How much the unemployed pay alimony. The procedure for determining the amount of payments. Alimony how to count on a child according to modern legislation

When we talk about the recovery of alimony, we mean the deduction of a certain amount of money from the payer's earnings. And the question of collecting alimony from an unemployed parent confuses most of us.

And indeed, where does the alimony come from if there is no earnings? But is it possible that the father is relieved of responsibility for the maintenance of his children only on the basis of lack of work?

Does an unemployed person have to pay child support?

To answer this question, one should turn to family law. Article 80 of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation establishes that parents are obliged to support minor children regardless of their labor status, that is, from the presence or absence of work and earnings. At the same time, parents have the right to agree among themselves on the procedure and amounts of payments for the maintenance of the child.

From this it follows that the lack of work and earnings does not relieve the obligation to pay alimony!

The minimum amount of alimony payment from a non-employed person in 2019

Sometimes for a non-working child support payer, the amount may be too large. After all, the amount of earnings in some cities and towns is much lower than the average for Russia.

Since the law defines only the procedure for calculating alimony, but does not establish the minimum amount of alimony, lawyers strongly advise that this issue be resolved peacefully - by concluding an agreement. In the agreement, parents can set a minimum amount that will suit both.

If an agreement is not concluded, the court will establish the minimum amount of alimony for the unemployed. In this case, not only abstract average indicators will be taken into account, but the real life circumstances of the parents and the child: the level of earnings, region of residence, marital status, reasons for dismissal, the period of unemployment, and so on.

If the alimony payer agrees to support the child, the court will set the minimum amount of alimony that he will be able to pay. If the payer evades payment, the court will calculate the alimony in accordance with all the rules, taking as a basis the average earnings in Russia.

In some cases, the court may establish a flat alimony amount for a non-working payer. Its size will depend on what was the previous level of support for the child, what is the current financial and marital status of the parents.

The amount of alimony payments from the unemployed

How much child support is paid if the non-working father has no income? To get an answer to this question, consider several options for collecting alimony.

If the alimony payer has the official status of an unemployed

If a non-working parent goes to an employment center and receives official unemployment status, he or she receives unemployment benefits. The amount of the benefit is set on the basis of the average wage in the last job or the average wage in the region of residence. Alimony is paid from this allowance - in the amount established by the alimony agreement or a court decision.

The only problem is that the amount of unemployment benefits is extremely low and often does not cover alimony obligations.

If the payer does not work and does not contact the employment center

If the payer does not work and has no earnings, but does not apply to the employment center either, the collection of alimony is carried out in the general manner - in the form of a share of earnings. But since he does not have official earnings, alimony is calculated based on the amount of earnings at the last place of work or the average earnings in the region of residence.

If the payer is an unemployed disabled person or a pensioner

When calculating alimony from an unemployed disabled person or pensioner, his total income (pension, disability benefit) is taken into account. If this income is below the subsistence level in the region of residence, the state will take over the alimony obligations. When determining the amount of alimony, the needs of the child will be taken into account, therefore it is in the interests of the recipient to provide evidence of the maximum "need".

If the payer is not officially employed, but has inconsistent earnings

If the payer has earnings (albeit inconsistent), but it is not possible to collect alimony, because the payer is not officially employed, the problem can be solved:

  • By tracking cash receipts and spending. After a court decision on the recovery of alimony has been made, you should contact the bailiff with a statement to track the income and expenses of the payer. This will allow you to check monetary transactions and establish the amount of earnings, on the basis of which the corresponding amount of alimony can be collected - in a new court proceeding.
  • By obtaining evidence of the payer's income. Witnesses who are not interested in the outcome of the trial can testify about the income of the alimony payer known to them.

What is the amount of alimony from the unemployed in 2019

How much should an unemployed person pay alimony? As is clear from the above, to determine the amount of alimony from the unemployed, it is often used indicatoraverage wages - either by region of residence or across Russia.

According to this provision, the amount of alimony will be 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 of the average wage. In January 2018, the average salary in Russia was 36,000 rubles (the average salary in the region may differ!).

How is child support calculated? To roughly calculate the amount of alimony for the unemployed, we will start from this indicator.

An example of calculating alimony for a non-working person

  • for one child - a quarter of the average wage, 36,000 x 25% = 9,000 rubles;
  • for two children - a third, 36,000 x 30% = 12,000 rubles;
  • for three children - half, 30,000 x 50% = 18,000.

If the payer of alimony is unemployed, but registered at the employment center, a different indicator is used to calculate alimony - the unemployment benefit minimum wage. In 2018, its maximum amount was 4,900 rubles. So, how to calculate alimony from a non-working person ...

  • for one child - a quarter of unemployment benefits, 4,900 x 25% = 1,225 rubles;
  • for two children - a third of the allowance, 4,900 x 30% = 1,633.33 rubles;
  • for three children - half of the allowance, 4,900 x 50% = 2,450 rubles.

How to collect and receive alimony from an unemployed person?

Alimony from an unemployed citizen in Russia can be collected in two ways:

  1. as a share of earnings;
  2. in the form of a fixed amount of money.

Let's consider the advantages of each method of collecting alimony in circumstances of lack of work and earnings.

Recovery of alimony from the unemployed in the form of a share of earnings

Since the unemployed payer does not have work and earnings, the amount of alimony will be determined based on the average salary in the region of residence.

The advantage of this option is that, despite the lack of work and earnings, the payer will accumulate alimony arrears. If work and earnings appear one day, the amount of debt will be recovered from the income, and if they do not appear, from the property belonging to the debtor.

The disadvantage of this option is that the unemployed person can register with the employment center. And then alimony will be calculated from unemployment benefits, the amount of which is usually low.

Recovery of alimony from an unemployed person in a fixed (fixed) sum of money

The advantage of this option is its stability and predictability - regardless of the availability of work and earnings, the unemployed alimony payer transfers a fixed amount on a monthly basis.

But this advantage also has a disadvantage. An unemployed person can at any time get a high-paying job, and the lump sum of alimony set by the court will remain the same. In addition, one should not hope that the court will establish a fixed amount of alimony equal to the subsistence level. After examining the financial and marital status of the payer, the court can order alimony, for example, in the amount of 0.1 of the minimum subsistence level. The minimum threshold for alimony payments is not established by law.

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The number of divorces in Russia is growing every year. How much alimony should the father of a son or daughter pay? This is a completely natural question that arises among most Russian women even before the divorce. According to Russian law, a man does not cease material responsibility to his children after a divorce. The amount of monthly payments depends on many circumstances. The main one is the income of the ex-spouse. Is it official or not? What if the spouse is unemployed? There can be a lot of nuances. A single mother, left without a husband, it is better to learn to understand them.

Help from a working and unemployed dad

An officially working dad is the most successful version of the circumstances. The ex-spouse is legally required to pay ¼ of his income monthly if he has one child; 1/3 of the salary - for two children; half of his money allowance if he has three or more children. It should be noted that alimony is calculated from the amount of earnings, from which personal income tax has already been withheld (13%). For example, the salary of Ivanov I.I. is 40,000 rubles. Of these, 5,200 (13%) are withheld as tax. Cash liabilities will be calculated from the amount of 34,800 rubles (40,000 - 5200). Citizen Ivanov is obliged to pay his two children 11,600 rubles (34,800 × 1/3) monthly.

In this case, the calculation and transfer of alimony will be dealt with by the organization in which the father of the children works. If the alimony receives some other income, they are also taken into account when calculating the monthly payments to children. Such income includes allowances, surcharges, bonuses, bonuses, compensations, income from entrepreneurship, pensions, scholarships and other similar monetary awards. Dismissal benefits, material assistance and other payments that are not periodic are not taken into account when calculating alimony.

If the child's father does not work and is registered with the employment service as an applicant, alimony is calculated based on his unemployment benefit. If the former spouse is not listed at the labor exchange, the amount of alimony is determined in court. The court will make a calculation based on the average wage in the country.

Alimony in the form of fixed payments

A fixed amount of alimony is established in court. As a rule, this type of alimony is assigned if the child's father has no official or permanent income or receives income in foreign currency or in kind.

Payments in the form of fixed payments for the maintenance of children are tied to the subsistence level. In 2015, its size is 7 326 rubles, if the region where the former spouses live has not set its own minimum size. Alimony is set in multiples of this very minimum. Moreover, in practice, the judge can determine the amount of alimony or less than 7,326 rubles per minor. This amount is subject to periodic indexation.

This type of alimony relationship occurs when both parties have come to a consensus on the amount of payments. Payments under the agreement cannot be less than the money that would have been determined by the court. The document confirming the amount of "paternal payments" and other nuances is certified by a notary. A man can allocate money for the maintenance of children in the form of a percentage of income, fixed payments, a lump sum, or he can “donate” real estate, cars and other property for alimony, if this suits the legal representative of the child. All this should be reflected in the agreement, then many material claims against the father can be avoided.

Women who are left with a child after a divorce need to know one more nuance. If, at the time of the divorce, one of the children has not reached the age of 3, the woman has the right to file a lawsuit in court demanding the appointment of monetary payments and for her maintenance.

Awareness of how much the father should pay child support will allow the woman to fully respect the interests of the minor.

This is her task as the legal representative of the minor. Sometimes the parties manage to come to an agreement and settle all issues peacefully. In some cases, you cannot do without going to court and qualified assistance of a lawyer.

After the termination of the marriage relationship, one of the former spouses is responsible for maintaining the common children, which is called "alimony payment." This issue can be resolved in court or peacefully - by drawing up an agreement. In this case, the last document must be certified by a notary. As a rule, parental payments for child support are alimony for 1 child. How many percent they will be, can only be decided by the court. By law, they must be at least one fourth of the salary or other income of a parent who does not live with their child. But in the event that a citizen has other children and pays funds for their maintenance, the amount of alimony can be reduced.

The main

A woman who is left alone with a child after her husband leaves, always wonders how to get payments for the maintenance of her baby from her ex-spouse. Because many of the stronger sex, leaving the other half, forget about their children, who need their care, attention and material support. Here family legislation comes to the rescue, which states that parents are obliged to support their children, and if they do not do this, then the money is collected from them through the courts. In this case, payments to ensure normal conditions for the life and development of a minor is alimony for 1 child. How many percent they will be - only the judicial authority will decide. By law, this is one fourth of the earnings of the parent who left his family. In some cases, this amount of payments can be reduced based on the financial and marital status of the citizen.

How to arrange

The payment of a parent's funds to ensure the life of his baby, who lives with another spouse, is alimony for 1 child. How many percent they will be, can only be decided by the court, having studied all the circumstances of the civil case. As a general rule, this is one fourth of salary or other income.

In order to issue alimony, one of the parents with whom the child lives must apply to the court at his place of residence or at the address of the defendant's registration. Samples of drawing up statements in this authority are already available. Therefore, you can write everything right there, having previously clarified all the information with the court secretary or the bailiff. You need to take with you only documents confirming the fact of the child's relationship with the person from whom you need to collect alimony. These include:

Baby's birth certificate;

A document on the registration of marriage relations;

Paternity certificate (if the marriage was not registered);

Certificate from the plaintiff's place of residence about the child's residence with him (take it from the passport office);

Copies of all specified documents for the defendant.

What's better

Most often, the funds for the maintenance of a minor - alimony for 1 child (how many percent they will be, the court will determine) - are collected from the father or mother by issuing a court order. To do this, you just need to draw up a statement and give it to the secretary. Within five days after that, the order for the recovery of alimony will be ready. In this case, the court session is not held. With this document, the recoverer can apply directly to the head of the organization where the debtor carries out his official activities. If the place of work of the latter is unknown, then you need to go to the bailiffs.

Also, the collection of funds for the maintenance of children can be carried out in the order of action. In this case, both parties to the dispute are invited to the court and a decision is made, after which a writ of execution is issued to the claimant. The parent can dispose of it at its discretion, give it to work in the bailiff service or keep it if the debtor decided to pay the money voluntarily. It should be noted here that this document can be presented for compulsory execution during the entire period of its validity, that is, until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Definition and size

This is also where family law comes in. Art. 81 of which states that the maintenance of one child accounts for one fourth of a parent's earnings or other income. Accordingly, if a citizen has a good and stable job, then the payments will be decent. But it may also be the other way around. Nevertheless, practice shows that many fathers do not always want to pay money for the maintenance of a minor - alimony for 1 child. How many percent (2016 also shows disappointing statistics) there are those who have never transferred funds to provide for their own children and are now serving a sentence for this! And even the tightening of the law cannot correct this situation.

Agreement between two parents

If the former spouses want to resolve the issue of maintaining the child peacefully, then in this case they need to draw up an agreement. This document is an agreement in which the parents describe the conditions for payment and the amount of alimony for 1 child, as well as the responsibility for their failure. In addition, the amount specified in the agreement can be fixed and gradually indexed to reflect price increases. If the parent has a decent income and a stable income, then only the percentage of alimony per child can be specified in the contract. This is usually done by very wealthy people.

You should never forget that the agreement on the payment of alimony must be notarized, otherwise it will not have the force of a writ of execution.

In solid sum

This applies to those cases when a citizen who is obliged to pay funds to provide for a child has a variable income or does not work at all. It should also be noted that the alimony in a fixed amount of money can be assigned taking into account the material and family status of a person. As a rule, the court determines them depending on the size of the living wage or equal to it. This is necessary in order to provide the child with a normal standard of living and development.

The change

Many citizens of our country are interested in the question of how much is the alimony for 1 child? This is especially true when one of the parents lives with the baby and tries to buy all the essentials for him, but there is not enough money, and the second does not deny himself anything, has a business and property, but at the same time hides his real income ... In this case, you can apply to the judicial authority with a statement to increase the amount of alimony. In this case, it is necessary to provide evidence (preferably written) that a person really has great financial capabilities, but for some reason does not want to pay one quarter of his real income. If the applicant bases his position only on words or testimony, then the court is unlikely to satisfy his demands.

Multiple jobs

In this case, the payers themselves are interested in the question of the maintenance of children and how much interest to pay? Alimony for 1 child is paid by a citizen from his salary or other income in the amount of one quarter of the total amount. At the same time, if the debtor has several jobs (works at two enterprises), then the money to support the baby must be paid according to several executive documents. As a rule, the interests of the minor are not violated in this case.


Here it is also necessary to touch upon the question of what threatens those who deliberately evade paying money for the maintenance of their children? As a rule, they are held accountable. Art. 157 of the Atrocities Code states that the punishment here can even reach 1 year in isolation from society. Nevertheless, even tougher sanctions cannot help cope with non-payers of alimony.


Many women are also interested in the question of what will be the percentage of alimony for 1 child in 2016 if the marriage has not been registered? The main thing here is that in the birth document in the father column, the details of the latter are entered. In their absence, a woman will not be able to receive alimony even from her former "civilian" husband. Because she will be considered a single mother. In this case, it will be necessary to prove in court that the father of her child is exactly the person whom she considers to be such. For this, it will even be necessary to conduct an examination of the establishment of paternity. Also at the trial, the court takes into account the testimony of witnesses and joint photographs, where the alleged father of the child is depicted with his mother. Only if the fact of consanguinity between the baby and the citizen is proven, the woman will be able to apply for the recovery of alimony from the last.

Minimum Payouts

As a rule, not all debtors want to transfer a quarter of their income to provide for their own children. This is most often due to the fact that the salary level of the latter is not high enough, and they also need to subsist on something. However, the law does not provide for the minimum amount of alimony. Because parents are obliged to provide their baby in such a way that he has a normal standard of living. This fact does not depend on the salary of the parent who is obliged to pay alimony. For 1 child (2016), their size is determined based on the percentage.

The Family Code regulates a large number of relationships, including Chapter 13 pays attention to child support payments. At the same time, two ways to carry out such calculations are determined. There can be a percentage calculation of the income of the obliged person, or a fixed amount can be established.

But in both the first and second cases, the amount of alimony will be determined by such a factor as the number of children in the obligated person. Other circumstances, with the exception of special cases, will not matter in determining the amount of alimony.

When the obligated person has one child, then there are two options for determining the amount of alimony.

These methods include the following:

  • Agreement between former spouses on the procedure for paying alimony. Such an agreement will include all the conditions for transferring money, including the amount. At the same time, it is important to remember that the amount of alimony cannot be lower than the amount that the child could receive if the parent living with him applied to the court, namely, twenty-five percent of the income of the obliged person;
  • Court statement. Here the financial position of each of the parties to the dispute will be taken into account. It is also possible to present other circumstances that could release from the payment of alimony or, on the contrary, oblige it to carry out, but only if they are actually confirmed. In this case, the amount of alimony will be determined either by a percentage, where twenty-five percent of earnings per child are accrued, or by establishing a fixed amount, which will be directly determined by the court. It is possible to assign alimony in kind, if the payer is only able to supply the child with things and food, or the presentation of real estate to him as repayment of the entire amount of alimony.

In some situations, it is possible for the court to appoint alimony, both in solid form, and with deduction of interest.

How much alimony should a father pay for 2 children in Russia?

Speaking about the methods of establishing the obligation to pay alimony in a situation where the obliged person has two children, they are identical to the first case. That is, there will also be an agreement between the spouses who independently determine the amount of alimony, but taking into account the minimum percentage, namely sixteen and a half percent for one child or thirty-three for both.

That is, there will also be a rule that alimony must be no less than what would have been ordered by a court decision, and if the father does not work, then no less than the subsistence level.

The convenience of concluding an agreement lies in the fact that each party, namely the mother and father, have the opportunity to choose the most convenient conditions for the payment of alimony.

This will apply not only to the amounts, which can also be set in a solid form, but also to the very procedure and periods for the transfer of funds. The main rule is that the agreement should not in any way violate the legitimate interests of the child.

The second method, which is also used when there are two children in the family, is to go to court. The rules remain the same. It is necessary to file a claim for the requirement to impose an obligation on the child's father to pay alimony.

In this case, such a factor as the source of the man's income will be taken into account. Several options are possible. First, official earnings. Then the court simply appoints alimony either in the amount of thirty-three percent of the salary, or in firm form, taking into account the financial situation of the man.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that earnings must not be less than the minimum wage, that is, for 2017, alimony cannot be less than one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight rubles.

It is also possible that the father does not work, but receives unemployment benefits, which will also be considered income. Then the amount of alimony will be calculated based on this indicator. Also, the size of the benefit will be selected as a basis, depending on the average earnings in a specific region. However, the percentages remain the same. That is, a man is obliged to transfer thirty-three percent of the benefits received for two children.

And the third option, the father does not work and is not a member of the stock exchange. In this situation, the judiciary will rely on the subsistence minimum or the average wage in the region, on the basis of which a fixed amount of alimony will be determined.

Moreover, under such circumstances, in principle, only a specifically set amount is possible, and the decision is made by the court, taking into account all the proposed arguments and their justifications. Interest cannot be calculated in the absence of income.

It is worth noting that when taking into account the subsistence level, it is necessary to understand that when the father does not have a regular income, then alimony will not necessarily be equal to one subsistence level, they only have to be multiples of it. Usually the amount is equal to three or four living wages.

Also, in such a situation, when assigning specific amounts, such points as the financial situation of each party, the standard of living of the child, which he was accustomed to, as well as the marital status of each of the parents, will be taken into account.

How much alimony should a father pay for 3 children in Russia?

When a man has three or more children, the law also provides for the possibility of concluding an agreement, or going to court. Speaking about the methods of calculation, they remain the same. Either a percentage, namely fifty percent of earnings, or a flat amount.

However, the main thing is not to forget that if the amount exceeds half of the income, then it should not reach the limit of seventy percent, this is provided for by labor legislation.

Interestingly, the percentages established by the law, at twenty-five, thirty-three and fifty percent, are valid under any circumstances, that is, even when a man has children from different marriages.

Moreover, even if a man has several marriages and each has children, each of them will have the right to material support. If alimony for one child in any way infringes on the rights of another child, then the parent with whom he lives can file a claim to reduce the obligations of the father.

When the father has no earnings, and the family has three or more children, he is also obliged to pay alimony for them, without prejudice to the interests of any child. It is possible to transfer property to each child, pay alimony in kind, or also preserve a percentage of the income that he receives, or simply establish a fixed amount, which is based on the size of the living wage in the region. If these indicators are not defined, then it is necessary to take as a basis those that are adopted in the country.

Also, the court, when appointing a specific amount of alimony, will take into account such points as the financial situation of each party, the health of the payer, his need for treatment or special nutrition, the child's standard of living and the possibility of maintaining it, as well as documents that would confirm the income of the obliged person.

If the payer still has some sources of funds, moreover, if there are several, then the court will summarize them and determine the amount of alimony based on the received indicator.

How much alimony should a father pay for 2 children from different marriages?

In the event that a person obliged to pay alimony has two children, but they were born in different marriages, he is also obliged to pay thirty-three percent of the salary, dividing them for each of the children. That is, the law establishes that in the event of such circumstances, each child must receive at least sixteen and a half percent of the father's income.

Mothers of children should in every possible way confirm the fact that they support them on their own, even keep receipts and receipts. It is also possible to present testimony of witnesses. Based on the information offered, the court will decide on the amount of alimony, because it can assign amounts higher than those provided for by law, but without exceeding, it betrayed seventy percent.

However, the judge will not support an increase without justification. Evidence should always be presented for any argument made in court, especially if it concerns the interests of children.

The law also states that every child, regardless of the fact that they were born in different marriages, has the same rights to financial assistance from the father. That is why mothers are equally able to bring claims to court with similar requirements.

Most often, such disputes are resolved by setting a specific amount, which will be determined based on the financial capabilities and needs of children.

In such a situation, it will also not matter whether the father is working or not. The only difference will be in the procedure for determining the amount of alimony. When a man is unemployed, the basis will be not thirty-three percent, but the living wage of the region. In addition, the father may receive various payments, for example, such as pensions, scholarships, compensation, benefits, and they will also be charged alimony.

When a man has several incomes, they will add up, and the total amount will serve as the basis for calculating thirty-three percent for payments to children. No reason can serve as a reason for refusing to assign alimony, as this would violate the legitimate interests of the child.

Parents are obliged to take care of their children and help them. However, not all parents fulfill their obligations in good faith. This is especially true for couples who, for one reason or another, have decided to end their marriage.

Russian laws protect the rights of children from all sides. They say that both parents have the right to communicate with the child and help him develop. At the same time, each parent must contribute to the upbringing. It is much more difficult in this regard for the parent with whom the child stays. Indeed, in this case, family expenses increase significantly. In such a situation, the second spouse must financially help his children.

It should also be borne in mind that even those persons who do not have official registration of their relationship can apply for child support. Indeed, in this case, the interests of the child are much more important.

The main thing is that the father indicates his data on the birth certificate and does not abandon the child. If suddenly he begins to say that the child is not his, you need to go to court for a DNA examination.

In 2018, alimony for one child is 25% of the salary. To receive the child's mother, she must apply to the magistrates' court at her place of residence. You do not need to pay the state duty. Attach a copy of the child's birth certificate and a copy of the passport to the application.

What percentage is charged

For one child, the amount is 25% of income. Moreover, income is not only wages. This also includes the second spouse's pension, income from renting real estate, part-time jobs and any other sources of income.

If you were able to draw up an agreement without a trial, then in it you yourself must prescribe the amount that the father will pay monthly.

It is worth considering if the spouse has more children, then. For example, if there is your child and one more from another woman, then each of the children will receive 1/6 of the income.

Minimum size

There is no clear boundary in the law. As mentioned above, you can set the amount yourself in the agreement. It can be 1000 rubles, if both parties are satisfied with it.

If we talk about a court decision, it is usually exhibited. True, it sometimes happens that the income of the second spouse is extremely low. For example, he can file a zero income tax return. Or he can receive a salary in an envelope, and the data on the minimum wage goes to the pension fund.

In such situations, the court establishes. Usually it is calculated from the amount of the living wage in your area.

If it is registered at an employment center, then alimony is recovered from unemployment benefits.

What documents do you need

To get started, collect all the documents, evidence and testimony of witnesses that you will indicate in the application. If you would like to draw up an agreement, prepare:

  • Two copies of the agreement, which you will carry to the notary;
  • Copies of passports of both spouses;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Child's birth certificate.

For registration of court documents:

  • Make a competent statement of claim in triplicate;
  • Collect income statements;
  • Prepare a copy of your marriage certificate;
  • You will also need a child's birth certificate;
  • You will need a certificate of residence.

Questions and answers

Lived with a man in marriage for about a year. During this time, I became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. The marriage was never registered with that man, he did not want to. I am now studying, they pay me a small scholarship and a daughter's allowance of about 1,000 rubles. Tell me, how much money can I get from the father of my daughter? If a quarter of his salary, then there will be a very small amount, about 1,500 rubles, this money cannot be lived on.

As a general rule, you can indeed receive 25% of all your spouse's income. This is not only a salary, but, for example, his scholarship. If you still get a small amount, ask for a fixed amount of child support. The court will make a decision taking into account all the evidence that will be presented.

How can one calculate alimony if the father does not officially work anywhere. We have a common son with him. This is his only child.

In such a situation, the court will make its own decision. Most likely, they will set a certain amount based on the cost of living.

Is it possible to somehow reduce the amount of alimony indicated by the court? The situation is such that the ex-wife tells her son nasty things about me, forbids seeing him. Although there is a meeting schedule that the court approved.

You must pay as much alimony as the court ordered. If you decide to downsize, you need to go to court to do so as well. In addition, you can indicate that the ex-spouse forbids seeing the children. You can also file a complaint with the guardianship authorities.

How much should I pay per child? Now I give 25% of my salary, but recently I had another daughter. I would like to help her financially too. Tell us what to do?

The minimum amount has not been established anywhere, all sizes are determined in court. If you have two children, then you must pay 1/3 of the salary for alimony, that is, 1/6 of each of the children.