The "Time Travel" project for children and parents of the older preparatory group. Intellectual entertainment for children of the preparatory school group "Time Travel

Work description: I bring to your attention a lesson on the development of perception and sensory experience in older preschool children. This development will be useful for educational psychologists working in kindergartens, orphanages, specialists working with preschool children.

Time machine travel

Target: Provide an opportunity to understand the significance and importance of your past, present and future. Show what you can buy by making this or that choice.

Equipment: letters No. 1, 2, 3 in envelopes, tape recorder and notes for walking and for doing "drawing", A4 paper, pencils for each.

1. Minute of the meeting.

Greetings in a circle, come up with rhymes with children.

2. Host: There are people who like to remember what happened, i.e. live in the past. There are people who dream all the time, live in the future. Today we will try to understand these issues, but first, we will introduce everyone to the letters that the postman delivered to our address.

Letter 1:

"Hello guys! We are your peers and go to the preparatory group of the d / garden in Moscow. We are in an unpleasant situation and we ask you to help us.

Once we saw a beautiful paint in a store and decided that we could paint the veranda of our group with it. The manager praised us. She said: "Only paint the veranda" - this is our rule.

We painted the veranda. It turned out very nice! But the paint still remained: green and red. And we painted the old man's garage with it, thinking we were helping him. But he saw and began to scold us. Everyone is unhappy that we did this. And we ourselves, too, are now upset.

Strange ... Maybe you understand why? Answer us!

Children will prepare. groups d / s. "The Sun" of Moscow ".

Letter 2:

“Hello, peers! We heard about you and decided to ask for help.

The fact is that the whole group of us gathered to go to have a rest with our parents in Black-Luch. We all agreed to meet at the Bus Station at 11:00 am before the departure of the bus. But two guys didn't come on time. We waited for them until evening. The bus left without us, and we were left without rest.

It's a shame! We got into an argument. Some said that we had waited in vain for them, we had to leave. Others - that it was impossible to leave without waiting - is not comradely. We understand that what happened cannot be corrected, but tell me, what decision would you make? Waiting for an answer".

Letter 3:

“The guys write to you - 7 kids. Hello. Earlier, when we were little, and our mother-goat did everything for us, everything was simple. And now we have to do a lot ourselves. We have established a watch. But on the first day it started, especially when they were discussing what to cook for lunch. Everyone shouted so much about the names of the dishes that the attendants did not understand anything, and we were left hungry. The attendants had a headache. Mom will soon return from a business trip, and there is nothing to feed her. Maybe you know what to do in such a situation? We are waiting for an answer, thanks in advance, seven kids. " So, in order to quickly answer letters, I propose to divide into 3 microgroups and come up with answers to all 3 addressees. Then we will discuss the answers and, if necessary, make changes.

All children are active in microgroups, it is impossible to "sit out" during the discussion. Reflection on Teamwork: Who made the discussion interesting? Who was more talkative, but sometimes interfered with their conversations? Who created the friendly environment?

3. The game "Far - close"... Leading


a) First, you have to walk to the music without looking at each other and keeping a great distance. Look only under your feet. Be sure to follow the instructions.

b) move around the room in the same way, but with closed eyes and trying to be as close as possible to each other. Do it calmly and remember your condition.

Explanation: Help to feel the complexity of the experience and to track it as you follow the instruction (using music).

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the participants. And, if necessary, give additional instructions.

Discussion: It is necessary to help to conclude that it is sometimes very difficult to feel or worry about something if you follow the instructions.

4. Exercise "Pass as ..." Host: I will give you different tasks:

Pass relaxed

Complete when assembled;

Walk as if on hot sand;

Walk as if walking through tall grass;

Walk as if on a prickly pebble;

Now you will move as your body tells you to.

Explanation: Develop imagination, exclude the possibility of imitating others, give the opportunity to enjoy the exercise process (performed with closed eyes, to rhythmic music).

Discussion: what are your feelings? What helped? What were the difficulties?

5. Exercise "Painter" Host: (relaxation, calm music). Close your eyes and imagine a large piece of paper. Determine its dimensions yourself. Show them with your hands in the air. You also have a magic brush. Feel it. She's magical. Because it moves on its own. Imagine she has already started painting. Try to help her: Let your hands move with her…. How will they paint: sweepingly, confidently or in small strokes? What will your brush paint? Something familiar or mysterious lines, spots? I wonder where the brush will lead your hand? Try to relax and watch her.

After the exercise, they sit in a circle and need to be silent for a little (1.5-2 minutes), remembering vivid sensations.

6. "The Tale of the Time Machine."

The host says: “In one country, each resident had his own time machine. But everyone used it differently. Some traveled only to the past, they only liked to remember and not think about what awaited them. Others only traveled to the future, they did not want to remember what happened, and they did not want to think about the present at all. But there were people in this country who lived only in the present, they did not understand those who remembered all the time; and those who dreamed and dreamed. They began to laugh at them. Their time machines were engulfed in cobwebs.

There was a boy living in this country, his name was Tim - curious. His family only traveled to the past. He couldn't put up with it. Once Tim made his way into the garage, lubricated all the levers and flew into the future, a few days later he returned and his stories about a wonderful mysterious future had no end. His stories piqued the curiosity of other people, and they took the risk of traveling at another time. But the levers of the car only moved in one direction, as they used to. Everyone gave up. And only the persistence of some reached the goal. They themselves chose the time and place where they would like to visit ...

7. The game "Carousel"... Facilitator: Manages transitions and helps children to tune in to each other every time they meet.

2 circles - inner and outer. “The outer circle will work now. Tell your partner what you want to find for yourself in the future. Thanks! Say goodbye, and the outer circle steps to the right: new hands, new meeting.

Now the inner circle is working - where would you go in a time machine and why? "

Perhaps 6-7 transitions, where the participants perform: some - the role of listeners, and the second - talk about the significance of the past, present and future.

8. Drawing "Three mirrors"... Lead: try to draw yourself in the past, present, future, using the color of the mirrors. Look carefully, have you noted everything, do not rush. Notice yourself in these times. Discussion: How did you feel about painting at different times? Which is easier to draw? Why?

Used: A4 sheet of paper and pencils.

In the blue mirror - what it is; in green - what he was; in red - what you want to become.

Scenario of holiday leisure "Time Travel" for children of middle preschool age together with their parents

Author: Alferova Raisa Alekseevna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 16 in honor of the icon of the Mother of God" Kazan ", the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.

The presented material is aimed at developing interest in entertainment in children of middle preschool age.
The reader will learn how to organize and enjoy the joint leisure of children with their parents.
The manual is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Target: Summarize the results of the academic year, recall significant events during the reporting period; develop memory, speech, attention.
Tasks: Develop an interest in entertainment; to form a desire to take an active part in holidays, in concerts, to do creative work; to involve parents in active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten.
Venue: music hall of the preschool educational institution.
Participants: pupils of the group, parents, educators.

Preparation plan

1. Make an entertainment script
2. Prepare attributes for the holiday:
- costumes of "Autumn", "Spring", "Winter" - to the host
- costumes for parents for the play "How the Politeness Hare was Taught"
- a set of fruits and vegetables
- a screen, a doll - the fairy of Time.
3. Prepare certificates, medals, sweet prizes for children.
4. - certificates for parents
5. - audio recordings for the holiday.
6. Invite a photographer. Dressed children enter the music hall with cheerful music.
Screen. A doll comes out - the fairy of Time.
Fairy: Hello, dear guys, dear parents!
I am the fairy of Time. I really love to travel. I run ahead, I come back, but I never stop. So today I invite you to look back and remember how we had a fun and interesting life this academic year.
The hour we have been waiting for has come
To gather in our hall.
Yellow-bellied chicks
You came to the group with your mother
A year has passed, all of you have grown wiser,
Have grown up well.
On a good journey to the land of knowledge
Step firmly!
And what have you been taught
Never forget!
Everything in the world has its own order
Day after day goes, goes.
Time is moving forward
Spring runs after winter
And after her summer.
Then autumn comes to us
Wearing gold.
Day after day, year after year
Time is moving forward.
A quiet melody sounds. Fairy - Autumn enters the hall.
Fairy - Autumn.
- Ah, really a whole year has passed. I don’t recognize you at all. Indeed, how big you have become. I hope that you have not forgotten how fun and interesting it was in this past academic year. And today I again came to you to play, to listen to what poems, songs, riddles you know about me.
- And with what did I come to you?
Verse "Good Autumn Has Come"
(Logorhythmics: children all together read the verse aloud and show its content in movements).
Fairy - Autumn: And I brought not only apples and pears. See how many gifts are there. I invite 2 boys and 2 girls.

Take a close look at what autumn has brought. But don't list
names of objects, but call them one general word.
Children's answers: These are vegetables and fruits.
Fairy: Right, these are vegetables and fruits.
Where do fruits grow? - in the garden.
Where do they grow vegetables? - in the garden.
Now the boys are going to pick vegetables and the girls are going to be picking fruits. Who will complete the task faster ?!
Harvesting game
Fairy: Well done! Fine! Guys, the wind prompted me here that you have studied a lot of riddles about vegetables and fruits. This is true?
Come on, ask us.
1 child: As in our garden
the riddles have grown.
Juicy and round
These are the big ones.
They turn green in the summer
Blush in the fall. (A tomato)
2 child: And in this garden
Bitter riddles.
33 clothes, all without fasteners,
Who undresses them
He sheds tears. (Onion)
3.child: And in this garden
Long riddles.
In this garden, Santa Claus
Hides a red nose in the summer. (Carrot)
4 child: Self with a cam,
Red barrel,
You touch it - smoothly
Take a bite - sweet. (Apple)
5 child: all boxers know about her
With her they develop their blow.
Though she's awkward
But it looks like a fruit…. (Pear)
Fairy - Autumn. Wonderful riddles and you guessed everything perfectly. But I'm not always so cheerful, I often like to cry, to be sad. I have many gloomy and rainy days. I would like to ask you to sing me my favorite song.
The song "Thorny Rain"
Fairy: Thanks guys. I realized that you love autumn. At this time of year, you never get bored, you will always find something interesting to do. But we'll meet again soon. Indeed, on September 1, the main miracle awaits you - a journey to the fabulous Land of Knowledge. Therefore, over the summer you need to temper well, stock up on vitamins, so that in the new school year you do not get sick and collect many "fruits of knowledge". Something has become cold, no way my girlfriend - Zimushka is in a hurry to your holiday. And I say to you: “Goodbye! See you, my faithful friends! "
Enters - whirling, under the blizzard music Fairy - Winter.
Winter: Gone ?! (looks around).
Just think, all of yourself is golden. Shows off the harvest, gifts. I have a thousand times cooler - both gifts and entertainment, and most importantly, I perform a miracle, fulfill the most cherished desires of children and adults too (winks mysteriously at adults).
Guys, do you love me? Well, thank you! Remember how much fun you had with me. How much snow, I gave you joy!
I suggest you come back on New Year's holiday.
Poem "New Year"
The song "Fashionista - Christmas tree"
The game "We will run away from the wind"
Winter: Ay, well done! But it's time for me to leave. Spring is coming on my heels, I cannot cope with it. But we'll see you again soon, right guys? See you!
The spring melody sounds, the cry of the birds. Fairy enters - Spring.
Fairy - Spring. I walked for a long time through the forest,
But I found the way.
And I came to kindergarten,
To please the guys.
I heard, heard how you played merrily and sang with Zimushka. Do you want to have fun with me? I am young and perky. I have accumulated a lot of strength to amuse and please you.
Have you learned a verse about me too?
The verse "Spring is marching towards us" (I. Tokmakova)
Fairy: Great. I am truly a sorceress. I know how to revive nature, create a good mood. Do you want to visit the theater, watch the performance? Sit back and watch the show "How Civility Hare Taught."
The play "How they taught a courtesy hare"
Fairy: Great! What wonderful artists we have - parents! Well done! But for some reason we stayed too long, we ought to warm up. I invite everyone to dance.
Dance "Lavata"
Fairy: Do you want me to show you how monkeys do exercises. Repeat all movements after me.
Charging the monkey
We are funny monkeys!
We play too loud
We clap our hands
We stamp our feet
We jump on tiptoes.
And even to each other
We will show the languages.
Let's jump to the ceiling
Let's stick out our ears,
Let's bring our feet to our mouths,
The tail is on top of the head.
Open your mouth wider
Let's make grimaces.
As I say: "One, two, three!" -
All with grimaces freeze!
One two Three!
Fairy: Well done! With my arrival, not only nature wakes up, but the school year also ends. And I am very glad to inform you, dear guys, that you have completed it with excellent success. We have mastered the program of the middle group and everyone deserves awards and gifts.
(The fairy rewards children with diplomas, medals, sweet prizes for excellent studies, sports achievements, participation in competitions).
Feya: I would like to give the floor to the chairman of the parent committee Tatiana Kuzminichna.
(The chairman presents certificates of honor to parents for active participation in the educational process, enrichment of the subject-developing environment, participation in exhibitions, competitions in a group, preschool educational institution)
Fairy: Thank you, Tatyana Kuzminichna! Well, now my basket with gifts is empty. It's time to come back again for new gifts.
The melody "Little country" sounds
Educator: Admire! Good
Are preschoolers toddlers?
Smart, beautiful
And, as always, playful.
Child: We all matured for a year,
And we don't say goodbye to the group.
We are not sad, we are not crying -
We sing and smile.
Educator: Our children are growing up. There is very little left and we
let's go to school together. But we still have time to prepare well for it. And you, our dear parents, will help us in this.

Educator: Well, our holiday is over. Bon voyage to the Land of Knowledge!

Photo for memory

To the music, children and parents, together with their educators, go to the group for a tea party.


integrated lesson on familiarization with others in the preparatory group for school.

"Time travel"


To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about various types of watches, about the principle of their work and their role in human life.

Form temporary representations of "past", "present", "future";

Learn to tell the time by the clock.

Consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons, months and days of the week.


Develop observation, the ability to notice the features of objects, consolidate the ability to draw different clocks; to educate independence, the ability to actively and creatively apply previously mastered methods of image in drawing; develop imagination, creativity.

Develop research interest and curiosity;

Teach children to identify cause-and-effect relationships, develop the creative imagination and logical thinking of children;

Preliminary work:examining illustrations how people used to live, examining clocks, consolidating knowledge of what clocks are, finger gymnastics, reading fairy tales and poems about time.

Material: flashlight, round template, wand, hourglass, cut pictures, mechanical watch, craft "watch", paints, plasticine, cards with numbers from 1 to 12.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, today the gnome Tik-Tak was supposed to come to our group and teach how to determine the time by the clock, but he’s late for something. Or maybe he's already here, but we don't see him. Let's search.

(Children find a video letter)

“Hello dear guys! In my magical land of time, a disaster struck. A strong hurricane came and broke all watches. And now we cannot determine the time. "

What happened in the land of time?

Guys, what happens if all the clocks break? (slide)

Is there anything we can do for the gnome?

I suggest you go on a journey along the river of time, but first, the first thing we need to do with you is to define: What is time?

Let's break down into three subgroups. Now each subgroup has to answer a different question, but first you need to collect your clues.

Work in subgroups.

Children select pictures - clues to their questions

I subgroup. Why does a person need to know the time?

II subgroup. How do we know the time?

III subgroup. How do we measure time?

I subgr .: daily routine, sleep, play, food intake, etc .;

II subgr .: clocks - wrist, wall, sand; calendars, etc .;

III subgr. - watch hands, a whole tear-off calendar

In order to hit the road, you need to go through several tests. Can you handle it? Remain in subgroups.

1 task. - Guys, name the seasons and pick up the picture on the table.

What time of year is it now? (Spring).

What words can describe spring? (warm, cheerful, good, sunny, ringing, shiny ...)

What month is it now? (March).

How many months in a year? (12).

Please name in order.

Name the spring months.

How many days in a week? (seven).

What day today?

List the days of the week in order.

What parts of the day do you know? Show in the picture.

Name the parts of the day in order.

Well done!

2 task

Game "Name the neighbors".

You have pieces of paper on your table, a number is written on them, think and say the numbers next to it.

3 task

Now we will solve the problems. Listen carefully.

1) “Seven tiny kittens that are given to them - they all eat, and one asks for sour cream. How many kittens? " (eight).

How did the number 8 come about? (add one to seven will be eight). (1 child works at the blackboard - writes the solution to problems).

2) “Four lambs were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, tell me soon:

How many sheep are there now? " (two).

(four minus two equals two).

(write the solution to the problems on the board and read it).

3) "Put the required sign">;

3 5; 6 4; 7 7.

Well done, guys, you have coped with all the difficult tasks, now let's go on a journey into the past hours, to visit different stages of their development. Do you agree?

Psychological relief.

I suggest the children will be comfortable, close their eyes. It is good and pleasant for us. We breathe fresh air and breathe in its aroma, imagine how we admire the beauty of the winter forest, rise up under the fluffy clouds. The clouds are fluffy, soft like cotton wool. A light breeze is blowing and we are sinking lower and lower. And we are transported to the past. Well done, have a little rest?

When did our ancestors live?

Where are we?

Where will we be tomorrow?

How do we get into the past?

But that's not all we need to know about timing. What time consists of, the poem will help us to understand:

The past is all that was
No power in the world
Will not return everything back,
Time only goes forward.
What we see now is
Real for us
The future is what will be
And people do not know him.

We fly by ship and find ourselves in the past. But you need to cast a spell:

Closing the friendly circle

We will suddenly find ourselves in the past!

We will help the gnome:

We can deliver the watch.

Look, it seems to me that we are in the past, in the old days. How can you guess? (slide)

Can you hear the rooster sing? What is he doing here? We are in the past hours. (slide)

A long time ago, people knew the time by a live clock. This clock walked importantly around the yard, flapping its wings and, flying up the fence, shouted: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" In the morning the rooster crowed and woke everyone up to work, and in the evening it crowed and people went to bed.

This is not a cellar, not a closet

The tulip does not grow behind him

There is a bright room there

There is a Russian girl there

There is both a stove and a chimney

This is Russian …….

Children: - Hut. (slide)

That's right guys! This is a riddle about a hut. And what is a hut? (This is a wooden house …… ..)

Who lived in the huts? (People, family …….)

Would you like to visit our ancestors? (Yes) Here we are now and find ourselves.(slide)

So people used to live, they built houses of wood, they were called huts, in the hut there was a canopy and an upper room. The canopy is the first small room in the hut (slide), the upper room is a large room in the hut, where people ate, children played. (Slide) And this is a Russian stove - "mother" - a symbol of completeness and prosperity. The stove heats the hut, cooks food and bakes bread in it. (slide)

There is a cast iron on the stove. Cabbage soup and porridge are cooked in it. Since that time, the proverb has come to us - cabbage soup and porridge - our food.

Let's see some message has been conveyed to us (slide)

“Good health, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hut. Our son Ivan goes to the forest for firewood. Mother collected a knapsack for him, in which she put a piece of black bread, poured spring water into the cupboard. Ivan got off the stove, took the knapsack and went. "

Guys, are all the words familiar to you? Have you guessed what a "tuyesok", "knapsack" is?

(Answers of children. The teacher complements: (slide)A knapsack is a bag that is carried over the shoulders, sometimes on a stick-staff, (slide) and a tuyesok is a dish made of birch bark, in which honey or sour cream was kept in the old days).

Products were stored in cellars, in the bottom sections, and birch bark boxes. Subsek - a box for storing grain. (Slide)

Guys, what do we store our food in today? And what is good and what is bad about the refrigerator?

Some of the items that we use today have come to us from ancient times, although they have changed a lot. I suggest you play the game "Match a Pair". (slides)

Di. "Pick up a pair"


Bast shoes

Nib pen

Truck cart

Candle light bulb

Cast iron pan

Chest cabinet

Even then, people noticed that the time spent doing business passes quickly, and for a loafer, the day drags on for a very long time. The people have put together a lot of fairy tales, proverbs, sayings about how to save time. Let's remember some of the sayings.

Long day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Business is time - fun is an hour.

Woke up late - lost the day.

But was it possible to determine the exact time by the crowing of a rooster?

What was the first watch that a person came up with? (Slide)

There is a sundial

Ancestors of all hours

now they are rare

The dial lies on the ground

And the sun runs across the sky.

Child: They were made by people on the ground, the lined open-air area is a dial, instead of arrows - a peg. The sun moves across the sky, and the shadow from the wand shows the time.

Shall we try and make the same invention?


And we also invented the sundial. But over time, the sundial ceased to suit a person. Why?

People began to puzzle over how to come up with a better watch. And they came up with such a clock. What are their names? (showing the hourglass) (slide)

Child: - Sand was poured into a tall glass vessel with a hole.

The sand was poured in a thin stream from one vessel to another, and as the sand is poured, it means that some time has passed. Sand is poured into them for only 3, 5, 10 minutes, people had to count all the time in minutes.

Was it convenient?

And where is it convenient to use them?

So we will now use the hourglass. While the sand is pouring, let's try to collect a picture, and find out what kind of clock the man invented next.

Game "Collect the picture" (work in subgroups)

What watch have you put together in the picture? (showing the clock)

It took a long time until a man came up with a watch with a mechanism. I twisted the spring, and so as not to unwind, I attached a toothed wheel to it. It clings to another wheel. And the hands move along the dial and show the time. (slide)

(consider the watch: dial, hands, mechanism)

Why are they inconvenient?

Do you guys want to see the clockwork? (slide)

Watching a video.

Physical education:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, Who can do that in the house? (Walking in place)

This is a pendulum in a clock, beats every beat (Tilts left and right.)

And the cuckoo sits in the clock,

She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)

And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.)

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind. (Slowing down the pace of walking.)

And it happens that they are in a hurry

As if they want to run away! (Running in place.)

If they are not turned on,

Then they get up completely. (The children stop.)

Guys, who knows which watch you shouldn't wind? (slide)

Mechanical watches were replaced by electronic ones. They run on batteries or electricity, or they themselves display the time on the scoreboard.

You see, guys, what a difficult journey hours have passed. And all this was invented and made by a man. See what beautiful watches people have designed. (View slides with a picture of a clock). Guys, do you think we've already helped the gnome?

Guys, let's make each our own watch. And maybe your watch will help the gnome put things in order in his country of time.

Together we make hours, we talk.

The music from the song sounds.

Let's see what kind of watch you invented. Do you think we can assign this watch to the dwarf Tik-Tak? Then we sit on our ship and say the spell:

Closing the friendly circle

We suddenly find ourselves in the magic land of the gnome.

And here the gnome himself thanks us (slide)

Do you guys want to learn how to tell the time by the clock?

Or maybe someone can?

The game "Arrows go in a circle".

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out in a circle on the floor. Children stand near the cards. They all think together where to put the arrows.

(Children put the hands in the right place) Five o'clock!

The game is repeated several times.

Guys, the clock tells us it's time to go back.

Closing the friendly circle

We suddenly find ourselves in the present.

Turn around you

Find yourself in our group.

So our journey into the past hours has ended.

Dwarf brought order to his country

What good deed have we done?

What new have you learned?

Did you enjoy our trip?

Self-analysis of the lesson.

The GCD for familiarization with the environment "Time Travel" was provided.

Direction - cognitive and speech

When planning, age characteristics were taken into account, preliminary work was carried out:

Conversations on the history of watches

Didactic games

Travel Games

Purpose: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge about various types of watches, about the principle of their work and their role in human life.


Develop research interest and curiosity; teach children to identify cause-and-effect relationships, develop creative imagination and logical thinking of children; to form temporary representations of "past", "present", "future"; learn to determine the time by the clock.

Learn to clearly and consistently express your thoughts; develop communication skills.

Develop observation, the ability to notice the features of objects, consolidate the ability to draw different clocks; educate independence, develop imagination, creativity.

Develop the musicality of children.

Develop play activities for children; to develop the ability to negotiate in joint activities with peers.

Develop an interest in technology.

Give the children the opportunity to relax during the lesson, to avoid overwork and its consequences.

To solve the tasks I have used various methods and techniques.


Visual (slide show, demonstration items)

Verbal (conversations, stories of children)

Practical (experimentation, physical education)

Game (didactic game "collect the picture", the game "arrows go in a circle")


Explanation, reminder, repetition, generalization, own answers, the perspective for the future was determined.

Leading questions, which prompted independent statements, questions of a problem-search nature, also helped to accomplish the tasks.

Throughout her educational activities, she consolidated the ability of children to listen to each other, activated the dictionary, supplemented and clarified.

To motivate the children, a surprise moment was used - a letter from the gnome, which aroused interest and activated them for further work.

Throughout the GCD, technical means were used. I have developed a multimedia presentation using Internet resources, as well as musical accompaniment.

This structure of the GCD assumes mutual cooperation between children and the educator and is aimed at fulfilling the assigned tasks.

The children were involved in a variety of activities, which maintained interest throughout the GCD.

During the GCD, I used physical education, a change of activities, which allowed the children not to be in a statistical position, to prevent children's fatigue.

Reflection was carried out in the NOD, where it can be seen that the children liked to engage in this type of activity.

I believe that I have succeeded in achieving my goals.

The educational activity turned out to be bright, rich and interesting, since children like to provide assistance, therefore, a sense of responsibility develops, self-esteem increases.

There was no more than a week until the eldest's sixth birthday, and there was absolutely nothing in my head except for the theses of the upcoming report. In addition to this, in the early morning of the 6th of the spring month of April (that is, on the birthday itself), my husband and I flew away for a week to a conference.

In the evening, putting the boys to bed, I hugged Danka and honestly confessed to him that we had absolutely no ideas on his birthday. The first one upset him a lot, but we agreed that we would arrange a party immediately after our return, but on the second point everything turned out to be surprisingly easy. “Yes, don’t worry, mom!” My son answered me, “we will play, and Andryusha and I will be little dinosaurs.” The idea was happily picked up by all the family, and we began to prepare for the holiday. To begin with, with the help of my grandmother and nanny, we sewed two costumes of dinosaurs, which were useful to us more than once (at the New Year's Ball in Pushkin, for example), and began to come up with a script. As a result of joint discussions and disputes, such a story was born.

We invited our guests (six of Dankin's friends) to go on a journey, but not a simple one, but in time. A well-known in world science professor-paleontologist (dad), who was already in those ancient times and left there a special video camera that filmed prehistoric life, set off with them. The people revived, we assigned roles, as in a real expedition - a doctor, a photographer, a cook, etc., the girls and I went to the kitchen to collect food (I was convinced for a long time that the best thing is to weave food into the plot of the holiday, then everything is eaten quickly and without hassle), and dad and the boys collected sleeping bags, binoculars, fishing rods, knives and other things necessary on the way.

Having immersed all this in the Time Machine (a bunk bed in the nursery, with curtains), the professor set off with the children. The Time Machine flew rapidly to the music of the third movement of Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony, and the professor talked about what happened in these places 10, 100, 1000, 10000, etc. years ago.

I will remember for the rest of my life that the third movement of Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony lasts seven minutes! The fact is that during this time I alone managed to transform our three-room apartment, with the help of bedspreads, colored gauze, boards and overturned tables, into a prehistoric world with swamps, caves and impenetrable forests.

The Time Machine landed and the professor took turns giving the children binoculars. They, peering through a small crack in the wall of Manina Time, talked about what they saw. Fantasy bloomed in a riotous color! Looking at the empty wall, the children, gasping with delight, vied with each other about what wonders of the prehistoric world they see! There were dinosaurs, giant plants, and pterodactyls! (It was a complete impromptu, which turned out to be extremely successful and gave me the idea that the kids had already grown up to the point that they themselves can make a significant contribution to the scripts.)

And when the walls of the Time Machine (the curtains of the bed) opened, the children were confused ...

They thought that everything would continue to be built only on their imagination and did not recognize the room, hung with bedspreads and artificial flowers! Tugging each other by the sleeves, they whispered to find an explanation for where they were. Right here, in the meadow near the Time Machine, we made a halt. We took with us sandwiches (with ham, fish, caviar, cheese, meat), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, peppers), olives, which modern children love very much, and juices. Everything went great and no grand dishwashing in the evening. Then the professor showed us a map, and we set off.

Having crossed the threshold of a large room, we found ourselves in the jungle: a heap of boards, tables and chairs covered with bedspreads and gauze, and music with the crackling of trees, howling of the wind and singing of birds. They began to make their way. On swaying boards and narrow manholes. The professor injured his leg and the doctor (one of the girls) bandaged him. ( Then the impromptu began again - the guys began together to "plant splinters, cut their fingers and fall into the abyss." They cured everyone and had a lot of fun.)

The evening was already approaching, and right in front of us in the corridor was a serpentine swamp. To a tape with the croaking of frogs and the ringing of insects, we made our way on stilts through a dangerous swamp. Snakes swarmed underfoot. There was just a hymn to mutual assistance!

Having reached a dry place (our bedroom), after having a snack, we began to settle for the night in a tent and sleeping bags on our large bed. They set up a guard of two boys, discussed the past day and fell asleep. However, the morning greeted us with an unpleasant surprise. Despite not being guarded, the animals got to our supplies and devoured not only all our provisions, but also our map. Without a map, we couldn't find the camera and get to the Time Machine. The situation was becoming dangerous. While we were sadly conferring, a rustling was heard in the nearest cave (under the computer table), and a dinosaur's head (Danka) appeared from there, and then another one (Andryushka). Everyone except the professor was frightened. And the professor looked attentively at the dinosaur and shouted joyfully - "Vaska, hello, how glad I am to see you, how great it is that you are here!" Dinosaur Vaska and his brother, whom the professor met during his last trip, asked us about our troubles. After the general meeting, the professor and Vaska remembered that the last time the professor marked one of the fish in the nearest lake. From this mark it was possible to determine the coordinates of the camera and the Time Machine.

Having sung, instead of breakfast, a song (there was nothing!) And, tying tighter our belts, we went to the lake. (By this time, the jungle in the large room had been successfully dismantled and turned into a lake with fish (made of paper with metal stickers) and giant butterflies hovering above it). This is where a fishing rod with a magnet came in handy, which the boys took with them. There were a lot of fish, we were catching them, standing on a steep bank (sofa), and could not catch the one we needed in any way. Dinosaur Vaska and his brother actively helped us. Finally, we have the right fish! Having copied the numbers from the mark on the fin, the professor began to conjure in his notebook, and soon we knew where to go.

On the way, we had a snack of fruit, which we picked while blindfolded and determined by touch whether they were edible. Finally, we found ourselves at the edge of the forest. By coordinates, everything converged, but the professor had been here for a long time and did not recognize the place. All together began to look for the camera. ( The camera was an old movie camera, to which a cassette with the movie "Walking with the Dinosaurs" was screwed). Pretty soon they found the camera and set off on their way back to the Time Machine. A touching farewell to Vaska and his brother took place, everyone climbed into the Time Machine and, to the already familiar music, years, centuries and eras flashed outside the window again.

Returning home, everyone found in the large room a set table with a birthday cake with candles and a bunch of other sweets. Having sat down at the table and congratulated the birthday man, we began to drink tea and watch the film, which was filmed by the professor's camera.

All the children really enjoyed the adventure. For a long time, when we met Dan's friends, my husband and I were inundated with questions about the prehistoric world and Vaska and offered to arrange a new expedition.

I hope that this script, if not entirely useful, will help someone find the time and energy to give themselves and their children a common holiday. They grow up so quickly and stop believing in Vaska ...

Good luck and good mood to everyone.

Project manager: educator N.V. Shirinkina

Project type: cognitive, educational

Duration of the project: from 27.10 to 31.10.14.

Project participants: children of the older preparatory group, preschool educators, music director, parents.

Relevance of the project

Watch! What a common and well-known thing. We cannot do without watches, they are with us everywhere. We have watches on our hands and in our pockets, at home and on the street, watches at school, kindergarten and at the cosmodrome, at a railway station, in a car, watches on an airplane and on a submarine. Some watches are round, others are square, some are thick, others are thin. There are watches the size of a pea, and there are ones so huge that you can't take them away by car.

How much these little arrows mean in our life, which run in a circle as if to no avail! I invited the children to imagine that tomorrow, all over the world, all clocks would immediately deteriorate. How many speculations have been made about what a terrible mess this will cause! At sea, ships will lose their way, because without a watch, no captain will be able to determine where the ship is. Stores will work as they like. In factories, work will become impossible - after all, the machines in the factory work on a precise schedule. Children will be late for kindergarten, and parents for work. I told the children that now it is difficult to imagine, but once upon a time there really was no clock - none, neither with springs, nor with batteries, nor with weights. There weren't even grandma's walkers! And, of course, no one asked each other: "Could you tell me what time it is, please?" The time was determined approximately: by the singing of birds and flowers, by sunsets and dawns, or looking at the sunny sky. If the sun is just rising from behind the horizon, then it’s morning. Is the sun directly overhead? It was noon. My story aroused the interest of children, many of them wanted to know how people could do without watches many years ago, what clocks were before, how they appeared. During the conversations, it was also revealed that the children did not have enough knowledge about the varieties and modern watches. Therefore, I decided to include a cycle of joint activities on the topic "Watch" .

Hypothesis: What happens if all the clocks around us stop working?

Project goal: Formation of children's ideas about time.


  1. To acquaint children with the history of watches;
  2. Bring children to the understanding that a person creates a watch to make his life easier;
  3. Foster pride and respect for domestic inventors.

Pedagogical tasks:

  • contribute to the expansion and clarification of children's ideas about a person in history and culture;
  • stimulate the curiosity of children;
  • contribute to the development of a positive, humane attitude towards the objects of the man-made world;
  • to develop search activities, intellectual initiative;
  • develop the ability to predict future changes;
  • develop communication skills;
  • create conditions and opportunities for search activities.

Tasks for children:

  • consolidate your knowledge of time;
  • learn about the origin of clocks on Earth;
  • be proud and respectful of the inventions of mankind;
  • develop imaginative thinking, imagination, fantasy, active speech, creativity;

Tasks for parents:

  • to contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about clocks and time space;
  • assist in the implementation of the project in the group of preschool educational institutions.

Necessary equipment:

Cognitive area: didactic and board games; a collection of photographs depicting clocks, literature on the topic; presentations on the topic.

Methods and techniques during the project:

  • conversations with children about the history of clocks;
  • reading fiction;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • drawing, applique, modeling;
  • guessing riddles;
  • physical exercises, didactic, outdoor and finger games;
  • counseling for parents;
  • watching cartoons, presentations.


  1. Formed knowledge base for children about the history of clocks.
  2. Formed interest in the inventions of mankind and respect for them.
  3. They have the skills of reasoning, observation.
  4. Expanded vocabulary on the topic.
  5. A presentation of the project was prepared and presented at the teachers' council.

Family cooperation:

  1. Consultations
  2. Exhibitions of drawings

Design products:

  1. Didactic games: "Parts of the day" ,
  2. Photos of events.
  3. Project presentation.