of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions (with using) ».

wellness work of preschool educational institution. ».

3. Productive reflexive role-playing game “What will help a child in our kindergarten to be healthy? ". Analysis of the nominated educators of ideas... Development of "Action Programs" pedagogical collective of the preschool educational institution for the conservation health of preschoolers.

4. Exercise "Watch"

5. Analysis of the incidence of children by age groups.

6. Teacher presentation - speech therapist«

7. Message from the music director of the kindergarten ... Relaxation session with music. Psycho-gymnastics.

8. Message " Use of health-saving technologies in different types of physical education "

10. Making decisions teachers' council with deadlines and responsible

11. Exercise "Present".

1. Opening remarks by the senior educator "The main directions of a systematic approach to the content of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions" (with ).

A healthy baby is a joy, happiness, well-being not only of the family, but of the whole society. To help parents keep your child's health, our kindergarten chose physical education wellness work as a priority.

Each educational institution is responsible for children's health... Most of the time preschoolers spend in kindergarten, under the supervision of pedagogical and medical personnel. The team is actively carrying out preventive work to preserve and strengthen health of every child, solves the problems of psychophysical development of the child, preparing him for school, widely using health-saving technologies.

Efficiency wellness work directly depends on the organization of the educational process, therefore it must be organized in such a way that the training, development and upbringing of children does not harm their health... Our teachers' council is devoted to this important topic.

Communication on the topic "The main directions of a systematic approach to the content of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions" (Annex 1).

(Introduces teachers with the agenda of the teachers' council.)

2. Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Physical culture and wellness work of preschool educational institution. Use of health-saving technologies».

In order to identify the level of work of the preschool educational institution in the direction of physical development in January, February 2017, a thematic control of physical education and wellness activities and, based on its results, an analytical report was drawn up.

3. Conducting a productive reflexive role-playing game by the senior educator “What will help a child in our kindergarten to be healthy?».

For educators I propose to divide into 3 groups, choosing for your table the appropriate nameplate: "Educators (educators) », "Parents", "Administration"(head of the preschool educational institution, senior educator, deputy head of the household). Each group determines from its point of view the causes of the illness of preschoolers and offers any, even the most unexpected and daring, ideas for their solution. All ideas are recorded in the protocol.

Now let's analyze these ideas. On their basis, we will develop "Program of Action" preservation pedagogical team health of preschoolers.

After analyzing ideas educators, identified the main problems and formulated tasks for further work to preserve and strengthen children's health in preschool educational institutions:

1) provide conditions that prevent overwork, physical inactivity, stress in children;

2) organize activities educators on the formation in children of the need for healthy lifestyle;

3) improve the qualifications of the team on the issues of active implementation in; implementation of the most effective

4) create conditions for strengthening health of employees of the preschool educational institution;

5) regularly diagnose the condition children's health;

6) develop new forms of interaction with parents to form healthy

In accordance with the conclusions, an approximate "Program of Action", the table is filled (Appendix 3).

4. Exercise "Watch"... Participants sit in a circle. The numbers are distributed among all the players sequentially, like on a clock. The presenter calls any time. The one whose number corresponds to the number of hours must quickly clap his hands; the one whose figure corresponds to the number of minutes, say "Bom"... If the clock shows a time when both hands are on the same digit, then the same person first claps his hands, and then says "Bohm".

6. Teacher presentation - speech therapist« Health-saving technologies in the correction of speech of preschool children ”.

7. Message "Music therapy in kindergarten" musical director. Relaxation session with music. Psycho-gymnastics.

8. Message " Use of health-saving technologies in the physical education of preschoolers "educator.

9. Auction of outdoor games.

It is proposed to call folk outdoor games, while raising the flag. The one who calls the game last - wins, receives a prize - a folder to create a piggy bank "People's Games"

10. Solutions teachers' council with an indication of the timing and responsible.

1 Create a piggy bank health-saving technologies, replenish it systematically. Term: constantly. Responsible: Art. educator, educators.

2 For educators not actively implement in their work previously used technologies, prepare a presentation report on this decision. Term: before September 1, 2017 3 Responsible: educators.

Make non-standard physical education equipment (1 type-1 educator). Term: until September 1, 2017 Responsible: educators.

11. Exercise "Present"... Each participant gives a gift to his neighbor on the right "present", that is, informs him about what he would like to give him, having unlimited possibilities. The exercise runs in a circle.

Homework. Create picture - self-port. A special feature of this self-portrait will be the need to emphasize your professional facets in it. For drawing, you can use any pictorial means.

Appendix 3 DOE Action Program

Tasks of the preschool educational institution What is already being done Difficulties in doing What else can be done

1. Create conditions for physical education wellness work in a preschool educational institution.

2. To improve the qualifications of the team on the issues of active implementation in pedagogical practice of health-saving technologies

3. To organize correctly the motor regime in the preschool educational institution - the most important wellness and a preventive factor, as well as the general daily regimen

4. Create conditions for strengthening health of employees of the preschool educational institution

5. Implement the most effective health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process

6. Develop new forms of interaction with parents to form healthy lifestyle in the family, prevention of bad habits.

7. Organize circle work to form children's needs for healthy lifestyle

P / p Group Approximate ideas 1 2 3

1 Educators: 1) it is necessary to take an exercise therapy instructor, since there are children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the preschool educational institution;

2) "Begin with yourself!"teacher need to learn to take care of your own health;

3) self-education of educators on issues use of health-preserving technologies... Conducting seminars, consultations of specialists on this issue;

4) the effectiveness should be analyzed used pedagogical methods of influencing children's health;

5) lack of furniture in group rooms, corresponding to the growth of children;

6) conduct conversations with parents about the benefits healthy lifestyle... Organize a club « Healthy family» .

2 Parents: 1) you need to find a way "Tear off" children from TV and computer;

2) you need to find time to play sports with children. For example, on the way from kindergarten, go for a run, do some physical exercises in the fresh air;

3) principle "Begin with yourself" effective for everyone;

4) you need to more often take an example from your children. They strengthen their health in kindergarten;

5) conversations with educators about healthy lifestyle benefits.

4 Administration:

1) it is necessary to organize training teachers methods and technologies preserving children's health;

2) conduct conversations, consultations with parents about the need to comply with the daily routine at home, proper nutrition of children (with video showing);

3) to increase the physical activity of children during the day in order to prevent hypodynamia, posture disorders;

Appendix 1 "The main directions of a systematic approach to the content of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions"

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, education should become even safer, health-forming, health-preserving.

Security health children is a priority area of ​​activity of the whole society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and, in the future, are able to engage in productive and useful work. Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of the physical and mental health... Up to 7 years, a person goes through a huge path of development, unrepeatable throughout his subsequent life. It is very important at this stage to form a knowledge base and practical skills in children. healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving health the child at all stages of his learning and development. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening pupils' health... Their complex has now received a common name. « health-saving technologies» ... The main purpose of such new technologies - to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and most importantly - the children themselves to preserve and strengthen health.

Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational wellness, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between the child and teacher, child and parents, child and doctor.

The main thing for kindergarten workers is to provide the child with a happy childhood as the most valuable period of development. For children to be happy, they must be healthy, therefore, the work of our team is to preserve and strengthen health children is not a tribute to fashion, but a real necessity. No system aimed at preservation and development children's health, cannot give full-fledged results if only one specialist works in this direction, for example, a medical worker or educator... Therefore, only a child-adult community created in a preschool educational institution can give positive results in the process health improvement for children.

Success of implementation work health-saving technologies depends on many components.

The team of our kindergarten before Total:

I studied the features of physical culture - wellness work;

Analyzed the initial state health of preschoolers, and health-preserving environment in a preschool educational institution; mastering teachers of methods and techniques of health preservation; introduction of various forms of work to preserve and strengthen health;

- viewed: interaction of the valeological orientation of educators with the parents of the preschool educational institution.

So, in kindergarten, a system gradually developed health savings:

Various wellness regimes(adaptation, during the holidays);

A complex of hardening measures (air hardening, walking on "paths health", prevention of flat feet; the maximum stay of children in the fresh air, invigorating gymnastics after a nap);

Direct educational activities in physical culture of all types;

Optimization of motor regime: traditional physical activity of children (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games, walks);

Organization of rational nutrition;

Medical and preventive work with children and parents;

Compliance with the requirements of SanPiN for the organization pedagogical process;

A set of measures to preserve the physical and psychological health of teachers.

The main directions of a systematic approach to the content of physical education of children in Preschool:

FIRST direction - complex diagnostics and research of the state children's health specialists:

Examination of children by specialists of the children's clinic;

Identification of violations of motor activity, coordination of movements in conversations with parents and directly in the classroom in kindergarten;

Diagnostics of the general physical fitness of children at the beginning and at the end of the year according to the standards.

SECOND direction includes the rational organization of motor activity children:

Morning exercises;

Physical education (traditional, training, competition classes, integrated with other activities, holidays and entertainment);

Classes with using mini - simulators;


Gymnastics after sleep;

Daily walking regimen;

Creation of the necessary developmental environment;

Strict adherence to the motor regimen and daily regimen;

Conducting physical education, games with movements in free activity;

Musical lessons;

Formation classes healthy lifestyle.

THIRD direction defines the system of effective hardening by steps: from gentle to more intense effects, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. Wherein a set of procedures is used:

Walking barefoot;


Walking barefoot on "Paths health» (hardening, elements of reflexology, prevention of flat feet);

Air baths in lightweight clothing;

Outdoor gymnastics during the warm season.

The FOURTH direction is associated with the implementation of medical and preventive work. Within its framework, the following activity:

Continuous posture control;

Breath control in physical education classes;

Selection of furniture in accordance with the height of the children;

Balanced diet;

Consumption of phytoncides (garlic and onion);

Drinking juices and fruits;

use of air purifiers, quartzization of groups.

FIFTH direction is usage practically tested and approved methods of unconventional health improvement for children:

Finger and articulatory gymnastics recommended for use in preschool educational institutions;

Respiratory and sound gymnastics according to A. Strelnikova;

Psycho-gymnastics according to the method of M. Chistyakova;

Game massage A. Umanskaya.

The SIXTH direction is considered a complex of psycho-hygienic activities:

Elements of auto-training and relaxation;

Elements of music therapy;

Providing a favorable psychological climate in the preschool educational institution.

SEVENTH direction is rehabilitation and correctional Work:

Correctional work with children with flat feet and a tendency to flat feet, with a poorly formed foot;

Individual work with children lagging behind in the main types of movements;

Individual work in the gym and for a walk;

Individual work in a group and on a walk, conducted by group educators.

The EIGHTH direction is advisory and informational Work:

Providing advice to all participants in the educational process, parents of pupils on conservation issues health and preventive measures for preschoolers;

Open views OD with using health technologies;

The active participation of parents in physical education - wellness work of the preschool educational institution;

Design of folders, screens, written consultations, information stands;

Organization of evenings of questions and answers with the participation of employees of the preschool educational institution, invited specialists;

Conducting OOD with children with using health technologies.

Health-preserving technology is a system of measures, including the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving health child at all stages of his learning and development. The concept of preschool education provides not only preservation, but also active formation healthy lifestyle and health of pupils. Health- This is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.