Pregnancy test - the result is positive. How does a pregnancy test work and what to do with a positive result

Any modern girl knows about the existence of these domestic tests. Potential moms with felting hearts are waiting for cherished strips. After all, a positive pregnancy test usually foreshadows the emergence of the desired baby.

The principle of operation of this mini-device is extremely simple: substances applied to the surface of the test react to the presence of hormone hgch (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone begins to produce a woman at the moment of implantation of a fetal egg.

It happens approximately a week before menstruation, and the woman does not feel any other signs of pregnancy. For a more reliable result, the concentration of hCG should become significantly higher. That is why the positive results of tests until the end of the monthly cycle are rare.

Strip Strip

Strip - the simplest and most popular "device" to determine pregnancy. A similar express test has the simplest design: a paper strip, which causes a special reagent, which "feels" hCG.

The use of test strips is unearned, but requires careful compliance with instructions. Urine must be collected in a clean cup, urine should be the first in the morning. Then the hCG concentration will be higher. Next, the test will dip in the urine to the marks indicated on it. After a few seconds, the strip is taken out and wait for about 5 minutes. Usually this time is enough to determine the pregnancy. Thus, the product in the form of strips is a very convenient and economical version of the home test.

A significant disadvantage of this type of tests is not the highest level of reliability. If the second strip did not appear or she is weak ("Ghost Strip"), it makes sense to repeat the procedure a few days later, since the dynamics of pregnancy tests is important. The re-manifested second strip on the test with a large probability indicates the "interesting position".

The tablet

Tablet tests are a plastic housing with two small squares or ovals. One of them is placed a certain amount of urine, the result appears in the second. A similar test is quite accurate, but its cost is at times exceeds the price of the test strip. It is for this reason that tablet tests are less popular in women.

Digital (electronic)

The best pregnancy tests in the early deadlines are considered. But, however, most women who enjoyed different types of fixtures know: after the delay, the positive response will give both the most sophisticated electronic and a simple strip test. So why overpay?

What does a positive pregnancy test look like

There was a long-awaited delay of menstruation, the test is positive, the woman was smelled by contradictory emotions. Is the answer "yes"? And in general - what test is considered positive? Fixtures in the form of strips can give three results:

  • Negative (one clear strip) - no pregnancy;
  • Positive (two clear stripes) - a woman is pregnant;
  • An erroneous (no strip is observed) - testing is incorrect, most likely not followed instructions for use. Or tider defective.

Pregnancy test is positive if the vertical lines of red are clearly visible on it. Usually two stripes on pregnancy test - the main sign of the occurrence of an egg fence.

It should be borne in mind that every strip must be brightly outlined and have a uniform painting along the entire length. If both bands are fuzzy or blurred, it is with a large share of probability denoting the absence of test results. In such cases, the procedure must be repeated (better with the adaptation of another brand).

So, the test showed two strips of saturated-red color? It is better to make sure its accuracy by re-testing. Otherwise, the disappointment from obtaining an erroneous result may be too unexpected and bitter.

On a digital test, a positive response is a plus or word pregnant on the screen. There are Russian-speaking models where "pregnant" is written.

Manifestation of a weak strip on the test

Sometimes it does not work with confidence to determine the exact number of horizontal bands on the express test. It happens that one strip is clearly clearly, and the second - barely seen. Sometimes pregnancy test is obtained with two stripes, but both are visible with difficulty or take blurry outlines. What does it mean? What are the reasons for this incomprehensible phenomenon?

The main factors affecting the "blur" strips are considered:

  • Poor-quality product sample (worth buying a test of another manufacturer);
  • Conducting a procedure in early terms (for example, before delay or on its first day, when the HCG level is not enough), then it is recommended to repeat the procedure after a few days);
  • The conception occurred as a result of the late ovulation (this is not pathology and should not scare);
  • Frozen or ectopic pregnancy (bands may not be so bright as it should be);

Causes of fabulous pregnancy test

Alas, there are situations when a pregnancy test with two strips is not confirmed by conception. I.e, .

The main causes of false positive test results are as follows:

  • Using a poor-quality sample. Results can be different, including the presence of three strips or their absence at all.
  • Non-compliance with the instructions for use;
  • Abortion, miscarriage some time ago (for example, in the previous cycle). In these situations, HCG is not able to leave the woman's body instantly. It remains there for some time that is the cause of positive results.
  • The presence of cyst or tumor processes. Education in the internal organs of a small pelvis or stomach (including malignant) are capable of affecting the accuracy of the results.
  • Reception of drugs containing HCHG. For a number of indications, a woman can be appointed taking drugs with a high HCG. The test may be unreliable because the whole hormone leaves the body after two weeks or the day before.
  • With a hormonal failure in the body of a woman. In some cases, the body produces hormones similar to hCG, which causes positive test results.

What to do if the test is positive

So, the test showed that there is a pregnancy. And what to do next? Usually, such news causes mixed feelings in women, even if the child is desirable. Joy is often mixed with confusion and even fear. However, it is not worth worrying. On the contrary, you need to try to eliminate stress from your life and the most important thing is to make sure that the results are confidence. This is especially important in a situation where a pregnancy test was made before the delay.

Keep in mind that when the fetal is located outside the uterus, a pregnancy test will also give a positive result. It is possible to eliminate the presence of this dangerous phenomenon during the ultrasound procedure. Either with the help of blood test on hCG in dynamics.

Consequently, the first steps of a potential mother after testing should be directed towards the Cabinet of the gynecologist. The doctor examines the patient and asks clarifying questions. If a specialist doubts whether the patient is pregnant, or wants to make sure that everything is in order, he can appoint an additional examination. Usually it includes:

  • Delivery analysis of blood. Usually higher than in the urine. Therefore, the analysis of venous blood allows you to accurately identify pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound. A similar study method will not only confirm the presence of pregnancy, but will allow to assess the state of the fetus.

The result is positive, but there is no pregnancy

If the test shows two strips, this is not a guarantee that the conception occurred. In medical practice, there are cases when the test is positive, and the ultrasound pregnancy does not show. Such a discrepancy is observed at:

  • Hormonal failure in the body of a woman;
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases of the small pelvis organs;
  • Menopause;
  • The presence of tumor processes of the pelvis organs.

The main reason not related to women's health indicators is the quality of the instructor or the incorrect application. To prevent such mistakes, you need to carefully study the expiration date of the product and carefully follow the instructions.

Ultrasound ultrasound is usually eliminating all possible questions. In addition, an unconditional blood test for hCG will come to the rescue woman.

Test - convenient and undoubtedly useful invention of humanity. With it, you can not guess about the occurrence of conception, but check it easily and quickly. But do not forget that the instruch can allow an error and the result is not always completely reliable. Therefore, after testing it is worth visiting the gynecologist, which will give a potential mother further recommendations and direct to the necessary surveys.

Pregnancy is not always scheduled, more often she is unexpected. With a close relationship with a man, a girl should give themselves a report on the possible conception. The moment of fertilization, with a high prophence, will confirm a positive pregnancy test. The delay and indirect signs can not be perceived as "verdict." You can seriously prepare for the upcoming motherhood after confirmation of the doctor: "Congratulations, you are pregnant!"

What does a positive pregnancy test and the principle of his work look like

It is difficult to imagine how people lived until the invention of pharmacy express tests! Now, at each delay, you do not need to visit gynecology so that the "favorite doctor" say "yes" or "no". In suspected, only well-being could be reeded.

There were no effective contraceptives before, especially tests. Our grandmothers and moms have become familiar to abortion as to remove a sore tooth. The abortion of pregnancy looked like a barbaric contraception alternative. It was unsafe for health, about pregnancy test, positive or negative will only dreamed.

Today, several types of tests are effectively working to determine pregnancy, the most famous "two strips" remain. Does not give one hundred percent reliability, but it is understandable and affordable. It is considered a primitive determinant of hormone hgch in blood (and urine) generated by the emerging pocent, works like a lactium paper with impregnation.

If there are suspicion of a false positive result, a household "examination" with the simplest device should be repeated after 2-3 days. It is advisable to use different testers (ask the pharmacy):

  1. Ultra sensitive (for early time).
  2. Tablet (with windows).
  3. Strip test (strips).
  4. Inkjet (convenient for use in all conditions).
  5. Electronic (the inscription "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" is displayed).
Young women demonstrate complete ignorance when men ask about positive test strips for pregnancy. With a manifestation, everything is clear, but why the second one?

The first line is the control, showing the degree of staining of the probe, its color, uniformity and intensity. The second strip is spots, pale or "phantom" (almost imperceptible). Doubt causes poorly manifested positive test strips for pregnancy, especially when conception is long-awaited.

Attention:With any type of testing, it is important to read the instructions and implement the recommendations, otherwise the dear determinant of chorionic gonadotropin will be applied incorrectly.

If the girl does not know how the test in the first week of pregnancy looks like, you can perceive the pale manifestation as a sentence. Not all tests are capable of reacting on the bare embryo, only ultra sensitive. They "work" in a week or later. In the presence of hormone-like substances with developing tumor processes, the text will show "pregnancy" even a virgin and a lonely elderly lady.

Using the tests of any type is quite simple - the morning urine should get into the window or on the test site. It is collected in clean capacity to wet the test. After a while it will be clear how the positive pregnancy test should look like. If nothing has changed - the conception has not happened.

When the test is positive, what to do next?

For a female body fertilization of natural. Included sexual intercourse on ovulation days is unnatural! According to incomprehensible patterns, those who want children remain fruitless. Young girls are easily pregnant, although psychological are not ready for motherhood.

The most ever time of waiting - with a small delay of menstruation, the test is poorly manifested, with other signs of pregnancy in the body it is not clear. It remains to wait and go through the second testing. Hormonal background is changing with the entry into the sex life.

If you know, what a positive pregnancy test looks like, without other signs, we do not rush to the conclusions. Options are possible:

  • after treating infertility with hormonal drugs, a female organism shows a readiness for fertilization, which looks like a pregnancy test with a positive result;
  • the tester sensor reacted to changes in the hormonal background;
  • there were other hormone-like reagents;
  • in the body after an abortion remained the remains of embryonic tissue.
Confirmation of an "interesting situation" can be obtained only in the female consultation after the blood test on the hCG. Do not ask to immediately appoint an ultrasound, it will not show anything on a small time with the increased abdomen.

After close relations with a man, it is impossible to get pregnant "unexpectedly". You know what a test looks like when pregnant, but you don't believe your eyes yourself? The predictable situation, even after careful protection. Hoping for a man is not worthwhile - inconclusive excuses lead to pregnancy.

Pregnancy is welcome or not - contact the doctor with a pregnancy test (positive result). This is important for registration, when preparing for an abortion or to dispel doubt. Often, doctors help to decide on the near future, if there were problems with maternity in the family. Any support for lonely mothers (material and psychologically) is important. Only the woman herself carries personal responsibility to heaven and society for an abortion or a pregnancy.

When a pregnancy test shows a positive result without fertilization?

It is already clear what a positive pregnancy test looks like, but it is important to know when it is falsely "signals" or does not show anything:

The man who came to the world is a real joy, the happiness of motherhood and happy fatherhood is impossible to tell, it needs to be survived! Therefore, from the first days of pregnancy, it is not necessary to think about your whims, but about the creation of a new life. For the sake of the baby, it is worth moving onto a healthy lifestyle, abandon alcohol and cigarettes, to eat vitaminized and protein food.

Many women are familiar experiences about pregnancy. For someone - this is the long-awaited moment, the joy of which there is no limit. For others, a large surprise that violates plans, but in most cases no less pleasant than in the first case. Well, learn about pregnancy or its absence helps everyone known. And although he is familiar with almost every, there are still a lot of questions regarding its application, for which we tried to collect the answers in our current article.

1. What is the principle of pregnancy test?

The essence of the work of the pregnancy test is recognized in the urine, if the test is performed house, or blood, if it is carried out in laboratory conditions, a unique hormone - horionic gonadotropin of man (hCG), produced solely during pregnancy. When a woman is not pregnant, this hormone in the body of women is contained in principle. But if pregnancy is present, then the level of this hormone hCG from the moment of conception increases twice in every couple of days, reaching the maximum indicators about the 12th week of pregnancy. The content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine and the blood of man is preserved until the birth of the baby and 2-3 weeks after.

Visual instructions, how to spend a pregnancy test at home

2. When should you do a pregnancy test?

Making a pregnancy test immediately after the proximity of the proximity or the accuracy of several days after it is meaningless. Only very sensitive tests can reveal the presence of the aforementioned hormone hgch after 7-10 days from the date of possible conception. And even in this case, the hormone content may be so insignificant that the test will not be able to identify its presence.

Most of the tests are able to recognize the pregnancy at home about 2-3 days of the delay of the next menstruation. In turn, the blood test can show the content of hong hgch and before the date of menstruation. Do such an analysis in various paid medical institutions and women's advice.

3. What is the probability of a pregnancy test error?

No matter how much extreme accuracy wanted, almost all pregnancy tests provide only 97-99%. In other words, the chance to make a mistake, albeit small, but always remains. Therefore, to ensure maximum accuracy, you should perform a test that does not hurry events, if there is a delay in several days, in compliance with all the subtleties of the instructions for its implementation. Do not exclude the individual features of the female organism, as well as other concomitant precursors of pregnancy.

Invalid negative result, when in pregnancy, the test does not show it, it is possible if:

The term of pregnancy is completely small, with the result that the content of HCG in the urine is not enough;
During the day before the test, you drank too much fluid, which is why the concentration of hCG decreased to a minimum not detected by the test;
Test overdue;
Recommendations for the use of test are not followed.

The result of inkjet dough for pregnancy

False positive result based on the test may result:

Taking drugs from infertility containing hCG. In most cases, such drugs are entered into injections;
Presence of malignant tumors, which are also treated with drugs containing hong hong;
The presence in the uterus residues of the fetal egg in the case of premature childbirth or miscarriage.

4. At what time of the day it is worth doing a pregnancy test?

It is recommended to use the test to detect pregnancy in the morning, since at this time the urine is most concentrated and contains the maximum number of hormones HCG in the presence of those. However, it is allowed to do the test and at other days of day. For those who doubt whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test during the day, it is recommended to use a particularly sensitive inkjet test that does not fall into the urine, and is substituted under its jet.

5. How should I use a pregnancy test?

The rules for using pregnancy tests differ depending on their type. There are the following types of pregnancy tests.

If we are talking about strip tests (stripes), which are most affordable and, accordingly, most common, then everything is quite simple. The test strip falls into the container with the urine collected in the morning for 10-20 seconds, after which it needs to be placed horizontally on the dry surface and wait for the result that manifests itself in a few minutes. One strip - pregnancy is not detected, two strips - the result is positive.

Another kind of pregnancy tests - Tablet. These tests are similar to conventional test strips, but they have a paper strip in a special plastic case. In this case, the urine collected in the morning is dripped into a certain hole on the test with a pipette attached to the test. The result is also determined, as in the first case by the number of manifested strips.

Already mentioned inkjet tests are convenient because it is not necessary to collect urine. You simply substitute the test under urine stream, and it is not necessary to do it in the morning. Special sensitivity allows you to perform this pregnancy test during the day. The result is as always determined by the number of strips: 2 strips - you are pregnant, one - no.

And finally, another type of tests - electronic. These tests are equipped with a special strip - a manual intention, which is either lowered in the urine collected in the container, or substitute under the jet. To determine the result is enough for 3 minutes, after which the appearing "+" sign indicates pregnancy, and the sign "-" - about its absence.

6. What does a slightly noticeable second strip talking about the test?

The presence of a pale, barely noticeable second feature on the test in most cases indicates pregnancy. And the reason for such a non-definition is the low content of hormone hCG, if the term is quite small, or a low level of susceptibility of the test used. In any case, after some time, it is recommended to repeat the test to make sure the resulting control of the HCG content in the body of a woman.

7. What pregnancy test is better?

It is quite difficult to name the best pregnancy test among existing on the modern market. In this case, it all depends on individual preferences. If you are important to find out the result as quickly as possible, then the optimal solution will be a blood test in a laboratory that allows you to determine pregnancy from the second week after conception.

For connoisseurs of convenience, which do not want to collect urine and adjust to a specific time, inkjet tests are most suitable. And, on the contrary, for whom the process of holding the dough under the jet seems not entirely convenient, the usual and at the same time the cheapest strip tests are better.

8. Online test: innovation in pregnancy or deception?

No matter how much we want to keep up with the times, using computer technologies in almost all spheres of vital activity, it is impossible to establish a pregnancy online.

Unfortunately, offerings about online testing for pregnancy are quite common and have various forms: from simple surveys even to such nonsense, when a woman is asked to attach a finger to the computers screen. Often for such a kind of research also asking for money. All this is the most real fraud, which in no case can be succumbed.

9. Can the test show a pregnancy term?

Pregnancy test at home It is intended solely to answer the question about the presence of the fact of conception or its absence. The period of pregnancy with such a test is not possible. To do this, it is necessary to study blood in the laboratory, as a result of which, in terms of the maintenance of the HCG, it will be established for what week of pregnancy this level of hormone is characteristic. Also, with the help of this study, a frozen pregnancy is recognized, in which the level of hormone ceases to grow, despite the increase in the term.

10. Can the test show ectopic pregnancy?

The result of the dough can be positive even in the case of attaching the fetal egg outside the uterus. If you do not accept the necessary measures on time, the ectopic pregnancy itself will interrupt about 7-8 weeks, which will be accompanied by serious blood loss, strong pain and other negative consequences for women's health. In order to avoid all the listed problems, it is strongly recommended, finding signs of ectopic pregnancy, as soon as possible to interrupt it in stationary conditions. Such signs include aching pain in the lower part of the abdomen and bleeding in the presence of a positive test result.

An ectopic pregnancy, in which the fruit egg in the uterus is absent, and the epithelium grows as under normal pregnancy, is characterized by a reduced level of hCG, which should be determined using a blood test conducted in the laboratory conditions in the dynamics. But the usual pregnancy test in this case is not effective.

11. Can the test be spoiled?

Like any other product purchased in the store, a pregnancy test has a certain expiration date, after which its use is inefficient. In addition, the test may be unsuitable due to improper storage.

To protect yourself from buying a spoiled test, before making a purchase, check the expiration date on the package and the integrity of the packaging. Well, for considerable conviction, it is recommended to purchase 2 tests at once so that in case of doubt re-conduct research and make sure the resulting result.

A quick pregnancy test is a great invention of humanity, no matter how pathetic it sounds. All ingenious should be simple.

Today you can go to the pharmacy, buy a test and practically immediately own preliminary information. Tests are available to all, they have different types, manufacturers. The most popular firms for today:

  • Frau test;
  • Babichek;
  • Eviest;
  • Clearble;
  • BB test.

All of them unites one thing: the analysis can be done at home and get a reliable result in very early time. There are several drops of urine. The mechanism of action is based on the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This is a hormone that stimulates the development of placenta primits (chorion).

Test positive what to do next?

It happens that a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, there is a mass of surveys along with a partner, sometimes treatment.

Or if there was a tragic experience of miscarriage, fears drive into chronic stress with all the consequences. After all, we are talking about the desired, long-awaited pregnancy! And then the test is positive!

So that disappointment did not lead to large-scale stress, it is worth calming down. Further paths three:

  1. Leave everything as it is and waiting for obvious signs of pregnancy.
  2. To re-analyze two to three days and after going to consultation.
  3. Contact doctors, pass the blood test on the HCG and go through the ultrasound examination procedure.

The most advantageously looks the second option. Tactics of behavior in the first case can provoke a false pregnancy. The second method allows not to be distracted by false positive results and not spend time on an unnecessary visit to the hospital.

It is the third option that guarantees 100% conclusion about the presence or absence of pregnancy. Ultrasound will reveal the ectopic location of the fetal egg. Early diagnosis in this case can save not only the ability to give birth further, but sometimes life.

If joyful news is confirmed, hurry to get up for pregnancy and begin a new, happy life in anticipation of your personal miracle.

Use of medical observation

Get the expected test result, it is incommensurable with nothing with the happiness for a woman. And only the beginning of a complex, but joyful way. The fact was confirmed, now it needs to be strengthened by his further actions.

The sooner you set for taking into account the pregnancy, the more chances to make and give birth to a healthy child. Women having a heavy experience of unwanted abortion, know about it. If this is the first long-awaited pregnancy, it is impossible to treat it frivolous. Modern medicine minimizes such risks.

Being under the control of specialists, you will get the opportunity to do all the necessary surveys, take tests, receive advice from professionals, genetics, ultrasound diagnosticities.

You and your future child will be under comprehensive observation. And it will save from many problems arising during pregnancy.

Especially in our time there is a choice: you can contact the state clinic or a private specialist who trust. Choose a maternity hospital in which you wish to give birth to your long-awaited child.

Risks of uncontrolled current

Refusing observation, expose himself and the future child to considerable risks. Such complications may occur:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from the Mother Fruit;
  • skip the moment when the pathology of the placenta appears, which can be corrected;
  • infect the child in childbirth with poorly sanited generic paths;
  • there are positions of the fetus in the uterus, in which physiological genera is impossible in principle;
  • it is possible unbearable for reasons associated with the pathology of the reproductive system of the mother.

The doctor appoints the necessary surveys, drugs and procedures, monitors the development of the fetus and your condition, adjusting it.

False positive result

Sometimes the fast test shows two stripes. But after that, the monthly or re-examination occurs refutes the result. The false positive test is a disinformation that destroys your plans.

Do not trust the first testing of even sensitive testing. The false positive result is possible if the test is delayed, its irregular storage and transportation conditions, during factory marriage. It is difficult, but it is possible to do the test itself wrong.

Therefore, control in two days is desirable to carry out a test of another company. Read the instructions carefully and correctly fulfill its requirements. Incorrect observance of the analysis procedure may result in an incorrect answer.

The false positive feedback may be:

  • if a medical abortion was recently held;
  • in the case of a operated ectopic pregnancy;
  • after spontaneous fetal fetus in the early stages;
  • with some endocrinological disorders;
  • during the reception of drugs containing hCG.

If a female abortion or operation is aware, then the miscarriage can pass spontaneously, imperceptibly for it, and the test will be false positive.

These situations are connected with the fact that the body cannot dramatically stop producing hCG after the start of the synthesis, and the presence of this hormone in the urine can give such an inaccurate answer.

The false test may be:

  • before the next month, if a woman is sick of an oncological disease;
  • at cysts of the stomach and ovaries;
  • with a hormonal failure in the body of a woman.

Then the hormones are produced in excessive hormones similar to HCG and the rapid test may not distinguish them.

Regarding menstruation, there are cases when they occurred in early time. Only on this criteria cannot be refuted pregnancy.

Climax and Menopause

This period in the life of a woman is associated with many problems. There is a cycle failure, the irregularity of menstruation, the restructuring of the body. It is difficult to determine whether there is a delay of menstruation or not. It is not easy to end up and give birth at this age, the female organism is not so strong and healthy.

Contraception does not give 100% warranty, pregnancy can come in adulthood. If a woman is ready to save her, she will attach all efforts to it.

With unwanted pregnancy, fast analysis will allow you to navigate with the cause of the delay. With age, the risk of birth of children with pathology increases.

Therefore, if there are doubts, it is better to use tests to determine pregnancy in the early stages. A positive test in such a situation - the signal is faster to consult a doctor and decide what to do next.

Abortion at this age will not add health either, in addition, for a woman who has children and, perhaps, grandchildren, psychologically hard to go through this procedure.

During the period of the climax and menopause there are false positive testing.

This is due to the unstable generation of chorionic gonadotropin in the body. Because of the hormonal restructuring there may be bursts of hCG synthesis and it can show a sensitive test.

Unwanted pregnancy

Positive test with unwanted pregnancy - tragedy for a woman. Do not despair immediately. The test may be erroneous. But if the result was confirmed, what to do?

Do not panic. Weigh the pros and cons. Signally and with all the responsibility to make a decision. It is not only about your life and the future, but also about the life of another living being and only in your will this decision. Throw emotions, appreciate the danger of abortion and the risks of further infertility.

Take into account blood group. If you have a negative rhesus, with each subsequent pregnancy, the enhancement of the fetus will be problematic.

Think well, is the reason so much the reason to break the new life. If you have left alone, there is no help, the father of the child refused to solve the problem, study or too young age - it is difficult to deal with it, but you can cope.

Many women are resolved for childbirth in critical situations and subsequently never regret it. There are really good medical reasons for abortion and rude psychological injuries associated with violence when women cannot do otherwise.

In any case, listen only yourself, this is your life, no matter how much the society gives you. It must be treated seriously to reproductive health. Use contraceptive, follow the cycle, respect yourself. Let a positive test be for you expected happiness.

Have you already decided that it is time to start the baby, and are you looking forward to two cherished strips? How to determine an interesting position? When should you do a pregnancy test, how to spend it right? Learning to properly do a pregnancy test at home ...

Today, household pregnancy tests are actively using girls and women of the whole world. A proper pregnancy test will help you without extra effort and costs to determine the presence or absence of pregnancy.

What is a home test for pregnancy and how is it arranged?

Pregnancy test is a simple and easy-to-use biochemical system created for early detection of pregnancy through the definition of human chorionic gonadotropin (test for hCG). HCG appears in the blood and in the urine of women solely after fertilization and began the development of pregnancy. In the event that the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman will exceed a certain critical value, a pregnancy test and will show a "positive result."

Modern home tests help determine the occurrence of pregnancy with an accuracy of 98% (provided that you will spend it correctly). Homemade pregnancy tests can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

When should I conduct a pregnancy test?

Any pregnancy test contains a special indicator, which is determined by the indicator of HCHG and change its color if the concentration of hCG exceeds a certain critical value - the same two strips.We understand that you want to see 2 stripes so quickly and please the future dad. But there is no point in making a pregnancy test earlier than the first day of delay. Ideally, a pregnancy test can be done with confidence a week after the first day of the menstruation delay. For the greatest confidence, you can make several tests for pregnancy of different manufacturers. To confirm the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to repeat the test again, about a week after the first attempt, regardless of its results. Analysis of the HCG in a laboratory or clinic should be a test check.

What are pregnancy tests?

Today you can choose for yourself two main types of pregnancy tests:

  • Pregnancy tests of the first type determine the concentration of hCG in the blood. Such tests are available only in special clinics, so they need to consist of a doctor or a laboratory.
  • Second-type pregnancy tests determine the concentration of hCG in the urine. This pregnancy test is also called homemade. Such pregnancy tests are sold in pharmacies, without a doctor's prescription.

In modern pharmacies you can find many types of home tests for pregnancy. The cost of home test is also different (from 40 rubles), it depends on the company, the forms of application (inkjet test, pipette or the test for which urine fence is required).

Before carrying out a pregnancy test, you have definitely defined its type and carefully read the instructions.

Many home tests work according to the same principle. The part of them is assumed to collect urine into the tank and the introduction of the test in the urine to a certain level (stripes). Others require the test of a trip of urine. The time through which the result will be determined, varies from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. After contacting the home test for pregnancy with the urine and the expiration of the required time, you will be able to use the result.

In various tests, the results can also be displayed in different ways, more often it is strips - indicators, there are also special icons - on electronic tests.

  • The first strip (control indicator), it suggests that the test is working and suitable for use.
  • The second strip (pregnancy indicator), it shows the presence (the appearance of the strip), or the absence of pregnancy (the absence of the second strip).

The intensity of the color of the pregnancy indicator (second strips) does not matter in pregnancy tests in contrast to ovulation tests. Even if you saw a pale pink strip - this is evidence of pregnancy.

How accurate is the result of a home dough for pregnancy?

As practice shows, home pregnancy tests show a very accurate result (up to 98-99%). The accuracy of the result will depend on the following factors:

  • The shelf life of the test of pregnancy - you will be able to be a test.
  • Clear adherence instruction test.
  • Do not hurry to distinguish the result - the most optimal definition time is 10 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the concentration of hormone hCG is intensified as pregnancy develops. Therefore, your test will give the more accurate result, the later you will spend it and vice versa!

What to do next if pregnancy test is positive?

If the home test for pregnancy showed a positive result, be sure to visit the gynecologist, do an ultrasound for 100% confirmation of the result and exclusion of diseases, including ectopic pregnancy.

Also, the doctor will advise the main steps to preserve pregnancy, vitamins and the necessary drugs (for example, the reception of folic acid, if you have not yet started drinking it before planning pregnancy). Early formation in gynecology will help you easily transfer your interesting position, make a healthy baby and keep your own health and beauty.

There is hope! Several but ... Or can the test be negative, but are you pregnant?

  • The test can give a false result and a week after the delay. If your suspicions in pregnancy remained - be sure to visit the gynecologist.
  • If you take certain medications containing hong hgg, they can also affect the accuracy of the result.
  • And, of course, you should not smoke, drink and take drugs. They will affect not only the results of the test for pregnancy, but also on your health and health of the future baby.