Child after caesarean section. Consequences of caesarean section for mother and newborn baby

Everyone knows that no surgical intervention can do without consequences, it will certainly leave traces in the human body. The caesarean section is no exception.

The operation is an artificial delivery, in which the doctor makes an incision on the anterior abdominal wall and body of the uterus, and through it removes the baby and placenta. At the moment, such an operation is in the top ten most common and relatively safe operations in the world. When it is carried out, only proven, most modern and reliable methods, medicines and technologies are used, but even all this, unfortunately, does not relieve the woman of the consequences after cesarean, although it softens them, compared to what it was 10 years ago.

Childbirth through caesarean section causes an ambiguous reaction in women. Someone considers this method attractive, someone, on the contrary, categorically does not accept. It is best to perform a caesarean section solely for objective reasons, when operative delivery is the only way to save the life and health of the baby and mother.

However, if a woman is not sure about the successful outcome of her birth, is afraid to give birth herself, and believes that a cesarean is the only suitable option for her, then doctors may well perform this operation.

If you have been given a prescription for a planned caesarean section, or you have chosen this path on your own, read consequences of caesarean section so you can emotionally prepare for the challenge ahead.

Consequences of caesarean section for the mother

First of all, a caesarean section is a surgical intervention, which, even with a successful outcome, can have consequences that are typical for abdominal operations.

It can be:

  • infection;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • injury to adjacent organs.

The possibility of the appearance of such consequences, which will not appear immediately, but after a while, is not excluded.

Consequences of anesthesia after caesarean section

In preparation for a planned caesarean section, in most cases, the expectant mother is allowed to choose the type of anesthesia herself - general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. Any of the chosen methods has consequences for both mother and baby. However, when using general anesthesia, the risk of complications is still higher, because several drugs are injected into the mother's body at the same time.

The consequences of general anesthesia for the mother will be:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • confusion;
  • muscle pain.

Epidural anesthesia for caesarean section also has consequences: trembling in the legs and pain in the back. However, errors by the anesthesiologist can lead to spinal cord or nerve injuries, but these are so rare cases that they can not be considered.

Stitches after caesarean section

After the operation, the woman will naturally have stitches on the abdomen and uterus. Sometimes there is such a thing as diastasis, i.e. divergence of the edges of the seam. If this problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. As for the sutures on the wall of the uterus, everything is much more complicated with them, since the course of subsequent pregnancies and childbirth depends on their condition.

Limitation of physical activity

After a caesarean section, you will not be able to get up to your newborn baby until six hours later. However, do not worry - in the hospital you will quickly learn to adapt to caring for your baby, avoiding unnecessary stress. And before discharge, they will show special exercises that contribute to the speedy recovery of the woman in labor. Complete loads you can only afford after a few months after undergoing surgery.

Inability to breastfeed after surgery

Basically, milk from those who gave birth by caesarean section comes at the same time as during natural childbirth, but immediately after the operation, the baby is not applied to the breast, for fear for drug exposure administered during anesthesia. Therefore, the baby is fed through a bottle. If a mother has a desire to breastfeed a child, then she will quickly establish this process, despite the fact that at first the child got acquainted with the bottle.

The consequences of a caesarean section for a child

Many scientific minds argue that babies who are born as a result of a caesarean section adapt much worse to the environment. In addition, when born in this way, amniotic fluid may remain in the lungs of an infant, which, in babies born naturally, comes out when passing through the birth canal.

There is still a possibility that substances that are administered to the mother during a cesarean section can enter the newborn's bloodstream - this also negatively affects the health of the crumbs, namely, its nervous system. In addition, children born as a result of cesarean are more likely than others to have respiratory disorders.

The consequences of a caesarean section are inevitable, since the mother's body undergoes surgical intervention. For some, they appear very acutely, for others, they are less noticeable: it all depends on the condition of the mother and on the specialists who performed the operation. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and every year operations are becoming more and more sparing.

Fortunately, in most modern Russian maternity hospitals, doctors strongly recommend natural childbirth to their patients. But sometimes the only way to save the life and health of a mother and her baby is to perform a caesarean section. Some women, when they hear about such a need, rejoice because they will be able to avoid prolonged labor pains, while others are upset because the birth will not be natural. And from a medical point of view, this method of delivery has two sides of the coin: positive and negative, including for the child. Let's talk about the difference between children born by cesarean section and those received by natural childbirth, and also what awaits a woman in the future after cesarean section.

Children of "caesarean section"

Babies who are born by caesarean section are noticeably different from newborns who have gone all the way through natural childbirth. Their skin appears pink instead of bluish, as they have not experienced hypoxia while passing through the narrow birth canal. And this is a big plus. Also, such children have a flat, not deformed head. This is the second plus. For many women, this is already a noticeable plus of a caesarean section.

In addition, many new mothers notice that children born by caesarean section are much calmer than those born naturally. This, perhaps, can also be explained by the lack of stress. This is the third plus of artificial childbirth, when children are born by caesarean section.

Children born by caesarean section - are there any consequences?

But at the same time, doctors say that the abrupt and unexpected removal of a child from the mother's womb during a caesarean section is a much more serious stress for the baby, although it may not make itself felt much. In addition, during the operation, the child instantly, without preparation, enters a completely different environment - a new world. Is preparation necessary, should the fetus suffer at birth or maybe not? (Ed.) According to doctors, this negatively affects the general condition of his blood vessels and nervous system. Many cesareans become patients of neuropathologists only for this reason.

Children after caesarean section

After a caesarean section, many new mothers think about how their future life will develop in terms of having children. As statistics show, many women after such an intervention successfully become pregnant and bear babies. Children born after caesarean section (including naturally) grow and develop normally. But the successful outcome of natural childbirth largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patients.

So in no case do doctors advise getting pregnant in the first one and a half, and preferably two years after a cesarean section. After all, such an operation leaves a scar on the uterus, and with an early conception and an increase in the size of this organ, the scar can simply burst. And this can lead to the death of not only the fetus, but also the woman. But who better than she will take care of her already born child?! Therefore, husbands need to take care of their woman and it’s worth waiting for the imminent new birth ...

In order for a repeated pregnancy to be successful, you need to plan it only after consulting a doctor and after passing all the necessary studies. This will reduce any risks of bearing to zero. Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother should systematically attend a antenatal clinic and be disciplined to undergo all the necessary studies.

Is natural childbirth possible after a caesarean section?

Doctors are now quite supportive of natural childbirth after a caesarean section. They are possible if more than two years have passed since the operation, and the mother does not have any serious illnesses. Also, natural delivery is allowed if the pregnancy proceeds without any complications and various pathologies.

There are cases when a woman in labor was allowed into natural childbirth after a cesarean section, if she simply did not have time to prepare for the operation - the birth was rapid, etc. But this is rather an exception than a rule.

Of course, when assessing the likelihood of natural childbirth, doctors pay attention to the presentation of the fetus - it must be exceptionally correct. The condition of the scar is also assessed.

According to statistics, natural childbirth after the first caesarean section is carried out only in a third of cases. It should be understood that if a woman had children by caesarean section, then this was according to the testimony ... For many, such and other indications will not go anywhere. If the patient had a clinically narrow pelvis, then it will not expand over time ...

By the way, there are statistics that show that over the past decades the number of caesarean sections has increased due to the narrow pelvis of the woman in labor. It turns out that this constitution of the body is inherited. And deliveries by caesarean section increase the number of such girls in the human "population".

When is it necessary to do without a second operation?

An unconditional indication for a second caesarean section is early pregnancy - up to a year and a half after the previous operation. Indeed, during this time, the scar simply does not have time to fully heal, and during natural childbirth, it may break.

Also, the operation is performed if the mother has chronic, serious and untreated diseases, which are a direct medical indication for a caesarean section.

The indications also include the presence of certain pathologies of pregnancy, represented by an incorrect presentation of the fetus, placenta, etc.

Usually, doctors insist on a second cesarean section if the age of the woman in labor has exceeded thirty years. Also, surgery is indispensable even if this is the third pregnancy, and the previous two ended in a caesarean section. In this case, natural childbirth is accompanied by a maximum risk of rupture of the walls of the uterus.

Another indication for the operation include pathologically prolonged healing of the scar from a caesarean section in history. It can be triggered by a variety of factors.

Doctors do not leave an alternative to caesarean section if during the last operation the patient made a longitudinal incision in the uterine wall. Also, you can’t do without it if a woman is waiting for the birth of several babies at once.

Thus, after a cesarean section, there is a chance for a natural birth. But if there are any fears for the life of a woman in labor or a child, doctors will categorically insist on an operation.

Children after caesarean section

Conversations about the pros and cons of operative delivery do not stop. In recent years, many women prefer caesarean section because of the speed, painlessness, apparent "ease" of the operation and the desire to maintain a figure. Doctors are concerned about the increased number of caesarean sections. Why? The main reason is the non-physiological nature of operative delivery, which, with a rational approach to the health of the mother and child, should be used only for medical reasons. They are absolute and relative.

Absolute indication for caesarean section is a pathology that creates a real threat to the life of the mother or child. Circumstances in which childbirth cannot be carried out naturally include: the impossibility of having a baby through the birth canal as a result of a mismatch in the size of the fetus and the mother's pelvis, and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, such as:

  • severe late toxicosis;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • incipient uterine rupture;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus, and some other cases.

Relative indications for caesarean section are the conditions or circumstances under which successful and safe delivery becomes doubtful. This list includes: incorrect position and presentation of the fetus, anomalies in labor, advanced age of the woman in labor, aggravated obstetric history, somatic diseases of the woman, etc. The question of the operation is decided after deliberate weighing of all risk factors for the life and health of the mother and baby.

Rapid birth

Let's try to figure out what the risk is during operative childbirth for the baby. Neonatologists cannot say that a caesarean section is a 100% safe way to have a baby. Specialists study and evaluate the consequences of the operation on the health of newborns. It is obvious that the pathology of the mother, because of which the decision was made to carry out a caesarean section, can be the cause of the pathology in the infant. For example, severe preeclampsia of pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs in the mother can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus. At the same time, babies born as a result of natural childbirth, whose mothers are not completely healthy, are not immune from this either.

But along with the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, which was an indication for surgery, caesarean section itself is accompanied by an additional risk of complications for the newborn .

Newborn babies from operated mothers are several more difficult to adapt to extrauterine life, compared with children born in the usual way. With a full-term pregnancy during a caesarean section, the child does not go through all the stages of the birth act, in particular, the advancement through the mother's birth canal. And this condition is necessary for the "maturation" of the children's respiratory system. Often the so-called fetal fluid retention syndrome . It is known that the fetus does not breathe with lungs, and normally they contain a small amount of fetal fluid. As the baby passes through the birth canal, fluid is "pushed" out of the lungs. With a caesarean section, the baby is removed quickly. As a result, the lungs do not have time to adapt to new conditions, and the fetal fluid remains in them. This increases the risk of developing respiratory pathology in a child. Against this background, pneumonia often occurs due to infection.

This situation is even more real in case of premature pregnancy. In an immature child, a caesarean section may provoke the development respiratory distress syndrome . In this case, the baby has rapid irregular breathing. There is also an increased risk of developing pneumonia. Such newborns require careful observation, examination and treatment.

Other problems

Caesarean section in some cases may be accompanied by trauma to the child. Difficult extraction of the baby is a strong irritant for him. It can cause such neurological complications as impaired muscle tone, motor activity, impaired function of the autonomic nervous system. In extreme cases, even spinal injuries, intracranial hemorrhages are possible, which can also complicate the course of the neonatal period, and in the future cause a violation of the psychomotor development of the baby.

The outcome of childbirth for a baby with caesarean section is also affected by anesthesia (pain relief) during surgery. Anesthesia in preparation for a caesarean section can be general (inhalation) or local (epidural). The use of analgesics and muscle relaxants leads to a change in the vital processes of the newborn, depression of the central nervous system and respiration. The child becomes lethargic, drowsy, his muscle tone decreases, he sucks badly. Respiratory depression in an infant leads to a lack of oxygen, which may require intensive care.

Favorable prognosis

Doctors strive to prevent these complications. Taking into account all risk factors for the health of the baby during pregnancy and childbirth, careful monitoring of him, timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment in most cases make these complications harmless. After discharge from the maternity hospital, the rehabilitation of children affected in any way during childbirth is carried out.

In conclusion, let's say that the main thing is not how the baby was born, but how he was received here and with what care they met!

There are two opposing opinions about caesarean section. Some people argue that it is certainly harmful and poses a danger to the baby and mother. Others say it is harmless and even safer than natural childbearing.

It is necessary to figure out how the newborn feels after a caesarean section, how the mother's body responds to the operation. You also need to find out if there are ways to reduce the risk of negative consequences after a caesarean section.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

When is a caesarean section necessary?

There are two options for indications - for a planned caesarean section and for an emergency. The two types of surgery differ in the consequences for the fetus and mother, which will be discussed later.

Planned cesarean

A planned caesarean section is shown:

  • the likelihood of uterine rupture during natural childbearing;
  • when it blocks the movement of the child through the birth canal;
  • mechanical obstacles, similar to the previous paragraph, only now the neoplasm (uterine fibroids) prevents movement;
  • other diseases that increase the risk of natural childbearing (defects of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and others);
  • herpes - a disease in which a child at birth should avoid contact with the mother's genital tract;
  • multiple pregnancy.

emergency caesarean section

Indications for surgery during childbirth are somewhat different:

  • the threat of uterine rupture;
  • sluggish childbirth or stopping labor activity;
  • premature detachment of the placenta.

How is a caesarean section performed?

Modern technologies make it possible to perform a caesarean section under local anesthesia, in which the sensitivity of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity or the entire lower half of the body is blocked. The woman is conscious and can observe the progress of the operation, and then take the child in her arms. In 5% of cases, general anesthesia is used, as a rule, the method is used for emergency caesarean section.

During the operation, the abdominal wall and uterus are excised, the fetus and placenta are removed, and the umbilical cord is cut off. The whole operation takes 20-40 minutes, after a week the stitches or staples are removed from the abdomen.

The main danger for the child is that the mother is given painkillers and antibiotics after the operation.

Pros and cons: head shape and other features

Some mothers are so confident that a caesarean section is safe that they want to have it, no matter how difficult the birth is expected to be. However, the disadvantages of caesarean section, though few, outweigh the pros.

  • decent resolution of difficult situations (with a narrow pelvis, a large number of children, etc.);
  • with expected difficult childbirth, the harm of the operation is significantly lower than from natural childbirth;
  • after caesarean section, hemorrhoids do not occur;
  • the vagina is not stretched, there is no risk of its ruptures;
  • there is no prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • the shape of the head in newborns after cesarean is not deformed.

Please note that most of the benefits of a caesarean section are only relevant for difficult births.

  • there is a possibility of infection in the mother's body, followed by sepsis and a serious illness;
  • in the first week it is difficult, noticeably lower than with natural childbearing;
  • a scar is created on the uterus, due to which the time of the next possible pregnancy will be postponed indefinitely (depending on the operation, doctor, tissue regeneration);
  • possible mental abnormalities in the mother due to the lack of "completeness" of a natural pregnancy (occurs during emergency operations);
  • the risk of skin diseases in a child increases, since the natural microflora of the vagina was not “transplanted” during childbirth;
  • for the same reason, newborn girls are more likely;
  • it also increases the likelihood of diabetes, dysbacteriosis, asthma, and other diseases.

How does the method of birth affect a newborn baby?

A child with natural childbearing is gradually preparing for the transition to a new world. With a caesarean section, the transition, although painless, is too abrupt and unexpected, which is why the kids are scared. Also, the fact that some children cannot feel it does not add confidence, since the mother is under general anesthesia, or doctors forbid her.

The result of a "wrong" birth is:

  • low body temperature (by about 0.5 o C);
  • low blood pressure;
  • respiratory instability;
  • the level of glucose decreases;
  • the level of many hormones that regulate the activity of the body is usually reduced;
  • Because of all these changes, immunity drops.

All due to the fact that during natural childbirth a hormone is created, which is a “button” for activating many processes in the body of the mother and child. Because of this hormone, the mammary glands are not stimulated in the mother, which is why at first very little milk is released from the breast. In addition, the level of endorphins in milk decreases, which should cause pleasure in the child when sucking the breast. Better in this situation.

The first time after a cesarean, very little milk is released from the breast.

Myths about cesareans

Despite all the difficulties, you should not be afraid of a caesarean section. Most of all twins and triplets are born through surgery. The development of cesareans is no different from ordinary children, and all changes in feeding and care concern only the first weeks of life.

Feeding and caring for a caesarean

Feeding a newborn after a caesarean section is not much different from feeding other babies. Even in the case of general anesthesia, a half-asleep baby has a good sucking reflex. Due to the low level of the hormone, the mother’s milk flow may not be good, but over time, the breast “developed” and everything returns to normal.

Special care for the child is not required, but it is desirable that the mother presses the baby skin to skin. This will help restore thermoregulation, give confidence to the little one and strengthen his immunity. In the hospital, caesareans are under special care of doctors, and they constantly check the health of the baby, if necessary, provide medical assistance.

Additional information about the features of caring for cesareans in this video:

It is desirable that the mother presses the baby skin to skin.

Let's draw a conclusion

A caesarean section can conditionally be considered a safe procedure for mother and child, with the obligatory condition that the mother will follow the instructions of the doctors and carefully take care of the little one. There are no special conditions for the care or feeding of children born by caesarean section, but they must be treated carefully. A caesarean section is not worth resorting to once again, but it is the best choice when a difficult birth is expected.

In this article:

Obstetricians and gynecologists consider the natural way of resolving pregnancy to be the best for the child and mother - both adapt to new conditions faster and more efficiently. But there are situations when a caesarean section is the only right choice and prevents severe birth injuries. In Russia, operative delivery is carried out only if there are medical indications, and not at the request of the woman.

Many mothers who have had or are expecting this operation worry about how a caesarean section affects their baby's health. Do you need any additional measures and care for the baby to adapt normally?

Influence of the method of birth on the condition of the child

During natural childbirth in children, all systems are gradually activated. Passing through the maternal pathways makes it possible to adapt to new living conditions, allows the microflora to settle in, and the lungs to open.

Because of the operation, this does not happen or does not happen enough - after a cesarean section, children abruptly fall into an environment that is unusual for them.

However, difficult natural childbirth can be the cause of birth trauma - when the brain (and in some cases other internal organs) is affected, sometimes irreversibly.

In the process, cerebral hemorrhages, ruptures of the pontine veins, cerebellar occlusion, skull fractures and much more are possible, which subsequently leads to an increase in intracranial pressure, damage to the cranial nerves, hydrocephalus of varying severity, brain atrophy.

These pathologies, in turn, are the causes of developmental delays, paralysis (central, peripheral, infantile cerebral), mental retardation, hearing loss, loss of vision, and many others.

Difficult childbirth also negatively affects the condition of the woman. They can lead to pathological divergence of the bones of the pubic joint, severe ruptures of the cervix, perineum and vagina, extensive bleeding, pituitary infarction.

All together, this threatens with multiple pathologies that can lead a woman to a deterioration in the quality of life, infertility, and disability.

In disputes between what is better for the child - a conventional delivery or an operation - doctors express their opinion: a successful natural birth is better than a cesarean section, but operational ones are preferable to severe spontaneous ones.

Myths about babies born by caesarean section

There are many myths about children who came into this world with the help of an operation. They are based on ideas about the methods of caesarean section, which were carried out several decades ago. Modern medicine has stepped far forward and can now offer improved surgical techniques that have a minimum of negative consequences.

Myth 1

Children after caesarean section are born weakened, as their internal organs do not have time to mature by the time of the operation. This may be true in emergency situations where the condition of the mother and fetus requires urgent action.

Ultrasound allows you to determine the degree of term of the child with great accuracy - for each woman this period is individual. Without the need, when the fetus still needs maturation, doctors do not perform the operation.

If the condition of the child and mother allows you to extend the gestational age, obstetrician-gynecologists are willing to take this step and the planned caesarean section is carried out closer to the expected date of birth.

In some cases, if the situation and the qualifications of the doctor allow, they wait for the natural contractions of the woman and during them promptly deliver.

Myth 2

Children after caesarean section in the first days are in drug shock, as anesthesia negatively affects the brain.

Currently, in most cases, spinal or epidural anesthesia is used, which allows you to immobilize the lower half of the body of the woman in labor (she herself remains conscious). In these cases, the penetration of anesthetics into the bloodstream is minimal, and they are excreted from the mother's body quickly and do not have time to affect the child.

However, even if general anesthesia was used (in emergency situations), its effect on the baby’s brain is not strong: modern high-quality drugs are now used that slightly depress the child’s respiratory and nervous system for a short time.

Myth 3

Children after caesarean section do not take the breast, they are "lazy" to suck. Breastfeeding is a process that can be influenced by a variety of factors (time of first feeding and frequency, physiological characteristics of the mother). An important role is played by the early attachment of the child to the breast. The use of epidural and spinal anesthesia allows the woman to remain conscious, immediately after the operation, hug the baby and feed him.

Even if this did not happen in the first minutes after birth, feeding can be carried out in intensive care units, where mothers spend the first hours after surgery: in most maternity hospitals, midwives bring babies there.

A child who, after birth, satisfies the need for suckling from the mother's breast, and not from the nipple, as a rule, rarely experiences problems with feeding later.

Myth 4

All children after caesarean section receive the mixture for several days, as the mother is forced to take many antibiotics in the postpartum period.

In maternity hospitals, those antibacterial drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding are used. And improved technologies for this operation have now reduced the use of drugs to a minimum.

Myth 5

Psychologists say that there is a break in the emotional connection between children born through surgery and their mothers. There are no objective studies in the scientific world that would confirm this assumption: these statements are the personal opinion of a certain group of people.

The establishment of emotional contact between mother and child is influenced by many psychosocial factors: care, bodily interaction, subsequent verbal and non-verbal communication, participation in the life of a daughter or son. All this is possible to give, regardless of the method of delivery.

Consequences for a child born through surgery

The consequences for children after caesarean section are determined by several factors:

  • maternal health and characteristics of the course of pregnancy;
  • method of administration of anesthesia and its quality;
  • the conditions of the operation (planned event or emergency);
  • actions of the medical staff.

In some cases, the child may experience problems with the vessels - due to the pressure drop during extraction. Breathing difficulties may also begin - due to the fact that the lungs did not have time to open up to the end. As a rule, these pathologies are diagnosed immediately.

Children after a caesarean section may suffer due to negative processes occurring in the intestines: severe gas formation, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the baby's body did not have time to be populated by the mother's microflora.

In this case, it is important to attach the baby to the breast - together with milk, he will be able to fully receive all the necessary bacteria. Also, do not forget that the development of one's own flora in a child born in any way can be problematic in the first months - it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In some cases, girls born by caesarean section may suffer in the first months from vulvovaginitis - for the same reason as from intestinal disorders (lack of colonization of microorganisms).

All cases are not irreversible and are corrected with the help of well-chosen treatment.

Indications for caesarean section

The operation is indicated for women in labor in the presence of:

  • placenta previa or abruption;
  • mechanical obstruction in the birth canal (neoplasm of the uterus or ovaries);
  • severe preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • clinically narrow pelvis or its deformation;
  • symphysite;
  • transverse intrauterine position of the fetus;
  • exacerbation of genital herpes,
  • critical oligohydramnios, etc.

In some cases, caesarean section is used at the discretion of the doctor in case of multiple pregnancy, the presence of a breech presentation of the fetus, multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord, various diseases of the woman (some cardiovascular, endocrinological, neurological, ophthalmological, musculoskeletal, as well as hemorrhoids, kidney pathology).

Often the need for surgery arises already in the process of childbirth - when labor activity is weakened, fetal hypoxia is detected, the impossibility of its passage along the paths, the umbilical cord prolapses, etc. In this case, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Prenatal activities

To prevent possible problems, it is recommended that a future mother who already knows about a planned operation discuss the choice of anesthesia with the doctor: it is better to give preference to spinal or epidural anesthesia.

You also need to first find information about breastfeeding (if the mother wants to breastfeed), enlist the support of a lactation consultant or pediatrician.

Otherwise, the preparation for childbirth is almost no different from that which is expected with natural resolution.

Feeding your baby after a caesarean section

Feeding children after caesarean section does not experience any restrictions: all drugs used during such childbirth and the recovery period are compatible with breastfeeding.

In some cases, the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the newborn if general anesthesia was given, complications appeared during the operation, or the woman does not feel well. In this case, the staff of the maternity hospital supplements the baby with a mixture.

In those hospitals that support breastfeeding (and now there are more of them), this is done through a syringe without a needle, and not through a bottle. This is due to the fact that the child, having tasted the nipple earlier than the breast, may subsequently refuse to suck on mother's milk.

However, do not despair if this still happened: in the first weeks, if you wish, you can try to retrain the baby.

If the child was born prematurely, weakened and forced to be in the neonatal intensive care unit, the employees of the maternity hospital usually feed children after a cesarean section with mother's milk: for this, a woman needs to express herself regularly.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to establish breastfeeding, this is not a reason for frustration, since modern mixtures have a composition that is as close as possible to mother's milk. The main thing is the warmth and care that a woman can give to her child.

Is there any special care needed for a baby born through surgery?

There is nothing special about caring for children after a caesarean section from caring for children born naturally (in the absence of serious pathologies). Their umbilical wound heals in the same way and on time, they receive vaccinations according to a single schedule.

Doctors at regular examinations monitor the developmental features of such children, evaluate their breathing, cardiovascular activity. If violations are not detected immediately or within a month, then the likelihood that they will appear later is small.

So, operative delivery is an alternative way out in the presence of pathologies in the health of the mother or fetus, and sometimes the only one. Children after a caesarean section may experience difficulties in the first months that are associated with their intestinal activity, breathing, blood vessels.

However, these problems are rarely detected and can be successfully compensated by a doctor. An important issue is the establishment of breastfeeding - if the mother wants to feed naturally, she should study this issue in advance.

Useful video about caesarean section