Principles of nutrition in the last trimester. Proper nutrition in the last month of pregnancy

Determining the true duration of pregnancy is difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to establish the exact timing of fertilization. However, in most cases, pregnancy lasts 280 days, or 40 weeks, if calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period; fluctuations from 38 to 42 weeks are considered normal.

The most common way to calculate due date is “by menstruation”. To determine the date of birth, 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, i.e. 10 obstetric or 9 calendar months. Usually, the calculation of the term is made easier: from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are counted back and 7 days are added. For example, if the last menstruation began on October 2, then, counting back 3 months and adding 7 days, determine the expected date of birth - July 9; if the last menstrual period began on May 20, then the expected due date is February 27, etc. But this method will be unreliable if the woman has an irregular menstrual cycle or does not remember the date of the last menstrual period.

When determining the term of labor, the time of the first is also taken into account: in primiparous women this occurs on average at 20 weeks, and in multiparous women - at 18 weeks. However, it should be remembered that this feature is very subjective and has only an auxiliary meaning.

In modern conditions, the date of birth is determined quite accurately, focusing on the data of an ultrasound scan carried out before the 12th week of pregnancy. In late pregnancy, the likelihood of an error in determining the date of birth using ultrasound increases, since the size of the fetus, which the doctor is guided by in his calculations, at the end of pregnancy has large individual fluctuations.

How you feel at 9 months pregnant

You can find out about full-term pregnancy and impending childbirth by several signs that appear 1-2 weeks before childbirth - the so-called harbingers of childbirth.

By 40 weeks of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus drops to the level at which it was at 32 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. Lowering of the fundus of the uterus can be determined by the following signs: it became much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, heartburn has decreased or disappeared. However, due to the low location of the head, periodic pain in the lower abdomen may occur, and the frequency of urination increases.

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus becomes excitable, its periodic irregular contractions - weak contractions, usually accompanied by pain and discomfort, become more noticeable. Thus, the body of the pregnant woman is gradually preparing for the upcoming birth. Even a doctor can not always say for sure whether this is the onset of labor or preparatory (preliminary) contractions occur. If the state of increased irregular excitability of the uterus lasts 1-2 days, accompanied by discomfort and sleep disturbance, then it is better to contact the maternity hospital, since a too long (pathological) preliminary period can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the fetus and requires treatment.

A few days before childbirth (or on the day of childbirth), light mucous discharge may appear from the genital tract, sometimes with small streaks of blood - the mucous plug "leaves". This is a favorable sign of "maturation" and softening of the cervix, i.e. her readiness for childbirth. In your ninth month of pregnancy, you visit your doctor every week to regularly monitor your weight gain, blood pressure, and urinalysis. This is necessary for the timely diagnosis of late gestosis, which usually develops towards the end of pregnancy.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you have already chosen a maternity hospital and a doctor who will lead your childbirth (as a rule, with a paid service, the doctor leading the delivery monitors the patient from 36 weeks of pregnancy). In any case, you must have collected documents for the maternity hospital:

  1. with the data of all analyzes and ultrasound examination in the III trimester;
  2. the passport;
  3. insurance policy.

Be sure to carry these documents with you, because in the absence of medical documents, childbirth should be carried out in the II obstetric (observational) department or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

The ninth month of intrauterine life

By 40 weeks of pregnancy, all signs of prematurity disappear in the fetus and there are all indicators inherent in a mature fetus. However, sometimes a full-term fetus may show some symptoms of immaturity, i.e. the concepts of "maturity" and "maturity" are not identical.

Maturity is characterized by the following features:

  • body weight is 2600-5000 g, length (height) - 48-54 cm;
  • the chest is convex, the umbilical ring is located in the middle between the pubis and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • the skin is pale pink, the subcutaneous tissue is sufficiently developed, there are only remnants of a grease-like lubricant on the skin, vellus hair is almost absent, the length of the hair on the head reaches 2 cm, the nails on the legs and hands reach the tips of the fingers;
  • the cartilage of the auricles and nose is elastic;
  • in boys, the testicles are descended into the scrotum; in girls, the labia minora are covered with large ones.

Possible deposits at 9 months of pregnancy

A healthy woman with a favorable pregnancy can be at home before the onset of labor. If there are deviations in her state of health, the pregnancy proceeded with complications, or signs of fetal suffering were established, then the last 1-2 weeks (and sometimes more) should be in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists.

In the last month of pregnancy, the likelihood of developing such a complication as late gestosis increases, especially in high-risk pregnant women. Late gestosis is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema (of varying severity), hypertension (increased blood pressure) and proteinuria (protein in the urine). But you should not panic if you notice slight swelling of the legs or the doctor at the next visit to the antenatal clinic noted an excessive weight gain, because by the end of pregnancy, slight swelling of the legs and hands appears in 50-70% of pregnant women. This edema usually resolves with diet, fluid and salt restrictions.

You may be offered prenatal hospitalization and in case of incorrect fetal position and presentation, in particular with breech presentation, - for choosing a method of delivery after a thorough examination and assessment of all factors.

Usually, patients with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history (infertility, miscarriage, complicated course of previous childbirth, etc.), over 30 years of age, scar on the uterus, narrow pelvis, large fetus, multiple pregnancy, low localization (location) of the placenta, are usually hospitalized in advance. extragenital diseases (diseases of internal organs).

With a full-term pregnancy, situations are possible that require special attention and emergency assistance. Call an ambulance immediately and go to the maternity hospital in the following cases:

  • bleeding appeared from the genital tract, smearing or more abundant;
  • the uterus is in good shape, does not relax, the contractions are strong, painful;
  • water leaks, light, yellow-green or stained with blood;
  • fetal movements became very weak;
  • you are worried about a headache, increased blood pressure, a sharp decrease in the amount of urine, severe swelling appeared.

So, your pregnancy is ending, and you have not yet had time to learn how the harbingers of childbirth differ from real contractions? One thing can be said: when labor really begins, you will not confuse them with anything; your pregnancy will end in a matter of hours - the condition is not always easy, but very joyful. After all, you gave life to a new person!

The last month of pregnancy is the end of a long journey and a period of painful waiting for childbirth and the birth of a long-awaited baby. A full-term baby is considered to be born at 38-42 weeks of pregnancy, this is just the middle and end of the ninth month, but if the baby is born at 36-37 weeks, he is considered not premature, but prematurely born. Such a baby is quite capable of independent life, although it is somewhat more sensitive to external environmental conditions and requires a little more attention and care. With each week of the last month, he is gaining weight and growing, you should be ready for childbirth at any time.

What happens to the body in the 9th month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy has come, it lasts from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy, on average, children are born at 38-40 weeks, and only some a little earlier or later. After 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus is considered full-term, and delivery can begin on any day, only about 5% of babies are born exactly on the expected date.

In this period, the woman is already getting tired of her position and her belly, which has become very heavy, the tedious expectation and frequent training fights make her tired and irritable. Now you can no longer be afraid of premature birth if you had problems during gestation earlier or there were complications. Often, with a planned caesarean section, delivery is planned for a period of 38-40 weeks, so that the fetus is as mature and full-term as possible. The last weeks are especially difficult for those who will give birth for the first time, since the sensations from true contractions are still unfamiliar and often you are ready to go to the hospital with training.

The body is actively preparing for the process and the so-called precursors constantly appear. Two to three weeks before delivery, the abdomen is lowered by inserting the fetal head into the pelvic cavity and gradually relaxing the lower segment of the uterus and cervix. With repeated pregnancies, the abdomen may sink just before or at the beginning of childbirth. The abdominal circumference may slightly decrease due to the relative lack of water, due to changes in the hormonal background, which helps in delivery and reduces the risk of complications (umbilical cord prolapse, incorrect presentation, placental abruption). It will become easier for a woman to breathe, heartburn and discomfort when eating will decrease.

Pains in the lumbar region and small pelvis may be disturbing, the area of ​​joints and ligaments softens, which helps in childbirth, but affects the condition of the back and pelvic region. Particularly unpleasant and severe can be pain when lowering the head into the small pelvis, pressure in the pubic area, sacrum at night, pain in the perineum and vaginal area, it is difficult to find a position in bed and sleep well. Training contractions can become more frequent and stronger, they help the uterus to actively contract in the future. Training contractions are irregular and pass, if you calm down and rest on your side, they look like pulling in the lower abdomen and a feeling that the stomach is stiff.

Before childbirth, special body changes may occur, called precursors of childbirth, along with abdominal prolapse. These signs include a decrease in body weight within 2 kg due to the convergence of edema and hormonal changes in the body, decreased appetite and physiological cleansing of the body. Shortly before the event, appetite decreases or disappears altogether, there may be loosening of the stool and even diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In a few days or even weeks, the mucous plug may begin to pass away - it can come off in parts or in whole, in a lump as the cervix matures and the cervical canal opens. The mucus may be yellowish, colorless, or streaked with blood. You need to completely collect bags and documents and be ready to be sent to the hospital at any time from the beginning or discharge of water, or regular contractions at regular intervals. In the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman should always take an exchange card when leaving the house.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

In this period, the child is already fully formed and ready for birth and life outside the mother's tummy. The child has all the necessary set of reflexes, the lungs perform breathing movements, although they are still sleeping and will open only with the first breath. They have developed enough surfactant to breathe on their own. The digestive system is ripe and ready for food intake and its digestion by enzymes; a lot of original feces have accumulated in the intestines, which should leave only after the birth of the child. It was formed from amniotic fluid, epithelial cells, desquamated cells that enter with swallowed waters. Meconium has the appearance of a putty olive-green mass, odorless.

By the ninth month, the baby has a proportional body, the skin is smooth and has a pale pink color, the skin vessels no longer shine through, the fluff (lanugo) almost disappeared from the body, which remained only a little on the shoulders and back, in the area of ​​natural folds, together with the original lubricant, which protects the delicate skin of the baby. Now the baby is actively gaining weight and gaining in height, it becomes more and more cramped in the uterine cavity, he takes the uterine and most optimal position for childbirth - head down, pressing his arms and legs tightly to the body. He has no opportunities for active movements, and now it is mainly pushing, tossing and turning and stretching. They are clearly felt by the mother.

The maturation of the nervous system takes place, it becomes more and more perfect, developed and mature. The nervous system regulates the work of all internal organs and glands, which allows the body to function as a single system.

The liver of the fetus this month is actively accumulating iron for its further expenditure on the needs of the child in the first months after birth. Iron is essential for making new blood cells and preventing anemia. The heart has fully formed chambers and valves, except for those holes that are needed for fetal blood flow, therefore, at birth, it will be ready to work in a new pattern, and the fetal holes will immediately close. Now the oval window and the botalle duct are open, so that the blood goes around the lungs, and the baby "breathes" with the placenta. At the same time, the lungs themselves, due to the penetration of amniotic fluid into them, make "respiratory" movements and develop.

In boys, the final descent of the testicles into the scrotum occurs, in girls, the labia majora cover the small ones, and the process of genital formation is completed. The immune system also matures, although it will still be fully formed after the birth of the baby. Mom actively transmits antibodies to her baby through the placenta from the main dangerous diseases that she herself has had. By the time of delivery, the fetus will reach its final height and weight of 48-56 cm and 2800-4000g. Girls are usually born less than boys, although much depends on the characteristics of the parents and the conditions of the pregnancy.


The main sensations of this month are fatigue and the harbingers of childbirth, now the woman clearly feels all the movements and movements of the fetus, the stomach has reached its maximum and it is extremely difficult to wear it. But a couple of weeks before giving birth, it becomes easier to breathe and eat by lowering the abdomen, inserting the head into the small pelvis. This will increase the pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area - constipation may increase and the urge may become more frequent in a small way due to the pressure of the head on the bladder. There may be pain in the region of the sacrum, pubis and thighs, due to irritation of the nerve endings.

There may be swelling and the risk of varicose veins, the skin on the abdomen is tightly stretched and itchy, stretch marks may occur. Fainting and dizziness are frequent due to hypoxia and compression of the vessels of the large uterus. Preparation for childbirth occurs and weight loss of 1-2 kg may occur, diarrhea and vomiting, as an option to cleanse the body before childbirth. The woman feels that she is pulling the lower abdomen, abdominal pain may occur, which indicates the onset of regular contractions and labor.


By the end of pregnancy, the discharge intensifies, protecting the baby from infections that can enter the vagina. Now it is important for the crane not to develop infection, as it will be dangerous during childbirth. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have cheesy, crumbly or copious milk secretions, and especially yellowish, green, gray, foamy and with an unpleasant odor. They need to be treated immediately, as this discharge reduces the elasticity of the vaginal tissues and leads to complications during childbirth and an increase in the likelihood of postpartum inflammation.

There is also a gradual discharge of the mucous plug - these are transparent or slightly pink lumps of mucus, the plug can move away both gradually and simultaneously, with a lump of mucus. Childbirth will begin soon.

Analyzes and examinations

This month, visits to the doctor will become weekly, it is important to assess the general condition of the woman, her weight and the presence of edema, blood pressure and to determine the level of leukocytes, protein and glucose in urine before each visit. The doctor will assess the woman's readiness for childbirth and may schedule hospitalization in the maternity hospital in advance or at the onset of labor.

At the beginning of the month, a study will be carried out on an armchair and a smear will be taken for flora, blood tests may be additionally prescribed. The planned ultrasounds have already been completed, but the doctor, in case of doubts or concerns, may prescribe additional ultrasound or Doppler ultrasound, CTG of the fetus. This will help in choosing tactics in childbirth and deciding whether they will be natural or whether a caesarean section is indicated.

Mom's diet and weight

During this period, the uterus presses on the internal organs as much as possible and you need to eat correctly in order to avoid nausea and vomiting, constipation and other digestive problems. In many respects, the process of childbirth and the condition of the baby depends on the mother's nutrition in the future. In the last months of pregnancy, it is worth switching to hypoallergenic food with the exclusion of potentially dangerous allergens, abandoning foods that can become a potential source of intestinal infections or poisoning - canned food, raw foods, unboiled milk, poorly fried meat and fish. It is important to pay special attention to products with calcium - dairy products and cottage cheese, yoghurts. It is equally important to consume enough protein in the form of red meat and iron-containing foods. The amount of meat and fish in the diet should be slightly reduced in favor of vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, grains and light foods. It is worth giving up fatty, fried and spicy foods, excess sauces and spices, steaming, baking, stewing or boiling food. It is worth eating often, but in small portions, giving up the use of carbonated drinks, fermenting foods, excess sweets and carbohydrates. You can do fasting days once a week in agreement with your doctor. Before childbirth, appetite may disappear altogether - and this is normal, the body prepares for difficult work and cleans the intestines.

Colds in the ninth month

In the ninth month, it is worth taking care of a cold, otherwise childbirth may be complicated, and you will have to give birth in an isolated box of the observational department. The common cold is dangerous due to the violation of labor, the need to use medications and the danger of its influence on the fetus. So, taking paracetamol or its analogues disrupts the process of preparing the cervix for childbirth and further complicates the birth process.


The question of intimacy in the ninth month is controversial - it will be determined by the doctor. But usually the libido of women is reduced, and with such a large belly it is not very convenient to have sex at all. Many doctors recommend abstinence when passing the mucous plug, although orgasm itself does not provoke premature birth. But if there are contraindications, sex will be prohibited - this is leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa or low placentation, multiple pregnancy or the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Difficulties can be with the choice of poses, since you need to completely eliminate pressure on the abdomen. If labor is delayed, intimacy is one of the natural methods of stimulating labor - a man's sperm has a softening effect on the cervix.

A baby and a woman at 9 months pregnant are ready to meet each other. Starting from this month, the fetus is already considered full-term, respectively, from 36 weeks it is necessary to have a ready-made bag with all the things that are on the list from the hospital.

It is worth noting that the ninth month of pregnancy is a turning point, and there is no longer any need to fear premature birth. Your child is already fully formed and ready to meet the outside world. His body has acquired proportional dimensions, and his lungs are ready to inhale air on their own. By this time, the fetus may well suck on its own mother's milk. It is the sucking reflex that will help him eat in the first year of life.

Weight gain calculator

Your height in centimeters:

Weight before pregnancy in kilograms:

2 week 4 week 6 week 8 week 10 week 12 week 14 week 16 week 18 week 20 week 22 week 24 week 26 week 28 week 30 week 32 week 34 week 36 week 38 week 40 week

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, it is worth reviewing your diet. The calcium requirement is no longer as high as it used to be. Hair does not fall out, it has become thicker. A large amount of calcium contributes to the rapid closure of the fontanelle in the baby and an increase in intracranial pressure. At this point, you need to completely remove allergens from the daily menu. These include strawberries, chocolate and citrus fruits. Alcohol should not be included in the menu. The child's tendency to diathesis will depend on this.

All food during the ninth month of pregnancy must be thoroughly cooked. Cook meat and fish a little longer. At this time, it is very dangerous to catch E. coli. Therefore, if you constantly have diarrhea, donate feces for dysbiosis. After giving birth, the baby may have conjunctivitis or staphylococcus infection.

At nine months of pregnancy, try to increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce your consumption of fish and meat, these foods reduce the elasticity of the cervix, which can significantly prolong the birth process. This contributes to the appearance of gaps.

Nausea at 9 months pregnant

A few weeks before giving birth, bowel movements are disrupted. This is facilitated by the growing uterus, which displaces the internal organs from their usual places. Usually, nausea is observed with overeating and excessive consumption of smoked and fatty foods.

To improve the feeling and well-being, you need to eat often and little by little. Divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals. In the ninth month of pregnancy, heartburn is often observed, this is quite normal. To reduce the burning sensation, try not to sit down immediately after eating, but to walk a little. Large portions promote gastric acid back up into the esophagus.

What to do if there is edema at the 9th month of pregnancy?

The appearance of edema of the legs in the ninth month of pregnancy is facilitated by the pinching of the veins with a large belly. Blood circulation decreases in the pelvic area, respectively, the liquid does not have time to dissolve in time, the legs swell.

To reduce leg pain and swelling, try to spend as little time as possible in a sitting position.

Buy comfortable shoes and go for more walks in the fresh air. Never wear heels. To improve kidney function, drink "Kanefron" and rosehip decoction. These drugs improve fluid drainage. If you have depression, drink a soothing tea.

Discharge at 9 months of pregnancy

Normal vaginal discharge:

  • pink or reddish after internal examination or sex;
  • mucus streaked with blood a few weeks before childbirth;
  • scanty white thick discharge.

And also the discharge of milk or colostrum from the breast is characteristic.


9 months of pregnancy in 14 minutes

Baby development in the 9th month of pregnancy

How I was preparing for childbirth)))))))))) 9th month of pregnancy)))

If you notice a strange slimy lump on your panties, it could be a plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. If your mucous plug has come off, then labor begins no later than in a week. It happens that this lump of mucus leaves just before childbirth, and this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If, after consultation and examination on the chair, you find spotting, do not worry. Before the birth itself, the walls of the cervix become very sensitive, and the capillaries become fragile. After internal examination, scanty spotting is the norm. Some blood may appear after sex.

Is a cold at 9 months of pregnancy dangerous?

Acute respiratory diseases in the late stages are less dangerous than at the beginning of pregnancy. The temperature indicates an infection of the body, but it is not necessary to bring it down. A runny nose cannot be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs.

All organs of the child are fully formed, and he has the same immunity as his mother. Therefore, even if a cold provokes premature birth, your baby will be able to breathe and live without the help of doctors.

How to Improve Sleep?

Many pregnant women are worried about sleep, because a few weeks before giving birth, the belly increases in size, and the baby becomes active. Many women are not used to sleeping on their backs and therefore have difficulty falling asleep.

If you do not know how to sleep at 9 months of pregnancy, get a special pillow. This product is shaped like a horseshoe and will be useful for feeding your baby. A set of several pillows can be purchased. Sitting on your side will help improve sensation. Try not to overeat before going to bed, this will help prevent heartburn.

How to cure hemorrhoids at 9 months of pregnancy?

Signs of hemorrhoids:

  • bloody discharge from the anus;
  • itching and burning in the anal area;
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids.

If you experience these symptoms, do not hesitate and see your doctor. Pregnancy promotes the accumulation of feces, which causes the large intestine to stretch. At the same time, the sensations are unpleasant, it will seem to you that you constantly want to use the toilet. Further cracks and nodules appear. To improve the sensation, try to avoid stool buildup. Therefore, eat fractionally, include a lot of fiber in the menu. You may be on a special diet. Gymnastics will help improve the condition. Take a laxative as recommended by your doctor, but diarrhea is not a way out of the situation and will not eliminate hemorrhoids. In almost all women, hemorrhoids disappear after childbirth.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body constantly lacks calcium, respectively, there are problems with her teeth. Try to get all your teeth treated before pregnancy. If you are already in position, then it is not worth doing dental treatment in the first trimester. But what if the filling fell out before childbirth and is it possible to treat teeth at the 9th month of pregnancy? If you feel aching pain or your cheek is swollen, go to the clinic immediately. Anesthesia will not harm the fetus, since in the ninth month of pregnancy all organs and systems of the baby are formed.

What happens to the belly in the ninth month of pregnancy?

The ninth month of pregnancy is a watershed. After 35-36 obstetric weeks, the fundus of the uterus drops, and the abdomen looks very low. You will notice that it becomes easier for you to sit and breathe, but it is difficult to bend over. Heartburn practically does not torment.

At this time, your child takes the final position, and his head presses on the pelvic bones. With light pressure and a small layer of fat, you can even feel the baby's head and bottom. Fetal movements become less pronounced. This is due to the fact that the baby is very cramped in the uterus. He practically cannot move. The abdomen at the 9th month of pregnancy drops, and the weight is established and does not increase. If you do not understand whether the belly has dropped or not, look at the photos of pregnant girls.

How to understand when it's time to go to the hospital?

Feelings at the 9th month of pregnancy are very diverse, sometimes it is difficult to determine the onset of childbirth. If you notice some kind of liquid on the pad that oozes a little and pulls on the lower abdomen, most likely you are losing water. Please note that the water practically does not smell, so if you notice a strange smell, tell your doctor. The amniotic fluid does not always flow out in a stream, sometimes leaks are possible.

In the last month of pregnancy, use panty liners so you can control the color and nature of your discharge. If you find that the color of the water is green or brown, be sure to tell the emergency doctor about it. This means that meconium is in the amniotic fluid and the baby may be infected. With uterine spasms that recur periodically, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. At the very beginning, the sensations are not painful, and the interval between contractions can be 7-10 minutes. After a few hours, you will feel a cutting pain and contractions will become frequent. A video will help you prepare for childbirth. Good luck to you and your baby.

The end of the third trimester of the gestational period is the period from 36 to 40 weeks or the ninth obstetric month. Pregnancy is approaching its logical conclusion - childbirth.

At the beginning of the 9th month, the abdomen is high above the pubic bone, but gradually drops down. The child takes a position, upside down. His movements are limited due to his increased height and weight.

The uterus reaches its maximum size. She squeezes the surrounding organs, displacing them to the side. The reproductive pathways are gradually being prepared for the birth of a baby.

Childbirth, which came from 37 weeks of gestation, is not premature, but is considered complete on time.

Feelings of a woman

By the 38th week of gestation, the expectant mother "gets tired" of her position:

  • she is tormented by an awkward gait;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulties in performing everyday activities;
  • restriction of actions;
  • fast fatiguability.

The skin on the abdomen continues to stretch. Stretch marks that appeared in previous months increase in size and become much lighter.

The pregnant woman is overcome by unbearable itching, the epidermis on the face peels off. Pigmentation increases, sometimes hair falls out.

The mass of the fetus presses on the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone, which is expressed in painful "dull" sensations.

A pregnant woman counts the days until the expected due date, but the birth of a baby can happen quite unexpectedly. Mom can determine the very day of the birth.

To do this, you should use the old proven method:

  1. Subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation;
  2. Subtract 5 days from the received date;
  3. It turns out the approximate date of birth of the baby.

More precisely, the decisive date is determined by a gynecological examination.

In the final trimester, a woman prepares for the birth of a baby. Buys things, furnishes a room for a newborn, and does not forget about hygiene items.

How the fetus behaves

At the time of the nine-month development in the body of the fetus, the formation of all organs and systems was completed. The immune system remains imperfect; in the process of breastfeeding, it will complete its formation due to maternal antibodies.

The child is ready for birth:

  • he can breathe on his own;
  • he has developed a sucking and swallowing reflex;
  • the intestine processes food;
  • the urinary system works.

The amniotic fluid is excreted urine and original feces meconium.

During 36-39 weeks of gestation in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The formed own central nervous system starts to work, the "thinking" process starts.

The circulatory and cardiac systems are ready for the extrauterine supply of the baby.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is actively accumulating. The baby's weight varies from 3 to 5 kg. Height is 47-52 cm.

The motor activity of the baby is noticeably reduced, since there is not enough space for him in the uterine cavity.

Normally, the child should be placed upside down, so stretching after sleep manifests itself as a pressing force on the pubic bone and blows in the hypochondrium.

The kid knows how to catch mother's speech, and respond to it by protruding priests or legs.

Changes in a woman's body

Mature pregnancy is accompanied by a number of significant changes in the female body. The volume of circulating blood increases, which leads to the formation of edema.

The load on the legs increases, and even at the end of the gestational period, the formation of thrombophlebitis is possible or.

The hormonal background is gradually changing. the production of prolactin, a hormone responsible for the arrival of breast milk.

Due to the synthesis of the hormone from the nipples, a viscous thick liquid may appear. It is impossible to squeeze it out, as elsewhere, to massage the breast, since prolactin causes uterine contractions.

Nausea at the 9th month of pregnancy fades into the background, since the changed position of the fetus (upside down) relieves the load on the lungs and esophagus.

The pregnant woman ceases to be overcome by constant discomfort in the epigastric region.

During the rest period, the woman takes a horizontal lateral position with raised legs. Sleep at the 9th month of gestation should only be on the side. Mainly on the right, to minimize the load on the circulatory system.

In the supine position, pain appears in the lumbar spine, and the load on the spine increases.

At this stage of bearing a baby, signs or "precursors of childbirth" appear:

  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • intensify and become more frequent;
  • at intervals, pain appears in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum;
  • breathing easier;
  • the stomach falls;
  • the activity of the fetus decreases.

Changes also apply to vaginal discharge. They acquire a more liquid character. The color is predominantly transparent, but sometimes with a yellowish tinge.

The appearance of yellow brown or red veins indicates an impending birth.

Analyzes and research

Weekly visits to the gynecologist can be changed to inpatient monitoring, if there is a reason for it.

Surveys include:

  • weighing;
  • girth of the abdomen and the height of the uterus.

Collected urine to identify and, blood on and. For mothers with complications of gestation, additional types of laboratory tests and ultrasound of the fetus are shown.

Ultrasound diagnostics are performed no later than 38 weeks. The degree of maturity of the placenta and fetal lungs is determined. The main goal is to identify the readiness of the birth canal for the passage of the child through them.

In maternity hospitals, a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman is carried out on an armchair to identify the stage of cervical dilatation and the location of the fetus and child's place.

Permitted physical activity

Excessive activity of a potential mother can cause the baby's hypoxic state in view of the cord entanglement. However, at the 9th month of the "interesting" state, such a phenomenon is rare.

Increased body weight and a round protruding belly are a restriction on the performance of any physical activity.

Pregnant women are advised to be outdoors, continue to engage in training movements and special gymnastics.

It will not be superfluous to study the correct behavior during childbirth, namely control.

Daily household chores (cooking, cleaning) are performed with breaks for rest. Women awaiting replenishment need proper rest and nutrition in the last weeks.

What's under the ban and restriction

The following are prohibited:

  • lifting weights over 2 kg;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • abuse of bakery products.

During the gestational period, especially at the end of the third trimester, you should not engage in active sports, cycling and swimming.

Long trips and flights are not recommended. Each time you leave home, you must take documents with you: passport, policy, exchange card and pregnancy certificate.

At the beginning of the ninth month, a bag should be collected for visiting the maternity hospital. A list of necessary items can be obtained from your attending obstetrician-gynecologist.


In addition, a nine-month-old fetus may experience hypoxia, then the color of the amniotic fluid changes.

Fetal infection is also no exception. All this leads to severe disorders of the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and sometimes to birth.

To exclude undesirable consequences and complications, it is necessary to listen to the doctor and carry out appropriate treatment.


Childbirth is a logical outcome of the gestational period. Signs of a full-term pregnancy:

  • soreness in the lumbar spine;
  • increased urination (every 7-10 minutes);
  • cramping implicit pain;
  • repetition of contractions every 30 minutes;
  • outpouring of amniotic fluid.

If you find such signs, you should seek medical help, or call an ambulance car.

The duration of the birth period is different and depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the number of births in the patient's history.

Useful video: 9 month of pregnancy - features of the period, feelings of the expectant mother, preparation for childbirth

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Pregnancy is approaching its end day by day. With the onset of the ninth month, all the thoughts of the expectant mother are about the upcoming birth and the well-being of the baby. A new person will be born very soon.

But you need to properly prepare for this event, because the 9th month of pregnancy is the period when it is time to complete all unfinished business, prepare a room for the baby, purchase the necessary things and find out as much information as possible about the upcoming birth.

Fetal condition

By the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the fetal body length usually reaches 46-47 cm, and the body weight is 2600-2700 g. By the end of this month, the baby's height is 50-51 cm, and the weight is 3500 g. Of course, these indicators are averaged. Some children weigh much less than three kilograms by the time of birth, and some sturdy ones have a body weight of up to 4.5 kg or even more.

A child is considered healthy and full-term if he has a body weight of 2600 g or more at birth, and a height of 46-47 cm. At the same time, the baby's respiratory, digestive and other systems should fully function. The weight of the newborn also depends on the hereditary characteristics of the parents, therefore, it may differ significantly from the average indicators.

In the development of the fetus in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The skin takes on a light pink tint, although even at the time of delivery it may remain a little yellowish or bluish.
  • The length of the hair on the head varies from a few millimeters to 0.5-2 cm.
  • In a male fetus, the testicles descend into the scrotum at 9 months.
  • A dark substance is formed in the intestines - meconium or the so-called original feces.
  • The body of the fetus begins to produce enzymes necessary for the digestion of breast milk after birth. From the moment the fetus begins to make the first swallowing movements (the ninth week of pregnancy), the digestive system is fully formed, and the sucking reflex is activated in the baby immediately after birth.
  • The formation of the respiratory system is coming to an end.
  • Despite the fact that the baby is quite active at 9 months of pregnancy, his movements are not felt by the mother strongly enough, because there is very little free space left in the uterus.
  • The cartilages of the ears and nose become harder, and the bones of the skull remain slightly softened, so that it is easier for the baby to move forward during childbirth.

Changes in a woman's body

In the body of a pregnant woman in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The woman's body weight does not increase as intensively as before, and on the eve of childbirth, the weight stabilizes. The total weight gain from the time of conception to the moment the baby is born is 10.5-16 kg. When pregnant with twins or triplets, a woman can weigh much more, but in this case, the birth usually occurs before the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy.
  • Edema may appear or intensify, and very often the legs of expectant mothers swell. These symptoms usually disappear after childbirth.
  • The contours of the figure are gradually changing: the stomach goes down, and the baby's head is placed in the lower part of the pelvis.
  • Breathing at the 9th month of pregnancy becomes freer and easier, heartburn may also disappear, which is associated with a drooping of the abdomen.
  • On the eve of childbirth, hemorrhoids may worsen or appear due to increased pressure of the uterus on the vessels near the anus.
  • Often, at this time, symptoms of depression and insomnia appear, which is associated with a very strong anxiety of the expectant mother about the upcoming birth. To sleep better, you should regularly ventilate the room and give up the habit of resting on your back.
  • It is normal when the 9th month of pregnancy is white discharge, and a change in their color may indicate the approach of labor.
  • The abdomen periodically becomes hard, that is, it turns to stone, and the tone of the uterus increases.
  • It becomes difficult for a woman to bend over, so you should refuse to wash the floors, and use an ottoman or a low chair to change shoes.

Analyzes and examinations

It is advisable for an expectant mother to visit a doctor every week during the ninth month of pregnancy. Ultrasound during this period, as a rule, is not carried out, because the third prenatal screening has long been passed, therefore, this examination can be performed only if there are additional indications.



At each visit to the antenatal clinic, the specialist will measure the woman's body weight, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, check the position of the fetus by probing the abdomen, assess the state of the cervix, listen to the baby's heartbeat and perform other manipulations provided for by the examination program.

Also, the pregnant woman will need to do another blood test and a smear for flora in order to prevent infection of the fetus during childbirth and to cure the detected disease in time.

In addition, the doctor can determine the expected date of birth, based on the results of examinations and the date of the last menstruation. Now any woman knows how many weeks of pregnancy are at 9 months, so she can independently calculate this day, given that childbirth usually occurs at the end of the 40th week.

Possible dangers in the ninth month of pregnancy

During the final month of bearing a baby, the following complications may occur:

  • Acute or chronic fetal hypoxia. In the first case, the baby's condition can deteriorate sharply due to squeezing of the neck with the umbilical cord, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, or under the influence of other factors. Chronic hypoxia develops due to dysfunction of the placenta, in which the supply of oxygen to the fetus deteriorates. The development of hypoxia can be suspected when the fetal heart rate is disturbed (the pulse may become more rare) or when the frequency of movements increases.
  • Late gestosis is a disease in which the condition of the woman and the fetus in the womb worsens due to disorders of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems. With gestosis in a pregnant woman, blood pressure increases, edema occurs. In urgent cases, a caesarean section is required.

Harbingers of childbirth

The ninth month of pregnancy differs from the previous ones in that it ends with the birth of a baby. Childbirth can occur both at 40 weeks or a little later, or earlier, at a period of 38-39 weeks, while they are considered timely. Childbirth at 36-37 weeks, although it is a little premature, but practically does not pose a danger to the child, because all his systems and organs are already formed and ready to work, it is only necessary to increase the missing body weight.

That is why, throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, a woman should be ready for the possible onset of labor and be aware of what symptoms it is accompanied by.



Harbingers of childbirth can be distant, that is, indicating that the baby may be born in a week or two or even later, and those that warn of the very imminent onset of labor, after a few hours or for a maximum of one or two days.

The first group of symptoms includes abdominal prolapse, disappearance of signs of heartburn, increased urination, increased back pain. Periodically pulls the lower abdomen, but the pain is not too intense.

The second group of precursors is represented by the following symptoms:

  • discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix, while a woman may notice thick discharge with traces of blood;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • the appearance of the first contractions, manifested by strong pain in the lower abdomen.

If the above signs occur, you need to hurry to the hospital, especially in the case when the water has receded, because the baby may suffer due to hypoxia.

In the event that the precursors of childbirth do not appear at the end of nine months of pregnancy, doctors may decide to stimulate labor. Some women try to speed up labor on their own by lifting weights, trying to have intercourse with a partner, or masturbating, trying to achieve orgasm through masturbation. Unfortunately, this can not only cause contractions, but also lead to the development of dangerous complications such as profuse bleeding and heavy bleeding.

The ninth month of pregnancy makes serious demands on the lifestyle and behavior of the expectant mother. The more attentive a woman is to her own health and well-being, the more chances that the baby will be born healthy in due time. During this period, the following tips will be especially relevant.