Gifts for parents on wedding anniversary. What to give parents for their wedding anniversary, what are the best gifts for this occasion? What to give parents for their wedding anniversary

The newlyweds have so many joyful chores and worries before the wedding! All the little things need to be thought out: choose a dress for the bride, order rings, a limousine, and many other things to do to prepare for an important life event. It would be nice to remember the old Russian custom - to give a gift to parents. What to give for a wedding to parents - this will be discussed in the article.

Why you need to give a gift to parents

According to the Russian tradition, it is customary to give something to parents on the second day of the wedding. Nowadays, many give their presents before the wedding or on the wedding day. The bride gives a gift to the parents of the future husband, and the groom, respectively, to the girl's parents. These gifts symbolize gratitude, reverence and respect for elders. The young man presents the bride's parents as a sign that they have brought up a wonderful mistress, raised a kind and beautiful daughter. And the bride, presenting her gifts, kind of appeases the groom's parents. After all, her fathers-in-law accept her into their family, and she will bear their surname. Today, the option is widespread when young people give a common, prepared by both, a gift for their beloved dads and mothers.

At weddings at the present time, as a sign of gratitude to parents, they simply say words of gratitude, raise warm toasts and congratulate them. But it will be doubly pleasant for them if they receive something valuable from their children. After all, this is a sign that they were not forgotten, that they took the time and showed respect and reverence.

How to present a present?

According to Russian custom, gifts were put on a tray, and the newlyweds walked around with them dads and mothers. Now, of course, few people adhere to such rules, you can do everything in free form. After presenting gifts from the newlyweds, everyone raises their glasses and makes toasts with words of gratitude to their parents.

How to choose the right gift?

Practical gifts

Children usually give something practical, necessary in everyday life, something symbolizing family values, well-being, for example:

  • Tablecloth;

  • Towels;

  • Kitchen utensils;

  • Set of dishes;
  • Appliance for kitchen appliances - bread maker, mixer, microwave oven, multicooker;

  • Plaid;

  • Pillows;

  • A pair of bathrobes.

According to an old tradition, a gift from her daughter was shirts that she made herself. At the moment, it is clear that rarely a girl will sew something as a gift, you can buy the same shirts in the store.

If the young people decide to give something from household appliances, first you need to find out what exactly is missing in the parents' house. Perhaps, by the way, there will be a vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher, or the air conditioner has just broken down, or there is a need for a video camera. Having guessed what exactly the parents want, the gift will become not only a manifestation of attention, but will also please, as it will save you from the need to acquire this thing yourself.

Nice presents

Mothers can be presented with gorgeous bouquets of flowers, gold or silver pendants will also pleasantly surprise women. Any jewelry for newlywed mothers is suitable for such an occasion as a present. It will be very elegant and pleasant to receive a set of silver spoons for the mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Creative gifts

If the young do not want to give home appliances, dishes or other practical things, then you can approach the choice of a gift more creatively. Order a portrait from an artist, for example, or do something with your own hands. Portraits can be very different. For example, the groom's parents can be given a portrait of their son along with them. Now such a picture can be drawn from a photograph, not necessarily the presence of the people themselves at the artist. Or an excellent option would be an image of the parents themselves, a copy of a photograph from their wedding.

An alternative to a portrait can be photo collages from cards depicting parents with a groom or a bride in childhood. It's a good idea to make a video from such photos. And if there is also an opportunity to demonstrate it in a restaurant, it would be a memorable moment. Such videos will pleasantly refresh memories not only at the celebration itself, but also later, at anniversaries. Even for a golden wedding, it will be interesting for everyone to view and remember such important moments from the history of the family.

Religious parents can donate icons either purchased or, even better, self-embroidered.

Also not a bad option could be a tourist tour somewhere, or a subscription for two for a spa treatment or a massage parlor.

Inexpensive gifts

In the case when the young have spent a lot on preparations for their main celebration, and there is almost no money left for gifts, you can buy something not very expensive or make a gift with your own hands.

Common, for example, figurines with all sorts of inscriptions - "The best mother-in-law", "The best mother in the world" and the like. It can also be ribbons that are solemnly worn over the shoulder.

The ideal option would be if all parents receive the same type of gifts. The main thing is that they reflect the gratitude of young elders, because it is the attention to them from the children that is important.

Video on the topic of the article:

Dad and mom are the main people in everyone's life. Naturally, you want to please your loved ones as often as possible, give the most interesting, memorable and original gifts. Stores and websites are full of extraordinary goods for different occasions, there are even blanks for self-made crafts. What to give parents for their wedding anniversary?

How to choose the right gift?

On the eve of an important date, first of all, you need to decide on a gift. When choosing, rely on the following factors:

  • maybe the parents have some dreams and desires... For example, they have long wanted to buy a coffee maker, a robot vacuum cleaner or a beautiful tea service, so it’s better to buy this one;
  • need to take into account age couples. What the newlyweds will like may not always please the elderly;
  • not worth saving. If the budget is limited, then you should not buy a cheap trinket, something is better do it yourself;
  • practical and versatile the gift will remind you for a long time. This factor is important when looking for a presentation;
  • of course no need to give completely useless things... This can be taken as a sign of disrespect and indifference. For example, relatives do not drink alcohol, and you decide to give an expensive whiskey or brandy. Naturally, this will be inappropriate.

What can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

A wedding anniversary is an important and exciting event for the whole family. When choosing a present, you can focus on the date. Usually gifts are positioned with the number of years lived together.

There are several anniversaries:

  • 10 - pewter wedding;
  • 20 - porcelain;
  • 25 - silver;
  • 35 - coral;
  • 40 - ruby;
  • 50 - gold.

By tradition, it is customary to give presents by name of the date, although this is not required. If you decide to comply with this, then the options are suitable:

  1. In a day porcelain weddings can be served with porcelain tableware service. This is a rather expensive gift, but a more budgetary one would be, for example, a teapot made of this material or a couple of mugs and saucers.
  2. On 25 year old anniversary silverware is perfect. In the future, such a set can become a family heirloom and be passed down from generation to generation. You can order some paired jewelry for the father and mother (rings, bracelets, pendants) according to the sketch.
  3. On coral wedding, you can pick up some kind of present in this color. It can be a high-quality set of bed linen, covers for a sofa and armchairs, personalized dressing gowns.
  4. 40 years - a considerable figure. Of course, presents with rubies are quite expensive. You can present that ruby ​​color: paired costumes, decor items (a large vase, a picture);
  5. Of course the date is in half a century is a special event. On such a day, I would like to surprise the parents and present a memorable gift. A great solution is to purchase new engraved wedding rings. A more budgetary present is to order a family portrait and arrange it in a beautiful frame, or go make a related tree.

It is not necessary to give paired gifts. It is permissible to congratulate parents with different presents, knowing their tastes. For example, the mother can be presented with a beautiful pearl necklace, and the father - a business tie or cufflinks.

Universal surprises:

  1. Certificate for the store (appliances, cosmetics, dishes).
  2. Money.
  3. Subscription to the beauty salon and gym.

General Present

It is customary to celebrate round dates solemnly, on a grand scale. Therefore, I would like to choose the appropriate gifts:

The options are:

  • if the parents have not rested for a long time, or maybe they have a dream to fly away somewhere or visit a certain country, then you can purchase tourist vouchers. Firms now offer a wide selection to suit every budget. It does not have to be an expensive resort, you can arrange a romantic weekend in a sanatorium, rent a house in nature;
  • a good decision is to present tickets to a theater, a musical, ballet or a performance of your favorite performer;
  • if possible, you can order a water excursion by boat or motor ship;
  • the original idea is to make an off-site date in a memorable place. Probably the parents talked about where and how they met, where the father proposed and much more. A holiday in such an atmosphere will be remembered forever and will bring a lot of impressions and pleasant memories from the past;
  • you can make a second wedding, invite loved ones and the host. Recreate the atmosphere of that holiday;
  • a memorable gift - a romantic photo session or the whole family. You can make an exit in some palace, photo studio or in another beautiful (memorable) place;
  • an unforgettable experience will remain from a hot air balloon flight. This is an expensive present, but well worth it.

A gift from my son

A son on such an important date can give:

  • for the father, objects related to his hobbies (chess, telescope, rare coins or books);
  • for mom - rare fresh flowers in a pot, maybe even a fruiting plant (lemon, orange);
  • a paired present can be a collection of music discs or records.

What can a daughter give?

Girls, as a rule, are more sensitive to the choice of a gift. A daughter can please loved ones with the following gifts:

  • a beautiful and high quality blanket;
  • personalized pillows;
  • carpet for the bedroom or living room;
  • chic curtains;
  • for the father, you can pick up some accessories for the car or equipment (camera, camera, inflatable boat, etc.);
  • for the mother - a certificate to a beauty salon;
  • a pair gift - a certificate for a massage salon, a sauna.

DIY wedding anniversary gift for parents

Undoubtedly, a gift that is made by yourself will bring great joy and only positive emotions. Such things have a special energy, they have a soul and a secret meaning.

As a present for a round date of cohabitation of parents, you can make gifts yourself:

  • collect a collage of photographs, starting from the youth of mom and dad, and then as events unfold: their dates, first joint pictures, marriages, family photos, discharge from the hospital and photographs to the present moment. Such a gift will cause a lot of impressions and memories, and most importantly, it will forever remain in the house and will be a memorable thing;
  • using modern technologies, you can create a clip about your parents, picking up your favorite musical compositions, and at the end say words of gratitude and love;
  • you can bake themed cake and cupcakes. There are many video tutorials available on the Internet now. Such a gift can be an addition to the main one;
  • original idea - to create a family coat of arms or monogram;
  • showing a little creativity, you can write a song about your beloved mom and dad, most often they use ready-made compositions, but change the words;
  • Nowadays, small dolls made with oneself are very popular. By purchasing the materials, you can create a great pair of toys that will symbolize the parents;
  • having knitting skills, knit a cape on the shoulders, bedside rugs;
  • you can make a funny newspaper with cartoons about incidents from the life of parents;
  • record a video of congratulations from all relatives;
  • a great idea to plant trees in honor of the family. For example, a couple of oaks, maples or beautiful blue firs;
  • paint a set of dishes with your own hands, make personalized glasses.

Choosing gifts is not an easy task. But, if you think carefully about the desires of the parents, show a little imagination, then you can create memorable and extraordinary gifts. Of course, what is the best gift for parents on their wedding anniversary, of course, does not need to be decided at the last moment. Consider their character, dreams and desires. Don't forget that you can make a budget surprise with your own hands.

Anniversary video gift for parents

In this video, Victoria will show what a funny and original video she came up with as a gift to her parents for a chintz wedding:

Parents' wedding anniversary is a pleasant and exciting event. On this day, children really want to demonstrate their love, care and gratitude to dad and mom. Of course, many try to give their parents the best gift.

To make the newlyweds really like it, it is worth choosing something useful and desirable at the same time. Such a present will surely delight the parents.

Practical gifts

Giving a simple vacuum cleaner or iron for your wedding anniversary is not the best solution. It is worth choosing such household appliances that parents were afraid to even dream of. Such a thing should save time and effort when doing various homework.

  • A robot vacuum cleaner is a very handy device. It moves independently around the apartment, removing dust and debris from the floor covering. Thanks to this technique, parents will be able not to waste energy and health on cleaning. Sure, a robot vacuum cleaner isn't cheap, but it's worth it.
  • A multicooker and a double boiler will appeal to people who take care of their food and value their own time. This technique simplifies the cooking process, and the food is tasty and healthy.
  • Quality fabric bedding is a versatile wedding anniversary gift. For parents, it is better to choose a set of restrained tones. Such a gift will certainly not remain on the shelf.

Before going to the store, you should think carefully about what your parents really lack. Perhaps the living room is too empty without a coffee table. Or maybe you should choose a beautiful lamp for your bedside table? Thanks to such long reflections, you can remember that mom always dreamed of a beautiful set, and dad wanted a rocking chair for a long time.

Various gifts for health promotion will also be successful:

  • orbit track or treadmill;
  • a subscription for two to the pool;
  • a certificate for visiting a SPA-salon or massage room;
  • two bicycles.

Such gifts will help improve health and feel young again. Of course, bicycles or an exercise machine should only be given to parents who have a positive attitude towards sports. In this case, the gift will definitely not end up in the pantry. If mom and dad are over 50 for a long time, then massage will be the best solution.

A little romance

If you want to surprise your parents with something unusual and romantic, you can organize a hot air balloon flight for them. A less extreme option is fireworks or air lanterns. They can be started by the whole family right after the gala dinner.

If parents spend a lot of time at home, you can book a table for them in a chic restaurant. It will be an evening only for two, and you can sit with the whole family on another day. Alternatively, you can purchase two tickets to the theater or concert hall. This cultural event will appeal to many parents.

So that the couple can unwind and enjoy each other, you can organize a vacation in a boarding house or sanatorium near the city. Even 3-4 days spent outdoors in a picturesque place will help parents to relax their soul and body.

Memorable gifts

Some people like to receive a variety of souvenirs and interesting gizmos as gifts. If this is typical for parents, then on their wedding anniversary, you can present a portrait or cartoon, personalized medals, an original housekeeper or a set of candles. A great option is any thing for the interior. For example, it could be a pretty box for documents or jewelry, a mini home fountain, or an electric fireplace.

Many parents like to revisit their photos periodically. Accordingly, you can choose an electronic photo frame as a wedding anniversary gift and upload a lot of pictures there in chronological order. Such a gift will move even reserved and serious fathers.

If possible, prepare a pedigree book. You can buy it in a gift shop, make it yourself, or order it from a needlewoman. Next, it remains to fill the pages with text and paste photos.

If the apartment has a lot of space and bare walls, then you can donate a handmade portrait. It can be a scene from real life, although it is much more interesting to portray mom as a beautiful lady, and dad as a brave knight.

You can choose more original options: Superman and his woman, Aladdin and Jasmine, Scarlett and Rhett Butler, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich. It is also worth choosing a frame that matches the design of the apartment.

Gifts for different anniversaries

20 years

This anniversary is popularly known as the porcelain wedding. Accordingly, an exquisite table service can be presented as a gift. A watch, containers for cereals or an electric kettle made of porcelain are also considered a good option. An excellent souvenir will be a figurine of a newlywed or a pair of swans. You can also opt for a beautiful aroma lamp or an exquisite box.

25 years

The best gift for a silver wedding will be a metal product. For example, it can be a frame, teaspoons, or a ladle. If you really want to pamper your beloved parents, present them with a silver Turk, a tea strainer or a tray.

If you need a more budgetary option, you can choose any useful gift and wrap it in silver paper. Also, parents will be delighted with an embroidered picture, slippers or warm woolen sweaters made of silver threads. A bottle of champagne, themed with decoupage, can be served on the table.

30 years

For such an anniversary, you can give pearl jewelry and various products with a delicate mother-of-pearl shade. Crockery, cutlery, kitchen and bathroom accessories are perfect. A set of kitchen utensils with a ceramic coating will be a wonderful gift.

Children and creative people can delight parents with a homemade present. For example, you can decorate a bottle of champagne with imitation pearls. You can also sculpt a shell out of salted dough and place a pearl. Here you can later store jewelry or house keys.

35 years

For a linen wedding, it is appropriate to give bed linen, a set of towels, bedspreads and tablecloths. Other textile items for the interior are also perfect. If you need something budgetary, then you should opt for a fluffy bedside rug or warm blanket.

Also popularly known as the 35th anniversary is the coral wedding. For this holiday, you can donate coral beads or a jewelry box. Practical people will be delighted with towels or a bathrobe, as well as delicate coral-colored sets.

40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is a great reason to give your mom ruby ​​earrings and cufflinks for dad. In addition to jewelry, you can present any item of such a rich shade. So, older people should be presented with a washing vacuum cleaner, multicooker or air ionizer. A beautiful chest of drawers or a hood for the kitchen will also be appropriate.

A wrapped gift should be tied with a red ribbon and presented with a bottle of good wine before a family dinner, which in the glass will delight the eye with its ruby ​​tint.

You should start simple. The name of the anniversary itself will tell you what to give your parents. A silver anniversary implies a gift in silver, a gold one in gold, and a diamond date implies the presentation of a gift with a precious stone. A sign of attention can be correlated with the number of years of marriage. For example, handing over a bouquet of a certain number of flowers. We have formulated a few more important nuances that should be considered when choosing a gift for parents on their wedding anniversary.

  • Consider your age. If your parents are elderly people, and several decades have passed since the wedding, it is hardly worth focusing on the originality and originality of the gift, it is better to give preference to a practical present. Anything needed in the house would be an appropriate gift. You can pay attention to interior items.
  • Think about what your parents need first. A wedding anniversary is a reason to give a new refrigerator to replace a broken one, to change the old TV to a plasma one. Finally, a renovation in the bathroom can also be equated with a gift.
  • The budget influences the choice of the gift. Excessively expensive, as well as obviously cheap gifts on a holiday are not appropriate. Find a middle ground. It can be argued that such a sign of attention will appeal to both moms and dads.
  • A useless thing is a bad idea. Of course, you can buy an exclusive set for vodka. But if parents do not drink strong alcohol, they simply cannot find a use for the gift. It is much better to go the proven way by ordering a beautiful personalized cake.
  • Hobbies and hobbies are an important factor. Surely mom knows how to knit, and dad is difficult to tear away from fishing. Knowing the preferences of family members, it is easier to choose a gift option for your wedding anniversary.
  • Using a family photo, you can always order the production of unique gifts. On the occasion of the wedding of beloved parents, excellent gifts will be a portrait on a canvas or lightbox, a photo mosaic or a figurine made of polymer clay.
  • When thinking about a gift, don't forget about the packaging. Before making a present, children must arrange it. The festive mood of the parents largely depends on this.

Win-win ideas are on the list of universal options. Parents on their wedding anniversary without hesitation can give:

  • Composition of balloons, banknotes.
  • A personalized set of sweets with a photo and the date of the wedding.
  • Sets of dishes, kitchen accessories.
  • , a set of curtains, bathrobes, towels.
  • Pair of mugs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, key rings.
  • Customized gifts.
  • Decorative paintings, panels, sculptures.
  • Gadget, accessories for smartphones or tablets.
  • Automobile consumables, policies, certificates.
  • Discs with films, music.
  • Books, collected works, special reference editions.
  • Wedding item (album, frame, video).
  • A present that can be personalized.
  • Certificate for the purchase of clothing, footwear, perfumery in a store.
  • An invitation to a master class.
  • Subscription for the club, gym, sauna.
  • Tickets for a concert, theater premiere, film screening.

Inexpensive gift for parents on their wedding anniversary

Sometimes the life situation does not allow buying an expensive gift. To appear before parents empty-handed is not comme il faut, so there is only one way out: to make an affordable present for the wedding anniversary. You can recommend several suitable options with an adequate price tag.

Both parents will gladly accept a package of good coffee complete with a coffee grinder, coffee or tea set. Mom and Dad will love the bronze ones, which can be used to organize joint dinners, boxes for little things. Finally, a table or wall clock is a suitable gift. A chronometer with a photo on the dial will remind the heroes of the occasion of the wedding.

Magnets with your images... A collection of 9 pictures. Give your loved ones a chronicle of family life, from the wedding to the present.

Cushions "Love"... The gift will touch the hearts of the parents. Let the heroes of the day are already elderly people. Love, as you know, does not age.

Sweaters for cups "Bride and Groom"... A cute present that will help create a warm atmosphere at the table. Jumpers are knitted by hand from 100% wool.

Horseshoe "Health and Wellbeing"... The talisman of luck has always been considered a good gift. For it to work, parents must place the panel above the front door.

Growing grass "You and me"... The set includes a pot with a bright design, fertilized soil, a bag of seeds. Planting and leaving should be straightforward.

What to give parents for their wedding anniversary original

It is difficult to surprise parents, but it is possible. This will require an original gift that claims to be a family heirloom. Such as hand-painted. In connection with your wedding anniversary, you are probably gathering together at the table. A present made on time will be useful for a festive tea party.

Mind Blowing Gift for Parents - Booked for a Wedding Anniversary family coat of arms... You can make it in a specialized workshop. Tell the designer what items can be considered the personification of the family, what the mother connected with her life, what the father can do better than others. The result will surprise both parents and guests of the holiday.

Twin aprons "King and Queen of the Kitchen"... Having lived with your parents for many years, you know who is a culinary specialist and who is a lover of delicious food. Both of them are worthy of a high rank.

Lunar Dreams Shell Lamp... The gift will impress with its bold design. The material for making the shade is sorted and processed for six months.

Thermo glasses "Connected"... Children represent the wedding only from photographs. Use good pictures to craft and gift this kit.

Floriana "Lovers"... The gift is very symbolic. Inside the glass ball, heroes of the day will see not only living plants, but also figures of hugging people.

Design composition from steel "Wedding"... Author's work by studio Hinz & Kunst. Soldering and processing of parts is done manually using a patented technology.

A Practical Wedding Anniversary Gift for Parents

During a long life together, most people begin to appreciate the benefits of things. Therefore, practical gifts are a win-win presentation to parents on their marriage anniversary. A suitable surprise can be organized by visiting a hardware store and donating, for example, a vacuum cleaner, toaster, smart iron, dishwasher or washing machine.

There it will not be difficult to find individual gift options. For dad, a great surprise is a set of tools, a drill or hammer drill, a screwdriver, an electric jigsaw. Mom will be pleased with a good hairdryer, curling iron, manicure set. You can wish that she always looks as attractive as at a wedding.

Set of multi-colored champagne glasses "Celebration"... 6 classic high-legged wine glasses. Parents are happy to use the gift during the holidays.

Cutlery set "Eden"... This kit is for 4 people. There are enough knives, forks and spoons for the average family.

Massage pillow "US Medica Apple Plus"... Any elderly person will be delighted with a gift. Why just sit and watch TV, if there is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

Fresh greenery storage container... A necessary thing in the kitchen. Gift has many advantages over plastic bags. One of them is stylish design.

Cheese set "Brut and brie"... Whichever variety the heroes of the occasion prefer, it will be easy and simple for them to cut the product. The set includes a wooden board tray and 3 knives.

What can you give your parents for your wedding anniversary memorable?

Do you want your wedding anniversary to be remembered for a lifetime? Please the heroes of the occasion with a memorable gift. For this purpose, you can order the minting of a medal similar to the Olympic one. On one side will be the name of the mother, on the other - the father. The wedding date should also decorate the item. It should be presented in front of guests, and ideally, given during a festive evening in a restaurant.

An unforgettable gift for parents - the genealogy book "Gold". Relatives will help to make the present unique. They will tell you how the wedding took place, how the first years of life together developed. Special sheets are provided for notes, and transparent pockets for photographs. A completely filled folder can be presented as a gift complete with an audio or video postcard.

Newspaper "Pravda" for a wedding... Plunge into the atmosphere of a memorable year with your parents. The number is almost identical to the one that came out on the day of the wedding.

Plate with your photo and date... There will always be a place for such gifts in the interior. Even a stand is provided for installation in a conspicuous place.

Anniversary Parents Statuette... The gift is stylized as a prestigious competition award. A striking detail is a pair of lovers holding hands.

Rings with Swarovski crystals "Love"... It is simply impossible to take your eyes off the gift. The inserts imitate diamonds so well that guests will mistake them for real precious stones.

Caviar dish "Queen fish"... A work of art made of crystal and metal. Can also be used to serve desserts, preserves or honey.

It is always not very easy to choose a gift. Especially when it comes to your parents. Of course, they will be happy with every present they receive from their beloved children. But still, he should not only show attention and care, but also fully correspond to the solemn date. After all, the anniversary is round and ordinary. You should definitely figure out what to give your parents on your wedding day.

Basic rules for choosing a presentation

On such a memorable day, the most important thing is to let your loved ones feel your care and tenderness for them. It is imperative to choose a gift that will suit both mom and dad at the same time.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to find common interests among completely different people. But if they were able to live next to each other for so many years, enjoy life and be happy, then they have much more in common than it might seem at first glance. And who else, if not their own children, know this for sure?

Over the years of marriage, the parents received a lot of gifts. Therefore, when choosing another souvenir or present, it is worth making sure that it does not repeat several previous ones. And most importantly, you should decide on whether the gift will be practical and universal, or whether it will be original and carry some specific meaning.

Anniversary gift ideas and options

A wedding anniversary is a good occasion to gather with family and friends. At the same time, it is important to choose the appropriate gift for the spouses, depending on what kind of wedding they are celebrating.

Porcelain wedding

This memorable date is celebrated after 20 years of marriage. It is called porcelain because, like this fragile material, the relationship between spouses can break down very quickly. But at the same time, this date reminds us that if parents were able to carry their marriage and family through life for so many years and not break, then they can rightfully be proud of their relationship.

More often than not, it is not accepted to be original on this anniversary. Relatives and children give the heroes of the occasion expensive porcelain tea sets or small original figurines for the interior. Of course, if your parents collect porcelain, then you can donate a huge Chinese vase.

Silver jubilee

After 25 years of married life, people are celebrating a silver wedding, which symbolizes purity and sincerity in their relationship. On this day, it is customary for parents to give gifts related to the noble and pure metal - silver. In most cases, children donate silver cutlery, trays or icons. But you can also make silver symbolic. That is, to donate a household appliance in a silver case. He will perform all his functions and will be able to make life much easier for parents.

Pearl anniversary

This holiday is celebrated 30 years after the wedding. Children are already adults. Behind so many years of pure and sincere love. Therefore, on this solemn day, all items related to pearls are presented. The children give mothers a string of pearls, which symbolizes the purity and freshness of the relationship, and the father - cufflinks or a pin on a tie with the same pearl decoration.

Bed linen made of pure silk, which resembles a luxurious pearl covering with its luster, will also be a great gift. Or you can give your parents a trip to the sea, so that they themselves find their pearl and bring it with them.

Linen wedding

A linen wedding is celebrated when the parents have lived together for 35 years. This is a great reason to change the whole decor in the house. For this celebration, it is customary to give expensive curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers, high-quality bedding.

But this celebration has one more name - this wedding is called "coral". Therefore, you can safely look for interesting gifts from this material. Any coral figurine will look great in the interior and will give parents a lot of joy.

Ruby Anniversary

This solemn day symbolizes the inviolability and brightness of marriage, like the stone after which this date is named. This holiday is celebrated 40 years after the wedding.

Gifts on this day should be just as expensive like the ruby ​​itself. This could be:

  • mahogany furniture;
  • household appliances of a scarlet shade;
  • dishes in ruby ​​color.

You should not save on gifts for this celebration. After all, such a date is worthy of respect.

Sapphire jubilee

The next precious date is celebrated in 45 years of marriage. She is the true personification of the wisdom and experience that spouses have gained over the years. And items that will be associated with sapphires should be presented on this solemn day.

Children can donate sapphire jewelry. Or show your imagination and present a gift related to water only indirectly. It can be fountains for a garden, a decorative fountain for a home. The latter is also considered a wonderful gift in Feng Shui, because it attracts good luck and prosperity to the house.

Golden wedding

Not all married couples survive to this venerable date. But it is customary to celebrate it on a large scale. After all, the couple lived together for half a century... They have seen a lot, experienced a lot. They are surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.

The best option for a gift from children for this date will be new wedding rings. They will stir up memory and remind you of the day when they were married. This will be a special moment in their life. It is not worth giving other jewelry. After all, older people are no longer so greedy for such gifts. But they will gladly accept an icon or amulet with their patron in gold.

A universal gift for any date

It is not always convenient to be attached to a certain date in the life of a married couple. Moreover, there are also non-circular anniversaries that I would like to celebrate no less vividly. These dates include 34 years. What kind of wedding it is, and what to give to parents on this memorable day - many are puzzled. This date is called the amber wedding, and it is customary to give jewelry with amber to it.

But for any celebration or wedding anniversary, children can be smart and give their parents really memorable and pleasant gifts. So, they can pay in full for the solemn part of the holiday in the restaurant.

But you can take a few other gift ideas:

If the parents are supposed to have an anniversary, then you can make an original gift with your own hands. They can become a funny drawing for the wedding anniversary of their parents, which will depict some interesting moments from the life of a couple. Such an unusual present will definitely be appreciated.

Practicality is not always bad

If you are thinking of a gift for your parents on your wedding anniversary, but you know that they are couch potatoes and prefer to spend time with their grandchildren, it is worth considering a practical present. Such a surprise can be a large plasma TV or two rocking chairs made of precious wood. You can donate new items of electronics, because your parents are unlikely to buy themselves a new phone model. Older people are too conservative.

Well, and if you want to congratulate in a very original way parents, take them to a sanatorium for a couple of weeks, and during this time make a complete repair in the house. This gift will definitely be practical, unexpected and the best.

Original surprises

The most pleasant surprise for parents will be a walk through the places of youth. Here it is important to carefully ask them about the places that they visited together and which they remember. Draw a plan and take them for a ride through these interesting stations. At each such stop, you can arrange a miniature representation of how they could behave here. They will never be able to forget this gift.

The medals and cups that can be presented to them will look very original. Only beforehand you need to engrave the names of the parents on them.

But the best gift for parents on their wedding anniversary is a do-it-yourself family tree or wall newspaper that will describe life in their family. How many memorable moments she will stir up in their lives!

If you want to be completely original, then write a song and record it on an electronic medium. During the celebration, it will become a very pleasant gift for parents.

Sorted out with gifts, all that remains is to create the right atmosphere for their presentation and organize a solemn event for the people closest to the world. And let this day be remembered by them with bright emotions and extraordinary adventures.