The dog swallowed the foreign body - symptoms and treatment. Foreign body in the gastrointestinal dog path

As you know, dogs love to gnaw the bones offered by the owner. As a rule, there are no reasons for concern, and the owners of dogs are confident in the safety of their favorite. However, sometimes pets swallow bones, which can lead to a deterioration in the work of the body or even the death of a pet. What if the dog swallows the bone? What consequences can be expected pet and its owner?


If the pet swallowed the bone, do not panic. Perhaps there are no reason for concern, although, of course, there are cases when the life of the dog is in danger. What can happen to a pet if he swallows the bone?

  1. If the bone had small sizes, it is possible that it will simply digest in the stomach and will not cause any health problems with the pet. In order to make sure the security of the dog, it is necessary to watch it for several days. If its condition does not change, most likely there is no reason for concern.
  2. If the bone of the wrong shape, it can get stuck in the mouth. This can significantly impede the breath of the pet. So that the dog does not die from the lack of air, it is necessary to urgently assist the animal.
  3. Intestinal obstruction. The bone can be stuck in the esophagus or a small intestine. Pets will begin strong spasms, there is a strong circulation of blood circulation, tissue necrosis, and subsequently the intestine rupture occurs. The lack of proper treatment, and sometimes surgery, leads to the fact that the dog dies subsequently peritonitis.

What to do?

If the dog swallows the bone, its owner is obliged to take the necessary measures.

  1. Observation of pet. To diagnose or make sure the pet health, it is necessary to monitor its behavior. If you notice that the favorite has become sluggish, passive, his appetite disappeted, interest in games and communication with relatives, it means there are reasons for concern. In this case, you must contact the veterinary clinic.
  2. During the first inspection, the veterinarian does not always succeed correctly and accurately determine the disease. For accurate diagnostics, you will have to pass additional analyzes and carry out the necessary procedures.
  3. The dog needs careful care and observation, both during the disease and after it. Even after the dog fully recovered, continue to control its condition and behavior.

Do not postpone the visit to the vet! In order for the treatment to be as efficient as possible, you need to see the doctor on the same day when the dog swallowed the bone. Required assistance and procedures can save the pet!

Dogs are curious by their nature. They love to explore new places, smells and tastes. Unfortunately, this curiosity can lead to trouble. Dogs are famous for the ability to swallow paper, fabrics, garments, sticks, bones, food packaging, stones and other foreign objects. Many of these objects are without any problems through the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. And this happens quite often when the owners of dogs report various objects in a chair or vomiting of the animal.

However, it is also quite common and can threaten the life of the dog when the foreign body causes the obstruction of its gastrointestinal tract. Although most of the foreign bodies leave the dog gastrointestinal tract of dogs freely, obstruction, or constipation, which may occur due to a foreign object, can be eliminated only with surgical removal.

How to find out what the dog ate a foreign body?

  • Most pets who swallowed a foreign body will show some of the following symptoms:
  • Vomot
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Reduced appetite or anorexia
  • Stress during defecation and small feces
  • Weakness
  • Changes in behavior, such as biting or growl when touching the abdomen

How is the condition diagnosed?

After carefully studying the history of the disease, the veterinarian is likely to complete a full medical examination of the dog. If there is a suspicion of a foreign body, a radiograph of the abdominal cavity will be performed. In addition, the veterinarian can recommend blood test and urine analysis if the health status of the dog has deteriorated, or to identify other reasons, such as pancreatitis, enteritis, infection, or hormonal diseases, for example, Addison's disease.

State treatment

If the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract due to the foreign bodies was diagnosed or suspected, then perhaps the diagnostic surgery will be recommended.

The amount of time is critical, since the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract often puts the animal health under threat and "cuts off" the blood supply to many vital tissues. If the blood supply is interrupted by more than a few hours, then these fabrics can begin to die, which can bring irreparable damage to the body or cause shock.

In some cases, the foreign body can move independently. In this case, the veterinarian can recommend a dog hospitalization, which to ensure close control over its condition.

What are the forecasts?

The forecast is based on:

  1. The location of the foreign body
  2. Duration of obstruction
  3. Size, Forms and Characteristics of the Foreign Body
  4. Dog health status before she swallowed a foreign body

Your veterinarian should give you a detailed treatment regimen, as well as an accurate forecast based on the state of your pet.

Dogs by nature are very curious. But sometimes their curiosity leads to trouble. This is especially true for dogs - "vacuum cleaners" that are eating a lot of strange things. What items did not give the doctors of our clinic from the gastrointestinal dogs socks, panties, packages, ropes, threads, needles, toys, bones, sticks and many other finds!

The symptoms of the foreign body in the dog are very dependent on where the object is located - in the mouth, throat, or esophagus, stomach or intestines.

The foreign body in the dog in the mouth - usually it is sticks or bones that are stuck between the rear teeth of the dog. One of the first signs is the frequent movement of the jaw, abundant saliva, the dog rubs the paws, there can also be a small bleeding from the mouth. Do not try to remove a stick or bone yourself! If you even manage to weaken the object, it can move into the throat. Contact the nearest bibllar "Your Doctor", the doctor's inspection is necessary, the sedation may also be required to remove the foreign body from the mouth of the dog.

The foreign body in the dog in the sip often causes signs of sudden choking and nausea. This condition requires often urgent intervention! As first aid, the owner can raise the dog for the hind legs and shake it, in an emergency it is possible to sharply squeeze the chest several times.

A foreign body has a dog in the esophagus: signs - vomiting after meals, dehydration. To check your animal dehydrated dehydrated or do not collect the skin fold on the withers of the dog and release it, it should return to a normal position quickly.

When the foreign body in the dog in the trachea and the lungs overall oppression of the animal increases with threatening speed. You must immediately consult a doctor!

The foreign body in the dog in the stomach is harder to diagnose. Some foreign bodies can be in the stomach for several years without visible problems. But if the foreign body moves, it can lead to periodic vomit.

The foreign body in the dog in the small intestine usually causes indomitable vomiting, dehydration, severe abdominal wall pain.

The foreign body in the dog in the rectum: if these are sharp items, sticks, bone fragments, needles, etc. - The dog is repeatedly hidden, constipation is possible, blood in a chair. It is important for the owners to follow the rule: never pull a foreign object that serves from your pet's rectum! It can be very dangerous, up to the intestinal break. Contact the nearest vetbon "Your Doctor".

The foreign body has a dog. Causes and symptoms

Almost all foreign bodies of the GTS are subjects that are consumed by animals. One of the exceptions is trichobesoaras (hair lumps). Turns and ropes swallowed by your dog are often wound on the root of the tongue. Carefully examine the mouth of the pet!

The symptoms in which you need to refer to the veterinarian:

  • Vomot
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain (the dog does not allow him to take himself in his hands, Horbit back)
  • Anorexia (lack or reduction of appetite)
  • Stress with defecation, constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

The foreign body has a dog. Diagnostics

For diagnostics requires a general blood test, biochemical blood test, urine analysis. This data helps to exclude other causes of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia and abdominal pain. It is necessary to perform x-ray pictures using a contrast agent.

The foreign body in a dog that causes intestinal obstruction, a protracted vomiting, diarrhea can lead to significant metabolic changes in the body. In addition, the foreign body can cause perforation of the body of the organ and go into a chest or abdominal cavity, which leads to deep complications such as peritonitis, sepsis and death. Many foreign bodies consist of toxic materials that are absorbed by the body - this leads to deep systemic diseases.

The foreign body has a dog. Treatment options

There are several treatment options depending on the state of your dog. With the recent swallowing of foreign items, you can try to cause vomiting. It is also necessary to fall out mineral oil, which facilitates the passage of foreign bodies on the tract for 48 hours.

Some objects can be removed using an endoscope. If an animal has such symptoms as vomiting with blood, severe pain, then intravenous infusion and the introduction of painkillers are necessary. The veterinarian will offer the hospitalization of your dog to observe the clinic. The operation of the operation is taken, as a rule, on the basis of X-ray shots and results of ultrasound. The blockage of the intestines or the stomach can reduce the inflow of blood to the tissues of the tract, which may necrotize. If the foreign body is in the stomach or intestines, the object is removed, making a cut in the intestine or stomach. If there are necrotic tissues and parts of the intestines, they are also removed.

After the operation, intensive therapy with intravenous liquid administration, painkillers, antibiotics are introduced. Dog feeding after surgery starts 1 to 2 days. It is desirable to power the first time to use special dietary diet.

The foreign body has a dog. Forecast

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockage the prognosis is favorable. However, in general, the forecast depends on several factors:

  • property location
  • the duration of the blockage caused by the object
  • size, shape and characteristics of the object
  • there will be no object to cause secondary diseases
  • general Condition of Health Dogs before the Foreign Body

The foreign body has a dog. Prevention

  • eliminate
  • do not allow your dog to ran sticks
  • watch out for the animals during games and walks, if the dog is prone to vagability to wear a muzzle on her
  • ask the advice from a veterinary doctor when choosing toys harmless to your dog.
  • if the dog often eats strange objects, consult from the doctors of our clinic, perhaps a general impairment of metabolism

And remember - the life of your pet is in your hands.

Foreign body in the gastrointestinal dog path.

A foreign body is a common pathology with which our patients come to the reception.

Objects that can weave pets are very diverse in shape and structure. Dogs have toys, bones, sticks, pieces of wall decoration and floor, socks, tights, stones.

It is important to contact the veterinary clinic in time if the dog swallowed the foreign body, because the presence of an extraneous subject in the gastrointestinal tract traumats the intestines and the stomach, breaks through the peristaltic and the passage of food. If the dog's foreign body is present for several days, then there may be a serious inflammation of the intestines up to the donomation of its walls and sepsis. There is also an intestine spinning a foreign body. This is a very difficult complication that requires immediate surgical treatment.

Therefore, if the dog swallows the foreign body "in front of the owner, you need to refer to the vet as quickly as possible.


1. Failure to eat.
2. Vomiting, especially multiple.
3. Often - the absence of stool.
4. Possible lethargy
5. Possible pain in the abdomen

Only one or more of these symptoms may be present.

However, an animal can keep an appetite and a chair if the blockage of the foreign object is incomplete. Especially if the foreign body in the stomach of the dog. The foreign body in the intestine of the dog gives more often more pronounced symptoms, because the lumen there is already a blockage more affects its function.

The same symptoms can be characteristic of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the animal comprehensively, excluding other possible diseases.


The diagnosis of foreign bodies in animals includes x-ray in a straight and lateral projection overview and with contrast, blood tests, a test for pancreatic lipase. Perhaps the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, tests for viral infections. These surveys will distinguish the presence of a foreign body from viral infection, pancreatitis, liver diseases and kidney disease, inflammation of the stomach and intestines without the participation of the foreign bodies. Studies must be done in the shortest possible time after the appearance of symptoms, because with a long presence of an extraneous subject in the stomach or intestines, serious complications are possible.

The main confirmation of the presence of the foreign object is usually found on an x-ray. Some items are X-ray-contrast, that is, visible on overview radiographs. This is metal, rubber. Many are not visible on ordinary pictures, the date of contrast and shooting in the dynamics are required. As a contrast, an aqueous solution of the barium sulfate is used, which gives the doctor or the owners of the animal at the reception. The first snapshot should be made in 15 minutes. If the foreign object in the esophagus, the barry will stop at its level or paint it. If the barry passed to the stomach during this time, did not stop, did not donkey on the foreign object, the next snapshot was made after 4 hours (they evaluate the passage of contrast on the delicate intestine) and after 8 (by this time the contrast should go into the rectum). If barium sulfate does not pass any plot, suspected a foreign body in the stomach or intestine of the dog.


If the foreign object is small, smaller than the diameter of the small intestine, and not long, it is possible to spontaneously delete it. To accelerate the process, vaseline oil can be given at the rate of 1 ml per kg of weight. If large, a surgical operation is required.

Prevention is that it is necessary to remove all potentially dangerous items from the animal access area and do not allow chosen on the street sticks and stones, other inedible items.

People love to make dogs as pets, it is especially characteristic of alone, but seeking individuals.

Young animals Quite often can eat any knowingly invading item, which can bring a lot of negative consequences for their digestive tract in particular and the body as a whole. Therefore, the owners need to carefully follow their dog all the time.

But it is not very often able to keep track and the dog eats different, sometimes causing surprise objects, such as socks.

Why can a dog eat socks?

Do not forget that any dog \u200b\u200bis a carrier of the genes of wild ancestors and their instinctive base. Dogs are representatives of predators, in nature they are constantly in search of food. Similarly, they come in houses, but sometimes it turns out that they eat inedible items that they are mistaken for edible, for example, because of their smell.

Socks, especially those who worned for a long time, publish strong smellwhich is very annoyingly affects the sensitive receptors of the olfactory system of the dog, while the hunter instinct works and the animal can swallow them.

Danger of sock ingestion

If you get into the stomach, the sock can break on the threads due to the effects of the aggressive gastric juice, it can go down the intestines (if it is small compared to the stomach size), and may be stuck in the stomach.

If the product is stuck in the stomach, it can lead to non-digestion of food and later to peritonitis. The most inspired by swallowing cotton socks, such products will be more and more to swell from the inner moisture, leading to the reinforcement of food and bloating of the stomach. Without the consequences of the animal in this case, it can be fatal in this case.

What if the dog ate

If the dog ate the sock and he did not come out naturally along with the chair, the owners will need to take certain measures.

If the sock is swallowed recently, less than 6 hours ago, you can try to call in animal vomiting, in order for the sock to come out with the vomit masses. Vomiting causes the following ways:

  1. With salt. Salt can neatly pour into the root of the tongue or make a salt solution and enter it inside the dog with a syringe.
  2. With the help of mustard. Mustard has annoying properties and applied to the root of the tongue, it can cause vomiting.
  3. With hydrogen peroxide. Experienced dog breeders are particularly praised by this method as extremely effective and efficient. Hydrogen peroxide together with clean water mixed in a ratio of one to one and further, with a syringe, poured into the lamen dog.

In the event that the sock is relatively recently swallowed, you can try to extract it with an endoscope, naturally not independently, and with the help of veterinarian.

The use of vaseline oil as a laxative will help if after swallowing the sock has passed more than 12 hours and it has not come out natural way. Vaseline oil should give a dog every two hours to the desired effect, it should not feed the dog.

Vaseline oil will not harm the body of the dog and will come out of it in a constant form, as it will not be absorbed by mineral and the organism.

If the sock does not come out of the stomach, despite the measures taken, it will be necessary to refer to a qualified veterinarian to carry out an intra-proprietary operation to extract the product from the stomach of the animal. After such an operation, mandatory observance of the postoperative rehabilitation regime, wearing a special bandage, the reception of antibacterial drugs, vitanominotherapy, dosage walks, avoiding conflicts with other dogs.

Prevention measures in the stomach dog socks

The main measure of prevention of negative consequences of eating a dog socks is cleaning of all socksEspecially cotton, from the dog's reach area.

Permanent and thorough cleaning of home space from potentially dangerous items for dogs will be the key to the calm of the owners and the health of their pets.

It will be worth the periodic competent training of a dog for the formation of a negative attitude towards wearest products and fabric items.

Eating knowingly inedible objects, in particular socks, may also be an indicator of the general nervousness and anxiety of the dog. Compliance with the mode of walking, balanced nutrition, games - all this will reduce the disturbing level of the dog and will lead to greater harmonization of the relationship of the dog and man.

What actions can not be taken if the dog ate sock

In no case can you shout on the dog if she swallowed the sock, because it is already in a stressful state. If the body is in the stressful situation, the state of the gastrointestinal tract may worsen, spasms may occur.

If the dog swallowed the sock at the owner, he should not try to pull him independently if he already got into the esophagus - it could lead to much greater trauma. It should not be independently trying to pull out the stomach sock, with the help of a massage of the abdomen, it can also lead to a deterioration of the situation.

After the accurate state of fact, keep calm and accurately follow the above actions.

It is very important to remember that the laxative need to give precisely vaseline, and not vegetable or olive oil.