List the rules that must be followed in the family. Do not resort to generalizations. If you are unhappy with some kind of mistake made by the spouse at a party, do not begin the accusatory speech by: "You are always." You only need to talk about a specific fact, and

The class hour is aimed at the formation of a value relationship and respect for the family, the actualization of knowledge of the rules of behavior in the family. When studying the topic, the following control elements of the content are used: love, friendship, goodwill, empathy, respect, empathy, care, morality, conscience, shame, wines. In the classroom materials, parables, proverbs, rebuses and riddles are used.

Recommendations for work with the materials of thematic classes (class hour) "Seven Rules of Family"
or Quest "In Search of Family Treasures" for students of 3-4 grades

Embodiment [PDF] [DOCX]
Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]
Tasks for students (work leaf) [ Docx]

Purpose: Formation of submissions about the family, value relationship and respect for the family, knowledge of the rules of behavior in the family, understanding the need for their implementation.


  • education from the students of the nationwide basic values \u200b\u200bof Russian society, such as the "family";
  • motivation of children to expand knowledge about the rules of behavior in the family, about culture and family traditions;
  • the development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional-moral responsiveness, understanding and empathizing the feelings of other people;
  • educating respectful attitude towards people of the older generation, relatives, close, friends, development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations.

Task number 1. What do you think we are talking about today?

Answer the questions:

  • What is common between the words: sweetness, dear, Lada, rook, storehouse, treasure, getting, palm, pancakes, rude, young, marmalade, chocolate, elda, disorder?
  • What does the word "LAD" mean?

* In the dictionary of V.I. Dalya is reading: "Lada" - "order, really, in order, meaningful." The word "way" means more "love." Lado, Lada - so called the narrowed, spouse. Ladushka called her beloved. "Lada is only more expensive," "My sword, do not scribble me."

Look video Fragment.

Prepare answers to questions:

  • What did the elder answer in the letter? How do all family members manage to live in the world, do not quarrel and not offending each other? What does "Field Family" mean?
  • What do you think it is necessary for the family to be strong and happy?

* Total three words were written on paper: love, forgiveness, patience. And at the end of the sheet: a hundred times love, a hundred times forgiveness, a hundred times patience.

* Home should be interesting, and the family should give good food to imagination and feelings. Smile and positive emotions - sympathy, spiritual equilibrium, consolation, confidence, optimism - create what can be called a family hearth, which allocates people around them, warms them, gives food feelings and relaxing soul. In such a house, good mood and happiness always reign.

Task number 3. Solid rebus. Explain the meaning of proverbs:

  • "Mother's heart warms the best of the Sun";
  • "Who do not like, not listen to."

Task number 4.. Read the poem. Find a family treasure. This word is repeated twice in the poem.

The main thing in the family - love.
She forgives everything.
There will be no grief and worries from those
Who O. love Everything knows.

Answer the question: "Why is it important to love each other in the family? "

* Only when true love reigns in the family, it becomes the highest value, nothing without a replace heart of sincerity and human warmth.

* Love, it means, to understand each other with a half-mounted, from half off, it means to live together and happily. Recall the words of the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Do not look at each other, but look in one direction - that's what it means to love."

Task number 5. Guess the riddles.

One second helps
The second is bored.
One is always different,
And each for another brother.

* * *

Two girls in our family
With them adults do not bring eyes,
They have funny pigtails.
They are funny sister .

Task number 6.. Read the "Junior Brother" poem (M. Skrebtsova).

Answer the questions.

Task number 7. Answer the questions:

  • How was the hero of poem to his younger brother?
  • Tell us what kind of older brother can play with younger.
  • How older and younger brothers and sisters should be done in the following situations:

Your sister or brother got sick;
- Your parents are late returned from work.

Task number 8. Solid rebus. Answer the questions:

  • What is the name of this family treasure?
  • Guess the rebus, insert the missed letters in the poem:

What is important in the family - s aBOthat.
Z. aBOthat is all around.
And we take care
From grandmother's kind hands.

Task number 9.

Answer the question: "What is respect? " Write an answer in one word.

(Are given words for references: Understanding, insult, kindness, help, care, anger, adoption, friendship, trust, honor, tolerance, cooperation, good deeds, bad actions).

* Respect for everyone who surrounds you, respect for another person, to his experiences, needs and interests - the leading demand for moral relations between people in general and family members in particular.

* In the family where a respectful relationship is built (elders - to each other and to younger, and the youngest - to the elders and each other), there is a place and mutual assistance.

Task number 10. Choose from the proposed cards that could enter the "Rules of respect for yourself and others."

Task number 11. Solid rebus. What other family treasures did you find?

Answer the questions:

  • How do you understand the expression "mutual trust", "community of interests", "attachment"?
  • Why do you need friendship people?

* In the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegova, such a definition is given: "Friendship is close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, generality of interests." It is safe to say that the house in which you will be entrusted where there is no good relationship between the elders and the youngest, it is impossible to call happy. The most important signs of friendship are mutual understanding and empathy.

Task number 13. Check video. Solid rebus.

In the house of good deeds are busy
Quietly walks around the apartment of the kindness.
Morning good with us,
Good afternoon and good hour.

And where you ask,
In the house so much kindness
That from this kindness
Flowers are blooming.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs:

  • "Life is given to good deeds";
  • "Good word and a cat is nice."

What does it mean to be kind, responsive, sensitive, friendly people?

Task number 14. Read the story "Cookies" (V. Oseev).

When discussing it is necessary to consider such concepts as: moral, Wine, Shame, Conscience, responding to questions:

  • What mood was all at first? ( Cheerful).
  • Why did mom and grandmother changed the mood?
  • What did Grandma and Mom thought about? ( That their children did wrong).
  • What do you propose to make Mishe and Pete? ( Ask for my mother and grandmother for forgiveness.)
  • What is the meaning of the story?

Why do all the treasure found are family values? Come up with another necessary word (or a few) for the larger of family values, make up the rebus for him.

In order for the family's life to be happy, it should be traditions that share people give everyday life, claim family values. Help in this rules of friendly familywhich can be accepted and recorded on the Family Council. Here is an example of such rules:

  • Birthday family members - reason to tell them good words. Even if someone from loved ones cannot attend the holiday, he must find a way to send congratulations. In general, many family traditions are associated with birthday. For example, the edition of the wall newspaper for a birthday room or
  • Do not miss Sundays (Saturday) lunchs (dinners). Very good rule - to meet with your circle behind the family table, share news, discuss interesting topics. You can make a family game and spend the evening for cheerful board games.
  • Keep old and create new traditions. In many cases rules of friendly family Based on the observance of traditions. They are expressed in the connection of generations, the accumulated experience of communication of loved ones. Times are changing, some customs remain in the past, new ones come to their place. For example, some time ago it was customary to send postcards for the new year in the envelopes of the native living in other cities. Today, communication means allow you to congratulate them on Skype, but many follow the old tradition and send postcards, and it is so nice!
  • Thank! Simple human thankfulness means so much for each family member, but, unfortunately, many underestimate its importance and forget to say "Thank you" for help. Learn to thank people and children to take it to do it. The very meaning of the word "thank you" carries in itself "good", good. Give these bright emotions to all members of your family, and ideally, all people who surround you!
  • Perform what they were responsible for. One of the most important rules of friendly family - The ability to fulfill promises. It is important to agree on it together and observe strictly. If children grow in a family, where they do not throw words to the wind, they begin to seriously refer to the said and hold the word themselves. It forms responsibility as a personality property and character quality.
  • First the family, and then everything else. Not everyone shares this rule, judging by how some adult weekend prefer to spend separately from children, "dropping" them to one of the grandmothers. It is important to plan a shared rest, so that from an early age, the younger family members understood the value of joint pastime
  • "Sorrow remains in the hut!" The old proverb that should not be taken out of the hut, is very wise: - a temporary phenomenon, if only not to start ignite them with the help of familiar and neighbors. Showing weakness and sharing family problems with others, you risk getting instead of sympathy criticism and gossip from which you will suffer, and with you and households. Family problems are not for other people's eyes and ears!
  • Take care of senior family members! The property of each family is old men. They are the main carriers and custodians of family traditions, are alive witnesses of another time, in which neither you nor your children lived. You're more likely, arrange the family evenings of memories, satisfy this memory: the world that the older family members will leave with them
  • I am glad and others just like that! In a friendly family, everyone loves to please each other. Isn't it beautiful when dad brings a bouquet home, although there are no holidays? Or if the mother prepares a delicious dinner of several dishes simply because she has a good mood? And how nice, when the child draws a portrait of a friendly family and gives it home! Positive emotions retain health, prolong life, give energy and strength. So why not enter such a rule?

Undoubtedly, in your family, too, there are interesting traditions about which you may want to tell. Try to turn them into ruling family rules.

The perfect family has no ideal rules due to the fact that such families simply do not exist. Although, of course, everyone has his own understanding of the ideal and we all strive to him. Today we will talk about the rules for which every self-respecting family should live.

If disciplines were taught in schools covering the moments of family life, values \u200b\u200band traditions, the success of marriages would certainly increase. Young people entering the Holy Union often have no idea what kind of work it is.

Observe the rules

A marriage life must begin with truth and sincerity against each other. Futive spouses should be aware of their actions, be confident in choosing a chosen one.

The family is a small society that, in order to live together, should set their small laws and respect them. The moral rules of the family include:

  • it is necessary to recognize each other with the highest value;
  • disinterested care and love of the spouse;
  • compassion and participation in the life of all family members, willingness to help and maintain;
  • conscious desire to promote the common good of the family;
  • refusal to egoism and focus on the interests of others.

The rules of communication and relations in the family should be based on the recognition of the role of each family member. We all play social roles anyway. With parents, each of us fulfills the role of a child, at work we are colleagues, colleagues, at the institute - students. In the family, as in any society, we also assigned certain "parties". Woman acts as a wife and mother. This means that the care of the husband and the children are paramount to her. Respect for the spouse, recognizing that he is the head of the family, love and the desire to be with him one - such attitudes should see children. They are very observant, "fix" every word and copy their parents in everything. Therefore, they should show a worthy example.

The spouse, in turn, is obliged to be born into the role of a caring husband and father, defender expensive and people close to him. Rerepresentation to a woman, respect and admiration for her. In no case can not apply physical strength, not to mention the fact that such a "manner of communication" use in front of children. It is low, dimly and immoral.

Trust and respect between children and parents are very important. If the mother can become a faithful girlfriend for his daughter and the Soviet, then many problems in raising will be avoided. And do not forget to instill with children the elementary rules of etiquette, which originate to the family. Respect for the eldest, culture of communication and behavior, the rules of the feasting etiquette - for all this child will definitely tell you: "Thank you!".

  • In chaotic families, teenagers grow with serious behavioral violations.
  • The fuzziness of the rules and norms, their absence contributes to anxiety growth and confuses all family members.
  • Often the deficit of the rules, their misunderstanding becomes the main sources of disorders and conflicts in the family.
  • The most common example: a mother who complains that children and husband help her and refuse to fulfill her requests. In such families there are always no clear, adopted by all family members, regulatory duties. For the child, it is important to feel the feeling:
  • that his feelings and interests are meaningful for adults and are taken into account when making any decisions;
  • what he can talk about his needs, and they will be satisfied if possible.

It is very important that substituting parents are consistent in their behavior and attitude towards a child.

In order for the child to better control his behavior, it is necessary to help him in this: to establish the permanent boundaries permitted. It is important that these boundaries are, on the one hand, are available to understand and fulfill the child, and on the other hand, they raised the framework of his behavior, which, according to parents, is unacceptable. If the requirements put forward contradictory, they generate internal conflicts in the child.

A brief list of rules that can be accepted in the family:

  1. Treaty rule.
    The basis of the emotional well-being of the family is a contract rule that allows you to respond flexibly to changes, cope with everyday stress and crisis situations. The contract may concern any parties to the family life, especially those who raise disagreements from its members. It is advisable to take a special time and place to discuss the problems and ideas of each. At the same time, it is important to encourage the statement of the child and not criticize it. For reception children, this is very important. Perhaps earlier they did not have such an opportunity, they only accumulated their negative experiences, which prevented their full-fledged development.
  2. Rule novelty.
    This rule may be associated with both the new atmosphere, interaction and food. You do not need to force a child to eat everything and praise what Mom prepared. The feeling of self-satisfaction of the mother is associated with the food behavior of children. Recreation children are usually peculiar stereotypes of food preferences and food behavior. They, like all children, eat what they are accustomed. The requirement to eat everything will be associated with excessive conflicts and insults. Children need to gradually teach new tastes.
  3. Schedule.
    You need to eat in a clear time for this. In children who are raised in disadvantaged conditions, self-regulation and self-controlling are poorly formed. It is better to highlight them on vacation, classes and nutrition, than to be offended and scolding for non-compliance with the rule. At the same time, children are difficult to observe a clear temporary framework, therefore, an expressive response of mother to be late will contribute to the use of children in the name of salvation and mother.
  4. Family duties.
    Households must be distributed among all family members. Often, almost all the duties are fulfilled by Mom, all the time complains how "everyone sat down and went to her." The sacrificial position of the mother in domestic duties is connected with the inability of family members to negotiate the distribution of duties. It can feed the desire for dependency in children.
  5. Rule rule.
    All doors in the house must always be open. The child should feel that in the family there is trust and in any room can be included without warning. At the same time, he needs to have its own space in the house. The rule of observance of borders makes it possible to obtain the necessary autonomy, forms a sense of responsibility in children, contributes to their maturity. It is very important that in the reception family, especially in the first two years, the conditions for distrust and provoking theft in a child were not created. Preferably the most valuable things to hide, do not scatter money around the house, to know exactly how much they are stored in the house.
  6. No need to immediately demand from child success in school.
    The binding of the prestige of families and assessments of children at school can negatively affect the adoption of adopted children, as almost all of them have different delays in development. The self-assessment of the adoptive child is even more than native, depends on what others talk about him, especially those whom he believes is significant for himself. In his life, he heard extremely many statements about the negative sides of his personality, so his image "I" is often negative. The expression of verbal and non-verbal support allows it to adjust self-esteem.

Ways to discuss norms and rules in the family:

  • It is best to do this by a sweet table (sweet relieves stresses).
  • If the child is small, then it is advisable to demonstrate the rules in the game where toys are playing as family members.
  • If the child is left-hand, then the rules better explain to any other child sitting next to him. It is very difficult for him to learn the rules, it is easier for him to follow in their compliance after others.
  • With a teenager, it is necessary to discuss the rationality of the rules, agree on the possibility of joint correction of requirements for it, to conclude a contract for their implementation.
    Family members must follow these rules. Double standard in their performance contributes to the child's depudentation. In order for harmony and understanding in the family, the norms and rules of communication in the family should be jointly adopted.

There is no identical families, all families are very individual. Each good and bad family is good and bad in their own way.

It is impossible and ethically ugly "peer" for families through the "keyhole", that is, to show curiosity, asking people how family relationships are folded. But the result of these relationships is clearly manifested, and it can be seen by what Of these families: law-abiding or violating moral people.

Within 20 post-Soviet years, much was put on a self-shot. Including the established family values \u200b\u200band raising children in the spirit of family-moral morality. But with the revival of spirituality, questions about lost morality were increasingly, the need to revive understanding by each person of cultural, spiritual, moral and family values, about strengthening the family.

Family - the initial link from which any society is built and consists. It is from the family that the origins of the rustling of human roots in the generic soil and the emergence of love for the place where people were born and grew, otherwise they become a "rolling-field" without love for their family, without faith and spirituality.

If you do not start to instruct young parents, do not teach them the azam family and educational ethics, not to fix everything is good in their consciousness, which was worked out in the families of their parents and other demonstration families, how the children of righteous Askhabs were brought up, then it will dissolve and not Leaves a trace in the souls of children. This means that there will be nothing good and in the future, when children and adolescents will grow up, they will achieve majority and want to create their families.

Children like a sponge, absorb everything good and bad. But most often all the good is washed off, and the bad settles in consciousness and begins to dominate the thoughts and fate of the child. In order to protect the children and their future from the bad, I offer parents the following five rules that help in raising both children and mothers themselves and fathers.

These rules are simple in understanding and execution, it is desirable to accept and take the first step in application.

Rule first:

Parents must realize their dominant role in the family, and children - to understand that the owner in the house is a father, and the hostess is a mother. Father performs all male, fatherly duties, mother - female, maternal. But this does not mean that the mother alone must bear all the physical exertion in fulfilling his duties, to her must help the younger children. Father needs to pay more attention to its sons, to direct their attention to the fact that they grow strong and healthy children, they were engaged in sports, they knew how to defend the younger, helped mother in everyday life. Mother should root in their consciousness knowledge of family traditions and rituals. It is the mother who needs love to each other, the feeling of mutual assistance and support, knowledge of the native language and respect for the senior relatives from the side and the Father, and Mother. Children need to know where the roots of their generic tree go from, should feel an inseparable connection with this place, with this earth, with their home. It is this sensation of the fibony will always give them a powerful feeding in the future. It is how it will not give off and go to the unknown gave away from their relatives, close and from the place where they were born and lived for many years of their lives.

Rule three way:

In the family between the native brothers and sistems there should be no competition: neither in the receipt of estimates at school, nor in domestic duties, nor in the manifestation of special talents and abilities. They need to know that everyone can do better and what can manifest itself, without infringe upon the dignity of another brother or sister. They must learn to help each other and be proud of themselves and their successes, and what is wonderful in his brother and sister. It is this that helps children to find a sense of understanding and support each other.

Parents should show to all their children, but if one of them is sick or can not yet walk and fulfill their duties - these children should be the focus of attention of the whole family, and everyone must learn to show special support and care for such a family member . It is so in the family will not be jealousy because someone from the children pay more attention: they will know and understand why this happens. Children must be confident that each of them is desirable, love and need both father and mother.

Rule Third:

In the family undesirable individual punishments and promotion.

The child can not be expelled from the house for the provinity. It is impossible to refuse him in food and drink. It is impossible to remain harsh and indifferent at the sight of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the bruises of the child, because all this causes serious injury to the child's soul and alienates it from his parents. No matter how they guessed the child, parents need to realize that this is not only his trouble, but also the fault of the parents themselves who missed something in his upbringing. This is the parent omission and led the child to the misdeed . Each such a case needs to be discussed in a family circle and make a joint decision, how to help in the future wearing a cooling child. It will help no longer return to this topic. Understand and forgive, forget about the bad offense and remember everything is good - this is how positive in children is raised.

Separate promotions in the form of money for good marks, performing home care, for sports achievements, successes in creativity and other areas should also not be welcomed and should not be mandatory in the family circle. This can be loosen in the children of superiority and rivalry. Children should understand that not everyone can learn equally, create, compose, be the first in sports and somewhere else. The first place always happens one thing, and those who want to take it - a huge set, and it is precisely what parents should explain to their children . And if their children can honestly and adequately achieve a pedestal of honorable, it should be the result of hard work and the desire to express themselves among decent rivals. Their talents and abilities should develop in the right track. And it should not be encouraged by additional monetary remuneration from the father or mother, but to note the success of the child for a festive family table must and need.

Rule fourth:

Children in such cases with pleasure tell about their marks, sports achievements and, if they have problems, trying to understand the help of parents why they arose and how to cope with them.

In such families and problems and joy - everything is common. A friendly family is rejoiced together, and the joy becomes big. And when they are upset together, it is because there is a chagrin divided by all family members, negative experiences decrease and soon completely disappear from the family horizon.

Rule fifth:

They perceive a very sensible face between the truth and lies.

Parents as you like to speak to their children about the rules of behavior and that they need to follow, but all their conversations and calls may be in vain. Adults must remember that, first of all, they need to be such as becoming their children.

If parents say one thing, and to do everything themselves, then the children will not remember their words, but actions.

If the father says that it is harmful to drink and smoking, and he himself will do all this in his eyes, then children are unlikely to believe him, seeing that he himself violates the principles of proper behavior.

If the mother loves to take offaches and blame with neighbors, if she does not pay due attention to the order and comfort in the house, can she demand the opposite of their children?

In the souls of children there will be a precipitate of distrust of such parents.

Each family should not have double standards and behaviors. Otherwise, children simply repeat the fate of their parents, and confidence in parents will be lost. Therefore, parents must first fix themselves and thus will correct the fate of their own children. Does parents can desire bad fate for their children or want children to repeat their sins?

To change its behavior and the right upbringing of children, the power of the Spirit and great patience are needed. In the Holy Quran of the Almighty Allah calls people to patience and spiritualness of the spirit that help people do not get away from the right path, and the grace of the Creator leads their dear truth.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is good for living on the above rules because, in this case, life becomes correct, and this is done for the benefit of you and the happy future of your children.


I wish everyone to know this firmly:

Let even hear all the words for the first time.

For all, the family began to start all.

When the family becomes Meril

God-fearing and faith like one

Unified, enormous word.

When a family is a cell and a link,

The beginning of faith, genus and the whole native.

Do not make evil, do not waste the thread of the family.

Intentionally do not break all the ties with it.

Will not give the creator of a good one who are contrary to

This comes against God's God.

Furiously fasten the relative thread.

Love your family, Testing.

Live with the world and keep the family!