The development of speech by means of visual activity. Visual activity in the development of speech of preschoolers. The value of the child's speech in visual activity

Usage visual activity for the purpose of speech development was extremely rare. Meanwhile, any activity, including visual, is favorable for the development of speech. It reflects and deepens children's ideas about the surrounding objects, contributes to the manifestation of mental and speech activity.

At the lessons of visual activity, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish, and, finally, use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions. Methods of teaching fine arts and design. Ed. N. P. Sakulina and T. S. Komarova. / M: re-ed. 2013 pp. 116-117

In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, it is necessary to develop a large number of various conditional connections, including motor ones. All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material that changes periodically helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, the actions of signs, the child learns to listen to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, clarifies their lexical, phonetic, grammatical shades. The word helps the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.

In productive activity, the development of perception and understanding of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation, is of great importance for the performance of one or another proposed activity. Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during the implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the emergence of speech activity. Problem situations form the communicative orientation of speech.

A certain set of phrases, words, pronounced by adults in all sorts of speech combinations, makes the word mobile, mobile. Its structural appearance is being specified. The word firmly enters first into the child's passive and then into the active vocabulary of the child in all the variety of its forms. To this end, in the classroom it is necessary to use all the visual material every day: to verbalize the demonstrated actions, equipment items, their signs and purpose. In order for children to better learn the name of the material, it is important to gradually create conditions throughout the year for independent, feasible fulfillment of the instructions of the educator and speech therapist, both before classes and after them. Children seem to play with this material. Removing it from the table or laying it out, performing a variety of actions.

In productive activity, conditions are created for the implementation of a close connection between the word and the action, with the signs of the action. It is much easier to provide a link between a word and an object than a link between a word and an action: you can show the object itself, a toy or a model, and finally, you can use a picture. It is much more difficult to show through a picture the connection of a word with the movement or state of an object. In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs various actions. connected contextual speech pictorial

In the classroom, visual activities can successfully develop communication skills. The development of verbal communication involves the gradual preparation of increasingly complex speech patterns for their children to accumulate and use in active speech as they are mastered. The answer to the question with one word or combination is replaced by the construction of a sentence of different constructions: a simple non-common sentence, a common sentence; from complex - a complex sentence. It provides for the construction of various structures that correspond to the nature of communication: incentive, declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

As in the classroom, visual activity, in the design process, special correctional tasks are solved for the development of children's speech, the vocabulary is enriched, the Speaking, the appearance of coherent speech is being prepared, etc. Grigoryeva G. G. The development of a preschooler in visual activity. / G. G. Grigorieva M: 2010. p. 84

In the process of construction, children practically receive concrete ideas about the various three-dimensional shape and size of objects; learn to understand words denoting position in space: above, below, behind, left, right; learn to understand and correctly follow verbal instructions: put, put, remove, take apart, bring.

In the classroom of fine arts and design, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding. Such conditions contribute to the establishment of close contact between an adult and a child, make the child want to communicate through speech.

Starting with the older group, children should be taught to analyze their own work and the work of their comrades.

It is necessary to call the children to compare the drawing with what needs to be depicted, to lead to an assessment of how it was done. Children learn to understand that a drawing is evaluated depending on the task at hand. First, you need to focus on positive sides, learn to note what is done well (the color is selected, the shape, size, etc. are transferred), then point out mistakes (for example, a flower the size of a tree, etc.). It is important that children notice the expressive aspects of their drawings and those of their peers, understand the intent of their peers' work and talk about their own.

Thus, visual activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognition of reality, therefore it is of great importance for mental development children. In turn, the mental education of the child is closely connected with the development of speech.

"The development of speech in the classroom for fine arts"

Visual activity is one of the most interesting for preschool children. It acts as a specific means of cognition of activity, therefore it is of great importance for the mental development of children.

In turn, the mental education of the child is closely related to the development of speech.

In the classes of fine arts activities, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish, and, finally, use words in active speech.

The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, actions that he does not perform with objects, distinguish and use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions.

The first step in the development of understanding of speech in the classroom of visual activity is the assimilation of the naming function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets names. In order for a word - a name to become a word - a concept, a large number of different conditional connections, including motor ones, must be developed for it.

A variety of material (visual), which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects.

The word helps the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.

In productive activity, the development of perception and understanding of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of one or another proposed activity.

Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the emergence of speech activity. Problem situations form the communicative orientation of speech. So, if one of the children specifically “forgets” to put a piece of paper, a brush or pencils, the child is forced to ask for the missing one, that is, to show speech initiative.

In productive activity, the child relies simultaneously on several analyzers (vision, hearing, tactile perception), which also has a positive effect on the development of speech. Productive activity is favorable for the development of speech, primarily because the child himself directly acts with objects.

In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs various actions. For example: I took a pencil, pressed a rag, I draw a line, I draw a ball. With special training, children learn well a certain chain of sequential actions; characteristic of visual activity. This contributes to the development of speech - the correct understanding and implementation of instructions such as: "Draw a path, a ball." It is in these classes that children learn well the sequence of actions and the causal relationship of various actions and phenomena: “The brush is dirty. My dirty brush. The brush is clean."

The actions of children in fine arts and constructive activity become more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, rhythmic, regulated.

Performing repeating movements in drawing (strokes, strokes, lines), children love to accompany them with speech to the beat of hand movements: top - top - (“traces”), cap - cap - (“It's raining”): enliven their completed work. It should also be used to develop different parties speech.

Visual activity and design allow solving correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate such positive qualities as independence and purposefulness in the performance of work, perseverance and perseverance, the ability to complete the work, accuracy.

Positive assessment, praise, approval encourage further positive action. In the classroom for fine arts and design, special tasks are solved for the development of children's speech, the vocabulary is enriched, colloquial speech is improved, and the appearance of coherent speech is being prepared.

Good luck to you and your children!

Work on self-education

"The development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity"

Completed by: educator of the highest qualification category

Maksimova Natalya Alekseevna

Moscow, 2016


Chapter I. Theoretical analysis of approaches to solving the problem of speech development in children of senior preschool age


The problem of speech development of children of senior preschool age in the overall development of the child


Features of the development of speech of children of senior preschool age


Means of development of speech of children of senior preschool age


Experience in the development of children's speech by means of visual activity

Chapter 2


Diagnostics of the speech of children of senior preschool age


Development and approbation of pedagogical conditions for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity


The dynamics of the development of speech of older children in the process of visual activity





The relevance of the problem of speech development of preschoolers is associated with an increase in children with general underdevelopment speech and the need to find directions, methods and means of corrective work.

Studies of psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev), teachers (K.D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, F.A. Sokhin), linguists (A.N. Gvozdev) created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving the problems of speech development of preschoolers (L.V. Shcherba, A.A. Peshkovsky, V .V. Vinogradov,.

The studies of V. I. Loginova, N. P. Savelyeva, Yu. S. Lyakhovskaya, A. N. Bogatyreva, V. V. Gerbova, A. P. Ivanenko, V. I. Yashina , G. N. Bavykina, E. M. Strunina, N. P. Ivanova, A. A. Smagi and others.

The development of the morphological and syntactic aspects of speech was studied by F. A. Sokhin, A. A. Zakharova, V. I. Yadeshko, M. S. Lavrik, L. A. Kalmykova, word formation methods - by A. G. Arushanova, E. A. Federavicene and others.

The studies of G. M. Lyamina, M. M. Alekseeva, A. I. Maksakov and others are devoted to the assimilation of the sound system of the native language. Lisina orientate us to the role of the communicative factor in the process of development of preschool children, in which a number of aspects were identified that affect the development of speech.

At the same time, today in pedagogy the search for effective ways for the development of the speech of preschool children continues. One of these ways can be considered the approach of E.I. Ignatieva, T.S. Komarova, N.P. Sakulina, S.A. Mironova and others, who in their research on the problem artistic creativity show the relationship between visual activity and the development of speech in preschool children. In the classroom for visual activity, favorable conditions are formed for the development of children's speech, the implementation of free, natural speech communication about the activity and its result. Drawing, sculpting, and appliqué classes can contribute to solving various problems of children's speech development: the accumulation and enrichment of their vocabulary, the development of coherent speech, correct pronunciation, the ability to describe what they see, talk about the created image.

Therefore, our study on the topic: "The development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of creative activity" has goal:

develop an algorithm for the activities of the educatoron the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity.

Research objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic.

2. Identification of problems in the development of speech of children of older preschool age.

3. To develop an algorithm for the activities of the educator for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity.

Object of study: speech of children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by visual means.

Research hypothesis:the development of children's speech by means of visual activity is possible if:

Take into account the interests of children in productive activities;

Focus on the development of fine motor skills of the hands;

During the lesson, organize communication of children on the topic of the lesson.

Work structure.The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix - 7.

Chapter I. Development of speech of children of senior preschool age

  1. The problem of speech development of children of senior preschool age

in the overall development of the child.

Attention to the problem of speech development of preschool children can be found in the writings of the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1672), who proposed using artistic stories, fables, fairy tales about animals as a means of developing speech in working with children. The development of speech, in his opinion, begins with a clear correct naming of objects: you need to teach the things themselves, and not the words that designate them.

Close to the works of Ya.A. Comenius on the content of education and methodological recommendations are the works of the Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827). In teaching speech, he established the following sequence: knowledge appearance items, his hallmarks based on perception, selection of a number of words to characterize an object, classification of words and objects, compilation and distribution of sentences, explanation of the meanings of words, compilation of coherent texts. The exercises developed by Pestalozzi simultaneously developed cognitive abilities.

The continuation of progressive pedagogical ideas was the system of teaching the native language, developed by the outstanding Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. In the initial teaching of children to their native language, K.D. Ushinsky saw three targets. The first is to develop the gift of speech, that is, the ability to express one's thoughts. For this, the visibility of learning, reliance on specific images perceived by the child (natural phenomena, paintings) is important. The second goal is to teach the child to dress his thoughts in the best form. Ideal examples of this form are works of art, both folk and author's. K.D. Ushinsky clearly defined the requirements for the selection of works for children: positive ideas, artistry, accessibility of content. They first developed the system children's reading. In the reading circle of children, the great teacher included folk tales, riddles, jokes, proverbs, works of Russian writers and his own. The third goal is the practical assimilation of grammar, which precedes the study of it as a science. A variety of exercises can serve this purpose - inventing sentences with a given word, selecting words in the right form, and more. All three goals must be achieved simultaneously.

A direct student and follower of K.D. Ushinsky was E. N. Vodovozova (1844-1923), a well-known children's writer and teacher in those years. Following his teacher E.N. Vodovozova believed that education should be carried out on folk speech, folk art. She considered the development of speech and thinking in close connection with the accumulation of sensory experience. In his work “Mental development of children from the first appearance of consciousness to the age of 8”, E.N. Vodovozova outlined the program for the development of native speech in children and the methodology for using Russian folklore.

A huge influence on the content and methods of work on the development of children's speech was exerted by the activities of E. I. Tikheeva (1867-1944), a well-known public figure in the field of preschool education. Development of speech, teaching the native language E.I. Tikheeva considered in connection with the development of personality. “The ability of articulate speech is one of the most significant and characteristic manifestations human personality. Developing speech contributes to the development of the personality as a whole, and any of the aspects of personality development contributes to the development of the language. Hence, in her opinion, the systematic development of speech should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten.

A significant influence on the methodology of speech development was exerted by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head. Department of Preschool Pedagogy, MPGI im. IN AND. Lenina E. A. Flerina (1889-1952). Of great interest are the thoughts of E.A. Flerina on teaching children dialogical speech. Without reducing the role of the monologue, she pointed out that life is permeated with dialogic interactions between the teacher and children, children with each other. Based on long-term research and pedagogical experience, E.A. Flerina emphasized the role of a relaxed atmosphere in communication, the need for special conversations with children, and proposed her own classification and methodology of conversations.

The problem of the development of speech of preschool children was dealt with by O. I. Solovieva. Heading the Central Scientific and Methodological Office for Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education for many years, Olga Ivanovna did a lot to improve the work of kindergartens in the development of speech, and later, in 1956, she prepared the first tutorial according to the methodology for preschool pedagogical schools, which highlights the development of all aspects of the speech of preschoolers.

A.P. Usova, L.A. Penevskaya, A.M. Borodich, R.I. Zhukovskaya, V.I. Loginova, F.A. Sokhin.

The problem of speech development of children was also studied in the sector of preschool education of the Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR under the leadership of G.M. Lyamina. Psychological and pedagogical research became the basis for the development of speech standards for children of different age groups. Psychological and pedagogical studies of children's speech are carried out in three directions (according to the classification of F.A. Sokhin):

1) structural - the questions of the formation of different structural levels of the language system are studied: phonetic, lexical and grammatical;

2) functional - the problem of the formation of language skills in the communicative function is studied;

3) cognitive - the problem of forming an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is being studied.

Numerous studies by G. A. Kashe, T. B. Filicheva, V. V. Tsvyntarny and others have proved the dependence of speech development on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. Immaturity in the development of motor functions is manifested in stiffness, awkwardness of the movements of the fingers and hands; movements are not clear and coordinated. This is especially noticeable in such activities as manual labor, drawing, modeling, working with small details (mosaic, constructor, puzzles), as well as when performing household manipulative actions: lacing, tying bows, braiding, fastening buttons, hooks, slips and etc.

Conducted by M.M. Koltsova, L.F. Fomina, studies and observations have shown that the degree of development of finger movements coincides with the degree of development of speech in children. To determine the level of speech development with children of the first years of life, they conducted the following experiment: they asked the child to show one finger, two, three (“do it like this,” they showed how to do it). Children who can repeat isolated finger movements speak well. And vice versa, in poorly speaking children, the fingers are either tense and bend only all together, or, on the contrary, they are sluggish, wadded and do not make separate movements. Thus, until the movements of the fingers become free, it is not possible to achieve the development of speech in children.

1.2. Features of the development of speech of older preschoolers.

In the course of its development, children's speech is closely related to the nature of their activities and communication. The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is being improved, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

By the end of preschool age, under certain conditions of education, the child begins not only to use speech, but also to realize its structure, which has importance for later literacy.

According to V.S. Mukhina and L.A. Wenger, when older preschoolers, when they try to tell something, a speech construction typical of their age appears: the child first introduces the pronoun ("she", "he"), and then, as if feeling the ambiguity of his presentation, explains the pronoun with a noun: "she (the girl) went", "she (the cow) gored", "he (the wolf) attacked", "he (the ball) rolled", etc. This is an essential stage in the speech development of the child. The situational way of presentation is, as it were, interrupted by explanations focused on the interlocutor. Questions about the content of the story cause at this stage of speech development a desire to answer in more detail and clearly. On this basis, the intellectual functions of speech arise, expressed in an "internal monologue", in which there is a kind of conversation with oneself.

Z.M. Istomina believes that the situational nature of speech in older preschoolers is noticeably reduced. This is expressed, on the one hand, in a decrease in the number of demonstrative particles and adverbs of place that replaced other parts of speech, on the other hand, in a decrease in the role of pictorial gestures in storytelling. The verbal pattern has a decisive influence on the formation of coherent forms of speech and on the elimination of situational moments in it. But reliance on a visual pattern enhances the situational moments in children's speech, reduces the elements of coherence and increases the moments of expressiveness.

According to A.M. Leushina, as the circle of communication expands and as cognitive interests grow, the child masters contextual speech. This testifies to the leading importance of mastering the grammatical forms of the native language. This form of speech is characterized by the fact that its content is revealed in the context itself and thus becomes understandable to the listener, regardless of whether he takes this or that situation into account. The child masters contextual speech under the influence of systematic learning. In kindergarten classes, children have to present more abstract content than in situational speech, they have a need for new speech means and forms that children appropriate from adult speech. A child of preschool age takes only the very first steps in this direction. Further development coherent speech occurs at school age. Over time, the child begins to use more and more perfectly and appropriately either situational or contextual speech, depending on the conditions and nature of communication.

Not less than important condition for the formation of a coherent speech of a preschooler is the acquisition of language as a means of communication. According to D.B. Elkonin, communication in preschool age is of a direct nature. Conversational speech contains enough opportunities for the formation of coherent speech, consisting not of separate, unrelated sentences, but representing a coherent statement - a story, a message, etc. At the senior preschool age, the child has a need to explain to a peer the content of the upcoming game, the device of the toy, and much more. In the course of the development of colloquial speech, there is a decrease in situational moments in speech and a transition to understanding based on linguistic means proper. Thus, explanatory speech begins to develop.

A.M. Leushina believes that the development of coherent speech plays a leading role in the process of speech development of preschoolers. In the course of the development of the child, the forms of coherent speech are rebuilt. The transition to contextual speech is closely related to mastering the vocabulary and grammatical structure language.

In older preschool children, coherent speech reaches a fairly high level. The child answers the questions with fairly accurate, short or detailed (if necessary) answers. The ability to evaluate the statements and answers of peers develops, to supplement or correct them. In the sixth year of life, a child can quite consistently and clearly compose descriptive or plot stories on a topic proposed to him. However, children are still more likely to need a previous teacher model. The ability to convey in the story their emotional attitude to the described objects or phenomena is not sufficiently developed for them.

In children of senior preschool age, the development of speech reaches a high level. A significant vocabulary is accumulated, the proportion of simple common and complex sentences increases. Children develop a critical attitude to grammatical errors, the ability to control their speech.

According to D.B. Elkonin, the growth of the dictionary, as well as the assimilation of the grammatical system, depend on the conditions of life and education. Individual variations are greater here than in any other area of ​​mental development:

  • in the studies of V. Stern, five-year-old children have a vocabulary of 2200 words, and six-year-old children have 2500-3000 words.
  • in Smith's studies, children of five years old have a word count of 2072, a word increase of 202, children of five or six years of age 2289 with a word increase of 217, children of six years of age 2589 with a word increase of 273.

Vocabulary is only a building material, which only when combined in a sentence according to the laws of the grammar of the native language can serve the purposes of communication and knowledge of reality.

Based on a carefully conducted study of the formation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language, A.N. Gvozdev characterizes the preschool period (from three to seven years) as a period of assimilation of the morphological system of the Russian language, characterized by the assimilation of types of declensions and conjugations.

During this period, the previously mixed unambiguous morphological elements are differentiated into separate types of declensions and conjugations. At the same time, all single, stand-alone forms are assimilated to a greater extent.

The intensive assimilation of the native language at preschool age, which consists in mastering its entire morphological system, is associated with the child's extreme activity in relation to the language, which is expressed, in particular, in the diverse word formations and inflections performed by the child himself by analogy with already learned forms.

A.N. Gvozdev notes the special linguistic talent of preschool children. The child constructs forms, freely operating with significant elements, based on their meanings. Even more independence is required when creating new words, since in these cases a new meaning is created; this requires versatile observation, the ability to single out known objects and phenomena, to find their characteristic features.

By analogy, children's formations, which in their appearance have the character of word creation, are most clearly expressed when the child learns word-forming suffixes.

According to A.N. Gvozdev, until the age of three, only the suffixes of diminutiveness, caressing, pejorative and magnifying are observed. The assimilation of all other suffixes occurs after three years and stretches over the entire preschool age. It is important not only that in preschool age word formation is mastered through suffixes, but also the extreme ease of such word formation.

Thus, children's independent word formation is put forward as evidence of the presence of a special "linguistic sense" inherent in a preschool child. The fact of word creation must be understood as a manifestation, as a symptom of the child's mastery of linguistic reality.

The basis on which language acquisition is built is orientation to the sound form of a word. A.N. Gvozdev notes the appearance in the fifth year of a child's life of the first attempts to comprehend the meanings of words and give them an etymological explanation. He points out that these attempts are made by the child on the basis of comparing some words with other consonant words. This leads to erroneous approximations. For example, the word "city" comes close to the word "mountains". That is, the semantic interpretation follows the sound comparison. Sufficient meaningfulness of speech appears only in the process of special training.

A.V. Zakharova found that during preschool age, the number of relations expressed by each case increases significantly. The progress lies in the fact that in speech, with the help of case forms, all new types of objective relations are expressed in a variety of ways. In older preschoolers, temporal relations, for example, begin to be expressed in the genitive and dative forms.

Case forms at this age are formed entirely according to one of the types of declension. They are already completely guided by the endings in the nominative case and, depending on how they pronounce it, they produce forms - according to the first or second type. If the unstressed ending was perceived and pronounced by them as "a", they used the endings of the first declension in all cases. If they took endings in the reduced "o", then they reproduced the endings of the II declension in all cases.

Thus, by the beginning of school age, the child's orientation to the sound form of nouns is quite clearly expressed, which contributes to the assimilation of the morphological system of the native language.

The child's assimilation of grammar is also expressed in the mastery of the composition of speech. In senior preschool age, according to S.N. Karpova, a relatively small number of children cope with the task of isolating individual words from a sentence. This skill is formed slowly, but the use of special training techniques helps to significantly advance this process. For example, with the help of external supports, children isolate the words offered to them (except for prepositions and conjunctions). Most importantly, they transfer the techniques of analysis developed with the help of external supports to action without them. Thus, mental action is formed.

Thus, in the speech of older preschoolers, the number of common sentences with homogeneous members increases, the volume of simple and complex sentences increases. By the end preschool childhood the child masters almost all conjunctions and the rules for their use.

An important point in the development of the speech of older preschool children is the increase in the number of generalizing words and the growth of subordinate clauses. This indicates the development of abstract thinking in older preschoolers.

By the beginning of school age, the child already masters the complex system of grammar to such an extent, including the most subtle regularities of the syntactic and morphological order operating in the language, that the acquired language becomes really native to him.

As for the development of the sound side of speech, by the end of preschool age, the child correctly hears each phoneme of the language, does not mix it with other phonemes, and masters their pronunciation. However, this is still not enough for the transition to literacy.

Almost all psychologists and methodologists who dealt with these issues unanimously emphasize that for this it is very important to have a clear idea of ​​the sound composition of the language (words) and be able to analyze it. The ability to hear each individual sound in a word, to clearly separate it from the adjacent one, to know what sounds a word consists of, that is, the ability to analyze the sound composition of a word, is the most important prerequisite for proper literacy training. Learning to read and write is the most important stage in the development of awareness of the sound side of the language.

In this regard, it is of interest to study the possibilities of a preschool child to analyze the sound composition of words.

A.N. Gvozdev points out that "although the child notices the difference in individual sounds, he does not independently decompose words into sounds." At the same time, in some diaries on the development of children there are indications that some children, long before the start of literacy, try to analyze the sound composition of words on their own.

A.V. Dettsova believes that the task of isolating a sound in a word, despite its difficulties, is feasible for a child. She suggested that the inability to distinguish sounds in a word is not age feature, but is connected only with the fact that no one sets such a task for the child, and he himself does not feel the need for this in the practice of verbal communication. Research data by A.V. Detsova show that already in the middle group of kindergarten, children can not only recognize this or that sound in a word, but also independently isolate sounds. In the older group, more than half of the children cope with this task.

If, even without special training, older preschoolers develop the ability to isolate individual sounds in words, then with specially organized training, children relatively easily master the sound analysis of words.

Thus, at preschool age, the child reaches a level of language acquisition when language becomes not only a full-fledged means of communication and cognition, but also the subject of conscious study. This new period of cognition of linguistic reality by D.B. Elkonin called the period of grammatical language development.

Psychologists (D.B. Elkonin, A.N. Gvozdev, L.S. Vygotsky and others) and teachers (O.S. Ushakova, O.M. Dyachenko, T.V. Lavrentieva, A.M. Borodich, M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina and others) distinguish the following features of the development of speech of older preschoolers:

  1. Sound culture of speech.

Children of this age are able to clearly pronounce difficult sounds: hissing, whistling, sonorous. Differentiating them in speech, they fix them in pronunciation.

Clear speech is becoming the norm for a five-year-old preschooler in Everyday life and not only during special classes with him.

In children, auditory perception improves and phonemic hearing develops. Children can distinguish between certain groups of sounds, select words from a group of words, phrases that have given sounds.

Children freely use the means of intonational expressiveness in their speech: they can read poems sadly, cheerfully, solemnly. In addition, children at this age already easily master narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations.

Older preschoolers are able to adjust the volume of their voices in various life situations: answer loudly in class, speak quietly in in public places, friendly conversations etc. They already know how to use the pace of speech: speak slowly, quickly and moderately under appropriate circumstances.

Speech breathing is well developed in five-year-old children: they can pronounce not only vowel sounds, but also some consonants (sonorous, hissing, whistling).

Five-year-old children can compare the speech of their peers and their own with the speech of adults, detect inconsistencies: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, words, inaccurate use of stress in words.

  1. The grammatical structure of speech.

The speech of five-year-old children is saturated with words denoting all parts of speech. At this age, they are actively engaged in word creation, inflection and word formation, creating many neologisms.

At senior preschool age, children make their first attempts at arbitrary use of grammatical means and analysis of grammatical facts.

Five-year-old children begin to master the syntactic side of speech. True, this is difficult to come by, and therefore the adult, as it were, leads the child, helping him to establish causal and temporal relationships when examining objects.

Children of this age are able to independently form words, choosing the right suffix.

Five-year-old children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors, the ability to control their speech.

At this age, the proportion of simple common sentences, compound and complex sentences increases.

  1. The lexical side of speech.

By the age of five, the method of comparing and juxtaposing similar and different objects (in shape, color, size) is firmly established in the lives of children and helps them to generalize the signs and highlight the essential ones from them. Children freely use generalizing words, group objects into categories according to their gender.

The semantic side of speech develops: generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, shades of meanings of words appear, exact, suitable expressions are chosen, words are used in different meanings, adjectives, antonyms are used.

  1. Coherent speech (is an indicator of the child's speech development).

Children understand what they read well, answer questions about the content and are able to retell a fairy tale, short stories.

Children are able to build a story based on a series of pictures, outlining the plot, climax and denouement. In addition, they can imagine the events that preceded the one depicted in the picture, as well as the subsequent ones, that is, go beyond its limits. In other words, children learn to compose a story on their own.

Five-year-old children are already able not only to see the main and essential in the picture, but also to notice particulars, details, convey tone, landscape, weather conditions, etc.

Children can also give a description of the toy, make up a plot story about one or more toys, show a story - a dramatization of a set of toys.

In dialogic speech, children use, depending on the context, a short or extended form of the statement.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of the sixth year is the active development of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning).

In the process of developing coherent speech, children begin to actively use various types connections of words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, while respecting its structure.

Thus, we found out the features of the development of speech in children of older preschool age. They are characterized by a fairly high level of speech development.

1.2 Speech development tools for older preschool children.

Since education in the broad sense (and the formation of speech included in this concept) is carried out by an adult through some kind of activity, these types of activities can be conditionally called means ( Borodich A.M.) . Thus, it can be considered as a means of developing speech - learning, play, work, household or everyday activities, the perception of works of art, that is, any activity if it is directed and directed by an adult.

In everyday life, children use speech independently. But if they are left without the guidance of an adult, the negative qualities of speech can be fixed: jargon, swear words, rude intonations, primitiveness of the dictionary, grammatical errors, etc. At the same time, poorly organized activities that occur in silence or while passively listening to the instructions of the teacher also will not have a noticeable effect on the speech of children.

A.M. Borodich believes that in the context of public education, the leading means of shaping a child's speech is education.

Teaching the native language is a systematic, purposeful process of developing the cognitive abilities of children, assimilating a system of elementary knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, and forming speech skills and abilities.

The main form of preschool education is classes.

According to didactic goals, the following types of classes in the native language can be distinguished: classes on the communication of new material; consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities; generalization and systematization of knowledge; final or accounting and verification (control); combined (mixed, combined).

Classes for the development of speech have a number of features that cause certain difficulties in their implementation (Borodich A.M.). For example, it often happens that children are busy various activities: one speaks, the rest listen; due to the short duration of classes, it is not possible to provide each child with sufficient speech practice, etc. For classes to bring the maximum effect, they must meet general didactic requirements, namely:

1. Careful advance preparation for the lesson, determination of its content and teaching methods.

2. Optimal load intensity.

3. The educational nature of the lesson.

4. The emotional nature of the classes.

5. Distribution of teaching methods in accordance with the structure of the lesson.

6. Speech activity of each child at all stages of the lesson.

7. The combination of the collective nature of learning with an individual approach.

8. Proper organization of the lesson.

9. Accounting for the results of the lesson.

10. The need to consolidate the material covered in other classes or in other activities.

Teaching the native language also takes place in other classes (on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, musical, fine arts, etc.), which is explained by the specifics of the language activity itself, which permeates and organizes any activity of the child.

The development of speech in kindergartens is given great attention in the classroom, which gives positive results, but this concerns mainly the quantitative side of speech. Without denying the need for special classes for the development of speech, it should be noted that their effectiveness is directly dependent on how the child will include the acquired skills in active speech.

Not every program material can be presented by teaching in the classroom. For example, the education of speaking skills, a culture of speech communication, the ability to speak in front of an audience, etc. requires natural life situations, truthful, understandable for the child motives of his activity; a large group of vocabulary - everyday, natural history - is firmly assimilated in the actions, in the practice of the child (eating, washing, growing plants, etc.). In this case, training is combined with other means of speech development. So, the work of children - household, manual, agricultural - is an effective means of enriching the dictionary, a means for developing verbal communication skills. Talk and stories about labor process serve to activate the learned vocabulary, to develop coherent speech.

Great importance in the speech development of children is attached to the game. The game is not only a fertile condition for the speech manifestations of children, but also an effective means of influencing the quality of children's speech. Play develops language, and language organizes play. While playing, the child learns, and not one teaching is unthinkable without the help of the main teacher - the language. The game is the strongest stimulus for the manifestation of children's independence in the field of language. The word in the game helps the child to identify his thoughts and feelings, to understand the feelings of the partner, to coordinate his actions with him. All the skills and abilities that a child acquires in the game are associated with the development of speech. For speech development, all types are used gaming activity. Each type of game has special meaning. Role-playing games contribute to the independent statements of children, activate a certain group of vocabulary: the “professional” language of an educator, doctor, sailor, housewife. Participation in the game of the teacher contributes to the enrichment of the children's vocabulary, as well as the education of the culture of speech communication.

Building games replenish and activate the vocabulary of children at the expense of the most difficult words for preschoolers: designations of quality, size, spatial arrangement of objects (large, heavy, long, below, inside, behind, etc.), terms (arch, ceiling, plywood, etc.). d.). Mobile musical games with text, dramatization games form the expressiveness of children's speech, develop the correct pace and breathing, diction. In the process of many games, children get acquainted with literary texts, soon memorize them and later use them on their own.

A didactic game is used to consolidate knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, to train speech skills and abilities (build a phrase, change a word, compose a story, etc.).

In some of those games that children are introduced to in the classroom (such as “Black and White”, “On the contrary”, etc.), they eventually begin to play on their own. More complex didactic games that require a clear role of the leader (“What plant is the leaf from?”, “Flies - swims”, “Guess who it is?”), The educator organizes himself. Children should be provided with board didactic games for independent use, including sports, which contribute to the assimilation of special expressions and teach restrained colloquial speech.

You should teach older children sensibly, explain in detail the rules of the game to comrades who are not familiar with them; organize general conversations - memories of games. All this good way to the development of speech.

The value of drawing, modeling, application and design for comprehensive development And. education of a preschooler with a general underdevelopment of speech is great and multifaceted. Visual activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognition of reality, therefore it is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of the child is closely connected with the development of speech.

In the classroom for visual activities, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish and use words in active speech. The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, distinguish and use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions.In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, it is necessary to develop a large number of various conditional connections, including motor ones. All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions, signs. The child learns to listen to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, clarifies their lexical, phonetic, grammatical shades. The word will shake the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.

Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during the implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the emergence of speech activity. Problem situations will form the communicative orientation of speech. Productive visual activity is favorable for the development of speech, primarily because the child himself directly acts with the object. The huge influence of this factor on the development of the child's speech was noted by M.M. Koltsov. In her experiments, children early age almost two times faster they began to respond to the word denoting the object, if they had the opportunity to manipulate this object.

In productive activity, conditions are created for the implementation of a close connection between the word and the action, with the signs of the action. It is much easier to provide a link between a word and an object than a link between a word and an action: you can show the object itself, a toy or a model, and finally, you can use a picture. It is much more difficult to show through a picture the connection of a word with the movement or state of an object. In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs various actions. It is in these classes that children learn the sequence of actions and the cause-and-effect relationships of various actions and phenomena well. It should be especially noted that the actions of children, accompanied by speech, in the process of visual activity, become more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, regulated and rhythmic. The process of assimilation of image skills is also accelerated. Children give the drawn object movement. On the basis of a subject drawing, with the help of speech, children create a whole plot, enliven and verbalize objects, conveying their dialogue with onomatopoeia and words accessible to them.

Thus, visual activity is one of the fundamental aspects of the development of the speech of a preschooler. In the classroom, visual activity solves special correctional tasks for the development of children's speech, the vocabulary is enriched, colloquial speech is improved, the appearance of coherent speech is prepared, etc. Using various types of visual activity, it is possible to develop visual-motor coordination of movements in children, their accuracy, volume and direction.

So, at the disposal of the educator there are many means of developing speech in children. achieve good results possible only if these means are used in combination.

  1. Experience in the development of children's speech by means of visual activity.

Visual activity is fertile ground for the implementation of the principle of activity, which consists in the fact that a person assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does (Dmitrieva N.A.).

Classes in drawing, modeling, applications in kindergarten are combined under the name of visual activity or productive activity, since their result is the creation of a child specific product: drawing, application, modeling, in design - buildings (Borodich A.M.).

Along with the solution of the main tasks for this type of activity in the classroom, visual activity can also be successfully carried out and the development of children's speech ( Filicheva T.B.).

Particularly great importance is attached to the connection between productive activity and thinking, since productive activity is, in fact, also a story, but not with words, but with visual means (Ignatiev E.I., Komarova T.S., Sakulina N.P. , Mironova S.A.).

One example of the connection between productive activity and the development of speech can be considered the method of pediatrician Maria Montessori. She concluded that if the speech is not all right, fine motor skills are probably to blame. She suggested and conducted a number of games: lacing games, magpie-crow, sorting through various cereals, for children from 2 to 4 years old. Older children were taught to fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, paint drawings along the contour. Indeed, even if everything is in order with speech, fine motor skills may still not be developed. If at 4 years old a child cannot fasten buttons, if at 5 years old nothing but sausages is molded from plasticine, if at 6 years old sewing on a button is an impossible task, this is a reason to sound the alarm. After all, the development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers is milestone and in preparation for school, for writing. Her experience showed that by developing purposefully subtle movements of the hand, one can achieve significant success in the development of children's speech.

Long-term practice of N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva showed that for the development of fine motor skills it is very useful to hatch, paint over, draw with pencils.

To coordinate the movements of the children of the compensating group, they suggested using hatching. Hatching can be done with a solid, dashed or wavy line. But perhaps the most an exciting activity- shade several objects in one drawing.

The main expressive means in the classroom, in their opinion, is the line. It is applied to paper various tools: ballpoint or gel pen, colored or simple pencil of different hardness, felt-tip pen, special charcoal, wax chalk, pastel, hard materials, squirrel or kolinsky brush when working with gouache, watercolor or ink on different surfaces, what gives tactile development and develops the speech centers of the cerebral cortex.

Using these techniques, scientists were able to increase the level of speech development of preschoolers with speech disorders.

As the psychological and pedagogical experience of N.A. Fedosova, N. Barentseva, A. Rogovin, V.V. Tsvyntarny, E. Karelskaya, E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Uvarovy use of such means as:

Mosaics (small and large), pyramids, sets of boxes for collecting small stones in them, etc.;

Sets of porous sponges for training the muscles of the hand;

Colored balls of thread for rewinding;

Manuals for fastening buttons of various sizes, buttons, etc.;

Benefit "lacing";

Sets small toys for the development of tactile perception "recognition by touch";

Bead stringing;

Modeling from clay and plasticine;

increases the level of development of fine motor skills, which contributes to the development of speech.

By the age of 5, the possibility of accurate, arbitrarily directed movements increases, so children are able to perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and coordination of hand movements. These include different types of weaving made of paper and fabric.

They saw a special role in the development of manual skill in the ability to confidently use scissors. Since making paper crafts, symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines requires coordination of movements and is one of the means of developing the small muscles of the hands.

One example of experience is experimental work under the direction of T.S. Komarova and A.I. Savenkova with preschool children showed that the collective form of organization makes it possible to form the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, and create the basis for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives. The children enjoyed the group activities, they cooperative activity to create a common product of activity. They were especially satisfied with the overall result, which in this case is always richer in content and made a more vivid impression on them than an individually performed work. In the process of collective studies, favorable conditions were created for children to communicate with each other and with the teacher about what they create and how best to do it.Considering the created collective works: drawings, applications, sculptural images, the children learned to express value judgments. The works evoked joyful feelings that united them. Their experience has shown that the virtues teamwork preschoolers are obvious, since these classes increase interest in productive activities and meaningful interpersonal communication is carried out.

Thus, we see that different means visual activities help to stimulate the speech activity of the child, their use leads to correction, development of speech activity of preschool children; in group classes, interest in productive activities increases and meaningful interpersonal communication is carried out. Therefore, such work experience is useful not only for corrective work in speech therapy kindergartens, but also for working with preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

Conclusions on chapter I.

Many psychologists, teachers, and linguists have dealt with the problem of speech development in preschool children.

The main problems in the development of speech of preschool children are the following problems: the sound culture of speech, the grammatical structure of speech, the lexical side of speech, coherent speech.

By means of speech development, according to A.M. Borodich are learning, play, work, household or daily activities, the perception of works of art, i.e. any activity if it is directed by an adult.

Today, pedagogy has accumulated experience in the development of the speech of preschool children by means of visual activity. Such an experience is presented in E.I. Ignatieva, T.S. Komarova, N.P. Sakulina, S.A. Mironova and others.

After analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the study, we can test the algorithm of the educator's activity for the development of children's speech by means of activities.

Chapter II. Experimental work on the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity.

2.1. Diagnostics of the speech of children of senior preschool age.

The children of the senior group No. 3 of the State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 668 of the Preschool Department No. 1485 of Moscow were involved in the experimental study. The content of the ascertaining experiment was the diagnosis of the development of speech in children of older preschool age.

20 children aged 5 to 6 years took part in the experimental work. The experimental group consisted of 10 children.

Table #1

Experimental group

No. p / p

FI of the child


Olya B.

5 years

Vika F.

5 years

Katya I.

6 years

Polina K.

5 years

Yana T.

6 years

Kostya D.

5 years

Gleb A.

6 years

Vladislav Sh.

5 years

Egor M.

5 years

Kostya P.

5 years

The control group consisted of 10 children.

Table number 2

Control group

No. p / p

FI of the child


Anya K.

5 years

Artyom V.

6 years

Katya V.

6 years

Ksyusha B.

5 years

Marianne K.

5 years

Lena P.

5 years

Natasha M.

6 years

Sasha B.

6 years

Simon C.

6 years

Styopa K.

5 years

In the ascertaining experiment, we used the diagnostics of the development of speech in children of the experimental and control groups, developed by O.S. Ushakova, which involves the examination of the dictionary, the grammatical structure of speech, sound analysis, the content of speech utterances.

When examining the dictionary, skills are revealed:

  1. activation of adjectives and verbs, select words that are accurate in meaning in a speech situation;
  2. find synonyms and antonyms for given words different parts speech;
  3. understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words;
  4. differentiate generalized concepts (wild and domestic animals).


  1. form the names of animal cubs (fox - fox, cow - calf), select words with the same root, coordinate essential and adjectives in gender and number;
  2. form difficult forms imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! Dance! I would look for); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs);
  3. build different types of sentences.


  1. differentiate pairs of sounds S-Ts, S-Z, Sh-Zh, Ch-Sch, L-R, distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds, hard and soft.
  2. change the strength of the voice, the pace of speech, intonation, depending on the content of the statement;
  3. select words and phrases that sound similar.

Connected speech.

  1. in the retelling of literary works, convey the dialogue intonation actors, characteristics of the characters;
  2. write a description, narrative or reasoning;
  3. develop a storyline in a series of paintings by connecting parts of the statement different types connections.

The tasks presented to children during the examination are presented in the table (Appendix No. 1).

The results of the analysis of the performance of tasks by children will make it possible to determine the initial level of speech development in children of senior preschool age. The results are presented in Appendix No. 2.

Rice. 1 Distribution of children in the control and experimental groups according to the levels of speech development at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

An analysis of the children's answers shows that many children in both groups found it difficult to select synonyms. So, 6 children of the experimental group (Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Alena S., Katya I., Vika F., Polina K.) and 4 children of the control group (Katya V., Semyon Ts., Sasha B., Ksyusha B. .) out of 10 proposed words, they correctly chose synonyms for only 4 words; 3 children of the experimental group (Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Alyona S.) and 1 child of the control group (Semyon Ts.) picked up less than 4 synonyms.

The difficulty was caused by the task of selecting antonyms. In the control group, 1 child (Semyon Ts.) did not cope with this task, and in the experimental group 3 children (Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Alyona S.), 4 children in the control and 5 children in the experimental group partially coped with this task .

When performing the 2nd series of tasks, it was revealed that children name more than two words with a given sound, only 2 children (Vladislav Sh., Alyona S.) of the experimental group do not distinguish between hard and soft consonants. 3 children of the experimental group also had problems with the selection of a rhythmic phrase (Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Alyona S.).

A qualitative analysis of the results of the third series of tasks showed that the stories do not have enough subjective reflection of an aesthetically significant object of reality, embodied in works of art. Many children experienced difficulty in telling a fairy tale, rarely used synonyms, antonyms and generalizing words in their speech.

It was found that children most often experienced difficulties at the beginning of telling a fairy tale (story), when reproducing the sequence of the appearance of new characters in a fairy tale (story) and especially rhythmic repetition, which is a prepositional case construction. In the stories of almost all children, violations of the coherence of presentation were observed (repeated repetitions of phrases or their parts, distortion of the semantic and syntactic connection between sentences, omissions of verbs, truncation constituent parts etc.).

In 2 children of the control group (Semyon Ts., Sasha B.) and in 3 children of the experimental group (Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Alyona S.), the difficulties in compiling the story were pronounced (semantic errors, disruptions in connection, omissions of fragments text, etc.). The study revealed a low level of speech skills used by children.

The speech of the children was struck by the monotony. The children showed no desire to tell, much less show a fairy tale. Their artistic impressions are poor, they did not exchange impressions of what they saw little performance shown by their friends. The speech of the children was inexpressive and inconsistent.

Most of the children in the stories noted omissions of the moments of action presented in the pictures or arising from the depicted situation; narrowing of the field of perception of pictures (for example, indications of the actions of only one character - grandfather, or kolobok), which indicates insufficient organization of attention in the process of speech activity. The semantic correspondence of the story to the depicted plot was often violated. In 3 children of the experimental group (Vladislav Sh., Alena S., Kostya P.), the stories were reduced to a simple naming of the actions of the characters.

The results of completing the third series of tasks indicate that many children had difficulties in fully and accurately conveying the plot, there was no semantic generalization of the plot situation. One child (Vladislav Sh), despite the assistance provided, could not complete the task at all. In 4 children of the experimental group (Alena S., Kostya P., Vika F., Polya K.) and 3 children of the control group (Semyon Ts., Sasha B., Katya V.), various violations in the preparation of the story were pronounced. In a number of cases, with a combination of gross violations, the story was practically reduced to answers to questions and lost the character of a coherent narrative.

When compiling a fairy tale (story), some specific violations were observed (in the logical and semantic construction of the message, at the level of programming and control over the implementation of the statement). Deficiencies in the language design of the message were identified - unsharply expressed violations of the coherence of the narration, lexical difficulties. There was a high degree of independence in the performance of all types of tasks. The greatest difficulties for the children of this group were caused by the fulfillment of tasks of a creative nature.

As a result of the study of the level of speech development, we came to the following indicators:

In the children of the experimental group:

high level - in 1 child in the experimental group (Yana T.);

average level– in 6 children (Vika F., Katya S., Vitya A., Gleb A., Polina K., Egor M.);

low level - in 3 children (Alena S., Vladislav Sh., Katya P.).

In children of the control group:

high level - in 5 children (Anya K., Artyom V., Marianna K., Lena P., Styopa K.);

the average level - in 5 children (Katya V., Ksyusha B., Natasha M., Sasha B., Semyon Ts.);

there are no children with a low level of speech development.

Based on our research, we have following output: the children of the group have an average level of speech development.

In order to better understand and eliminate the causes of speech underdevelopment in children, questionnaires were offered to preschool teachers (Appendix No. 3) and parents (Appendix No. 4).

We interviewed 8 kindergarten teachers, 2 of them have the highest qualification category, higher pedagogical education, work experience as a teacher for more than 15 years; 3 have 1 qualification category, 2 of them with higher pedagogical education and 1 with secondary special education, work experience of more than 8 years; 5 have a second qualification category, 2 have a higher pedagogical education, 3 have a secondary special education, work experience is not more than 8 years. Questionnaire analysis preschool workers showed that most of the teachers consider the development of the speech of preschoolers in the classroom, in games, in communication with preschoolers a priority. The respondents explain their preferences by the fact that it helps children to master the adequate transmission of thoughts and feelings in communication, to prepare for schooling.

As a rule, the respondents see the causes of difficulties not in themselves, but in the social and economic conditions that, in their opinion, impede the education of children: classes for the development of speech are monotonous, therefore they do not arouse interest in children, lack of money to purchase methodological literature, financial insecurity pedagogical process(lack of benefits, props, technical means). Some teachers explain the reasons for the fragmentation, fragmentation of knowledge acquired by children negative trend irregular attendance of preschoolers in kindergarten. 2 out of 8 teachers heard about the development of speech in visual activity, but they are sure that this practice is used exclusively for children with developmental delays, in speech therapy kindergartens. To develop the speech of preschoolers in this way for a long time, and the results will be minimal.

20 parents participated in the survey on the topic "About the development of your child's speech". When processing the results of a survey of parents, it was found that parents have an average level of knowledge on the development of a child's speech. But none of the interviewed parents knows that the development of speech can take place in the classroom for fine arts, but are interested in getting help in this matter from specialists and an educator.

Identification of the level of speech development of children showed the average level of speech development in the group. A survey of preschool teachers and parents showed that they do not see visual activity as a means for the development of children's speech.

2.2. Development and approbation of pedagogical conditions for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age by means of visual activity.

The formative experiment was carried out in the period from May 15, 2016 to June 28, 2016, during which we pursued the goal: to increase the level of speech development of older preschool children in the classroom for fine arts. As part of the experimental work, we proposed to educators a system of activities for children in the older group.

One of modern approaches to the organization of upbringing and education of preschool children is integration. Within the framework of this approach, we have developed integrated classes, the basis of which are tasks that are solved for the development of speech and the organization of productive activities. In the process of conversations with children, we found out that children are interested in topics: “Wonderful time - autumn”, “Pets”, “Wild animals”, “Underwater world”, “World of fairy tales”, “My friends” (Appendix No. 5) .

Since we have chosen various forms work with children, the children discussed for a long time future work, chose the material, the roles taken on for a long time. Therefore, the time allotted for direct educational activities there were few children. Then, to solve this problem, we did preliminary work with the children:

Reading fiction, reading tongue twisters, looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, memorizing poems, compiling riddles, preparing the background, cutting out blanks for future work, holding conversations about what role the children will take on, individual discussion (which character would take and why).

The lesson consists of 4 parts:

A feature of the classes was the organization of communication with each other: the children immediately joined the process of communication, but because of the inability to agree, they had to indirectly direct the process, maintaining interest in the discussion. To improve relationships in the group, children were taught to tactfully express their opinions, they explained how to express disagreement without resorting to incorrect forms of expression, they were taught to defend their opinions. This was also facilitated by a positive assessment, which was given in the presence of all the children and thus influenced not only the responding child, but also everyone in the group, encouraging everyone to actively participate in the common work.

Before conducting a collective lesson on applications on the topic: “Autumn Tree”, the following preliminary work was carried out: reading fiction (). Memorizing the poem "The forest is like a painted tower ...". Examination of reproductions of the painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". Observed changes in nature during a walk. Conversations on the theme of autumn. It was proposed to children to shade the painted leaves with the colors of autumn (development of fine motor skills). For the lesson, a background was prepared for future work. A conversation was held about what role the children will take on. Didactic games: "Tell me which (which, which)", "Choose a beautiful word."

As a result of the preliminary work, the children became interested in the lessons. Each of the children tried to express his opinion, compared his work with others. Everyone discussed the result together. The speech of Vika F., Vitya A., Polina K. became emotionally colored, more connected. Alena S., Vladislav Sh., Kostya P., Katya S. When answering questions, in a conversation with peers in the process of completing a task, there was a repetition of words, phrases, sentences, sometimes the help of a teacher was required. When discussing the result of the work, Yana T., Gleb A., Egor M. used compound sentences using various types of connection (“because”, “because”).

Before conducting a collective drawing lesson on the topic: “Underwater Kingdom”, the following preliminary work was carried out: Reading poems by G. Lagzdyn “The Sea Gives a Voice”, G. Kruzhkov “Octopus”, A. Fet “Fish”. Inventing riddles about underwater inhabitants. Consideration of encyclopedias in order to study the underwater world and its inhabitants. A conversation about the life of marine inhabitants. It was proposed to shade the drawn marine life. Games: "Find out by description", "Wonderful bag", "Sea figure".

As a result of the work, the children consolidated and expanded their knowledge about underwater world and its inhabitants, enriched the vocabulary. At the lesson for children, it was proposed to come up with a short story about underwater inhabitants. Questions were used to determine the structure of the story. Where does this event take place? Who is the main character of the story? What are the heroes doing? etc. Particularly active in compiling the story were Paul K., Gleb A., Yana T., Yegor M.. When compiling the story, sequence and coherence were observed, complex sentences were used. Alena S., Kostya P. were able to come up with a story only with the help of leading questions teacher, but showed interest in compiling a story, listened carefully to the stories of other children. In the stories of Vladislav Sh., Katya S., Vika F., Vitya A., simple and common sentences prevailed. But Vladislav Sh. did not have the beginning of the story, it was not presented consistently.

Before the modeling lesson on the topic: “The Serpent Gorynych”, preliminary work was carried out, which consisted of reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations by I. Bilibin in Russian folk tales and reproductions of the painting by V. Vasnetsov “The Battle of Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent Gorynych”. A conversation about fantasy fairy creatures. Planning and distribution of work.

During the lesson, the children were asked to answer a number of questions from the teacher. When answering, we noted that Gleb A., Yana T., Egor M., Vitya A, Katya S., Fields K. discussed the topic of the lesson, using verbs denoting the actions of characters, adjectives denoting properties. The children actively engaged in dialogue with their peers. Vladislav Sh., Vika F., Kostya P., Alena S. made mistakes and slight pauses when answering, participated in communication at the initiative of other children.

Organizing work with children, we collaborated with parents in parallel. It was explained to parents that experimental work is being carried out with children, the purpose of which is to increase the level of development of children's speech by means of visual activity. Parents were offered a number of creative tasks: crafts from waste material for exhibition drawing " Autumn forest”, application “A cat is sitting on the window”, application “Magic Elephant”, drawing - experimentation “Prints and prints”, plasticineography “A boat is sailing on the waves”, modeling “Dinosaur”. In the course of performing creative tasks, parents are encouraged to communicate with children in the course of work, ask questions, listen carefully to the answers, and correct children if necessary.

Parents and children performed creative work with pleasure, willingly shared their impressions, began to pay more attention to the speech of their children. Children shared their impressions of the work done with teachers and peers, told how they achieved results. Organizing exhibitions with these works, the children and I examined them, discussed them, singled out the most beautiful ones.

Thus, we organized comprehensive work, aimed at preparing the lesson and at the formation of motivation in children to study this topic, material on visual activity was selected. In the course of visual activity classes, methods and techniques were selected that stimulate the development of coherent speech in children: discussion of future work, the role that the child takes on, building paths of action, and expressing one's thoughts aloud.

2.3. The dynamics of the development of speech of older children in the process of visual activity.

To identify the dynamics of the development of speech in older children in the process of experimental visual activity, we carried out a repeated diagnosis of the level of development of the speech of children according to the method of O.S. Ushakova (tasks are presented in Appendix No. 1).

The results of the examination of the speech of children in Appendix No. 6.

Rice. 2 Distribution of children in the control and experimental groups according to the levels of speech development at the control stage of the experiment

Experimental group Control group

This diagram shows the change in the result. In the experimental group, the number of children with a high and medium level of speech development increased. At the same time, the low level is represented by one child (Vladislav Sh.), since the sequence of presentation of thoughts, the accuracy of conveying the content of the text are not sufficiently formed, the vocabulary is poor, there are pauses during retelling, sounds are not clearly defined. But also Vladislav Sh.'s achievements should be noted: the child became more talkative in communication with children and teachers, attentive.

We saw that in 3 children (Vitya A., Gleb A., Polina K.), who were at the average level of speech development, there is a transition to a high level, since in children they correctly formulate the main idea of ​​the work, they are able to accurately and consistently build descriptive story from pictures, use simple and common sentences in speech, use nouns denoting the names of objects; adjectives denoting properties; verbs denoting the actions of objects; prepositions used in speech.

2 children with a low level of speech development (Alena S., Kostya P.) reached the average level. This is characterized by the fact that the children's coherent speech has changed, the children try to build a descriptive story according to the picture, during the narration they keep a certain content, but use the help of the educator. In their speech, nouns and verbs are used most of all. Sounds in a word are defined quite clearly.

Thus, according to the results of the work, we can say that the purposeful work on the development of children's speech by means of visual activity gave a positive trend in the children of the experimental group. A variety of forms of interaction with parents, including individual conversations and creative work, helped in the development of children's speech. No changes were observed in the control group.


The development of speech in older preschool children is one of the problems of the modern educational process, accumulated in theory and practice.

Experience in the development of speech based on classes in fine arts, we tried to implement in experimental work and developed an algorithm for including integrated classes (speech + art) in the content of the educational process.

At the first stage of our experimental study, we identified the main problems in the development of children's speech: the scarcity of vocabulary, a violation in the sequence, consistency, coherence in the retelling of the text, a violation of the structure of the story, the beginning and end of the story are not marked, the fuzzy definition of sounds in the word.

Then, having studied the interests of children, work out the content of integrated classes. Our classes had preliminary work, in which we read books together with the children, examined illustrations, reproductions of paintings, prepared material and equipment for classes in fine arts, discussed future work and consisted of 4 parts:

1 part - organizational, where children are invited game situation related to the topic of the lesson, reading fiction, tongue twisters.

Part 2 - discussion with the children of the upcoming creative work.

Part 3 - productive activities of children.

Part 4 - discussion of the results.

As a result of the experimental work, we observed changes in the development of coherent speech, grammar and vocabulary in the children of the experimental group, this indicates that we fulfilled the goals and objectives of the experimental work, the hypothesis was confirmed.


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“The origins of children's creativity and gifts are at their fingertips.
In other words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."
/V.A. Sukhomlinsky/

The priority task of the modern concept of preschool education is the maximum promotion of education creative personality in the conditions of subjective-personal interaction of the teacher with the child.

In the development of the child's ability to be creative, a special role is given to art, artistic activities that occupy important place in the process of preschool education.

This presentation presents the experience of working with children of senior preschool age with speech disorders and their correction. speech disorders in art classes. The presented recommendations are aimed at the development of children with speech underdevelopment.

Classes in drawing, modeling, applications in the mass kindergarten are combined under the name " Visual activity"or productive activity, since the result of them is the creation of a certain product by the child: drawing, appliqué, modeling. The value of visual activity for the comprehensive development and education of a preschooler with a general underdevelopment of speech is great and multifaceted. Acting as a specific figurative means of cognition of reality, it is of great importance for the mental education of the child, which in turn is closely connected with the development of speech.

The first step in the development of speech understanding in visual arts classes is the assimilation of the nominative (naming) function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets a name. In order for the word-name to turn into a word-concept, it is necessary to master numerous conditional connections, including motor ones. What successfully contribute to all types of visual activity.

Visual activity has a great cognitive, educational and correctional value due to the variety of visualization. And as noted earlier, speech material will be assimilated faster and more fully when using natural objects as a visual support. All objects created by children as a result of productive activity are, in turn, a visual support for speech exercises.

It is also important that the child in productive activity relies simultaneously on several analyzers (tactile perception, vision, hearing), which also has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Also, in the process of productive activity, conditions are provided for the implementation of a close connection between the word and the action. And this happens naturally, since the child performs all the actions here on his own. It is in these classes that children learn the sequence of actions and the cause-and-effect relationships of various actions and phenomena well. It should be especially noted that the actions of children, accompanied by speech, in the process of visual activity, become more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, regulated and rhythmic. The process of assimilation of image skills is also accelerated.

Motivation should be selected by the teacher in such a way as to introduce the child into a situation conducive to emotionally perceive the created “product”. It is rational to use figurative comparisons, poetic texts, riddles that help create the characteristics of objects, contribute to the development of figurative perception in children and the enrichment of speech with expressive means.

Thus, certain positive aspects of productive activity have a great influence on the formation of various aspects of speech during its abnormal development.

Since children with underdevelopment of speech also have fine motor skills disorders, the development of visual activity techniques also falls on children of older preschool age. Such children differ in terms of inclusion in activities: when some are in a hurry, while others need additional motivation for activity and in the pace of activity: when some work quickly, others work slowly. Therefore, an individual approach in working with preschoolers is carried out taking into account the indicated features and also provides for special form communication with children, taking into account their speech capabilities, their sociability and the level of their visual skills.

Various forms of organization of children are currently used. And the choice of one form or another is determined by the tasks that should be solved, taking into account, of course, the individual characteristics of children. So, it is advisable to conduct classes in visual activity in subgroups, where each child has a great opportunity for speech statements. Individual lessons also deserve a positive attitude.

In such classes, there is an opportunity to solve specific problems, as well as to activate the speech of children who are closed, shy.

First of all, adult speech should be considered as a role model, i.e. it should be accessible, expressive, from clearly constructed sentences and contain pauses to comprehend what was heard. It is advisable to use the same words in various combinations and sentences, this allows you to solve not only the problems of speech development, but also the tasks of teaching visual activity, and correctional and educational tasks.

Great importance in the training of productive activity is given to the examination of the proposed objects, which involves the participation of various analyzers. This is an indispensable technique in cognition, which contributes to the formation of the correct perception and display of really existing objects in various options(planar, volumetric).

The specific construction of the survey of the object, supported by the word, should be included in various types of visual activity. The specificity of the construction of the examination of the subject is that the visual and tactile perception of the object should be purposefully and maximally commented on by the speech of an adult.

The formation of the ability to compare in the classroom of visual activity helps children to realize actions with various objects, pay attention to various signs of objects, perform various actions, and build opposing speech.

It is important to remember that the content of the questions should be visually supported and consistent with related activities. Questions on the merits of this activity contribute to the solution of visual problems.

For corrective purposes, work should be done in small parts. Such a division contributes to the switching of activities, increasing their efficiency, delaying fatigue, helping to get involved in activities on time, normalizing the pace of work. In turn, it allows for the alternation of explanation with the performance of work. The specifics of building such a lesson is determined by the characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech - their rapid fatigue, distractibility. The alternation of the explanation with the performance of the work also solves correctional and educational tasks: the education of endurance, inclusion in the activity, its pace.

Summing up the lesson, we evaluate the results of children's activities. Each child should receive an assessment based on the correctness of the assignment.

The development of children's speech on the material of visual activity, accompanied by literary and musical works, increases the emotionality of perception and contributes to a deeper penetration into the artistic image. In visual activity, they encounter a figurative aesthetic characteristic of an object or phenomenon, perceive the artistic image of a painting and correlate this perception with the creation of a verbal image that is conveyed in their work. Bright visual images of pictures are emotionally perceived by children and provide content for their speech. Children learn to see the main thing in the picture, to accurately and vividly describe what is depicted, to express their thoughts in a logical sequence, to describe the content of the picture, to come up with accompanying events to the presented plot.

Art expands the emotional experience of a person, reflecting familiar and close feelings, as well as discovering new feelings.

Art affects the psyche and mind of a person, his intellect and feelings, therefore it is necessary to use the possibilities of preschool children to the maximum for their communication with beauty.

Analyzing all of the above, it should be noted that all parts of the visual activity can be successfully used for correctional or correctional-educational purposes.

“... From beautiful images we will move on to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts
- to beautiful life and from a beautiful life to absolute Beauty.

drawing how artistic activity when interacting with an adult, children master early. Given the transformative nature of drawing, it is important to provide a creative focus. Important on this stage the challenge is to find ways to effectively pedagogical interaction with a child, contributing to the development of independence and providing a creative direction in drawing.

Creativity activates the learning process: initiative, independence and activity developing in the process of creativity encourage children to master knowledge, skills, skills, form their ability for self-learning and self-development.

In the visual activity of older preschoolers, the ideas become more stable, the possibilities of using the materials that the child chooses expand. They have a selective attitude to various types of visual activity, they get the opportunity for a complete and versatile reflection of the phenomena of the surrounding reality, actively expressing their attitude towards them.

The teacher introduces the children to the features of the work of the artist, who, before depicting the object, carefully studies it. The teacher activates the process of perception-contemplation, comparing and comparing images depicted with real images. It is known that at preschool age the child's attention is unstable, he cannot long time watch objects. Therefore, the selected visual range should direct the attention of children to the perception of ordinary, unusual and subtle phenomena and objects. It is very important to set on an interested examination of the object. Perception will be deeper if it organically merges with the play activities of preschoolers.

Impressions received as a result of an organized process of perception, allow you to create conditions in the classroom that are favorable for productive creativity. Not available for preschoolers ready recipes, and the prerequisites for independent search and solution of the tasks are created. The teacher only helps children navigate this search, creating conditions for the birth of an idea.

One of the main teaching methods of teaching is the variable display of the methods and sequence of the image. The focus is on showing with a gesture. Graphic display is used when submitting new pictorial designs. Such a demonstration is also required when mastering new drawing techniques. In all classes where graphic display is used, the central task is to create expressiveness of the image. It is advisable to combine partial display with subsequent perception. Showing with a gesture on an object, a drawing is interesting and significant for consolidating image skills.

When choosing teaching methods, the main place should be given to visualization: a real object, various types of art - toys, illustrations, reproductions of paintings and figurative words (poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, etc.)

Of particular concern for the educator are children with poor artistic, speech, and general development. It is known that with a weakening in the formation of these processes, changes occur in the development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, and posture. The severity of such deviations and their reversibility depend on when corrective work is started. The formation of touch skills and fine motor skills occurs in various types of subject-practical activities. Our system is aimed at developing automated skills in children in various types of visual activity. Muscular capabilities of the hand require training and correction. In turn, mastering the movements of the hands and fingers has important for the development of the child's speech. A special role in the development of fine motor skills is given to finger games. They allow you to correct the movements of each finger both separately and relative to each other, train accuracy motor reactions. If they are accompanied by verses, then children develop speech and a sense of rhythm. In the process of working with a pencil, brush, and other visual means, the child strengthens the small muscles of the fingers, and improves coordination of movements. So, in the process of visual activity, the word, or rather, speech, became an ally of drawing. It is closely related to the visual activity of children, and the process of drawing is associated with the activity of the speech sections of the brain, and the drawing reflects the level of communication available to his thinking.

The fundamental principle of fine art is rightly called picture . The scope of the drawing is extremely wide. Picture , as a graphic image, is one of the types of artistic reflection of reality, as well as the basis for creating an image in other types of art.

One of the types of fine art in which the image is given in the form of a drawing is graphics , which is divided into several types: easel, book, poster, newspaper and magazine, applied.

Drawing elements these are lines, strokes, spots that make up the images.

Line in drawing - basic figurative medium, which may be of a different nature. As one of the main means of depiction, children master the graphic line at the most early stages. Throughout preschool childhood, a single contour line dominates in the drawings of children. Attention should be paid to improving the skills of depicting simple and complex lines (broken, wavy, combined).

Color in children's drawings - a special phenomenon. The combination of colors, endowed with a specific content, creates the color of the image. At the senior preschool age, ideas about colors are fixed. Children are introduced to the basic principles of the harmonious combination of colors and their shades. Color appears in painting as the main visual means.

Composition considered as a way of arranging objects in space. Various examples of solving the composition. The fidelity of the compositional solution is determined by the idea, theme and plot of the work, i.e. depends on the assigned tasks.

Technique in art is a set of methods and techniques by which a work of art is performed.

Pencil - a graphite rod in a frame, used for drawing lines of various thicknesses, used for shading and shading.

Coal - pressed charcoal, well used for initial sketches. Its main property is velvety.

Pastel - soft colored pencils Can be used in conjunction with pencils, sometimes with watercolor, it creates the main tone. Can be used wet.

Wax crayons - easily lay down on rough paper, give soft outlines. The background, made with crayons, makes the drawing expressive.

Watercolor - water colors. The main property is transparency, this must be taken into account when applying one color to another.

Gouache – opaque watercolor paints. Gouache has good opacity.

It is useful sometimes to give children not white, but tinted paper.

In the process of drawing, children consolidate their ideas about the world around them, choose ways of depicting.

Drawing from nature promotes the development of visual memory, which contributes to the birth of figurative perception and figurative thinking .

Drawing from memory comes down to arbitrary memory characteristic features object and their subsequent image.

Draw by View - this is the reproduction of an object in an arbitrary position, based on the arbitrary memorization of an object that has an emotional coloring.

Decorative drawing is one of the fine arts. A rich source for this type of image is the diverse folk art, the ornaments of which reflect native nature And national culture. Main purpose decorative arts- This is a decoration of a variety of objects. Feature of the folk decorative pattern is the rhythmic repetition of certain elements of the pattern.

Collective pictorial activity - an effective means of solving many educational and didactic problems. The collective form of organization makes it possible to form the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, and creates the ground for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives. The collective visual activity of children, like other types of children's artistic creativity, should be closely connected with the game. Usage game methods and techniques in such classes increases the effectiveness of artistic activity.

Game learning techniques , like other pedagogical techniques, are aimed at solving didactic problems and are associated with the organization of the game in the classroom. One of the signs of a game technique is a game task. The game task is the definition of the goal of the upcoming game actions. skillfully using game technique, you can increase the number game tasks, to develop a plot-game plan. It is important that children are active when performing play activities. This develops their creativity.

Combined classes in visual activity makes it possible to demonstrate mastery of various image techniques, a variety of materials used. Such activities enrich not only the experience of a preschooler, but also directly affect the development of his speech. And the ability to combine is the basis of creativity.

Children do not develop in the same way, so indicators of a creative nature appear earlier in children with more high level memory, speech, imagination, practical skills, figurative perception, independence.

It is the creative activity of a person that makes him a being, facing the future, creating it and modifying the present. In this sense, everything that surrounds us, except the natural world, is a product of human imagination and creativity.

The inclusion of speech in cognitive processes (perception, representation, imagination, etc.), without which visual activity cannot develop, has a positive effect on the development of the child's personality.

Speech (of a teacher and a child) organizes and activates the student's thinking, helps him establish semantic connections between parts of the perceived material and determine the order of necessary actions. In addition, speech plays the role of an additional motivation for activity. At the same time, it serves as a means of overcoming the tendency to form stereotyped, stereotyped, sedentary skills.

Speech contributes to the formation of graphic skills and abilities. In turn, well-organized drawing classes are a strong means of developing students' speech.

The development of children's speech in the process of visual activity is carried out in several directions: firstly, the vocabulary of schoolchildren is enriched with terms that they initially use, as a rule, in drawing lessons, and then gradually enter the active vocabulary; secondly, the formation and development of speech as a means of communication is carried out; thirdly, the regulatory function of speech is being improved, which contains a great potential for a positive impact on the correction and development of purposeful activity of students.

At drawing lessons, students form concepts that are associated with the image process (“pattern”, “line”, “stripe”, “contour”, “symmetry”, etc.), there is an active accumulation of words that characterize the features of an object or its parts (“large”, “long”, “rectangular”, “blue”, etc.), actions (“swipe”, “split”, “connect”, “color”, etc.), spatial relationships (“middle”, “top”, “left”, “closer”, etc.).

In addition to specific words denoting the names of objects, signs, actions, spatial relationships, schoolchildren also learn such concepts as “shape”, “size”, “color”, “location”, etc.

A comprehensive examination of image objects, familiarization with the basic geometric shapes and their characteristic features help students learn the verbal designations of these shapes faster and better.

The work of enriching the vocabulary of mentally retarded schoolchildren in the course of drawing classes is extremely necessary, given that the vocabulary they possess is too poor. Pupils of the junior classes of a special school completely lack many concepts. Children do not know the names of some objects, despite the fact that they are familiar with them. Students have an even smaller vocabulary to characterize the features of an object. They use a very limited range of words to denote an action.

Mastering speech is extremely important for meaningful perception and understanding of the environment. The process of viewing the object of the image is carried out in unity with thinking and speech. It has been experimentally proved that the inclusion of speech in the act of perception contributes to its more active flow. In turn, the speech of students, contributing to a more perfect perception, significantly improves the quality of representations, prevents their assimilation, and provides a correct, accurate graphic representation.

Many researchers of the visual activity of children note the beneficial effect of speech on the drawing process. The ability to reason correctly while working on a drawing enhances the activity of students, increases their attention, provides better control over hand movements, and makes visual actions more focused.

“The inclusion of speech can significantly restructure the course of the image process: the child begins to analyze his own drawing, begins to understand what he has done well, what else needs to be worked on.

The word helps to comprehend the image process - in the process of creating a drawing, the child realizes and reveals the properties of the objects depicted, ”writes E. I. Ignatiev.

Meanwhile, as observations show, the speech activity of students of a special school in drawing lessons is very low. The teacher does not always use the verbal abilities of students. Often he seeks to analyze nature or a sample himself. In the lessons, such methodological techniques as a verbal description of the structure of the depicted object and the order of actions performed are not used enough. Questions of the compositional placement of the picture are rarely discussed. Students' reports on their work are not properly organized.

Noting the special significance of the speech activity of schoolchildren in the study of an object, it must be emphasized that they need additional incentives. At the initial stage of the examination of the subject, promptings such as: “Look better! What more can be said? Farther!" etc. However, the expediency of their use is too short-lived. In order to verbalize the attributes of an object necessary for drawing, it is necessary to organize the student's perceptions more specifically. At the same time, clear tasks must be set before him. I. M. Solovyov emphasizes that mentally retarded children must be taught to reason while examining an object. This work, in his opinion, should be carried out with each demonstration of a visual aid, it should permeate all the lessons related to the examination of objects.

With the help of speech, the child's mental activity should be directed to such features of the object as shape, design, proportions, relative position of elements, color, etc.

The verbal designation of features, in turn, requires students to update the relevant terms. In this regard, V. G. Petrova writes: “If at the right time they are not at the disposal of the child and they are told to him, then in such a situation these terms are remembered better than in many other conditions, since the student does not just hear a new word , but recognizes it at the moment when it needs it, feels the need to use it.

According to G. M. Dulnev, it is “methodologically beneficial” to time verbal designations, instructions, recommendations by the time the relevant practical actions are performed. In this case, we are talking about lessons. manual labor. However, drawing is so similar to this activity that the principles pedagogical influence through speech they are in fact equivalent.

The students of the correctional school, to a much greater extent than the students of the mass school, need detailed explanations from the teacher in the process of perception and image.

Our experiments have shown that a mentally retarded child cannot act in full accordance with the instruction, if it is formulated in the very general view, for example: "Look carefully at the object and draw it." Such an indication does not fix the attention of children on the features of the perceived object, does not emphasize the significance of the characteristic details that should be taken into account in the image. Even the blackboard drawing done by the teacher from start to finish just before independent work students, does not provide a complete understanding of the structure of the object. Hence the inevitable errors in children's drawings.

Let us present some data obtained by us in the study of the role of verbal explanations for students of a special school in the process of drawing from nature.

As the object of the image, a tower made of building constructor's cubes was chosen. The tasks were offered to students of the II classes of mass and special schools (two groups from each).

For the students of the first group, after getting acquainted with the subject, the experimenter demonstrated on the blackboard the order in which the drawing was constructed. However, he did not give any explanations or instructions. In the second group, showing the sequential progress of the image was accompanied by detailed explanations. Children were given detailed recommendations regarding the construction of the drawing. The experimenter fixed his attention on the fact that the base of the tower consists of three cubes, that there is a red cube in the middle, and green cubes are located to the left and right of it. Then he gave the children explanations regarding the drawing: “First you need to draw a red cube, put a yellow one on it, and blue on the yellow one. After that, you should draw a narrow yellow bar, and then a green roof of a triangular shape. The triangle roof is large and its edges protrude beyond the wall.

The drawings of the students of the second group turned out to be much better than the drawings of the students of the first group.

Only 33% of students in the first group from the special school successfully completed the task. The rest made some mistakes. In the second group, 80% of students successfully completed the task. Pupils of the first and second groups from the mass school coped with the task in 87 and 100% of cases, respectively.

The data obtained indicate that the majority of mentally retarded schoolchildren cannot independently understand the structure of an object and learn the order of drawing. They need detailed instructions that establish the interconnection of the constituent parts, emphasizing individual characteristics details and the object as a whole. If such work is not carried out, then students perceive the order of constructing a drawing in an undifferentiated way. Acting without taking into account the originality of nature, they make numerous graphic errors.

It should be especially noted the low productivity of the isolated use of the word in the process of teaching drawing to younger students. The word must be correlated with a specific object (drawing) or its elements. In addition, it needs to be reinforced with a specific action (show, gesture).

It is important to teach children the ability to designate an object and its details with a word, talk about their work, comment on their activities. All this contributes to the development of speech and a more conscious assimilation of the sequence of drawing.

Noting that the teacher's speech plays the role of a regulator of the visual activity of students, one cannot but mention those cases when it can turn out to be a kind of brake on the way of overcoming the difficulties that arise in children.

IN pedagogical literature It has been repeatedly emphasized that the teacher's speech should be correct, accessible, accurate, expressive, and moderate. The last requirement is often violated, especially in the lower grades. Striving for detailed explanations, the teacher involuntarily becomes verbose. Such a "speech stream" disorganizes the activities of schoolchildren, distracts them, and reduces the already weak focus in work. Prolonged verbal explanations cause protective inhibition in students, as a result of which they stop listening to the teacher and begin to engage in extraneous matters.

In order to prevent the passivity of children during the analysis of the object of the image, it is necessary to actively involve them in this process. Properly selected and posed questions encourage students to systematically highlight the features of the subject and plan the upcoming work.

Various techniques can be used as pedagogical means to enhance the speech activity of schoolchildren in the process of visual activity. These include: encouraging a child to recite a poem or riddle in order to create emotional attitude to drawing; analysis of the image object (determination of the main features, description of the structure); encouraging students to name and verbally characterize the properties of objects included in the thematic drawing; establishing the sequence of work on the drawing (planning); solving problems of a compositional nature; comparison of the drawing with nature (sample) and image elements among themselves in the process of completing the task; analysis of the results of visual activity at the end of each lesson; discussion and selection of drawings for a class or school exhibition, etc.

The rational combination of the guiding speech of the teacher and the students themselves makes it possible to use drawing classes as a powerful source for the development of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded schoolchildren.