Why you can't yell at a pregnant woman. Permanent nerves during pregnancy. Work and social life

While carrying a child, a woman experiences many changes, and they are not all pleasant. One of these unpleasant moments have nerves. The most important thing is to know what needs to be done in order to negative emotions did not cause any harm to the unborn cub.

Everyone has heard that nerves are useless during pregnancy, but not everyone knows why there is such a ban and how it can affect the course of pregnancy?

The most common reason for the presence of high irritability and nervous breakdowns is a change hormonal background during pregnancy. Indeed, when a new life appears in a woman's body, the body begins to actively produce hormones necessary for the normal formation of a baby. But at the same time, these same hormones affect mood swings and nervousness. It is because of these hormones that a woman can take offense and burst into tears even for the slightest trifle, considering it a huge problem.

There are factors that are very easy to explain. This refers to the need to work in the later stages of gestation. A woman to work, while the severity of the load that fell on her, in fact, doubles. The woman starts to dial overweight, as a result of which edema may occur, especially if a woman is forced to constantly sit at the workplace.

If a pregnant woman is assigned responsibilities to regularly clean the house, cook, take care of the family - as a result, the psyche does not stand up, which becomes the cause of justified nervous breakdowns. The strongest nerves arise in women who work in an enterprise where the main tasks are associated with stress.

Also, the position of a leader is negatively displayed on pregnant women, when you need to be responsible for a lot, which becomes the reason for the appearance of unnecessary stress on the nervous system.

It often happens that a woman in a position perceives herself as the center of the universe. She gets nervous and just gets furious if she is not given. enough attention, do not understand, or do not share her opinion. In this case, relatives should understand and support the future mother as much as possible.

So why shouldn't women expecting a baby be nervous and whether such conditions are dangerous for the health of the future baby.

It has been scientifically confirmed that there is an exact relationship between the high nervousness of the expectant mother and the severe course of pregnancy. If the "pregnant" is constantly in a nervous, stressful state, then it will be very bad for the immune system, which is already greatly weakened.

As a result, the body begins to cope much worse with various bacteria and viral microorganisms, which provokes an increase in the risk of illness. Also, women who, when carrying, strongly "flutter their nerves", often note tremors of the extremities, dizziness, head soreness, some also note the manifestation on skin rashes, tachycardia.

Strong nervous stress can cause a more powerful manifestation of toxicosis. To an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Of course, all this will badly affect the defenseless baby.

Frequent breakdowns are dangerous for the baby's health, as well as for his life. During a hysteria, a change in hormonal levels occurs in a woman's body. And this can provoke a uterine. On early stages gestation, such a condition can cause a miscarriage, and on last months can provoke the onset of early, premature birth.

Frequent bad emotions in the 2nd, 3rd trimester can cause a condition such as fetal hypoxia to arise. This is a condition when there is a constant lack of oxygen, which is needed for the normal functioning of the baby. As a result, it affects the development of the fetus, it becomes slow. In order not to give birth to a baby with low weight... You should also limit yourself from the nerves.

Observations were made on children, whose mothers were often nervous when they were waiting. And it was found that such children have weakened immunity, most of their bottoms have disorders of nervous origin, such children are overactive and most susceptible to the development of respiratory diseases.

How to avoid a nervous breakdown during pregnancy

Of course, everyone already knows that nerves have a bad effect on the baby. But what to do, how to avoid various stresses, when in such a state there is so often a desire to cry, scream and roll up a scandal.

There are two ways out of this situation - medicines and activities that can distract. Any medication for a pregnant woman can only be prescribed by a doctor. As with drugs chemical origin, and vegetable are available adverse reactions that can have a bad effect on the health of the mother and, of course, on the child. Usually doctors recommend taking drugs such as Persen, Valerian tablets, Magne B6.

You can also enroll in courses where women prepare for upcoming birth, there you can talk, make new acquaintances, what to ensure great mood and psychological relief.

Also great option- sign up for gymnastics, designed specifically for such a period, at. Moderate physical activity is a very good warning of nervousness. This will help to eliminate the nerves and prepare pelvic muscles for the upcoming action - childbirth.

Many experts recommend that pregnant women stock up on paints and brushes. If anything bothers you, try drawing it. Think carefully about which drawing can best reflect your state. Try to paint all the small details - it doesn't matter what the result is, a picture or just an abstraction. On e, if the nervousness still persists, just burn this paper with a picture. This method of psychology will help you get rid of bad feelings and thoughts.

Another recommended method of getting rid of nervousness is meditation. Set aside some time each day during the day just to keep quiet. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and watch own thoughts... Listen to your own breathing and feel the warmth of your body. Enough 5-8 minutes a day.

Such a procedure will help to realize how much of our attention is spent on finding the answers that really are within ourselves. Maybe many experiences will seem insignificant to you.

Very much on the course of pregnancy, or rather on how a woman will emotionally feel this important period are influenced by the relationship with the partner.

Often, it is during the period of waiting for the baby that a woman begins to doubt about the feelings of her lover. Talk calmly with your husband, explain to him your condition and experiences. No need to throw tantrums, talk calmly. Say that you need his support, that his care and understanding are especially important to you now.

So the pregnancy has come. For some, a miracle and a long-awaited event, for others - a pleasant surprise... In any case, the woman understands that now she was born new life and you will need to make a lot of efforts so that the baby is born healthy. This period of life is accompanied by many emotions. And they may not always be positive. Especially dangerous nervous breakdowns during pregnancy. Indeed, in addition to worries about the development and health of her baby, the woman, as before, participates in social life. Why shouldn't you be nervous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and nerves

Nowadays, not many women have the opportunity to protect themselves from stress and create ideal conditions for bearing. Unfortunately, it will not work at all not to be nervous, because every day we are faced with a mass of difficulties and events that can cause different emotions and influence peace of mind... Of course, nature is wise, and with the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, a woman seems to withdraw into herself, becomes less sensitive to external stimuli. But nevertheless, it will not be possible to completely abstract from emotions. The consequences of nerves during pregnancy can affect the development of the child, so you need to strive to control yourself and avoid stress.

How not to get nervous during pregnancy? It will be difficult to implement, given the modern pace of life and the amount of information load, but one must strive for calmness and balance. The negative effect of stress on the body has long been proven by scientists. And during gestation, a woman's body already functions at the limit of its capabilities and emotional shocks are very dangerous for both her and the fetus. Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy:

  1. The body of mother and child is a single whole for the entire period of gestation. Everything that happens to a woman is reflected in the fetus. Negative emotions and nerves affect the well-being and development of the child.
  2. During strong emotional upheavals and nerves, the stress hormone adrenaline is produced. It constricts blood vessels, increases pressure, makes the heart beat faster. This mechanism allows the body to mobilize strength. But in the conditions of bearing a child, the load on all organs and systems of the mother is already colossal, and under constant stress all reserve capacities of the body are exhausted, which leads to exhaustion, exacerbation of existing diseases.
  3. Adrenaline also has a negative effect on the child's body. Under its influence, vasospasm occurs and the baby does not receive oxygen and nutrients in the required volume. During the laying of organs and systems - at an early date - constant stress and nervous experiences can lead to disabilities and developmental disabilities. Excessive emotionality can provoke uterine tone, premature birth, and even cause a miscarriage.
  4. Many people, with nerves and stress, try to distract themselves with food, or, conversely, cannot eat because of anxiety. Both are very harmful when carrying a baby. Excessive food intake leads to gain excess weight, which is very bad for the well-being of a woman and her health, difficulties in childbirth. With insufficient admission nutrients will suffer developing child, this is fraught with underdevelopment and congenital abnormalities.

How do nerves affect pregnancy in general? There is only one answer - extremely negative.

What do we have to do?

Of course, you cannot predict all the events in your life in advance. But we must strive to plan at least the foreseeable future. The most the best option is planning a pregnancy, when some problems can be solved even before gestation.

If it was not possible to prepare for pregnancy, then you need to try to minimize possible stressful situations. How to stop being nervous during pregnancy?

Work and social life

Many expectant mothers work not only before the onset maternity leave, but also until the very birth. And work is probably the most main factor leading to nervous shocks and stress. Moreover, with an increase in the period of gestation, a woman becomes slower, more difficult to perceive information, the speed of perception and memory decreases, which also gives the expectant mother negative emotions. You should not worry about this, it is absolutely normal phenomenon and after the birth of the baby, everything will be restored. Thus, nature focuses the mother's attention on her child and prepares for future childbirth.

If you have a nervous and hard work, then you need to inform the management about your situation as soon as possible, the law provides for the release and transfer of pregnant women to light work.

If a normal working day is accompanied by nerves and shocks, after which weakness occurs, headache, increased pressure and abdominal pain, then you must definitely tell the observing gynecologist about this. In case of health problems, he will write out a sick leave.

Think about your baby, now this is the most important thing! And work, reports, etc. are not worth your health. developing crumbs and you will certainly not get away from you after the decree.

Public transport

Unfortunately, many pregnant women have to use public transport. Such trips are cumbersome even for an ordinary person not to mention pregnant. After all, often a woman is haunted by toxicosis, she reacts to odors and is motion sick. Yes, and with big belly it is very scary and inconvenient to ride in crowded public transport. It is extremely difficult in such a situation to remain calm and not nervous. What can be done:

  1. You need to plan your movements in advance. In the case of an upcoming trip, it is optimal to calculate the route and choose the transport on which you will get. This will help keep your nerves and health.
  2. If possible, you can leave the house a little earlier and walk to your destination on foot. Physical activity very useful during pregnancy.
  3. If you need to travel every day and over long distances, for example, to work, then you should try to get on the transport at the final stop. It may take several stops to drive in the other direction, but it's worth it.
  4. It is worth asking friends with personal transport. Perhaps you will be with them along the way, and thus the problem with movement will be solved.
  5. Be sure to bring water, sour fruit, or candy with you. In case of nausea, they will relieve the condition. You can take the player and listen to your favorite music during the trip, this will help you distract yourself and the time will fly by.
  6. If you need to go, and the passenger compartment is overcrowded, then do not hesitate to ask to give you a seat. In the event of an accident or sudden braking, standing passengers are more susceptible to serious injury.

Family relationships

Despite the pregnancy, all domestic issues remain with the woman. Do not be nervous if the dust has not been wiped off somewhere or the dishes have not been washed, especially if the reason is feeling unwell... Relax and do this work later.

Talk to your loved one, ask for help and take on some household issues. After all future dad is also interested in having a healthy child.

Try to talk to your partner more often, voice your concerns, talk about your well-being.

If a disagreement or quarrel arises, try to control yourself, think at this moment about your child. It is best to turn around and go out, for example, into the air. When emotions subside, with cool head, you can discuss the conflict and try to find a compromise.

Fears for the child

Every mother worries about her child, even one who has not yet been born. And worries about the baby during gestation are absolutely normal. But don't dwell on them. Often women are nervous because of the lack of information and lack of understanding of the ongoing processes. It is best to contact the antenatal clinic as early as possible, where specialists will provide all the information of interest. You should not listen to friends and acquaintances, and even more so believe everything that is written on the Internet. Each pregnancy is individual and yours will be perfect!

It is very important to choose a doctor you can trust and feel comfortable with. Be sure to sign up for the Responsible Parenting course when antenatal clinic... They will help not only to understand the processes occurring in the body, but also to prepare for childbirth. To strengthen family relations and mutual understanding, you can visit them with your partner.

There are situations when there are some deviations in the test results or ultrasound, which for a woman is a huge stress and a cause of nerves. But don't despair. Research can always be redone, go for a consultation with another specialist. With her nerves and worries, a woman only brings harm to the baby. Modern medicine able to help in most cases, the main thing is timely treatment, adherence and positive attitude.

How can I help myself?

The health of the woman and the baby is in her hands. You need to do your best to suppress negative emotions and avoid stress. Of course, for this you need to make some effort and change your lifestyle, your thinking. What a woman can do:

  1. To distract from your worries, you can do needlework - embroider, draw, fold puzzles and layouts. Sign up for a cooking or modeling course. Find something you like to do.
  2. Get more rest and spend time on fresh air.
  3. Be sure to play sports. You can sign up for the pool or yoga for pregnant women. Even home exercises and hiking will do.
  4. In stressful situations, develop a distraction, such as counting to 10, and then start talking and doing.
  5. Spend more time with your partner, come up with joint hobby, do household work together.

If you feel that the situation is getting out of control and you are unable to cope on your own, then be sure to visit a doctor. Accept the majority sedatives during pregnancy is prohibited due to the effect on the fetus. But a specialist can pick up safe remedy eg Magne B6 or valerian tablets. The sooner treatment is started, the less negative impact will receive the fruit.

Remember, your baby's health depends entirely on you! If you cannot influence the situation, change your attitude towards it.

A storm of emotions is contained in a woman during pregnancy, it is very, very difficult to figure out what she finally wants. She can get angry, cry after a few minutes, and then smile. How can a pregnant woman learn to stay calm again?

The reason for the storm of emotions in pregnant women.

The mood of pregnant women is changeable, while various little things can make them nervous. It should be noted that these little things used to be a woman didn’t even pay attention. The reason for this behavior is the development a large number female hormones necessary for the normal bearing of a child. The main hormones of pregnancy include gonadotropin: in the early stages of pregnancy, a high level of the hormone, maximum concentration at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy, increased concentration causes nausea, and this becomes the cause of increased irritability; progesterone: a hormone affecting the process of carrying a child, the level of the hormone is high, it is the cause rapid fatigability women; estriol: a natural antioxidant produced throughout pregnancy.

Most of all, the changed hormonal background affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. Special attention you should give yourself when:

· you were predisposed to mood swings before pregnancy;

· during a previous pregnancy, you lost a baby. During new pregnancy a woman will listen to her body and look for signs of threat, and this increases irritability and serves as a reason to lose her temper. Keep in mind that negative emotions can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy, we get a vicious circle.

· pregnancy came under the persuasion of her husband or relatives, then you may not understand why you need pregnancy, as a result, the pregnant woman begins to take off her anger at her loved ones, who made her decide to have a baby.

· you are used to commanding, so that you are obeyed, you are used to keeping everything and everyone in subjection, but closer to childbirth, your working capacity decreases, often people around you begin to help you out of the best intentions, but strong woman such concern seems to be a signal - I have become weak, and this is the basis of nervous stress.

How do nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy?

Hormonal levels change throughout pregnancy, so mood swings will continue throughout pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that severe stress can provoke the risk of a threat of termination of pregnancy (hypertonicity of the uterus), cause problems with sleep, appetite, exacerbation chronic diseases, the appearance of skin problems, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can tell you are having a nervous breakdown if:

· rapid fatigue sets in, frequent mistakes in work;

· cannot concentrate;

· tormented by insomnia, nightmares to take off;

· tormented by overwhelming anxiety;

· there is an increased heartbeat, neck pain, headache, neck pain, back pain.

You have a nervous breakdown - what should you do?

It is difficult to cope with feelings on your own; you should seek help from a specialist. First, inform the gynecologist about your nerves and he will prescribe you: valerian, motherwort infusion, "Glycine", "Person", "Magne B6". Only a specialist will prescribe the dosage you need, tell you how long you should take them. If measures taken turns out to be not enough - the doctor will refer you to a psychologist, psychotherapist.

How to deal with nervous stress during pregnancy.

1. Express your emotions - anger, anger overtook you at work, you can go to the toilet and wash cold water, open the tap to the full and beat with the edge of your palm on the stream of water;

2. Train yourself to relax

3. Dream - best medicine... Sleep deprivation can lead to stress. You need to try to sleep 8 hours a day, and if possible, you can take a nap in the afternoon for a couple of hours. Arrange yourself a SIESTA !.

4. Talk about problems. You got nasty at work, pushed in public transport, etc. It is worth talking about the situation, if there is a problem, then it will be easier for you to understand the cause and solve it.

5. Seek support from your husband. Do not take anger out on your husband, this will only aggravate the situation. It is worth explaining to him that you have difficult period and you need help. Ask him to help you, even to pull his mustache or beard (if that makes it easier for you). Believe me, your husband wants you to be calm and cheerful as much as you do.

During pregnancy, women become irritable and psychologically less stable. First of all, this condition is facilitated by a sharply changing hormonal background, which affects sudden mood swings. The manifestations of groundless tearfulness, anxiety and feelings of helplessness are especially noticeable, which did not appear before without an objective reason.

Typically, in the first three months of pregnancy, such psychological changes in a woman's body, because her hormonal background is just beginning to be rebuilt. Naturally, for her, these are new sensations that you need to get used to and learn to control them.

Reasons for changes in mental mood during the first trimester

  1. Existing neurological disease.
  2. The presence of hypochondria, because now you have to constantly worry not only about your health, but also about the health of the child.
  3. In case of an unplanned pregnancy.
  4. During pregnancy, there is no support from relatives and friends.
  5. If you had problems with endocrine system, and in the course of pregnancy complications of the disease occurred.

The negative consequences of tantrums during pregnancy?

Of course, it is absolutely impossible not to be nervous during all nine months of pregnancy, you need to be an absolutely insensitive person, and such people do not exist. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the "golden mean", that is, you do not need to restrain emotions and tears, because the production of cortisol provokes this state, and you are not to blame for this. But, you need to release ardor to a reasonable extent, in no case should you bring yourself to hysteria or a nervous breakdown. You need to control your mental state and the release of this harmful hormone. In the event of such situations, the result can be various negative situations:

  1. The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by a nervous breakdown on early term pregnancy. This is due to a sharp release of cortisol, which tones the uterus, its muscles contract and no longer hold, but eject the fetus. On later dates pregnancy, this situation can lead to premature birth, where the child does not always remain alive or well after childbirth. In general, a direct relationship nervous state and hormone release is a big threat during pregnancy.
  2. Tantrums and nervous breakdowns entail a destructive effect on the development of the child's psyche and body. The mental state of the mother is transmitted to the child, he also feels a strong nervous tension, which may be a threat to him of congenital schizophrenia and autism. Especially sensitive to such sharp drops boys than girls.
  3. The threat of developing stress in utero and after birth in a child. This can provoke congenital mental and nervous diseases The child has. This happens due to the fact that, together with the blood and through the placenta, the child receives hormones, and cortisol, entering the child's body, leads to hypoxia, difficulty breathing and fetal development. Even after birth, the baby will be crying, eat and sleep poorly, which will negatively affect his development. In the process of such behavior, the mother will be constantly nervous, the child will objective reasons- also, and this circle in such a situation closes for an indefinite time.
  4. A threat weak immunity in a newborn. The result of a nervous breakdown can be hyperactivity and weakened immunity, which reduces attention, and the child is very difficult to learn.

What else provokes increased irritability and mental instability?

  1. A sharp drop in hormonal levels. It should be borne in mind that pregnant women, due to a sharp hormonal background, have sudden mood swings, even if this was not observed even before pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should you forget this and provoke a pregnant woman.
  2. Meteosensitivity. Against the background of hormonal surges, this tendency manifests itself more often than in those periods when before pregnancy they simply did not pay attention to it. That is, in addition to objective changes in nature, a pregnant woman can react to very insignificant and imperceptible things to others.
  3. Moon calendar. Even in ancient times, people knew that menstrual and lunar cycle interconnected, this is due to an increase in frictional force, ebb and flow. During pregnancy, menstruation stops, but the body remembers, therefore amniotic fluid blood volume is replenished too. A pregnant woman in this state feels incessant discomfort, which is the reason for her mood swings.
  4. The psychological environment of the pregnant woman. Firstly, the pregnant woman is worried about the fact that now attention, care and love will have to be shared with the child. Will she have enough strength and skills to be a good mom? She also has worries that with the birth of a child everything can change beyond recognition and she will have to adapt to a new life.
  5. Unplanned pregnancy. Usually, in such situations, women are more likely to experience nervous breakdowns and hysteria. After all, this is a shock situation for them, where they have to drastically change all plans for life. But, no matter how it was, the birth of a child is always only positive moment... Therefore, mommy, even during pregnancy, should take care of the child and herself.

How to calm your nerves?

Psychologists claim to cope with stressful situations not so difficult, for this you need to adhere to the rules:

  1. During pregnancy, you need to limit yourself less, all your desires need to be fulfilled. But, of course, in moderation. Not worth giving in constant sleepiness... Only balanced mode, involving walking in the fresh air, can reduce the nervous tension of the pregnant woman.
  2. Before registering for pregnancy, you need to choose in advance good doctor... Not worth missing scheduled visits and consultation at the first sign of instability mental state- the doctor will prescribe medications for the pregnant woman. And is it important! After all, you need to take care in every way, and not bring yourself to a nervous overstrain and breakdown.
  3. Be sure to attend courses for expectant mothers, where classes in gymnastics, swimming and others are held useful procedures... If the doctor allows you to attend such events, then you do not need to refuse them. Firstly, it will dispel you and you will change the environment, and secondly, it is taking care of your health and the baby.
  4. During pregnancy, you need to prepare as much as possible for the upcoming birth, so it is worth reading a lot of specialized literature in advance. From all the moments, you need to draw only everything positive, increase this knowledge and happily prepare for a meeting with the baby.
  5. One more efficient way to calm down is to morally force yourself to pull yourself together. You can instead public transport walk a couple of stops on foot and think of something good.

Video: How Stress During Pregnancy Affects Baby Development

The tranquility of the expectant mother is a pledge successful pregnancy and easy labor. Therefore, a woman in a position should take care of her emotional state... However, not every girl understands why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry. Today we will try to answer this question and talk about how stress affects the baby, why pregnant women have nervous breakdowns and how to avoid it.

Causes of nervous breakdowns

Many do not understand why pregnant women are nervous, because they are on the eve of a wonderful event - the birth of a baby. And instead of enjoying her position as a woman, any small problem is turned into the collapse of the universe and accompanied this process violent emotions and tears. Even leaking mascara from the eyelashes or the absence of something tasty in the refrigerator can cause a real tantrum.

The answer to this question can be absolutely unambiguous - hormones are to blame for everything. At the time of the development of pregnancy, a hormonal surge occurs in a woman's body, which is due to the acceleration and increase in the production of hormones. They, in turn, are extremely necessary for the development of the fetus. And it is they who are responsible for the fact that the mood of a pregnant woman can change several times per hour.

Danger of nervous breakdowns

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the hysteria and crying of a woman in a position is not a consequence of her capriciousness or spoiled character. But not everyone knows why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what consequences nervous breakdowns can have. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Modern research suggests that if you are nervous during pregnancy, you can increase the risk of complications during gestation. The stressful state in which he is future mom, negatively affects her weakened immunity. That's why female body ceases to resist viruses and bacteria, which inevitably leads to increased risk morbidity. In addition, nervous imbalance begins to manifest itself in the form of headaches, limb tremors, tachycardia, dizziness, skin rashes, and even hair loss. An increase in toxicosis can also be noted, especially on early stages... In addition to the state of health of the pregnant woman herself, the stressful condition also negatively affects the health of the unborn baby. Increased nervousness mothers can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and this is already dangerous not only for the health of the baby, but also for his life.

During a change in the hormonal background against the background of hysteria and crying, the tone of the uterus involuntarily increases. At the very beginning of pregnancy, this can lead to spontaneous interruption pregnancy. But for a period after 30 weeks, this can provoke premature birth.

If you do not stop worrying a lot in the second and third trimester, then this will lead to the fact that your baby will suffer from a lack of oxygen. And hypoxia is not the most the best way affects the physical and mental development child.

In the third trimester, nervousness can trigger the birth of an underweight baby. Such babies do not gain weight well after birth, they often get sick. The respiratory and nervous systems are particularly affected. Therefore, the increased emotional load of the mother can cause many chronic diseases of the unborn baby.

Nervous Breakdown in Pregnancy: Elimination Methods

You shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy - it would seem that this is difficult. But hardly anyone knows how to avoid nervous breakdowns and stay calm when you are simply bursting with the inside from the desire to scream and cry. In fact, there is more than one way out of this situation.

Many women try to find a safe nerve remedy during pregnancy. And after a long search, some of them make the wrong conclusion - a sedative is better for a baby than his nervous mother. Actually any medication, even the most harmless at first glance, has a number side effects... Therefore, resort to medicines possible only in extreme cases and only after consulting your doctor.

Some experts advise mothers to take drugs such as Glycine, Persen, Valerian tablets, motherwort, etc. But it is better to leave all this until the moment when the baby is born.

If the above methods of complacency do not help, then you can start visiting a psychologist or use folk remedies.

Folk recipes for strong nerves

We all know that not only helps to calm down sedatives which are highly undesirable during pregnancy. There are a number of products that do not require ingestion.

  1. Warm bath with chamomile broth and sea ​​salt(if there are no contraindications).
  2. Aromatic oils with a soothing effect. V this case you need to choose individually, since each pregnant woman has her own favorite smells. Lavender and lemon balm oils usually work well.
  3. Warm milk with honey, if there is no allergy.
  4. Nice music or reading books to help you relax.
  5. Walking in the fresh air is especially useful for those women who cannot sleep.

If the expectant mother thinks about how dangerous her nervous breakdowns are for her beloved crumbs, she will definitely find the strength to stop being nervous. Only this does not always entirely depend on the woman herself. People around you must also make an effort and create all the conditions for a favorable bearing of a child.