Only sex. How different types of men behave in bed. What to do in bed to surprise a lover

Many men like to brag to other members of the stronger sex of their sexual adventures. It is easier for them to lay out a wish list for their friend than for their beloved woman. But it is the fairer sex who would like to know all the secrets and individual needs of their partner in order to become for him the goddess of sex.

Men love constant variety in bed. There is no need to be afraid of experimentation in having sex. It is better to avoid habitual positions and monotony, which quickly tire men. The principle of novelty should be present in lovemaking. You don't have to run a sexy marathon using all sorts of positions. It is enough to change the foreplay to achieve a positive effect.

A man wants to see a beautiful, confident woman in his bed. The first thing he pays attention to is the appearance of his partner, it attracts. At the moment of intimacy, not only emotional contact is important for him, but also visual perception. To do this, you do not need to be the owner of the ideal model forms. To conquer a man, it is enough seductive to present what nature has endowed you with.

Men are naturally polygamous and, at the subconscious level, are in constant search of a partner. Not surprisingly, they look at other girls or fantasize about themselves in bed with a model, cover girl, or sex bomb. And from the sight of an accidental beauty passing by, a loved one can generally get an erection. Such fantasies are visited by women too. In this situation, men appreciate and are more frank with those women who are sympathetic to the manifestation of masculine nature and do not arrange scenes of jealousy. Sexologists advise to explore the fantasies of a loved one and help to realize them.

Most men dream of seeing in bed not just a partner, but a relaxed mistress. Embarrassment and modesty should be inherent in the first sexual encounters. Excessive modesty, or vice versa, promiscuity in bed, men do not accept. It is important for them to study the body of their beloved woman, receiving responses, and to be sure that she is happy with it.

An unexpectedly pleasant surprise for a man will be the lady's initiative in sex. Men like this manifestation of their desires and frank conversations about their sexual needs.

A controversial issue in sexual relations between a man and a woman is considered to be a fake orgasm. On the advice of sexologists, imitation of an orgasm by a woman is permissible in certain cases. But if the problem is permanent, then it is better to understand the reasons by honestly telling the man about this, but very delicately so that it does not affect his male ego.

There are rumors that at all times the main desire of a woman was to please a man in bed. To solve this problem, some rely entirely on their own feelings and intuition. Others do not trust their female essence and, as a result, torture their partner and suffer themselves.

Very often, women watch movies about love or read special books on psychology, trying to find an answer to the question of how to hit a man in bed. The main mistake that women make in this case is to load themselves and their sexual partner with information as much as possible, trying to use the knowledge gained in practice. And you just need to correctly recognize the male point of view on intimate relationships and understand the principles of his perceptions. And after that, you will know exactly how to hit a man in bed!

Anyone can become an ideal lover, because this is predetermined by nature and the reliability of relations between a woman and a man depends on it. It is important to know what a man likes and dislikes in bed! I will tell you about the desires and dreams of men that they want to realize by making love to a woman.

So what men like and dislike

Women's activity and initiative


Yes! Many of the women are so shy that they are afraid to show their temperament. Perhaps this attracts a man at first, but after a while he will definitely want to make love with an equal temperament. The modest woman will quickly get bored of boredom and monotony! To be always a desirable woman, you need to drive away all shy thoughts and complexes! Any woman should show herself in all her intimate beauty. The demeanor in bed should not be constrained - in no case should you suppress screams, groans or the desire to walk your partner's back with your nails. But, of course, everything should be in moderation. Don't turn bed games into a battlefield.

Novelty and unpredictability

Yes! Quite often, when partners have known each other for a long time, or, especially, in married couples, there comes a moment of "exhaustion" and the once romantic amorous games turn into ordinary marital duty. This leads to the fact that one of the sexual partners begins to search for new sensations on the side in order to remember and re-experience forgotten feelings (guess which of the couple is going to look for new sensations?). In order to prevent such a situation, a woman needs to periodically bring novelty to her love relationship. This can be expressed in anything: extravagant positions, extreme places for love pleasures, new erotic outfits, role-playing games, toys for adults, etc. The main thing is not to turn intimacy into a daily routine!

Partner care

Yes! A love bed is not a place for selfish people! Each of the partners, first of all, should take care of the other half. Women are often selfish, believing that the gentleman should shower her with gifts, kisses, caresses, etc. Perhaps this is the correct position. But do not forget that men also love caresses and kisses, which can drive you crazy. Such emotions will further contribute to obtaining the most pleasant sensations from making love with you. And not only physical pleasures, but also moral ones!

Fuss after intimacy

No! One of the main mistakes in female behavior after lovemaking is running around and hustle and bustle. In no case do not strive to get dressed, run to wash clothes, wash dishes or do something else. Turn off your phones, the Internet, put off all other things - they will not run away anywhere, but the effect of erotic pleasure can be ruined this evening. Stay naked for a while, gently caress him with intimate parts of the body, walk gracefully around the bed and be sure to kiss him. Try to extend the time of your intimate joint stay longer!

TNow you know what men like and dislike in bed, and how to hit a man in bed. MWe looked at a small but basic checklist of how to best behave so that he thinks only of you and wants intimacy only with you. Of course, all people are different, both men and women. Each is individual in its own way and the deeper you feel the temperament, passion and character of your partner, the more pleasant and easier it will be with each other! Try these recommendations and you will see changes on the part of your soulmates. Love each other and enjoy each other.

And to achieve this, believe me, is not so difficult. There are several ways to awaken sexuality in a man ...

I love you any?

The quality of sexual relations depends not only on the temperament and skill of partners. As they say, a man chooses only among those women who made him understand - go for it! How? A smile, a look, a gesture and even a bright, defiant make-up. Representatives of the stronger sex are ready to accept any of your even unconscious signs for an invitation. But even if you have charmed a man, do not relax! Jumping into bed does not mean the beginning of a long love story. You also need to keep a man, to make him constantly attracted to you. This means that your intimate relationship should give him pleasure, and not strain, annoy, cool. However, any woman simply must have in her arsenal a couple of tricks that allow her to keep her partner tightly on the hook.

Be beautiful. It is known that a man "loves with his eyes." This means that in you he must see the ideal woman - well-groomed and beautiful. Even if you are out of shape (tired, sick, stressed, etc.), meet your partner fully armed. No unkempt or unwashed hair, casually pinned up or slovenly loose. Do not be too lazy to make at least a semblance of a hairstyle, but it is better to style your hair more temptingly. Makeup - fresh, better discreet (you can slightly accentuate your lips with lipstick). Manicure and pedicure are perfect, no peeling nail polish or dirty nails. And of course, remove all unnecessary hair on the body (overgrown armpits are considered sexy only 3% of men).

Believe me, the male gaze notices even such seemingly trifles. A man is repulsed by slovenliness - and sometimes he cannot really explain why he did not like an intimate evening with you, just the feeling “this woman is not good for something” will remain in his memory for a long time ...

Want to please a man in bed?

Add erotica! 80% of the stronger sex is aroused by the visual image of a "woman-seductress". Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to purchase a super short peignoir. "Furious mini", according to psychologists, in seduction is not in the first place. It turns out that most men lose their heads from ... maxi. But! Necessarily with a long slit in front, as if by chance exposing the female legs. This "intrigue" has a strong aphrodisiac effect.

But underwear, of course, it is advisable to choose the most revealing your charms. Color - optional. But again, experts suggest that the most exciting color for men is the traditional red.

Seductive aromas. This time-tested remedy is used by the vast majority of women. Strong enough to attract men, clouding the head with passion, fruity smells, especially with a citrus note. However, when preparing for an intimate date, do not overdo it with scents. Remember the prose of life: what if your lover suffers from any broncho-pulmonary ailments? An attack of illness provoked by a pungent smell will easily nullify all your efforts to be as desirable as possible.

In addition, it is argued that the natural smell of a clean body excites men even more than the smells of perfumes, aromatic oils, etc.

Prepare a drink of passion. Seduction of a man with the help of a "love drink" has been known since antiquity. If you want to inflame the passion of your loved one, treat him, for example, with aromatic tea with thyme (thyme) or coffee with cinnamon. You can taste these active "provocateurs of passion" right in bed.

Attention! Certain herbs can be strong, which can cause your partner to experience headaches or allergies. There will be no time for passion ...

Be an affectionate kitty. It is a mistake to think that men only need sex. According to experts, representatives of the stronger sex, no less than women, love to be stroked, caressed, hugged. Therefore, try to offer your beloved massage (you can also erotic). Use special stimulating creams, aromatic oils, and put beautiful bedding on your bed. It is unlikely that your man will refuse such a tempting offer. Massage in general ideally relieves tension and stress, and in this case it will certainly increase the sensuality of relationships ...

Take the initiative. The overwhelming majority of women believe that it is the man who is responsible for the quality of sexual life. And the representatives of the fair half obey his whims and requirements. Most often this happens, but experts say: men secretly expect women to take initiative in intimate relationships. For them, this is the best proof that they are loved and desired. However, remember - be seductive, not promiscuous, otherwise a man may have a thought: how many partners did you have if you are so active and skillful in the love game? And it is unlikely that it will be credited to you as a plus ...

Don't lead. Some women, after listening to the advice of sexologists that a man needs to be prompted exactly how to please you, take this literally. Almost every minute instructions fall on the beloved - do this and that, do not do this, touch here, but do not touch this. A man begins to feel like a kind of inexperienced puppy, with only one desire in his head - to get away from the trainer as soon as possible. Therefore, leave all possible wishes for later - even if your intimate meeting did not bring you the expected pleasure. The process of grinding in partners can be quite lengthy - and this is not abnormal.

React. The love game is a game of partners, do not forget about it. No man will like it if his beloved manifests herself in this game as an “insensible log”. By the way, this is one of the most common reasons for a man's cooling after a couple or two of intimate meetings. "Noise" accompaniment of the process is very desirable - but, again, without fanaticism. Too loud moans, too noisy aspiration can give a man a reason to doubt the truth of your feelings. And mistrust is not conducive to fueling passion.

Don't bother your partner. Any woman loves to talk. However, in bed, you should not bore your partner with conversations, even if you really want to tell him something or find out something from him. A man who is tuned in to a love game simply will not be able to connect to the conversation. At best, he will mutter something unintelligible, and at worst, he will lose interest in the process. This is how the representatives of the stronger sex are arranged - at the moment they can only do one thing.

Be grateful. Many men are waiting for your assessment of their sexual prowess - even if they don't admit it. By the way, many of them regard the flight of the partner as soon as they unclenched their arms into the shower as an indirect acknowledgment of your displeasure. Sexologists say that a man is very pleased when he is kissed, hugged, whispered in his ear words of gratitude for the moments of passion he experienced. So don't make your loved one worry, especially if your goal is to please a man in bed. Believe me, he will certainly appreciate it - and you will be the most desirable and seductive for him.

Even the best and most stable relationships can become boring and uninteresting. If you have just such a moment and you want to add variety, then you should take the initiative into your own hands and figure out how to surprise your beloved man with non-standard actions in bed. Experiments will help rekindle the fire, which will take the relationship to the next level.

What kind of women do men like in bed?

Of course, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Some men like plump girls, while others prefer skinny ladies. This is a matter of taste. However, if a male representative is going to sleep with you, then he definitely likes you. But no matter how cute his partner is, no man will like a notorious and constrained young lady in bed. Therefore, in order to understand how to win a man in bed, you need to be confident and relaxed.

If we talk about role-playing games, then sexologists say that according to statistics, 80% of men would like to see their chosen one in the form of a nurse, schoolgirl or police officer. This is a good reason to go to a sex shop and get the right outfit to surprise your lover.

How to pleasantly surprise your beloved man in bed?

As you know, men love novelty and variety in intimate relationships. So that a loved one does not seek new sensations in someone else's bed, a woman needs to understand that this man's need needs to be satisfied. In addition, for such efforts, she herself will be pleasantly rewarded.

To figure out how you can surprise your beloved man in bed, you need to approach this issue individually. Before preparing any experiment, it is worth making sure that the partner will be to appreciate it. For example, if he returns home tired after 12 hours of physical work, then he is unlikely to be in a playful mood, but rather he will be delighted with a delicious dinner. Now, if the man is rested and not hungry, then it is possible and even necessary to prepare some kind of surprise.

For example, prepare some delicious meals, create a romantic setting, light candles. Dress nicely and don't forget about sexy underwear. Instead of the standard foreplay, you can start petting right in the kitchen. If usually sexual intercourse took place in the bedroom, then such an initiative on your part will definitely please the man.

I don't know if women read men's magazines. We, men, look through your women's magazines! Basically, to be amazed: how you sometimes do not understand us. Especially impressive articles like: "10 reasons to leave you" or "How to bring him to orgasm." It's obvious to any of us that they were written by a woman. And you believe them, and think that your espionage sortie into our camp will bring you the desired renewal of relations with your closest and most incomprehensible person.

Naturally, there is no renewal, because you are not really going beyond your feminine logic. Therefore, you still better hear some things from a man. You are sure, of course, that we only think of one thing. 24 hours a day. This is true. We don't care much about money, good work, success and our friends. We really think about sex all the time. Let's talk about him. And the way you like it - some of you are organically unable to endure the monologues and the text "brick", so we will compose a la "hit parade" of what annoys men in bed.

Emotional indifference

This comes first! Coldness and lack of interest in what is happening excites only necrophilia. And since your man is in bed with you, and not with a brooding feminine from the morgue, then you should not copy her temper. Even more - if your partner is not a 16-year-old teenager with an excess of hormones, then a log-like state is the best way to discourage him from continuing the process altogether!

Fake orgasm

Unfortunately, no matter how much you give advice from glossy pages not to do this, there are still many among you who have not decided for themselves the dilemma that a man can offend more: an imitation of orgasm or its absence. In fact, we ourselves do not know. But when you realize that a woman is resorting to “fakes” at the most intimate moment, literally everything falls through you. And trust is completely lost. You feel a strange mixture of humiliation, disappointment and resentment - after all, we are able to understand that for some of you detente does not always come, you should not equate us with such a single-celled deception.

Inability to basically experience an orgasm

A man can find out about this in different ways: gradually, in the course of a relationship, or suddenly, for the first time. The effect, of course, is different from this discovery, but the result is always the same - our self-esteem falls downward at supersonic speed. To continue a relationship with such a "lucky woman", you need to experience very deep feelings or feel an emotional return, a spark from her side. Many women experience this peculiarity of theirs as inferiority, however, now we are talking about the fact that a woman should not dwell on the fact that this is a problem. It is much more important to understand that this also hurts us, and you can get out of this contradiction only by demonstrating that we make you happy without orgasm. Indeed, in fact, it is not the fact itself that is important to us: whether you have reached the peak or not, it is important for us to see in your eyes that we are real macho.

Complexes about your figure

If a man invited you to bed, then you are the standard of sexuality for him. And you shouldn't say that you have small breasts right after you undress in an apologetic tone - it annoys us (it concerns not only breasts).

Incomprehensible tricks

If you are not ready to go for something, it is better to say it directly, you do not need to refer to a bad mood, a negative astrological forecast or something else, if in principle you never have oral sex.

Negative comments on our actions

If we do something wrong, this is not a reason to stigmatize us - you can delicately direct us in the right direction, because in fact, purposeful self-harm is not part of our plans.

Hard-hitting expressions

Expressions like : "Why are you so thin?" or "I didn't expect you to have it small!" do not add enthusiasm to us, but your pleasure. Think about what you are depriving yourself of with such exclamations ... Although a real macho always has a couple of jokes in store about this. Well, if you come across a shy guy, all that remains for you after that is to run to the pharmacy for Viagra.

Switch off your mobile phone!

There is nothing worse when your girlfriend, sister or mother calls you at the most crucial moment. You will discuss the size range in a fashion store later.

Monotony of behavior

Women who strive for total submission, total suppression, or to get pleasure in a strictly defined position, quickly get bored ... maybe sharply, but it's true.

When you call us by other people's names

Even if we understand well that the woman with whom we share the bed is not our destiny, even if we, in fact, as the saying goes, just met in bed, causes a storm of indignation in us when we, documented by Vasya, are suddenly called Petya ... It would be alright with Brad Pittas!

So that's it, girls! Have you seen the movie “Promising is not getting married”? It seems to me that it is necessary to oblige every woman to watch it at least once. But not at all because of its dubious artistic merit - but as a powerful sobering agent against your, ladies, illusions. But if we men are ready to admit that you are really full of delusions in the subtle emotional sphere, then with regard to sex, everything is extremely simple. So good luck to you!