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This winter, my child was learning skating. Everyone says it's easy to teach children: put them on the ice and the child went. It turns out that this is not always the case, and I am not ready to teach a child with such methods. I bought skates for my son spontaneously, having learned that some acquaintances of the same age as my son are already cutting at the rink, but I decided to learn to skate according to the rules.

I will not tell you anything about the choice of skates, as you understand, I did not bother with this. I just bought sliding ones.

How to teach

I read it on the internet, chose an acceptable program for myself, which looked something like this.


1. Before going out on the ice, skates should be tested at home. It's good that we still have linoleum in the hallway. There the son practiced walking in new shoes. He walked around, squatted (here it is important not to tighten the top of the skate too tight so that the child can sit down at all).

2. When we went to the skating rink, at first we skated in the snow, then we stepped onto the ice.

3. Naturally, at first we supported the child - although it is believed that children fall gently, concussions in children are all too often. When he got used to it a little, they began to let go, suggesting that he just walk. By the way, in figure skating sections, for the first time, children are taken to the ice on all fours. That is, at first they just crawl on the ice.

What to learn first

1. Fall! It's a pity that I didn't know this when I learned to skate myself. And I must say, I learned only about 6 years ago. I learned it, but I don't feel very confident on the ice. I think, knowing how to fall correctly, I would be a little bolder. We fall on the barrel, sliding on the ice. For a child who does not yet know how to ride, and this is entertainment.

2. Get up. This is more complicated. The son has not yet learned how to get to his feet completely on his own, but what are our years!

3. Walk on ice. To learn how to ride, a child must first learn to walk on slippery ice with slippery blades. So he begins to feel the skates and keep his balance.

4. Take turns with one foot and then the other. This is, in fact, the most important thing that you need to learn in order to travel.

So that it is not boring

Learning is not as pleasant as skating well, therefore, in order not to discourage the son from hunting, they skated him holding his hands. True, there is no benefit from this in terms of training - the son immediately grabbed, hanging on our hands and completely ceased to keep his balance. But on the other hand he was pleased and rested a little.

Also, holding the child by the hands, they showed him the "snake", "flashlight" and "Christmas tree". Colds prevented us from doing more, but by the end of winter, the son, at the very least, learned how to make a "Christmas tree" and quietly drove off. We will finish our studies for next winter or on an indoor skating rink, if possible.

Girls, and your children or at what age did you learn to skate? Was it difficult or did it all work out by itself?

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It is not for nothing that the child's brain is called a blank slate: while an adult remembers information for at least a year, a baby only needs a few months for this. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to teach a child to skate while he is still small, because in adulthood it will be more difficult to master this skill.

How to teach a child to skate correctly

The most appropriate time to put your baby on skates is 4-5 years old. That is why most sports clubs recruit children from this age. At the age of 4, the child already has a sense of responsibility and a reaction to criticism, thanks to which he will try to do everything right.

To teach your child how to ice skate, learn simple exercises with him.

If you plan to teach your toddler how to ride on your own, simple guidelines will help you.

  • Don't rush the event. If your child is unsure about skating, don't force him to learn. Wait for the moment when he cope with fear and is ready.
  • Teach you to fall correctly. Practice a proper fall at home by spreading a blanket on the floor before going out on the ice.
  • Start with short workouts - no more than 20-30 minutes a day.
  • Teach your child to stand correctly. Keep his knees slightly bent and slowly roll together. For the first time, the baby does not have to do anything by himself, just keep his balance.
  • Practice walking. Walk together on the ice in a normal step, stepping over your feet as if on a stable surface. This will help the child learn to balance.

Dedicate a few sessions to skating squats, this exercise builds balance and trains your leg muscles well.

Simple ice skating exercises

The easiest exercises to help your baby feel confident on the ice:

  • "Herringbone". One foot stands slightly in front and diagonally, while the back foot makes a slight push. After that, the baby moves the hind leg forward and repeats the movement. Make sure he makes every push with the inside edge of the skate.
  • "Eights". In this exercise, the legs simultaneously move to the sides and, drawing a "eight" on the ice, move to one point.
  • "Ribbons". The legs are slightly bent and all the time stand parallel, simultaneously turning to the right and left. The push is done with the foot opposite to the side of the turn, the body tilts slightly towards the turn.

Be sure to practice braking with the baby: both legs are simultaneously spread apart, as for the "eight", after which the heels are brought together and abruptly abut against the ice.

Looking at little children, persistently comprehending the basics of ice skating, sometimes you think how to teach this to your own child. If you want to do this, our guide with a step-by-step video master class from a child trainer will help you.

Childhood is a time of stormy achievements and aspirations to comprehend everything new. Young children are especially interested in outdoor games, collective sports or dancing. How to teach a child to skate is the main topic of our research today.

Most children are taught ice skating from early childhood, due to the fact that it is an active outdoor sport. If parents want to raise a future athlete, early childhood is an important period for training. Already at the age of 7, most schools close their doors to young athletes. But in order to become a skater, hockey player, or just be able to skate well, you need to comprehend the basics.

Getting on the ice and riding on it is not as easy as it might seem. Especially for a little man who for the first time will not stand on a full foot, but on a sublime plate. There will definitely be falls, so the first steps should be performed under the supervision of a parent or a coach.

Determining the age range is not easy to start the first classes. Some kids can skate at 2 years old, and some will find it difficult to overcome this barrier at 5 years old. In any case, the average age for starting classes is 4-5 years. This is due to the fact that at this time the muscles are already well formed, coordination allows you to get on skates, and children become interested in this kind of occupation.

How to choose skates

It will be easier and faster for your child to learn how to skate if you choose the right skates. Good shoes are 50% of success in figure skating. In addition, correctly selected skates can protect him from unnecessary injuries.

The first thing to look out for is shoe size. He should be free but, in no case, dangle on his leg. Ideally, when buying skates, you should bring along wool socks to try on that your child will be wearing in the future.

If you are planning to raise a future hockey player, it is advisable to immediately pick up stiffer plastic skates. For future skaters, leather skates are perfect. In any case, the heel should be clearly fixed. Thermal skates are ideal. Under the influence of temperature, they are fixed on the leg in the anatomical shape of the foot. But the disadvantage of such skates is the high cost.

It is advisable to choose shorter and well sharpened blades. These skates will make it easier to get on the ice.

Think about protection: helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. At the first training sessions, there will definitely be falls, so it is better to protect the child as much as possible.

Your first trip to the skating rink should be introductory rather than training. It is better to choose a warm indoor ice rink, so your child will not be constrained by outerwear. It is advisable to choose a time when there are few people, ideally the ice rink should be empty.

The first thing mom or dad needs to do is go to the rink by themselves. Take a little ride, show the child that it is simple and even very pleasant. Then, in the area visible to the baby, do all the exercises that you will teach him. Best suited for this purpose: walking in place, walking in motion, springing, herringbone walking, flashlight riding and a parallel snake.

The second step is inviting the child to the ice. Do not pull the child under any circumstances. You must invite him to help you take the first steps.

As soon as you are on the rink, release the child, roll away from him and call him to you. If he can't go, let him slide, but be sure to do it himself. If the child categorically refuses to move, roll up to him yourself and repeat the procedure from the beginning. In any case, be sure to praise your child to make him feel more confident.

Try the exercises. With walking in place and in movement, it is more or less clear, but how to do the rest of the exercises? A spring is a regular squat in place. Herringbone walking is such movements on ice, after the execution of which traces of skates in the form of a Christmas tree remain. A flashlight is an exercise to alternately expand and bring your legs together as you move. Parallel snake is the parallel execution of twisting movements on the ice with the legs, reminiscent of the movement of a snake.

The third step is the skater stance. The child must learn to maintain balance while moving on the ice and performing exercises on it. Show him how to do it. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, bend them slightly at the knees, turn your socks to the sides. You need to stand straight so that your shoulders are in line with your hips. Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder level and ask your child to repeat everything for you.

Next, work on the correct fall. This is necessary in order to learn how to fall safely. Ice skating is a dangerous sport, even if you are in very good physical shape, you can get serious injury during a fall.

The child needs to learn to group his body during falls in such a way as to avoid a hard impact with the ice. Tell him that if you lose your balance, you do not need to resist - you just need to stretch your arms, bend your legs and fall on your side. Rehearse this moment with him.

Falls forward and backward are considered the most traumatic. Explain to your child that in the first option, you need to put your hands forward so as not to hit your head. In the second, the body is grouped into the embryo position. Show how it's done. Then do it with him.

After falling, you need to be able to get up correctly. To do this, roll forward into a pose on all fours. Place one foot on the ice completely with the entire blade, put your hands on the knee and push yourself up. Having done this on your own, perform all the movements in sequence with the child.

The last thing left to work on is braking after acceleration. To rehearse this moment, you need to pick up the right speed. After you have achieved a quick glide, send one foot back with a slight heel lift. Use the toothed skate to brake without losing your balance. Do this element with your child. It is permissible to brake with the inner edge of the skate, this is the second method. Also practice it with your toddler.

Give your child the happiness of ice skating, this will not only cause a blush on your child's cheeks, but also give him strong immunity, teach him how to keep balance, and will allow him to develop qualities such as dedication and endurance.

Still not sure where to start? Watch the video where a children's figure skating coach explains and shows very clearly how to teach a child to ice skate.