The origin of the holiday on March 8 briefly. How did Women's Day come about?

For modern residents, the holiday of March 8 is associated with women, spring, kindness and beauty. On this day, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate not only mothers, grandmothers, daughters, ...

For modern residents, the holiday of March 8 is associated with women, spring, kindness and beauty. On this day, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate not only mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, but absolutely all the fair sex. Now, few people know that this tradition appeared more than a century ago, and the holiday was associated more with political actions, the participants of which were women, than with the admiration of ladies.

At first, only socialist countries celebrated March 8, but since 1977 this day has become a day off in many states. Women's Day is celebrated in the countries of the former USSR, near and far abroad.

The history of March 8 as a women's holiday

There are two versions of the recognition of March 8 as Women's Day. In the first and second cases, this holiday is associated with the name of the famous communist and politician Clara Zetkin. Initially, it was given the name "Day of Solidarity of Working Women in the Struggle for Equality of Rights and Emancipation", and it was recorded as "International Day of Struggle for Women's Rights and International Peace".

Version #1

On March 8, 1908, a rally was held in New York, the main participants of which were women. Their main demand was the recognition of the equality of the representatives of the weaker sex with the strong half of humanity. Thousands of women took to the streets with slogans about the need to give them the opportunity to participate in elections, to receive remuneration for their work on an equal basis with men, and to reduce the working day.

The Socialist Party of America a year later announced the recognition of one day of the year as a national women's holiday. This holiday was celebrated for three years every last Sunday of February. The idea of ​​celebrating Women's Day on March 8 belongs to Clara Zetkin, which she expressed at the Second International Women's Conference in 1910. It was difficult to call March 8 a holiday in those days. The main purpose of highlighting this day was to provide women with the opportunity to express their opinions during rallies and parades. Clara Zetkin insisted that women of all countries should do this on the same day, namely March 8th.

Since that time, March 8 has officially become officially recognized and approved as the day when women can call on the authorities to solve the accumulated problems through demonstrations. However, this idea was not accepted by all the countries participating in the conference. In 1914, for the first time, six countries, including Russia, celebrated March 8 as a holiday.

March 8 was recognized as a day off only in 1965. Since 1977, they have been celebrating “Women's” Day without a political connotation. Today, March 8 has become the day of women, spring and beauty.

Version #2

Another version of the choice of March 8 as Women's Day is associated with Jewish legend and the holiday of Purim. The heroine of the story is the wife of the Persian king Xerxes - Esther, who was able to charm him and save her people from extermination. Esther was Jewish by nationality, and it was this nation that Xerxes planned to destroy, who became the victim of a conspiracy. The woman took advantage of the fact that the king, under the influence of love for her, could obey her in everything. According to legend, the order to spare the Jews was issued on the 13th of Adar.

In the year of the women's conference (1910), this day fell exactly on March 8. In addition, there are mentions of a holiday dedicated to women in the history of Ancient Rome. There are quite a lot of coincidences when such days, translated into our time, fall precisely on March 8.

Which of the versions was the true reason for choosing March 8 to celebrate Women's Day is not known. There is also no consensus among historians. However, from a political point of view, this holiday appeared thanks to the idea of ​​Clara Zetkin, which arose against the backdrop of earlier events related to the upholding of women's rights and interests.

Favorite international women's day March 8 history of the holiday

International Women's Day - March 8 - the history of the holiday is very ambiguous. Every year, all women of the country accept congratulations from the stronger sex, relatives and colleagues. But why this date was chosen for the celebration, not everyone knows, so it will be interesting to get acquainted with the history of the famous international holiday and find out how it appeared and why men are so eager to congratulate women on this day. Today, almost all over the planet accept congratulations on International Women's Day.

When was March 8 first celebrated

Why does International Women's Day fall specifically on the eighth day of the third month of the year? The holiday itself originated in ancient Rome in ancient times. Then it was believed that the wife of Jupiter has all the privileges of power over a man and great opportunities, so many women and men worshiped and prayed to the goddess. They called the goddess in different ways: Juno-Calendar, Juno-Coin and so on. In her power was good weather, generous harvests of land, she gave her blessing to the needy, and also opened every month of the year. They worshiped Juno Lucius (“bright”), the patroness of the beautiful half, namely the Romans. Moreover, the goddess was especially honored before childbirth, so that the child was born healthy, and the mother endured the process as easily as possible. She was revered in every home, prayers and gifts to the goddess were traditional at every marriage and the birth of children.

Celebrations in honor of the goddess, which were called Matrons, were traditionally performed on the first day of spring. It was then that all of Rome shone with festive lights and colors, there was a class hour. Ladies, dressed in traditional clothes, made processions to the temple of Juno Lucius. There were prayers for the most intimate, requests for help were heard, statues of the deity were presented with flowers and gifts - this was supposed to give happiness and peace. Moreover, even slaves were allowed to pray, and their work was performed by the male sex. Husbands on the 1st gave presents to their beloved women, presented gifts and congratulations to the entire female sex in kinship and even servants, all beautiful ladies were allowed to celebrate.

Why is this number?

Today, this holiday is already celebrated on March 8. This happened due to a series of events in the 19th century, which coincided with the struggle of the fair sex for their rights. In 1857, a rally of women working as seamstresses in factories was held in New York. Their demands were: to organize a 10-hour working day, feasible work and the same salary as men. After all, before that, the women's working day lasted 16 hours, while the payment was a penny. After that, on March 8, women opened their trade unions, and also from 1985 they were allowed to vote.

But only in 1910 did the famous Clara Zetkin speak at the International Women's Socialist Meeting in Copenhagen with a proposal to celebrate the International Women's Day on March 8th. Thus, the political activist called on women from all over the planet to fight for independence and equality; and those joined the struggle for labor rights, for self-respect, equality with men and peace on earth. Although the holiday was first canceled in 1911, but already on March 19 of the following year, women began to receive congratulations in countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Then the manifesto was held by both men and women as a sign of the struggle for socialism. As for the post-Soviet space, the first holiday dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8 was held in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers celebrated the achievement of equal rights for women in the economic and political spheres.

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day, when they celebrate the beginning of spring, and also glorify women and show respect for them as wives, mothers and girlfriends.

Who laid the foundation for the celebration of March 8: a biblical activist or working women?

Some, of course, are more accustomed to considering the founder of March 8 to be a member of the German and international communist movement Clara Zetkin. But historians have proven that the holiday began since the time of the legend of Esther. A few centuries ago, a biblical figure saved the entire Jewish people. It is with her achievements that the famous Jewish holiday called Purim is associated. It is customary to celebrate it a little earlier than International Women's Day, namely on March 4, at the very beginning of spring.

Back in 480 BC. all Jews captured by the Babylonians were released and allowed to safely return to their native Jerusalem. Although, as it turned out, not everyone who was accustomed to life in Susa wanted to leave Babylon. Some of them treated the Persians as practically equal citizens. Most of them adapted well and led a sufficient ordinary life.

As time passed, the Jews finally managed to take root in Babylon. As a result, even the indigenous people sometimes confused which of the peoples was the conqueror and which was the conquered. Then one of the ministers, Aman, came up with the idea to inspire King Xerxes with the idea of ​​filling the state with Jews. Xerxes reacted to such a statement with a decree on the extermination of all the local representatives of the Jewish people.

The terrible plan of the king was not to the liking of his wife Esther, who all her life tried in every possible way to hide her ethnic roots from her husband (the queen was a representative of the Jewish people). Wise Esther came up with the idea to act on Xerxes not with prayers, but with love for herself. Under the influence of the charm of his beloved wife, the King changed his mind to the extermination of the enemies of the Jewish people.

And on Adar 13 (according to the Jewish calendar, the time of the end of this February - the beginning of March), the decree of the king was distributed throughout the empire of the Persian people with new conditions. Now the queen and her brother Mordecai were in charge.

Minister Haman, who came up with the idea to turn Xerxes against the Jewish people and execute all of its representatives, was executed along with all members of his family. And the struggle of the Jewish people with ill-wishers ended with the extermination of 75 thousand Persians. There is practically nothing left of the Persian Empire as such, so Jews from all over the world to this day celebrate the significant events of the past victories of the people in Babylon.

Some of the greatest sages claim that no matter how many centuries pass, even after the disappearance of the books about Esther, the Purim holiday will not be forgotten and will be revered by the Jews for a very long time.

Of course, many believe in the veracity of the legend of the salvation of the Jewish people by the beautiful and wise Esther. And in honor of her brave and righteous deeds, a holiday so revered by the Jews is celebrated, which may have become the beginning of the celebration of the international women's holiday, on the afternoon of March 8th.

Which of all the events listed above became fundamental in acquiring the world of such a holiday as Women's Day is still not known for certain. The opinions of all scientists were divided. But the fact that many women are grateful to the creator of this truly great holiday remains unchanged. They gladly accept congratulations and strive to celebrate it.

International Women's Day, which is now celebrated in dozens of countries at the state and unofficial levels, was first celebrated on March 8, 1910. However, the tradition of giving gifts and paying special attention to the beautiful half of humanity is older. Similar holidays, albeit on a smaller scale, were in Ancient Rome, Japan and Armenia.

Days of honoring women in different countries

The history of the origin of the holiday dates back to ancient times. In ancient Rome, celebrations in honor of free-born women, matrons, were held on March kalends. Every year on March 1, married Roman women were presented with gifts. Dressed in elegant clothes and wreaths of fragrant flowers, the matrons went to the temple of the goddess Vesta. Slaves also received their gift on this day: the hostesses gave them a day off.

According to the poet Ovid, the tradition of celebrating the holiday originated during the Sabine War. Legend has it that during the founding of Rome, the city was inhabited only by men. To continue the race, they kidnapped the girls of neighboring tribes. Thus began the war of the Romans with the Latins and the Sabines. And if the men of the "eternal city" dealt with the first ones quickly, then they had to fight for a long time with the second ones.

The Sabines practically won, but the outcome of the battle was decided by the abducted women. Over the years, they started families, gave birth to children, and the war between fathers and brothers on the one hand and husbands on the other broke their hearts. During the battle, they, disheveled and crying, rushed into the thick of it, begging them to stop. And the men listened to them, made peace and created one state. The founder of Rome, Romulus, established a holiday in honor of free women - Maturnaly. He endowed the Sabine Roman women with equal property rights with men.

More than a thousand years ago, the tradition of celebrating Women's Day in Japan was born. It is celebrated on March 3 and is called Hinamatsuri. The history of the origin of the "Holiday of the Girls" is not known for certain. It most likely began with the custom of lowering paper dolls in a basket down the river. It was believed that this is how Japanese women drive away misfortunes sent by evil spirits. For almost 300 years, Hinamatsuri has been a national holiday. On this day, families with girls decorate their rooms with artificial tangerine and cherry blossoms.

The central place in the room is given to a special stepped stand, on which beautiful dolls in ceremonial outfits are displayed. On the historical women's day, girls, wearing colorful kimonos, go to visit, treat each other with sweets.

The Armenian Holiday of Motherhood and Beauty has ancient Christian roots. It is celebrated on April 7 - the day when, according to the Bible, the guardian angels told the Mother of God that she was expecting a child. In modern Armenia, both traditional and International Women's Day are celebrated. Thus, daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers receive congratulations here for a month.

The history of the holiday

Since the end of the 19th century, women have actively fought for equal rights with men. The ideas of emancipation found a lively response from representatives of leftist organizations. That is why many politically active women of that time joined the ranks of socialists and communists. One of the representatives of the labor movement - Clara Zetkin - in 1910 at an international conference in the capital of Denmark called for the establishment of International Women's Day. The idea was not new. A year earlier, the American Socialist Party had proposed celebrating Women's Day on February 28th. Clara Zetkin chose another day - the eighth of March.

There are several versions why the communist insisted on this particular date. According to one of them, the idea of ​​​​creating a holiday was linked to the first mass protest of working women. The demonstration of New York seamstresses and shoemakers took place in 1857. The workers demanded to reduce the length of the working day to 10 hours, increase wages and improve working conditions. The appearance of the March 8 holiday could also be associated with another political event - the 15,000-strong rally in 1908. Residents of New York stood up for giving women the right to vote, the prohibition of child labor.

There is also a Jewish version of the origin of the holiday. Its supporters claim that March 8 was chosen by Clara Zetkin in honor of the Jewish celebration of Purim. For Jews, this is a day of carnival fun, dedicated to the events of 2,000 years ago. Then, under King Artaxerxes, his wife Esther saved the Jews of Persia from mass extermination. Several facts point to the failure of this version. First, the Jewish origin of Clara Zetkin, nee Eissner, is doubtful. Secondly, Purim is a movable holiday, which in 1910 fell on February 23rd.

Holiday of spring, beauty and femininity

The date chosen by Zetkin did not take root for a long time. At the suggestion of another activist of the left movement, Elena Grinberg, International Women's Day in 1911 was held on March 19 in a number of countries. The following year, rallies were held on the 12th. In 1913, political actions were organized in eight countries, but they were scattered throughout the first two weeks of spring. On the eve of the First World War, March 8 fell on a Sunday, which made it possible to hold events in six countries in a coordinated manner.

With the outbreak of hostilities, the activity of the women's movement in the world subsided. It rose again three years later, when the economic situation in Europe deteriorated markedly. At the beginning of 1917, a social explosion took place in Russia. On February 23, or March 8, according to the new style, Petrograd textile workers, taking their children with them, went on strike. Constant malnutrition and war weariness made them bold. Women demanded bread, approaching the soldiers' cordons, asking the men to join them. Thus began the February Revolution, which put an end to the autocracy.

In the early 20s of the last century, already in Soviet Russia, they remembered the events of that March 8, and the history of the holiday was continued. Since the 66th year, this day has become a day off in the USSR, and in the 75th year it was recognized by the UN. According to the map on Wikipedia, March 8, in addition to Russia, is officially celebrated in the following countries:

  • Kazakhstan;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Belarus;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Mongolia;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Georgia;
  • Armenia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Angola;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Moldova;
  • Zambia;
  • Cambodia;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kenya;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Uganda;
  • Guinea-Bissau;
  • Madagascar;
  • DPRK.

For a long time, March 8 and the history of the emergence of the holiday were associated with politics, since the appearance of the date was closely connected with the activities of the protest movement. Yes, and it was conceived not as a celebration, but as a day of women's solidarity in the struggle for their rights.

Over time, the feminist and socialist component of the holiday faded into the background.

In the 1970s and 1980s, a gradual “humanization” of the event took place in the Soviet Union, traditions were formed. Girls and women were presented with flowers. Tulips and mimosa branches became the symbols of the holiday on March 8. In kindergartens and schools, they made homemade postcards for mothers and grandmothers. At home, as a rule, they laid a festive table. All these traditions have migrated to the present. Now March 8 is a holiday of femininity, beauty and the coming spring.

March 8, 1857 in New York. On this day, workers from local shoe and textile factories took to the streets to strike. Their main requirement was - a 10-hour working day instead of the previous 16. In addition, women demanded higher wages to a decent level and the right to vote. It was March 8 that was marked as the day when the first trade union was created, where ladies took part.

After 67 years, the famous revolutionary Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate March 8 as International Women's Day. This holiday was celebrated on 19, but women from different countries - Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany took part in the celebration. Women's Day was held under the slogan of the struggle of ladies for their rights, for example, the right to occupy leadership positions. On the day of the holiday, a number of demonstrations took place.

Russia first participated in the celebration of International Women's Day in 1913. The first events were held in St. Petersburg. This was an occasion for the Protestants to gather and discuss all pressing women's issues. It is noteworthy that men also took part in the discussion.

Over the next 4 years, due to the raging Civil War, March 8 was not celebrated, but at that time the tradition was preserved for women to go to demonstrations and marches. It became for them a peculiar way of protesting against the war.

The holiday of March 8 received national significance with the advent and strengthening of Soviet power. And since 1965, March 8 has become a day off. It was this day that the state began to devote to various events for women. On March 8, the countries reported to the population on the achievements in the field of women's policy, held conferences for equal rights of workers and engaged in other campaign work.

The holiday on March 8 lost its political connotation later. And in the new Russia, it has become not a day of struggle for the rights of the weak half of humanity, but a day of femininity, tenderness and care.

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  • where did March 8 come from

March 8 is a world women's holiday, when men become unusually gallant and give gifts to their lovers, mothers, sisters and daughters. Meanwhile, initially International Women's Day was not at all a romantic, but rather a political holiday.


According to one version, the women of Ancient Rome were the first to celebrate Women's Day. On March 1, they celebrated the holiday of the Matrona, dedicated to the wife of the great Jupiter - the patroness of women, Juno. On this day, the Roman women put on their best clothes and went to the temple of Juno Lucius (Light One). They brought flowers as a gift to the goddess and asked her to grant them family happiness. The holiday extended even to slaves, on this day the owners allowed them to rest, and male slaves did all the housework.

The history of the modern holiday of March 8 began in the 19th century and was associated with the struggle of women for their rights. On March 8, 1857, a demonstration of women workers in the clothing and shoe industries was organized in New York. They demanded that they be provided with a 10-hour working day, comfortable working conditions and equal wages with men. The fact is that at that time women were forced to work for 16 hours, receiving only miserable pennies for their work. Soon there were women's trade unions, the fair sex was granted the right to vote for the first time.

Nevertheless, only at the International Women's Conference of Socialists, held in 1910 in Copenhagen, the famous German political and public figure Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate World Women's Day on March 8th. The emergence of a new holiday marked the entry of women around the world into the struggle for equality and independence.

For the first time, World Women's Day was celebrated in 1911, though not on March 8, but on March 19, when demonstrations were held on the streets of Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland dedicated to the struggle of workers for their voting rights. In Russia, International Women's Day began to be celebrated in 1913. Only in 1976 the holiday was officially recognized by the UN.

When asked when the holiday on March 8 arose, history gives several answers at once. The version officially adopted in Russia connects the appearance of International Women's Day with the names of famous activists Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxembourg. However, some researchers find brief references to special women's days in ancient texts belonging to Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Whether it is worth taking into account this information or not, everyone decides for himself. This does not affect the modern form of the celebration in any way and does not prevent adults and children from celebrating the most beautiful, tender and joyful day of the year brightly, magnificently and cheerfully.

Where did the holiday on March 8 come from - the history of International Women's Day according to different versions

The spring women's holiday has a rich history and several versions of its origin. According to one of them, the tradition of honoring the fair sex in a special way originated in ancient Greece. It was there that the ladies, led by Lysistrata, first came out against the men and went on a sex strike to stop the hostilities.

In ancient Rome, there was also a special day when men paid special attention to their matrons and gave them valuable gifts, and slaves were freed from any work. All citizens dressed in elegant clothes and in a good mood went to the temple of the goddess Vesta, where they worshiped the beautiful guardian of family values ​​​​and the hearth.

Some experts associate the history of the holiday with the heroic and wise deed of Esther, the beautiful wife of King Xerxes of Persia. A wise and beautiful woman, born in a Jewish family, managed to hide her Jewish roots from her husband and, under a plausible pretext, obtained from her beloved an oath to protect her people from enemies and any misfortunes. Her selflessness allowed the Jews to avoid the attack of the Persian army. In honor of this event, on the 13th day of Aidar, which usually fell on a period of time from the end of February to the beginning of March, the Jews began to celebrate a holiday called Purim. At the beginning of the twentieth century, and specifically in 1910, when International Women's Day received official status, Purim fell on March 8th.

Another version that tells where the holiday on March 8 came from has a very scandalous and ambiguous connotation. Historical sources claim that in 1857, New York "priestesses of love" organized the first protest and demanded that the authorities pay wages to sailors so that they could pay for love services. The second demonstration of "moths" took place already in Europe. On March 8, 1894, representatives of the oldest profession held a meeting in one of the central squares of Paris. They demanded recognition of their rights on an equal basis with any other working women and insisted on organizing their own trade union, which would defend their interests at the state level. In 1895, a wave of such speeches swept through Chicago and New York. In 1910, public women took to the streets of Germany already under the leadership of the legendary activists Rosa Luxembourg and Clara Zetkin. In their appeal to the authorities, the first point was the demand to immediately stop the atrocities of the German police, behaving too rudely with girls who make a living by selling their bodies. For the Soviet Union, the description of these events was somewhat corrected and the prostitutes were called ordinary "working women fighting for their rights in the harsh world of business and capitalism."

The official version - how the holiday of March 8 originated

The generally accepted official version of the origin of International Women's Day refers to March 8, 1908, when the Social Democratic Women's Organization of New York called on its supporters to take to the streets and support slogans for women's equality. About 15 thousand beautiful ladies marched along the central streets of the city, loudly demanding a reduction in the length of the working day, equal wages with men and the opportunity to vote in elections. In 1909, the socialists of America declared the last Sunday of February a national women's day and managed to achieve official status for it. In this form, the holiday lasted for four years.

In the summer of 1910, the 8th Congress of the Second International was held in Copenhagen. As part of this significant event, a women's socialist conference was held and Clara Zetkin, speaking at it, addressed those present with a proposal to establish a single international women's holiday. True, at that time it had a slightly different meaning. It was assumed that on this day, women from different countries would go out into the streets for public speaking in order to draw public attention to themselves and their problems.

In 1911, International Women's Day was celebrated simultaneously in four European countries - Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark. It happened on March 19 in memory of the events of the Prussian spring revolution of 1848. The following year, the holiday shifted to March 12. In 1913, Russians and French women rallied on March 2, Dutch and Swiss women on March 9, and German women on the 12th. In 1914, for the first time, Women's Day was held on March 8 and simultaneously in 6 countries. In the future, this date was assigned to the celebration, which has remained relevant to this day.

March 8 - the history of the holiday in Russia

In Russia, the history of the origin of the holiday on March 8 began in 1913. It was then that Russian women expressed solidarity with the working women of Europe and on one February Sunday held their first International Women's Day. The official date for the holiday was fixed only 8 years later, and since 1921 they began to celebrate it always on the same day - March 8th. In 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree according to which International Women's Day became not just a holiday, but also a day off and gradually lost its pronounced feminist coloring.

Today, March 8 is considered a very tender, reverent and feminine holiday. On this day, ladies no longer take to the streets for public rallies and do not put forward any harsh demands to the government. Instead, they accept beautiful, sublime congratulations, flowers and nice gifts from the representatives of the stronger sex. Work collectives host cheerful corporate parties, banquets and receptions, where women are honored by executives. On television and radio, the first persons of the state, deputies and respected public figures congratulate the beautiful half of humanity.

On March 8, men take on the main female duties and free their girlfriends, wives, beloved girls, mothers and grandmothers from such traditional activities as washing dishes, washing, ironing and cooking. The day passes brightly, pleasantly and naturally, and gives each representative of the fair sex plenty to enjoy the attention and love of relatives, friends and all those around her.

History of March 8 for children and video presentation

In order for children at school to better understand the deep meaning of the holiday, they must be introduced to the history of the emergence of March 8 and in an accessible form to tell what people were the ideologists of the creation of the celebration. In elementary school, it is not necessary to dwell too much on the events of past years. It is enough to briefly explain what rights women fought for and what they managed to achieve over a period of more than a hundred years. A bright thematic video presentation will help to enhance the effect of words. It will slightly dilute the seriousness of the moment and enable children to better perceive the information received.

You can talk with high school students in more detail and, in addition to mentioning historical figures, tell them about modern ladies who have made a successful career and achieved success in business and science, in the cultural field and in art. Both boys and girls will be interested to hear about Russian women who excelled in professions that are traditionally considered “male”. This information will inspire the children and serve as an incentive for further learning and development.

The holiday is celebrated by the directive of the United Nations every year on the eighth of March. It was originally introduced to focus on the rights of women seeking emancipation (equal rights with the male sex). Today, the date has almost lost its political coloring, although on this day the participants in the resistance for women's rights are remembered, the holiday has become romantic. It is perceived as another reason to give attention, gifts to the beautiful half of humanity, to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters, colleagues, loved ones. The eighth of March became a holiday of spring revival, love, worship of a woman.

history of the holiday

The beautiful half of humanity constantly fought against the oppressed position in society. It was only in the twentieth century that it began to openly fight. On March 8, 1908, thousands of New York women rallied. Demands were put forward to reduce the duration of the work shift, adequate pay for working time (along with the male sex), and obtaining the right to take part in the election system.

In 1910, Clara Zetkin, as the undisputed leader of the German socialist movement, speaking at an emancipation event, proposed introducing a single day dedicated to women for the entire planet. It was assumed that protest events would be timed to this date in order to draw attention to the women's problem.

After 4 years, the date was noted immediately by 6 states (including Russia). The Bolsheviks on February 23 (Julian style March 8), 1917, used the festival of women in the capital to organize mass protests. Columns of Petrograd workers joined the women's procession, so the result was a mixed procession, without any discrimination.

Soviet Russia (1921) decided to celebrate Women's Day on March 8 to perpetuate the memory of the participation of Russian women in the Petrograd demonstration. Gradually, for the inhabitants of the country, it loses its political significance. In 1966 he was made a day off. Since 1975, the United Nations has been organizing regular events for International Women's Day.