Female pickup techniques and male seduction. Women's pickup. How to win the man of your dreams? Choosing the right outfit and accessories

Before learning the rules of a pickup truck, it's important to understand why you need it. Of course, women like it when people pay attention to them, but are you ready for massive attention from men: beautiful and not so, slender and well-fed, blondes and brunettes?

Want to feel like a star surrounded by a crowd of fans? Then go ahead, the pickup lesson is simple. The pickup rules can be very succinctly represented by a diagram: attention, interest, desire and action. This is how a girl can meet a guy who does not take the initiative. It's time for you to act! You can attract his attention different ways: it can be some kind of amusing phrase on your part or a bright detail of your wardrobe, which simply cannot go unnoticed by your counterpart.

Everything worked out? Now you need to arouse interest, that is, make it clear to the guy that he can get what he wants if he tries a little. You can maintain the desire to strive for you for a long time, if you either bring it closer or postpone the long-awaited moment. At this stage, you need to be creative. And then there comes a moment when a guy's actions entirely depend on your desire, but do you need a puppet?

The term "pickup" implies familiarity with the purpose of seduction. Female pickup has much broader goals than simple seduction.

What else you need to know about a pickup truck for women to be successful

First of all, it is important for a pickup to be relaxed enough and confident in your own irresistibility while meeting a guy. Unique inner content can be your trump card if you don't have a Hollywood look, but look more like a gray mouse. But if all your confidence disappears when He appears on the horizon, well, you don't need to worry, try to enjoy this feeling, because a pickup truck is a game, a kind of scene where you perform the main role... In communication, you should be attentive to your interlocutor. Learn to listen, it will help you learn more about the man.

It's also important to be honest. Let your chosen one feel sincerity. Don't pretend to be who you are not. It is important for a man to feel euphoric from communicating with you. But do not forget that your chosen one must think that it was he who lured you into his networks. Or, after arousing interest on his part, you can suddenly leave. Give your chosen one time to think, and if he does not follow further action, it means that you lost this battle, but is it worth it to be upset?

A pickup truck will help boost your self-esteem, cheer you up, and possibly make some good connections.

Succeeding in a relationship with a man - the main task pickup truck for girls. Learn to manage your behavior and image so that the man fulfills your desires, while thinking that all the initiative comes from him. And do not be discouraged if it did not work out, perhaps it was not your man. In any case, you should try again.

Who said - that a pickup is an exclusively male occupation ?! Before acquaintance and directly in the process of it, many women - just like men - are faced with an age-old dilemma: how to please someone who you like? How to attract without showing the appearance that you are interested in it? How to hook? A pickup truck in this regard can be more effective than flirting - provided that you coolly follow the advice of "masters of their craft".

To increase your physical attractiveness, you don't need to win the genetic lottery - just follow these tips: the following tips will help you outflank your rivals, reach your goal, and maybe even find true love... At least you don't have to drive home alone in the evening.

Female pickup: seduction techniques

These seven female pickup tricks will not only help you increase your attractiveness or seduce a guy - by practicing them regularly, you will be more confident (and feel) in the presence of other people.

Straight eye contact belongs to one of the most reliable and deadly methods of the female pickup truck. An “exchange of glances” for two minutes is a direct prerequisite for “mutual understanding” and “mutual agreement” with a stranger of the opposite sex. At least, this is evidenced by the results of a study published in Journal of Research in Personality: two-minute winks contributed to the development of a sense of passion in objects of different sexes for each other.

This most important trick of the women's pickup truck is also good in that it serves as an indicator of interest. The fact is that shooting with the eyes - as you know, universal method, which is constantly used not only by women, but also by men, in order to convey their romantic interest. So if the guy you like turns away or stops eye contact with you, most likely, they are not interested in acquaintance and even more so in its continuation.

In addition, you should not gaze at a man for a long period of time: this can instill in him a transcendental horror, and this is clearly not what you were trying to achieve.

2. Try to achieve symmetry in facial expressions

It is real to attract the attention of a man at first sight ... in full face, the main thing is a successful make-up, which allowed you to perfectly balance the facial features. The fact is that according to a recent publication in the magazine Annals of Plastic Surgery, Symmetry is seen as an extremely attractive quality in persons of the opposite sex: both men and women unconditionally prefer faces with more symmetrical features. Thus, a study conducted in the United States showed that both men and women noted symmetrical faces and bodies as more sexually attractive than those with "imbalance", and scientists explain this by an evolutionary mechanism - we unconsciously choose more " the correct "partner, and the asymmetry is seen as a" marriage ". However, in order to achieve the perfect balance in features, it is not necessary to go under the knife to a plastic surgeon - it is quite easy to achieve this with the help of makeup or face-building. The last option, of course, more difficult, but it will provide a more lasting result.

3. Always maintain a level, majestic posture.

To stand out favorably in a crowd of other - no less beautiful - women, it is important to always maintain a straight and confident posture that demonstrates all the virtues of your body (and character). Even if you do not have a perfectly symmetrical face, an even posture is exactly the bonus that will more than cover this disadvantage. According to a study by American psychologists, good posture and attractive body proportions are valued in modern society more than a pretty face. So an even posture is the key point of a woman's pickup truck, your trump card, which you put on the table at the moment when you decide to speak with the object of your attention, especially if you are not yet familiar. Open shoulders, a straight back - all this allows a woman to radiate more confidence and demonstrates to others that you are in control not only of your body, but also of the situation.

While men and women for the most part have learned to control facial expressions well, they tend to be much less aware of what their body is doing - and meanwhile, it has its own rich body language that can betray your intentions headlong. So as you master a pickup, try to learn to emit attraction signals with your demeanor. It is also equally important to prevent any unwanted signals of "non-verbal leakage": your true intentions and real feelings can "seep" through body position or gait.

4. Keep your distance at arm's length

The distance at which you need to keep from the object of sympathy while you are trying to flirt with him is very important - on initial stage dating it will affect his impression of you and your further interaction. In fact, the initial distance decides the pickup's outcome.

Typically, when people approach each other in conversation, they stay at a very clear gap called "social distance" - this is usually measured by distance arm outstretched... For both men and women, it is better not to approach their counterparts closer than at arm's length. The thing is that the interlocutor may have a natural reaction - to move away, move away.

Detachment, even involuntary, even if it does not reflect his feelings and attitude towards you - it will not play into your hands in the further game. Among other things, a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience showed that even if attractive girl getting too close to quite interested man, he can perceive this as an intrusion into his comfort zone - with all the ensuing consequences.

5. Gentle touch when meeting

Pickup is a style of seduction with an emphasis on the physical, bodily. Ladies' pickup is more carnal than other flirting strategies, but it should be done as subtly as possible. You do not have to grope or roughly paw a guy - not all representatives of the stronger sex welcome such quick straightforwardness, no matter what they write in Maxim and Playboy magazines.

A recent study by American scientists published in the journal Social influence, presented the best of flirting gestures: a simple touch on the shoulder, a handshake is considered clean, but enough sexual gestures- on the one hand, they are socially neutral and do not carry a threatening connotation; on the other hand, they demonstrate closeness and accessibility. At the same time, more sensual and unambiguous gestures - a hand around the shoulder or waist, or a "grip" around the forearm can be seen as a more straightforward approach that not everyone likes. These methods already apply to the fusion pickup, which, however, also has a right to exist - especially if you are looking for a one-night stand. However, the more romantic (and more effective) female pickup method is gentle, informal touching, which is best practiced when you are face to face with each other and smile.

6. Be honest!

The expression "Honesty is the best policy" is true in many cases and, oddly enough, applies to a woman's pickup truck as well. Now is the era of feminism, and it is high time for women to choose direct tactics (but not too much!) Of seduction. According to a study published in the journal Sex Roles, light hints and clever jokes - the so-called harmless pickup truck - is the most effective seduction tactic, especially for those who are mentally and physically exhausted after a long day of work.

7. Invite him to ... rides

Yes, yes, not for dinner and not in night club(in the end, he should be calling you to a status restaurant), and to "innocent" rides. And the secret is not even that such leisure will look completely harmless in his eyes - you will spend time together and will not betray your true intentions. It's just that on roller coasters or some other extreme carousels, people begin to produce with might and main the corresponding hormones - adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine - which are responsible not only for feelings of joy, danger, but also predetermine falling in love. And they will play into your hands!

It turns out that a person, experiencing the excitement of a sharp turn on a roller coaster, transfers this feeling to the person who is nearby. And if a heterosexual man's adrenaline rush suddenly spikes due to somersault on a dangerous swing, his brain will still interpret the pounding heart and sweating in your favor - as if it was you, and not the attraction, that caused the reaction. Research by psychologists at the University of Texas at Austin has confirmed this experimentally.

We all heard. But that's what it is female pickup and do most women need it? If you use it in the same context as a men's pickup, then most likely not. After all, the purpose of a man's pickup truck is the so-called "quick pickup", with further transportation of the victim to the bed, moreover, often for the purpose of a one-time "use". It is not for nothing that the "pick-ups" are so fond of bragging about their numerous and lightning-fast victories.

For women, the problem of quick removal is not worth it. Even the sexual revolution did not make women preoccupied with disposable rentals. And the reason is not that women are more chaste, it's just that female nature... A woman is most often monogamous, she needs one reliable partner. A women's pickup is a guide to how to get the best, the one you like, the one and only and transport it .. well, in general, yes - first to the bed, and then, preferably, by a quick march to the registry office. Although a couple of times in my life I have met girls who are preoccupied with renting without continuing the banquet ...

Women's pickup. Start

So, how to deal with quick picking of the man you like? What methods and techniques are most effective, how does a female pickup truck work?

The most important rule removal - to be interesting, uninhibited and independent. You can safely catch the eye of a man you like, smile, but at the same time not look too approachable and too interested in acquaintance. Be calm and confident. If you know you can't contain your excitement, think carefully and practice your gestures. It is they who, at the subconscious level, signal the interlocutor about our state and intentions.

So, the main thing in flirting is to attract the attention of the object you like. The simplest and most effective ways catch his eye or drop something nearby. Our great-grandmothers hardly knew what a female pickup truck was, but a dropped handkerchief became the cause of stormy romances more than once.

All your signals, smiles and handkerchiefs won't help if you don't look good. If not only the selected object will pay attention to you, but also other men, this will increase your "value" in the eyes of the object. We will not give advice on choosing an outfit here, every woman knows what suits her and what does not, and knows how to emphasize her most advantageous features. However, it is worth considering if your goal is a one-time meal (well, it happens with women!), Then an open demonstration of sexuality is acceptable, on the verge of decency, but if you build long-term plans, then brightly, but tastefully, we do not expose ourselves, but we hint.

Women's pickup. We hold attention

Attracting attention is easy enough, harder to keep. Women's pickup rules advise you to speak to the subject as soon as he drew attention to you. Start with any topic, the main thing is to start: if you are in a restaurant, ask how the object likes the local cuisine or music, well, as a last resort, the weather will come to your rescue in any situation. Do not forget to “accidentally” touch the hand or shoulder of the object, use the principle of “specularity”, imperceptibly and unobtrusively repeat the movements of the object, this technique is well known to all psychologists, it subconsciously disposes the interlocutor to you and sets you on the same wavelength.

On the first date, don't be interested marital status object, do not ask about salary, children and other personal belongings. Compliments will melt the heart of any man. But compliments should be sincere and fairly objective, otherwise the man simply won't believe you and will be wary. The only compliment not to be overdone is to admire the man's wits / wit.

Try to figure out his hobbies, and tell them that this interests you too. It is good if you ask for advice or ask his opinion. Do not talk incessantly, give the floor and the object of your attention, because A good conversationalist exactly the one who knows how to listen.

Well, when you feel that the man is on your hook, act in accordance with your goals: exchange coordinates, drive to a hotel, or go on a romantic walk along the city streets at night.

For those young ladies who have seriously decided to take up pick-up, we advise you to visit the pick-up courses. Here you will be taught trouble-free receptions pickup, tell you where to look for men.

And remember that a pickup truck, including a women's pickup truck, is a game, it requires both skills and training. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work right away. Analyze your mistakes, think, improvise. And no man can resist before you.

It so happened that the popular word "pickup" is first of all identified with male art seducing women. Such " bias"Was, at least until recently.

Today, women are more and more confidently taking over the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easy seducing men and developing and improving the technique of the female "pickup".

Long gone are the days when, seeing handsome man, the women were waiting for him to dare to approach and speak. Now the fair sex is increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands without hesitation.

Women's pickup: goals outlined

What is a women's pickup truck? While the men's pickup truck only pursues the goal of seducing more and more members of the opposite sex, the women's pickup truck is aimed at "collecting" dating with men with a perspective further development a more serious relationship.

A female pickup is more about creating conditions for dating. After seeing beautiful girl, a man does not always dare to approach because of self-doubt or, for example, a previous unsuccessful dating experience. This is where the women's pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a "successful" or "pick-up", a woman does not need to have a chic appearance. Naturally, you need to adhere to the neat well-groomed look but the most important role plays in success rather feminine look, addressed to the man you like.

While learning the technique of a woman's pickup, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. Do not be afraid not to please a man, because the essence of a pickup is just to seduce as many of them as possible.

Women's pickup: techniques and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a women's pickup does not imply direct acquaintance with a man who is interested in a woman, but rather the creation of conditions for this. The man must subsequently be sure that he was the initiator of the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks here for any occasion and for any circumstance.

Woman's gaze

The first signal that can interest a man is a look. It does not imply constant monitoring of the person. It is enough to throw a few lingering glances. This will indicate that a woman is interested in a man, and will give him confidence to take the next step.

If a man, having caught glances, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

Having met a man's gaze, you do not need to start drilling him. Men are frightened off by women who are too confident in themselves, so it is better to look away, a little embarrassed. The appearance of the lung blush will serve as an indisputable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself off. You can do this, for example, by playing a little with your curls or by slowly putting your foot on the foot, while not forgetting that the reproduced actions do not look vulgar.

In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction, it is also not necessary to use too open sexy outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery, and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

The style should be neat and consistent. Better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproducible movement should be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing learned roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. So he will not be afraid that his attempt to get to know each other will be out of place and at the wrong time.

More experienced and self-confident women can use cardinal methods and, without waiting for the man to finally decide to come up, talk to him. This, again, does not imply a full-fledged acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and simple ways is a request for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely what man will refuse to help pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without special efforts with his hand. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother / dad / grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can be used for the purpose of acquaintance and their acting skills. One way is to make a mistake and then immediately nicely apologize. From the same series and the question: "Tell me, have we met anywhere before?"

A car will help a man fall in love with you

As practice shows, women driving a car are provided with more choice men and a higher chance of meeting the person you like. In the competition with women-pedestrians, auto-ladies undoubtedly win, because they can choose their own goal from a huge number of applicants and actively get acquainted, and not be chosen. For brave women There are a number of tricks and tricks to implement such a road pickup truck.

When it comes to finding your chosen one, most women act stereotypically. Many people mistakenly believe that you can find love in a nightclub, restaurant, shop, or at work. Of course, many couples met in these places, who later were able to create stable serious relationship, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before the fatal meeting with the man of your dreams.

But if you look at it, then most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girl or friends, and just for a specific purpose - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, luck can often smile only in the form of meeting a drunken visitor, looking for a girl for one night. Such a search tactic is wrong, because the place of hunting for men should be their habitual "habitat".

The search for men should be transferred to the very environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of men's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Visit football matches does not amount special labor, but it takes time and patience, especially if football is in the last place of possible interests of a woman. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to search?

You need to start with gas stations, because it is here that a woman can, leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed acquaintance. In addition, you also need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there should be no snags with the latter. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature has endowed them with such characteristics from the very beginning. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men are not very fond of smart women and often bypass them. And if the manifestation female mind a man also observes in automobile affairs, then it is rarely when a further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. One thing to remember little rule: Before you go to a gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you can meet in the checkout line. Here you already need to turn on all your acting skills to the fullest, using shooting with eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest a vending man. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, coming up with a map in hand, ask to show you the route.

Or you can ask to listen to the hum of a car, which seems alarming for a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire has really flattened, or it just seemed. Men trembling in their knees love to feel needed and useful, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as acting allows it.

But if you don't have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has canceled the acquaintance in a taxi. You can write whole stories about the addiction of drivers to talk about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it is enough to simply start casual conversation, showing a genuine interest.

Again, one should not forget about the need to pretend to be silly, because the driver will only want to part as soon as possible with a woman who distributes advice and teachings all the way. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver, who is ready to talk about it for even hours, on the contrary, can interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should get acquainted only with taxi drivers. After all, you can catch not only taxis, but just passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage, it is not entirely safe - you can run into some maniac or madman. Men are different.

But dating in traffic is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to while away the slowly dragging out time. Again, everything depends only on the woman and her initiative. It can be smiles, and the same request for help, as in a situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to simply start a conversation by complaining about being in a traffic jam.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest the man, regardless of the setting and mode of movement.


Today, this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants to can learn the technique of a woman's pickup truck. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and mastery of the above simple techniques.

And one thing must be remembered: no matter what method is used, a man must be sure that acquaintance is his idea. Men choose women they don't like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

In other words: the choice is always for the woman.

Not many people know that there is not only a male pickup, but also a female one. His task is to seduce the object of desire by any means. After the goal is achieved, you can do whatever you want - marry this person, continue dating, or simply leave him. But few women can achieve such opportunities, as they make many mistakes. On the way to the goal, there are several obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want.

The history of the pickup truck began in the United States in 1992 after the publication of a book by Ross Jeffries, describing various manipulations through which any woman can be seduced. Of course, in response to this terrible attitude to a female nature, the young ladies also decided to master this art in order to break the hearts of impudent men. The basis of the women's pickup is a simple flirtation, thanks to which you can attract the attention of any man. Currently given science contains many more rules, but still its basis remains the same.

Right choice outfit and accessories

Everyone knows that men love women primarily with their eyes. That is why it is very important to produce pleasant impression in the first meeting. For a guy to pay attention to a young lady, she needs to choose correct image... Of course, nothing grabs his attention like high heels and a beautiful, preferably tight dress. According to statistics, in this case, the girl is guaranteed to get 90% of the attention from men. It is worth choosing a dress style that fits a certain body shape. Color matters too, so don't rely on fashion trends, but choose a dress of the shade that suits the appearance. If a woman does not know how to walk in high heels, then it is better for her to limit herself medium length heels. There is nothing worse than an awful gait due to too high heels. By the way, you can apply some trick. Now there are a lot of shoes that have rather high heels, but due to the platform it is much easier to walk in them. In addition to the outfit and shoes, it is very important to choose the right accessories. A huge bag will not match a beautiful one at all evening dress, but a neat little clutch will complement it perfectly. Excessive decorations can also ruin general form... It is better to limit yourself to a modest chain with a small pendant and earrings with a bracelet in a set with it. In general, it is recommended to wear earrings if the ears are open. Otherwise, you do not need to wear them. In the outfit, you should choose a maximum of 2 catchy things, for example, a handbag and a belt. If you use more bright elements, then you can become like a Christmas tree.

Handsome and discreet makeup- recipe for success

Highly important element is an correct makeup... Men prefer rather discreet makeup. Therefore, you should not apply too much makeup, especially if the date takes place in daytime. Bright makeup only suitable for special occasions such as solemn event at work or new Year's Eve... Do not experiment before a date, as it is best to stick with the make-up that is used most often and is ideal for a particular appearance.

Making eye contact

If the outfit and makeup made a splash, then it's time to take the next step. This will be eye contact with the object of desire. Having given him your modest smile, you should turn your head and continue talking with your friend or sip your cocktail. If a man did not have time to notice such a beautiful person, then you need to attract his attention. But you should not flicker in front of his eyes, as this will only cause unpleasant emotions. The psychology of men is not too complicated, just by adjusting her hair and shifting her legs, a woman has the opportunity to lure a man into her nets. It is especially important to show some indifference to this object. You can even flirt with another man to arouse his desire and interest even more. But do not overdo it, you should just let him know that he is not the only man in this institution. After such manipulations, he will have no choice but to approach the seductress and express a desire to get to know her.

The manifestation of sexuality and femininity in communication

Having perfectly followed the first rules that a pickup for women contains, many ladies make a lot of mistakes in the future. A young lady's behavior tells a man a lot. He will either continue communication, or interrupt it, remembering serious and unexpected matters. Therefore, you should continue to lure the man of your dreams. You don't have to dress too sexy to show your dignity. It is much more important to excite a man with your behavior, fleeting languid glances and a soulful voice. You can use some gestures to show your sexuality. For example, if a woman runs her hand over her neck and lowers her to her thigh, then the man will definitely pay attention to this. He will awaken fantasies about what is hidden from his eyes under your clothes. It is also necessary to show your femininity, since, coupled with sexuality, this will be the perfect tandem for seducing a man. Femininity is not only pleasant and beautiful appearance but also the behavior of the girl. True lady will not drink male drinks and talk unpleasant words... Also, you should not talk in all colors about past relationships, since a couple of common phrases will be enough. If a woman has long hair, then this should definitely be shown to your interlocutor, seductively winding a strand of hair around your finger or just sometimes throwing it back by turning your head.

Correct behavior when dealing with a man

Highly important point is a conversation with a man. Here you need to be tactful and show interest in the words of the interlocutor. You need to listen carefully to the man and ask questions if something is not clear, as it will be very pleasant for him. You need to try to speak with him in the same language, using in communication some phrases from his vocabulary. During communication, you can accidentally touch his knee or shoulder, so the woman will show sympathy for this man. There are very interesting expression: “A man is ready to commit any meanness in order to win the favor of a woman. Only a woman can surpass him in this. As you can see, girls have every chance of winning any man they like. It is not necessary to attend women's trainings, which teach a pickup truck for girls, in order to learn how to seduce men. It is enough just to dress and make up correctly, as well as to reveal your true feminine qualities such as femininity, sexuality and the art of communication.

The trick of high society girls