Easter performance for Sunday school. Little Martha (script for an Easter performance for a Sunday school production with the participation of the younger group). The Easter troparion sounds


Sunday School Scenario


The desired and long-awaited spring has come to us again; all nature, the whole world of God awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and streams rustled. The pale meadows and fields are already covered with fresh grass, and soon wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring outfit. And in the forest, the chorus of birds returning to their native lands will sing their sonorous songs, glorifying God the Creator.

Song "Starlings"(performed by children in starling costumes):

Wake up mountains, valleys, rivers!

Praise the Lord from heaven!

He defeated death forever,

Wake up and you, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet, bloom again

And sing out the fragrant hymn

To the one whose commandment is love!

Child Reader:

The grass turns green, the sun shines,

In the spring, a swallow flies to us in the canopy.

With her, the sun is more beautiful and the spring is sweeter,

Just say hello to us from the road, soon!


In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially dear. In the spring you and I celebrate a great church holiday - the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the Lord's Easter. And seven days before Easter we celebrated Palm Sunday, the day on which the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem with his disciples. He was solemnly greeted with palm branches in his hands as a king and a miracle worker. But Jesus Christ knew that in Jerusalem He would suffer for the people; will die on the Cross and be resurrected ... We do not have palm trees, and therefore we come to the temple with willow twigs.

In Russia, like the snow will melt, and in nature there is silence.

The first willow comes to life, artless and tender.

Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a willow,

After water consecration, they carry it to sprinkle.

And a song of praise, with a shrine in hand

They pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

Child Reader 1:

"Willow, willow, our palm"

Willow, willow, our palm - you look quite simple!

But with you we meet the coming Christ to us.

Therefore, we give every year, in the spring, again

White willow our tenderness, our affection and love.

Child Reader 2:


Boys and girls carried candles and willows home.

The lights glow, passers-by are crossing themselves, and it smells like spring.

Good breeze, rain, little rain, don't blow out the fire!

On Sunday, Palm tree tomorrow, I will be the first for the holy day!

Child Reader 3:

I woke up and heard - spring is knocking on the window!

Drops are rushing from the roof, it is light everywhere!

And it seems - not birds, but Angels are flying,

They will announce that Easter is coming soon.


The news that people began to torment God,

Rooks brought us to the north ...

The coniferous thickets have darkened,

Silent streams wept ...

And other news, bitter than the first,

The starlings were brought into the wilderness:

Crucified on the Cross, forgiving everyone,

God died, the Savior of our souls.

Why "Savior of our souls"?

Because the Son of God gave his life for all of us. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His disciples removed the Savior's body from the Cross and performed the burial ceremony, wrapped His body in a shroud and laid it in a cave. It was on Friday, and on Sunday, the third day after death, Jesus Christ rose, rose from the dead. He conquered death and gave us a new life that will never end.

The Sunday School Choir sings.


Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night has disappeared.

The ringing of heaven is shining with light, the bells are singing.

They sing about the holiday of love, about the miracle of miracles:

The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!

Christ, Christ is risen!

Song "Easter Chime"


Holy Easter is a holiday of the victory of love over evil, life over death, it is a holiday of our hope for a general resurrection.

The joy of Sunday poured out in a stream,

Salvation to those who are near and far in Christ!

The golden sun lit up the distance.

A new song is sung without sorrow.

Easter composition "Who built this house?" E. Korolev.

Children read one by one, sitting around the globe:

1st child:

What a wonderful house!

There are many neighbors in it.

Who built it?

Who arranged the order in it?

2nd child:

Who sowed the moss, flowers?

Who gave the leaves to the trees?

3rd child:

Who poured water into the rivers?

Who put the fish in them?

4th child:

Did he send summer to us for the spring?

Who, who invented this?

Who could have arranged everything like this?

Of course it's God.

5th child:

It is impossible to see God.

You can only see deeds,

The ones that do for us

Every day He is, every hour.

6th child:

This is why and why we are grateful to Him.

7th child:

So as not to grieve Him,

The soul must be sanctified

Do not do evil to anyone

And be obedient to Him.

Child Reader:

From the land of the distant swallows fly

Cheerfully chirp, people say:

"People, wake up! Spring is coming to you,

And with spring - and Easter brings joy to you.

Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults! "

“He rose from the dead! - the whole earth sings. -

And again He will soon come to earth ”.

Sing, people: "Our Christ is risen!"

There is salvation for people, and there is hope! "

"Song of Spring" music by G. Fried.

Child Reader 1:

S. Yesenin

"Easter Annunciation"

The dormant bell awakened the fields,

The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.

The blows rushed to the blue skies

The white moon disappeared behind the river,

A high-spirited wave ran loudly.

A quiet valley drives away sleep

Somewhere beyond the road, the ringing stops.

Child Reader 2:

V. Shamonin


It's good to ring the bells in the bell tower,

To make the holiday more spacious, so that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime

The bright hymn of Sunday sounded from all sides.

"Easter bouquet" (staged):

Flower child:

We are the flowers of the Garden of Eden. We are all equal - a whole bunch!

And we hasten to worship Christ, to bring our fragrant greetings.

We were colored by a rainbow; not sparing all the colors on us,

She has endowed with such beauty that you cannot take your eyes off us.

We will share beauty, we will decorate people's lives.

We are going to congratulate you on the death of the Risen God with the whole bouquet.

Lily of the valley:

Dark forests are melting in a green garment,

The sky shines like the sea, the sea like the heavens.

And in our garden today I noticed how secretly

A lily of the valley with a snow-white moth has risen to Christ.


And every stalk believes: after the cold comes salvation.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Nature glorifies Sunday!


Hearing the bell ringing, and the bell shook its head,

I tuned in to a large bell and began to swing deftly.

Song "Ding-dong".


White snowdrop, wonderful primrose,

That pearls are scattered in the forests,

As a symbol of Sunday and victories,

He warmed up in the sun and fell silent.


And in the fields, wherever you look - golden drops of mother-and-stepmother.

First, they released the color, and the leaves are hidden until summer.

Bird cherry:

Birches lead a round dance, and a nightingale sings in the forest.

Spring distributes earrings to all poplars, birches, willows,

And the bird cherry is honored: she has already dressed up - everyone marvels.

The little sisters opened their eyelashes,

Laughing daisies, funny girlfriends,

They glorify a miracle from miracles - Jesus Christ is risen!

Poppies are like drops of blood that flowed down from the Cross.

They look among the green grass at the Risen Christ

And they nod their heads, they cover the way with themselves

To all who follow Christ,

And their heads are adorned with a fire-breathing crown.


Forget-me-nots blue are drops of heaven.

They also rejoice at the miracle and sing: "Christ is risen!"


Cornflowers are running, in a hurry to marvel at Sunday,

And worship the risen Christ right at the feet.


There are many, many daisies, the whole road is strewn,

All nod their heads, Glorify Sunday.


I am a flower, I don’t know which one. I bloom in the spring.

I heard that Christ was resurrected, and brought gifts to Him:

Faith, love and patience, obedience and reverence.

The song "Christ is Risen!"


Holy Easter is the greatest and brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians. Easter night is so silent and quiet like no other night in the year. Everyone lights candles and waits for the priests in red vestments, with a cross, icons and church banners to leave the church in order to walk around the church in a procession, as if to come to the sealed tomb of the Savior.


Holy night ... The temple will be flooded with lights.

The prayer of all ascends to heaven.


The Royal Doors are open before us.

Holy fire shines from a candle ...

Placed around in the temple again

Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes.

Everyone is having fun, and the sun is playing,

And we joyfully repeat to each other:

Christ is risen!


"An expensive egg for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine a Bright holiday without a red egg. Why do we paint eggs and give each other? Maybe it started because a simple egg reminds of the resurrection from the dead. A hen will lay a testicle, and it looks like a pebble, as if it were inanimate. And in it is life - a live chicken that is about to hatch from an egg.

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a better gift in memory of the risen Savior. How simple this gift is and how dear!

Easter! Christ is Risen! You listen and cannot hear enough, because there are no brighter and more joyful words neither on earth, nor in heaven itself!

Musical and literary composition

Children enter the hall one by one, holding Easter souvenir eggs and bouquets.

1st child:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The dark forest has turned green.

Christ is truly risen! (Gives an egg).

2nd child:

Spring has come - it's time for miracles.

The spring murmurs: "Christ is risen!" (Gives an egg).

3rd child:

There are no lighter words in the world:

Truly Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

4th child:

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down.

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

5th child:

To the hum of Easter prayers and to the ringing of bells

Spring flies to us from distant noon regions. (Gives a Beketic).


Christ is Risen!


Truly Risen!


God is risen and death is defeated!

I sent this victorious message

Spring resurrected by God.


Is death conquered for all - for all? And we won't die?


We will die in body, but the soul will not die. But the day will come, and not only the soul will be alive, but the body will also be resurrected.

Children sit around an adult.


And the first people will be resurrected?


And the first people. They were the first to sin, but the Lord, by His mercy, promised salvation to them and to all people.


What is salvation from?


From sin and death. Love each other, forgive offenses, obey your elders - and all this will be a wonderful gift for the great holiday of Easter.

Christ is Risen! He is resurrected for all who love Him, who believe and know Him! And for those who came to Him in the first hour, and for those who came in the last hour of the day.

Christ is Risen!

1st child:

I have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!

2nd child:

We have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!


On this Feast Day, I want to invite everyone, young and old, to experience the joy that every believing soul feels at the thought of Christ's resurrection, and to unite our awakened hearts for one joyful news of the risen Savior.

The song "Blagovest"

Child Reader 1:

Darkness is defeated tonight

A single ray, a breath of light.

The soul is kindled with love for God,

And the Most Pure Mother of God is sung.

Child Reader 2:

Christ is risen! Cheerful chime

Christ is risen! - The Good News sounds,

And the people in the temples shine with hope.

Child Reader 3:

A wonderful moment, events have risen,

Nature comes alive before our eyes.

Christ is risen! - Sounds like an immortal song

History living in hearts.

Child Reader 4:

There is one beauty in the world -

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas

And not a dream in love

Heavy masses of mountains

And not the seas, not the waterfalls,

Not the gaze of women’s purity.

There is one beauty in the world -

Love, sorrow, renunciation

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

The song "God's Temple"

Child Reader:

Day of the Orthodox East,

Shine, shine, great day!

Spread your message wide

And dress the whole of Russia with them!

But also Holy Russia has a limit

Do not hesitate to call him.

Let it be heard in the whole world

Let it flow over the edge!

Ringing bells (recording).


Easter! Golden Angels trumpet trumpets from heaven.

Once upon a time, Easter was one of the most long-awaited and loved by children because of its traditions. A Sunday School Easter script will help remind children and adults of the importance of Christ's Sunday.


The desired and long-awaited spring has come to us again; all nature, the whole world of God is awakening from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and streams rustled. The pale meadows and fields are already covered with fresh grass, and soon wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring outfit. And in the forest, the chorus of birds returning to their native lands will sing their sonorous songs, glorifying God the Creator.

Song "Starlings"(performed by children in starling costumes):

Wake up mountains, valleys, rivers!

Praise the Lord from heaven!

He defeated death forever,

Wake up and you, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet, bloom again

And sing out the fragrant hymn

To the one whose commandment is love!

Child Reader:

The grass turns green, the sun shines,

In the spring, a swallow flies to us in the canopy.

With her, the sun is more beautiful and the spring is sweeter,

Just say hello to us from the road, soon!


In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially dear. In the spring you and I celebrate a great church holiday - the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the Lord's Easter. And seven days before Easter we celebrated Palm Sunday, the day on which the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem with his disciples. He was solemnly greeted with palm branches in his hands as a king and a miracle worker. But Jesus Christ knew that in Jerusalem He would suffer for the people; will die on the Cross and be resurrected ... We do not have palm trees, and therefore we come to the temple with willow twigs.

In Russia, like the snow will melt, and in nature there is silence.

The first willow comes to life, artless and tender.

Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a willow,

After water consecration, they carry it to sprinkle.

And a song of praise, with a shrine in hand

They pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

Child Reader 1:

"Willow, willow, our palm"

Willow, willow, our palm - you look quite simple!

But with you we meet the coming Christ to us.

Therefore, we give every year, in the spring, again

White willow our tenderness, our affection and love.

Child Reader 2:

Boys and girls carried candles and willows home.

The lights glow, passers-by are crossing themselves, and it smells like spring.

Good breeze, rain, little rain, don't blow out the fire!

On Sunday, Palm tree tomorrow, I will be the first for the holy day!

Child Reader 3:

I woke up and heard - spring is knocking on the window!

Drops are rushing from the roof, it is light everywhere!

And it seems - not birds, but Angels are flying,

They will announce that Easter is coming soon.


The news that people began to torment God,

Rooks brought us to the north ...

The coniferous thickets have darkened,

Silent streams wept ...

And other news, bitter than the first,

The starlings were brought into the wilderness:

Crucified on the Cross, forgiving everyone,

God died, the Savior of our souls.

Why "Savior of our souls"?

Because the Son of God gave his life for all of us. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His disciples removed the Savior's body from the Cross and performed the burial ceremony, wrapped His body in a shroud and laid it in a cave. It was on Friday, and on Sunday, the third day after death, Jesus Christ rose, rose from the dead. He conquered death and gave us a new life that will never end.

The Sunday School Choir sings.


Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night has disappeared.

The ringing of heaven is shining with light, the bells are singing.

They sing about the holiday of love, about the miracle of miracles:

The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!

Christ, Christ is risen!

Song "Easter Bell"


Holy Easter is a holiday of the victory of love over evil, life over death, it is a holiday of our hope for a general resurrection.

The joy of Sunday poured out in a stream,

Salvation to those who are near and far in Christ!

The golden sun lit up the distance.

A new song is sung without sorrow.

Easter composition "Who built this house?" E. Korolev.

Children read one by one, sitting around the globe:

1st child:

What a wonderful house!

There are many neighbors in it.

Who built it?

Who arranged the order in it?

2nd child:

Who sowed the moss, flowers?

Who gave the leaves to the trees?

3rd child:

Who poured water into the rivers?

Who put the fish in them?

4th child:

Did he send summer to us for the spring?

Who, who invented this?

Who could have arranged everything like this?

Of course it's God.

5th child:

It is impossible to see God.

You can only see deeds,

The ones that do for us

Every day He is, every hour.

6th child:

This is why and why we are grateful to Him.

7th child:

So as not to grieve Him,

The soul must be sanctified

Do not do evil to anyone

And be obedient to Him.

Child Reader:

From the land of the distant swallows fly

Cheerfully chirp, people say:

“People, wake up! Spring is coming to you

And with spring - and Easter brings joy to you.

Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults! "

“He rose from the dead! - the whole earth sings. -

And again He will soon come to earth ”.

Sing, people: "Our Christ is risen!"

There is salvation for people, and there is hope! "

"Song of Spring" music by G. Fried.

Child Reader 1:

The dormant bell awakened the fields,

The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.

The blows rushed to the blue skies

The white moon disappeared behind the river,

A high-spirited wave ran loudly.

A quiet valley drives away sleep

Somewhere beyond the road, the ringing stops.

Child Reader 2:

It's good to ring the bells in the bell tower,

To make the holiday more spacious, so that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime

The bright hymn of Sunday sounded from all sides.

"Easter bouquet" (staged)

Flower child:

We are the flowers of the Garden of Eden. We are all equal - a whole bunch!

And we hasten to worship Christ, to bring our fragrant greetings.

We were colored by a rainbow; not sparing all the colors on us,

She has endowed with such beauty that you cannot take your eyes off us.

We will share beauty, we will decorate people's lives.

We are going to congratulate you on the death of the Risen God with the whole bouquet.

Lily of the valley:

Dark forests are melting in a green garment,

The sky shines like the sea, the sea like the heavens.

And in our garden today I noticed how secretly

A lily of the valley with a snow-white moth has risen to Christ.


And every stalk believes: after the cold comes salvation.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Nature glorifies Sunday!


Hearing the bell ringing, and the bell shook its head,

I tuned in to a large bell and began to swing deftly.

Song "Ding-dong".


White snowdrop, wonderful primrose,

That pearls are scattered in the forests,

As a symbol of Sunday and victories,

He warmed up in the sun and fell silent.


And in the fields, wherever you look - golden drops of mother-and-stepmother.

First, they released the color, and the leaves are hidden until summer.

Bird cherry:

Birches lead a round dance, and a nightingale sings in the forest.

Spring distributes earrings to all poplars, birches, willows,

And the bird cherry is honored: she has already dressed up - everyone marvels.

The little sisters opened their eyelashes,

Laughing daisies, funny girlfriends,

They glorify a miracle from miracles - Jesus Christ is risen!

Poppies are like drops of blood that flowed down from the Cross.

They look among the green grass at the Risen Christ

And they nod their heads, they cover the way with themselves

To all who follow Christ,

And their heads are adorned with a fire-breathing crown.


Forget-me-nots blue are drops of heaven.

They also rejoice at the miracle and sing: "Christ is risen!"


Cornflowers are running, in a hurry to marvel at Sunday,

And worship the risen Christ right at the feet.


There are many, many daisies, the whole road is strewn,

All nod their heads, Glorify Sunday.


I am a flower, I don’t know which one. I bloom in the spring.

I heard that Christ was resurrected, and brought gifts to Him:

Faith, love and patience, obedience and reverence.

The song "Christ is Risen!"


Holy Easter is the greatest and brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians. Easter night is so silent and quiet like no other night in the year. Everyone lights candles and waits for the priests in red vestments, with a cross, icons and church banners to leave the church in order to walk around the church in a procession, as if to come to the sealed tomb of the Savior.


Holy night ... The temple will be flooded with lights.

The prayer of all ascends to heaven.


The Royal Doors are open before us.

Holy fire shines from a candle ...

Placed around in the temple again

Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes.

Everyone is having fun, and the sun is playing,

And we joyfully repeat to each other:

Christ is risen!


"An expensive egg for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine a Bright holiday without a red egg. Why do we paint eggs and give each other? Maybe it started because a simple egg reminds of the resurrection from the dead. A hen will lay a testicle, and it looks like a pebble, as if it were inanimate. And in it is life - a live chicken that is about to hatch from an egg.

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a better gift in memory of the risen Savior. How simple this gift is and how dear!

Easter! Christ is Risen! You listen and cannot hear enough, because there are no brighter and more joyful words neither on earth, nor in heaven itself!

Musical and literary composition

Children enter the hall one by one, holding Easter souvenir eggs and bouquets.

1st child:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The dark forest has turned green.

Christ is truly risen! (Gives an egg).

2nd child:

Spring has come - it's time for miracles.

The spring murmurs: "Christ is risen!" (Gives an egg).

3rd child:

There are no lighter words in the world:

Truly Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

4th child:

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down.

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

5th child:

To the hum of Easter prayers and to the ringing of bells

Spring flies to us from distant noon regions. (Gives a Beketic).


Christ is Risen!


Truly Risen!


God is risen and death is defeated!

I sent this victorious message

Spring resurrected by God.


Is death conquered for all - for all? And we won't die?


We will die in body, but the soul will not die. But the day will come, and not only the soul will be alive, but the body will also be resurrected.

Children sit around an adult.


And the first people will be resurrected?


And the first people. They were the first to sin, but the Lord, by His mercy, promised salvation to them and to all people.


What is salvation from?


From sin and death. Love each other, forgive offenses, obey your elders - and all this will be a wonderful gift for the great holiday of Easter.

Christ is Risen! He is resurrected for all who love Him, who believe and know Him! And for those who came to Him in the first hour, and for those who came in the last hour of the day.

Christ is Risen!

1st child:

I have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!

2nd child:

We have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!


On this Feast Day, I want to invite everyone, young and old, to experience the joy that every believing soul feels at the thought of Christ's resurrection, and to unite our awakened hearts for one joyful news of the risen Savior.

The song "Blagovest"

Child Reader 1:

Darkness is defeated tonight

A single ray, a breath of light.

The soul is kindled with love for God,

And the Most Pure Mother of God is sung.

Child Reader 2:

Christ is risen! Cheerful chime

Christ is risen! - The Good News sounds,

And the people in the temples shine with hope.

Child Reader 3:

A wonderful moment, events have risen,

Nature comes alive before our eyes.

Christ is risen! - Sounds like an immortal song

History living in hearts.

Child Reader 4:

There is one beauty in the world -

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas

And not a dream in love

Heavy masses of mountains

And not the seas, not the waterfalls,

Not the gaze of women’s purity.

There is one beauty in the world -

Love, sorrow, renunciation

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

Song "God's Temple"

Child Reader:

Day of the Orthodox East,

Shine, shine, great day!

Spread your message wide

And dress the whole of Russia with them!

But also Holy Russia has a limit

Do not hesitate to call him.

Let it be heard in the whole world

Let it flow over the edge!

Ringing bells (recording).


Easter! Golden Angels trumpet trumpets from heaven.

The school play for Easter is a significant tradition that allows children to develop their creative abilities. Christian scenes can be created together with the children or you can use a ready-made script.

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The script for the Easter performance based on the tale of G.Kh. Andersen's "Five from one pod." Materials provided by the "City of Gold" Sunday parish school at the St. Nicholas Church with. Usolye of the Samara region.

1 action

Leading peas.

Music sounds - the theme of peas.

The presenters come out to the music, unrolling a "pod" - a green cloth. During the words of the first presenter, 5 cheerful peas jump out and squat against the background of a green pod. They push, "grow" - stand up to their full height, but do not protrude from the pod.

1st Lead:

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; it should have been! The pod grew, and the peas also grew; they adjusted to the room and sat in a row.

2nd Lead:

The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became clearer and more transparent; the peas felt good and comfortable, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be.

At this time, the 2nd presenter spends a "sun" over the heads of the peas, then a cloud (made of cardboard, on a handle), as if watering them, while the peas rejoice, jump, wash, laugh.

They all grew and grew and more and more thought, sitting in a pod, that it was time for them to do something.

Peas depict how they think - everyone gets into different "thinking" poses.

1st pea (with challenge):

A century, or what, we sit here?

2nd pea (with alarm):

How could we not dry out from such a seat! ..

3rd pea (making a visor out of the palm and looking into the distance here and there):

It seems to me that there is something behind our pod! I have such a premonition!

1st Lead:

Several weeks have passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow.

The presenters turn the “pod” -fabric with the yellow side.

All the pots in unison (looking around in surprise):

The whole world turns yellow!

1st Lead:

Suddenly they felt a strong jolt!

The music sounds louder, the peas are screaming and pushing, holding onto each other, each screaming her own thing, and at the same time:

- Oh, mummies!
- What is this being done!
- Ah ah ah!
- It's an earthquake!
- End of the world!

They interlock with their elbows, roll first in one direction, then in the other, as a result they fall and squeak loudly, like a girl.

4th pea (getting up and putting yourself in order):
Well, now they will soon set us free!

1st pea (admiring in the mirror and adjusting the outfit after a push, looking defiantly at the others):

And I would like to know which of us will go the farthest! However, we'll see soon!

5th pea (modestly):

Whatever happens!

Music is the theme of peas.

2nd Lead:

But then the pod ripened and burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun.

Peas roll around the edges of the stage - spinning and shouting their words at the same time.

1st pea: I fly, I fly wherever I want! Catch who can!

Flies across the stage.

2nd pea: And I will fly directly into the sun; that's a real pod! Just for me!

Flies in the other direction.

3rd, 4th pea: And where we go, we will sleep there! But we'll get to somewhere! We will go the farthest!

They fly away in an embrace.

5th pea: Whatever happens!

2nd Lead:

It flew up, hit the old wooden roof and rolled into the crack just under the window of the attic closet. In the crack there was moss and loose earth, the moss covered a pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by the Lord God.

- Whatever happens!

The 5th pea is hiding behind the window, and it is not visible yet.

2 action

Mother, daughter, presenters, angel.

Music sounds - the theme of the mother.

The mother is busy with the housework: rearranging the iron pot, sweeping the floors, checking how her daughter is there ...

1st Lead:

And a poor woman lived in the closet. She went to daily work: she cleaned the stoves, sawed wood, in a word, she took on whatever came along; She had enough strength, the desire to work, too, did not take to become, but she still did not get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; for a whole year she had already been in bed: she did not live and did not die.

Mother (stands far from the child's bed and speaks to the audience):

She will go to her sister! I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; Well, here is the Lord God and shared the care with me, took one to him! I would like to keep the other one, but He apparently does not want to separate the sisters! But come what may!

He comes up to his daughter, strokes her head, soothes her and himself:

Daughter, Easter is coming soon, are we going to paint the testicles with you?

Girl (sitting in the crib, leaning against the pillow, very weak, puny, painting the Easter egg in the picture):

Yes, mommy, they are becoming so beautiful, they burn like coals! Do you know why eggs should be red for Easter?

Shows the mother the picture she painted before - the testicle.

Fragment of the performance. Girl paints a testicle

Mother (sitting down on the edge of the bed and stroking the girl's head):

There is even a legend about this. Do you remember I told you what Easter is?


Mommy, tell me! I love it so much when you talk about God!


Let me straighten your pillow, close your eyes, and I'll read, okay?

3 Action

Myrrhbearers, angel.

The girl falls asleep listening to her mother. On the first quatrain, the mother sits next to her daughter, then, when the words of the myrrh-bearers begin, she covers her daughter and quietly leaves. Here the action takes place at the Holy Sepulcher.

Mother (reading the book, turning the page):

At dawn, they went to the Tomb,
Shaking dew from sleepy grasses,
Carrying from myrrh and aloe
Fragrant composition.

Music begins to sound - sad and solemn - the theme of the myrrh-bearers 1.

The myrrh-bearers solemnly walk from the depths of the hall, between the spectators, mournfully carrying the vessels, and begin to speak words as they walk.

1st myrrh-bearer:

We walked without thinking about a miracle,
In a cold, pink beam
You are myrrh in an earthen vessel
Bending over, she held it on her shoulder.

2nd myrrh-bearer:

And so it was scary for us to remember
His shame and death and pain ...
As the sultry wounds washed away
Your hair is night tar.

Like nails from His palms
You, crying quietly, extracted,
Looking at the blood that, as from grapes,
It flowed in thick drops.

3rd myrrh-bearer:

Mary Mother and you - both of you
He was accepted from the soldiers
And they put it in a new coffin,
Pouring aroma on the body.

Look: Saturday night has passed
And a new day is replaced by darkness.
Sister tell me why you
Suddenly speeding up your pace?

The myrrh-bearers stop at the Tomb and make their way to it in the thickets of branches.

1st myrrh-bearer:

The garden is already close. Here are the lily bowls
Flashed from the dawn haze.
Sister, why are our clothes
So unnaturally white?

As branches overhang here densely.
Give me a vessel. Have come. It's time.
Here is the cave. Where is he? Empty!
Who took Him? Oh, who, sister?

The music sounds louder, you need to show how they recoiled in horror from the entrance to the cave, confusion, fear.

2nd myrrh-bearer (rushes between others, looking for an answer):

Who fenced off the entrance to the cave?
What happened in the night?
The blank cover turns white, is complex,
There are white rays in the cave.

Music - solemn, theme of myrrh-bearers 2.

Where is the body? Where are the guards? Where is the fence?
Everything is just white flowers.
I'm running towards you! No, don’t.
You have loved - you will meet!

The angel very solemnly, slowly flapping his wings, appears from the side of the cave, when he appears, the myrrh-bearers retreat back, freeing the way and bow their heads in bow.


Don't look for Jesus, He is resurrected.
He is in heaven and will descend from heaven again.

The angel flaps its wing towards the myrrh-bearers, walks past them, walks towards the sleeping girl, stops, strokes her head, walks past the window, from where the 5th pea waves a twig to him, he also flaps his wing in her direction, solemnly leaves, passing like this way circle. The myrrh-bearers follow him.

Music sounds louder and more solemn.

The myrrh-bearers are solemnly removed, leaving the 1st myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene (goes gradually to the edge of the stage, reads very soulfully):

I was the first to know that Christ
Risen from the dead. Early in the morning
I went to anoint His body with peace,
But the stone that blocked the way to the cave
Was rolled away by an unknown hand,
And the coffin was empty, only the sheets lay -
His burial garments,
When I stood in bewilderment
Suddenly a wonderful light illuminated the whole cave,
An Angel of God appeared before me ...
And he proclaimed ...
- No living with the dead,
Don't look for Christ here -
He is risen!

Music, theme of myrrh-bearers 2.

He walks across the stage, as if remembering and recalling events.

Then the Teacher stayed with us forty days
And, ascending to the Father in heaven,
He sent us to preach.
And I, like all disciples of Christ,
I walk around the world from country to country
Preaching the good news of the risen Christ,
I proclaim the gospel to the world.

The throne of the emperor appears on the stage, Tiberius solemnly comes out, accompanied by a servant, sits on the throne, the servant stands with a fan slightly behind.

Host (at the edge of the stage):

So to the glorious city of Rome one day
Mary came to the emperor ...
There were guards at the entrance to the palace,
And noble guests with rich gifts
They hurried to the emperor's chambers.

3 Action

Tiberius, servant, 3 guests, angel, Mary Magdalene.

Rome. Palace of the Emperor Tiberius.
Music sounds - the theme of Tiberius.

1st guest (entering solemnly and kneeling before the emperor):

Great emperor and lord,
Take this necklace as a gift,
Pearls, rubies and sapphires.

2nd guest:
Great King Tiberius! As a gift from us
Take this gold in abundance
May gold strengthen your power
And it will strengthen the power of the state.

3rd guest:
We brought a diamond from Sicily
Of great value and very rare properties,
He is worthy to shine in the royal crown.

Tiberius nods graciously, accepting gifts, each of which the servant puts on a platter.

Mary Magdalene appears. The Emperor looks at her very menacingly.

The music sounds muffled - the theme of the myrrh-bearers 2.

Mary Magdalene:
I was once very rich
And she brought valuable gifts.
Today I am only rich in faith
The Savior and Lord Christ.
What can I give today?
Here is a gift - a testicle, a symbol of life, -
Christ is risen!

Shows the testicle to the emperor and also puts it on a dish with other gifts.

Tiberius (surprised and angry, rising from the throne and approaching Mary):

How can anyone be resurrected?
This is incredible, impossible.
Then as soon as I believe on Sunday
When the testicle turns red.

Servant (terrified, throwing the fan away):

Oh emperor, look quickly
The testicle turns pink, no, it gets dark,
About a miracle!
It turned bright red!

(A red egg must be hidden in advance on a platter among the fabric, which the servant will pick up and give to the emperor.)

Tiberius takes in his hands and shows in great surprise to everyone a red testicle, says in chorus with Maria:

- Truly Jesus Christ is risen!

They freeze at the edge of the stage, the emperor holds a testicle in his raised hand, Maria stands nearby.

The Easter troparion sounds like a male choir.

The same angel comes out very solemnly, walks around the emperor and Mary, waving his wing at them. They leave, the angel walks along the cave and leaves.

4 Action

Girl, mother, 5th pea.

The throne is quickly removed. Mother enters, cleans the house, hangs clean curtains on the window.

Girl (wakes up):

Mom, what a wonderful dream I had! The testicle turned red! And what, miracles do happen?

Mother (hopefully):

Everything is in the hands of God.


But how the Lord can help everyone at once, because there are many people on earth!


You see, help sometimes comes as if by itself, sometimes we don't even notice that it was the Lord who sent it. It can come through a person or even through some inanimate object. After all, the emperor believed that Christ was Risen when he saw the egg?

The girl listens very attentively.


Yes its true…

The mother leaves, begins to get ready for the service, puts on a white scarf, takes off her apron, takes a basket of testicles.


Mommy, what's that turning green outside the window? So it sways from the wind!

Mother walks over to the window and shades it.


Look you! Yes, it’s a pea that has sprouted! And how did she get here in the crack? Well, now you will have your own garden! Daughter, I'm going to the service, because tomorrow is Easter. And I will bring you a consecrated egg.

The mother kisses the girl and leaves.

The music sounds louder, under it the pea grows more and more and plays a ball with the girl, the ball falls, and the girl cannot get up and shows the pea with her hands that she cannot, then the pea lets soap bubbles out of the window, the girl rejoices, catches them, laughs.

The mother comes back, holds out the testicle, but stops, she is surprised and shocked: she sees the girl sitting on the bed, talking to a pea.

Girl (seeing her mother, out of breath):

Mom, I think I'll get better! The sun warmed me so much today. Pea, see how nice it grows in the sun? I'll get better, too, start getting up and go out into the sun.


God grant! And here's a testicle! Christ is risen!


Truly resurrected!

Mother (goes to the window to open the curtain):

Look, the pea will bloom soon!

The mother turns away from the girl for a minute in order to remove the scarf, put the basket in the corner, so she does not immediately notice what is happening behind her.


The girl begins to get up and with very uncertain steps, swaying, goes to the window. Pea stretches out her hands to her, the girl stretches out her hands to meet her.

Music sounds - the theme of the girl.

The mother rushes to her daughter to support her, then takes the girl and the pea to the middle of the stage, cries and rejoices, hugs the girl and the pea.


The Lord Himself planted and raised a flower to please you, dear, and me too! Miracle, Lord!

Happy and solemn music sounds, all the participants come out to it, line up in 2 rows, leading in front.

2nd Lead:

Well, what about the other peas? Have you forgotten about them, dear viewers? The one that flew where she wanted - catch, they say, whoever can - fell into the gutter, and from there into the pigeon's craw and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale.

1st Lead:

2nd Lead:

And the second, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in the musty water until it swelled up.

2nd pea:

How gloriously I have grown! Indeed, I will soon burst, and I think not a single pea has been able to achieve more. I am the most wonderful of all five!

The rest of the peas pull her skirt and laugh at the braggart.

All artists (in chorus, throwing up their hands in the direction of the audience):

What do you think?

The music sounds louder. All participants in the play bow, going to the edge of the stage in this order:

- girl and mother;
- peas;
- myrrh-bearers, angel;
- Tiberius, servant, guests;
- presenters.

The two presenters are high school girls with good diction.
Five peas (girls 7-9 years old)
Mother is a teenage girl 13-14 years old.
Girl - a slender girl 10-11 years old
Angel - girl or boy 5-6 years old
Tiberius - high school student or student
Servant - boy or girl 10-12 years old
Three imperial guests - boys 10-12 years old
1st Myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene and two more Myrrh-bearers - girls 12-15 years old or older.

Decorations and props:

Chair (old).
Window with a curtain (can be made from a theater screen).
Shop or bedside table under the window.
Pod (yellow cloth, green cloth 1x2 m.).
The entrance to the cave (drapery from dark fabrics, curly "thickets", large potted plants, palm trees).
Throne (armchair, beautiful fabric for decoration).
Rod of Tiberius.
2 vessels.
Gifts for the king: "gold", "sapphire", "necklace".
Children's ball.
Blooming bouquet (for a pea).
Candlestick with a candle.
Pot of porridge.
2 eggs - red and white.
Beautiful curtain.
Climbing plant (artificial).
Album with a painted egg.
Colour pencils.
"Sun" and "cloud" with rain (can be made from cardboard).
Cup, spoon, bowl, pillow, blanket, basket.


Presenters - formal clothes, pink scarves.
Peas - green sundresses, white turtlenecks, white tights and shoes, green bows in pigtails.
Tiberius - mantle, sandals, lower cloak, wand, crown.
Servant - toga, fan.
Guests - hats, togas.
Myrrhbearers - long capes with hoods or something else covering the head, vessels in the hands.
Angel - white surplice, gold ribbon on the head, wings (you can buy them).
Mother - a long skirt, a jacket, a cap, a festive shawl, an apron, a towel, striped knee-highs, rough sandals without backdrops.
The girl is a poor pale dress, a blouse, a handkerchief, sandals.

Scenery location on stage:

In the middle of the stage, closer to the right wings, is the girl's bed.
To the right of the bed is a window, half turned towards the audience so that you can see what is happening behind it. By the window there is a bench covered with a modest cloth.
Next to the bed is an old chair or stool on which the mother puts food for the girl.
On the left side of the stage - half-turned to the viewer - is the entrance to the cave (can be made of stairs draped with dark fabrics and entwined with artificial greenery).

At the moment Tiberius appears, the scenery is not removed, but the imperial throne is placed on the left side of the bed, closer to the viewer.

Tatiana Shubenkova

We are preparing a fairy tale for the Easter holiday for young children. We will show it on Monday, May 6th. And today I offer you a script for this tale.

Like this week

Easter will be a day of fun.

We will see off the post.

Greet Easter with Easter cake!

Who gives an egg to each other,

Happy the whole year happens!

I wish you all happiness

and invite you to the fairy tale!

Characters(bibabo dolls): Hen, Rooster, Bunny, Fox.

Equipment: a basket with painted wooden eggs for the Hen; phonogram of the bell ringing and the play "Sunday Morning"; easter eggs for children.

The calm river sounds. n. m. A Hen with a basket of testicles appears on the screen.

Hen... Co-co-co, co-co-co!

The sun is shining high.

A bright holiday is coming

All the people rejoice.

Now Easter has come!

And I also tried -

Painted testicles,

Such beautiful

Prepared by the Hen

And carried it down the street.

Whom I will give a meeting,

I will give everyone a testicle.

Sun, shine brighter in the sky

Light the road to the city!

Children sing the SONG ABOUT THE SUN(optionally).

The chicken goes to the right, the Rooster appears on the left side.

Rooster. Chicken, ku-ka-re-ku!

Answer the Rooster:

Where did you go alone?

And you didn't call me?

Hen. I'm carrying a basket of testicles

Whom I will give a meeting,

I will give everyone a testicle.

Rooster. Let's go, I'll help you,

I'll carry your basket

After all, everyone knows: roosters -

Great helpers.

We are watching the order

We do not allow you to be lazy

And we'll wake everyone up in the morning

Just shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Performed by R. n. p. "Petushok"

Cockerel and Hen go to the right. The cockerel carries a basket. Suddenly the bush in front of them begins to stir.

Hen: Oh, Petya, I'm afraid of something!

Rooster: What are you, dear, do not be afraid!

After all, I am your protector, ko-ko!

Hen: Do not go far. (hiding behind the Rooster)

Bunny appears from the bushes.

Bunny. Sorry to scare you.

He was trembling in the bushes with fear.

You sang the song very loudly

And so they scared the Bunny.

Rooster: Come on, gray, don't shiver.

You better dance merrily.

Today is a bright holiday - Easter.

Hen: Well dance soon, be gentle!

Bunny: Well, okay, so be it, I'll dance!

Sing along, I ask!

Performed the song "Bunny" by V. Karaseva(in the finale of the song, the Bunny dances)

Bunny: Where did you go?

Is there really something to do on a holiday?

Hen: I'm carrying a basket of testicles

For kids, bears and birds.

Whom I will give a meeting,

I will give everyone a testicle. (gives an egg to the Bunny)

Hare, here's an egg for you

Painted it.

Bunny: How beautiful the egg is!

Chicken, thanks!

Can I go with you,

Will I help you carry the basket?

Hen: The three of us are more fun.

Come on, darlings, hurry up.

The Rooster, Hen and Bunny leave. Fox appears.

Fox: Everyone knows: foxes

Weave the intrigues of the craftswoman.

Said the gossip magpie,

That the chicken is not far from here.

And chicken giblets

Even tastier than the ear.

Now I will tell you a secret.

(speaking in a whisper)

I'll catch a chicken for lunch.

Clucking and the crowing of a cock is heard behind the screen.

Fox: Sick, I'll pretend to be unhappy

And I’ll wait for the hemp.

The fox lies down near the hemp and groans. The Hen, Rooster and Bunny appear.

Fox: Oh, it hurts, it hurts! A-a, a-a!

I broke my back paw.

Hen: I run to you to help

Now, Chanterelle, I will help!

Bunny: Don't, don't go, wait!

The fox is always angry.

I suppose she was pretending again.

When you come up to her, grab you!

Rooster: Listen, chicken, he's right!

After all, Lisa has a terrible disposition:

You will only fall into her clutches,

And you won't go anywhere.

The fox groans.

Hen: But she's in pain! She's crying!

Sorry, I can't do otherwise:

I'll bandage her paw.

You wait here friends!

The chicken approaches Lisa. Fox jumps up and grabs her. The chicken breaks out.

Fox: Ha ha! And here is my lunch!

There is no more delicious chicken in the world!

Chicken: Oh, help, help!

Save me from the clutches of the Fox!

The Rooster and the Bunny are advancing on the Fox.

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Spurs spotted!

Bunny: Although I, Fox, and a coward,

But I'm not afraid today!

I will knock with my paws,

I'll shut up on the back!

Rooster, Bunny: Beware, Fox!

Get away from us into the woods!

Fox lets go of Chicken and steps aside.

Hen: How embarrassing! On Easter

We must give all the affection.

You need to be kind, gentle,

We must love everyone around!

Fox: I beg you, excuse me!

Forgive the cunning fox!

Hen: I forgive, so be it!

Evil must be forgotten forever.

Fox: Well, thank you! I am so glad!

This is the best reward!

Don't drive me away.

I really want to help you.

Where did you go?

Is there really something to do on a holiday?

Hen: I'm carrying a basket of testicles

For kids, bears and birds.

Whom I will give a meeting,

I will give everyone a testicle (gives a testicle to Fox)

Chanterelle, here's an egg.

Painted it.

Fox: Chicken, thank you!

How beautiful the egg is!

I will go ahead of you.

I will bring them to the city to see the children!

The song "Easter" by M. Lazarev is being performed.

Hen: Here are the Easter eggs!

Children, get it!

And you, Bunny and Fox,

Give Petya!

Children are given colored testicles. The play "Sunday Morning" is played.

Literature: "Holidays in kindergarten" M. Yu. Kartushin

These are the Easter eggs presented to the kids by the children of the preparatory group!

The script for the Easter performance.
Based on the fairy tale by I. Rutenin "The Wise Tsar"

Danila - the eldest son
Gavrila - the middle son
Ivan Tsarevich - the youngest son
Elder daughter-in-law
Average daughter-in-law
Younger daughter-in-law
Angel I - Guardian of the Elder Daughter-in-law
Angel II - Guardian of the Middle Daughter-in-law
Angel III - Guardian of the Younger Daughter-in-law
Royal servant

The Tsar sits on the throne in the palace. The princes come in by seniority.

Once upon a time there was a king. He was good to everyone: he was kind and just, and his faith in God was strong. Yes, that's just got old for years. The time has come for him to think, to whom to leave the kingdom after himself, to whom to transfer the crown. And he had three sons: Danila, Gavrila, and Ivan Tsarevich. So he began to test them. He sent him to the war, and they all returned victorious. Then the Tsar asked them a riddle.

Tell me, my dear sons, what is this: "There is a bridge for seven miles, behind it an apple tree blossoms, and its color has covered the whole world?"

(The servant distributes birch bark letters and feathers to the sons. The sons write in silence. The servant gives the letters to the king).

These are the daredevils! They wrote everything right! “Great Lent and Easter”! Well go, go!

(The princes bow, leave. The servant leaves).

King (thoughtfully):
What should I do? How to choose a worthy one?
Once the Eldress Abbess came to him.

(Abbess enters.)

Mother Superior:
I know, Tsar-Sovereign, what you are grieving about. Listen to my advice. Command the sons to choose a bride for themselves, and marry them. And then you will find out who has what kind of wife. After all, it is not for nothing that the people say: what a wife is, so is a husband.

Thank you, Mother Superior.
You gave me good advice. So I will!

(Abbess leaves.)

No sooner said than done. Here the princes bring their young wives to the palace. The elder Gavrila chose his boyar daughter. And rich, and noble, and pretty.
(Gavrila brings her princess out).
Middle Danila chose a merchant's daughter. Her dowry is such that count day and night - you cannot count. And how it goes - like a white swan swims.
(Danila brings out his princess).
Only Ivan Tsarevich's bride is not noble, not rich, although she is sweet, but painfully modest. She doesn't look like a princess at all.
(Ivan Tsarevich displays his princess).

Well, my dear daughters-in-law, live peacefully. Take care of my sons. And as a gift from me to you, a small casket with precious ornaments and semi-precious stones.

The servant distributes small caskets to the princesses. The older daughters-in-law open the lids and gasp. The youngest bows to the king. Everyone leaves.

(Svetlitsa. The elder daughter-in-law is sitting on a bench, admiring the decorations).

The king ordered to find out how the daughters-in-law would dispose of his gifts.
Elder daughter-in-law:
Oh! What pebbles! How many diamonds, emeralds! I tell you to sew a hundred dresses for myself, and decorate all of them with precious ornaments. Nobody dresses so beautifully, which means I must be a queen.

(Angel I appears).

(The angel sighs sadly and leaves. The elder daughter-in-law leaves. The Middle daughter-in-law sits in her place. She also admires the decorations).

Average daughter-in-law:
How many jewels are here! True, the old tsar wants to make me a queen! I'll hide it all for the time being (Angel II appears).

Angel II:
Rather than collecting treasures in a chest, it is better to distribute to the sick and the unfortunate.
Middle daughter-in-law (waves her hand):
But how can my husband and I sit on the royal throne if we distribute all our wealth to the sick and the unfortunate?

(Angel II sighs, leaves. The middle daughter-in-law leaves. The Younger daughter-in-law sits down in her place with a chest).

Younger daughter-in-law:
Why do I need so much good? It’s impossible to carry it all my life, only on the shelves, and dust in the chests. (Abbess enters.) Hello, Mother Superior! It's so good that you came. Here's a little chest. This is to the monastery, and decorate the icon of the Mother of God with precious stones.

(The abbess takes the little chest, bows and leaves. Angel III appears).

Angel III:
A kind heart knows what to do to please the Lord God and His Most Pure Mother.

(Angel III leaves. Daughter-in-law leaves).

(Palace. The Tsar sits on the throne).

The king found out about all this, was glad for his Younger daughter-in-law. And he ordered everyone to get ready to go to the palace again, because he planned a new test for the young princesses. (All three daughters-in-law enter.) He found a beggar on the road, a cripple, and even a dumb one. (The Wanderer enters.) And the King says.

Here is a saint elder. He does not stay anywhere more than three nights. Accept him, my dear daughters-in-law, do me the honor.
Okay, Father Tsar!

(Bow and leave).

That's what came out of it.

Everyone leaves ...

Svetlitsa. The elder daughter-in-law is sitting on the bench. A knock is heard.

Elder daughter-in-law:
Come in, come in, holy old man! (The Wanderer enters.) Is it not my husband's destiny to be king?

(The wanderer throws up his hands in response, cannot say anything. Angel I appears).

Angel I:
Do not pry, do not ask, but show mercy - feed, and put to sleep.
Elder daughter-in-law:
Here's another! If he is not perspicacious, not a saint, but why do I need one!

(He waves his arms, drives out the Wanderer. Angel I sighs, leaves. The Wanderer leaves. The daughter-in-law leaves. The Middle daughter-in-law sits in her place. A knock is heard).

Average daughter-in-law:
Come in, Holy Wanderer, and tell me, is it not my husband's fate to be king?

(The Wanderer enters. In response, he throws up his hands, cannot say anything. Angel II appears).

Angel II:
Accept the poor, don't ask for much. Show mercy, serve God!
Average daughter-in-law:
Yes, if he doesn't know anything, let him step into the stable.

(Gives a piece of bread and drives it away. The Wanderer leaves. Angel II sighs, leaves. The middle daughter-in-law leaves. The younger daughter-in-law sits down in her place. A knock is heard. The Wanderer enters).

Younger daughter-in-law:
Come in, come in kind person. Tired of the road? Sit down at the table, let your legs rest. Here is bread, here is borsch, you take a sip of kvass, and then you lie down and rest.

(Angel III appears).

Angel III:
A kind soul is glad to any guest. There will be a worthy reward for her from the Lord.

Everyone leaves.

Castle. The king sits on the throne.

The Tsar-Father learned about all this and was again glad for his Younger daughter-in-law. And after a while he again orders everyone in the palace to gather.

(All daughters-in-law enter.)

Well, my dear daughters-in-law, I want to know what kind of craftswomen you are. Bake me something for tomorrow!
Daughters-in-law (bowing):
Okay, Father Tsar!

(Daughters-in-law leave).

And he spoke to them again the word with cunning. It was Holy Saturday that day. The next day, neither light nor dawn the older daughters-in-law rush to him, it’s painfully they want to become queens.

(Enter Gavrila with the Elder Daughter-in-law).

Elder daughter-in-law:
Here, Tsar-Father, you have an apple pie - lush and fragrant.

(They bow. A servant enters, takes a cake on a tray and carries it away. Danila enters with the Middle daughter-in-law).

Average daughter-in-law:
And here for you, Tsar-Father, a cake - all with sugar patterns, and decorated with almonds!

(They bow. A servant enters, takes a cake on a tray and carries it away).

That my youngest daughter-in-law is not there? Why not in a hurry?

(Enter Ivan Tsarevich and Younger daughter-in-law).

What have you slept for so long? The elder daughters-in-law have brought me presents since early in the morning.
Younger daughter-in-law:
Do not be angry, my Tsar, I was in church all night, I prayed to God for all of us, and I brought you ...

(Ivan Tsarevich opens the towel, and on the tray everyone sees Easter cake and Easter eggs).

Younger daughter-in-law:
Christ is Risen, Father-Tsar!
Truly Risen!

(A servant comes out, takes the tray and carries it away).

The King rejoiced with great joy and made the husband of his Younger daughter-in-law king.

(The Tsar puts his crown on the head of Ivan Tsarevich).

Since then, Ivan Tsarevich began to rule that state, and his modest, kind wife became the queen. The elder daughters-in-law, seeing the gentle light of her virtue, corrected themselves, and in everything they tried to imitate their merciful queen.