It became known who is smarter: men or women! Who is smarter - men or women

Disputes on this topic have not subsided for centuries. Men and women are violently proving their intellectual superiority, with varying degrees of success. In the last one hundred and fifty years, these disputes have subsided somewhat. Scientists have explained to us that the work of the brain does not depend on gender. This means that there are no differences in intellectual abilities.

However, in recent years, the controversy has flared up with renewed vigor. Men began to prove their mental superiority, and women, naturally, silently nod their heads with a slight smile on their lips. They certainly know who is smarter. It's just that many pretend that they are simple. After all, as they say, men do not like and are afraid of smart women.

So where is the truth? And she, as always, is in the middle. Let's discuss what science says about this - men are smarter or women and the statistics on IQ tests, which one is known? So:

What the statistics say?

Experiments, research and testing about the difference in intelligence have been going on for a long time. Scientists from different countries are breaking spears in search of the truth. Judging by the statistics based on the results of IQ tests, they show that men are a little smarter, but not so much that these data serve as the basis for far-reaching, cardinal conclusions.

Despite the general statistics, many of the fairer sex seriously overtake men in intelligence competition. For example, the American writer and journalist Marilyn vos Savant is recognized as the smartest person on the planet (according to the World Online Library). Her IQ is approximately 167-230 points.

Another example is a recent study on the Internet. The testing involved representatives of both sexes, from different countries of the world. The answers to the posted questionnaires (the questions were written in the nine most common languages) were received by the scientists within five months. Test result: women gave the largest number of correct answers, although not much than men.

What Scientific Findings Show?

Researchers from different countries have proven that the mass of the male brain is slightly greater than the mass of the female. However, later it turned out that this does not in any way affect the intellectuality of a person.

At the very beginning of the study, scientists relied on the hypothesis that a person's intelligence is completely dependent on the work of his brain. As a result, it was found that in both sexes the central part of the nervous system, located in the skull and filling the canal of the spine, functions exactly the same.

However, despite the identity of the work of the brain, there are also obvious differences in the thought process of men and women. But why? The fact is that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are responsible for various thinking processes:

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to think accurately, logic, analysis, the ability to remember facts, names and dates, etc.

The right is responsible for emotions, intuition, processing of non-verbal information, musical ability, imagination, etc.

It is also known that the left and right hemispheres of women have the ability to work more consistently, complementing each other's ability to perform a specific task. The male brain does not have this ability. This is due to the fact that the corpus callosum, which connects both hemispheres, is slightly larger in women than in the opposite sex.

This so-called corpus callosum provides increased information capacity in both directions. Because of these differences, girls begin to speak earlier than boys, they have more abilities in foreign languages. In addition, in the weaker sex, the center of speech recognition is 30% larger than that of men, and the center of coordination of speech muscles is 20% larger.

However, scientists also found that although the brain mass of the stronger sex is slightly larger, when solving a problem, in men only the right hemisphere is turned on, and the left cannot participate in this at the same time.

This can explain the peculiarities of their thinking - men are not worried about problems "in general", but quite specific ones. Representatives of the stronger sex are pragmatic and realistic. They think logically, act quickly and accurately, know how to navigate well in space.

Conclusions of scientists

Scientists have proven that men are still somewhat smarter than women. But not much at all. So, in the world there are quite a few women whose intelligence is much higher than that of men. Already today, in many Western countries, women have caught up and confidently overtake men in this kind of competition. If we talk about Russia, then the level of intelligence for women is 99.86, for men, according to statistics, it is 100.01.

Why Differences in Intelligence are Needed?

As you can see, the differences between female and male thinking exist and are quite significant. However, why are they needed?

By nature, everything is arranged in such a way that both options complement each other. In particular, one type of thinking is needed to consolidate the indicators necessary for the continuation of life and the transfer of the necessary experience to descendants. The other option is important for the ability to survive and change in different life situations and options.

So, the weaker sex is aimed at survival: it stores in genes all the information about the most important achievements of evolution. And the strong one - for development: he moves forward, forgets the past, but assimilates, improves and remembers everything new.

The thinking of men and women is different - this is how wise nature works. And the arguments who are smarter are simply meaningless, because each of us fulfills his own, very important life purpose.

Adalind Koss

To the question, what is stronger intelligence, the stronger sex is answered, of course, by men. But the weaker sex is sure that the ladies are smarter, but they pretend not to overshadow the men. And who is telling the truth?

Why are there so few women scientists? Not workers of science, but specifically researchers, discoverers? Of course, everyone will immediately remember Sophia Kovalevskaya and Marie Curie. But a small number of women scientists are easily remembered because women in science are the exception rather than the rule. Often this state of affairs is explained by the lower status of women in society, who do not have the opportunity to get education and develop. But for about a hundred years now, there has been no oppression in most countries. There are many female stars, but there are almost no female scientists. It turns out that men are smarter? Let's try to figure it out.

The beginning of the way. From birth to adulthood

Neuropsychologists from St. Petersburg recorded the brain impulses of children at the beginning of their life, that is, after birth. They found that the brains of children of different genders function in different ways. After analyzing the connection between the capabilities of different parts of the brain, we can conclude what gender the baby has.

Most often, the development of girls is more active, this is noticed by the parents themselves. Usually, boys learn to walk 3 months later and speak 4-6 months later. But there are also exceptions. Everyone will remember, among friends, cases when boys began to walk very early and recite rhymes, when other children only babbled. But exceptions confirm the "rule."

Boys are not able to withstand prolonged emotional stress, at some point their brain turns off hearing. Therefore, they need to present data accurately and concisely. Boys have higher hearing power, but girls are more sensitive to noise.

The weaker sex is based on near vision. They build doll houses, play with them in a small space. Boys use long-range vision: they chase one after another, shoot at targets, etc. It turns out that boys need more space to grow normally than girls.

Why are gender differences necessary?

But why are such differences necessary? From one point of view, nature needs to fix in the personality those indicators that will be required for life and transmission to descendants. On the other hand, development requires changes and skills for changing living conditions. Both directions are the embodiment of two different genders. The weaker sex holds in its genes all the main achievements of evolution, and the stronger sex easily forgets the old and remembers the new.

So, it turns out that women are focused on survival, and men - on development. Everything in the world is balanced. For the development of the genus, many women are required, therefore nature protects them. But consider the research that scientists have conducted to answer the question of who is smarter.

Proven: men are smarter than women

Researchers under the leadership of F. Rushton (a psychologist from a Canadian university) conducted testing at admission to the university among girls and boys 17-18 years old. It proved that men are smarter.

According to the results of testing, scientists learned that the average level of brain development in guys is 3.6 points higher. This is a “common factor” and is found in every IQ test. According to these theories of intelligence, it indicates an average level of development of the mind. Psychologists believe that men have a high rate due to the fact that they have more brain tissue. The speed of understanding the data depends on it. On average, the male brain is larger than the female.

Psychologist B. Bracken from Williamsburg College (USA) is sure that in this case the opinion of the researchers regarding the difference in IQ is correct. But he doubts the conclusions. Most likely, the basis lies in the variables, they are not taken into account by scientists. There was an unequal number of participants of both sexes. This experiment would be more credible if the same number of representatives of both sexes of the same level participated in it.

Nevertheless, Rushton is confident that the outcome of the experiment should not influence the educational strategy. He says that women do better at school.

Proven: women are smarter than men

Another study proves that. This is the first time in 100 years that researchers have admitted that the weaker sex is smarter. New experiments by researchers show that only 4-5% of brain cells function in men, and 7% in weak ones.

Researchers have found over 40 distinctive features between the sexes. This does not mean external differences, but a difference in the structure of the brain. It is known for certain that a total of 5% of brain cells are functioning in humans. But in the weaker sex, up to 7% of cells function. In addition, in women, the right hemisphere is more developed, therefore they cope with the development of languages ​​better. This is also the reason for emotionality.

In addition, the main distinguishing feature is the development of intuition. It is she who helps to find a way out when the male mind is not able to do it. Ladies have a natural knack for seeing and recognizing small details. In particular, this intuition is noticed in mothers, since at the beginning of a child's life he can only be understood by signals.

Men tend to generalize, while women tend to analyze. The weaker sex sees the essence of the event, and the stronger one only captures it, because his intellect functions technically. But it is these differences that help us complement each other.

According to statistics, the life expectancy of women is longer. This is due to the presence of estrogen, it has a positive effect on metabolic processes. And the loss of blood every month has a positive effect on the functioning of a woman's bone marrow.

Did you know that:

sense of smell in the weaker sex is better due to the activity of estrogens;
ear for music in the fairer sex is developed 6 times better than in men;
women need more sleep per hour than men;
every day the stronger sex pronounces about 7 thousand words, and the weaker sex - 3 times more.

Who is smarter?

But who is smarter? Weaker or stronger sex? Thanks to research by scientists, it becomes clear that the average IQ of both sexes is the same. But why are there so few women scientists? The answer is simple. We have the same mind, but we use it in different ways. To understand the differences, you need to look at history.

What did men and women do in ancient times? The stronger sex went hunting, explored the area, fought with the enemy. The women sat at home, cooked dinner, sewed clothes, etc.

The mind of men is aimed at research, finding solutions and answers to questions. Women are better at solving tasks of the same type. This does not mean that someone's mind is worse, and that both intellects work in connection, help each other. Men discover, find, conquer, and women are busy with development.

From this difference in the use of intelligence, legends emerge that men do not like smart ladies. This is not so, not at all so. Men like different women. The only thing they don't like is if a woman's mind is masculine.

3 February 2014
Complete encyclopedia of our delusions Mazurkevich Sergey Alexandrovich

Men and women. Who is smarter?

Men and women. Who is smarter?

Mom, why does Dad have so little hair on his head?

Because he thinks a lot.

Why do you have so many of them?

Shut up and eat.

From family stories

At present, of the more or less objective criteria of the mind, only the "intelligence quotient" (IQ) can be called, determined on the basis of the results of several hundred simple tests. This "indicator of intelligence" can be treated in different ways, it is even justly criticized somewhere, but nothing better has been invented yet. And what is interesting, according to this indicator of intelligence, women are in no way inferior to men. Statistics on this point say the following: the average level of intelligence in the female population does not differ from the average level in the male population, while men with both a very high level of intelligence and very low ones are more common than the same women.

Some more facts (based on materials from the Trud newspaper). Already three-year-old boys and girls, as evidenced by studies of British scientists, show significant differences in their mental abilities. Subsequently, this gap widens even more in school. In the UK, for example, girls of seven years old already tend to overtake boys in reading. By the age of 11, they confidently bypass them ("on average") in mathematics.

The fact that girls from early childhood overtake boys mentally is associated, scientists say, with "the effect of sex hormones on the formation of certain parts of the brain." This explains why boys prefer to play computer games or watch football while girls are reading books. As a result, by the end of school, English girls, for example, have time to read three times more boys.

Not so long ago, the UK Education Secretary stated that the intellectual gap between girls and boys is so great that the education system for boys will obviously have to be revised.

And a number of other facts. In men, the ability to memorize reaches its peak by the age of twenty, after which it begins to go down smoothly (and sometimes not very smoothly). In women, this peak occurs much later, only by the age of forty. It turns out that a woman learns new knowledge much easier at a later age. And since a specialist in the modern world has to do this all his life in connection with the constant updating of technology, it turns out that a woman is in an advantageous position. This increases her chances in the labor market.

It is curious that until very recently there was an area of ​​knowledge where women were hopelessly inferior to men - mathematics. It is known: for two mathematically highly gifted men, there is only one woman. But this intellectual fortress is already under siege and, possibly, will soon fall. In the same Great Britain, a list of dissertations in mathematics is published annually. For several years in a row, half of the list has been occupied by female names.

Why do men often think that women are, to put it mildly, narrow-minded? It's all about the difference in thinking. In women, it is more substantive, concrete. In men, it is abstract, figurative. That is why often ornate hints of men simply do not reach women, which gives rise to the representatives of the "stronger sex" to suspect women of lack of ingenuity.

And I would like to finish this article with one more anecdote, indicating that men are not always as smart as we (men) would like.

Two friends are talking:

- Who do you think is smarter: men or women?

- Of course, women! Have you ever seen a woman who would marry just because her chosen one has beautiful legs?

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Men and women A FEMALE BRAIN ON AVERAGE WEIGHTS LESS THAN A MAN - BECAUSE A MAN IS EASIER TO UNDERSTAND. ("20,000 Quips & Quotes") * * * The Lord endowed men with a brain and a penis, but did not give them enough blood for both to work at the same time. (Robin Williams) * * * Smart men are by no means

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Men and women. Who is smarter? - Mom, why does Dad have so little hair on his head? - Because he thinks a lot. - Why do you have so many of them? - Shut up and eat. From family histories It is generally accepted that women are not distinguished by special "intelligence and ingenuity." As an axiom

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Marital happiness is the same for men and women. Some people think that marital happiness is understood in the same way by women and men. In fact, this is not the case, as is eloquently shown by the results of one curious sociological study.

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Chapter 6. STRUCTURE OF THE GENITAL ORGANS OF MEN AND WOMEN The genitals (genitals) are subdivided into: 1. Sex glands, or gonads (testes and ovaries) 2. Genital tract (vas deferens and oviducts) 3. Additional

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Chapter 8. EROGENIC ZONES OF MEN AND WOMEN According to many sexologists, in erogenous zones, in addition to the usual nerve endings, there are also specific receptors for sexual sensitivity (genital corpuscles), which respond to touch. The most excitable

From the author's book

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Women See also Blondes, Brunettes, Girls, Ladies, Men and Women, Girlfriends A woman is an invitation to happiness. Attributed to Charles Baudelaire (groundlessly) A woman is a human being who dresses, talks

From the author's book

Vi. Men and Women Adam and Eve Adam was the first draft of Eve.? Jeanne Moreau, French actress * A woman should have been created from a man's rib, since a woman should neither dominate her husband, otherwise she would be created from his head, nor be slavishly subordinate

From the author's book

Men and women A man and a woman are two boxes that hold keys to each other.? Karen Blixen, Danish writer * Only one who is man enough will liberate a woman from a woman.? Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (XIX century) A real man is recognized by a woman.?

From the author's book

Men without women, women without men A man without a woman is a mirror into which no one looks. A woman without a man is a reflection that lacks a mirror.? Kazimierz Matan, Polish aphorist * Women without a male society fade, and men without a female become stupid.?

Furious arguments about who is smarter than a man or a woman, have been conducted since the time of Confucius. True, neither pundits, nor the most ordinary lovers of truth for all this time have not come to a single conclusion.

We decided to insert our five cents and finally put an end to this difficult question!

Who are the judges? A scientific approach to the question of who is smarter.

Over the past one hundred and fifty years, scientists have assured everyone that a person's gender does not in any way affect his mental abilities. But not so long ago, Canadian scientists decided to challenge this point of view and conducted their own research.

As part of this scientific experience, a whole series of different tests was carried out, in which applicants of both sexes took part. The test results forced scientists to reconsider all known postulates, because the average IQ of young people was as much as 3.6 points higher than that of girls. But for some reason, it was the latter who subsequently received higher marks.

This baton was picked up by the ubiquitous Internet, inviting representatives of different countries to undergo special online testing. For five months, scientists received answers from men and women from all over the world.

This time, the leader's jersey went to the representatives of the fair half of humanity, who bypassed the men just before the finish line. By the way, women gave more correct answers to questions related to entertainment, while men were stronger in nature and science.

As you can see, the score is 1: 1! So after all, who is smarter than a man or a woman?

Men are smarter! - five facts in favor of men

  • The male brain weighs 100 grams more than the female brain. Consequently, men process information several times faster.
  • The Bible itself says about the "secondary" nature of women. And, it is true, there are many more representatives of the stronger sex among politicians, artists, philosophers, scientists, inventors. What can I say! Even in the modern world, most of the leadership positions are held by men!
  • The mathematical talent of men is almost 14 times higher than that of women.
  • Men solve intellectual problems faster and master the technique better, because they have well-developed abstract and logical thinking.
  • There are also very few women among programmers, and this is because men are better at memorizing technical algorithms and digital codes.

Smarter than a woman! - the intellectual answer of the fair half

  • Yes, the female brain is a little smaller, but they have a well-developed connection between the hemispheres. What does it do? A woman can check the child's lessons, cook soup and watch TV at the same time. For men, this is simply unrealistic!
  • It is a woman who is the owner of the highest level of intelligence in the world. A clever and beautiful woman, writer, journalist and playwright named Marilyn vos Savant is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • If men are characterized by "iron" logic, then women are famous for their intuition and flair, which help them quickly adapt in conditions of any level of complexity, make the right decisions without error and perfectly navigate the practical realities of life.
  • The female body, including the brain, is much stronger than the male.
  • Among the fairer sex, there is a certain "homogeneity" - the total mass of women has an average level of intelligence. As for men, there is a large gap between the highly intellectual and the mentally retarded.
  • As statistics show, senile marasmus mainly affects men, while the majority of women remain sane before

The question of the superiority of the male mind over the female is periodically raised in scientific circles. Even Confucius argued that an ordinary woman has a mind like a chicken, and an extraordinary woman has a mind like two hens. However, the data of modern medicine show that girls also have something to boast about, except for their good looks. Experiments carried out in the UK and the USA have shown that they have a very developed ability to memorize and reproduce information.

Elena Guryeva / "Health-info"

Recently, pundits have increasingly come to the conclusion that gender differences are not in the fact that men are smarter than women, but in the fact that representatives of opposite sexes think and reason in their own way. And these differences are not always in favor of the stronger sex.

Is there a "girlish" memory?

A recent study by British scientists, which was attended by 4.5 thousand people from 49 to 90 years old, showed that women do not have a "girlish" memory, as was commonly believed. Ladies, unlike gentlemen, remember everything - both the anniversaries of significant events, and the details of "that very dispute three months ago."

The experimenters base their conclusion on the results of a test used to identify the degree of dementia (senile dementia). The subject is shown six fields, one of which is colored, the rest are empty. Then six fields are shown again, all empty. It is necessary to indicate where the colored field was last time. Then the configuration gradually changes, and the task becomes more complicated. In almost all tasks, the ladies turned out to be stronger than their male opponents.

It is usually believed that the fair sex has better developed verbal information, while the stronger one has spatial information. Nevertheless, British researchers have shown that women in memory tests in the spatial dimension are also ahead of men.

The findings of American psychologists correlate with the results of this study. In the course of their research project, it turned out that older gentlemen are increasingly being diagnosed with senile. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the problems of a different nature that appear with age, concerning intellectual capabilities and memory, to a greater extent arise among the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Further research revealed that as a result of brain disorders in the male part of the population, it is more often observed in the early stages.
The early stage of dementia (dementia) is that people sometimes forget their daily or weekly tasks that they have to do. This may include doing housework, going to gyms, gyms, and the like. Experts note that many people consider such forgetfulness to be a completely normal age-related manifestation. However, memory gaps, even at the everyday level, are evidence that the brain is sending alarming signals about problems that have arisen in it.

Thus, it turned out that men's memory is significantly weaker than women's. Now many scientists are convinced that the ability of women to remember and reproduce information is significantly superior to men.

Men are theorists, women are practitioners

Where you need to quickly perceive details and switch frequently, women are more effective than men. Therefore, for such positions as secretary, accountant, clerk and others like them, where you need to take into account a lot of little things, without being distracted from the main task, employers often invite girls. From the point of view of science, this is explained by the fact that the women's mind is focused on the ultimate goal of their activities, that is, women are more practical, while the male mind pays more attention to the process itself - how to achieve a result or how to achieve success.

The myth of "female" logic is based on gender differences in the psychological understanding of the work of consciousness. The fact is that a woman's chain of logical reasoning arises in the subconscious, while a ready-made conclusion comes to the surface. And when she is asked why it is so and not otherwise, she can cite the first random motive, and not the best one. From the outside one gets the impression that a woman does not think logically, but intuitively. However, in fact, such a "flair" is not based on the sixth sense, it is just that usually ladies do not consider it necessary to go into unnecessary details of the thought process. The main thing is to get to the truth, regardless of the specific path. Psychologists explain that a general, final property is important for women, and they pay less attention to specific internal mechanisms, be it the mechanism of a machine or an internal train of thought.

Which is stronger - hormones or the brain?

Experts have not yet come to a consensus about the reasons for the existence of gender peculiarities in memorizing information. So far, researchers are considering two possible paths - either the influence of hormones, or the structural features of the brain.

An interesting experiment in which women participated before and after childbirth was conducted by American scientists. During the period when the level of the female hormone estrogen in the body of the participants decreased, they were more successful in solving certain intellectual tasks. This finding is consistent with earlier findings that women have high levels of the male hormone testosterone to help them perform spatial reasoning tasks (which are better in men).

By the way, for the strong half of humanity, a large amount of the male hormone, on the contrary, interferes with spatial perception. Those with increased testosterone levels performed worse on tasks compared to those with reduced testosterone levels. Thus, the influence of hormonal levels on the mental is evident - both in men and women.

And yet, sex differences in the structure of the brain cannot but play a certain role. Until recently, neuroscientists believed that these differences were limited to structures responsible for sex. However, ten years ago, it became possible to study the brain of a living person using bloodless imaging techniques - positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It turned out that some areas of the frontal cortex responsible for cognitive functions, as well as participating in the development of emotional reactions, are larger in women than in men. But the latter have better developed parts of the parietal cortex, the spaces involved, as well as the amygdala - a structure that is sensitive to information that awakens emotions and causes it to be released into the blood.

Types of memory

When we say that we have memorized something, it means that we have successfully done three things: we have assimilated some information, we store it and, if necessary, can reproduce it again. If we are unable to remember anything, it could be caused by a violation of any of these three processes. There are actually two types of memory: short-term and long-term. Some psychologists also allocate direct memory - when information is stored in the brain for only a few seconds, for example, a landscape from the window of a traveling train.

Short-term memory has been active for several minutes. If you need to memorize a phone number, and there is no pencil at hand, we use short-term memory. Some important objects are transferred from short-term to long-term memory, where they are stored for several hours or even a lifetime. One of the brain structures required for this transfer is the hippocampus, a paired system found in each of the temporal lobes of the brain. In the medical literature, a case is described when a patient had both hippocampus removed, after which he ceased to remember anything and knew well only those events that occurred before the operation.

In addition, according to experts, there is a procedural and declarative memory. The first is knowing how to act. The second keeps a clear and accessible account of past individual experiences.

As a result, scientists come to the following conclusions. There are gender differences in the intellectual sphere, but at the same time they turn out to be very insignificant and often do not exceed 5-10%. Nevertheless, these small features are enough to fundamentally affect the sexual and even the entire lifestyle. An example is the following fact. The difference between the strength of the right and left hand does not exceed 10%, and even less in other psychomotor indicators. However, look at what this leads to on a behavioral level: 90% of people prefer to use their right hand rather than both equally. Thus, at first glance, insignificant differences can be multiplied by men and women due to the preference for one or another manner of behavior, when choosing an activity, etc.