A mixture of Chinese crested. What do Chinese crested eat. About proper nutrition. Attitude towards other animals, strangers and children

The Chinese Crested is an active, cheerful and graceful dog breed. She's different strong affection to his master, and strangers treated with caution. By standards, the breed can be either hairless or downy. These dogs do not smell and do not shed, so they are very popular among breeders.

Chinese crested dog: appearance features

The UK was the first country to approve the breed of Chinese Crested Dog. According to the standard, the Chinese Crested is a slender, long-legged dog with an elongated head. Its muzzle is flat, gradually tapering towards the nose. Any color is allowed. The tuft starts from the forehead and goes down the nape.

The eyes of the Chinese Crested are dark and close-set, the squirrel is almost invisible. Ears should be placed in 1st line with outer corner eyes, they are large, may be with or without fringe. The neck of the dogs of this breed is long and smoothly descends to the shoulders. The shape of the paws resemble that of a hare, long and narrow. The paws have hair covering the toes. The tail of the Chinese Crested is set high, the brush should be lush, thick and long. It should not be bent or twisted.Chinese crested dog- a small and graceful animal, reaching a height of 23 cm to 33 cm at the withers and a weight of 2 to 6 kg.

There should not be much wool on the dog's body. The skin is predominantly smooth and warm; the downy variety is characterized by a woolly cover with an underdeveloped undercoat. Any breed color is allowed. In Chinese Crested Dogs, big variety shades: from dark brown to blue. There is a marble and spotted color. The color saturation in dogs changes seasonally: in summer they can tan, their skin acquires a bronze or graphite hue. Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect.

Chinese crested dog- not a cheap pleasure, price it can vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on mating, pedigree, litter and features.

What is the nature of the Chinese Crested Dog?

These dogs are very popular with the locals. different countries. They are distinguished by devotion, sensitivity and energy, which makes them excellent pets. The Chinese Crested is very attached to its owners, loves children and gets along well with other animals. Despite their good nature, dogs of this breed are wary of strangers and may even lash out if they feel threatened by an outsider.

Chinese crested need constant contact with a person, because they endure loneliness very badly. It has been noted that when they enter another environment or change owners, these dogs are especially difficult to adapt to forced conditions. Without socialization and acquaintance with other people or animals, it can become timid and shy. Often Chinese crested do not deliver to the owner special problems, do not bother and do not bark in vain.

WITH early age These dogs need to be trained. In no case do not resort to punishment, but it is imperative to encourage your pet for success. A dog must be trained by a strong-willed, persistent and strong man. The Chinese Crested is easy to train, performs various commands and tricks.

Chinese crested: care and maintenance features

Because there are 2 different types these dogs are naked and downy, then their care is somewhat different. There is almost no need to take care of the hair of the naked type - periodically comb the tuft and tail, but the downy dog ​​needs to be combed out regularly to avoid the appearance of tangles.

The pet's skin should be given special attention - it is very delicate, soft, but dense. Hairless dogs are recommended to bathe, lubricate regularly special creams to avoid peeling and drying of the skin. In the warm season, before going outside, you should apply sunscreen.

Occasionally, Chinese Cresteds develop eels. They are especially noticeable on fair skin. They are removed with thin tweezers, and then disinfected with alcohol or an antiseptic, and also smeared with cream and wiped. soft cloth. Since this breed is sensitive to cold, be sure to dress your pet during the cold season.

Required special care behind the pet's head. The hairs in the muzzle area are shaved with a machine, in the same way, individual hairs on the body can be removed. The hair between the eyes of puffs is cut with scissors.

Hairless dogs are bathed every 2 weeks. special shampoo. The powder puff can be washed once a month, carefully combing the hair with a wide-toothed comb. Regularly trim your pet's nails, carefully care for his teeth. Ears should be cleaned once a week with cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a special lotion. Eyes need to be wiped with special means.

What to feed a Chinese crested dog?

Chinese crested are fed the same as other dogs. They need cereals, dairy products, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits. Their favorite vegetables include cucumbers, bell pepper, tomatoes and pumpkin. Favorite fruits are bananas, apples, grapes, pears, etc. You can also introduce special dry food.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to Chinese Crested Dogs, otherwise, gastrointestinal disorders and serious food poisoning. Contraindicated include:

  • Pork - it is too fatty for this breed, therefore it causes additional stress on the liver;
  • Tubular bones - due to splitting, they can injure the intestines and stomach. Gnawing bones into sharp parts can provoke tooth loss;
  • Sweets - from them, Chinese crested teeth deteriorate, appetite disappears, eyes water and digestion is disturbed;
  • Spicy, salty, fatty, fried and smoked foods - it increases the load on the liver.

Chinese Crested Dog: reviews

  • Valentina: I have 2 corydalis at home - a boy and a girl, both naked. I have nothing bad to say about the pets. They love to play with children, they don’t bark over trifles, they are easy to train and just love their owners. The only thing is that it is problematic to leave her even for a few days to strangers - she is bored to the point of madness, they said that she even cries.
  • Igor: I bought my wife a Chinese crested downy as a gift. At first, the wife did not like her appearance (and in fact, the truth is an amateur). But when I got to know her better, I could not part. She sleeps with her, and eats, and does everything together. In general - do not spill water.
  • Natalia: When my friends gave it to me, I was unhappy. I couldn't even imagine that there could be scary dogs. But over time I got used to it and I can say that I have never met a more devoted animal. And passers-by constantly pay attention and ask to be photographed. The only negative is the pimples that pop up in the summer and have to be removed. But I'm not complaining, because I love my Marusya very much.

Chinese crested dog: photo

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Chinese crested dogs are loyal and affectionate creatures. They endlessly love their owners, are not picky, clean - they do not smell like a dog. Having acquired such a friend, you can be sure of his selfless love, tenderness and friendship.

There are different Chinese breeds of dogs: small and large, with and without hair. All of them have their own unique features. But crested ones stand out especially. In appearance, this variety is quite exotic. Therefore, it is often chosen for the sake of image. Such a dog is expensive, not everyone can afford it. However, it is easy to care for. What is such a breed, what is its history, what nuances are present in its content - the article will tell about all this.

Those people who are prone to allergies to animals, but dream of a four-legged friend, often choose breeds of bald dogs or who do not shed at all. But it is important to remember that not always an allergy occurs to wool and down. Sometimes the reaction begins on the saliva and dander of the animal.

The Chinese Crested is not hypoallergenic. Although many allergy sufferers get along well with it. For those who do not want to mess with combing and constantly collect fluff around the apartment - this breed perfect solution. After all, she practically does not shed.

What varieties of crested exist?

crested chinese dog depending on appearance divided into two subgroups: with soft veil-like hair and hairless. In the latter, hair is present only on the crown, tail and paws. They are more common among domestic dog breeders. Chinese longhaired dogs are also quite famous. But most still prefer naked varieties. After all, they are more memorable and unusual.

How did the crested one appear?

Regarding the homeland of these unique dogs consensus No. Some researchers believe that they first appeared in China. Others are in Mexico. It was there, in 1500 BC, that scientists found the remains of a dog, which in terms of skeleton was very similar to a crested naked dog.

The ancestors of this breed were found in different subtropical regions: in Egypt, India. It was bred by representatives of the ancient Han Dynasty. These little ones unusual dogs In China, they were considered a symbol of prosperity. They were held by influential, wealthy people. Chinese traders say that these animals were often taken with them on travels. So the breed spread throughout the world.

Chinese crested in many countries is a symbol of love, peace and kindness.

There are many stories and legends about this variety. Some even claim that such naked individuals have healing properties able to cure dental and headache, rheumatism, colic and paralysis.

It should be noted that the popularity of this breed was periodic. And somewhere in the middle of the last century, the Chinese crested dog almost disappeared. In 1966, her only representatives remained with an American breeder. Further, the animals were brought to the UK. Since then, a new era of their breeding has come.

What is the peculiarity of the crested?

This variety is quite interesting. A lot of people are thinking about acquiring such a four-legged friend. But first you need to study this breed. Consider what the Chinese Crested dog breed is: what it looks like, what character it has, what features are inherent, what is its life expectancy.


As for color, it varies. Any combination of shades is allowed. This dog is small in size. Cables grow up to 28-33 centimeters, and females - up to 23-30 centimeters. The weight of an adult animal does not exceed 4 kilograms. Females are usually a kilogram lighter.

A purebred crested dog must meet the following standards:


The Chinese hairless dog is unpredictable and somewhat hostile. These individuals are patient, wayward and curious. Strangers and other animals are treated with caution. But family members are idolized. Crested dogs are very loyal, able to show their owner all the sincerity of dog love. It is important to note that such pets are quite affectionate by nature.

In respect of maternal instincts This best dogs: they are very good puppies, love to play with their puppies. It is very comfortable to live with such four-legged animals in the same house. The main thing is to show them attention and care, to properly care for them.

Many owners of the hairless dog breed characterize unusual pets as follows:


Chinese crested live an average of 10 to 12 years. But it all depends on the conditions of detention and love from the owner. At proper care, with care, a pet can live a little longer. After all, the health of this breed is quite strong. And all thanks to the fact that the mutated hairless gene is not associated with any abnormalities and physical defects.

True, there are some diseases that naked dogs are susceptible to. For example:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Problems with teeth.
  • Perthes disease.
  • Problems with childbearing.
  • Tendency to allergies (for example, to chicken liver).

How to feed crested?

Chinese hairless dogs are very demanding to care for. And especially for feeding. For them, proper nutrition is the basis of health and longevity. Any errors immediately affect the condition of the eyes and skin.

It is quite possible to make a menu from home-made products.

It is recommended to give fish, meat. Many owners wonder if a dog can be given cheese or kefir. In fact, even necessary, but only High Quality, with a low percentage of fat content.
After all, this is a source of protein, and the percentage of protein should be about 60%. But it is necessary to give cheese and kefir in small quantities. It is important that the menu is dominated by meat.

Cereals and vegetables make up about 35% of the total diet. It is useful to give porridge. For example, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. When asked if a dog can have millet porridge, veterinarians say no. It can provoke intestinal volvulus, disrupts metabolic processes. Semolina and corn porridge are also not suitable.

The remaining 5% are vegetable and animal fats. Many owners do not know if a dog can butter and sunflower. It is allowed to be added to food, but in very small doses, otherwise there is a risk of liver problems. IN without fail include calcium and phosphorus, vitamins E, A, D in the diet.

Thus, the Chinese Crested breed is popular. Representatives of this species look very elegant and unusual. But the prices for crested dogs are high. Such a pet needs special care. It is important to show care and love.

Question " what to feed chinese crested needs to be decided before the puppy enters your home. Proper feeding is the key to longevity and health of the Chinese Crested Dog. At first, follow the breeder's advice. Make any changes gradually.

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog

Dry food for Chinese Crested

Ready-made food can be a convenient solution. But it must be chosen carefully. Only super premium class products are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, for the health of wool and skin.

How to feed the Chinese crested with a natural diet?

Some prefer natural cuisine. In this case, the ratio of products in the diet should be as follows:

How many times a day is a Chinese crested cat fed?

An adult dog is fed twice a day. Evening rations are more nutritious. In the morning, you can offer porridge with low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables (1 time per week, add egg yolk- boiled). In the evening - meat or offal. It can be raw beef, lightly cooked chicken or turkey (boneless). Meat can be supplemented with vegetables or porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). However, keep in mind that sometimes representatives of the breed cannot digest raw meat, then it needs to be boiled.

What should not be fed to the Chinese Crested?

Prohibited Foods for Chinese Crested Dog:

  • acute,
  • marinated,
  • pickles,
  • smoked meats,
  • fatty,
  • roast,
  • sweets,
  • pasta,
  • flour products,
  • potato,
  • cabbage,
  • legumes,
  • Exotic fruits.

Rules for feeding Chinese crested

  1. Clean water must be available at all times.
  2. Set a feeding schedule and stick to it.
  3. The bowl of food is removed 15 minutes after the start of feeding, even if the portion is not finished.

Generally this breed not picky about food and the diet is not much different from the diet of other dogs.

However, in feeding the Chinese crested there are still nuances that are important to consider in order for the animal to remain healthy and joyful.

What to feed a Chinese crested dog

It should be noted right away that most representatives of the breed are allergic to chicken, so chicken meat should not be included in the diet, chicken bones which are already banned for dogs. In addition, the diet should not include other allergens, such as corn, including cornmeal, as well as potatoes, starch, soy, wheat. The listed products should not be contained in dry food.

With a natural type of food, it is better to choose foods: rice, beef and horse meat are most suitable from meat, as well as lean sea fish. It is permissible to include low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, as well as fruits and vegetables in the diet, to which representatives of the breed are not indifferent.

You can not feed the Chinese Crested fatty species meat (pork, lamb), river fish, legumes and other products harmful to dogs, especially sweets, it is not recommended to give offal, with the exception of beef tripe. Sweet has a negative effect on the body of the animal, lacrimation immediately begins, ugly lacrimal paths appear.

The Chinese Crested needs minerals, the sources of which are bone meal (calcium), seaweed(iodine), as well as vitamins A, E, D, but additional feeding with vitamin C is not needed, because an excess of vitamin C causes problems with the kidneys and liver.

Natural feeding of a Chinese Crested Dog causes a number of problems for dog breeders, as it is sometimes difficult to make a diet that would have a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. As a result, no proper feeding natural products, animals often have skin problems, in particular itching, peeling and dryness, acne appears, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys, dysfunction thyroid gland. For this reason, many owners decide to transfer the Chinese Crested to dry food.

Dry food should be selected carefully, because many start tearing, some cause indigestion, others gain weight, and some, such as dietary feeds, are not recommended to be fed regularly. Many owners of Chinese crested dogs prefer dry food Hills (Hills) and Acana (Acana), but Eukanuba (Eukanuba) is not suitable for all animals, dogs quickly gain weight from Pro Plan dry food, some dogs refuse to eat it at all .

When feeding a Chinese Crested dog dry food, a bowl of clean filtered water should always be freely available.

Older dogs that have difficulty chewing food, digestive problems, are fed ground food or wet canned food.

What to feed puppies

The diet of puppies should include various products, including sour-milk, such as low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, it is permissible to give milk (preferably goat) with the addition of raw chicken yolk, fruits, vegetables, fresh chopped into small, but not minced, pieces of meat (veal ), non-fat boiled fish (cod), deboned. Milk can only be given up to 4 months of age. Dry food is selected special for puppies, and is given at first in a soaked form.

Puppies are fed 3-5 times a day, reducing the number of feedings as they grow older. Portions should be small, because, despite the excellent appetite, puppies should not be overfed. However, underfeeding is also dangerous for a developing and growing organism. Dry food for very young puppies is given in a soaked form. At the same time, soak with lukewarm water, in no case hot.

An adult Chinese crested dog is fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, 30-60 minutes after the walk. Food is given warm (about 38-40 degrees).

Serving size depends on the age, activity level, health of the animal. For example, very active pets need more food (plus more vitamin B). On average, the Chinese Crested should eat 50-80 grams per day. After eating, the bowl is cleaned, the remnants of food are removed.

Poor appetite and refusal to feed may indicate that the dog does not have time to get hungry, that is, does not work up an appetite. Usually after active walks animals are not naughty, and eat everything that is offered to them.

Initially composing proper diet or by choosing the right dry food you can avoid various diseases and save cash, which will not have to spend on the treatment of your pet.

An adult dog does not need variety. It is enough to pick up the right products or dry food once, and feed the dog the same throughout its life. Of course, except when there is a need to change food, for example, in the presence of health problems or due to age.

You need to feed the Chinese Crested Dog taking into account the characteristics of this breed - a tendency to allergies and skin diseases.

Predisposition to disease

The Chinese Crested has delicate open skin, not protected by a coat. The skin needs resources for rapid regeneration. Therefore, it is important to get enough vitamins A, D, E and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Very active pets need more B vitamins.

The Chinese Crested often has skin rashes, irritations, and individual reactions. This is the most common reason for switching them to ready-made feeds, in which possible irritants are already excluded.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by very sensitive digestion. Therefore, any stale, questionable products are not suitable. All spices and chemicals are prohibited.

Sweets cause lacrimation and tear ducts in the crested.

Too much vitamin C can cause liver and kidney problems.


Most representatives of the breed have allergic reaction for a chicken. Therefore, it is not included in the diet of the Chinese crested dog. Other possible allergens are also excluded - potatoes, wheat, corn.

Features of the assimilation of various products

Representatives of this breed love rich tastes. That's why they like fruits. However, some fruits and fresh vegetables may cause a digestive reaction. Introduce new foods gradually, little by little, and pay attention to the condition of the dog. If any fruit weakens, it is better to exclude it in the future.

Rules for feeding natural food

When fed with natural food, it is given warm and soft.

It is good to give rice to an animal; horse meat and beef are suitable for meat. Allowed dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, which Corydalis love very much. Fish can be given only ocean and low-fat. It must be boiled and cleaned of bones.

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • lamb, pork, poultry, any fatty meat and offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • animal fat;
  • bones;
  • river fish, any raw fish;
  • fatty foods, foods with flavor enhancers, flavors, sweeteners, dyes;
  • cocoa products;
  • low quality dry food.
It is necessary to ensure that these products are not included in the composition of industrial feed.

It is important to follow a consistent feeding schedule. An adult Chinese crested dog is fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, half an hour to an hour after the walk. The evening meal is more nutritious than the morning meal. Food temperature should be around 40 degrees.

Serving size is selected depending on the activity and age of the dog. On average - 50-80 grams per day.

Bowls are cleaned after eating, leftover food is removed.

Feeding a puppy up to two months

The frequency of feeding a puppy is 3-5 times a day. Main food so far mother's milk or mixtures replacing it. You can give additional milk, preferably goat (only up to four months).

At 2 months and older

You can feed your puppy Chinese crested soaked dry food or natural. Wet food is ready. If a dog eats natural food, it is at this age that their diet begins to expand. Gradually introduced additional products(ground). Dry food only in soaked form.

The following products are introduced in turn:

  • sour milk - sour cream (preferably fat-free), cottage cheese, yogurt (without flavoring additives), kefir;
  • low-fat broth, you can add vegetables;
  • beef - raw, finely chopped;
  • chicken yolk;
  • vegetables, fruits - carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, apples, apricots, cabbage, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, melon - everything is introduced gradually, if not backlash from the side of digestion;
  • olive and sunflower oil.

Feeding an adult dog

diet adult dog must contain:

  • proteins (lean meat, fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, egg yolk, ocean fish) - 60%;
  • vegetables, fruits, cereals - 35%;
  • fats - 5%.

A dog older than a year and a half should be treated once every two weeks. fasting days(on stewed or fresh cabbage).

An older dog needs soft food, preferably ground.

Industrial feed

If you have chosen industrial feed, it must not be mixed with natural products. For digestion drying and natural food different digestive enzymes are needed. When they are mixed, an imbalance occurs, which leads to gastritis. If you want to diversify your pet's diet, you can add wet food from the same line to it.

When feeding dryer in free access, the dog should always have a bowl with clean water. It is important to change the water regularly.

These dogs are quite capricious in the choice of food, and not every dry food for Chinese Crested will be to your taste. It remains only to focus on the personal preferences of the pet.


For small breeds, for dogs with sensitive digestion, for problematic skin and for animals prone to allergies. Several lines, among which you can choose the most relevant. The product does not contain common allergens - pork, fatty meat, cereals. Proteins are found in fish and eggs. The source of vitamins is seaweed.

Royal Canin

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Hypoallergenic food with a rich taste. The amount of heavy proteins that have a bad effect on the skin is minimized. Prevents the appearance of rashes, blackheads and peeling.

Nutra Gold

For small breed dogs. Dietary and beloved by many dogs food with bright taste. Not suitable for allergy sufferers.

An interesting line for nervous system because the Chinese Crested is prone to stress.


Hypoallergenic. Feed with a reduced amount of allergens and animal protein.

Pro plan

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Improves metabolic processes, has a good effect on the skin and coat. Granules in a special shell are well digested. Hypoallergenic. Contain a reduced amount of protein. At the same time, some animals get fat from this brand of feed.


For animals with sensitive digestion. The food of choice for many Chinese Crested breeders. Well eliminates skin irritations.