Since what age, the child starts talking. What time is the child began to say: exemplary speech development rates

It should be understood that it does not spontaneously. The first conscious words and suggestions are preceded by several so-called preparatory stages.

Stages of development of speech

Already from the very first days after the appearance of the crumbs, the initial voice reactions appear, namely, crying and cry. Of course, they are still very far from the usual speech, but these are important processes that allow you to develop respiratory, articulation and voice apparatus. Already after 2 weeks, the baby begins to respond to speaking voices, listen when they talk to him. And from 2-3 months, the children appears characteristic (the sounds of the type "AAA", "AGU", "GKC" and others). To six months, the kids continue to "play" with sounds in this way, and already by the 7-8-monthly age they appear the ability to imitate the sounds that pronounce adults ("Ma-Ma-Ma", "Tea-te -ha", "Pa -pas ", etc.). This means that the moment when the child will begin to speak, not around the corner.

What depends on when a child speaks?

It should be understood that all kids are developing individually, and a single answer to the question of when a child will begin to speak, simply does not exist. However, it is noticed that reasonable kids who prefer calm games surrounded by toys, begin to speak a little earlier. And fidgets, seeking to study the whole world around themselves, touch everything and taste, just do not have time to learn and talk - their life is already full of bright impressions.

On average, girls first pronounce the first words, and the boys comes this moment later for several weeks. However, everything is here, again, relatively.

When the child starts talking, also depends on the attitude towards him in the family. If you constantly patch all his desires, you think for him a few steps forward, I'll just not talk incentive - he will not get everything he wants. The intense relationship between relatives and the depressing situation in the house also negatively affect becomes unlikely and closed.

On average, basic vocabulary should form at the kid to 15-18 months. But if at the age of 2-3 years, the baby loves and struggles only some words with difficulty, it is better to turn to doctors who will help identify the cause of such a delay. Maybe he bothers him to speak, or weak hearing.

How to help your child start talking?

Of course, until the moment, suggestions are still far away. But it is possible to bring this time closer if you help the kid to master what to do for this?

Keep patience - and very soon in your family life will come that amazing moment when the child starts talking. Komarovsky, as well as many other well-deserved pediatricians of our country, do not get tired of repeating, which is important - allow the baby to develop and not put pressure on it. Even if the crumb does not speak at the time when all peers are already learn to fold words into whole phrases, most likely, at this time he simply develops other areas of thinking and activity, and therefore there are no reasons for concern!

Good day! When a child begins to talk, interests almost all responsible parents. Someone has a child who speaks full-fledged words per year, and some children and in 2-2.5 years old can not speak. Pediatricians, neurologists and speech therapists will not give you a clear answer to the timing when the child should speak, because it is an individual development of every human body. There are average norms (or rather statistics), on which it can be concluded that children begin to speak aged 2.5-3 years.

Stages of formation of speech

  • Passive accumulation of words. The child's speech is formed from birth. First, the baby listens to mom and dad and forms the so-called passive vocabulary. It is very important at this stage to talk a lot with the child, read books for the relevant age, play, sing. It seems that the kid is still very small and does not understand anything, but it is not true. It is now that the passive vocabulary of the child should be actively replenished.
  • Active accumulation of words. At this stage, the child begins to reproduce words. First, it will be sounds, children's bow, then syllables and full-fledged first words will appear. At this stage of the formation of speech, it is necessary to continue to engage with the child: books, laying plasticine, communicating with peers and so on.

At what age does the child say the first words?

First you need to figure out what the "first word" is. If we talk about the child under the age of 7-8 months, then for the first word, "AGU", "Ma-Ma Ma" will completely come. Consciously pronounce the word "mother" or "dad" a child can aged after 1 year (""). And it will not just bow the syllables, but an informed appeal to a particular person.

Below I will give a table of approximate timing of speech development:

The age of the child Skills
Up to 3 months Sounds like "AAA", "GUU", "VA" begin to appear
4 - 5 months Laughter, Vizg.
6 months The first words "Ma", "Ba", "Pa" appear
7 - 8 months The child understands the meanings of many words and performs simple requests to "bring the ball", "give hand." The stock of consonants and vowels is expanding. The sounds of animals "Gav-Gav", "Muuu", "Ko-Ko" appear. The baby learns objects by name and seeks them with a look.
9 - 11 months Simple words "Mom", "Baba", "Uncle", "Dai" and so on.
1 - 1.5 years Vocabulary consists of about 20 words. A child may at the request of an adult to show in the picture of animals, plants, objects.
2 - 3 years The child understands simple questions, can independently pronounce the word with question intonation. Performs more complex requests "Take a bear and put it on a chair." He knows and calls all its parts of the body surrounding objects. Vocabulary is expanding to 100 words. Understands the meaning of the words "top", "bottom", "big", "small and so on.
34 years Simple answers to questions "Who? What? Where?". Build offers from 4 or more words. Actively communicates with the surrounding people.

Before running the doctors and panicing about the child, it is necessary to figure out: the child does not know how to talk or just be lazy to pronounce words, but everything understands? If your baby tries to speak in an incomprehensible language, from his mouth an inexpressible pushing and sounds, he understands and fulfills your requests - there is no reason to worry. The child is not stupid, develops, but still his nervous system has not matured to reproduce full-fledged words, and even more suggestions.

If a child has obvious deviations in development, he is constantly silent, does not understand what you are talking about and is very different from the peers, it can be seen. And, most likely, such a child is registered with the neurologist.

Possible causes of the child's reluctance to talk:

  • Poorly developed petty motor skills. It has long been proven that small motility affects the brain section, which is responsible for the speech of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fine motility of the fingers using games, classes that can organize any caring mom. For example, laying plasticine, shifting beans from one container to another, fastening clothespins on the cardboard. Options mass!
  • Family members talk in several languages. In such a team, the child has to be very difficult. It is confused in words and long can not build suggestions.
  • Hyperopka parents. If the mother and dad understand the child with a half-one, one by one just look, then why strain something to explain and talk?
  • Lack of attention and communication. As a rule, children under 2 years old do not attend kindergartens and are constantly next to mom or nanny. The child is simply not talking to anyone. But the children's team especially stimulates the need to communicate, the child wants to repeat the surrounding.
  • Stress. If in the family conflicts, quarrels, the child closes in itself, it is constantly in stressful state.

How to quickly teach a child to talk?

  • Constantly talk. The child must hear around him. Let it be your monologue, or communicating with his spouse, it is not so important. If children grow in silence, then they start talking later.
  • Constantly interest the child. New impressions stimulate the development of speech. Tell your child about everything you see: about the sun and why there is no one at night, about rain, about flowers and insects. Freeze the package with water in the freezer and tell why the water turned into ice.
  • Read books. Children love to listen like a mom reads, consider colorful illustrations. Try to read with an expression, with intonation. Children love to listen to the same poems and fairy tales several times.
  • Take time music, dancing, sing songs.
  • Do not make the child talk for force. Thus, you will simply break the whole interest in speech. Encourage any attempt to repeat the new word.
  • It is impossible to talk to the "baby" language. If the child says "Ko-Ko", then you, in turn, say that this is a chicken. Property words clearly and slowly.

VRR - speech development delay

Unfortunately, now more and more often put children a diagnosis "VIR". The following facts may indicate such a delay in development:

  • The child speaks very insensitive
  • Hyperactivity, and sometimes inadequate behavior
  • Active failure to communicate (protest)
  • The child does not know how to chew food well
  • There is no visual contact with the surrounding people
  • Constantly open Roth

If something from the listed you is very bothering, then contact your specialists and start doing your child. The earlier to start classes, the faster you will achieve the desired result.

Speech development classes with a child must be done daily. The more effort to attach now, the faster you get the result! When a child begins to talk and his speech is becoming more beautiful every day - this is a reward parents!

Good luck to you!

When should a child start talking?

In 1 year, the child should utter about 10 light words and know the names of 200 items (a cup, bed, teddy bear, mom, walk, swim, etc. Casual objects and actions). The child should understand the addressed to him and react to it. On the words "Where is the bear?" - Turn your head to Mishke, and at the request "give a hand" - to stretch your hand.

In 2 years, the child must build phrases and short sentences, use adjectives and pronouns, vocabulary at this age increases to 50 words (this is at the bottom of the norm), as a rule, specialists want to hear at least 100 words from the child.

In 2 and a half years, the child should build complex proposals using about 200-300 words, correctly pronounced all the letters, except "L", "P" and hissing, ask questions "Where?", "Where?". The child should know his name, distinguish between relatives, depict portable voices of the main animals and birds. The adjectives appear in the speech - big, tall, beautiful, hot, etc.

In 3 years, the child must speak proposals combined in meaning, to use all pronoun use, actively use adjectives and adjectives (far, early, hot, etc.). From the point of view of a non-specialist, it is easy to identify that three-year problems with speech as follows - let your baby listen to an unfamiliar man. If he understands 75% of what was said to your cloth, and there is a simple dialogue between the adult and the child, then everything is in order. The speech of the child in 3 years should be changed by childbirth, numbers. That is, if the question "Do you want a candy?" The child replies "Want" instead of "want" - this is already a deviation in development.

Where is the border between the individual features of development and lagging?

We reassure the superfluous parents and grandmothers. Frames that are taken into account by the norms of development are quite flexible. If your baby speaks no 10 words a year, and 7, then you should not beat the alarm. The oscillations towards a little earlier or a little later are permissible within 2-3 months. And for boys, there may be a lag from girls for 4-5 months.

Outows believe that there is a certain zone, the brain area responsible for the development of speech. In reality, it is formed only with the agreed work of both hemispheres of the brain. For full and timely speech development, it is necessary that harmoniously developed as the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the emotional-shaped sphere, spatial thinking and intuition and the left hemisphere responsible for rationally logical thinking. Boys have a bundle of nerve fibers connecting both hemispheres, thinner than girls, and develops slower. Therefore, it happens that the exchange of information between the hemispheres is difficult, because of which the boys are harder to inhabit their idea of \u200b\u200bgrammatically correct statements. If there are no brain and mental abnormalities in development, with an early little lag in speech development, the boy with the help of specialists will overcome it. Moreover, it is men who have a more developed figurative speech, which is why writers and male poets are an order of magnitude more than women.

At the same time, it is worth warning the parents of boys, which cannot be launched the situation, and if the deviation from the norm is significantly, be sure to beat the alarm. In connection with the gender characteristics of development, it is among the boys a percentage of deviations in speech and psychorette development. We give a few examples. Among the boys stuttering children are twice as long than girls. Among the suffering of Alalia (almost a complete lack of speech with a stored hearing) - boys are three times more, and the same number of children with dysarthria (when a child has difficulty pronouncing very many sounds and his speech is almost disabled to others).

What is considered a speech? Until the age of 2, 5 years old, if the child says "baby tongue." With the words are considered not only a complete "mother" and "dad", but also "BBB" instead of the "car", "Car-car" instead of the "crow", and "Coup-kope" instead of "go swimming." The child can invent its own designations. If the child stubbornly calls the pasta "Kamani" - this is also a word. It is permissible that the same combination of sounds is used to designate different items ("ki" - pussy, socks, throw).

But if a child in 2, 5 years old does not try to speak phrases out of 3-4 words like "Mom DE MOOD" (mother goes to swim), then it is necessary to unambiguously beat the alarm. In principle, attentive specialists may noted the delay in speech development at a fairly early period.

We list signs of a significant delay in speech development:

If a child in 4 months emotionally does not react to gestures of adults and does not smile, it is not animated when mommy is drawn to him.
If the child is already 8-9 months old, as well as there are no tinets (repetitive Ba-Ba-Ba, Pa-Pa-Ta, etc. combinations), and a year it is extremely a quiet child, a little sounding sounds.
If the child is already one and a half, but by ordinary words, for example, "mother" or "give" he does not speak and does not understand ordinary words - his name or names of the surrounding items: it is not capable of performing the simplest requests like "Go here", "Sit".
If the child has difficulties with sucking or chewing. For example, if a two-way child does not know how to chew and gives a piece of apple.
If in two years a child uses only a few separate words and does not try to repeat new words.
If at 2, 5 years old vocabulary less than 20 words and philanthropists. Does not know the names of the surrounding items and parts of the body: can not at the request to show on a familiar subject or bring something out of sight. If at this age does not know how to make phrases of two words (for example, "Let Water")
If a three-year-old baby speaks so incomprehensible that even relatives with difficulty understand it. He does not speak simple suggestions (subject to led, supplement), does not understand simple explanations or stories about events in the past or future.
If a three-year-old baby "Tarachtit", that is, he says too fast, swallowing the endings of words or, on the contrary, is extremely slow, stretching them, although there is no such speech at home.
If at three years old, the child speaks mostly phrases from cartoons and books, but does not build its own proposals - this is a sign of a serious deviation in development ... If at three years old, the baby mirror is repeated what adults say with him, even if it is a reason Urgent contact with a specialist, and a psychiatrist!
If the baby has any age, the mouth is constantly opened or an increased salivation is observed without explicit reasons (not related to the growth of teeth)

What is the difference in the delay of speech (VRC) and retardant psycho-speech development (VRRR)?

The delay of speech development is when only speech suffers, and the mental and emotional development of the child is normal. This is the case when the child understands everything and fulfills requests, but speaks little or very bad.

The retardation of psycho-speech development implies that the child has a lag behind the development and a general advantage.

If up to 4 years ago, the diagnosis of the SRRR is quite rare and happens only if there are serious diseases, then over 5 years old, only 20% of children with problems with speech remains diagnosed VIR. If up to 4 years old, the child mastered the world, by entering communicative connections, then from this age he receives the bulk of information in communicating with adults and peers. If the speech is not allowed to revenue, the braking of mental development begins, and by 5 years from the delay of speech development (VR), unfortunately, a delay in psychorette development (SRRR) is formed. Therefore, if the doctors put the VRRO to your crude, it's not an ostrich, to hide your head in the sand and wait for "everything will pass." The VRP is reflected on the formation of the whole psyche of the child. If communication with others is difficult, this prevents the proper formation of cognitive processes and affects the emotional-willed sphere. Waiting without treatment and classes with a 5-year-old defectologist often leads to a pronounced lag from peers, in this case, training will be possible only in a specialized school.

Sometimes the delay of speech development is related to the delay in psychomotor development. Kroch starts later than other children, keep head, sit, walk. They are awkward, often fall, traumatized, fly to items. A characteristic sign is a long-term teaching to the pot, when in 4, 5-5 years old, the child continues to happen to "bond".

What is the reason for the occurrence of a child VRR and SRRR?

It should be understood that the VRC and SRRR are not independent diseases, but the effects of some abnormalities in the health of the child, namely, violations of the brain, the central nervous system, genetic or mental disorders. Studying history of children with speech development delay, experts found that a violation of the normal formation of speech in children can lead various adverse effects during the period of intrauterine development, premature, long or rapid labor, a long anhydrous period, generic injuries, fetal asphyxia in childbirth, hydrocephalus and Increased intracranial pressure, genetic predisposition, mental illness and even early translation of the child to artificial feeding.
Childing childhood diseases, especially in the first three years of life, brain injuries or simply left frequent falls, lowering hearing of varying degrees - all this can cause the backlog in speech development. Upon exposure to adverse biological (or social) factors, it is the most significant areas of the brain that are currently most intensively developing. Studies have shown that children, whose mother or father have any mental disorders often suffer from speech development, often quarrel or abuse alcohol.

The delay in speech development is characteristic of children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, children with early child autism, hyperactivity syndrome.

Regardless of the cause, which led to damage to the brain, the outcome is the same - different zones of the brain begin to work incorrectly or not enough. In children with delays in psycho-speech development, the zones are more "injured" that are responsible for speech and intellectual abilities and as a result, speech and mental development is delayed.

Negative social factors do not have a child of pathological influence directly, but they affect mental development. Therefore, the VRC and SRRR are often diagnosed with twins and twins, in children growing in bilingual families or a bad linguistic environment.
A significant role is played, of course, the hereditary factor. I would like to stop separately at this point. Moms often come with a five-year-old child who practically does not say. I ask what you were waiting a year ago, a year and a half ago? After all, the earlier start correction and treatment, the higher the result! Moms shrugs shrugs and say that, they say, the mother-in-law says that the dad of the child spoke only at 4 years and immediately phrases, and uncle spoke late. And nothing, both in people were embarrassed.

Dear moms! If, according to the stories of the relatives, you, your husband or uncle-aunt and a different relative spoke late, then this signals that your child already has a genetic predisposition to the VR. From generation to generation, the VRR is more hard forms. It should be understood that the active mastering of lexical and grammatical patterns begins in a child in 2-3 years and by 7 years ends. If the child does not have any speech at all, even the catch-duty in 6 years, the likelihood that he speaks is 0, 2%. If the child turned 8 years old, he will have to master alternative communication methods - gesturing, card, written, but there will be no active speech in general understanding.
Therefore, to expect that everything itself is distributed, this is an extremely irresponsible position!

What specialists help and when maybe you need a child with speech delay?

Unfortunately, many parents believe that the developmental delay is "treated" speech therapists, but speech therapists are teachers, not doctors. They only teach a child to correctly speak different sounds, and this can be effectively engaged only from 4-5 years. But we already know that it is extremely dangerous to wait until 5 years in the case of the child with the RIR.

So, first you will need enough detailed diagnosis to identify the causes of the pathology of speech development.

Children with speech development delay showing a hearing assessment (survey at the Surdian)
For development evaluation, appropriate tests are used: Denver Psychomotor Development Test, early speech development (Early Language Milestone Scale), Bailey's scale to assess the development of infants (Bayley Scales of Infant Development).
From the conversation with parents and observations, find out how the child reports its needs. Unlike the overall developmental delay and autism, with a decrease in hearing, the motor aprages of the muscles of the face and primary neurogenic speech disorders, children are able to express their needs.
It turns out whether there is no motor aprages of the muscles of the face, which is detected in the form of difficulty when feeding and inability to repeat the movement with the language.
Compare understanding and playing speech.
Information about the home environment of the child and its communication helps to identify the insufficient stimulation of speech development.

To clarify the reasons for the delay in speech development, it is necessary to contact a neurologist, a speech therapist, and in some cases a psychiatrist and a children's psychologist. Specialized analyzes of brain operations - ECG, ECHC, MRI and similar surveys may be required.

Almost 100% of children with SRRR and VRP need drug treatment.

How old is the work begins to overcome delays in development?

The earlier the better.

Neuropathologists can prescribe treatment already from 1 year, if neurological pathology is early established, which leads or can lead to a delay in speech development.

Defectologists begin to engage with children from 2 years old, they help develop attention from a child, memory, thinking, motor skills. Speech Development Specialists, Corrective teachers also begin working with children from 2-2, 5 years.

The speech therapists - help "put" sounds, teach properly to build offers and draw up a competent story. Most speech therapists work with children from 4-5 years.

What are the methods of treatment of VRP and SRRR?

Drug therapy - among drugs that are used for the treatment of SRRRs are also those that are "active nutrition" and "building material" for brain neurons (cortexin, actovegin, neuromulitivitis, lecithin, etc.) and preparations "povered" Speech zones (Kogitum). All appointments are made only by a neurologist or psychiatrist. It is dangerous to engage in self-medication, because the drug that helped the child of your girlfriend can be contraindicated by your child.

Electroreflexotherapy and magnetotherapy make it possible to selectively restore the work of various centers of the brain responsible for diction, vocabulary, speech activity and intellectual abilities. High efficiency of electroreflexotherapy is associated with additional healing effect on hydrocephalus. However, this effective method is prohibited for the use of children with convulsive syndrome, epilepsy and mental disorders. There are no contraindications for magnetic therapy.

Alternative methods of treatment - hippotherapy (horses treatments), dolphinotherapy, etc. Methods should also be selected individually.

However, only drug assistance to such children brings little result, unless supported by pedagogical effect. The main task of the work of the teacher - the defectologist is to increase the level of mental development of children: intellectual, emotional and social.

The teacher provides correction (correction and weakening) of negative development trends; Prevents the emergence of secondary deviations in the development and difficulties in learning at the initial stage. In the paper, a teacher - a defectologist uses visual, practical, technical means of rehabilitation and conducts correctional classes in the form of an individual plan. There is no general technique that helps absolutely everyone needs an individual approach.

It is very important that the parents, noticing the baby signs of the delay in speech development, did not just relieved the help of specialists, but also actively engaged in the child. The defectologist helps to choose the direction of the work that the child's child will have to be held daily and hourly.

A little about the methods of correctional work.

In working with such children, artepepia, murmurpius, methods of objective and sensory therapy, special methods for developing large and small (fine) motility, methods of expanding the conceptual apparatus of the child are used.

For example, finger games are actively used.
In the cerebral cortex, the departments responsible for the development of articulation and fine manual motility are located close to each other and closely interrelated. However, the hand in the process of ontogenesis develops earlier, and its development, as it were, "pulls" the development of speech. Consequently, developing a thin manual motorcy in a child, we stimulate the development of his speech. Therefore, if a child has a leading hand - right, he has more developed left hemisphere - among the left more children with the VRP, because They have the most developed right, and not the left hemisphere in which there are speech and motor centers.

Unwave, so that at home parents provide the child with the opportunity to develop small motility - designer, puzzles, liner games, mosaic, lacing toys, cubes and balls of different sizes, pyramids and ring, simulators for buttons and tie shutters. It is necessary to sculpt a lot of plasticine with a child, draw with finger paints, drive beads to the lace, perform engravings and primitive embroidery.

Of great importance is the use of various massage techniques and motor stimulation for the development of perception and sensations from the very early age.
In cases where the child has deviations in psychophysical development, the use of massage (in the system of correctional and educational) needs to be continued in preschool and primary school age.

It is recommended to use mobile games (logo techniques), developing ability to navigate in space, rhythmically and deftly move, change the pace of movements, as well as games in which movements are accompanied by a speech.
It is important and musical development of the child. Activities are effective as "Guess what sounded?", "Learn in a voice", "What tool playing?", "Cashkiing whisper" and others. After all, almost all children have enough attention to the IPR (smaller remembrance and reproduction of material. ), They do not know how to focus, often distracted, do not hear rhythm and poorly capture the intonation color of the votes around.
It is necessary to develop and visual attention through working with multi-colored stripes, chopsticks, cubes, geometric plane and volumetric figures and special cards.

Any classes should be conducted on the system, so it is necessary to deal daily and under the control of a specialist. As a rule, the baby is 3 years old enough to visit the defectologist once a week, if parents are ready to make the houses given by the specialist in full. The child 4, 5-5 years old and older need to meet with a specialist at least 2 times a day, and in the case of the SRRR, the combination of several specialists is better. For example, 2 times a week a child is engaged with a prolonged development defectologist, and 2 times a week - with a musemperature or artherapist.
from 5 years, if the development of passive speech is sufficient and no delay in mental development, it is necessary to start classes with a speech therapist.
Children with a significant delay in speech development should visit not a general preschool institution, but specialized psycho-neurological or neurological nursery, then a speech therapy kindergarten. If the VRR or SRRR is not overcome up to 7 years old, do not insist that the child visited the usual school. Agree to a special correctional institution where the child will be ensured by the enhanced attention of specialists and an adapted school program.
In conclusion, I will emphasize once again that if you notice that the speech development of your baby does not correspond to the age norm, do not slow down - urgently consult specialists! If the correction of speech disorders start at an early age, then the likelihood is that already at 6 years old your child will not differ from the peers.

Rudova A.S., teacher-defectologist, psychologist, director of the center of developing innovative techniques in the field of education and culture and children's studio of innovative development "Harlequin".

The question of when the child begins to speak, is disturbing almost every parent. After all, deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of defects in development. And this is a serious reason to start worrying about the health of the kid.

When should you wait from the baby first words?

Each child is individual, and its speech apparatus develops depending on the characteristics of the body to perceive this or that information, from the ability to reflect and on the peculiarities of the psyche. Therefore, answer the question, what many children begin to speak, it is very difficult, since the special "speech calendar" simply does not exist. But there are some data that allows you to determine if there are deviations in the development of a child or not.

Usually, the desire for communication or verbal expression of emotions in children appears in 4 months: without knowing how to talk, the crumb is actively reproducing various sounds

As a rule, they do not expect eloquent monologues at this age, since they are still too small. But even at such a young age, it is possible to determine how correctly the speech apparatus is formed.

Approximately 4 months kids gradually begin to pronounce some sounds. Already from 6 months, these sounds will develop into sentences, only they are pronounced at the "Children's Language". But already from 8-10 months, they begin with the help of sounds to communicate with adults, they already clearly designate their position, require something to give them something, and also utter some words that consist of several letters, for example, "Mom" , "Dad", "Baba" and "Dai".

Small deviations from the hole do not indicate the presence of serious defects in the development. Some kids begin to utter the first words in 8-9 months, and some at the age of one year begin to pronounce their first incomprehensible for adult words.

In medicine, the norm is considered if the child knows in 1 year and intelligently utters about 10 words. However, in practice, such a phenomenon is extremely rare, and if a girl lives in the house on the contrary, which is 1 year old and she is already trying to talk, and your baby is silent, it's not a reason to pick panic and run to doctors.

The deviation is considered if the child at the age of one year pronounces only a few "brave" words, while there is no fully intonation of the voice, if it cannot correlate words with actions, objects or persons.

By two years, the child is usually already able to clearly pronounce simple words, in addition trying to reproduce more complex, which is not amenable to him

The concerns of the parents at the delay of speech at their Chad are very clear. After all, everyone wants his child to lag in the development of his peers. Therefore, the question of when a child begins to speak and is it worth waiting for the "breakthrough" of speeches at this age, very appropriate.

At this age, children begin to actively lie, and insert meaningful words to their proposals they start at around one year and three months. The baby begins to understand more words, relate them to certain actions, for example, during an enthusiastic game. The most important thing at this time is to start actively talking to the child and make a dialogue with him, in which he will certainly take part.

At the age of one year and six months, the child is replaced by simplified words, he begins to imitate adults and try to repeat some words for them. Naturally, at this age, it will not be possible to completely repeat this or that word. As a rule, he only pronounces the first or last syllable.

By the age of two, the vocabulary of the child is significantly replenished. It can already pronounce clearly simplified words and unbelievable complex, consisting of more than 3 syllables.

Therefore, if you ask the doctor a question when a child should start talking, he will surely answer you that the baby will definitely speak to two years!

If most of the time the child is granted to himself, it is not to be surprised that speech skills develop extremely slowly

This age is famous for its "breakthrough" of speech, and if earlier it was separate words and attempts to build offers from 2-4 words, now the baby is ready to continuously chat with complex offers. By the way, after two years and six months, such questions should be included in the child's speech, "as" and "why". This age in the people is called "wonderful". Children begin to be interested in to all that surround them, and not only what is the name of this or that item, and also from where he took at all in this world. For example, where trees came from, why the sun shines, etc. That is, the child should already be pronounced and meaningful.

If the baby does not relate the words with objects and phenomena that they denote, this is a disturbing bell for parents

The main symptoms of the delay in the development of speech are:

  • lack of activity and poverty aged one year;
  • lack of understanding the meaning of words, not the ratio of them with actions at the age of one year and six months;
  • instead of proposals in two years, a child uses individual words to communicate;
  • the inability to build elementary proposals consisting of 3-4 words at the age of three.

The formation of the speech apparatus directly depends on the development of the brain. It is very important here that the child communicates every day with adults, otherwise the process of forming speech skills will be very long, which can serve as serious development deviations.

However, if you are looking for an answer to the question when the child begins to speak, and decided to find it in this article, we want you to warn you that all the above symptoms of normal speech development are average and are not an immutable rule.

If you are worried about your child and notice any brake in the process of developing a conversational apparatus, it is best to consult a doctor. He will inspect and tell you about the presence or absence of speech vices.

OLLA., 21.10.01 19:19

Son year and eight, but he still almost does not speak. Just a couple of words, like Baba, Mom, give. This not normal?

Pchejla, 22.10.01 10:44

In my opinion you have nothing to worry about. Boys are not very taller than talk. Instead of worrying, it is better to deal with him toys, developing fine motility hands. It can be all sorts of frames, designers, cups, etc.

Guest, 02.11.01 21:58

We are one week later and 9 months, but telling words 15-17. He loves books, loves to consider pictures, something mirkets, the mass of emotions, a car, noise, but it is difficult to express. And the eldest son at this age spoke of 3-4 words offers. I can say that more attention is paid to the younger attention and more all sorts of developing toys at his disposal ... Apparently, it is individually ... Although I already want to lead a conversation with him ...

84-1017140628 , 23.11.01 17:52

My daughter began to speak in 1.5 years, i.e. He began to quickly increase the vocabulary, and then she began to put the words in the sentence. Now she is 1 year and 9 months old. Says all and large offers (in a reasonable limit, of course). And very clearly. Constantly asks "What is it?" And immediately repeats the word. So, honestly, we did not work with anything special, they did not use special fidelled educational toys, everything went by itself. Only in no case is not surprising with the child and do not really simplify speech in dealing with him. Speak almost like adults. We do that and our child tries to speak correctly and normal words. But, apparently, the time when the child begins to speak very individually.
Can i ask you? How much did you feed the baby breasts?

Antonina., 27.11.01 01:08

As your child says it is quite normal. Boys, really begin to speak later. Important: What is his passive stock (that is, what he understands). How many words understand whether to fulfill the simple instruction ("Give ...", "take ... and put ...", etc.). If you understand a lot and those few words that says, uses about, and if it is able to explain their desires somehow else (signs, facial expressions, sounds), then everything is fine. It is necessary to ensure that there is progress in the development of speech: understands more complex things, says more words, says suggestions, etc.
And, of course, you need to talk with the child, read books, play.

Anita., 07.02.02 01:10

How many doctors, so many opinions. We year and 3. Do not say (one children's bowel -)) I went to the speech therapist to consult, just like that, and not because I see the problem in a child. God, what we heard there! Standing and developing speech, lack of sound resistance. What, they say, already have to say 20-30 (!) Words. What she slowed down in development, because in the year "spoke" the same thing that, they say, a month for a child is like a year of life ...
But I see that the child is not stupid. At 10 months, she understood more than 30 words, we even recorded them. We read books, all finger shows, the pyramids collect. Parts of the body knows so much that I even find it difficult to learn (except that the ankle and wrist)). In short, I do not worry (so far), especially since I see that everyone else had the most, and when it was necessary to speak.

Helene and Anastasia., 07.02.02 11:41

I believe that if the child grows in a normal prosperous family (under non-abandoning, I mean parental alcoholics), then without any educational games will speak normally, maybe a little later than children who are constantly trained. When we grew because there were no "early techniques", only ladys, forty-crow. And what are all competent and intelligent. My daughter (1.3) does not want to play educational games. It is rarely mood even in Sokoka. But I constantly communicate with her, she loves to tear into the blocks of paper and caring the boiled rice in his hands (this is all developing a small motorcy). I am especially not worried when and how much (as our pediatricians say in the clinic, to which I need to confess very rarely I go) words will say. I feel - everything is fine. A year and two months she told the first "offer": Mom, Top Top Kavu. Those. Let's drink coffee. But she does not want to fold the pyramid (and can). She is just now it's not interesting. So every child. We want it to speak now, and now it is more interesting for him to contemplate, remember, in my own way to analyze. And then how to give out! My mom says that I started talking, so I still don't silent! In my opinion it is very important to understand that now the child interests and help him in every way. The next stage will come. And each in different ways.: Umnik:

alya., 11.02.02 23:42

Well, everything seemed to say everything .... from my experience I can add that the boys really begin to speak later girls.
In our garden there was a case: Mom was very frustrated because the boy did not say at 3.5 years, he dragged him in the doctors. And suddenly he spoke. And correctly and long offers. Now he is 8 years old, and all the boys in the courtyard (and adults too), he is respected for being able to insert the word and keep silent to the place where it is necessary. And his advice is surprisingly wise.

It is necessary to ensure that there is progress in the development of speech: understands more complex things

I agree ..... good luck.

Guest, 19.03.02 08:32

Eshe Odin Moment Na Kotoryi Stoit Obratit "Vnimanie.
Deti Ochen "Casto Nazyvayut Predmety Po-Svoemu. Eto Mojet BYT" Slog Is Nastoyashego Nazvaniya Ili Kakoye-To Zvukopodrajaniye, Naprimer.
Avtobus - Abu.
sobaka - Ba i t.d.

U Moyei Dochki Slon Nazyvalsia "Gavaya" S Goda Do Polutora (Potomu Chto: "Golovoi Kivaet Slon")


ESLI ETO TAK, TO NE POVTORIAYTE SLOVA ZA Rebenkom. Vmesto etogo na ego "abu" ukajite na avtobus i skajite ochen "otchetlivo artikuliruya" AVTOBUS "Postaraites" Artikulirovat "sil" nee chem obychno i chtoby malysh videl vashi guby "Nu i estestveno chitaite, poite, nazyvaite vse vokrug koroche ne zamolkayte.

Moei Dochke Seychas 4 goda. ONA Svobodno Govorit Po-Russki I Po Anglisski Ne Putaya Dva Yazyka (My Jivem V Canade)

Malysh Obiazatel "No Zagovorit. Kajdyi Rebenok Razvivaetsia Po-Svoemu. Ne Perejivaite

Meri., 29.03.02 23:15

NE Vinite Malchikov CHTO ONI Poje Nachinayt Govorit I Vse Ostalnoe. Y Nas Y Znakomih Devochka 2+ Voobshe Ne Razgovarivaet, A Moi Sin V 2goda (V Den Svoego Rojdeniya) Nachal Govorit, Chto Bivaet Prosim Na 5 MINYT ZDELAT OSTANOVKY
TAK CHTO NE PEREJIVAITE VSE VSEE VREMYA, RAZGOVARIVAITE S Rebolshe Chitaite Emy, Pokazivaite Kartinky I Obyasnyaite CHTO TAM Izobrajeno.

Mama Alyona., 16.05.02 05:47

Moemu Vanushke 15 Mesyatsev. Ya bi ne skazala chto on u menya boltliv, hotya vrode bi uzhe pora to (Ya k stati ochen "perezhivau po etomu povodu). Poka slovosochetaniya ne upotreblyaet voobche. Kak razgovarivaut zhivotnie on mne rasskazivaet i vseh podryad ot domashnih do dikih, v obchem ZVUKI PRAVIL "NIE MI PROIZNOSIM. Iz Slov, Spisok Nash Ne Bogat, Tak Slov 10, Nu Standartnie Mama, Papa, Baba (TOL "KO ETO OBOZNOCHAET BABOCHKA, TAK KAK BABUSHEK S NAMI RYADOM NET, VSE DALEKO OCHEN" ZHIVUT), SLI (POSHLI), AKVA (Otkrivay ), SEK (SOK), TAY (CHAY) I TD
U Vanechki Est "Lubimaya Knizhka, I Ran" She Rasskazivala Vse Ya, a seichas on mne vse rasskazivaet chto vidit. Na Svoem Konechno, No Vse Ravno Ochen "Interesno. Odin Raz on Mne Skazal" Lulya "I Pokazal Na Kartinku (Vozdushnaya Tehnika), Ya Dolgo Ne Mogla Ponyat" Chto Oznachaet Etot Zvuk. A ODIN RAZ EGO POPROSILA SKAZAT "VERTOLET, ON MNE I OTVETIL" LUTY ". BILO OCHEN" ZABAVNO.

Tata., 22.05.02 10:30

My daughter, too, did not want to play Sokok-Crow (1g 4m). And now hears the word porridge and the finger immediately begins to led along the palm. Worked stared with pride. A neighbor girl a little older demonstrated that he knows how. My enviser has become immediately learned.

Lelya., 31.05.02 05:59

Today I read the topics different about problems with speech. It seems and we do not have everything so good. Son year and seven months. Everything understands, performs different requests, trying to speak. But the arsenal "normal" words tiny - Mom, Dad, Kisa, Baba, Uncle, Aunt. Everything else is a sound resistance (AV-AB, MU, Broke, the sound of the car, etc.) or the words on their own way (type, "Kapapa", "Dymama", "Nyamama", "Gan-Gan", etc. .) Over the past two or three months of progress, all this he spoke before. It seems to understand everything, but refuses to pronounce normally!
The question is - much more babies with a similar problem (and is it a problem at all?). And most importantly, what is so useful to enter into our games, so that the stimulus is at least the letters or syllables for mom to repeat? Maybe someone did with the Child, tell me how?
The last "new, right" word was about 3-4 months ago, "Kisa" (and that is unclear, "Tite").
Maybe I need to talk to him differently, it's hard for him now, can be completely simplified suggestions in two or three words? And repeat to many times?
And then only gestures, sounds, yes, fictional words ...
Well, why, he calls, for example, the dog "Av-Av", and the goose "Gan-Gan" - we repeat the same thing every time - "Socy Ba", "Goose". Agrees, and still in its own way ..

Dana., 31.05.02 13:45

Oll, do not worry. I spoke at 3 years. And to what doctors just did not drive me. But now I can not stop.

Nelumbo Nelumbo., 03.06.02 13:55

I know two boys who spoke before and better than mine
daughter. And at her age he chatted, but later it was not without
the speech therapist in terms of pronunciation: did not pronounce "p", "l", "h".
Of course, I want your child to be the most ...
And all sorts of factors that affect the development of speech, do you know how much?
Wow. And intrauterine development, and how noisily at home (the no more
the worse says), etc .. I turn on the radio "normalized", from the TV refused, but what
do, if not far from our house passes iron
road?! And the daughter was born with a stimulation of 37 weeks with a weight of 2 550, by
scenario "How not to give birth." I can not shove it at all
and to convey better. Nevertheless, it was necessary to hear it in the first hours
after birth, the dye dumplings on his hands. "All told." Now notice that
on the day she can say a few words very clearly, but in another
i will not hear anything from it, besides meaningless syllables, as in 7
months. Never demanded to show the eyes and so on, only
she herself told her, and once I feed her, it lies soft in front of it
toy, petty pokes her finger to her eye and says: "Yezh!" She is still
says "My" - the ball, "Forest" is "walking" - we walk there on the edge, "yes"
(this is consent, and everything is good and correct) and
"NN-NN!". Yesterday I said something very similar to "U-Ba-Ri Va-Va", with
english "R", just on the topic - repelled my hand,
intonation could not be anything else. That's just what is
"Va-Va"? I do not use childhood words with her. As for sound-shocking
also nothing to worry: after my husband and I have been sick, has become
talking "Khuz-Kbva"! And thumps how the throat of strokes, saliva, probably
sorry ... And "Dai" she can say three different ways: "Give",
"Nyy" and "Nannyay". And dad calls "Uncle." "Say" dad "!" In reply:
"Uncle!" And the unauthorized man can say "Ma". Although, of course,
my mother calls me, especially when something needs. Pediatrician finds it
everything is in order of things, although there is a temptation to call all this with diagnoses,
and, given her current interest in his poop (we are about poop
the pediatrician has not yet spoken), so at all your labels can hang.
But in fact, after all, everything was safely rose, we talk, and those who should
to walk the speech therapist, there have never been there. Listen like children
older talk: "I beat him and beat him" - it is a five-year-old
(!) Girl says that she ps Bila and beat. Boy at 8 years old:
"Mom, look, snake!" The girl in 8 years on the scales says "Stoles" and
tells the jokes "about Chuped" (from the series "I can say how to say, but
chukchi fool "). We can say that I find some pathology, but
it is worth listening to themselves - such pearls will hear. Let's develop small, and everything will be ok.

..vika .., 30.12.02 05:05

My child is soon 2 years old, and in addition to the words of Mom, Dad, let me and syllables do not say. If something asks something, then he tells the syllables: Ma-milk, Bai-sleep, and the like. Commonly, the boy is smart, understands everything he They will say, but he never wants to talk. The old daughter began to speak at 11 months, and in 2 years he had spoke of sentences. I heard that the boys start talking later to girls. At what age the children began to speak.

Natashkin, 30.12.02 13:19

We are already talking might and main, but we are girls. 1.3, about a month issues short phrases - Icca taped (read the book), kochoki kids - tights to wear, dad Baba Matinka (dad to the beach will arrive on the car (it takes it from grandma after work), tank Kutyati (dog eats) etc. At the sister's husband's son to 1.10, in addition, except mom-dad, did not say anything, then as broken! Signs of complex offers from 6-8 and more words, uses turnover. Maybe the boys are all like that?

Retav., 04.01.03 16:39

My senior (Lesha, 1G11 months) is also given only by simple words and sound-powders (I voicate animals with pleasure, but you cannot say the names yet, except the hare and wolf), and all the other words he tries to say somehow Nose, not sprinkling my mouth, but most importantly - trying!
According to my acquaintances and from the conference, I know that all this is individually and worried about, but you need to patiently try words with him, phrases, etc. Especially if he is smart.
I still worry about the fact that my Leshki, count, "fell out" the first year and a half, because He only from the second October, and before that was in the house of the child, i.e. We started almost from scratch, and then I do not get upset, but I continue to provoke him to the conversation.
And my niece (also very intelligent!) Until 2 years, he spoke with one-double phrases, and with 2 he became just increasingly talking, talking and talking ... and there are such a momentum! ..
Like this.
Good luck to you!

And if you want - look at us in "Here we are."

Murochka, 10.01.03 00:37

The daughter of 1.3 is talking a lot, but in their own way (Kartavim), it clearly turns out words about 10, such as mom, dad, uncle, aunt, babe, grandfather and still hare, the rest conditionally and many syllables. And the sentence speaks only one thing - "ka ka", in the sense of Kish

lENA 72., 10.01.03 01:06

You do not worry, my forever is just 2g. Mom said, Dad, Baba, Ded (grandfather), a little later, the names of some countries (young geographer) and all. And at 2.4, how broke, spoke in one day, the truth says like a foreigner, like: "Sky blue, clouds White, snow, winter, Wov-walk "in the sense, the weather is good and he wants to walk. So that every child has its own pace of development.

..Lavazza .., 10.01.03 10:23

lavazza., 10.01.03 10:25

The first words of Katya (doll), ka (dog Kara), Mom, Baba, de (Grandfather) and a little more Ksyusha began to speak until 11 months.
Proposals began to speak 1.4

P.S. And now it is generally difficult to get silent

..Olga .., 23.01.03 16:55

My Danilka is 1.6 months. Mom says long ago, dad, babe, grandfather, uncle, sisya (everything consciously) is a dog-sharing or gel (her name is shaved), brother-dei (Andrei) sometimes repeats words, almost right: orange-appeals, fell, fell, So far, etc., but it is still rarely ((although all its desires expresses quite understandable and demanding, in any case I understand it without problems.

Lesya, 25.01.03 14:55

My girl is 1 year and 3 months old, also says simple words like Mom, Dad, Uncle, Kaka, Zaya, and all the rest is only a syllable and sounds. It will show everything, many understands, but does not say proposals. It was shocked when some write that at that age already Baltaui - this is yes!

Lisik, 26.01.03 10:04

My also did not tell my phrases for 2 years, and when they gave to the garden (at 2.3), it was broken. . Now I dream to be silent at least sometimes ... I myself told the phrases from 1.3, in 1.6 poems told (I would not believe myself until I found my grandmother's letters with dates). So from heredity does not depend. And the boys really start talking later.

Nastina, 09.02.03 13:38

My docha also does not speak phrases (she 2 years old) and speaks a lot to "his own language." And what's the difference, who when speaks, anyway, everyone will go to school, say, there is also a pot on the pot. Here you can not cut on one comb!

mariap., 17.02.03 11:54

I have a daughter of 1.3 years old, but does not say anything at all. The word mom makes his way when it really wants to mom on the handles, the word KS-S * Kisa * says when the cat strokes. But I do not really worry, because I speak in the same language, and my husband is on the other. So we are waiting until she, daughter, gets mastered with our languages. : Book:

Olena, 18.02.03 00:52

My brother began to speak at 9 months, and very clean. The first word was iron, and very consciously at the sight of an iron. Then he went to the doctor and told her aunt. And so on ... thought that from it would be at least academician but something is not like him in his 18 years. This is me to the fact that without a difference when someone began to speak is not an indicator of any development.

alena123., 20.02.03 21:22

Mariap, well, it is necessary what kind of calm situations, we are also almost a year and three, my mother speaks in rarely solemn cases, but Kh's back to KISU. Still says "adi and". What does one mean, this is when they ask him how many years old, he finger shows and says Adi-Ai. Sometimes sch-s, showing at SISU. On the girlfriend Dasha says the date. Well, that's all. There are no dad, mom, babe, on or give. Of course, I worry in the soul slightly, but not much. I see that the child is very developed, in many respects ahead of peers, which say all these notorious mom and dad. So do not bother mommies, everything will be fine !!!

Novaaly., 20.03.03 12:40

We are 1g. 5 months. And we speak mom, dad, babe, grandfather, aunt, uncle, anya, Sasha, Nina, give, zaia and imitate animals. The problem is that these kids should speak in a year +/- 1mes. And by 1.5 years, kids should speak uncomplicated proposals, such as Mom give, etc. Speech delay is usually still associated with problem pregnancy and childbirth. So the side kids for the most part begin to speak from 2 years old. Many neurologists advise a little to stimulate the speech injecting drugs. But it is commemorated to the discretion of the parents, because sooner or later the child will speak without pathology :-).

Oval, 20.03.03 13:23

We are a year and a half, we say: "Ava" on all cats, dogs, birds; "BLU" - cars, including washing; "Lee" - walk and the new word "give," understands everything, the head winds and no, but nothing else wants to say .....

Anya Z., 21.03.03 10:29

Speech delay is usually still associated with problem pregnancy and childbirth.

I really disagree at all, since the whole pregnancy has slipped as a goat, nor toxicosis, no other "troubles." Bore wonderful - strong, healthy baby (ugh, ugh, ugh), no pathologies! But we have already been 1.7 years old and we are talking only to "Mom" (rarely), "Tata" -pad, "Ki" -Kis. But the baby understands everything when you add to him, and if something I need it, then it takes the hand leads, shows the finger on the subject and "murms" in its own way.

Elena., 21.03.03 20:20

Apparently, in view of the later period - after two years. But the PAP did not put us ....
We are 1G.10 sees - in general, nothing clearly is not talking, not we might, but on "yours", in the children's.
I already wrote about it and in another topic ....