The procedure for first aid for burns. What you never need to do with strong burns. Remove clothes that came under boiling water

Today we will talk a little about burns. The furnace in the bath, boiling water in an electric kettle, steam in a saucepan - there are many potential burns around us, and each of us should know how to properly provide first aid.

The burn is called skin damage due to the effects of high temperatures, electricity, chemicals or radiation. The problem that is often found in everyday life and is able to deliver serious trouble.

Important! Proper assistance is especially significant at first after the burn.

What are burning burns

Depending on the cause of the occurrence, doctors highlight thermal, chemical, electric and radiation (radiation) Burns. Most often in everyday life we \u200b\u200bare dealing with thermal burns - damage resulting from high temperature: boiling water, flame, steam.

What does thermal burn look like

Skin thermal burns may look like redness or skin damage. Often we observe the appearance of bubbles or damage to the skin. Deep thermal burn can manifest in the form of brown bubbles or charred skin.

What to do if you got a chemical burn

Such a burn occurs when chemicals containing acids or alkali appear on the skin. The most frequently used substances are household chemicals. You can burn when working in the garden, the substance to remove lime plates or rust.

When first aid, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the substance that you burned. With a chemical burn, a tool containing acid to reduce damage, use weakly alkaline solutions, for example,.

We will talk about first aid with a chemical burn in a separate article.

What burns can be dangerous

In order to determine how dangerous burn, you should pay attention to three circumstances:
  • localization of the burn;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bburnt skin;
  • depth or degree of burn.

What are the degree of burn

It is customary to allocate four degrees of burns.

  • First degree
The burn surface is bright red and slightly prone to swelling. Such burns capture only the topmost layer of the skin, which is called the epidermis. Surface burns undergo independently for 3-5 days, on the skin after them, it is usually not a visible trace.
  • Second degree
The burn is deeper, but still located within the top layer of the skin. With the second degree burns on the background of the bright red surface, bubbles appear with transparent or slightly turbid content. If the burn surface was covered with such bubbles, their should not be pumped by handicrafts. If damage to the bubble cannot be avoided, process its surface and make a hole with a sterile needle. The cores of the second degree usually heal during the week with proper treatment or after 2 weeks, if nothing is taken. Remember that when damaged bubble burns can be infected. An infected burn does not heal for a long time and usually requires medical care.

  • Third degree
These burns are divided into categories. 3A. and 3b. They penetrate deep layers of leather, while burning 3A degree affects part of the dermis, and 3b penetrates its thickness. After receiving the burn of the third degree may form a dark brown or black stamp. The appearance of bubbles with the contents of dark brown color.
  • Fourth degree
The hardest. All layers of skin, muscles, bones are charred. Burns 3b and 4 degrees are considered deep. It is impossible to complete skin restoration after them, instead of the dead skin tissues, a scar is formed.

Important:quickly distinguish the surface burn from deep skin or bubbles. If you see black, charred skin, dark brown paper, or brown bubbles - in front of you deep burn.

How to evaluate the burn area

If you need to assess the burning depth, you can according to its appearance, how to evaluate the burn area? The easiest way to determine the percentage of the burnt surface of the skin is palm rule. It is known that the area of \u200b\u200bthe palm of an adult or child is approximately equal to 1 percent of the surface of its skin.

The second way of determining the area of \u200b\u200bburns - rule nine:

  • 9% head + neck
  • 9% surface of the hand (the surface of the leg is 2 times greater \u003d 18%)
  • 18% the front surface of the body
  • 18% Rear Torch
  • 1% crotch.

First aid with thermal burns

Help must be provided as quickly as possibleBecause it depends on the depth of the lesion. Main events include:
  1. Cooling the burn surface with water room temperature (With a burn no more than 20% of the body surface). It is believed that this prevents the penetration of thermal energy in the deep layers of the skin. Do not use very cold, ice water.
  2. Anesthesia Available tools: Analgin, Baratgin, Ketanol.
  3. The processing of the burn surface at a shallow lesion is carried out antiseptic, for example, a solution of chlorhexidine or a weak solution of manganese. Do not use liquids with alcohol content.
  4. If you have at hand panthenol Or its analogue in the form of spray, apply the composition on the damaged surface. From medications, you can externally use: decantenol, bepanten, banyocin, allantoin, aloe vera juice.
  5. Antihistamines (For example, Supratine or Tueva) will help to remove swells.
If the burn occupies more than 2% of the body surface or is deep, after providing first aid, it should be covered with a burn surface with a sterile napkin (for example, from a car aid kit) and contact rampage.

Important!With extensive burns - 10% of the skin surface and more - Call an ambulance brigade.

Of particular danger represent:

  • surface burns that occupy 10% of the skin and more, in children under 5 years old - more than 5% of the skin surface;
  • babies in children before the first year of life;
  • deep burns corresponding to 3B and 4 degrees;
  • burns, located on the face, neck, scalp;
  • eye burns;
  • burns of the esophagus, crotch and internal organs.
Consider what to do with burns on the face, neck, eye damage and esophagus.

Face and neck burns

Burns on the face and neck can represent a double danger. The face skin contains a large number of pain receptors, and even with a small burn may occur shock state.

The skin on the face and neck is thin and gentle. Burn on it is formed quickly and penetrates deeply. After burns, the face often remains unscrying scars. If you burned your face, you should consult a doctor as quickly as possible. No need to process face with alcohol-containing liquids and impose dense bandages. You can handle the composition with decanteral, allantoin or aloe. When delivering the victim to the doctor, you need to cover the burn surface with a napkin.

Burn eye

Burning eye requires urgent First aid. The eye needs to be rinsed with plenty of water room temperature, after which you can order eye drops with antiseptic and anesthetic or use antimicrobial eye ointment. Victim with a burn eye need immediately deliver to the hospital.

Burn of the esophagus and internal organs

The most frequent burns of the esophagus and internal organs occur when swallowing chemical liquids. Thermal esophageal burns are much less common. Symptoms of the burn of the esophagus - Burning pain in the mouth and beast. There may be increased saliva, vomiting. If you suspect the burning of the esophagus, you should urgently contact the medical institution.

Breathing back burn

Breathing organs burn burns of the victim and may be dangerous for life. Damage can affect the upper (nasal cavity, altar) and lower respiratory tract and is sometimes accompanied. With the breathing system burns it is important to avoid dehydration. The victims are put on fresh air, give a drink a large amount of water.

Baby burns

The most time is the cause of burns in children under 6 years old - boiling water. The mug left on the edge of the table, or the kettle, which was pulled by the wire, are able to cause misfortune.

If the child bursts boiling water, the first thing to do is to rip off the clothes and cool the place of the burn with water. You need to act quickly. On the burned surface to apply panthenol. After processing, cover the damaged surface with a sterile napkin.

It is impossible Lubricate the burned surface with children's cream, fats! The main reason is the formation of the film and the disruption of heat transfer.

As we already know, except thermal, exist chemical and electric Burns.

What can not do with a burn

Providing first help with a burn, you should remember that some things do it is categorically impossible.
  • Use fats
It is impossible to lubricate the burns with animal fat, sunflower or other vegetable oil, oil tinctures and the like. These funds form a film on the surface, which prevents heat exchange. When using oil in the first minutes burn will become deeper.
  • Tear down clothes
With a burn, the flame should not try to remove or tear the adhesive clothing items - it is better to leave them on the spot and contact the medport. If the clothes burned, you can neatly cut it into parts without separating from the skin.
  • Open bubbles
It is not recommended to specifically open bubbles with a nail bubble or piercing them with reservoirs. This contributes to the penetration of infection. If the bubble is randomly damaged, it is recommended to process an antiseptic wound. Carefully reveal the bubble can be a sterile needle after skin treatment.
  • Use plaster
You can not stick the burns with a conventional plaster.

Folk recipes in a burn

There are quite a few folk methods that are recommended for burns. Opinions of doctors on this occasion often disagree due to insufficient practice. Let's wonder what of the folk methods can be applied, and which are not worth it.

Is it possible to handle the surface of the burn with raw eggs?

Official medicine does not particularly recommend using similar healthy tools, especially if there is Panthenol at hand. If there are no medications near, You can lubric a burn of 1 or 2 degrees with egg protein, not letting it dry for half an hour. This method is checked repeatedly on its own experience - with surface burns, it gives an unambiguously positive effect.

A prescription is often given: yolk + protein mix in an equal proportion to the formation of foam and process damaged skin with this mixture. Eggs can be handled already pricking burns for better regeneration. But the ointment of Solkemeril will cope with this.

Date added: 2010-08-11

Are there methods of dating children with fire safety rules? Yes, this method exists in our real life.
In summary of physicians and firefighters, regret, very often small children get burns at home, namely in the kitchen. When the mother prepares on the stove, the kids have a great desire to see what lies in a pan or in a saucepan. Here you have the first real life experience with fire.

Small importance or important little things? Fire in the kitchen.
In the kitchen, large-scale fires occur most often. How to protect yourself?
Remember that it is dangerous to store flammable substances in the kitchen, various rags.
Also also in the kitchen - the curtains flying from the breeze can flash if they hang in close proximity to the stove. Therefore, you should not clutter the kitchen and the balcony with unnecessary things, old furniture, waste paper and other objects that can serve as "food" fire.
What to do?

  • If the oil caught up (in a saucepan or in a frying pan), then overcoat the supply of gas and electricity.
  • Cover the frying pan or pan with a lid, a wet cloth to glue the flame, and let them stand up to cooling the oil - otherwise the fire flashes again.
  • A rag of coarse fabric (such always should be in the kitchen) Take on your arms, protecting them from fire. After that, to overlap the access of air to the fire, carefully throw it on a burning item.
  • When hitting the burning oil, the fat on the floor or wall use to extinguish any washing powder (like a powder fire extinguisher), falling asleep fire.
  • When overheating, the plates first need to turn it off, and then cover the spiral with a wet rag. On the balcony should store all items or under a dense casing, or in metal boxes.

What to do with burns?

1. Help with burns:

  • With a small burn (redness of the skin), place the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin under the stream of cold water and hold down to an element of pain, then lubricate this place with alcohol or cologne, without overlapping dressings. Treat several times a day with the burning of therapeutic aerosols.
  • With strong burns and the formation of bubbles, impose a sterile bandage on them (bandage or stroking fabric) and call the doctor's house. Let's get the victim to drink as much as possible.
  • With extensive burning lesions of the skin, immediately call "ambulance", cover the victim by the stroking towel, sheets, and from above, a blanket.

Give it 1-2 analgin or amidopyrin tablets, a large amount of liquid (tea, mineral water).

  • If the eye burn occurred, make cold rims from tea, try to immediately deliver the victim to the hospital.

2. What you never need to do with strong burns:

  • Process the skin with alcohol or cologne (this will cause severe burning and pain);
  • Purchate formed bubbles (they protect the wound from infection);
  • Lubricate the skin with fat, a greenfly, a strong heatman solution to fall asleep with powders (this will make further treatment difficult);
  • Tearing part of clothes sticking to the place of the burn, touch it with your hands (this leads to the penetration of infection);
  • Allow the victim to move independently (shock is possible);
  • Water bubbles and charred water with water.

Inhalation of hot air, steam, smoke can cause a burner of the respiratory tract, larynx swelling, breathing disruption. This leads to hypoxia - oxygen starvation of body tissues; In critical cases - to paralysis of the respiratory tract and death.

Distinguish three degrees of thermal burns: Light, middle and heavy. For burns, a resistant redness of burnt leather, strong pain. When burning heavier degrees there are bubbles; Against the backdrop of redness and bubbles, areas of the skin can appear ("pork").

First Aid with Limited Burn: Immediately substitute the burned area of \u200b\u200bthe skin under cold water for 10-15 minutes. or attach a sterile ice pack; impose a sterile bandage; give an anesthetic; If necessary, consult a doctor.

First Aid with Extensive Burns: impose not a tight sterile bandage; give an anesthetic; give a glass of an alkaline-salt mixture (1 teaspoon of a cook salt and ½ teaspoon of food soda dissolved in 2 glasses of water); Deliver the victim to the hospital.

Extensive burns are complicated by a burn shock, during which the victims rushing from pain, seeks to escape, poorly focusing. The excitement is replaced by depression, burning burns are dangerous for several reasons.
First, they cause severe pain, thereby inflicting a mental injury to a child. Secondly, extensive thermal lesions are the cause of severe, and in some cases of irreversible changes throughout the body of the victim, which may even lead to death, despite timely and intensive therapy.
In addition, deep destruction of tissues lead to the formation of deforming scars, scar contractures that disfiguring the child lead to the restriction of movements in the joints, and sometimes determine the violation of bone growth.
Thus, children after transferred burn injury can be disabled for life.

How to help a child in burns (guide for parents)
The first task when assisting victims is to stop the damage agent.

  • For flame burns It is necessary to put out burning clothes, make an exhaled from the zone of high temperature or smoke.
  • For burn hot liquids - quickly and carefully remove clothing from burns area. If there is an opportunity, be sure to immerse the burnt parts of the body in cold water or substitute them under a stream of cold tap water for 5-8 minutes.
  • First assistance to the victim from electric current It is to liberate the child from the current action. It is necessary to delay it from the source of electricity. If there is a free hanging wire in the hands of the child, then it should be shattered.
    When assisting the victim from current, high voltage you need to pre-wear rubber shoes and gloves!
  • To avoid secondary infection, it is necessary to put an antiseptic bandage on a burn wound or wrap the child into a clean, squeezed hot iron diaper or sheet.
  • It is inappropriate at home to handle a hazard surface, as it can increase pain and deepen burns.
  • Do not use oil, creams, various ointments or liquids. The surface of the wound should be clean, isolated from the external environment as sterile cloth. For this purpose, it is possible to use polyethylene kitchen film used for food storage. Thus thus harvested wounds, it is necessary to urgently deliver the victim to the hospital.
  • Do not resort to self-medication. A child with burns should be under the supervision of a doctor.
  • If the child got a small burn area during the daytime, then parents need to appeal to the surgeon to the clinic at the place of residence, in the evening and night time - to the hospital, where there is a surgical department. Children with extensive skin lesions need inpatient treatment, so it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance.

How to solve psychological problems in children.

  • In your life there was an accident - your child got a strong burn and is now in the hospital. Family and daily life is broken. As parents you encounter a lot of problems and difficulties. You are completely confused and do not know what you should do how to help your child.
  • A small child is not easy to comprehend what happened to him. Some children do not understand what happened, others, on the contrary, everything is clearly aware. But everyone has fear, severe pain and more than ever need you, in your support, peace of mind and optimism. The way you, parents will be able to help the child survive this difficult time, is of great importance for his and your future life.
  • Try to reassure the child, explain to him that with him all children well, that he will definitely help. Speak him as many times as it is necessary that you will be next to him and will take care of him, - he must make sure that you love him, as before, and that he has not changed for you.
  • A small child is experiencing the same strong feelings about what happened as you. Some children have such experiences may occur immediately after the burn, others - after a while.
  • Most children may experience guilt for what happened, they are confused by sudden changes in their usual life, pain and helplessness.
  • Some children cannot serve themselves and need permanent assistance in elementary situations that have not been difficult for them. This can make them easily excitable or plastic, difficult in communicating, capricious and irritable.
  • Even children from one family react differently to the trauma situation. This is a difficult time for both children and parents. But parents can help the child cope with their feelings arising after injury.
  • Whatever the reaction of the child, please remember that in this situation it is completely normal for him and naturally exercise its heavy experiences.

What do parents need to know about the peculiarities of the behavior of children after the burns received.

  • upset in the absence of favorite toys (everything died during a fire);
  • unfortunately angry with the parents, try to hit them, pushed and bite, throw things or other ways to show your anger;
  • become more active and restless;
  • muchly ask the same question: "It happens again?";
  • worry about whether they will survive what happens to them further, as they look now, and how they will look later;
  • be afraid to stay alone, demand that you be incredible with them;
  • restlessly to sleep or do not sleep all night at all, they can dream of terrible dreams;
  • to behave as if they are younger than in fact: again suck the nipple, ask for hands, stop talking, suffer from urinary incontinence;
  • children may have nausea and vomiting, headaches, lack of appetite and high temperature;
  • children can become quiet and silent, not desire to talk about what happened, and do not remember the events that occurred before or after injury;
  • can easily be upset and cry;
  • feel guilty for your behavior, or acute to sympathize with you if you think that misfortune happened in your fault;
  • to be afraid of situations resembling an accident: the smell of gary or gasoline, open fire or electricity.

Some children can not show the described feelings at all and seem to feel no chagrin. However, it happens that the experiences appear later, a few weeks or months after the burn.

Practical skills and game skills.
Precautions in the kitchen:

Continued in Article number 5.

The burn is a form of injury that has been caused by the action of high temperatures or other factors on the human body sections.

Most often, the reason is the careless handling of hot objects, boiling liquids or fire. The overwhelming number of burns are household. However, there are many other phenomena, because of which human skin can be damaged by burn.

In medicine, it is customary to share the degree of damage to four levels:

  • The first degree is accompanied by redness on the skin surface. The patient feels pain. On the body surface shows swelling (hyperemia). The skin is a few days a little bake, but after 2-3 days the symptoms pass. This degree of burn does not apply to life and health.
  • The second degree is characterized by the appearance of characteristic blisters. They have a significant amount and filled with liquid. The epidermis pecks a bit, it is the cause of blisters. When first aid, it is necessary to impose a bandage, otherwise the blisters can open, which will create an open wound.
  • At the third degree, the thickness of the skin is dead. In this case, the injury in this case affects the puffy layer of the skin, and not just the epidermis. Almost all skin is damaged, all its basic layers. Blisters have a yellowish color due to fluid inside, and sensitivity is strongly reduced, since the nerve tissue is damaged to no less.
  • The fourth degree is charring. Not only skin layers die, damage affects the connective tissue and subcutaneous tissue. Not only muscles may suffer, but in particularly severe cases even bones.

Most often, the first-degree burns occur after solar irradiation. Immediately there is a radiation impact, and thermal. In the kitchen boiling water or about hot objects, people are often burned to the second degree. After that, you can observe blisters. They will testify to the power of the burn, since blisters are possible only when the epidermis is peeling, that is, the skin layer does not fulfill its functions. Strong damage occurs during fires or various accidents. And if at a mild, when the skin only elapsed and reddished, you can do without help, then in other cases the victim necessarily needs immediate treatment.

First assistance in burns is as important as the subsequent proper treatment. It consists of several stages, and pursues the goal to protect the damaged place from external influences. What to do with a burn? At first it is necessary to determine what kind of applies due to its appearance. Burns are the following:

  • Thermal burn occurs when exposed to too high temperatures;
  • Electric comes from electric shock;
  • Radiation from radiation;
  • Chemical happens to the action of strong acids and poisonous substances;
  • Combined burn combines several types.

When burning, skin damage occurs, which leads to its destruction. This is most often superficial effect. Not only the type of exposure affects the result of damage, but also the period of time during which the body was destructive. The period longer, the stronger the harm that was applied. It is from this factor that the degree of damage depends.

First aid for burns includes the assessment of a specialist about its significance. The doctor during inspection makes the conclusions on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, which moved the harmful effects. What it is more, the more difficult treatment. In some cases, the binding of donor skin transplant is becoming an obvious. After the operation, it will differ in shades. Also, the specialist draws attention to the depth at which the burn damaged the skin. One hand in itself has 9% of the skin from the whole body.

What to do before the doctor's arrival?

The provision of first medical care for burns is necessary even before the arrival of a specialist. Sterility, this is what distinguishes burns from other types of injuries. With a thermal burn, the place of the lesion is absolutely clean from microorganisms, but this sterility must be kept proper dressing. That is, in the first minutes there is no need to disinfect the wound. More precisely, it is impossible to do it, as the skin is so damaged and irritated.

In the first minutes after the burn, it is advisable to create cooling. To do this, it is recommended to include cold flow water. It will not create additional mechanical damage, will not put pressure on the skin. However, perfectly sound dust from the surface. Chilled skin cells fall into a special state called anabyosis.

The impact on the skin of high temperatures is called thermal burn. This kind of damage is the most common, and can occur both in production and in everyday life. People are constantly dealing with hot objects. These are irons, and fluffs, and stoves, and columns, and various heaters. Even a small decorative candle can bring trouble, from easy fingerprint, before a fire. It is very important to comply with the elementary safety rules when handling hot objects and liquids.

First aid for thermal burns must necessarily include cooling. After a few minutes, the burned skin shows signs of inflammation. In addition, the victim is experiencing a piercing pain. Cooling it relaxes it. The burn wound is very vulnerable to infection. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to use folk remedies that, on the contrary, can put it. So there is an opinion that it is necessary to attach raw potatoes to the patient. Apparently the recipe initially occurred from an attempt to cool the wound in the field, but if it was necessary to say how much infection it can bring. For another recipe, it is necessary to wash the burned place with a mortar solution. Specialists and this is not recommended, since such a means to the thermal burn can add chemical.

The most frequent burns of varying degrees of hot water happen. People in every day drink hot drinks daily, eat food prepared with furnaces. Regardless of whether the food on gas was prepared or in the microwave device, the final product may be equally hot. What to do when burning boiling water depends on its degree. Fortunately, most of these injuries do not require hospitalization. However, the rules of first aid must be fulfilled even at home.

Be sure to be the first thing to be recommended to hold an exhaled place under the jet of flowing cold water. The procedure must be carried out until the pain appears. If, when removing from the water, pain is quickly returning again, then cooling in water correctly. Otherwise, the victim will not only experience severe pain, but also will strengthen the inflammation.

In no case can not lubricate the burned oil area. There should be no fat until the wound starts to heal. At the first moment, any substance during processing other than cold water will be superfluous. The same rule concerns the diamond green and all disinfecting alcohol tinctures. They are only in vain to burn an additionally affected body of the body, will cause more irritation.

When the pain already subsided, but the skin remained blushing, you can lubricate the first degree burns with alcohol tincture or disinfectant ointments. But it is impossible to do at the first moment. With small burns, the bandage is not required. It is enough to handle the place tools that will contribute to healing. They can be asked in the pharmacy, they are sold without a recipe.

Chemical burns and first actions

First aid for chemical burns includes a number of actions that must be performed in some sequence:

  • An assessment of the situation obliges to determine where the poisoning substances are located that they represent.
  • Based on the information obtained, it is necessary to draw conclusions and make an optimal decision on further actions.
  • It is very important at the time of assistance, so that the person who provides it is dressed in latex gloves. It is necessary that he also has not suffered.
  • It is necessary to determine whether the victim is in consciousness or in a state of fainting. If it is impossible to wake it up, then immediately you need to call an ambulance.

  • Before the arrival of professional medical care, it is necessary to observe the condition of the patient, to check how he feels, help him make a more comfortable position.
  • If possible, the place of the lesion must be cleaned from the poisoning substance. So liquid soluble substances in water must be washed with water. If the poisoning substance has a powder consistency, then it is necessary to smooth it first, blow, and even after rinse. These recommendations are not suitable for oversized lime. It should be just shaken, but not allowing water.
  • If an acid burn occurred, then it is necessary to wash the place of damage to the solution of food soda. This will change the acidity on the surface of the wound and partially neutralizes the poisoning substance, but will not cause additional harm, since the alkalinity of the soda solution is low.
  • If there was a damage to the alkali, then the opposite will help the acid. But the solution should not be too strong, because citric acid either vinegar must be divorced quite a bit.
  • If the victim is very bad, then you can give him analgin before the doctor's arrival. Its preparations have rare individual readings, and in the absence of such a tool will facilitate the state of the patient. This is the overall first medical care for burns, if they are significant.

The burns are considered to be one of the most common injuries of the human body. It is necessary to approach the treatment of this kind of damage as much as possible, since even the simplest injection is capable of improper assistance to cause serious consequences for the body. That is why everyone needs to know how correctly burns should be provided at home.

Types of burns

The degree of burns

  1. The first degree of burns. There is a defeat of exclusively the upper layers of the skin. As a rule, redness appears on the skin, which is accompanied by a feeling of heat. If the first assistance in burns at home was rendered correctly, for 5 days this injury passes, and a new epithelium appears on the site of the affected skin. Most often, the first degree burns are sunburn.
  2. The second degree of burns. It is damage to the skin, characteristic signs of which the formation of bubbles on the affected areas. On the surface of the epidermis, so-called blisters are formed - bubbles with serous fluid. Most often, this kind of injury is diagnosed when the skin of the skin ferry or boiling water.
  3. Its distinctive feature is the impossibility of complete skin restoration, since the scars remain at the site of exposure in any case. The strength of the lesion reaches subcutaneous fatty fiber.
  4. The fourth degree of burns. These are the most serious and dangerous burns that penetrate deeply under the epithelium of the fabric and can even reach the bone. Such injuries are characterized by dieting muscle and connective tissues, as well as their char harness. Most often it is thermal burns derived from open flame, electrical and chemical burns.

The degree of burns and the first assistance in them are inextricably linked. And if the burns of the 1st and 2nd, it is possible to cure at home, then with 3-it burns and 4th degrees without the help of a qualified specialist simply not to do.

Thermal (thermal) burn. First aid

First aid for lesions of this kind should include the following sequence of actions:

  1. Stop impact on the skin of the thermal factor. It is very important to do this as quickly as possible, from which the depth of the resulting burn depends.
  2. Carefully cool downstairs. It must be borne in mind that even after the thermal agent has been eliminated, the process of tissue damage does not stop. This is explained by the action of the burnt fabrics themselves, which are heated to high temperature. That is why the mandatory component of the first aid is cooling, which is achieved with cold water. The duration of impact on the affected area is 10-15 minutes.
  3. To impose a aseptic bandage. With the burnt parts of the body, it is necessary to cut clothes and to prevent the secondary infection to impose a bandage. The victim should be warm for what to wrap it in the blanket, pour warm tea and ensure peace. If necessary, give an anesthetic.

The correct first assistance provided for thermal burns is of great importance, as it makes it easy to facilitate the state of the victim and accelerate the processes of restoration of the natural structure of the skin. After receiving the burn, the main thing is not to panic and strictly execute these recommendations.


If thermal burns and frostbite were obtained, first aid should be rendered immediately. Thus, the victim in suspected frostbite should be delivered to the warm room. It is very important to prevent the rapid warming of damaged areas, for which it is recommended to impose thermal insulation bandages from gauze and wool to supercooled areas. The victim need to provide abundant drinking and call a doctor.

Chemical burn

First aid for burns with chemicals may be different and depends on the reagent, which caused skin damage.

Upon receipt of the burn with concentrated acids (with the exception of sulfuric acid), the burn surface should be washed over 20 minutes with a jet of cold water. A good result gives washing the affected zone with a 3% solution of soda (on 200 ml of water 1 tsp. Soda).

Burns caused by alkalis should also be thoroughly rinsed, and after processing with 2% citric acid solution. An exhaled area after processing is required to impose a sterile bandage.

In no case cannot be washed with water, the removal of lime and further processing of the affected skin is made by oil. After removing all existing lime slices, the wound should be closed with a marlevary bandage.

Specific features have assistance in burns caused by phosphorus. The fact is that phosphorus has a property flasher in air, as a result of which the burn becomes combined - chemical and thermal. The burned area is recommended to be immersed in water and remove pieces of phosphorus with a cotton or wand under water. After that, the damaged surface must be treated with a 5% copper sulfate solution and cover with a sterile dry bandage. With this kind of injury, the use of ointments or fat is strictly prohibited due to the fact that they cause phosphorus absorption into the skin.

Electric burn

First aid for burns at home is reduced, first of all, to eliminate the source of electrical damage with mandatory observance of personal safety. Next damaged areas must be closed with a bandage.

If a light injury was received, the victims to calm enough and give it warm tea. In the event that a person has lost consciousness, it is necessary:

  1. Put it at a convenient position.
  2. In order to liberate the respiratory tract, turn his head side.
  3. Relax tightening clothes.
  4. Control breathing and pulse.

Rady burn

The symptoms of the radiation burns are usually manifested in approximately 6 hours after irradiation and include harsh pain, light sources, swelling and hyperemia. In this case, first aid for burns at home should be rendered without delay.

In case of severe pain, the affected treatment should be accepted (Tempalgin, Ketanov, Analgin). Antihistamines will help partially eliminate inflammation and detect. With pronounced light, it is necessary to beware of bright light, for which the room is recommended to darken. In order to avoid secondary eye infection, it is advisable to use antibacterial drops ("Tobraks", "cycled" or "Taufon").


The most common among the radiation is sunburn. With such skin defeat, it is necessary to immediately take a cool shower. To restore the water balance in the body of the victim, it should take as much as possible with liquid (morse, milk, tea).

With strong solar burns, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a solution of calendula (for its preparation it is necessary to dilute the calendula's tincture in cool water) or boric vaseline. If the injured temperature rose, he should give the antipyretic drug ("aspirin", for example).

May be based on folk recipes. So, quickly remove pain sensations and irritation will help rubbing the affected zone with kefir or sour cream. A good effect has a means cooked on the basis of boiled in the mundair of potatoes. To do this, the cooked potatoes must be cleaned from the peel and mix with sour cream to the formation of a mass resembling an ointment consistency. Apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes per burned area, and after washed with water. This remedy is a great first help to a child with a burn, because the kids love to frolic in the sun, without thinking that gentle leather is so vulnerable to external influences.

The rapid healing of burns contributes to the means cooked on the basis of eggs. To do this, it is necessary to boil the cut of 5 eggs, get yolks from them and package them in a frying pan before turning black in the color of the mass. The mixture is cooling and rubbing the baked areas.

First assistance in burns

We often get thermal or sunburn in spring and summer. If you burned, you should handle the skin as quickly as possible to stop the lesion process at the initial stage and avoid serious complications. To process the burn surface, doctors recommend using a spray with a decantenon content that affects healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a component is part of the European Quality Medicine - "PanthenolCrey". Experts note that the drug impedes the development of inflammation, quickly relieves burning, redness and other unpleasant signs of burn. Panthenolsprey is the original drug, tested for years and is very popular, therefore has many analogues in a pharmacy with a very similar packaging. Most of these analogues are registered as cosmetics for a simplified procedure that does not require clinical trials, therefore the composition of such funds is not always safe. In some cases, it includes parabens - potentially hazardous substances that can provoke tumor growth. Therefore, when choosing it is very important not to be mistaken. Pay attention to the composition, the country of production and packaging - the original drug is produced in Europe and has a characteristic emoticon next to the name on the package.

How should not heal burns

Proper first aid for burns categorically prohibits the use of ointments made on an oil basis, and other fat-containing products (with the exception of chemical burns with negated lime). This action will only worsen a state, and the health workers will subsequently remove the fatty film from the damaged surface, thereby delivering additional torment to the victim.

Also you can not handle the skin with cologne and alcohol-containing lotions. The burned place should not be covered with the plaster, as it will make it difficult to enter the air. It is forbidden to open bubbles, because the infection can spread.

Burns are a common skin injury that thousands of people receive daily. Proper and timely provision of first aid for burns will help as painlessly and in a short time to restore the affected skin.

Both in production and in everyday life can take a hazard to get a burn. By type of burns there are thermal, chemical, electrothermal and sunny. With serious skin damage, of course, you need to contact doctors. But there are situations where the first assistance to the victim must be rendered immediately before the arrival of doctors, and these cases need to remember the basic rules for assistance.

Thermal burn

Damage due to the impact on the skin of the flame or hot liquids, items are called thermal burns.

1) If clothes are burning on the victim - you need to draw a jacket on it, a blanket, pour with water, fall asleep with sand. When the flame is extinguished - you need to try to remove damaged clothes. If the clothes stuck to the body - it must be necessary in any case, but gently cut off with scissors around the wounds. Wounds should be wrapped with sterile napkins from a first-aid kit or a clean cloth.

2) In no case to lubricate the wound with oil, egg yolk, any ointments.

3) the victim from the burn you need to give as much drink as possible.

4) If the chills appeared, it is necessary to hide the victim with a warm blanket.

5) To reduce the pain shock, it is possible until the doctor comes to make a victim of 100 ml of wine.

6) If the burn on a small surface of the limb should be dipped to the victim limb to cold water for 15 minutes. Then, without overlapping ointments, hide the wound with a sterile bandage and consult a doctor.

7) In no case to the wound not to apply ice! This will strengthen the damage caused by the burn.

8) If it is impossible to quickly consult a doctor for the period of transportation of the victim, applied to the wound surface with a wet moistened with urine. Urine has an antiseptic and wound healing effect, the pain will come.

9) To reduce pain, the victim can be given 1 tablet Analgin, Baralgin, paracetamol.

10) With a large surface, the burn can be patient to put in a cool shower or pour it with cool water.

Electrothermal burn burn

As a result of an accident associated with faulty electrical appliances or careless handling of devices or electrical wires, electric shock occurs, on the site of contact with the skin of the victim, forming a burn surface.

1) The first thing to be done is to make sure that the current source is turned off and is no longer dangerous. If the blow of the current occurred from the torn electrical wire, which is next to the victim, should be thrown into it with a wooden stick to a safe distance, or the victim to drag off for the clothing to the safe distance.

2) Damage caused by the discharge of lightning, also belong to electrothermal burns. In no case of the victim does not need to be bought into the ground! It is impossible to sprinkle the earth or ash wound surface. It is necessary to put the victim on a flat surface and pour cool water.

3) when burns from electricity, often the victim loses consciousness. Before the doctor's arrival, you need to put it, cover the wound surface with a sterile napkin, the patient to give as much drink as possible. If the victim lost consciousness - you need to bring your nose to his nose moistened with ammonia alcohol.

4) Cannot handle wounds with oil, cream, ointments. You can apply a napkin moistened with cool boiled water, but not ice.

Sunny burn burn

With an excessive stay in the sun, the skin can burn, a solar skin burn appears. Sunny burn is not so harmless to health, because the lesion area is sometimes 70-80% of the body. When burning in the Sun, the victim immediately must be rendered first aid.

1) The first task is to cool the surface of the burn slightly. To do this, the victim needs to take a cool shower.

2) The patient needs to drink as much liquid as possible.

3) With increasing body temperature, you need to take a tablet aspirin, prepare a sick drink from a rose hips.

4) With significant damage to the skin, burgundy - red color of the skin, the appearance of bubbles and the deterioration of the overall state of the patient, you need to call a doctor. Before the arrival of the doctor on the body of the victim, you can make compresses from the calendula, for this, the alcohol tincture of calendula, purchased in the pharmacy, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. In the solution, we carry fine cotton wipes and impose on the body of the victim.

5) The skin of the victim from the sunny burn can be lubricated by the boric vaseline.

6) Homemade assistance with solar burns include masks on the body of kefir or sour sour cream.

Chemical burn

Both in production and in everyday life, a considerable amount of chemical reagents surrounds us, many of which can cause burns.

1) The first thing you need to take is to remove the affected clothes on which the chemical fell.

2) abundant jet of water, for a long time, rinse the burned areas of the injured body.

3) The skin in no case wipes, because so you can enter the damaging substances into the skin.

4) If it is just known that the damage occurred with acid, you need to wash the skin with a soda solution - on a glass of water a teaspoon of soda.

5) If the burn occurred under the action of a lump, then it is necessary to wash the skin with an acidic solution - a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar 9% per glass of water.

6) On the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, put a sterile napkin and seek help to a doctor.

Before applying to the doctor on the wound surface, coloring substances can not be applied, because the doctor will be difficult to consider the nature of the defeat. In no case, it is impossible to pour starch, earth, ash, to smear burns with various ointments, creams, to use cologne, alcohol, a strong solution of mangarteau, soap, iodine, and greengantle, soap, and zelery, etc.

Everyone should know how the first assistance should be taken by the victim in burns in order to react and facilitate the patient's condition in time, fulfilling the right actions.