Happy birthday to your own words. Super best congratulations in your own words happy birthday girlfriend. The best new year greetings

Today, I want to congratulate my wonderful girlfriend happy birthday. Dear, I want to wish you always to stay as beautiful and cheerful, lucky and happy. Also, I want to wish every new day to meet with a positive - with a smile, and walk through life with a highly raised head. Today, the whole world is in love with you. Be happy, next to a loving and caring man! Let all dreams come true!

Let everything be like you! Good luck, happiness and luck! And most importantly, love! Love that my heart breathes and whom the thoughts are always busy! Be happy!

You do not imagine your native, what happiness to me today congratulate you on your birthday! After all, if not for you, I would not know what real, strong women's friendship! I wish you today, in order to be in your way, I never got up. To surround you, only good people. For you girlfriend, I am ready on a lot. I can solve any problems, know that I am always there, and I will not bother. After all, our friendship, for me something more than just friendship. We seem to be associated with invisible thread. With the name of the girlfriend! I wish you bright colors in your life.

You congratulate everything from year to year, wisdom wishes, happiness and warmth. And this year and I wish you love, patience, caress and good!

Dear girlfriend, in this significant day, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors so that all your dreams come true! Do not be afraid to try and mistaken! After all, you have one big adventure in front, called life! You have always been sometimes for me. Today you shine like an upward star in the sky! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because you know that I will always be there, and we will get out of any situation! After all, we are strength together! Happy Birthday! Let your eyes today, are burning like two diamonds from happiness and inspiration!

The most expensive people who are always next to me. They seem to be my family protect and help. Their list is not so great, but you head it you, my heart girlfriend! On this day, I sincerely congratulate you and wish to achieve all that you have named yourself and planned. Be the lord of your destiny and let the stars shine as clear! Let all your dreams that you want to embody in my life, slowly but confidently come true. Remember that I am always there. Happy Birthday.

My dear and beloved girlfriend. So flew another year of our friendship. You would like more wise, even more beautiful, even kinder. There are many words in the human lexicon, but none will not give those feelings that I have now inside. I congratulate you on your birthday and I wish you from the depths of the soul that everything would be for you, as if in a fairy tale and sophisticated, so that there was no place in your destiny. I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that I gave me such a good girlfriend. Which will always come to the rescue and will not quit in difficult situations. With the name of the girlfriend.

His most native girlfriend, I hurry to congratulate the moment of birthday. I want to express my love, warmth and affection. And of course, thank you! For all those years that would be near, as if my guardian angel always help and comfort! Let the sky pay you the same! Let your fate be like a beautiful garden - always fierce! I want you to always shone from happiness and never knew disappointment. I want to never know your clear eyes. After all, you are my best friend. Happiness to you.

Favorite my girlfriend, my ray of light. I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! I wish you happiness and luck throughout your life. I want the whole life to go in joy, and positive. So that no one ever interfere with your dreams. So that you all your life on top and conquered all new and new peaks. That your victories have always been decently awarded. You're dear exactly in life you will achieve a lot! I wish you more happiness. To in your eyes I saw only happiness! And know that no one will never deprive me of our friendship! Happy Holidays Pretty Girlfriend!

The most expensive little man, his native girlfriend from the bottom of my heart sincerely congratulations on his birthday! I wish you, in my life, never regret anything. Because you know my native, everything that is not done is all done for the better. All that is preparing to us fate, everything is bad and good in a short time turns into invaluable experience. Let fate prepares you as much pleasant surprises as possible. And life becomes more beautiful for you and brighter. Let your guardian angel always be with you next! And protects you from all life unfortunate. Happy Birthday.

Today in this beautiful and sunny day, I congratulate my best girlfriend happy birthday! You, my sun deserves the best life. After all, such people are like you. You in any situation remain optimistic! And you always pick up even when the bad! Let everyone in your life develops as you want! Do what your heart suggests you! But there are such situations where the head should make a decision. So I wish you a friend never mistaken in your decisions and always make the right choice. Happy Birthday to You!

The most beloved girlfriend, dear mine. I congratulate my birthday today! I wish you my dear, on this day, to remain as beautiful, gentle sincere and romantic. I want to have any obstacles to your paths. After all, you are worthy of the best, beautiful life. After all, you are always, in all situations, you remain objective! Let this birthday, all your dreams come true for you. Let everything be fine in your life. After all, your support is everything for me! Happy Birthday.

All I want to tell you now to tell you, thank you. Thanks for friendship! Thanks to the Lord for giving me such a real girlfriend. Which did not throw me for a second of my life. Which was near even when I did not ask. How do you feel that I need it. You always feel when I get cold on my soul. And you know how to warm me the words. Let your birthday bring you only joy, only happiness and only success! After all, you all worthy of anyone else. Thank you my native girlfriend.

Dear girlfriend, probably, somewhere found the secret of eternal youth somewhere, because your jubilee age is completely impaired. Be also beautiful and always use the attention of men, and be sports and hardworking as always. With the anniversary of you!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY is my dear, although they talk about the Babi eyelids, but I think it does not apply to you in any way. You still have a beauty that in the world still search. God forbid you for many summer, and we will ride the winter together, I adore you.

You are my favorite girlfriend! 20 (25, 30, etc.) years - a wonderful date, ahead - happiness of the whole life. I want to wish you to be beautiful soul and body, healthy, cheerful and, of course, beloved. In order for your duty of life, the adversity and bad weather will be met, so that the sun and luck will always smile!

Girlfriend, such as you are in the world only in one instance! Your parents tried to fame, for what they have a big respect! You have the best! Love you, honey! Happy holiday!

Friendship is stronger than we do not find! Let there be quarrels and tears, but we only remember happy and joyful moments. I wish you like this moments in your life as much as possible and all of them remembered for life! Happy Birthday!

The missile of your life is rapidly furious by space of life, conquering all new and new heights, conquering new stars. You yourself are bright, like a star. To be near you - joy, it is always new impressions, new information, new adventures. I congratulate you on your birthday and thank the fate that I introduced me to you, my dear friend.

My girlfriend, I always envied your optimism. After all, he helps you to leave dry out of the water, cheerful from any trouble, do not know anxiety and longing. I wish you always jealously jealously. So that more than any other you had the victories of big.

I want to wish you that your life is bright in colors and fun. I wish you beautiful and fashionable outfits, glamor parties so that you can dance there. Be the most cheerful and blooming, as well as the girlfriend of my best!

I want to congratulate your girlfriend today with her birthday. What to wish you, honey? Let's start with female happiness, because it is so important for each of us. Let only the most reliable hands of a beloved man always be next to you, who will take you from all the troubles and chagrins, will be warm even in the most fierce frost and will be able to comfort in the moments of despair. Let all the paints of the rainbow bloom the real spring and love in your heart. I also wish you good health, it is also useful for you, so do not pain, honey. Of course, I wish the material wealth so that you have always had the opportunity to exercise your dreams and never give up from anything. Let the house be a complete bowl in which troubles or chagrins will not be able to fit.

Happy birthday my favorite friend !!! How many years do we meet your holiday together? You have become the most expensive person in my life, who will not exchange anyone. Different moments we survived together, but our friendship has become only stronger from it. In this wonderful day I want to wish you love, more money, good luck in affairs and just a great mood. Stay always so positive and cheerful. Remember that there are people who are waiting for you from your advice and shoulder at the right moment. Let your angels protect you and do not get stuck. Happiness to you, smiles and the finest !!!

Hello honey! Accept this wonderful day of my birth is my best words and wishes. First of all, I wish strong and good health, and everything else depends on you. I wish the ability to enjoy life, because it helps to overcome any vital troubles. I sincerely wish mutual love, because it is so important to meet himself. I wish you happiness, because happy all the seas on the knee. Be so attractive and cute as now. Flourish every day, like a rose, it goes to you. I am happy that you know with you, you light my way, make it brighter. Know that I appreciate you, I love, respect and insanely more expensive to our friendship. All the best you, cute girlfriend!

To improve your mood, I will make you visit the Prince Danish, sea attention and seduction. So that the compliments you heard so much as in the sea of \u200b\u200bsand. Be cheerful, attractive and sexy, and let your phone do not cease from calls of enthusiastic fans.

Greetings you, my best and devoted girlfriend! You bring all your friends to your friends, giving your smile and your laugh, filling your life with positive. I wish you financial well-being, beautiful love, real success and good health. Let all your dreams are executed! Simple female happiness, cute!

Dear girlfriend! All our family congratulates you with another year of life on this planet! You are so kind, cheerful, bright, unusual, very touching and mental! Wear us with your spiritual warmth and radiant smile! Let all of you develop, let everything succeed 🙂 Happy Birthday from all of our friendly family!

Cute, beloved, dear friend, on my birthday we congratulate you and wish you three things: love is a huge, mutual, bottomless, money - the mountains of the countless and health endless to love and save. Flowers, gifts, smiles, candies and laughing valley.

Dear (friend's name), happy birthday! It is very difficult to desire anyone a man in a solid, self-sufficient living in harmony with him and the surrounding world. You are bright, bright, you are a feast man. Let every day will give you a new discovery and present surprises. Let our friendship every year only grow up. After all, with such people as you and living becomes joyful and easier!

Happy birthday, girlfriend! You always have fun and interesting. It's a pleasure talking to you. When we grow up, it is not known how our lives will be collaborated, but I will remember you and about the fun incidents that happened to us. I still want to hope that our paths will not disperse. After all, with such a friend, like you, go through life much easier. Good luck to you, more joy, fun, good mood and all the best!

It is said that this female friendship does not happen. Apparently, with the one who said it was not such a girlfriend, like me. We and I have been with you so long ago, that became almost sisters, only sisters quarrel is much more likely than we and you. Today is your birthday, and I wish you the fulfillment of all those cherished wishes that we only know about!

Today in this bright summer day, you congratulate you on my girlfriend happy birthday. I wish to avoid losses in life, and to remain as charming, beautiful and adorable. Let your life always be full of a miracle with events. I wish you happiness, joy, health.

Birthday is a reason to come to a person and say about what is on the heart. So, I declare with a clean conscience: I have joy on my heart because you, an expensive birthday boy, is in the world. What you decorate our life come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for what you collect all of us together.

Today you have a birthday, your girlfriend, and, it means, you leave behind your back for another year. What I want to tell you. I wish you wisdom and patience in every new day to find something good, smile towards even unfamiliar people and never lose heart. I wish you forces with dignity and success to undergo all the tests and checks that you will meet on the way to your dream. I want you to meet a really decent man in this way, in which I saw a reliable shoulder and real support in life. I so want your eyes glittered only from happiness and love. Let her fill your soul and never leave again. You really deserve it. Be happy, girlfriend.

I am happy on such a beautiful day to be with you, girlfriend, and congratulate happy birthday. Our years run very quickly, but you do not worry, today you leave all the problems, illnesses and troubles, because you step over the feature of the new year. Let these twelve months become different for you. Let the luck walk along with you, and confidently holds you by the hand so that all your plans and things are carried out. What else to wish. Love, of course, I wish you the most huge and real, I am sure that you will meet a decent man who surrongs you care and attention for which you are created. I also want the whole family to be happy, because then you will definitely be fine. Do not be sad, but it's better to smise more often. Happy Birthday.

Dear girlfriend! I congratulate you on the holiday, which has fallen special and for me. Know that your birthday is my personal holiday that I celebrate as the appearance of another good little man, with whom fate brought me. I want to wish you all the best, but can you make something that I feel in a few words? I wish you a persistently to go to my goal, despite the life obstacles and tips of ill-wishers, know that you can always count on my help and support. I wish you to surround only positive and friendly people, because you deserve it. I wish to meet that very, the only thing and be happy. All that did not have time, wish myself, today all your desires should be carried out. Happy holiday, my good!

At your favorite girlfriend birthday. My dear, I wish you for many years luck, happiness and love. Let all these components never leave you. Of course, you need to remember the material wealth, let your financial position always be at a high level so that you can afford everything you want. I wish you a huge and mutual love, because without female happiness, just nowhere. Let the chosen one loves, appreciates and bears on his hands, because such a beautiful, kind and open girl like you are worth just the best. Never be sad, my native, all problems and trouble will be completed, and a bright and bright band will come behind them, which will give a lot of joy and happiness.

This morning does not cease the phone in the morning. Happy birthday you hurry to congratulate friends, relatives and friends. Take more wishes of good, huge good luck, spiritual heat, health strong as damask steel and longevity dissolved in eternity. Soul songs that flow river, lush feast, unlimited fun will bring a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy. Let your house be fulfilled with the prosperity, laughter of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren for many years. And they all together will lit a hundred candles among a large cake at a central anniversary. Do not get tire to love life and always smile the sun, as now. Stayed everywhere: at home, at work, on the road among friends and enemies and Fortuna will be a permanent faithful companion of fate.

Happy Birthday! I sincerely congratulate you! I wish you health and happiness! To in life and in your work, you have accompanied good luck! Always stay as you are. How many positive energy and human advantages in you! Your intuition and charm makes you special. You have a lot of other wonderful qualities. Take care of all this. Stay always in the same mental person! Let life circumstances fold so that this list is only replenished. I wish you love, love with a capital letter. Love mutual, love pure, love is beautiful and, of course, happy!

Good morning! That came the most important day for you in the year - your birthday. How would you prepare for him, for some reason he always comes unexpectedly, and it's great: surprises begin! There will be many congratulations, warm words, delicious food and positive emotions. Another birthday must you call anyone with whom you did not communicate for one reason or another, and you will be damn nice to hear the voice of this person. In general, this day is really unique for you. Of course, counting the numbers of your age is sad, but no one makes you do it today - it may well wait until tomorrow, then until the day after tomorrow, and there will be forgotten. I congratulate you on your birthday and, among other things, I wish you to think more about good - so that there is no time to think about the bad.

My girlfriend is my friend, with you and in war is not scary, reliable and brave. Always with you good and interesting - stay so forever. We wish to be an excellent student in the science of life and let them in those moments when you are alone, you will not be lonely. Be healthy, and pretty as you eat. Happy Birthday.

My dear best girlfriend, you celebrate a wonderful holiday today - Birthday. Accept the most warm and most tender wishes. I wish good health to you, joy and always excellent mood. Let only reliable friends meet on your paths. Let only good news please you. Be loved and desirable. Let in the house there will always be prosperous and reigns love and respect. May the Lord protect you from all bad. All the best to you, long and happy years of life.

Cute girlfriend, in your wonderful birthday, accepting the sea of \u200b\u200bcomplements and congratulations. Let luck of good luck for the whole century, let the joy warms the heart, let the side bypass all the problems, and health will be strong. I wish you a huge success at work and in your personal life. Let the Bird of Happiness fly to you, and helps come true to all your dreams. Be always beloved and desirable, never lose, and all the problems decide easy and simple. Let hope, faith and love accompany you in life.

Girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday. My dear, I want to wish you wonders and happiness, joy and delight, love and inspiration. Let all you like, will be yours. Let everything you want, be sure to come true.

Eternal beauty unique
Be always happy and loved
In all senses, excellent Virgin,
Be to you, girlfriend, queen!

Happy Birthday, my dear friend! I wish you always to be the most awesome, desired, beloved, successful, talented, irresistible and best! Let everything in your life happens only for the better, let every your day become a little fairy tale for the soul!

For you your favorite friend
Vina dpu to the bottom,
Circle life melting
To me for friendship you are given,

Thank you talking
For friendship, devotion and understanding,
So before the bottom I drink today,
And thank you for all the attention!

Let the earth blooms for you,
I congratulate you
Let our friendships do not melt

With you I am fun to chat,
About everything in the world,
You can tell you
All your secrets

I wish in the personal life of happiness,
From native spiritual heat
Let all your misfortunes,
Sand in the abyss forever!

My favorite girlfriend, with great joy I congratulate you on your birthday, I want you to be infinitely happy, unusually beautiful, always joyful and cheerful. Let your life be filled with warmth and light!

Happy Birthday, Favorite Girlfriend!
I wish a lot of serene days!
And so that we have been friends with you for a long time,
And there was no relative in the world!

Let every morning you have a kind, day - interesting, fruitful and bright, and the evening is wonderful and spiritual. May the happiness be your blanket, climb into it and be sored. Joy and rest, coziness and heat, harmony and confidence, health and energy. Happy birsday, my dear!

Colors you the whole sea
Smiles, good and warm
So as not to see in life you grief,
So that the happiest was

And subject to magic dreams,
For you the sun rises in the morning,
Only for you comes summer,
And only for you congratulations it!

I was lucky in my life
What is my friend,
And the soul is always light,
When a friend's hand is near

And if suddenly problems and adversity,
Starts to storm sometimes
You want to find the right words
For me standing the mountain,

Today on the birthday,
Wish you want me
To his dream of restlessly rapid,
In all matters of huge luck!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
Whispeter is quietly on the eye.
Let all the dreams come true
And happiness does not erect!

My dear, I congratulate this beautiful day! I want to wish you to never stop striving for more, I didn't need anything and easily coped with any obstacle. Let the envious and troubles bypass bypass, and you proudly went ahead. Happy Birthday!

All that you have to me,
One of the proposed suggestion;
Let the world decorate, ringing,
Three these words: happy birthday!

Girlfriend dear,
On your birthday
I sincerely wish
Love, good, luck!

How many years I share with you
And sadness and joy our
Happy birthday you congratulate you,
Let your house be full of bowl!

My girlfriend give congratulations,
In this fun birthday,
Let there be many such ahead,
Only married everyone - do not come out!

My dear girlfriend,
Happy birthday you congratulate you.
And saladikov, my joy,
Your new to taste dream.

Cute girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to shine from happiness, burned from love and burned to loved things. Let the fate pampers you with joyful events, and all the dreams will certainly come true!

You are beautiful, there is no dispute,
Walk at least white light
From the guys of the puberty,
Eclipse the sun light

Let today a sweet girlfriend,
Congratulates you the whole district,
Happiness, peace, health, good,
Remember I have this one!

Our friendship forever,
You never be afraid,
We will not forget you and will not forget
I always be with you,

We are friends with you for a long time,
Together we are always easy,
Fun freely
We are talking about anything,

Let them go
Fate favorably to us,
Our friendship will not die
Top over loneliness will take!

How water running the year
But our friendship is only stronger,
We introduced fate
To me with you, the year is easier from year to

Let your life be kinder
Happily and happily
And the distance road ahead is lighter,
Tempting, unique

Let his friend's hand beside
Same reliable as you
So happy birthday girlfriend,
For you today all the colors!

You are calm, great
And you go as if Pava,
Proudly you carry
Do not give yourself offense

Watch problems ironically
Tweigh refer to cynical
On all questions you will find the answer,
For me to help you come

Happy Birthday Favorite Girlfriend,
Let in the whirlpool of life circle,
Smile Sunlight Lightly,
You know, I'm lucky with my friend!

You are a good girlfriend,
I really need it,
And when I'm tight in life,
You will help me alone

Let's talk to you in souls,
We drink seagull, and maybe I'm stronger,
I'm alarming in half,
And it becomes much easier for me

So let you all lucky
And there will be happiness in life,
And if suddenly the thunderstorm come to you,
I guarantee you my fate!

For me, you like a sister,
Girlfriends are closer with me
You are an abstract, simple,
And everyone captures your beauty

All you congratulate you today
All the best wish
Accept congratulations and from me
I wish you only good,

Let the joy on the heart lies
Asterisk right in hand flies,
Let the cherished dreams are performed,
Whether you are happy!

I wish good health and energy charge for the fulfillment of everything conceived. Let them
Birthday to defend all the dreams that we are always secret.

Happy birthday to your beloved friend
You, my girlfriend, I wish this bright day of all the highest life awards. Stay the same purposeful and resourceful.

My dear, ________________ ! I wish you to be the warful on your birthday! All what would you like to get, - Get! All I would like to achieve, reach! Everyone who you love is, let them love and you! Happiness to you and good, my best girlfriend in the world! - with love, _____ .

Let all that you have a good, will increase in a hundred times, and everything that frustrated you will go to the past and will not come back again. Sea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful colors and smiles to you, my sweet. Strong friendship, family support, success in the endeavors and the ocean of immense love.

Today is a wonderful holiday from my best friend - a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, and I wish all the best, which is in life. Good health to you, joy and enormous personal happiness.

Let luck accompanies you in life. All the best to you, joy and well-being. Cute girlfriend, from a pure heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great success in all your endeavors.

Be the same wise, kind and beautiful. Let in the soul always ringing the melody of spring. Pretty girlfriend, accept on your birthday best wishes from me. I wish you good health and happiness, let the troubles and anxieties bypass you.

Daughter! Dear, congratulations on your birthday. You are a bright flower who decorates our home. Let there be dark stripes in your life, let everything shine and sparkles with bright colors and emotions. Be the most happy, dear our girl!

Our sun, happy birthday we congratulate you and wish you - let happiness shakes you on a calm emerald wave, in a cozy, comfortable, magical world. Let luck become a friend to you, and love will be sweet, pleasant - like honey!

My favorite and native girl, with your birthday! This is my holiday, because once you brought a new meaning in my life and a lot of happiness. Be healthy, pretty, beloved and respected by everyone around!

Daughter, congratulations on your birthday! With this light day, we want to wish you joy, happiness, fulfillment of all your desires! Let your whole life be filled with warmth and light, let your attention and participation of close people surround you!

My daughter on the birthday, the most beautiful, gentle and cheerful, wishes and greetings. Be always beloved and in love, with a soul of forever young, with fire in the chest, with a dream in the heart, restless as a star. I love you so much! Happy Birthday, my dear.

Daughter, you are the most expensive little man in the world for me. So I want to wish you on this beautiful day of your birth just the best! Let life not bother on joy for you, and let the sadness and failure, let them bypass you!

Cute our daughter, our flower. Be always young and beautiful, desirable and native. Let everything be fine in life: love and friendship, happiness, and luck. Let your young soul never become old and will always be kind and responsive to any misfortune. Happy Birthday to You.

Daughter! Our treasure and our light ray! Happy Birthday! For parents there is no gift better than such a wonderful daughter. We wish your most intimate desires and dreams to be reality, and we will contribute to this with all the forces. Happy holiday, our girl.

Dear daughter, happy birthday to you. I wish you, the sunshine, shine, like a bright star in the sky, believe in a dream and strive for success, I wish to be always surrounded by happiness and love, confidently go forward and conquer the new vertices.

My favorite my daughter, I am proud that you combine the best qualities of a woman: kindness, caress, tenderness, and all this is complemented by amazing beauty and prudence. I wish you to meet a man who will be as ideal as you.

My girl, let each year it becomes a reason for you to open myself and your capabilities. All you have conceived, certainly embodied in life and gives you only positive emotions. Happy birthday, daughter!

Dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! Let every your day be filled with love, tenderness, smiles, good mood. Let you always have a bottomless bag of money, health remains strong, like a diamond, there will be many friends, traveling and joy from the performance of a dream.

My favorite girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday! Wishing happiness, health, good luck - trite, so I wish you money in all pockets, so that the head was circling, and the misfortune was afraid to come to you. So that your faithful friends and comrades are always surrounded.

Always be the same bright, generous, desired and successful. Health to you strong, faithful friends, good mood, a lot of positive and real female happiness. Today, a huge and crazy world is spinning only for you. Happy birthday my friend!

Girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday. My dear, I want to wish you wonders and happiness, joy and delight, love and inspiration. Let all you like, will be yours, let everything you want, will surely come true.

Dear girlfriend, happy birthday to you. I wish you from all my heart to always remain incredibly beautiful, sincerely beloved, undoubtedly, successful and infinitely happy. Let life please you with pleasant gifts, good wonders, wonderful mood and joyful meetings.

Happy birthday my friend! I wish you to be enjoyed with happiness, filled with health, worsted love. So that in your house is comfort and peace, and life shone with multi-colored paints! Let everything and always you will be wonderful.

On the birthday of Birth very much I want,
Wish me a friend my mother
Give you a lot of tenderness
The world, the sun, good luck.

Happy Birthday, you really wanted to congratulate
That your every organ is unharmed, so that in the whole body to health.
I congratulate our beauty, my friend is fatal,
There are no ladies in the world, let me kiss you.

On the day of your appearance in the world
I will send you a message,
I painted you a lot of cutlets,
Come on my invitation.

Congratulations on your whole soul
You are the best on the planet of men,
Let your soul bloom,
And the heart of the borders does not know.

You are my favorite person,
And I adore my guy.
Live you happy and beautiful eyelids,
Just stay always.

Let there be many bulls and cows,
And you, the guy, too, be healthy.
Happy birthday you congratulate you
And I wish the health of bovine.

Girlfriend happy birthday congratulations on this joyful and bright day. Let the sun and the hearts shine and the hearts shine happily tremble. Let love warps on cold days, and respectfully respects and admiration. Let health be always strong like a nut, and a smile warm, like a sunny ray. Live, not knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

Let your drinking look every year, as if good wine, it becomes more beautiful and more beautiful, let your bright smile always illuminates the path around. Live so that every day there is a reason to smile so that every moment the heart happily fluttering from happiness and so that there never had bitterness in the soul. Happy Birthday Dear, my favorite friend! You are a real sunlight for everyone who surrounds you. And I get your warmth to the rights of the best friend to go a little more than the rest. Thank you for it! On the birthday, I sincerely wish you cheerfulness, light in the heart and simple female happiness!

Happy Birthday, the most wonderful friend! You are the most kind and caring. Thank you for always to rely on you and trust you. My dear, I am grateful to the fate for giving us each other and tied our lives with durable friendship threads. Thanks for your loyalty and devotion.

My good girlfriend. That comes your next birthday. But about the fact that you are going to sadness. After all, life just begins! I want to raise my glass for the most expensive and valuable, what we have with you - for a sincere friendship. After all, whatever they say, and the real friendship is a rather rare phenomenon. As you know, this friend can be known not only in the mountain, but also in happiness. We and I have experienced a lot together. And now, passing through numerous barriers and tests, I declare with confidence - you are more for me than a simple girlfriend. I suggest a drink for our friendship with you, as a wonderful wine, eventually became sweeter and stronger. Happy Birthday, my faithful and expensive girlfriend! They say the female age is short, but it's not really true! After all, my girlfriend, ahead of the long years of happiness, well-being and love! I know, so it will be, because on her birthday we all wish it! She is our friend, for someone - a native man, and therefore, our faith in miracles is enough to be fulfilled all the ones on this day!

Cute girlfriend! You know that not only on your birthday, but on any other day I wish you only from the pure heart and is very sincere most beautiful and cheerful !!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, loyal friends, festive mood, execution of cherished desires and creative accomplishments! Happy Birthday!

Dear girlfriend! On the birthday, think about what you dream most ... Many desires only seem to be unrealized, everything is real, it is only very wanted. I wish you the fulfillment of the most cherished dream! Happy Birthday Favorite girlfriend, you have the brightest and kindest holiday today - Birthday! Look around - the world is beautiful and amazing, in front of you are just beginning to open the doors of life and secrets of being! Go ahead, become the ruler of my destiny! Be always so beautiful and stunning! Only such beautiful eyes can be seen this wonderful world!

Dear my girlfriend! Happy Birthday to you. I wish you to hear good and kind words and received flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star burned brightly, brightly illuminating your life path. And I also want to wish, so that this year you met our half, so that she finally found you - went on one sidewalk with you, or drove with you in one minibus, and you originated with unearthly love. Be happy!

You do not imagine your native, what happiness to me today congratulate you on your birthday! After all, if not for you, I would not know what real, strong women's friendship! I wish you today, in order to be in your way, I never got up. To surround you, only good people. For you girlfriend, I am ready on a lot. I can solve any problems, know that I am always there, and I will not bother. After all, our friendship, for me something more than just friendship. We seem to be associated with invisible thread. With the name of the girlfriend! I wish you bright colors in your life.

Today is a wonderful holiday from my best friend - a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, and I wish all the best, which is in life. Good health to you, joy and enormous personal happiness. Let all trouble and sadness disappear forever. Let hope, faith and love never leave you. Stay, girlfriend, the same young and beautiful. Let every day be a holiday for you, let dreams always come true. Let the Lord protect you from all troubles.

My dear, I wish you the most real fairy tale! Let your intimate desires come true, and the bird of happiness never leaves you. I want to see your happy smile as much as possible and hear mischievous laugh. I wish your most important problem to consist only in choosing new shoes. Happy Birthday!

My dear and my favorite friend! In this magical and festive day of your birth, I want to wish you from all my heart, be eternally young and staying as beautiful and charming as you are! Let the heavens with an excessive will send you joy, female happiness, wealth and good luck. I wish you to be a solid spirit and never give up! From any circumstances to learn the winner! I believe in you, you can, you can always! Happy birthday to you, doll! I wish you this day, so that you are shining like a diamond and to this diamond, a worthy frame attached! Let all your mysterious dreams and desires come into reality, let every new day brings you an incredible amount of joy and good news! Let you survive only good people who can count and trust, because you are so fragile and tender, you want to protect and cherish you all the time! Happy birthday, darling!

Dear girlfriend, in this significant day, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors so that all your dreams come true! Do not be afraid to try and mistaken! After all, you have one big adventure in front, called life! You have always been sometimes for me. Today you shine like an upward star in the sky! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because you know that I will always be there, and we will get out of any situation! After all, we are strength together! Happy Birthday! Let your eyes today, are burning like two diamonds from happiness and inspiration!

The most expensive people who are always next to me. They seem to be my family protect and help. Their list is not so great, but you head it you, my heart girlfriend! On this day, I sincerely congratulate you and wish to achieve all that you have named yourself and planned. Be the lord of your destiny and let the stars shine as clear! Let all your dreams that you want to embody in my life, slowly but confidently come true. Remember that I am always there. Happy Birthday.

My dear and beloved girlfriend. So flew another year of our friendship. You would like more wise, even more beautiful, even kinder. There are many words in the human lexicon, but none will not give those feelings that I have now inside. I congratulate you on your birthday and I wish you from the depths of the soul that everything would be for you, as if in a fairy tale and sophisticated, so that there was no place in your destiny. I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that I gave me such a good girlfriend. Which will always come to the rescue and will not quit in difficult situations. With the name of the girlfriend.

His most native girlfriend, I hurry to congratulate the moment of birthday. I want to express my love, warmth and affection. And of course, thank you! For all those years that would be near, as if my guardian angel always help and comfort! Let the sky pay you the same! Let your fate be like a beautiful garden - always fierce! I want you to always shone from happiness and never knew disappointment. I want to never know your clear eyes. After all, you are my best friend. Happiness to you.

Favorite my girlfriend, my ray of light. I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! I wish you happiness and luck throughout your life. I want the whole life to go in joy, and positive. So that no one ever interfere with your dreams. So that you all your life on top and conquered all new and new peaks. That your victories have always been decently awarded. You're dear exactly in life you will achieve a lot! I wish you more happiness. To in your eyes I saw only happiness! And know that no one will never deprive me of our friendship! Happy Holidays Pretty Girlfriend! © ©

The most expensive little man, his native girlfriend from the bottom of my heart sincerely congratulations on his birthday! I wish you, in my life, never regret anything. Because you know my native, everything that is not done is all done for the better. All that is preparing to us fate, everything is bad and good in a short time turns into invaluable experience. Let fate prepares you as much pleasant surprises as possible. And life becomes more beautiful for you and brighter. Let your guardian angel always be with you next! And protects you from all life unfortunate. Happy Birthday.

Today in this beautiful and sunny day, I congratulate my best girlfriend happy birthday! You, my sun deserves the best life. After all, such people are like you. You in any situation remain optimistic! And you always pick up even when the bad! Let everyone in your life develops as you want! Do what your heart suggests you! But there are such situations where the head should make a decision. So I wish you a friend never mistaken in your decisions and always make the right choice. Happy Birthday to You!

The most beloved girlfriend, dear mine. I congratulate my birthday today! I wish you my dear, on this day, to remain as beautiful, gentle sincere and romantic. I want to have any obstacles to your paths. After all, you are worthy of the best, beautiful life. After all, you are always, in all situations, you remain objective! Let this birthday, all your dreams come true for you. Let everything be fine in your life. After all, your support is everything for me! Happy Birthday.

All I want to tell you now to tell you, thank you. Thanks for friendship! Thanks to the Lord for giving me such a real girlfriend. Which did not throw me for a second of my life. Which was near even when I did not ask. How do you feel that I need it. You always feel when I get cold on my soul. And you know how to warm me the words. Let your birthday bring you only joy, only happiness and only success! After all, you all worthy of anyone else. Thank you my native girlfriend.

Cute girlfriend, from a pure heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great success in all your endeavors. Spiritual to you takeles, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. Let your life flow as a complete river, let you always carry everything. Good health to you, best friend, self-confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life long - for many years. Let you surround reliable, faithful friends. Be the same wise, kind and beautiful. Let in the soul always ringing the melody of spring.

Pretty girlfriend, accept on your birthday best wishes from me. I wish you good health and happiness, let the troubles and anxieties bypass you. Let the cuckoo give you a hundred years of life, let the happiness bloom in your life, like a spring garden. Be always loved and desirable, let you respect and appreciate colleagues, let good luck settles in your house forever. Peace to you, joy and family heat. Let a good mood never leave you. Long years of life you, girlfriend, wealth and well-being.

Today, my friend's festive date is a wonderful holiday of the birthday. Let your life blooms a magnificent rose, let all the desires certainly come true, let luck never leave you. Good health to you, girlfriend, wonderful mood and in the vocabulary in all endeavors. Let your life be long, cheerful and happy. Be always in the apogee of admiring attention. Never fall in spirit, be confident. Let you always be lucky in everything, but hope, faith and love never leave you.

My best friend, allow from all my heart to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that in your life everything came true, I wish immense happiness, tender love, radiant sun and a pure peaceful sky above his head. Let everything be in life in life on perfectly, let him forget badly, and the good only multiplies. Good health to you, native, clean conscience, well-being. Let the full bowl be your home, let Love live in it and the funky children's laughter sounds. Let the Lord always protects you.

What a wonderful holiday is a birthday. How many complements and warm words we wish on this day. Cute girlfriend, allow from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you on your personal holiday, and wish all the best. Let this day bring you a lot of joy and good luck. Let you certainly be lucky. I wish you my best friend, huge happiness, long life, beautiful and mutual love. Let fate always be favorably to you, let the good angel protect from the troubles and evil.

Pretty girlfriend, in this wonderful festive day for you, accept the best wishes to your address. I wish you, above all, good health, great success in work, of great happiness in personal life. Let all your dreams certainly come true, let luck walk for you on the heels. Be always so beautiful, cheerful and confident. Love and be always beloved. Let hope, faith and love will be companions in your life. Let the Lord always protects you.

Dear girlfriend, you just shine from happiness. And it is not surprising, because today your most beloved holiday is a birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, great happiness, long life. Let you meet only good friends, let luck wave you at every step, let a guide star illuminates your life path. Let your smile blooms every day, and in the soul there is a melody of spring. Let the house be a complete bowl, and in it always sounds a fun laughter.

My dear friend, I was so lucky that we are friends with you, you are for me like my sister. Today you have the brightest, the most beautiful holiday is a birthday. Let a personal holiday bring you a lot of joy, good luck and a wonderful mood. Let your cherished dream come true today. I wish you good health, happiness in personal life, great success at work. Let the personal life bloom and smells, be always beloved and desirable. God forbid you generous and happy fate.

Today is the finest holiday - my friend's birthday. From the pure heart, I wish you joys, long and happy years of life, success at work, and all the best. Let you always have everything lucky, let the destiny present only pleasant moments. Good health to you, attention and great good luck in everything. Let only good news please you. Pretty girlfriend, be always in shape, let you all admire and speak only sincere compliments. Let the angel - the keeper protects you from everything bad.

Birthday is the brightest, the most beautiful, the most children's holiday. We really feel children, because from that distant time the warmth and joy of the soul remained. Cute girlfriend, acceptance of the most sincere wishes and congratulations on your personal holiday. Let only luck and luck accompany you in life path. Be always confident in yourself, just be the mistress of your destiny. Let Nadezhda, faith and love never leave you, let the happy star illuminates your life path.

Dear girlfriend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish good health, enormous personal happiness. Let everything be laundered with you, and no obstacles get up in a life path. Let your life flow as a complete river, let him carry you in everything. All the best to you, girlfriend, wealth and well-being. Let only good news please you. Let all the dreams be fulfilled, and the good angel protects from trouble and evil. Let reliably and faithful friends protect you.

Cute girlfriend, you have joyful today, happy day - your birthday. I am very glad to congratulate you with such a significant date. Purchase Personal holiday will bring you good luck and good mood. Let all cherished dreams be performed. Good health to you, girlfriend, huge mutual love and well-being. Let in the family there will always be order, prosperity and peace. Be loved and welcome always. Long - long years of life you, dear, luck in everything and generous fate.

What to wish the best girlfriend on the birthday of birth? Well, of course, happiness, good health, mutual love. Let you survive only reliable friends, let all the cherished desires be fulfilled. Let it be a full bowl of the house, let him always sound joyful laughter. Warm family weather You, native, respect and understanding from loved ones and friends. Let the soul melody always sound in the soul. All the best to you, joy and well-being. I keep you the Lord from all bad. Let hope, faith and love never leave you.

My faithful, the best friend, allowing such a solemn day to wish you great happiness, joy, luck and all the best. Good health to you, family well-being and solid soil under your feet. Let your life be cleaner, like spring water, albeit over your head there will always be a peaceful sky. Be always loved and desirable, because you are worth only admiration. Let the Bird of Happiness fly to you and brings good luck. Be such an energetic, cheerful and confident. Let the Good Angel always protect your life.

Pretty girlfriend, I sincerely congratulate you on your personal holiday. I wish you good health, enormous joy and real good luck. Let fate give you only pleasant moments, let your cherished dream come true. You are my best friend, and therefore I wish you all the best. Be always so beautiful, kind and cheerful. Let hope, faith Pi love accompany you in life. All the best to you, wealth and family well-being. Be happy.

Today, my best friend celebrates my birthday. All compliments and wishes you, native. Let a personal holiday bring you a great mood. Let everything conceived certainly come true. Good health to you, more joy and self-confidence. Let every day be saturated with pleasant moments. Be always beloved and desirable. Peaceful sky to you above your head, confidence in tomorrow and well-being. Let luck choose only you, let all bad weather forget your address.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. We feel a little by children, because we are waiting for the celebration of some miracle. Cute girlfriend, I sincerely congratulate you with such a wonderful event. Let your life flow as a complete river, let her guard her ribbons. Let your beauty admire men, let them get better with you, let all obstacles disappear on your path. Happiness to you, huge mutual love and excellent mood. Let a kind angel protect you from all failures.

For the best friend today, all the most warm, the most tender wishes and congratulations. Let it be a long and happy life. Let every weekday will be a holiday. Good luck to you in everything, well-being and mutual understanding. Let only pleasant news please you. All the best to you, peace and family well-being. Love and be loved always. Let the good that you give the surrounding, will definitely return to you with Torice. Let the Lord gives you my blessing.

Dear girlfriend I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you a great mood, a lot of joy, huge happiness. Let you always accompany the luck. Let life be like spring water. I wish good and health without a score, let the fate give you a long and interesting life. I wish you optimism, self-confidence, from people - respect and understanding, from the family - love. Let hope, faith and love accompany you. All the best to you, girlfriend, wealth and well-being.

My best girlfriend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you in life more often smile, be confident. Let in your soul always sounds the melody of spring. Family well-being to you, peaceful sky above your head and all the best. Let fate generously give you for your good. Let the sun will give the ray of happiness, let your business go like oil. Be always beautiful, beloved and desirable. Let the Lord protect you from all failures

Today my best friend is a wonderful holiday - a birthday. On this wonderful day I want to wish you great joy, immense happiness and real good luck. Let your beauty and talent admire everyone. Be always in a good mood, let all your hopes and dreams are fulfilled. Let your fate flourish everything brighter with every day, and the cuckoo gives you a long life - a long life. Let the Earth gives you strength, water - health, and let the Lord blesses in goodness.

My dear girlfriend, accepting sincere congratulations on birthday. Let a personal holiday bring a lot of joy and good mood. Let luck become your companion in life. Let all wishes certainly come true. Good health to you, huge joy and all the best. Let your house be a complete bowl, let love and comfort reign in it. All the best to you, wealth and well-being. Let the energy and enthusiasm do not leave you, let the bad weather bypass. Let the angel - the keeper protects you.

What a pity that birthday is only once a year. After all, this is such a bright, such a personal, such a children's holiday. I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, my best girlfriend. Let every day brings you only pleasant moments. Good health to you, all the best and excellent mood. Let the brightest star illuminates your life path, let all problems solve easily. Be always beloved and desirable. Let the Bird of Happiness often fly to you. Let you bring to you in everything and always.

Cute girlfriend, I am glad to congratulate you on your beautiful holiday - Birthday. Let the magic happen today and your most cherished dream will be. Good health to you, good luck in everything, well-being and wealth. Let every day please you with pleasant moments. All the best to you, joy and all the best. Let any obstacles prevent you from confidently walk to their happiness. Let hope, faith and love will be your companions in life. Let your home always be a complete bowl, and life is more painful every day.

My girlfriend just glows from happiness, because she has a wonderful holiday - a birthday. Acceptance of the most sincere congratulations and wishes. Let all your dreams come true, let life be long and beautiful. Let fate always smiles to you, and a little pamper. All the best to you, the best friend, enthusiasm and self-confidence. Let in your soul always sings spring, let luck go for you on the heels. Be always in a beautiful mood and in the spotlight. Let the Lord guard you.

Cute girlfriend, I sincerely congratulate you on your excellent holiday - your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, huge happiness, clean conscience and big, mutual love. Let all your desires be sure to come true, let hope never leave you. Be always so beautiful, tender, cute, be hosted by your destiny. Let your life flow, as a complete river, let them respect you, and you love and love your relatives. Good luck in everything.

Today is a wonderful holiday at my best friend. All complements, congratulations and wishes you, native. Let all your dreams be sure to come true. Let health, wealth and joy will always be with you. Let the hope of faith and love help you in life. Be loved and welcome always. Let the full bowl be your home, let peace and comfort will fall in it forever. All the best to you, warm family weather and cloudless happiness. Let a kind angel always protects you.

My dear, best friend. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Let a personal holiday bring you a lot of joy and excellent mood. Be always so cheerful, energetic and beautiful. Let in your soul always bloom in spring, let life be long - long and happy. Successes to you at work, and good luck in your personal life. Let only good news are always pleasant to surprise you. Love and be beloved and desirable. Let fate give you only happy moments.

Often, we call birthday a children's holiday. After all, on this day, it doesn't matter how many years old you are, everyone is waiting for an extraordinary miracle, magic. Cute girlfriend, from the heart I congratulate you on your personal holiday. Let your cherished dream be sure to come true. Good health to you, in all luck, luck and always excellent mood. Let the good that you give to people will definitely return to you with Torice. Let the sun give you a warm ray of happiness, let the breeze will give hope, and a kind angel protects from the troubles.

Cute girlfriend, acceptance of the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. Let this holiday be cheerful, and will bring you good luck and a great mood. Let the Lord send you a blessing, let all the saints give health and strength. All the best to you, the best friend, wealth and family well-being. Long and happy life, self-confidence, wisdom. Let the melody of spring always rings in your soul, albeit only pleasant moments fill your life. Luck and success to you in everything.

I always remember this day, always. Even when life circumstances spin in its endless cycle, I always think of you since the morning, my girlfriend, that in this wonderful day you pleased the world with your appearance. And the world became much brighter! You are illite everything around, you will illuminate your surroundings and delight your barking smile friends and friends! My best friend, on this day I congratulate you on your birthday! God sees that there is no man in the world relative and closer to you! I wish you never had disappointments in life. So that never had to make a painful choice. So that life was light and serene. Be happy, my dear and only girlfriend! Know that I always support and help you. Let your eyes never know tears. Happy birthday, my girl!

My girlfriend! I congratulate you today, with this significant and solemn event in your life! Happy birthday, my dear! I want, in this holiday, people gave you how many pleasant emotions, so that they were enough until the next birthday with the reserve! So that the joy in your life has increased with every day, and happiness through your house through the open door! I wish you a bright, bright, cheerful and funny life, nothing about anything, clearly believe in my success, and go through life with a highly raised head, looking only forward. Let all today's wishes come true to the smallest detail, let your dreams come true, as soon as possible, so that in your life it was smaller expectations! Always fill with optimism for the whole day, and give it close! I love you, my girlfriend! Happy Birthday! I will always remember this day and our precious friendship!

Congratulations on your birthday, my beloved, my favorite, my faithful girlfriend! Let all the wishes addressed on your birthday, will be in life already in a short time, let them feel only positive emotions of joy and happiness! I wish this day to take many pleasant gifts, congratulations, pleasant words, surprises and many pleasant compliments on your address. Let a good mood never disappears, but only rises. Let every day begins with a smile. I wish that all plans one after another came true, so that never in your life had gloomy days. Believe in miracles, and they will get into your life. So note your holiday with an excellent mood and smile on your face. And believe that success will surely come to your life, and will try our friend with you! Happy Birthday, dear friend!

Dear girlfriend! I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart, with this bright holiday that lives in my heart all my life. I thank the fate for connecting our roads with you and gave us such a strong friendship, which there is no one! You like me as a sister, like a native and close person, who trust, as if herself. I wish you in this special holiday, first of all, good health, huge happiness, and fulfillment of all your desires. Let your life be like spring water, clean and transparent. Let Nadezhda never leave you, and self-confidence prolongs life. If suddenly you will fly up or shadow sorrow will fall into your direction, know that there will always always be there, always support and suggest a help hand. Let only a white strip of good luck be on your life path. Good health to you, luck and success in everything. Let a guide star illuminates your way, longevity to you, girlfriend, and joy from life!

This wonderful and important for you, my girlfriend, day, I want to devote all the words to you. And not just words, I want you to know that I am not easy to tell you, but from the most corners of your soul. Happy birsday, my dear! Let your life proceed, like a mountain river, burly happiness and sparkling with purity, let all the flowers of the planet bloom for you today, let the sun will give its warmth, and the stars shine for you all night! Light to you, peace and kindness, hopes and supports, let you always surround good and good people! Beauty, live a hundred years and be always the same bright, beautiful and young, what are you now, give us joy, warm and kindness of your heart, thanks to which we all love you! I admire your independence, ease of nature, ease, charm and incredible charm! Stay always! Happy Birthday, dear friend!

Today, your favorite friend, you celebrate your birthday, congratulations! Stay always such a bodra, beautiful, cute, attractive, beloved! Eternal happiness! I want to wish you to be always a healthy soul and body, happy, cheerful and, of course, beloved! Happy Birthday, my dear, although much attention is paid to the female age, but I think that this, in no way relates to you. You are beautiful, you are the ideal femininity, you are a dream female! I wish you, so that such moments in your life, like today's holiday, was as much as possible and they all remembered for life! Let only joyful and happy moments of your life remain in mind, and the insults and sadness, they leave without a trace away and never bother your spiritual harmony! I love you, I adore you, my favorite girlfriend! Happy Birthday!

I congratulate you on your birthday and thank the fate that I introduced me to you, my dear friend! You are unusual beautiful and bright, like a star, you will illuminate everything around, let this light bring you the conquest of new heights, achieve new peaks, goals, victories! I want to wish you so that your life is bright in colors and fun so that every day is overflowing with a new joy, so that the smile did not leave your mouth, and the tear of happiness glitter in front of her eyes! Let you always surround the attention and love of the most relatives and loved ones, pleases their smile and care! Let it be in this wonderful, festive day, there are no reasons for despondency and sadness, let your cheerful festive mood of all of us be bodied and charges positive energy! Always stay as you are. Save the whole positive energy and human advantages that live in you! Be happy, native!

My friend is my favorite! I cordially congratulate you on such a significant date in your life and I want to wish many more ideas and accomplishments in the life path. Do not consider those who have left in the distance, because you always stay young and beautiful, despite the summer. You stay intact time, you are always in shape, at the height, you are a woman's ideal! Stay so always and give us your positive and good mood! You are bright, bright, you are a feast man! Next to you, I want to have infinitely having fun and enjoy the happiness that comes from you, as if from a light and bright sunny racer! Good luck to you, more joy, fun, success in personal life and all the best! Today is your birthday, and I wish you the fulfillment of all those cherished wishes that we only know about! And I know, they will come true, because such a friend, as you, otherwise there is no happening!

Today in this bright and wonderful day, you congratulate you on my girlfriend happy birthday! I wish to avoid losses in life, and stay as charming, beautiful, good, responsive and faithful girlfriend! Thank you that you decorate our life with your radiant smile, thank you that you are ready to stretch your help hand at any moment or simply support advice. Let only good and joyful events happen in your life, let them accompany you luck, success and luck! And I wish you a huge personal happiness so that it warms it every day of your life, filled the soul with love and warmth. I congratulate you on your birthday! And, among other things, I wish you more to think only about good so that there is no time to think about the bad. After all, thoughts are material, everything you think - comes true! Be happy, girlfriend!

My dear friend, such a friend as you do not find more all over the world! I congratulate you today happy birthday and I want to wish you the best thing that I can come up with for you, dear to me and a loved one. Let your life turn into a holiday, let every day be fabulous and filled with bright events, let Good luck enough for the whole century, let the joy warms the heart, let the side bypass all the problems, and the health will be strong and youth never leaves you! Let the Bird of Happiness fake the nest on the roof of your house, be always loved and love with a decent person! Let it be a clean conscience, happiness in vast, and love is beautiful and endless. You're just the best, girlfriend! Happy Birthday! All the best to you, long and happy years of life! Let the Lord God store you and your family!

When I think about you, my girlfriend, I envelop the infinite and some special heat that exists only between us. And let them say that there is no female friendship, I know for sure - it happens! She exists, she lives, she will live! And in such a wonderful day, I really want to tell you thanks that you appeared in my life and changed it for the better. You are my clear warm sun, which warms up in a difficult moment. Be always the same kind, cheerful, responsive, positive, bright, beautiful and infinitely friendly! Congratulations, my dear, happy birthday! I wish Nadezhda, faith and love to never leave you, so that the comfort reigned and understand the soul to be filled with harmony of calm and confidence that everything will be fine. Girlfriend, you are the best and most native for me, happy birthday!

My dear, the best girlfriend! Be always so bright, kind and joyful, so your smile brings the joy to your friends, and the eyes like diamonds glowed joy and fun. Be always healthy, do not know the trouble, let every day will be filled with happiness and positive. I will always be with you, rejoice at your successes and career takeoffs. Your real friends will always be glad to your success.

Friend! On your birthday you shine with happiness and rear at the table, favorably taking cardiac congratulations and sincere wishes of people close to you. What can we wish you? You have created your life with your work, your attention and care you warm your family, your spouse and your children. I want from myself and together with all those who now raise a glass in your honor, wish the luck always with you, and the azure sky above your head has always been cloudless!

Birthday is a family holiday. What could be better than that day, when another year of life is measured, to see near expensive and close people? I know you, a girlfriend, not the first year, and I was always surprised by how many kind of life in you, spiritual heat and the ability to make the world around still lighter and brighter! And I wish you eternal happiness! Let you always be hot loved with your husband, and your children grow as wonderful and beautiful as their parents!

I wish you to wake up from the ringing of crystal glasses with fresh juice. Let the sun rays throw glare on the room from diamonds. Let the day take place in heavy writes - searching for places where to spend money. Let the legs hurt from the dances and the soles of the next labutnes are wearing. And at home, let the tasty light dinner and hot macho wait.

Today is a special holiday - your birthday! I know you for more than one year. You are very charming and cheerful! I wish you to stay so many more years! I wish you inexhaustible happiness in married life, successful undertakings on the labor field and constantly growing income! Never cease to enjoy life and infuse your good mood of others!

I am very glad that I was lucky to meet you once, and this acquaintance turned into a strong friendship, about whom they say: you just do not break the water. On this birthday, I sincerely want to wish you not to meet an alarm on life. Let your welfare reign in your married life. Let the fate of full rewards you for the warmth and good that you give others!

A invaluable friend, I wish you, not only on your birthday, but all 365 days a year were tasked with flowers and compliments! Let your husband never forget about the magnificent gift for a minute that was presented to him by fate in your face! Let him always be ready to wear you in his arms, and you will give you an endless love and tenderness in response to him!

Happy Birthday Congratulations on this joyful and bright day. Let the sun and the hearts shine and the hearts shine happily tremble. Let love warps on cold days, and respectfully respects and admiration. Let health be always strong like a nut, and a smile warm, like a sunny ray. Live, not knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

In this bright day, your birthday, I want to wish you, my girlfriend of childhood, the sea of \u200b\u200bheat, the ocean of love and the planet of good luck! Let only good people who are welcoming colleagues and friendly neighbors meet in your life. Let your head appreciate you according to merits, and your salary will correspond to your estate!

No matter how many years we are friends, childhood girlfriend! And on the birthday of Birth, I want to wish a huge bouquet of huge happiness, good, good luck, great and sincere love, understanding, good health, pleasure from your favorite work, the development of your own talents, and you have a lot of and, of course, good friends!

We are familiar with you since childhood, we know a lot about each other, but the day does not pass, so I don't miss you! You are the most kind, sensual, tender, interesting and clever woman on earth. Let your house be full of laughter, and the children please themselves with their success, let his beloved husband sprinkle with kisses and does not deprive attention signs!

My dear friend! In your birthday, I want to wish you to swim in the ocean of love and enjoy the waves of happiness! Let your loving husband more often allow you to twist in the clouds, fencing from all troubles! I wish you every day to catch admiring glances and get sincere compliments!

Friend! You wished to celebrate your birthday without fuss and noise, quietly and modestly, in the circle of the most native people. I can't express in words how I am pleased to be among your favorites, who were lucky enough to gather together on your holiday. I want to say that in our world they will infrequently meet people sincere, the words of which do not diverge with actions, and who are willing to accept those who are surrounding people as they are. We were lucky with such a friend, and we want to wish you a sea of \u200b\u200blove and the ocean of happiness!

Today is such a joyful and exciting day for you, my native girlfriend! After all, we celebrate your name! I can not express what I feel because I want to wish you everything. But, know, the main thing is that only the sun happiness shone in your house, and in the morning you woke up with a smile and never knew betrayal and despair. And all your most intimate desires will be implemented!

I want to congratulate your friend happy birthday and wish her always to stay as very beautiful and happy as we see her today. I wish her every day to meet with a smile, walk in life with a proudly raised head, knocking on the high heels and tightly holding his beloved man's beloved man, who in the whole world loves only her one

I wish you, girlfriend, unforgettable adventure. On thin studs run away today from all cases and worries. Leaving, burning a door handle for a farewell. In the hurry fall under cold pouring rain. On the way there are slipping, and fall into the arms of Zhugogy Brunet with a languid look, with whom you will forget about the cold, dress and rain.

There are few people like you in this world! You are smart, beautiful, good, responsive! To list all your advantages, not enough and the whole evening! I am infinitely grateful for friendship with you! On your birthday, I wish fate always remaining favorable! So that her husband and children please you with their successes and achievements! I wish you endless happiness and restless love!

Congratulations to your friend on the phone