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Flying cars are a real fetish for many futurists and car enthusiasts: what could be more beautiful than soaring into the sky on a winged horse? Inventors are constantly creating and improving more and more new models of flying cars, but only a few of them are really worth flying. This review contains the best models and concepts of modern flying cars.

1. Moller Skycar М400.
This "car", which resembles a cross between a racing car and a spaceship, it seems, can really soar. Its flying abilities are based on the thrust of the propellers, and it is necessary to "feed" the winged horse with alcohol or kerosene. 1200 kilometers at a speed of more than 550 kilometers per hour with a fuel consumption of 10 liters per 100 km - this is what the creators promise. This project has only one drawback: it looks like this is a grandiose swindle designed to deceive investors, and the last tests of a flying car took place in 2003.

Concept car YEE, the gold medalist of the Beijing International Automotive Concept Competition, is interesting not only for his design. One of the main criteria of the competition was the possibility of creating a machine in metal and launching it into production. All technical solutions used in YEE, or already exist, or should appear in the next couple of years - so that by the end of the decade, "May beetles" may be scampering between skyscrapers.

3. .
Terrafugia Transition not too much like a car - its wings are too wide and powerfully spread. In the air, the speed of this bird will be over 185 kilometers per hour, and on the highway - 105 km / h. Switching to airplane mode and back will take about half a minute. What is especially nice, the launch of the model in production should begin this year, and such a machine will cost about $ 200,000.

4. Flying saucer.
This wonderful vehicle is almost antique. Its tests took place back in 1989, bringing the first fame to the company Moller... Despite the fact that the "UFO" eats an incredible amount of fuel, is unreliable, fire hazardous and will never go into mass production, it flies! And at the same time it makes a truly mystical impression. However, it is almost a hoax. A prototype of this machine a couple of years ago could be bought on e-Bay for $ 15,000. It was included in our list solely because of its unique design.

5. Flying buggy.
Lightweight vehicle design Parajet skycar, coupled with a solid propeller, allows it to soar into the sky. To do this, you just need to release the parachute. True extreme lovers can experiment with takeoffs right from the track. However, a parachute buggy, of course, is not suitable as an urban flying vehicle: not only takeoff is problematic, but also landing.

6. .
Maverick sport- another excellent example of a flying car with a parachute. It differs from the previous participant in our review in a design that will appeal to lovers of automotive antiquity. And the level of comfort and safety in it is higher than in Parajet skycar.

7. Helicopter-transformer.
The idea of ​​a flying car with a propeller was continued in a concept from the office ZEEP Design... The car, reminiscent of a futuristic wheelchair, with a slight movement of the hand turns into an insect-like helicopter. In urban conditions, the helicopter also has a lot of disadvantages (even if we forget about the price), but if the "dragonfly" nevertheless takes off, its quirky design will find its admirers.

8. Pal-V: motorcycle and helicopter.
This concept differs from the previous one in a smaller number of wheels, but structurally it is very similar to it: a lightweight body and mechanisms, and the presence of a helicopter propeller. It is assumed that the motorcycle will be able to fly at a speed of 185 km / h, but its fuel consumption is a secret behind seven seals.

9. Flying shark.
Flying concept car Audi shark must cut the roads of the future, relying on an air cushion (apparently, the screen effect is meant). The designers did their best to convey the "Audi design philosophy", but did not think about our poor descendants, who will have to steer such a vehicle that promises to be practically unmanageable. However, it will not take off until artificial gravity is discovered.

10. Flying drop Fuzo.
As detached from reality as the previous concept car may seem, it is easily beaten Fuzo, oriented, according to the idea of ​​the designers, to the 60s of the XXI century. The wheels in it must somehow turn into turbines, and then accelerate the car to new horizons. How many Martian Space Marines fit in such a vehicle depends on the model.

It remains to summarize that there are still few real flying cars, and they are more like airplanes. But we believe that sooner or later humanity will nevertheless fulfill its age-old automobile-flying dream: too many constructors and designers are racking their brains over it.

Aeromobil promises to launch the first flying car on the market. The two-seater was presented at the SXSW conference in Austin. The engineers state that it can drive on a regular road and then transform and take off. It requires a small runway and regular fuel. We wrote in more detail about the functionality of the machine.

Aeromobil will first be produced in a limited edition, stated CEO of the Slovak company Juraj Vaculik in an interview with CBC. It will cost “hundreds of thousands of US dollars”.

Previously, the creators stated that they want to promote the car in developing countries, where there is no wide transport infrastructure, as well as money for its creation. This was due to the fact that Aeromobil can be refueled at any gas station, and the absence of roads or their poor quality is not a hindrance to the car. However, this model is aimed at wealthy buyers and aviation enthusiasts.

In addition to the flying car, the company also wants to launch an Uber-like transportation service. A client who wants to go to the city, say, 4-5 hours away from home, can call a self-driving Aeromobil via the app. If there is free transport in the garage, then he himself will go to the customer and deliver the one where needed. The advantages here are obvious - to fly faster than to drive, the chance to get stuck in a traffic jam disappears, as well as talkative drivers.

The reality of such a service still seems futuristic, but Vaculik is very confident in his team and project.

The timing of this idea is even more futuristic. In 2013 in the United States at a meeting of Congress, a specialist from Carnegie Mellon University said that people will have to drive cars themselves for another decade: "Only somewhere in the 2020s, a car will become a fully autonomous system that does not require human involvement."

Two years ago, an unmanned car loomed somewhere in the distant future, and Aeromobil, two years later, wants to give the world a car that also flies. By the way, it will not be possible to avoid traffic jams in Moscow in this way - flights are prohibited in the capital.

Ideas to combine an airplane and a car appeared even before the Second World War. This was done in 1946 by Robert Fulton. His invention, Airphibian, became the world's first flying car to be certified by the US Civil Aviation Administration. The wings and tail section of this aircraft were removed, and the propeller was attached to the fuselage. With a 150 horsepower six-cylinder engine, the car could fly at 200 km / h and go 80 km / h. The prototype was a success, but Fulton was unable to bring it to mass production - he could not find the money.

Hoverbike Aero-X

In two years we can be pleased and Aerofex with his hoverbike (flying motorcycle). In the spring of 2014, the company announced the release of a commercial model for a price of about $ 85 thousand. It is capable of hovering above the ground at a maximum speed of 72 km / h and at an altitude of almost 3.7 meters above the ground, allowing it to carry two people. The Aero-X is capable of running for an hour and fifteen minutes on a full tank of gas.

Other exciting developments in the automotive field include the car concept Thorium capable of driving 100 years of refueling as well unmanned vehicles Google.

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From a utopia, flying cars have become reality. Today we can talk about 10 models of real cars that can take to the sky.


People have dreamed of flying for a long time. Thanks to this, an airplane was created more than 100 years ago. Then mankind got acquainted with helicopters and airplanes. But one could only dream of capturing hearts with their appearance and speed of flying cars from science fiction films.

For over a hundred years, many companies have worked to create them. Finally, we managed to get the process off the ground.

Flying AeroMobil

The Slovak company AeroMobil has been working since 1990 on the creation of a flying car. More than one prototype was created, a lot of tests were carried out. The car was successfully tested in 2016. Those who watched the flight said the sight was spectacular!

Finally they started talking about its serial sale.

The flying car, according to the developers, runs on gasoline and feels great on highways. But the main thing is that a flying car is able to take off. All he needs for takeoff is 200 meters of flat road surface, 50 m is enough for landing. He can land on any flat area if there is no track nearby.

What is known?


For the manufacture of the frame, steel and carbon fiber were used - a very light and durable modern material.

The flying car is simply stuffed with modern devices:

  • autopilot;
  • perfect navigation,
  • system for performing night flights;
  • rescue parachutes.

It takes him 20 seconds to transform from a ground vehicle into an airplane.


Little is known about her. But, it is clear that you will have to shell out a lot of money. According to rumors, this is at least 300 thousand euros. Indeed, a lot. With this money, you can buy your own two-seater helicopter or a comfortable 5-seater plane.


The car that can fly is named AeroMobil 3.0. Its Rotax 192 engine has a power of 100 "horses". Thanks to the power unit on the highway, the maximum speed can reach 160 km / h, in the sky - 200. But, for takeoff, you need to have 250 meters of a flat and free road, for landing you can limit yourself to 50 m.

And also the technical parameters include:

  • width, in cm - 2200;
  • length, in cm - 600 meters;
  • wingspan, cm - 8300;
  • motor power - 100 hp;
  • front-wheel drive. He pushes the front wheels and propeller;
  • consumption - 16 l / h;
  • Max flight range - 700 km;
  • ground speed reserve - 875 km;
  • takeoff speed - 10 km / h.


In order to be behind the wheel of a fantastic flying car, a driver's license alone is not enough. You will need to take flight courses (or go to a private professional pilot) to get a document that gives you the right to fly.

Folding fenders and wheels are made of super-durable carbon fiber. Transformer weight without fuel and passenger weight - 450 kg. The flying Slovak car resembles the size of the US Terrafugia Transition:

While the flying car is designed for 2 people, despite the size, worthy of a limousine. But, the plans of the company are far-reaching, so they are planning to please with a 4-seater model “not far off”.


Video: AeroMobil 3 0 Official Video 1920 × 1080

Terrafugia Transition

A real car that can fly is a novelty of this year. We can see an incredible vehicle on land and air thanks to developing technologies.


It is a Boston-based TF-X drone four-seater sedan.

The developer equipped it with two electric motors and the same number of wings that can take two positions: horizontal - in preparation for takeoff and vertical - when moving on the ground. Thanks to the folding fenders, the unique aircraft can easily fit in a regular garage. He also has a 300-horsepower internal combustion engine.

With additional propellers and a tunnel fan in the tail, a flying car doesn't care where to land or where to take off. He doesn't have to have a runway.


Its limiting value reaches 320 km / h, and the distance covered by a flying machine is 800 km.


It is automatic. Therefore, a pilot is not required. It is enough just to enter the appropriate point into the control system so that the vehicle starts moving in the given direction.

In a non-standard situation, the driver of the flying miracle has the opportunity to make an emergency landing or stop.

Anyone who has a driver's license and has completed a pilot training course will be able to ride a flying car and fly.


The price of such a wonderful transport, which will appear by 2025, will reach 279 thousand euros. But, in the future, it will decrease and perhaps someday a flying car will become as commonplace as a classic one.


Video: The Terrafugia TF-X


She was given maximum attention. The developer of the flying car claims that flying in an air car that can cover 1000 km by air in 3 hours is safer than driving on the roads.

Other companies are also working on the creation of flying cars, an example of which is another hybrid of an auto and an airplane.

Moller Skycar М400


What is not sold on the Internet. The flying car, created by Moller International, is already up for sale on eBay. True at an exorbitant price - 1 million dollars.

True, a potential buyer will not be able to take it into the air. Until the ban imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration of America is lifted.

The flying M400 Skycar was created by Professor Paul Moller, a researcher at the University of Davis.

Today, the American company Athena Technologies and China are showing interest in his project, wishing to locate production facilities for the production of such flying cars. Therefore, the place of the developer has a chance to come true.

An investor has already been found who is ready to invest $ 80 million in production. Thanks to successful circumstances, preparations have already begun for the serial production of a car capable of flying.

The takeoff and landing of the flying car will be vertical, and this requires careful preparation. The transformer is designed for 4 passengers.

The maximum speed that a flying car will develop is very tempting - 610 km / h. But, it is unlikely that everyone will be able to buy it, since the price is expected to be half a million dollars.


  • number of seats - 4;
  • takeoff - vertical;
  • fuel - gasoline;
  • consumption per 100 km - 8.5 liters;
  • air speed - 610 (at an altitude of 6 km), 480 (8.8 km), 225 (at sea level);
  • flight range - 1450 km;
  • motor - 645 hp


Video: M400X Demonstration flight



The flying car, created by the Dutch, is called the Pal-V. Anyone who has the required amount will be able to buy it in the near future.

A flying machine with minimal risk to the user can "soar" upward directly from the path near the house and without it - from the runway of a small airfield. Of course, the takeoff of a flying car stuck in a traffic jam is not provided, since this is fraught with danger. A driver with a license to control an air vehicle, without which the owner of a curiosity cannot become, can easily get, turning the steering wheel, to any place by air.

And, if necessary, after landing, you can get to the place you need, just like in a regular car.

The novelty is a mixture of a gyroplane with folding blades on the main rotor, and a tricycle, which is capable of tilting when cornering.

This flying car is distinguished from rare analogs by rear-wheel drive and permission (quite legal) to move on highways. He has all the elements necessary for this.

In flight mode, all the power of the power plant is aimed at unscrewing the propeller of a flying car.

It is set in motion by a double propulsion system. Its power corresponds to 100 "horses" in "terrestrial conditions" and 200 - in the air.


Flying car running on fuel:

  • AI-95-98;
  • aviation gasoline;
  • a mixture of ethanol and gasoline in a ratio of 1: 9.

In the hypostasis of a car, the structure accelerates easily to 160 km / h with an acceleration of up to hundreds of 9 seconds. The covered path is 1315 km, and the consumption per hundred is 7.6 liters.

Dimensions (edit)

For road driving, the structure has the following dimensions:

  • length - 4 m;
  • width - 2m;
  • height - 1.7 m.

In flight mode:

  • length - 6.1 m;
  • width -2m;
  • height - 3.2 m;
  • screw diameter - 10.75m.

By air, the Liberty car can fly up to 500 km. The figure will vary depending on the load. But the tank will not be empty. There will be a reserve, which will be enough to soar 3.5 km up and accelerate to 180 km / h.

For takeoff, a flying car needs 180 m of level surface and 30 m to land. Average fuel consumption is 26 l / h.


An empty (without passengers and fuel) flying car weighs 664 kg, is designed for two and luggage weighing 20 kg. Add 100 liters of fuel to this. As a result, the maximum take-off weight reaches 910 kg.

Who is interested in?

The flying car is designed more for Europe and America, since the network of private airfields is well developed there. But, it is planned that 90 first copies will go to the USA for sale, 10 to Europe.


In addition to the cost of the device, it includes the amount for an introductory course and training conducted by the designer. The "net" price for Europeans is 499 thousand euros plus tax, for Americans - 599 thousand euros.

Later, the manufacturer promised a cheaper version. The cost of which lies in the range of 299-300 thousand euros.

Already today you can make pre-orders for this car, make deposits in the amount 10-25 thousand dollars. Deliveries are promised by the end of the year.


Video: Pal-V Flying Car, World's First Flying Car Production Model

Parajet skycar


The idea of ​​creating a flying car is not new. To make it appear in real life, I had to work hard. And now a flying car is already flying from London to African Tumbuktu. This is Parajet SkyCar. Which takes 3 minutes to transform from a car into an airplane.

Two big companies - Parajet International Ltd and Rage Motorsport Ltd have made a deal, so it is possible that soon everyone will be able to purchase such a transformer.

True, it will cost a lot. The construction itself will be done by the second company, and the first company will deal with the details for the flights.


The manufacturer gave the flying car a completely new chassis, which reduced the weight of the air car by 80 kilograms.

Also, the car was supplied with:

  • back parachute;
  • increased legroom;
  • a three-cylinder Yamaha engine with petrol injection.

The power of the aeromobile is higher. Than the models occupying the top positions in the TOP-11 - 140 horsepower.


Acceleration to hundreds in ground conditions requires only 4.5 minutes. The speed is limited to 180 km / h. The traversable path is 400 km.

In the air, the car, for the creation of which they took advantage of innovative technologies, flies at a speed of 110 km / h (in the future, they promise 160), flying up to 300 km. Its take-off height reaches 60 km / h, and its cruising altitude is 900 meters (maximum - 4500 m).


Video: The Parajet SkyCar's First Flight

Maverick sport

The flying machine, which ranks 6th in the TOP-11 from the I-TEC company, is both a car and a paraglider. She doesn't need wings and anti-gravity technology.

The company decided to use parachutes for flights. Moreover, to do this precisely for being in the air, and not using them, as in super-fast cars to help the braking system.


The main one is that, unlike analogues (albeit already at the stage of mass production), this aeromobile is already on sale.


Outwardly, it resembles a golf cart, so it looks a little unusual. If you do not take into account the propeller and the parachute, then this is an ordinary, albeit lightweight, car. But he flies !!!

Flight principle

It was borrowed from a motor paraglider. The flying car was equipped with a large ferry engine and a wing parachute. Having released it during movement, the structure, quickly gaining speed, soars upward, moving along it thanks to the thrust provided by the screw located in the rear.


In order to protect himself and the road users from injuries, the driver of the aeromobile takes off and sits down only on unloaded routes.


Video: Flying Car - Maverick 2

Kitty hawk

The fifth place in the TOP-11 was taken by an all-electric structure with vertical take-off and landing - the Kitty Hawk electric car.

What is known about him?

According to the developers, it will take only a few minutes to fly with confidence in this machine. For this, the flying car has joysticks similar to those used in computer games.


Outwardly, the prototype resembles a huge dragon, under the mesh of which there are 8 rotors that lift it into the sky.

It is registered as an ultralight vehicle, so users do not need to issue a license to fly. They promise to present the aeromobile already this year.


There is no exact figure on how much you will need to pay for the air car, but those who pay a $ 100 three-year membership fee are promised priority in line and a $ 2,000 discount.


Video: Introducing the Kitty Hawk Flyer


The German corporation Airobus decided to realize the people's dream of overcoming long distances, which will not be hindered by annoying traffic jams.

In Geneva, the developers presented an aircraft that makes it possible to glide through the air over a congested highway - a flying Airbus.

The hybrid is equipped with two modules - wheels for ground movement and propellers for air flights.

Operating principle

The passenger only needs to get into the car for two and indicate the destination. The drone will plot the route on its own in order to get to the specified place quickly and optimally. He will decide how it is easier to do it - by air or by road.

On normal roads, it should appear in five years.


Video: PopUp


On the third step of the TOP-11, a flying car made of carbon fiber is an octocopter designed for 2 passengers.


It has 4 wings and 8 screws, which are fixed at the bottom of the wings. The twin screws rotate in the opposite direction, which has a positive effect on the stability of the model.

The device is equipped with a gas engine capable of generating energy. Required to drive 8 electric motors.

In addition, the flying car has two lithium batteries, capable, in the event of a motor failure, to take over the function of unscrewing the screws. For the final version, a parachute will be provided.


  • The highest flight speed - 113 km / h;
  • With a fully charged battery, the covered distance is 112 km;
  • The permissible payload is 180 kg, i.e. it is the weight of the pilot, passenger and cargo.


Workhorse plans to use autonomous control for later models, but for now it is a joystick controller. Those interested should be ready for serial production by 2020. In the meantime, they have time to collect the required amount - 200 thousand dollars. This will be the price of the first samples.


Video: SureFly personal octocopter revealed by the Workhorse Group



This futuristic flying car of the Slovak company was presented in Vienna 4 years ago. After the presentation, the company received an investment of 3 million euros and plunged headlong into work.

At the exhibition held in Monaco (April 20), the next generation transformer was presented. The developers have made "a hundred changes", improving its design and characteristics.

Slovaks do not need to prove anything, because their brainchild rides and flies well.

Technical indicators

  • The speed developed on the roads and in the air is 160 and 200 km / h, respectively;
  • Mileage on the ground and in the sky - 875 and 700 km;
  • The length of the car reaches almost six meters;
  • Width in car and airplane mode - 2.2 m and almost 9;
  • Tank volume - 90 liters;
  • Fuel - gasoline;
  • Acceleration up to 100 km - 10 seconds;
  • Takeoff - at 130 km / h.


They will start accepting pre-orders this year. And the announced price will be from 1,200,000 euros to 1,500,000 euros.


Video: AeroMobil 3.0 - official video

The boxer "four", which the hybrid is equipped with, supplies power to 2 electric motors.

It has a front-wheel drive, the power in the automotive mode is 110 hp. and 300 in aviation.


It accommodates two adults. Takeoff weight (maximum) - up to 960 kg.

It takes 3 minutes for the vehicle to enter takeoff mode.


Belts and airbags are responsible for it (on the ground). In the air, this issue is solved by integrated parachutes with automatic deployment.

The lilium jet


This model is the leader of the TOP-11. An aircraft powered by electricity. It is equipped with 36 electric motors, thanks to which it is possible to reach an exorbitant speed of 300 km / h. It is clear that transporting a person to the right place will not give him any problems.

Its maximum load is limited to 200 kg, which in terms of weight corresponds to the mass of two, large people or three with an average weight.

He does not need a runway, since landing and take-off are carried out vertically.

Below is a diagram showing the cost of driving a Lilium Jet.


The developers received investments from the European Space Agency, the amount of which amounted to 10 million euros. Thanks to them, the tests will continue and the release of this car will come closer, which will save you from standing in traffic jams.


The car has already made its first flight. Its cost, due to the minimum requirements, can be close to classic cars. The speed will be five times higher - 300 km / h. In terms of noise level, even a regular motorcycle exceeds it. It consumes 90% less energy in comparison with conventional aircraft.

In the future, it is planned to increase the capacity.


Video: Flying electric car Lilium Jet made the first test field

The car has long been an integral companion for every person. Many not only cannot imagine life without a vehicle, but also own several cars at once. The passion for cars does not fade away at all, despite all the difficulties of moving your own car in metropolitan areas - endless traffic jams, rising fuel prices and impressive costs for vehicle repair and maintenance.

One of the ways to solve this situation, the inventors see the creation of a flying machine that will be able to move not only on public roads, but also by air. Despite some futurism of such an idea, as well as the possible difficulties in exercising control over the airspace of the city, where a lot of flying cars move, it has a right to exist and continues to be actively developed.

Designers do not get tired of introducing more and more new ideas in the field of developing flying cars, and the concept cars that appear thanks to this, in the opinion of the majority, are more and more approaching the moment when such cars will be mass-produced. Some of the examples of flying cars are already capable of both driving and flying. In addition, at present it is quite possible to buy such a car for personal use.

Flying car - myth or reality

The ability to travel around any country in your flying car and refuel at ordinary gas stations is no longer a fantasy or a crazy fantasy of writers. Terrafugia, an American company that receives funding from the Department of Defense, is already producing the Terrafugia Transition flying car, which can be purchased without any trouble for personal use. This is quite a working two-seater car, capable of transforming into an airplane by simply folding the wings. This takes less than a minute.

This flying machine first "saw" the sky back in 2009, making its first test flight. In 2013, the number of flights was already 13, including with a passenger. It should be noted right away that it became possible to buy this car only recently, since some defects were found during the testing process, and it took some time to fix them. The characteristics of a machine that flies itself are as follows:

  • body length 6 meters;
  • width 2 meters with folded wings, and 8.08 with unfolded;
  • height is about 2 meters;
  • weight 440 kg.

This flying car is able to reach speeds of up to 185 km / h in flight, which is quite comparable to the speed of a standard sports plane. At the same time, the cost of a car cannot be compared with the price of an airplane, and it is much cheaper to operate it. Fuel consumption, which is standard gasoline, averages 18.9 l / h at a speed of 160 km / h. The indicators for such a technique are quite acceptable. For takeoff, this car will need about 500 meters of a flat runway, and it can stay in the air for up to 4 hours at an altitude of up to 1.5 kilometers.

The flying machines of the future have already been created

Not every time a company announces the creation of a new flying car, the expectations of the public are justified. In all of modern history, only a few concepts deserve closer attention.

Technology does not stand still

A rather serious problem for a flying car is the issue of control in the air. Naturally, there are no special training courses, and the control process on the ground and in the air is fundamentally different. To facilitate the task of "driver-pilots" engineers are developing various systems that are responsible for stabilizing such a vehicle in the air.

One such system, pioneered in the Moller Skycar flying car, is the artificial stability system, which makes it much easier to control the vehicle while it is in the air. It summarizes data on the current speed, position of the car and its acceleration, transmitting "recommendations" to the engine, as a result of which a stable position of the "car" in the air is maintained. No human involvement is required in this process, and all data is updated and analyzed every few milliseconds.

For a flying machine, the engine is also of great importance. With its low weight, it should have impressive power. The designer Moller, one of the creators of the aforementioned car, has developed and put into practice his new rotary piston engine, which is quite quiet, powerful, safe and clean. In addition, the fuel that this motor "feeds" on, ethanol, is safer than traditional gasoline in terms of the risk of explosion or fire if it leaks.

Flying hybrid

After the creation and successful testing of the first prototype of the Terrafugia Transition flying car, the company's engineers did not calm down. They were haunted by the thought that their "brainchild" needed an impressive lane for acceleration and landing, which significantly limited the use of such transport in the city. As a result of the painstaking work of engineers, a hybrid semi-autonomous vehicle was presented to the public, capable of taking off and not requiring a runway.

The model was named TF-X, and its compact size allows it to be driven into any standard garage. I am pleased with the spaciousness of this car - when driving on city roads, it can safely carry 4 passengers. For the ability to fly over short distances, this car uses powerful and quiet electric motors. As conceived by the designers, it should cover about 800 km by air without problems and recharging.

Unlike its predecessor, TF-X has become more comfortable and faster, which entailed a certain "weight" of the structure. Despite this, the hybrid propulsion system allows takeoffs and landings without the need for a takeoff run. An open area of ​​about 30 meters in diameter is sufficient for this aircraft, and also for a car. It is planned to equip the TF-X with a security system that will independently bypass obstacles, cope with bad weather, and in case of loss of communication with the ground dispatcher, it will help the "car enthusiast" land in an unprepared place.

Despite all efforts to create an ideal and simple flying car, it has not yet been possible to make a prototype fully ready for mass production. And this is connected not only with the technical side of the issue. It is necessary to solve the problem of teaching the skills of "piloting" such devices, the allocation of special sites for takeoff / landing, the creation of an airspace control service in which flying cars move, and much more. Nevertheless, the appearance of a flying car is quite possible in the near future, as evidenced by the following video: