Hot and cold water meters - how often do they need to be changed by law? How often should the oil be changed. How to choose emollients for baby skin

Hot and cold water allow precise control of water flow. Metering devices built into hot and cold water pipes constantly “read” the volumes of water passing through them. But water meters are ordinary mechanical or electronic devices.

The constant operation of the device elements will sooner or later lead to their wear and tear and failure, a change in the performance of components can affect the display of water consumption readings, both up and down. In such situations, the inevitable fact is the need to replace metering devices.

The procedure for replacing water meters is strictly regulated by law

The procedure for replacing water meters is strictly regulated by law. Knowledge of the basic rules and requirements for metering devices will allow you to easily answer a number of important issues water consumption. And sooner or later, every person faces them - is it necessary to change the water meters in the apartment, how often do you need to change, what is better to check or replace, when should you change and should it be done at all? Having well analyzed all these issues, there will be no problems with the maintenance of metering devices.

Replacement of measuring devices: why, legislative regulation

The water meter has a certain period efficient service. Hot and cold water meters must be installed in each apartment on the corresponding water supply lines. In most situations, each of us uses water quite often. Over the years, the elements of the device wear out and can cause breakdowns. Any change in instrument operation may result in incorrect data transfer.

Each meter manufacturer conducts laboratory tests, the results of which establish the approximate period of effective operation of the device. According to most experts real term the service life of high-quality devices under optimal conditions of use reaches about 15-20 years.

But you should understand that in our apartments there are no optimal conditions- the presence of impurities and foreign elements in the water, as well as constant pressure drops accelerate the wear of the elements of the devices and reduce the period effective work. For this reason, the so-called inter-verification period has been established - the period between manufacturing and checking the performance of the device. It is:

  • for hot water meters - 4 years;
  • for cold water meters - 6 years.

The difference in terms is due to the nature of use - hot water is a more aggressive environment. In addition, do not forget that hot water is expensive, and this circumstance requires more careful control.

Do I need to change water meters according to the law? The main regulatory act, which lays the foundations for regulating issues related to metering devices, is the Federal Law No. 102 of 06/26/2008. The law establishes key requirements for the control of resource spending. If the device has not been assigned a registration number, it cannot be considered serviceable and can not be used to control water consumption.

Each water meter has its own registration number

Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving ..." dated November 23, 2009 establishes a mandatory requirement for the installation of serviceable water meters in apartments and private houses. In the regions, legislative clarifications may be made regarding the procedure and timing for checking meters. So, order No. 831 cancels the mandatory verification activities every 4 and 6 years in Moscow.

Verification or replacement

After the inter-calibration period, it is required to calibrate the meters. The procedure for checking meters involves determining, using high-precision weighing equipment, the error in transmitting data on volumes of water. All actions are carried out in the apartment, without dismantling the equipment and take several tens of minutes.

After carrying out the verification procedure, a specialist of an organization that has the appropriate accreditation fills out an act and makes the appropriate entries in the passports of the devices about the verification.

If the verified water meter is serviceable, it will work until the end of the next verification period. After next period verification will also be carried out, and so on. That is, the meter does not need to be changed after the expiration of the calibration period; it is subject to replacement only in case of malfunctions. In practice, a high-quality meter can work out two verification periods without problems.

If we consider the question of how much more profitable it is to check or replace water meters, then the first option looks more attractive in all respects:

  • it is not required to dismantle the device;
  • the cost of verification is lower than the price for buying a new meter and installing it.

The procedure for replacing water meters

When should the counter be changed? Replacement is required in the following cases:

  1. The device is defective.
  2. During the verification, critical deviations in the transmitted readings were established, requiring replacement or repair of the device.

A water meter malfunction is determined by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp change in the indications of monthly water consumption, which does not have objective reasons;
  • motion indicator or flow dial does not function.

But only a specialist of an authorized company can officially determine the malfunction. To do this, it is necessary to carry out verification in a timely manner. Do not hesitate to replace if your meter is faulty.

If you do not change it in time, sooner or later the controlling authority will identify a malfunction and calculate consumption according to the general standard until the serviceability can be confirmed. Such a recalculation can affect several years and result in a significant amount. It is better to spend little money on the purchase and installation of a meter.

Self-installation of a water meter is not rational

Is it possible to replace the counter yourself. No one forbids you to replace the meter on your own. But such actions are not rational for several reasons:

  1. You still have to notify the management company about the replacement and invite a specialist to check the correctness of the procedures carried out, as well as for sealing.
  2. Installation by a specialist management or specialized company will allow you to obtain guarantees and avoid liability in case of violations or breakdowns.

The rules for replacing a water meter imply the following sequence of actions:

  1. Submission of an application to the management company for a replacement of the meter.
  2. Coordination of the arrival of the master.
  3. Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  4. Visiting the master of the apartment, carrying out the procedure for replacing the device.
  5. Installation of seals and commissioning. The changing master must provide all the necessary documentation.

To facilitate the procedure for replacing and checking metering devices, general requirements are imposed on their installation:

  1. Counters must be available.
  2. Pipes must be maintained in good condition.
  3. Valve and ball equipment must tightly shut off the water.
  4. In a private house, the replacement of meters is carried out on a general basis.

Thus, the replacement of devices should be carried out only in case of malfunctions in its operation. No one can force you to change the meter, but in case of malfunctions, payment will be made according to the standards, so it is better to monitor the performance of control devices, check them in a timely manner and change them if necessary.

Everyone who has installed meters on pipelines supplying cold and hot water from the central networks, was able to make sure that it is profitable . There is such a category of the population that believes that, and this is the most correct approach.

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Water meter installation laws

The government has adopted a number of legislative acts relating to means and methods of measurement.

Federal Law No. 102 of June 26, 2008

Federal Law "On Ensuring the Unity of Measuring Instruments", it defines the need for verification of measuring instruments with the requirements of metrology.

The purpose of the Federal Law is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state from negative consequences unreliable results measurements.

Verification (verification) is a set of activities performed in order to confirm the compliance of metering devices with metrological requirements.

Verification of the device is a check of its serviceability and accuracy using special equipment.

The law regulates the period during which the metering device can operate without hindrance and what intervals are permissible between verification of hot and cold water metering devices.

It is allowed to install metering devices only those that are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 261 dated November 23, 2009

This law affirms the need to draw up contracts between the service provider and their consumer, this act allocates 180 days for the fulfillment of requirements.

The law on energy saving defines the obligation to measure the consumption of communal resources.

Mandatory installation of metering devices will enable:

  1. Increase the possibility of saving resources;
  2. Allows you to determine losses.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06.05.2011

This act explains the nuances of the amount of payment for the use of water and other services for residents of apartment buildings and residential buildings, as well as the rules for the provision of public services.

Here, the concept of the amount of the fee is clearly divided in the presence of a meter and in the absence of it.

Why are water meters subject to mandatory verification?

A water meter is a fairly accurate and sensitive device, which, after a period of time, may fail, that is, show not quite the correct water flow.

Such indicators are of no interest to either the consumer or the supplier. Why are the indicators on the counter no longer accurate, and how much do the device data differ from the actual ones, and in what direction?

Hot and cold water affect meters differently. It is clear that hot water contains chemical additives, therefore its composition and high temperature are more aggressive towards the meter parts, and therefore verification of metering devices on hot water pipelines needs to be done more often.

The check may show that the device is in good condition, and the damaged accounting equipment must be repaired or replaced.

When do you need to change water meters?

The calibration interval for a meter installed in a hot water supply system is 4 years, for a meter installed on a pipe with cold water- 6 years.

Cold water meters should be checked no later than after 6 years, and hot water meters - after 4 years.

There is no need to think that the period set for verification means the replacement of equipment for recording consumption. The water meter needs to be changed only if it does not work or shows incorrect water consumption figures.

The service life of a water meter is on average 12 years, which means that one device can last up to 6 years before failure, and the other - 18 years.

It should be remembered that it is better to take care of the issue of calibrating the water consumption meter in advance, 1-1.5 months before the end of the calibration interval.

The service provider maintains records for each apartment, each house or other object. If the user himself forgot that the period between verifications is already coming to an end, he will be reminded - they will send a notification.

The procedure for checking water meters

How are water meters tested? Since it is necessary to carry out verification only with the help of special equipment, not everyone knows that verification can be carried out not only in stationary conditions, but also on the spot.

To carry out work, citizens independently choose an organization that has the necessary permits.

How to replace a water meter?

  1. Before the start of work care must be taken to turn off the water, having coordinated it in the Housing Office;
  2. Provide access to water pipes;
  3. Pipes must be in good condition;
  4. Taps (valves, ball valves) must completely shut off the water in the apartment.

Verification can be done in several ways:

  • With the removal of metering devices
  • Without removing metering devices

If the verification will be carried out by a specialized company, then you should call the plumber serving the house to remove the meter. The dismantled device will be put into operation, drawing up an act of withdrawal, indicating the brand and serial numbers. You need to have a document for a water meter with you - a passport and your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

For the verification procedure, they use special calibration settings that allow you to accurately verify the correctness of the readings.

After receiving back his accounting equipment after some time, from several hours to several days, the consumer will receive the following documents:

  1. Agreement on the installation of water meters;
  2. Certificate of completion;
  3. The act of commissioning a water meter;
  4. Passport for a cold water meter
  5. Passport to the hot water meter
  6. Certificate for counters
  7. Maintenance contract.

A water meter recognized as unsuitable will have to be changed, a serviceable one must be installed in its original place and used until the turn comes next check.

There are methods in which the removal of meters is not required - verification will be done right on the spot.

It is necessary to make sure that the company is accredited, and its employees have attestation.

How is a water meter checked? We invite you to watch the video.

Of course, this verification method is extremely convenient. Representatives of the company will contact the supplier themselves and remove the issue of verification. The consumer of the service will receive a paper on the date and results of the procedure.

This method also has disadvantages. In order to make an accurate calibration, about 250 liters must pass through the device connected to the tap. water, for which the owner of the apartment will have to pay.

If an error is found on the water meter, you will not have the opportunity to repair or correct the device on the spot. The device will still have to be removed.

What threatens the owner of the dwelling if he did not check on time?

Having an IPU verification certificate in hand, the owner must make sure not to miss the deadline for the next verification.

An uncalibrated water meter, both hot and cold, is considered unsuitable, which means that it is impossible to pay according to the readings of such a device.

Further bills for payment for the use of water will be issued at average rates, as for users who do not have meters, taking into account the number of residents registered in the apartment.

These norms will force the consumer to spend a significantly larger amount monthly than when the meter readings were taken into account.

IPU verification is a paid service or not?

Citizens are obliged to carry out verification of IPU (individual metering devices) at their own expense within the time specified by the manufacturer and indicated in the passport of the metering device.

You have to pay for trust. IN different regions the cost is different, but the average figures are from 370 rubles. up to 1000 rubles

At the same time, it would be useful to note that the price of work when using a portable standard, that is, on the spot, without dismantling the water meter, and in the case of removal, are almost equal.

Tracking the verification period and organizing its implementation is not so difficult. A self-respecting homeowner will always be interested in ensuring that the equipment in his living space works correctly and is in good working order. You can choose any of the methods for checking water meters.

Russian legislation over the past few years has been actively introducing measures that in one way or another force citizens to install water meters. The readings of one such flow meter allow the state to regulate the level of resource consumption, and citizens to pay only for what they actually consumed, without increasing coefficients and overpayments. Requirements for metering devices, their operation, maintenance, replacement and unscheduled inspections are fixed by federal law.

Each owner of a dwelling or other real estate object is obliged to know what responsibility and for what he bears. As for water metering equipment, one initial installation with sealing and registration is not enough. The water meter is not unlimited, it needs to be checked and replaced periodically, but here it is important to be aware of when and what to do if a malfunction is detected so as not to run into fines and other troubles.

For each individual case there is a course of action. In addition, here the legislation does not restrict owners too strictly in terms of choosing who and when will reinstall devices.

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Differences between meters

Since the main task of metering devices is to obtain the most accurate information about the amount of resource consumed, it is extremely important that they work properly. Any deviation from the norm already indicates the incorrectness of the information provided, which means that the owner, in case of an untimely reaction to such, has the right by law to oblige to pay tariffs with increasing coefficients. Given that, as a rule, equipment is installed, on the contrary, in order to save on paying for this public service, this is very bad moment. Moreover, the tariffs are regularly increased, and the payment amount is calculated on the number of registered people.

You need to know that absolutely all metering devices are subject to scheduled checks and have a limited service life. The hot water meter is checked more often than the cold water meter. This is due to the fact that the mechanical parts of the equipment in contact with high temperature, to which chemical additives are added, are amenable to aggressive impact and quickly become unusable, requiring repair or complete replacement. The frequency of their check, respectively, is less than similar equipment that considers the consumption of cold water.

Approved dates

Before talking about what time it is really necessary to change meters, it is necessary to take into account the intervals for checking water meters. So, for example, equipment for hot water is checked every four years, for cold water - once every six years. If, as a result of the check, no malfunctions were identified or they were eliminated, it is not necessary to change the water meters. They continue to serve either until the next check, or until the moment when their period of use expires.

It is worth noting that the service life of water metering devices is not the same for all models. On average, they serve twelve years, but one model can be designed for only six years, and the other for all eighteen. You can find out about the operating time when buying new equipment, as well as looking at the data sheet. It must indicate given term, that is, an indicator of when to change this model if a breakdown or other damage has not occurred earlier.

The owner of the immovable object must monitor the expiration of the service life. You need to deal with replacement issues not when the device is no longer suitable, but at least a month before, or even a month and a half. As for scheduled checks every few years, they also cannot be missed, but they are usually reminded of them by written notifications that come along with receipts for payment.

How to check equipment?

Regardless of how many years it is necessary to change the meters for accounting for consumed water, each of them, as a rule, is subject to a scheduled inspection at least once. In turn, it is important to remember that both scheduled and unscheduled inspections are carried out on a paid basis, and financial obligations fall directly on the property owner. The amount of this service depends on the region where the object is located and generally does not exceed a thousand rubles. You can pay for the service through any bank branches or Internet services.

Each owner real estate has the right to organize an unscheduled inspection of equipment. To do this, he can choose one of the options:

Where should you apply?

None legislative act Russian Federation there are no established criteria as to who replaces water meters. Thus, the property owner has a certain freedom in his decisions and actions. He is free to turn not to government agency, to a water utility or a management company, but also to private organizations. These can be service companies that are engaged in similar work and have no problems with the availability of up-to-date state licenses to your activities.

To replace equipment, you must still obtain the appropriate permission for this. It indicates the time frame, that is, the time frame for all work to be done, as well as a list of what is allowed to be done.

What does the owner get when he changes the meter to water:

What can you do yourself?

Government Decree No. 354, paragraph 81, regulates that the obligation to bear all financial costs for the acquisition, verification, installation and dismantling of water metering equipment is assigned to the owner of real estate. Only tenants under a contract are exempted from this encumbrance. social recruitment, but only when this obligation is not transferred to them by the municipality at the conclusion of the contract. Before buying new equipment, it is important to check with the water utility which models are needed in a given region. So, for example, in 2017 it is no longer relevant to purchase a meter of the same model that was purchased, for example, ten years ago.

It is forbidden to arbitrarily break the seals on the meter and remove it without notifying the responsible authorities. When this becomes known, the violator will have to pay a fine and pay extra for utility bills. Notification of the removal of seals, dismantling and replacement must be submitted in writing, properly, with the registration of the application and obtaining all permits. At the same time, it is important to review the terms of the contract with the water utility again, management company to make sure who is responsible for such work.

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Has it happened that suddenly tired of the old place of work? Do you want change? Would you like to do something different and from a different professional field?

If such thoughts come to your mind, it means that the time has really come for a change - a cardinal change in your life - it's time to change jobs. Passionate desire change means that you are mentally ready for them, it remains only to perform this action, which for some reason begins to interfere with experiences, maybe even doubts whether you are doing the right thing.

Have the courage not to be afraid of an unknown future, put aside your worries and fears, this is your life and you are not doing anything illegal. You should not worry about how the bosses at work will react, what colleagues will think, what friends or girlfriends will say. In this case, there is only one adviser - you yourself. Everyone with whom you communicate will be able to help only in one thing - in bringing new information into your consciousness. For example, tell a similar story from your own life or heard from friends, but no good advice, they, most likely, will not be able to give now. By the way, you will not listen to other people's advice.

Time changes the rules of the game

How often you need to change jobs is up to you and no one else. Times are changing, customs are changing, and the fact that in the middle of the last century it was considered the norm to work at one enterprise for as long as possible is now perceived as an attribute of another era and is not of decisive importance.

It used to be important to earn continuous experience – it was reflected in pensions, encouraged by state policy, today there are other rules and priorities – modern man nothing and no one obliges you to work at the same enterprise for decades. To a job change negative attitude no, on the contrary, it is believed that in a new place a person works with great diligence, as a result, with greater productivity.

A change of job promises an employee new prospects, positive emotions from communicating with new people and increased wages.

Not all people know from childhood who they will be when they become adults, it happens that, already working, you suddenly realize that this place is not happy and, not that you can’t do it at all, you just want to do another job.

They say you can’t command the heart, this is true both in relations between people and in the relationship of a person and his favorite business.
Everything said here is not advice to leave or stay, but information, so the situation is described in relatively detail and with answers to possible "Why?".

Do all people need to change jobs? What for?

Of course, you can not go to extremes. If previously only one job was welcomed, this does not mean that now everyone must look for a new job with strict periodicity.

If everything suits you, and the working conditions, and the salary, and the team, then it is illogical to look for a new place.
But when the existing job becomes an unbearable burden, it will annoy, depress, and then there is a desire to leave. When this happens, you will immediately feel it.

How often can you get a new job and why?

Everyone has their own reasons for changing jobs, they either arise or they don’t, so there is no right answer to the question “How often” should you get a new job. If everything suits you at your current job, then there’s no need to leave, it’s another matter objective reasons, for example, included in -

Burnout Syndrome.

This is the accumulation of negative energy received in the process professional activity, concerns a wide range professions, arises from very many specific reasons, of which there are several dozen. Among them:

The need to communicate with people who are negatively disposed towards you;
unsuitable working conditions, lack of career growth, low salary;
daily unpredictability of work-related events;
chronic fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion;
feeling of uselessness, apathy, indifference towards work;
irritability, constant feeling anxiety, depression;
and many others - the list of reasons is very capacious.

If you think that you have reasons for changing jobs, then no one's opinion matters if you are completely "befriended", then it does not matter how long you have worked on it, consider it necessary - leave.

For many people it is difficult to work in one place for more than 3, maximum 5 years. By the way, according to psychologists, after about the same period of time, most people get tired of the on-duty monotony of work relationships - between the daily trip back and forth, the team, bosses, work itself, lunch exercise - the resulting fatigue easily develops into stress. Some people deal with this condition, some don't.

On a note:
For a modern employer, a job seeker's long work for previous place not considered as positive quality, rather, on the contrary, he will prefer to employ a person who has worked at the previous place for 3-4 years, and not 10 years.

Is it possible to work your whole life in one job and remain inquisitive and interesting person? Yes and no, it depends special person deals with his character. A person of a creative profession most often remains interesting interlocutor, because creativity is impossible without the development of the person himself, but there are a huge number of professions and positions where the professional circle of occupations is monotonous. In such positions, not all employees have a desire to work, and are not able to work for a long time.

Long-term performance of the same actions and functions in one place for a number of years creates in the employee a feeling of a peculiar situation that has arisen around him. "warm world", this is the so-called comfort zone, which dulls all aspirations and leads to social apathy.

Availability "warm world" contributes to the fear of any novelty, unwillingness to change, a person now no longer thinks of changing jobs, even if the salary has ceased to be competitive. There is a term in economics "stagnation" with meaning "stay", "do not develop", something similar happens to a person, though for him the conditions are more stringent - he cannot "stay"- it either develops or degrades, there is no middle position. Most a prime example such a situation is when, when talking with a person, it is difficult to find a topic for communication outside of his usual work. It may sound unpleasant, but such is our nature.

On a note:
Lack of desire for new knowledge is the path to depression. If a person has been “sitting” in one place for a very long time, a new employer may think: “Is everything in order with the psyche of the candidate” Well, that's the way things are these days.

Today it is not prestigious to work in one place for a long time.

Performing the same work day after day, the employee loses initiative, the work becomes so familiar that it begins to seem boring, possibly useless. The employee ceases to generate ideas, he himself and all his working activity move inertially at the pace gained in the first year after employment. So the worker becomes uncommunicative and closes in "his own world". Behavior when a person loses interest in communicating with others is called antisocial.

Thus, a generalized portrait of the applicant is emerging, which will be of interest to the employer, and out of two applicants for employment, the applicant with a long experience at the previous job is at the end of the queue or is not noticed at all. This is how his antisocial image is perceived negatively.

What does a person feel when changing jobs

Job change creates an outlet in the routine family relations, and personal conflicts, which also happen, and new job captivates, it satisfies the natural human desire to learn new things. Learning something new, you get fresh topics for conversation, including in the family, you again become an interesting conversationalist.

At the new workplace, for the first time you will meet people, get used to it, by the second year you will become an expert, and in the third year you will become an expert in your field. During this period, as a rule, there is a surge of strength and inspiration from work.

On a note:
Do not forget that applicants who have worked in the previous place for several weeks or months will also be of no interest to the employer. It is generally accepted that for them, changing jobs is so familiar that it becomes on a par with the work itself in importance, which means that such workers will be a burden. They even have names for them. "flyers", "jumpers", "runners". If you are one of them, reduce your ardor, because one day they will not even talk to you at all.

Job search time can be long

The long search for a new job can be very frustrating, but do not despair. According to statistics, the applicant finds the desired job after many months, he is in search of six months or more. Therefore, if you are looking for a job only for another month, do not despair, this is the norm, it is extremely rare in a different way. Just keep searching all the time, not occasionally - the more effort you put in, the faster you will achieve desired result.

You decide how often you need to change jobs, the main thing is to pay attention to your condition, because even a seemingly insignificant, but constant feeling of fatigue can be an important signal when you need to think about changes in your working life.

Try to keep up with the times. We do not know the rules of the future, but we know that today the mores of the past no longer work, we know that now it is in the order of things not to hold on to workplace in a company where you are not at all comfortable to be.

From the article you will learn how often you need to change the thermal paste on the processor or video card. How long does it take to dry and what is a sign that it's time to start replacing.

How often do you need to change the thermal paste?

Answer: It depends on the brand of thermal paste. If this is KPT-8 (old, but reliable) - then you can not think about replacing it in the next 4-5 of the year, after application. Of course, if the computer was not subject to serious overheating, which would “dry” it ahead of time.

Owners of Arctic Cooling MX-3 can forget about replacement for a record time in 8 years! After such a period, you must agree, it is more expedient to replace the obsolete part with a new one than to mess with thermal paste.

AlSil-3, like KPT-8, has a service life not exceeding 5 years, then it should be updated.

Thermalright products have minimum term service, equal to all 1 (!) year.

The amount of thermal paste applied also plays a role.

If only a tiny amount of it is applied between the processor and the sole of the radiator, then it will dry faster, this is logical. On the other hand, I do not recommend smearing it, like butter on bread. There will be no benefit.

Limiting temperatures are an important factor

If the processor heats up to, say, 60 degrees maximum, this is one thing. But if it works at temperatures bordering on a hundred, this is a completely different story. In such conditions, everything will dry out. And it will happen much faster. However, I did not manage to find numerical correlations between temperature and drying, everything is just “by eye”.

How long does thermal paste take to dry?

Perhaps we answered this question above: they play a role:

a) applied volumes

b) temperature

c) product brand.

Finally: do not rack your brains over the problem until the computer has become noticeable. This will help determine.