With what frequency of contractions to go to the hospital. What are the harbingers of childbirth? Childbirth. childbirth periods. Full disclosure. The beginning of the attempts

Which option is closer to you - go to the hospital in advance or come there with contractions?

10. Training(false) contractions- the tone of the uterus, the uterus is preparing to open sh. uterus: the stomach either becomes stony or soft ..., while pain is not necessary: ​​it can be either completely painless or painful - pulling sensations, as during menstruation. Training bouts are chaotic, erratic, without dynamics, with an interval between contractions: then 2 minutes, then 2 hours, then 2 seconds, then 20 minutes ... If at this moment we go to the hospital, we can be returned home.

The very first training contractions can start even before the stomach drops (for me they started 2 weeks before the stomach drops), and they have a very long interval: Oops! And forgot - silence for a few days / weeks ...

11. generic contractions dynamic, more powerful, interval between contractions 20 minutes. and going downhill. Evidence that the disclosure sh. uterus began.
By this time, everything for the hospital should be ready. Now you can take care of yourself: sex on the track, take a shower, manicure: cut your nails (it’s not necessary to cut it very short, you can leave it up to 5 mm) and remove varnish (it is allowed to cover nails with transparent varnish, because doctors determine by the color under the nail skin the state of the woman in labor), shave, call her friends ...

12. Labor pains are dynamic, interval between contractions 10-5 min. and continues to shrink. Until childbirth approximately 6-7 hours.
At this moment, we call an ambulance, regardless of whether the cork and water have gone or not. We eat at the hospital. If the water has not broken, the bubble will be pierced in the maternity hospital.

The strongest and longest labor pain lasts 1 minute, all other contractions last a few seconds.

The speed of cervical dilation is 1 cm (1 finger) per 1 hour, full cervical dilatation is 10-12 cm (10-12 fingers) at 10-12 hours.

Cramping pain begins gradually and increases in increasing increments, from completely painless contractions / then: “Oh!”, - and forgot, to: “God, kill me!”. - Not like in the movies, - a woman is quiet, calm ... and then abruptly for the whole house: “Ahhh ...”, and it began ... After 5 minutes. she is with a baby in her arms ..., - this does not happen in life !

The peak of the cramping pain falls on the moment when sh. the uterus is already fully opened up to 10-12 cm, and the child descends into the small pelvis. In this case, the pain is accompanied by strong desires to push. At this moment, in no case should you push, because this can break through your sh. uterus, also at this moment in no case should you sit on the priest, because this can damage the head of the child (you can only squat or fitball; if you lie down and want to get up, you need to get up avoiding a sitting position), - the first tight contractions must be breathed out !

When the child is completely lowered into the small pelvis, the cramping pains will pass, the midwife sees the back of the baby's head without touching you, and you can touch the back of the baby's head with your hand - from this moment you can push ... It is important to obey the midwife in everything!

The first birth lasts about 10-12 hours on average. The second - 5-7 hours on average. Third - even faster.

You can go to the hospital in your own car - by gravity. In this case, admission occurs in the order of the general queue and after those who arrived in an ambulance.

But if you decide to go to the maternity hospital in an ambulance to a particular maternity hospital of your choice, the following tips will help you:

1. When the team arrives, explain to the driver which maternity hospital you need and offer the driver money - a reward. Usually the reward to the driver is 500 rubles - 1,000 rubles, but the amount can grow up to 5,000 rubles, or even up to 10,000 rubles. The ambulance must is free take, only to the nearest maternity hospital, where there are free places or to the maternity hospital indicated by the dispatcher.

If the driver is against taking you where you need to for a fee and continues to insist on his own.

2. Refuse the services of this team and call a friend. In this case, they do not have the right to take any money from you, such as a penalty.

3. When calling a new ambulance, the dispatcher must be informed that you will give birth in a specific maternity hospital and indicate the address of this maternity hospital. In this case, the arriving team will be obliged to take you exactly where the dispatcher says and for free, and not where they are closer.

In the case of your arrival at the maternity hospital in an ambulance, admission occurs without a queue, but in the order of the queue of those who arrived in an ambulance before you.

And finally: Before leaving for the taxiway, do not forget to wash off the nail polish. This is a very important point, because by the color of the nails, doctors monitor the condition of the woman in labor.

Good luck and happy childbirth!

P.S.: I called an ambulance to go to the RD when the contractions were going on with an interval of 5 minutes, and the interval was shortening. Arrived quickly, within 5 minutes. The emergency doctor determined the disclosure sh. uterus 2 cm (2 fingers). They asked me which taxiway should I take? I called the desired RD. The doctor asked, and if there are no places, then where to go? I named an alternative version of the RD. The doctor asked, and if there are no places there, then where ...? I said, then at your discretion ... After that, she called the desired RD, to find out about the availability of places there ... They drove for free. We drove for 30 minutes.

There were places in the desired RD and I was gladly accepted, because the opening of sh. the uterus was already 4 cm. uterus 6 cm ... She gave birth completely free of charge according to her Plan of Birth:
Birth plan

The only thing is… When I was discharged, my husband, the midwife who gave him his daughter, gave an envelope with money, but it was his personal initiative… The midwife accepted the envelope, and, without opening it, put it away…

Details here:
My first birth in 2012: Natural vertical, no delivery!

When to go to the hospital during contractions:

As the pregnancy nears its end, most expectant mothers begin to worry about how and when they will go to the hospital. Indeed, it is very important to correctly determine when it is time to grab a suitcase and go. No one wants to arrive long before the birth and return home or wait in the hospital, and they want to give birth on the road even less.

The easiest way is to ask your gynecologist about when it's time, but you can hear a variety of advice. Someone advises to go in advance with the first contractions, while other doctors advise to stay at home until the last, since the period from the onset of contractions to childbirth can be very long. Of course, it is more pleasant to spend this time at home in a relaxed atmosphere, and not in the hospital walls. When is it time to go to the hospital? Let's look for an answer to this question.

What signs indicate the approach of childbirth

There are a number of signs that help determine that childbirth is coming soon. Of course, the best sign is the onset of the date on which, in fact, the birth is planned. But modern medicine considers normal and full-term births both at the 38th week and at the 42nd, so every mom wants to know more precisely whether her baby will be born soon. We will describe the signs that will help predict this. But keep in mind that the body of each woman is unique and the set of symptoms can vary greatly. The first, second and all successive births may differ from each other.

The first sign is the prolapse of the abdomen. In primiparous, the belly usually drops a little earlier, 2-4 weeks before the birth, and in multiparous, it can drop at any time, even before the very birth.

Only 10% of children are born exactly on time.

Change selection. Before childbirth, the balance of hormones changes, which can lead to thinner and more abundant discharge.

Changes in urination and defecation. A drooping belly can increase pressure on the bladder, leading to more frequent urination or even incontinence. But the increased pressure of the uterus on the intestines can lead to increased constipation. And only before the very birth (no more than a day) diarrhea may appear. This suggests that the internal organs of a woman are already preparing for childbirth.

The discharge of the mucous plug is another sign that indicates an imminent birth. But we must remember that the onset of discharge, which looks like the appearance of a brownish mucous discharge, can occur two weeks before the birth, or maybe just before the birth. The cork can depart, either immediately and entirely, or in parts for a long time.

Before childbirth, the number of movements of the baby decreases. A large child can hardly fit in the mother's womb, so it becomes more and more difficult for him to move.

A woman's weight loss is another sign of imminent labor. Before childbirth, the balance of hormones changes slightly, which leads to the release of excess fluid and the woman becomes a little lighter.

Also, training contractions will indicate an early birth. The uterus comes into tone, which may be accompanied by pain. They differ from real contractions by irregularity and the absence of severe pain.

During the examination on the chair, the obstetrician-gynecologist will also be able to notice changes in the cervix. It shortens and becomes more elastic.

When to go to the hospital? (Video)

Many women, especially primiparas, are wondering when is the best time to go to the hospital. If you feel that this is definitely childbirth, then it is important to orient yourself correctly so as not to arrive too early or, conversely, very late.

Most often, children are born on Tuesday, and least often on weekends.

At the very beginning of labor, contractions are short, 5-10 seconds each, and there are up to half an hour breaks between them. At this stage, not everyone even notices that they have already begun. Gradually, the time of contractions will increase, and their duration will also increase. Also, in parallel, pain during contractions will increase. If during this period there is no spotting and the woman in labor is feeling normal, then you can safely stay at home, expecting more active labor.

When to go to the hospital also depends on where it is located. If you are not far from the hospital, then you can stay at home longer. If it's a long trip, then you need to take this into account. We will consider a situation where the maternity hospital is relatively close. Then you need to go to it with the frequency of regular contractions once every 7-8 minutes and with the duration of the contractions for more than 1 minute.

Some experts advise waiting for contractions in 5 minutes, but in the case of a second birth or delays on the road, there is every chance of not having time and giving birth in the car, and it’s good if in an ambulance and not in a taxi. If you doubt whether you will have time or not, then you can go with a contraction frequency of 10 minutes. And if the grips are less frequent, then you should not fuss, it is better to stay at home than in the hospital. But all these are rules for those whose waters have not broken yet. If the waters have broken, you must go to the hospital immediately.

How to recognize real contractions

Before childbirth, most women have false or training contractions. Sometimes they are so painful that they are confused with real ones. Often women, especially primiparas, come to the hospital with training contractions. There is nothing wrong with this, the doctors just look that the birth has not yet begun and let them go home or recommend staying in the hospital if something worries them.

In male fetuses inside the womb, an erection is possible, which has been repeatedly observed on the sonogram.

But in order to avoid any errors, and to make it easier to determine whether it is time to go to the hospital, it is important to learn to distinguish false contractions from real ones:

  • False contractions usually do not have a clear periodicity, and real ones appear at approximately equal intervals of time. If several fights take place regularly, and then subside, then this is definitely training.
  • The interval between real contractions gradually decreases, and between false contractions it can change arbitrarily.
  • False contractions can stop from a change in body position. If you get up and the contractions are over, this is definitely false, since real contractions will only intensify from this. Also, false contractions can pass from a warm shower.
  • Labor pains gradually become more painful and their duration increases.

If in doubt, you can use a special contraction counter online, of which there are many on the Internet. They will help determine the duration and frequency of contractions automatically.

When to go to the hospital in advance

Of course, everyone would like the pregnancy to be easy, and it would be possible to come to the birth at the last moment and give birth quickly. But this is not always the case, sometimes during pregnancy there are various complications that require the supervision of doctors or even hospitalization. If there are any risks, then, most likely, doctors will suggest hospitalization before childbirth in order to minimize these risks.

With multiple pregnancies, labor usually begins earlier, around 36-38 weeks.

Compulsory hospitalization before childbirth is necessary in such situations:

  • when will the planned caesarean section be carried out;
  • with placenta previa, when a caesarean is also necessary;
  • with the wrong position of the fetus;
  • with the threat of premature birth at a long time;
  • with oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • with signs of eclampsia;
  • with renal or heart failure in the mother.

In such situations, you will have to go to the hospital in advance, before the start of childbirth. This will help to avoid many problems, so you should not be upset.

When you need to go to the hospital urgently

Sometimes pregnancy does not proceed quite as we would like, and situations arise when it is necessary to go to the hospital urgently, even before the due date. It is far from always that a woman can analyze her well-being correctly and understand how her symptoms are really dangerous for her or her baby. Therefore, if it occurs, it is better to play it safe and get to the hospital even when there is no need for this.

Dangerous symptoms include:

  • spotting from the genital tract, even minor, they can be a sign of placental abruption;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • the occurrence of a sharp persistent pain in the abdomen, with a tense and painful uterus;
  • increased pressure with accompanying symptoms, such as the appearance of "flies" before the eyes and seizures;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in the number of movements of the child, the occurrence of pain in the abdomen during tremors.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates claimed that the sex of the child can be determined by the complexion of a pregnant woman, if it gets worse, a girl should be expected.

If these symptoms occur, it is better to go to the hospital immediately. This is exactly the situation when extra vigilance definitely does not hurt.

Many pregnant women are a little worried, while waiting for the upcoming birth, and ask themselves the question: when should I go to the hospital? How to understand that it's time? In fact, everything is not so difficult: there are several points that will tell you when to go to the hospital.

The very first sign of the onset of labor is contractions.

Contractions are the most basic sign that labor is about to begin. The woman feels pain in the lower back, her lower abdomen aches a little, the tension of the uterus and its compaction are felt. It is important to understand that these are definitely labor pains, and not “training”. Labor pains occur after about the same period of time, and gradually become more and more frequent. "Training" contractions are irregular and not as intense. True labor pains are very painful.

Counting time

You should not go to the hospital as soon as you feel contractions. Childbirth does not begin so quickly, their duration can be almost a day, so it is better to spend the first stage of childbirth in a comfortable home atmosphere. Start counting the number of contractions and their duration. It is advised to go to the maternity hospital if the period between contractions has become about 10 minutes.

The second birth can take place a little faster, in which case the cervix can open rapidly, so try to quickly go to the hospital as soon as you feel that the contractions have become frequent.

Water, water, all around water

If suddenly you feel that the laundry is wet, then this means that the water has broken. Even if there are no contractions and there is very little fluid, immediately go to the hospital, do not wait for the onset of labor.

The waters have receded, which means that the baby is no longer protected and vulnerable to infections, since the integrity of the shell is broken.

And if the contractions at this moment have become regular, the departure of the water indicates that the baby is about to be born!

In the event that you see a waste of the mucous plug (jelly-like clot), you should not rush to the hospital, this is just one of the harbingers of childbirth.

Run to the hospital

You need to go to the hospital if:

  • you saw discharge with bloody content, and in significant volumes;
  • you feel that the uterus has become dense, the contractions have become more frequent and the pain in the abdomen has increased;
  • the baby began to move more often or, conversely, less often;
  • you complain of a headache, increased pressure, you began to see worse (vision has become cloudy and “flies” are flickering);
  • not yet 38 weeks, and labor has already begun, or you have a multiple pregnancy and the primary signs of labor have appeared.

We wish you an easy delivery and a speedy recovery! Let your baby grow up healthy!

“When to go to the hospital” is perhaps the most burning question that the expectant mother begins to worry about in the last trimester of pregnancy. Women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time are usually especially worried. The fear of giving birth at home, not having time to get to the maternity hospital, is absolutely natural. Warms up anxiety, among other things, a favorite cinematic technique, when a woman feels a sharp pain and realizes that she is about to give birth.

Listening to signals from our own body

In fact, in most cases, a woman manages not only to get to the maternity ward on time, but also to calmly collect the necessary things, call her relatives and slowly go to give birth. It is only important to hear the signals that the body gives. These signals are harbingers of childbirth in a woman.

There are two symptoms by which it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability that childbirth will occur in the next day. These are regular contractions and discharge of amniotic fluid. In addition, there are many indirect signs that may occur, or may be completely absent or go unnoticed.

A few days before an important event, a woman's body is restructured, the hormonal background changes. In this regard, a woman may notice a slight weight loss and a decrease in swelling. Thus, the body gets rid of excess fluid. In addition, stools may become more frequent in a few days, even diarrhea may occur. This is also a natural cleansing of the body before childbirth.

An important harbinger of childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug. Cork is a protective barrier that protects the entrance to the cervix from the external environment, bacteria and fungi that inhabit the vagina. A woman may find thick discharge of mucus, from clear to bloody. They cannot be confused with dangerous bleeding, since these are mucus clots. The cork can come off completely, or it can go away gradually over a long time, up to two weeks. It is important to understand that after the cork is released, the entrance to the cervix is ​​no longer protected, which means that you should not visit the pool, take a bath, and it is advisable to stop having sex.

Lowering of the abdomen is another sign of impending childbirth. After the bottom of the uterus has fallen, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, but the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. It is difficult to focus on this phenomenon in terms of time, since someone's stomach drops 2 weeks before childbirth, and someone directly in the process of childbirth.

If a woman notices any of the above symptoms, this is just a reminder and warning that childbirth will occur soon. None of these symptoms require a visit to a doctor unless there is a deterioration in general well-being.

But there are two signals that indicate that you need to pack your things and go to the hospital.

The first of these is the outpouring of water. Regardless of the gestational age and whether contractions have begun or not, if you find that your water has broken, you need to get to the maternity hospital within an hour and a half. It is impossible not to notice the departure of water. The amount of fluid after the rupture of the amniotic sac will be quite large. Don't be bothered by slightly damp underwear - this is a natural increase in mucus before childbirth.

True and training contractions

The most important sign of the onset of labor is contractions. Most women experience abdominal tension during the last months of pregnancy. The stomach seems to turn to stone, and pulling sensations appear not only in the stomach itself, but also in the lower back. These sensations are similar to discomfort during menstruation.

There are so-called training bouts of Braxton-Hicks. Distinguishing false contractions from true ones is very simple. They are not very painful, but this is not the main thing. True labor pains are always regular, that is, they repeat at regular intervals, which are gradually reduced. For example, abdominal tension occurs for 10 seconds every 12 minutes. At first, the interval between contractions is quite large, and their intensity and pain are very moderate. This allows you to calmly observe yourself and notice whether contractions are regular or not. The interval between false contractions is always different, in addition, they can subside and intensify depending on physical activity and body position. The real ones will grow regardless of your actions.

So, if you have decided that you have regular contractions, when to go to the hospital will tell your emotional state. You should go to the hospital when you are no longer comfortable at home. But you should still wait for an interval between contractions of at least 9 minutes, so as not to spend too much time waiting outside the house.

If the birth is not the first time

It is believed that the second and subsequent births are much faster than the first. In fact, this is not always the case. But a woman who is about to have a second birth can decide for herself when to go to the hospital. She already knows what contractions are and how to count them. It is only necessary to take into account that during the second birth, the rate of increase in labor activity, and, accordingly, the intensification and frequency of contractions usually occurs faster.

If the pregnancy proceeds with some peculiarities, planned hospitalization may be needed shortly before the expected date. The doctor can advise the patient on when to go to the hospital in a breech presentation. Perhaps this will have to be done taking into account those very harbingers of childbirth. After all, only immediately before the birth, the doctor usually decides how the birth will take place with a breech presentation - naturally or with the help of a caesarean section.

Closer to childbirth, the expectant mother begins to be tormented by the following questions:

  • when to go to the hospital?
  • how to recognize the first signs of childbirth?
  • Are there any special signs of an early birth?
  • And what are these first signs of childbirth?

We answer in order. There are three main signs of the onset of labor:

First sign of childbirth:

the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions

Most often, childbirth begins with contractions. Contractions are regular contractions of the uterus, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and (or) in the lower back. At first, the contractions are weak, lasting a few seconds, and the interval between them is 10-12 minutes.

Sometimes contractions immediately begin every 5 to 6 minutes, but not very strong. Gradually contractions become more frequent, strong, prolonged, painful. Between contractions, the abdomen is relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

Usually in nulliparous contractions last 10-12 hours, in multiparous 6-8 hours. Sometimes contractions are rare - after 20 - 30 minutes. These are not labor pains, but the harbingers of childbirth.

If they do not tire you very much, then you can wait and not go to the maternity hospital. It is possible that everything will stop. It is better to go to the hospital when contractions are more frequent than 1 time in 10 minutes.

The second sign of childbirth:

vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug

The mucus plug may come off 2 weeks before delivery, or maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the onset of uterine contractions to dilate the cervical canal - thus expelling the mucus plug.

The mucus plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of the mucous plug is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.

The third sign of childbirth:

discharge of water

The fetal bladder can leak, then the water slowly flows out.

It can burst suddenly, then the waters "gush in a strong stream." From time to time this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin.

More often this occurs in multiparous. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. If the waters receded immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the hospital immediately, since the longer the anhydrous period, the greater the likelihood of a complicated course of childbirth, penetration of infection into the uterus and to the fetus.

How do you know when it's time to go to the hospital? What were the first signs of childbirth you experienced?