Encouraging late retirement. The influence of work experience on the amount of pension Pension for the last 2 years of work

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Many retirees want to receive a large pension, which is why they often turn to the authorized body in order to recalculate payments. Let's consider the procedure for recalculation in more detail.

General points

Starting to consider the main issue, it is initially recommended to study the general information and regulations on the recalculation of pension payments.

Thanks to this, you can protect your rights in case of illegal actions of the authorized body.

Necessary concepts

Citizens who have reached the age of eligibility for pension payments can calculate both the minimum and the maximum amount.

In the process of calculating the minimum threshold, they start from the indicator of the subsistence minimum, which is annually subject to revision and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Citizens whose length of service does not allow them to issue an insurance payment can count on such benefits.

All citizens, without exception, expect to live with dignity in retirement, receiving the result of what they did during their official employment.

Most of the population is afraid of innovations, and they regularly ask the question - is it possible to recalculate the pension provision after its appointment, when the estimated amount will be modified downward.

During the recalculation process, the payout cannot be reduced. In simple terms, upon completion of the recalculation, the profits of pensioners can only be increased.

An increase after recalculation can be counted on by citizens who:

  • are retired and receive seniority benefits;
  • have one of the disability groups available;
  • receive payments due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Citizens whose official work experience is less than 5 years are not eligible for recalculation.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the definition of “recalculation” implies the revision of the provided pension provision in order to increase its size.

What is the recalculation for?

The main principle of recalculation is to modify the amount of benefits received in order to provide feasible assistance to citizens of retirement age in financial support.

The result of the recalculation may be an increase in the size of pension payments, and it is prohibited to lower the existing ones at the legislative level.

In most cases, citizens of Russia apply to the authorized body with a similar purpose in the event of any circumstances. For example, a pensioner has some kind of disability group.

Legal framework

The main legislative act on this issue is considered to be Federal Law No. 400.

It is in it that all the features that may arise during the initialization of this process are displayed.

In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to such articles as:

The specified legislative acts on this issue fully display all the necessary information that pensioners should know about before contacting the Pension Fund.

Is it possible to recalculate a pension after its appointment in Russia

There is a need to recalculate old-age pension payments in order to reduce the amount, then the procedure takes place without a corresponding statement.

This is possible only in the presence of any circumstances and carried out by employees of the Pension Fund without prior notification of the recipient.

If the initiator of the revision is the citizen himself, then without fail he must draw up a corresponding statement.

It is important to remember that after recalculation based on the submitted application, the payment cannot be reduced.

At the next stage, after drawing up the application, it is necessary to provide a list of basic documentation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Each of the applicants is subject to registration in the corresponding journal.

After accepting the documentation, the pensioner receives a receipt regarding the receipt of the application and the occurrence of obligations of the authorized persons on the issue of recalculation within the specified period.

The period for making a decision on the recalculation is about 5 calendar days.

If correct documentation is provided, the recalculation process begins, otherwise the authorized person asks to correct the identified errors.

Pensioners have the right to disagree with the decision of the Pension Fund employees.

In such a situation, it is necessary to draw up and submit a statement of claim to a civil judicial authority.

Grounds for the procedure

The grounds for initiating the recalculation procedure may be:

  • change by a special medical commission of the existing disability group;
  • change directly in the composition of the family;
  • other reasons why the size of pension payments may be increased;
  • introduction of other conditions under which the pension payment is assigned.

For civil servants, the payout can be adjusted based on:

  • length of work experience;
  • the size of wages.

In fact, we are talking about situations that are not taken into account by the civil service of a particular specialization.

How is a working pensioner calculated?

Since January 2019, pension payments have not been indexed to officially employed pensioners.

In order to carry out the recalculation, they will need to independently contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand, since the pensioner continues to officially work, there is no need to draw up an appropriate application.

In the process of recalculation, the accumulated points and their cost are taken into account.

Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, pensioners have a maximum points limit, so the amount of payments can be increased upwards.

The maximum limit in 2019 is 235 rubles.

It can be obtained based on calculations:

78.58 rubles х 3 points

In the process of dismissal, a recalculation is carried out, taking into account the indexation for previous years of official employment.

Which body should you contact

To be able to recalculate the accrued pension payment, you will need to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund in a strictly authorized department.

This department deals exclusively with all calculations of pension payments based on current legislation.

Representatives of the Pension Fund will calculate the length of service on the basis of the information provided by the applicant, and then revise the amount of the monthly pension provision.

List of documents

The list of required documentation is displayed in Federal Law No. 400. In particular, it includes:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  • , which is compiled in any form;
  • a document confirming the fact of registration in the compulsory insurance system.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the documentation can be submitted in several ways, namely:

  • by personal appeal to the Pension Fund;
  • with the help of a trusted representative.

When submitting the necessary documentation by an authorized person, it is additionally necessary to prepare:

  • a notarized power of attorney;
  • internal passport of the Russian Federation of the authorized representative.

Additionally, it is possible to transfer documents through the mail of Russia. To do this, you need to issue a registered letter with an inventory.

Recently, to form a request for the recalculation of pensions mono and using the official portal of State Services.

If there is a need to recalculate insurance payments, which is fixed, then there is a need to provide the appropriate documentation. This point is clearly reflected in Art. 23 and 21 of Federal Law No. 400.

Additional documentation may require:

If the territorial office of the Pension Fund already has any of the above documents, then there is no need to re-submit it.

Voluntary incentives for later retirement are still a priority in state policy in Russia due to the increase in the number of pensioners and the reduction in the number of the working population.

Now in our country it is 60 years for men, 55 years for women.

Postpone retirement profitable since for each year of later circulation, it will increase by premium odds.

However, the fact that the life expectancy of citizens in Russia is not so high makes one wonder whether it is worth postponing the processing of payments, so each pensioner must decide for himself what to do.

When do people retire in Russia?

The main changes in the latest pension reform were the requirements for and the new formula for calculating the pension provision. According to the new requirements, for the establishment of the insurance premium for old age a citizen needs:

  1. Reach 55 for women and 60 for men.
  2. Have (periods when insurance premiums were transferred from the employer to the FIU) at least 9 years in 2018. Until 2024, this requirement will grow by 1 year annually.
  3. Availability of the required amount - 13.8 in 2018 and further up to 30 in 2025.

Some categories of workers have the right - 5-15 years earlier than the statutory deadline. There are several conditions for this: health status, hazardous working or service conditions, special merit, etc.

Procedure for calculating pension payments

To navigate the new pension formula, you need to understand the terms of the Federal Law " About insurance pensions»:

New in old age looks like this:

SP = SIPK x IPK x K + FV x K,

  • Joint venture- old-age insurance pension;
  • SIPK- the cost of one coefficient (point);
  • IPK- the amount of accumulated retirement points;
  • PV- fixed payment;
  • TO- bonus coefficients (for IPC and FV have different meanings).

Benefits of retirement later than retirement age

Now it has become somewhat profitable to go on a retirement vacation later than the established age, since for each year of later treatment, premium odds.

For example, if a citizen insured in the OPS system wishes to refuse to receive a pension for three years, then due to the increasing coefficients, the personal income will increase by 1.19, and the insurance pension - by 1.24.

Bonus ratios are one of the main points of the current formula for calculating pension payments. The values ​​of the coefficients are given in the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions" and are calculated taking into account the amount of time the pension was not received.

Increase of the fixed payment to the insurance pension

A fixed benefit (FW) is a guaranteed amount that the government adds to an insurance pension. Since 01.01.2018, the value of the PV was 4982.9 rubles... When determining the value of the PV, the coefficient of increasing the PV is applied, set accordingly, Part 5 of Art. 16 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013.

This coefficient is used when assigning later the emergence of the right to it or when refusing to receive an already assigned insurance pension.

The coefficient is determined based on of full months that expired from the date of the emergence of the right to the insurance benefit (including ahead of schedule), but not earlier than from 01.01.2015 until the day of its establishment and expired from the moment of termination of the transfer of the insurance pension due to refusal to receive the established insurance pension, but not earlier than from 01.01.2015 until the day of its restoration or the appointment of the specified payment again.

The table below shows the dependence of the size of the bonus coefficient for PV on the period for which a citizen suspends receiving a pension:

Years after entitlement to pensionPremium coefficient for FV when assigning a pensionBonus coefficient to FV when assigning an early retirement pension
1 1,056 1,036
2 1,12 1,07
3 1,19 1,12
4 1,27 1,16
5 1,36 1,21
6 1,46 1,26
7 1,58 1,32
8 1,73 1,38
9 1,9 1,45
10 2,11 1,53

As can be seen from the presented data in the table, if you do not go on a well-deserved rest within 10 years after obtaining the right to it, but continue to work, then in addition to additional insurance experience (hence, pension points), the person will receive an increase in FV more than 2 times.

Under certain conditions and circumstances, the size of the EF can also increase on the basis of Part 8 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions"... These circumstances can be:

  • the pensioner has disabled dependents;
  • achievement 80 years or the establishment 1 group of disabilities;
  • work experience of 15 years or more in the districts Far north.

Increase in the individual pension coefficient (IPC)

The insurance pension will grow by the corresponding premium coefficients with each year of late application for its appointment. For example, if you apply for the establishment of security 5 years after reaching the legal age, then the amount of the PKI will increase by 45%, and if you apply after 10 years, then by 2.32 times.

The table shows the coefficients for calculating the insurance pension, if the citizen decided to postpone the application for its establishment:

Should a pensioner apply for a pension later?

Currently citizens reluctantly postpone the appointment of a pension, after all, the average life expectancy is not so high (for example, on average for men it is 66 years) and at the same time it is not always possible to live on one salary, therefore each citizen must decide for himself whether it is profitable or not.

Now, a large number of pensioners continue to work in retirement. At the same time, employers continue to transfer for them and, taking into account these contributions, the FIU makes the amount of the insurance payment every year (August 1). This means that with an increase in the length of service and the transferred contributions to the MPS, the amount of pension savings grows and, consequently, the pension itself increases.

But there are some restrictions when recalculating pension benefits:

  • Maximum score 1.875- for working pensioners, whose contributions are distributed: 10% for the insurance part and 6% for the funded part.
  • The maximum score is not more than 3- for working pensioners who do not have a funded part, and 16% of the OPS contributions go to an insurance pension.

An increase in pension accruals for pensioners who work occurs once a year, not earlier than 12 months from the date of the previous recalculation.

It is worth remembering that working in retirement has both disadvantages and advantages.

  • Pros:
    • in case of delayed retirement, the total amount of the insurance benefit will be increased by a certain multiplying coefficient;
    • while a citizen works, insurance premiums are paid for him and, therefore, the amount of insurance payment increases;
    • y material security is higher than y.
  • Minuses:
    • indexation of pensions for working pensioners since 2016.

(based on the materials of the newspaper "Arguments of Kalmykia" dated March 27, 2014)

Recently, my neighbor received a letter of notification from the Pension Fund about the need to draw up documents for the appointment of a pension. “Why?” She wondered, “I’m still six months away from retirement! As soon as I turn 55, I’ll go.” But both the future pensioner and the PFR specialists should have enough time to prepare and request all the necessary documents, according to the regional pension department. First of all, this is done in the interests of the citizen himself, in order to take into account all earned pension rights as much as possible at the time of granting a pension.

Danara Anglaeva, Deputy Head of the Organization for Appointment, Recalculation, Payment of Pensions and Assessment of Pension Rights of Insured Persons of the PFR Branch for the Republic of Kazakhstan, talks about this on the pages of AK.

Danara Arkadyevna, before, in order for the pension to be higher, it was necessary to have continuous experience. Does the discontinuity of seniority matter now?

The continuity of seniority now does not matter. But in order to receive an old-age labor pension, a prerequisite is that the insurance experience, during which deductions to the compulsory pension insurance system were made from your earnings, be at least 5 years. Starting from 2015, the minimum length of service required for assigning a retirement pension will gradually increase over 10 years - one year a year, and by 2025 it will reach 15 years.

And for the pension to be large, the amount of pension insurance contributions received during your life is important. Therefore, it is so important to work in advance, if you contact the FIU for the advance preparation of documents, a specialist will look at your personal account, whether there is information about the average monthly earnings for 2000-2001. If there is no earnings or it is not profitable for calculating the pension, then the PFR employees will recommend for which years it is better to take a certificate of wages, and, if necessary, will help in requesting it.

What else is advance work?

Advance work is a set of measures to ensure the completeness and reliability of information about the pension rights of citizens, which are necessary for the timely and correct assignment of pensions. Specialists of the Pension Fund check the records in the work books with the data of the individual personal account and, if any discrepancies in the records of the seniority are detected, take the necessary measures to clarify the data of the personal account of the insured person. Advance work is also being carried out in order to minimize the term for assigning a pension and, accordingly, the term for receiving the first payment.

If there are corrections in the work book, will there be any difficulties in applying for a pension?

If the entries in the work book are made in violation of the Rules for filling it out, and even more so if there are uncertified corrections in it, such periods of work can be excluded from the calculation of the length of service, which will negatively affect the amount of the pension, or even deprive the person of the right to a retirement pension altogether ... Therefore, if you are going to apply for a pension in the near future, come to the FIU to work with your documents in advance. Our experts will help you make relevant inquiries.

What difficulties arise most often when applying for a pension?

The most common mistakes are the absence in the work books of the number or date of the order for the admission (dismissal) of a citizen, the absence of records on the renaming of the enterprise, uncertified corrections, erasures, poorly readable, blurry seals of the enterprises of organizations, the lack of information about the change of surname and other shortcomings.

Check out your work book, see if all the entries are correct, if there is all the necessary information. And if suddenly, something worries you, raises doubts, get a certificate from the employer or archive confirming this period of work.

Practice shows that it takes a lot of time to obtain clarifying certificates of seniority, especially if you need to make a request to another region of Russia or abroad. Difficulties arise if the company is liquidated or does not conduct financial and economic activities.

If a maiden name is written on the title page of a work book, will you need some kind of document confirming the change of name when assigning a pension?

Yes. When applying for a pension, a woman will need to confirm that this work book belongs to her. To do this, you need to provide a marriage certificate. If it is lost, you will need to make a request to the registry office.

Does the length of service include maternity leave, military service and study at the institute, if the work book was entered before serving in the army and studying at the institute?

From this year, the periods of care of one of the parents for each child until the age of one and a half years, but not more than four and a half years in total, are included in the insurance experience. I want to note that starting from 2015, the length of service will include the period of caring for the fourth child, that is, 6 years. Moreover, these periods are counted in the insurance experience if they were preceded or followed by periods of work or other activity (regardless of their duration). But in the length of service for assessing pension rights, if the period of leaving was carried out before 01.01.2002, this time will not be included.

Service in the army is counted in the insurance period in calendar terms. Previously, double calculation was used, but this rule of law has been canceled. According to the current legislation, studying at a university is not included in the length of service, regardless of when the work book was started.

Now the Pension Fund has all the data on the length of service and earnings of each citizen, but in order to assign a pension, you still have to collect documents. Why?

The Pension Fund has accumulated significant information about the pension rights of citizens, but so far only for the period since the registration of a citizen in the compulsory pension insurance system. Since 2002, the Pension Fund contains all information about insurance premiums and periods of work of a citizen, but only if he worked officially and the employer responsibly submitted the necessary reports to the Pension Fund.

In 2003-2004. the PFR authorities from employers accepted the so-called SZV-K forms, which reflect the length of service of citizens before January 1, 2002. These forms have been processed, verified and are currently being used to establish pensions. Unfortunately, this information is not available for all citizens, and it contains only the data entered by the employer. Therefore, for the periods of work before registration in the compulsory pension insurance system, in order to assign a pension, a citizen will need to submit primary documents to the PFR.

I would like to advise all residents of the republic: take care of your future pension in advance. This will save you from potential problems and frustrations when you qualify for it. So that when you go on a well-deserved rest, all the pension rights you have earned are taken into account in the amount of your pension, you do not need to let the process of its registration take its course.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines how the length of service affects the size of the pension. Insurance experience is the period of a citizen's labor activity, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the insurance record also includes non-insurance periods when the employee did not work (for example, during maternity leave or military duties). In such cases, payment to the pension system is the responsibility of the state.

The importance of seniority

Does retirement benefit depend on work experience? Today's pension legislation provides that seniority is not a determining factor for calculating a pension. If earlier the minimum period for calculating state aid was supposed to be at least 20 and 25 years - for men and women, respectively, now this indicator has only formal weight. The priority is the payment of the unified social tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the total amount of which determines the amount of future pension payments. After reaching retirement age, the minimum term for paying insurance premiums for receiving government assistance is five years. Thus, the minimum period in 2019 is also actually five years.

Important! At the same time, do not underestimate the importance of length of service for the size of the old-age pension. The longer the length of service, the higher the size of the pension capital. However, it should be noted that only the period fully covered by insurance contributions is taken into account.

Historical reference

To understand what affects the size of the pension and how seniority is taken into account, you need to go back to 1998. Until that time, pension payments were formed according to the familiar Soviet model - the formula took into account the average monthly salary of a citizen, as well as the total period of employment. At the same time, the maximum amount of pension payments could not be three times higher than the amount of the minimum pension established at the legislative level.

In 1998, Federal Law No. 113 was adopted, which included such a concept as the "pension coefficient", which depended on the ratio of the average monthly income of a pensioner to the average salary in Russia. Is the maximum coefficient taken into account now? Yes, it is 1.2.

The law was in continuous operation until 2002, when new amendments were made to the pension legislation. According to Federal Law No. 173, the old-age pension is determined by the pensioner's insurance record, which depends on the amount of insurance contributions paid to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Thus, if earlier only the total period of employment was taken into account, then since 2002 the concept of insurance experience was introduced, which fundamentally changed the principle of calculating the pension. Also, the law implied the conversion of pension capital in accordance with the new rules.

General work experience

Regarding what length of service is considered continuous, the fourth paragraph of Federal Law No. 173 defines the following categories:

  • the period of caring for a dependent;
  • continuous maternity period (under the new pension system, parental leave is 4.5 years);
  • the time spent in places of deprivation of liberty (if the court found the imprisonment unreasonable);
  • time of payment of unemployment benefits;
  • execution of military duties;
  • during the Second World War (doubled).

With regard to the time allotted for education, then, according to the latest changes in the pension legislation, the period of study is not included in the period of employment. Studying in an educational institution is a personal choice of a citizen, therefore the state cannot provide any guarantees to such a large number of children.

Important! The seniority when calculating a pension in all of the above situations is counted only if the employer or the state paid insurance premiums for the citizen to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Lack of experience and benefits

As mentioned above, the minimum insurance period should be five years. If a citizen, upon reaching the retirement age, worked less than the above minimum, then he does not have the right to receive an old-age pension, however, at the same time, he can apply to the nearest PFR office to receive state social assistance. Its specific size may differ in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, while many citizens are interested in whether the length of service affects the level of social benefits.

It is worth noting that seniority does not affect the size of the pension when it comes to social benefits, which are assigned to mothers with many children, people with disabilities, as well as residents of the Far North. The disability pension is paid on the basis of an ITU certificate of completion. Residents of the Far North and neighboring regions can retire early. In addition, there is a list of categories of citizens who can receive preferential benefits until they reach retirement age.

In some cases, the length of the work activity does not affect the amount of the pension. As a rule, these are people who work in high-risk conditions (miners, divers, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.). Also, medical staff and teachers can count on preferential payments. Early accrual of pension occurs at least 2 years before retirement age.

When calculating a pension, not only 5 years of continuous work experience, when a person worked until December 31, 2001 inclusive, can be taken into account, but also - for the period 2000-20001, when the average monthly earnings of the insured person was taken into account (according to individual accounting in the state pension system insurance).

To calculate the pension, the period when the salary was the highest is taken. Since you do not have 5 years of continuous work experience during the period of work, including December 31, 2001, it will take months when you received a good salary. That is, it is not the total length of work experience that is important for you, but the length of service before January 1, 2002. And it is of fundamental importance.

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Pension for disabled persons of the second group in 2017 -

Pension for disabled persons of the third group in 2017 -

Many pensioners are unhappy with the result of their pension accruals, so they go to the district offices of the Pension Fund to challenge the final amounts. In fact (when the pension has already been determined) it is wrong to do this, in the sense - to start "downloading" the rights with a delay. After all, retirement is not calculated by robots, but by people who:
a) may be wrong;
b) follow the recommendations of the management.
I do not think that counting a large amount of pension is the main task of the inspector of the district Pension Department.
As far as is known, the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have completely different recommendations, and they will not do anything for future pensioners.

To avoid misunderstandings, the calculation of the pension can be carried out in advance, and independently. To do this, you must personally submit documents to the Pension Fund in order to have a preliminary estimate of future charges on hand. Not later than 45 days before the onset of retirement age, and even better - six months before the onset of this age, a request must be made to the district department of the Pension Fund for a document: "extract from the individual personal account of the insured person." Another document that you should definitely familiarize yourself with is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.2014 No. 1015 "On the approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance experience for the establishment of insurance pensions."
The fact is that the pension will be assigned according to the documents that are available, and some papers (confirming the insurance / work experience) will have to be expected.

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If we are talking about Moscow, then you should also submit documents in advance in order to get the "Muscovite social card" on time, because it is issued only after the pension is calculated. From the moment of filing the application, the pension can be considered up to 2-3 months, so the pensioner will not be able to immediately use the benefits due to him, as well as discounts and free travel.

Documents to be submitted to the district office of the Pension Fund:
- passport;
- work book.
If there are gaps (gaps) in the work book, the Pension Fund also accepts other documents for consideration. such as: written employment contracts, certificates, official extracts from orders for the issuance of wages, drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
The document that will also need to be provided is SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account). Sometimes, as confirmation of employment, other documents may also be required (certificate of disability, marriage registration certificate, proof of the presence of dependents in the family, etc.), so they should also be taken care of in advance.

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