Parent meetings in 2 ml. Parent meeting in the second junior group on the topic "Let's get to know each other!". Outline of the parent meeting

Olga Tatanova
Outline of the parent meeting in the second junior group


at 2 junior group

Subject: The development of speech in the family and kindergarten.


1. Performance of the educator "The Development of Speech younger preschoolers»

(with presentation "Work on the development of speech in kindergarten")

2. Tell parents about games and exercises for the development of children's speech.

3. Promote mastery parents game techniques for the development of children's speech junior preschool age.

Conduct form: workshop.

Members: caregivers groups, parents.

Material: presentation of children's activities, an exhibition of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills, a selection of literature for parents, booklets on the topic meetings, screens.

Parts meetings:

1. Introduction (3 min)

Calm music sounds.

Presentation by the educator of the topic and participants meetings.

2. Main body (40-45 min.).

Teacher's speech topic groups"The Development of Speech younger preschoolers» accompanied by a presentation.

Practical tasks for parents for speech development.

Presentation of an exhibition of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills.

3. Miscellaneous (7-10 min.).

4. Summing up (3-5 min.).


extradition memos to parents on the topic of the meeting.

"The Development of Speech younger preschoolers» .

Speech is beautiful when it is like a stream,

Runs among the stones is clean, unhurried,

And you are ready to listen to her flow

And exclaim: - ABOUT! how beautiful you are!

E. Schukina.

Speech is a form of communication. At preschool age, it develops according to two interconnected directions:

The speech of the child is improved in the process of communication with adults and peers;

Speech becomes the main restructuring of thought processes and turns into an instrument of thinking.

The main tasks of speech development children:

Mastering the norms and rules of the native language, defined for each age;

Development of communication skills in children (ability to communicate).

A well-developed speech of the child contributes to successful learning in school.

Speech disorders affect the formation of a child's character, since a speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, and irritable.

With spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a high level. Therefore, targeted training is needed to create interest in the mother tongue in children and to promote a creative attitude towards speech. The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. Thanks to speech, children master the norms of social behavior, which contributes to moral education. Thus, mastering the native language is necessary for the full formation of the child's personality.

What do you think, what tasks of speech development should be solved throughout the preschool age? What should the child be taught?

Formation of sound culture of speech.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Teaching storytelling, coherent speech.

Development of expressiveness of speech.

Work on the development of a child's speech in kindergarten is carried out in different forms. activities: in special classes for the development of speech, as well as in other classes; outside of classes - in gaming and artistic activities; in everyday life.

Of great importance for the development of the speech of a preschooler is the enrichment of the vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding life and in the process of observing nature. Nature has unique opportunities for the development of children's speech.

Going for a walk, we Can:

Talk with the children about what the weather is like today, what kind of sky, what is in the sky, is there a wind, which one, in which direction it blows, how we determined it, what clothes we are wearing, why, what it is connected with, what it is now season;

In cold weather, feed the birds, observe their behavior and habits.

Look around you and see the wonderful world of plants that surrounds us.

Make a riddle and find the answer.

Look for signs of the season.

To acquaint the child with folk proverbs and signs.

Play a nature game with them. For example: "What tree is the leaf from?", "Find a tree by description", "What branch are the kids from?" etc.

So we can say. That adults themselves must see the world around them in order to teach the child to see it. A child should be taught to notice, observe and admire the life around us, cherish and love all living things, and be able to express their feelings in words, For example, when greeting the sun in the morning, say affectionate words - signs: golden, radiant, kind, cheerful, bright, expensive, magnificent, spring, warm.

Dear parents! We invite you to play a little.

"Game-journey around the country "Speech development"

/ At each station, the teacher plays material with parents. /

1. Station "Creative".

Choose epithets for words:

Snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold, wet, creaky, etc.,

Person (polite, wonderful, open, warm, etc.,

Wind (strong, cold, gentle, piercing, etc.,

Rain (cold, summer, drizzling, heavy, etc.,

Moon (bright, growing, etc.).

2. Station "Fabulous".

Everyone needs a fairy tale - both big and small. A fairy tale can calm down, cheer up, teach to understand another, improve well-being. The fairy tale will help pass the time, get acquainted with moral concepts, bring the child closer and parents.

Tell, read fairy tales to children. (Reminders - see appendix). And well-known fairy tales can be lost.

Riddles about fairy tales, you need to guess which of the fairy-tale heroes could say so about himself say:

1) I decided to travel the world and did not know that the journey could turn into trouble. I thought everyone around was as kind as a woman and a grandfather. But it turned out that evil, cruel, cunning people also live in the world. And everyone wants to eat me ...

2) I have been afraid of cats all my life. And this one came and purrs, scraping tsya: please help me! How can I, a small, gray one, help a cat? I just feel that she is not deceiving me. I ran out into the garden, I see - and really my help is needed!

3) I knew that it would end in trouble. Painfully dilapidated and old me. How many years have I been standing in the field! I dreamed, of course, that someone settled in me and lived. But not too many people! They got in, they got in, they got in. I couldn't resist and collapsed!

4) Well, this mouse has a tail! Neither with the palm of a woman, nor with the fist of a grandfather can be compared! And it was necessary for this mouse to run out at the most inopportune moment! I waved my tail - and I crashed!

5) I am pleased to be on the head of this girl. She takes care of the substitute. I am always clean and ironed. I like to walk through the woods with the girl, go to visit my grandmother. But here trouble: My mistress is very trusting. And because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her.

3. "Fairytale-2"

Come up with a sequel fairy tales:

"Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Kolobok".

4. Station "dexterous fingers"

Famous Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov said: "Hands teach the head, then a wiser head teaches hands, and skillful hands again contribute to the development of the brain."

The motor centers of speech in the human cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to the speech centers, which activates speech.

Stage 1: Massage.

Massaging your fingers to activate the work of internal organs.

Large - responsible for the head;

Index - stomach;

Medium - liver;

Nameless - kidneys;

The little finger is the heart.

1) rub the fingertip, then slowly lower to the wrist.

2) rub your palms, clap.

Stage 2: Finger games (no items).

"Family"(This finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother, this finger is dad, this finger is mom, and this finger is me and my whole family. ”

5. Station "Gaming".

Games for the formation of sound pronunciation.

The biggest concern for parents causes the sound pronunciation of children, as this is the most noticeable defect. Others may not notice the limitations of the dictionary or the peculiarities of the grammatical structure of speech, but the incorrect pronunciation is like on the palm of your hand. This is where games come in handy.

speech game "Snowstorm"

The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn.

"The blizzard begins"- children speak softly "U-U-U…"; By signal: "strong blizzard"- speak louder on signal - "blizzard ends"- speak more quietly; on signal "the blizzard is over"- shut up.

speech game "Pump"

The teacher offers to take a pump and pump up bicycle tires. Children, imitating the action of the pump, make a sound "S-S-S...".

Clean tongues:

Whoop, whoop, whoop - mom cooks soup (sound "P")

Would, would, would - there is smoke from the chimney (sound "b")

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf

The baker baked dough early in the morning (sounds "p-b")

Zha - zha - zha, the hedgehog has needles

Zhu-zhu-zhu milk let's give a hedgehog

A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles

Outcome parent meeting:

- parents ask questions for clarification;

- questioning: how and where parent can apply the acquired knowledge, what he learned useful, what question aroused the greatest interest, remained incomprehensible.

Reflection: Soft music playing parents evaluate the parent meeting. Decision-making meetings.

3. Solving current issues.

4. Summing up.

Literature to prepare for assembly:

1. Belobrykina O. A. Speech and communication. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1998.

2. Novotvortseva N.V. Development of speech children: Didactic material on the development of children's speech in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1996.

3. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten, M., "Wako", 2014.

4. Internet materials.


Reminder for parents

"Golden Keys" from the secret door to the world of reading"

For a child to speak well, it is necessary to talk: this is how oral speech samples are set.

In order for a child to learn to be attentive, he needs to read stories and fairy tales: so the perceptions of the word are set.

For a book to be perceived as a necessary element of life, it must live in the house and be in demand. adults: this is how patterns of a certain lifestyle are set.

Talents are brought up by books and encouragement.

Parents great people did not impose books on children - they surrounded children with them from childhood.

"Secrets of Successful Development of Children's Speech"

1. As a general rule, the more you talk to your child, the more he will learn.

2. Continue and complete what the child has said - make his sentences common.

3. Never correct a child's speech. Just repeat the same phrase is correct.

4. Make sure your child has new experiences to talk about.

5. Encourage your child to ask questions and never leave them unanswered.

6. Do not interrupt the child, do not turn away until the child finishes talking - in other words, do not let anyone suspect that you are not interested in what he is talking about.

7. Let the child sort through cereals, play with buttons, small toys - this develops fingers, and therefore speech.

8. Draw children's attention to sounds and noises from the street, from another room, from the kitchen. It develops phonemic (speech) hearing.

9. Limit the amount of time you watch TV. It is better to watch TV with your child and discuss with him his impressions of what he saw.

10. Read fiction with your child - this teaches the child to listen, be diligent, talk about what you read.

11. Do not criticize the child even in private, especially if you do not do it in the presence of strangers.

12. Do not compare your child with other children.

13. Play different games with your child.

Parent meeting in the younger group (non-traditional work with parents)


Purpose: To create an emotionally positive mood for the joint work of the preschool educational institution and parents.


Introduce parents to each other and to the teacher.

To acquaint parents with the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

Fill in the personal data of the families of the pupils.

- choice of parent committee.

Summing up the meeting.


1. Introduction

2. Training for acquaintance

3. Acquaintance with the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

5. About different things.

caregiver: -Good afternoon. I am glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have the firstParent meeting , where we will get to know each other, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what we have to learn during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what we will need to learn.

And today I want to start our meeting with a comic poem

"They took the butuz to the garden"

They took the butuz to the garden -

Mom is happy, dad is happy:

Nobody bothers them

Do this, do that!

Can sleep until 10

Don't go for a walk

Knife to forget in a conspicuous place

Drink coffee grams 200,

You can, not to the detriment of the tail

Get off the mezzanine cat!

You can chat with a friend for an hour,

You can bake cheesecakes for half a day,

You can lie in the bath

Or with a book on the couch,

Go to the market for cheese

And clean the whole apartment!

This is possible with a boot

It's just very, very difficult.

The hour has passed and 2 and 3

Something heavy inside.

Without a boot, the house is empty,

It's sad without a butuz in the house ...

Come on, dad, quickly into the garden

Bring the baby back!

And the whole house is shaking again...

Let's drive again tomorrow!

So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

During the child's stay in kindergarten, we(children, teachers,parents ) make a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks?(fall down)That's right, it's going to fall! Remember Krylov's fable"Swan, crayfish and pike"Wheresays: "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, it will not work out for him, only flour!" Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live alone, I hope a friendly family. And first you need to get to know each other better.

training exercise"Glube".

The teacher holds a ball in his hands and offersroparentm to tell a little about themselves, about what they expect from the kindergarten, what wishes they would like to voice to the teachers. First, the teacher talks about himself, wraps a thread around his finger and passes it around. As a result, when the ball returns to the teacher, a vicious circle is obtained.

My name is Yulia Grigoryevna, I am the teacher of the first junior group, which is called "Berries".


Dearparents . Look, please, each of us is connected by a thread and not just a thread, but a thread that will bind us for 5 years. Our thread must be as strong as possible for the health and happiness of our children!We are like a big family, we have to work together. After all, we must not forget thatparent - this is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to helpparents .

We got to know each other and now, in a good mood, we turn to serious questions.

It is very important that you who loveparents were close to their children. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. Learning means teaching yourself. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandparents study together with the children.


Your child's entry into kindergarten is an important milestone in their life. It is accompanied by a change in his usual environment, daily routine, nutrition, meeting new children and adults, separation fromparents . The child needs to adapt to new conditions. Not all children are equally good at this.

The duration of the adaptation period and the nature of its course largely depend on the state of health of the child and his readiness for admission to a children's institution.


1. Parents must bring the child to kindergarten without delay(not later than 8.30 hours).

2. Parents , and other persons who, on their behalf, bring the child to kindergarten, must transfer the child to the educator; in the evening, when the children leave, the teacher is obliged to transfer the childparents or another adult(by proxy).

3. Bring the child in neat clothes, with a handkerchief, with a comb. Clothing and shoes should be appropriate for the size of the child, the season. Nails must be trimmed.

4. In adaptationgroups (during the quarantine period in allgroups ) teacher in the presenceparents daily measures the temperature, examines the pharynx, skin. Children with fever and obvious signs of SARS ingroup are not allowed .

5. When a child falls ill, they must inform the kindergarten about what he is ill with. Upon recovery of the child, a certificate is provided to the kindergarten no later than 12 hours.

6. Payment for kindergarten must be made before the 15th day of the current month.

7. It is mandatory to participate in the holdingparent meetings , consultations.

8. Parents can provide all possible assistance to the kindergarten in repairing furniture, toys, making manuals, repairing the kindergarten, and participating in landscaping activities.

9. A child should not miss kindergarten without a good reason(except quarantine, illness, vacation).

Dynamic pause:
- Wave to us those parents whose birthdays are in summer, winter.
-Change places those parents who came to the meeting in trousers.
- Sit down those parents who have other children in the family.
- Smile those parents who celebrate their birthday in the fall, spring.


The child should have the following cultural and hygienicskills:

. Eat a variety of foods on your own;

. Communicate your needs in a timely manner - ask to go to the toilet or use the potty;

. Wash hands with the help of adults, use a towel, handkerchief.

1. Before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to bring your child's home regime closer to the regime of a child care institution.

2. With staffgroups where your baby will go, you need to get acquainted in advance, tell about his habits, behavioral patterns.

3. It is better to place a child in a kindergarten during your vacation, because during the first week he should spend no more than two to three hours in kindergarten.

4. During the period of adaptation to new conditions, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the child's health and report them in a timely mannerkindergarten workers .

5. You can allow your child to take their favorite toy to kindergarten, it is better if it is well washed.

6. Learn to say goodbye to your child quickly, thus making it clear that you are confident in him and his ability to cope with himself. Don't drag out the breakup process. The child will feel your concern for him, and it will be even more difficult for him to calm down.

7. Never try to slip away unnoticed from a child if you want him to trust you.

8. Do not try to bribe the child, do not promise and do not buy him toys for agreeing to stay in kindergarten.

9. Make it clear to your child that no matter how tantrums he throws, he will still have to go to kindergarten. If you give in to him at least once, in the future it will be much more difficult for you to cope with his whims and tears.

10. Don't be surprised if you've already dealt with the problem, but it reappears after an illness or a long weekend when the child was at home for a long time. Remember that there is nothing wrong with the fear of separation, it only indicates that there is a close bond between you and the child.

11. Set your child up in a positive way.

12. Take home early at first, create a calm, child-friendly climate in the family.

13. Reduce stress on the nervoussystem: Stop attending crowded events and places for a while, cut down on TV viewing.

14. Play kindergarten at home. The role of the child can be played by the baby's favorite toy. In the game, the child will show what problems he faces in kindergarten, and you can offer him ways to solve them.

15. Be calm, do not show your anxiety in front of the child.

16. After kindergarten, take a walk with your child in the park, on the playground.

17. Give your child the opportunity to play outdoor games.

18. During evening dress, give the child the opportunity to play with water.

19. Stay calm, do not get angry at the child's disobedience.

20. Stroke the child before going to bed, give him a massage.

"Let's be friends with kids"

Do not spare time for children,

Look at the adults in them

stop fighting and getting angry

Try to befriend them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them up with your warmth

Let their home be their fortress.

Together with them try, search,

Talk about everything in the world

Always direct them invisibly

And help them in everything they do.

Learn to trust children -

Each step does not need to be checked,

Respect their opinion and advice,

Children are wise, don't forget.

Adults, rely on children

And love them with all your soul

In a way that is impossible to describe.

Then you won't lose your children!

The game "What is he - my child"

The task of the game is to determine how parents see their child. To do this, each of them outlines the contour of the hand, on the image of each finger writes the letter of the child's name. Then parents are invited to decipher the letters, name the qualities of the child's character that begin with this letter. In the center of the palm, you can depict a symbol of who he is in the family.

The palms are glued to the paper. Summing up:

Most often, positive characteristics are given, which allows you to see positive qualities in the child, thereby setting him up for success. Also, the game leads parents to certain conclusions about the formation of the child's personality.


--Filling in personal data.


Request (ask parents to make or sew cakes, vegetables, sausages for us, glue the boxes, bring empty jars or boxes to the hairdresser and hospital)

Outcomemeetings :

In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in kindergarten and inparent groups . It is necessary to make sure that the child in kindergarten is fun, good, interesting, that he is happy to go to kindergarten, be friends with the guys and return home happy.

we are good with youhave worked .


If you liked today's meeting and would like to take part in the next meeting, then take a piece of paper with a "sun" and write positive reviews, your favorite moments.

On the leaflet “cloud” - what you didn’t like, what you need to pay attention to.

Thank you! See you again.

Lyubov Smolyakova
Parent meeting in the second junior group "Let's get to know each other"

MADOU Dvurechensky kindergarten "Semitsvetik"

Parent meeting« Let's get acquainted» (second junior group)


teacher Smolyakova L.V.

Target: establishing contact between parents and teachers; modeling of interaction prospects.

Tasks: introduce with the difficulties of adapting the child to the preschool educational institution and give recommendations on this topic; introduce parents with the peculiarities of educational and educational work; call at parents the need for pedagogical knowledge.

Implementation plan:

1 Introduction. Acquaintance with parents.

2 Rules of our groups.

3 Adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution.

4 Filling questionnaires by parents.

5 General questions.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. At the entrance to group of parents invited to fill out a newspaper “We want our children to become…”.

Each is given a booklet. "Rules for parents» .

Caretaker 1: Expensive parents, grandparents of our children! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand: without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. What should our union be like, what can we, adults, do for children so that their life in group Was it fun and interesting? This will be discussed in detail at this meeting.

Caretaker 2: But first, it’s not for nothing that our meeting is called « Let's get acquainted, let's get to know each other better.

training exercise "Glube". The teacher holds a ball in his hands and offers parents to tell a little about themselves, about what they expect from the kindergarten, what wishes they would like to voice to the teachers. First, the teachers talk about themselves, wind a thread around their finger and pass it around. As a result, when the ball returns to the teacher, a vicious circle is obtained.

Educator1: Dear parents. Look, we are closely connected with you, and we solve the same problems. We are like a big family, we have to work together. After all, we must not forget that parent is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to help parents.

caregiver: First I want to tell you a little about our kindergarten. There are five in our garden groups. There is a sports and music room (one room). All kindergarten teachers are qualified. This academic year, narrow specialists should come to work for us - a speech therapist, a music worker, unfortunately the position of a psychologist is still vacant, as well as an instructor in physical education, but I think that we can handle this ourselves. Almost all groups, with the exception of preparatory groups work on the program "Birth to School". For the first time, we will begin to master this program together. By grid classes: once a week - familiarization with others; once a week - FEMP; once a week - development of speech; modeling, application, drawing; twice a week - music lesson; three times a week - physical education. In second half a day - once a week experimentation, reading fiction and construction. Each lesson is no more than 15 minutes.

We are with you met and now with a good mood we pass to serious questions.

It is very important that you who love parents were close to their children. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. Learning means teaching yourself. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandparents study together with the children.

Caretaker 1: Look at our wonderful newspaper. What parents expected from their children?

So that they become strong, smart, honest, healthy, inquisitive, etc.

Your dreams will come true if we work closely with you. We have set ourselves annual goals that are aimed at improving the health of children and the comprehensive development of the growing personality, and Also:

1) the formation of the components of the speech system of preschool children through the development of fine motor skills of the hands;

2) development of social and communicative competence of pupils through the organization of various types and forms of gaming activities.

Caretaker 2: Working with booklets. A conversation about the rules for parents

Rules of our groups.

Can you make a clap with one hand? Need second palm. Clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she was, without second palm(and it is in your face, dear parents) teacher is powerless. From this one can deduce the first rule:

1. Only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in raising children.

Take everything flower by color and color them. Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in shape and size. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two absolutely identical flowers? We, adults under the same conditions, do everything in different ways. From here our second rule:

2. Never compare your child to another! (more to see in the booklet)

We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called monitoring. We will do this in order to know how and what to do with it tomorrow. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in knowledge, but also in actions.

We will walk together and side by side for 4 years. We want to introduce such traditions.

Once a month parents organize entertainment for children: it can be a theatricalization of a fairy tale, or an invitation to visit fairy-tale characters - animators.

In October we celebrate "Birthday groups» where it is customary to organize a festive performance for children.

2. I want to start my speech with the words of a famous teacher

A. S. Makarenko “Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is a happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the old days.

Jr age is an important period in the development of a preschooler, which is characterized by a high intensity of physical and mental development. At this time, the child's transition to new relationships with adults, peers, and the objective world takes place. Psychologists pay attention to "crisis of three years", When junior preschooler, until recently so accommodating, begins to show intolerance towards the guardianship of an adult, the desire to insist on his demand, perseverance in the implementation of his goals. This indicates that the former type of relationship between an adult and a child should be changed in the direction of providing the preschooler with greater independence. If new relationships with the child do not add up, his initiative is not encouraged, independence is constantly limited, then whims, stubbornness, and obstinacy arise. (this does not happen in contact with peers)

Independence is a valuable quality that a person needs in life. It is necessary to educate him from early childhood. By nature, children are active, very often they tend to perform various activities on their own. And as adults, it is important to support them in this. Often, each of us, in response to an offer to do something for a child or help him with something, had to hear “I myself!” At this age, the child is aware of himself as a separate person, with his own desires and characteristics. The child is practically independent: can perform many actions without the help of an adult, learns self-service skills. And now let's take a look at the situation.

Situation for analysis

Three-year-old Ilyusha diligently puts on tights. Difficult task! Finally, after much effort, the tights are almost on, but. inside out. The kid, of course, does not notice this and continues to pull them on. The mother stops, as she says, “this aimless fuss”, with a quick movement, without hiding her irritation, she tries to put tights on the child. The kid picks up cry:

By myself, by myself, by myself! mother strictly speaks: - Sit quietly and do not be capricious! You don’t know how, but you shout “yourself”.


1. Did mom do the right thing? And why?

2. Do you have similar situations?

3. How do you get out of them?

Often for various reasons - due to lack of time, lack of confidence in the strength of the child - we strive to do everything for him ourselves.

But are we really helping the child?

How do you think?

Can a small child be independent?

It is important to note that in the childish expression “I myself” a desire for independence is manifested. In an effort to do everything for the child, adults cause him great harm, deprive him of independence, undermine his faith in his own strength, teach him to rely on others, children can grow up passive, lazy.

Example: The child tries to dress himself, but the mother does everything for him. He sighs heavily and speaks: “And I wanted it myself!”

Psychologists say: by the age of three, the child's desire for independence and independence from an adult increases sharply, both in actions and in desires. He has a strong desire to assert himself. In no case should these aspirations be suppressed - this leads to complications in the relationship between the child and the adult. The first of them is negativism, i.e. disobedience or unwillingness to follow the instructions of an adult, and the desire to do the opposite. Then - stubbornness, the child will insist on his own simply because he demanded it. Obstinacy or self-will may also appear in the child’s behavior (the child wants to do everything himself, refusing the help of adults, there are such phenomena as rebellion against others (conflict with others, constantly quarrels, behaves aggressively).

Thus, the suppression of children's independence can have a serious negative impact on the development of the child's personality.

Have you experienced similar manifestations?

How did you get out of such situations?

When developing independence skills in children, we often encounter that the child cannot or does not cope with the proposed task. How to act in such situations?

situation for analysis.

Having learned to clean up after himself after eating, Gena began to push the chair, but his leg caught on the leg of the table. Gena did not make any effort, he refused a small but necessary effort and immediately abandoned his intention. When his mother reminded him to push the chair back, the boy whinedly declared: "It does not work!"

What action should adults take? So, children strive for independence.

What can they do on their own? younger age?

Let's let's try together to determine the list of actions that our children can perform (discussion with parents) :

Wash hands by rolling up sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap properly do not wet clothes; dry with a towel, without a reminder to hang it in the allotted place.

dress and undress in a specific sequences: remove clothes, fold, hang, turn inside out; put on clothes, unfasten buttons, fasten, tie shoelaces.

Notice the mess in clothes and fix it yourself or seek help from an adult.

Timely use a handkerchief, toilet.

Drink from a cup; eat, chewing food well, with a closed mouth.

Proper use of a spoon, fork, napkin.

Remove toys, books, building materials in a certain place.

Of course, the child does not immediately acquire the necessary skills, he needs our help, the creation of the necessary conditions for the manifestation of independence, to correctly guide the actions of children and be sure to praise, praise for the slightest manifestation of independence.

Caretaker 2: There are many ways for educators to communicate and parents through folding screens, consultations, magazines, library, memos for parents. IN parental information will be placed for you in the corner, after reading which you will learn what to do with your child at home, how to cope with whims and much more.

3. Adaptation period in kindergarten.

With the admission of a child of 3-4 years of age to a preschool institution, a lot of things happen in his life. changes: strict daily routine, no parents for 9 or more hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a new room that hides a lot of the unknown, and therefore dangerous, a different style of communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions (whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses). These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from a familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution.

The initial period of attending kindergarten is very difficult for children. To facilitate the adaptation process, it is important to pay special attention to the child during this period and prepare him for visiting kindergarten in advance.

Children behave during this period differently: some cry inconsolably, others refuse to communicate with the children and the teacher, others react quite calmly.

There are three degrees of severity of the adaptation period:

easy adaptation - the child is active, there are no external changes, shifts in behavior are normalized within 1-2 weeks;

adaptation of moderate severity - during the entire period, the mood may be unstable, there may be a lack of appetite, short restlessness of sleep. This period lasts 20 - 40 days.

heavy adaptation - lasts from 2 to 6 months. The child gets sick, loses weight, pathological habits: nail biting, thumb sucking. There is persistent enuresis.

We all need to go through this. (for adults) this is the time to do the right thing.

Separation of a child from home, from relatives, from familiar conditions is a strong stress. After all, the baby accepts this situation as a deprivation parental love, protection and attention. Therefore, it is very important to make a smooth transition from family to kindergarten.

The first days or even weeks can be difficult - the child may refuse to "kindergarten" food, sleep poorly during the day, get very tired, cry a lot, look lethargic and depressed ... The natural feelings of any mother are pity, compassion and, perhaps, even guilt for the suffering caused.

Mom's heart breaks at the sound of desperate crying of a child. Especially when this cry accompanies her every morning for several weeks and sounds in her memory all day. You have to go through this if you really need a kindergarten, otherwise you should not start! Leaving - leave. Do not poison your soul by watching the site from behind the fence or eavesdropping under the door.

By the way, children most often quickly calm down immediately after the mother disappears from sight.

Teach your child to kindergarten gradually. At first, you will have to leave the child in the garden for only a few hours. Pick up before lunch. Gradually, this interval will increase. Then you can leave the baby for lunch and pick up before going to bed for an hour. And so gradually, if there are no complications, after 1-2 weeks it will be possible to switch to the usual mode.

Try to bring your home routine closer to the garden one and follow it even on weekends. Home mode, close to kindergarten, is already half the success, because it's physiology (softly adjust the child's biological clock) and the well-being of the baby, and, accordingly, the mood.

Many mothers, out of disorganization and laziness, bring their children not to 8.00, as recommended, but directly to breakfast (9.30, or even after it. "He still won't eat" mothers say. And because he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t have time. And he also feels that he can manipulate and set his own rules, and then we will go to school not for the first lesson, but for the third, and always skip a couple at the institute, and be late for work, etc. In kindergarten, always in the morning exercises are carried out (kids love to jump to cheerful music with friends so much, children change clothes and wash their hands together, because the garden is a team!

There are situations when your baby calmly gets used and in a good mood already remains in the garden without you. And then a newcomer comes in and starts crying. Your child may become frightened and refuse to go to kindergarten. Explain that the baby has recently started going to kindergarten, he needs help: “After all, you are already an adult, and a beginner needs your support”.

The adaptation period is not the easiest in your life and the life of your baby. You will surely worry, and he will certainly miss his mother. Everything will get better with time. And it is in your power to make sure that the first track of your crumbs is not too bumpy.

4 Filling questionnaires by parents.

On assembly the following solutions:

Create comfortable conditions for the educational process during second junior group.

Take an active part in life groups and kindergarten.

Caretaker 1: Your desire to help us in the upbringing and organization of an interesting life for children makes it possible to hope that no one will be left behind. This will help us a lot. parental committee.

Choice parental committee and creative groups.

In conclusion, I want say: “Children are happiness created by our work!” and wish each other success in our difficult work. Thank you for your attention.

Abstract of the parent meeting in kindergarten. Junior group. Topic: "We protect health from childhood or ten commandments of health"

The plot of the meeting is based on the book by Olga Koroleva "We take care of health from childhood, or 10 commandments of health"
Description: Everyone knows that the foundations of a child's health are laid in the family, habits are formed in the family. A positive example of parents in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important, therefore it is necessary to purposefully and systematically work to increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the topic of healthy lifestyles, starting from the younger group of kindergarten. This summary will be of interest to teachers and parents who are striving to preserve and strengthen the health of children, as well as for those who are interested in the topic of educating cultural and hygienic skills and shaping ideas about a healthy lifestyle for children of preschool and younger than school age.
It is advisable to hold the meeting in the second half of the academic year, around the end of February - beginning of March. By this time, teachers will be able to accumulate enough rich material on the health of children in kindergarten to make a presentation for parents on the topic of the meeting. I am not posting the presentation, as it contains many photographs of children. I illustrate the work with a photograph of the "Health Flower" and pictures, many of which I used to design the presentation.
Target: uniting the efforts of parents and teachers to preserve and improve the health of children
Tasks: Contribute to increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the topic of healthy lifestyle, by expanding their knowledge and understanding of the issues of raising a healthy child.
To form in parents the motivation for the conscious implementation of the rules of health saving; responsible attitude to their health and the health of their children, the use of adequate means of improving children.
To promote the establishment of close contact with the families of pupils, the formation of parents' trust in a preschool institution.
Conduct form: round table
Members: parents, educators, nurse of preschool educational institution.
Location: music hall.
Plan of the event:
Introductory part:
- blitz survey
- health legend
Main part: round table on the topic of the meeting
- "Wash your hands" game
- workshop "Daily preventive massage"
Final part:
- decision of the parent meeting,
- reflection.
Event progress
Preparatory stage.
1. Selection of information on the topic of the meeting.
2. A piggy bank of photographic materials on the topic "Health saving in kindergarten."
3. Design of information stands for parents on the topic of healthy lifestyle.
4. Questioning of parents.
5. Making a presentation on the topic of the meeting: using photographs of the group: children in different activities.
6. Registration and delivery of individual invitations to parents.
7. Making cards "Code of honor of the family" for each family in the group.
8. Conducting a survey of children: “What is more pleasant for you: to be sick or to be healthy?” “What should I do to not get sick, to be healthy?”

organizational stage.
Preparation of the venue for the meeting and the necessary equipment: a layout of the “Flower of Health” (middle - title: “Commandments of Health”, colored petals 10 pieces on each printed commandment of health, glue sticks;
cards with numbers from 1 to 6 and from 8 to 10 in a beautiful tight bag; bright ball;
laptop with speakers, multimedia device, screen, multi-colored markers, two black markers.
Making a photo exhibition in the group: "We raise a healthy child"

It is very important to teach a child to wake up and fall asleep, eat, play, walk at the same time.
Particular attention should be paid to proper sleep (timely falling asleep - no later than 21.00 - 22.00, the minimum duration of sleep is 8-10 hours).
All this instills a sense of security, confidence and stability.
This teaches the child to distribute and maintain physical and mental strength during the day, making him more calm and positive.
(parents express their opinion on the importance of this commandment)

Educator: Commandment 2. We regulate the load.
Parents read the commandment: It is very important to regulate both physical activity, as well as emotional and intellectual. In other words, live under the motto "Time for business - hour for fun." It is necessary to regulate the viewing of TV programs both in time (no more than 30-60 minutes) and in content (in the evening, exciting topics should be avoided).
Loss of attention, whims, tantrums, refusal of activity, disinhibition are a signal of overload. At the first sign of these manifestations, one should stop or reduce the intensity of activity or communication.

Exceeding even emotionally positive loads (noisy exciting games, intense joyful communication) can lead to overload and, as a result, to negative results. If measures are not taken in time and the load of the child is not stopped, this condition may be followed by exhaustion, malaise, hysteria, and possibly illness.

Educator: Commandment 3. Fresh air.
I'm walking down the street
I breathe fresh air.
What I saw, what I know
At least I'll tell you now.
Mom and dad walk side by side
Both are looking at me.
This is happiness when together:
The whole family is on a walk.

Parents read the commandment: Fresh air is simply necessary for a child's developing brain! The lack of oxygen leads to a significant deterioration in well-being. In an unventilated, stuffy room, a child cannot be in an active, cheerful state, and even more so, perform any tasks that require concentration.
Lack of oxygen leads to rapid fatigue and exhaustion. For good health and successful activities, the child needs to stay in the open, fresh air for at least 2 hours a day and in a ventilated room during sleep.
Daily walks are an effective method of hardening a child.
The need of a growing organism for oxygen is more than 2 times higher than its need in adults.
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 4. Motor activity.
I propose to shake things up, stand up and run in place to the rhythmic poem by A. Maltsev "Running Man"
I enjoy running
Run, run, run!
I barely touch the ground
Like I'm flying!
free movement,
I can breathe easy!
In a great mood
I run far.
The horizon is looming for me
And the sun from above
Wishing me luck
Pours warm rays!
And fills with strength
Me magical run.
How happy I am
Running Man!

Parents read out the commandment: Movement is the natural state of the child. Let your child walk, play outdoor games, run, jump, climb, swim as much as possible. This is very important for the full activity of the brain, and, consequently, the whole body of the child.
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 5. Physical culture.
Parents read the commandment: Systematic physical education strengthens not only physical health, but also the psyche of the child, positively affects his character, contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities, self-confidence, responsibility, and the ability to make friends.
The arsenal of types of physical culture is very wide: morning exercises, physical minutes, breathing exercises, gymnastics after a daytime sleep, gymnastics for the eyes, sports sections. The main thing is that the child likes the chosen type of physical culture, that he does it with pleasure.

Only what is formed in the family can take root in a child, which means that the basis of success is a personal example of an authoritative adult for the child - the parent.
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 6. Water procedures.
Parents read the commandment: The importance of water procedures for human health has long been known and confirmed by centuries of experience. They are very useful for health, well-being, good mood. You can choose any type of water procedures suitable for the child or alternate different types.
Pouring in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime with cool or cold water.
- Contrast shower, contrast baths for hands and feet (3-7 contrasts, starting with warm or hot water and ending with cold, the duration of a warm or hot shower is 2 times longer than a cold one).
- Wiping with a wet towel, extensive washing.

Educator: Let's talk about washing in more detail:
We all want our children to grow up strong, healthy and beautiful.
A habit is an action that a person performs as if automatically. One of the most important habits for maintaining and promoting health is the ability to properly wash your hands.
I suggest you wash your hands now.
Game "Wash your hands"
o What is the first action? Roll up sleeves. Who does not roll up the sleeve, he will not receive water.
o Then open the tap: we know, we know, yes, yes, yes, where the water is hiding.
o Wet hands, if hands are dirty, wash off dirt without soap,
o We take soap with wet hands, lather: one-two-three - put the soap. From simple water and soap, microbes lose their strength.
o We rub the soap on the palms, make a lush foam, fluffy gloves.
o Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
o Squeeze drops of water into the sink, then gently wipe with a towel.
o We wipe each finger, we don’t forget a single one.

Most importantly, let your child enjoy this procedure. And you rejoice with him!
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 7. Simple acupressure techniques.
With your permission, the nurse will read this commandment. Massage of biologically active points located in the area of ​​the nose, eyes, ears, temples, on the fingers and toes, on the hands, on the soles, by pressing, rubbing linear and rotational movements is an excellent means of improving and regulating the activity of all body systems. Thus, it normalizes the work of all organs and systems, including the psyche.
For children, self-massage is the prevention of colds, vegetative dystonia. If massage is done systematically, energy is accumulated, the body's resistance to various diseases is strengthened. The reliability of the massage technique has been tested by time - it has existed for several centuries, even if you do not immediately find the right point and massage the adjacent area, there will be no harm. But precautions should be taken in this case too. Do not press very hard on the point, do not massage damaged areas: scratches, cuts). To properly massage, you need to press on the point (no longer than a second), release it, press again - and “drum” in this way on the point for one minute. It does not matter how you hold your finger - perpendicular or at an angle to the point, the main thing is that you and the child are comfortable. I propose to perform a complex of self-massage, which educators perform daily in a group with children:

Workshop "Daily complex of self-massage".
"We build a house" We build, we build, we build a house, with the thumbs of both hands, vigorously rub the wings of the nose, up to the forehead
and with a window pointing finger at the tip of the nose
and with a pipe with the thumb vigorously rub the forehead from top to bottom, from bottom to top,
smoke comes out of the chimney with the thumb, vigorously rub the forehead from left to right, from right to left,
eyebrows plucked;
Note: During periods of acute respiratory infections and influenza, it is advisable to massage these points every 30 minutes, alternating them with inhalations, nasal lavages and other procedures.
knocked on the nose index fingers "knock" on the wings of the nose, pronouncing the sound "mmm"
"Prickle": "I will prick you children" index and thumb, prick the nasal septum
"No no no,", prick a point under the nose
"No no no,", prick a point under the lower lip,
"Kitty": "meow, meow" with soft palms massage the neck in front
"Wake up the bones" vigorously rub the jugular fossa
"Good morning, bones, it's time to get up!" "We do not want!" "Necessary!" “drum” with fists on the sternum, massaging the point of immunity
"Red Ear Parade" vigorously rub the ears until red
"Donkey" pull the ears down by the lobes
"Bunny" pull ears up
"Monkeys" pull the ears back
"Cheburashka" pull ears to the side
"Monkey" pull ears forward
"Butterfly" flapping ears lightly
"Elephant" four fingers behind the ears and slowly flap the ears
The middle finger tapped on the goats"Dumplings ready?"
Note: When exposed to these points, noise and pain in the ears are reduced, hearing is strengthened, dizziness disappears, and the activity of all organs and systems is normalized.
"Pinch dumplings" pinch the edges of the ears like dumplings, from the bottom up
"Cleaning the ears" with the index finger, carefully wash the ears from the inside, washing all the pits
"Fork", with the index finger behind the ear, with the middle finger in front we rub the ears
"Clap for joy" clapping hands on the ears
"Shake off the water" little finger "shake some water from the ears
"Ears patted"
“Caterpillar” fingers “ran”, along the hands, starting from the hands to the neck, we stroke the back of the neck, head and sentence,
Boys:"I'm a good fellow, I'm a daredevil, I'm strong, I'm brave, I'm dexterous, I'm skillful"
Girls:"I'm smart, I'm smart, I'm good, I'm handsome, I'm kind, I'm gentle, I'm sweet, I'm loved."

Educator: Commandment 8. Warm, friendly, psychological climate of the family.
Why do we call our childhood golden?
Because we play, have fun and play pranks.
Because the family surrounds us with care,
Because our family and friends adore us!

Parents read the commandment: The environment in which a child is brought up, the psychological climate in the family have a huge impact on the state of physical and mental health of the child. In a comfortable situation, the development of the child is faster and more harmonious. He absorbs everything positive that surrounds him. And this makes him a strong, happy and self-confident person.
And vice versa, if a child grows up in an unfavorable environment, where there is aggression, irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, he becomes infected with these negative emotions and feelings, which leads to disorders in his health and, consequently, to a developmental delay.

Educator: In order for your child to grow up healthy and happy, it is proposed to establish a code of honor in the family,
Pass each other cards with the text of the code. I invite everyone to read aloud together the code of honor, which proclaims the following:
Parents and teachers read together code of honor:
- Positive, friendly mood of all family members;
- Smooth, calm tone in the process of communication in the family;
- Unity of requirements to the child from all family members in all situations;
- Mandatory encouragement of the child with minimal success and even in their absence, if the child has tried;
- Whenever possible, physical contact with the child (stroke, take the hand) and visual contact (look the child in the eye, preferably at the same level with him, that is, sit down);
- Organization of joint activities with the child (as often as possible).
Remember: A hug is an ideal gift for all occasions, useful for everyone, especially a child.
- Try not to refuse to communicate with the child!
Set a family ban:
- on violent negative (and even positive) emotions, especially in the evening, before going to bed; to a cry, to irritation;
- to a punishment that is incomprehensible to the child (especially in harsh forms); to aggression and anger.

Parents continue to read the commandment: The wisdom of education lies in maintaining a balance between prohibitions and permissions. Prohibitions should be few and they should be unambiguous and permanent. In most situations, it is necessary to avoid the word “no”, you should give the child the correct program of behavior (you don’t need to say “don’t run”, you need to say “let's go step by step”).
At the same time, there should be no permissiveness. Restrictions educate the will and the ability to regulate one's desires and actions, thus they train the brain.
Strive to be wise in raising your child! By positively communicating with the child, you charge him with energy. Your negativity (yelling, irritation) destroys the fragile psyche of the child, therefore, weakens his health.
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 9. Creativity.
Parents read the commandment: Children are creators. Adults only need to create conditions for their creative activity. In creativity, a child can express himself: his thoughts, feelings, emotions. Through creativity, the child comprehends the beautiful, the harmony of the world.

Help your child to see the beauty in the world, fall in love with beauty and support his desire to create. There are various activities for this:
- drawing (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, cotton swabs, etc.);
- modeling (plasticine, clay, dough);
- making paper crafts;
- listening to classical and children's music, sounds of nature;
- music and singing lessons.
All this makes it possible for emotional expression, teaches the child to love work, to be proud of himself.
(parents give their opinion)

Educator: Commandment 10. Food.
Parents read the commandment: Children need a balanced diet for full growth and development. In organizing the nutrition of a child, one should follow simple, but very important rules:
1. Nutrition according to the regimen (work out a habit in your child - eat at strictly defined hours);
2. For cooking, use only natural products rich in vitamins and minerals (especially in autumn).
3. Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your child's diet, especially in the spring;
4. Nutrition should be balanced (food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
5. Every day there should be fruits and vegetables on the table;
6. A child's appetite often depends on the appearance of the food.
The kid will eat with great pleasure if you creatively design the dish, creating any recognizable figures from the products.
It is important to remember that sometimes children want this or that food because it is the need of their body.

Educator: all the commandments have been read, it remains to collect the “Flower of Health”. We glue the petals with the commandments onto the finished layout using glue sticks.

Final part.
Educator: Summing up, I would like to hear your opinions: how the decision of our parent meeting will sound.
(parents give their opinion)

Parent meeting solution:

1. Use the information received at the parent meeting to maintain and improve the health of children.
2. Introduce a healthy lifestyle in every family.
3. On weekends, together with the children, perform a complex of morning exercises and preventive massage of the “magic points”.
4. On weekends, be sure to go for a walk with your children at least twice a day. Give the child the opportunity to move more during the walk, play outdoor games.
5. Follow the code of honor of the family.
6. Think over a home menu for children, following the basic rules of nutrition.
7. Replenish the subject-developing environment of the group with non-standard hand-made physical culture equipment.
Reflection I propose to express your opinion on the work of the parent meeting by drawing a checkmark on the board. If the information was useful to you, draw a tick with a bright marker; if you are dissatisfied with the work of the meeting, draw a checkmark with a black marker.
Educator: In conclusion, I would like to once again recall the common truth: if you, the parents, are the first educators of your baby, teach him to appreciate, protect and strengthen his health from a very early age. If your kids see your personal example of a healthy lifestyle every day, the result will not be long in coming: children will grow up healthy and developed physically, intellectually and spiritually.
We, educators and other employees of the kindergarten, just like you, want to see children healthy, cheerful, well developed physically. Let's solve this problem together. Be healthy! I wish you success!
Parent meeting in the 1st junior group. Abstract

Olesya Didenko
Plan of parent meetings in the second junior group


parent meetings for

in the 2nd junior

group number 4


Didenko O. Yu.

Mozhaisk 2014


1. Making a corner for parents: tips and tricks, training schedule, daily routine

2. Consultation on the topic: "Crisis of three years"

3. Open day "Acquaintance parents with group life» (display group and bedroom, washroom)

4. Daily conversations about food, sleep, children's games, what parents should pay attention to the success in the classroom.

5. Conversation about the need to fulfill the daily routine at home.

6. Parent meeting.

Subject: "Game as the main activity of a preschool child"

Choice parent committee

Acquaintance parents with ventilation schedule

About Miscellaneous

1. group consultation on topic: "About why", "What to do with why"

2. Clamshell Folder Design "Our childhood is golden"

3. Visiting the family in order to find out in what order the toys and benefits are kept, who looks after them, what duties the child has at home.

4. Daily conversations about nutrition, sleep, children's regimen.

1. Attract parents to assist in the manufacture of feeders for wintering birds

3. Consultation on the topic: "If a child hits others"

4. Legal lecture "Duties and rights parents for raising children»

5. Conversation about the causes of whims of children

6. Stand design "I myself" (photos depicting the work of children in self-service)

1. Consultation on the topic: “What knowledge about quantity should a child of 3-4 years old have”

2. Making a corner for parents"Welcome to Winter"

3. Making an invitation for parents for the New Year's holiday in the form of a Christmas tree

4. Joint holiday "New Year's Eve"

5. Visiting the family to find out how the child's daily routine is observed at home

6. Thematic exhibition "Baby mode at home"

1. Dad consultation "A man starts with a boy"

2. Daily conversations with parents about nutrition, sleep, games of children.

3. Parent meeting on the topic:

"Role parents in child development»

Analysis of psychological situations

About Miscellaneous

4. Design of the exhibition for the Defender of the Fatherland Day



Crafts and drawings for dads

5. Design of the stand "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian

people about the family and family education "

1. Making a slide folder "My mom is the most beautiful"

2. Making a monthly bulletin:

Announcements, requests, information

What will be group practice this month

Helpful Hints

3. Holding together with holiday parents"Our dear mothers"

4. Clamshell Folder Design "Spring comes into its own"

5. Evening of questions and answers (per month parents in writing, they draw up questions that concern them, lower them into a specially prepared box)

Questions answered by the head of the kindergarten, educators, nurse, music worker

Parents solve pedagogical problems proposed by the educator

1. Consultation on the topic: “Caring for a sick child at home. On the prevention of infectious diseases»

2. Thematic exhibition "About vitamins"

3. Visiting the family in order to find out if he has systematic labor duties in the family, their content and orientation in relation to family members.

4. A conversation about the behavior of the child, that he does not immediately respond to the call, request

1. Final Parent meeting

Subject: "The success of our groups"

Sharing the experience of family education

“What our children have learned in a year”

2. Open session for parents in math

3. Design of a thematic stand How do we relax in summer?

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