English Cocker Spaniel care. How to Raise a Cocker Spaniel Puppy to a Reliable Friend

How does a dog appear in the house? The puppy can be brought by children or picked up on the street by adults, and such an unexpected "acquisition" sometimes catches its owners by surprise. Even experienced dog breeders cannot always predict what will grow out of such a surprise. In the best case, you can predict the future size of the dog, and assume (more than approximately) what breeds took part in creating a "cocktail" running through the puppy's veins. To expect successful performances from such a dog at breed shows is the height of optimism, even if the baby looks like a shepherd or a bulldog ... But even with a complete lack of exhibition prospects, a new member of your family needs constant care and attention.

What can we say about future champions, for whom constant care is important not only from the point of view of maintaining health, but also as a guarantee of future successes. Of course, the acquisition of a thoroughbred puppy is a deliberate step, for which they prepare for a long time, choosing a breed, studying its habits and features of content. They are preparing for the appearance of a new tenant in the house, almost like for the visit of the august person.

Purchasing inventory

So you've decided to purchase a spaniel. The baby is still basking under his mother's side, looking around with curiosity, making the first hesitant attempts to get out of his usual den into a huge room ... It's time to look into a pet supplies store and buy everything you need to care for a cocker spaniel. Of course, you will look here more than once for the most necessary ceremonial leash, a new comb (instead of someone gnawed by someone, do you happen to know by whom?) Or an unusual toy, but now is your first "dog shopping" and you need to treat it responsibly ... And one more important point: an Englishman, American or Russian spaniel settled in your house, the care and maintenance of the dog will become a noticeable item of the family budget. How to care for your spaniel, what should you buy?

1. Think about where it will be located place for a dog... This must be done right away, but do not rush to buy fashionable beds or baskets, it will simply be difficult for a small puppy to climb into them. Better to prepare a small mattress, make a removable cover for it and put it in the chosen corner. The place for the dog should not be located on the aisle, in the corridor or near heating appliances.

2. One of the most striking features of the spaniel's appearance is silky, long coat... To maintain it in proper condition you will need: a comb with short, frequent teeth (slicker), a comb with long sparse teeth, a brush with soft bristles (you will need it to care for the coat until the puppy grows up). In general, taking care of the coat is one of the main aspects of the care and maintenance of a Cocker Spaniel.

3. Place for feeding: bowls for food and water, stand with adjustable height for the installation of bowls.

4. If you plan on cutting your spaniel yourself, stock up on grooming tools: simple and filler scissors, a special dog clipper and a lot of patience.

5. Means for the care of wool: shampoos and conditioners. In general, bathing dogs with detergents should not be abused, this leads to a deterioration in the condition of the coat, the appearance of dandruff. However, spaniels are hunting dogs, and falling out in some kind of nasty for them is about the same as for a woman - being sprayed with expensive perfume. And then you can't do without bathing.

6. Equipment for walking: leash and collar. A harness can be used instead of a collar. Try not to let the young dog walk without a leash until he learns to clearly follow the commands, especially "Come to me!". The hunting instincts of spaniels can play a cruel joke here too - very often a young dog, carried away by an interesting smell, discovers the absence of the owner too late. It's good if the consequences are limited to a few minutes of hassle.

7. Means for ear care spaniel: cotton swabs and pads, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

8. Means for the care of claws: nail clipper and nail file.

Hair care

Grooming is one of the most time consuming procedures when keeping a spaniel. The soft, silky coat, so pleasant to the touch, has a very unpleasant property - it rolls into tangles. Most often, these matted lumps form behind the ears and in the groin area. Separating the mats is a laborious process, sometimes painful for the dog. To remove them, you can use a special tool resembling a comb with blades built between the teeth. In the most hopeless cases, you have to cut the tightly matted fur, but this is really an extreme case, which does not decorate the dog's hairstyle. You can only prevent the formation of tangles by daily combing. Do not forget to examine the dog after each walk and clean out debris, twigs, plant seeds stuck in the fur. These "findings" can become the center of the formation of a tangled mat.

The little puppy has very short coat and very delicate skin. The teeth of a comb can scratch the skin, but a brush with not very stiff bristles will not only perfectly clean the fur of debris, but will also help to teach the baby to the procedure itself.

The most difficult to care for the coat of the American Cocker Spaniel. After all, the decorative apron and skirt of this aristocrat serve as an excellent collection of plant debris during a walk, and it is quite difficult to disentangle all this from long silky strands. And the creation of this beauty will require the services of a professional groomer, or the acquisition by the owner of a new profession of a dog hairdresser.

At about six months of age, puppy fluff is completely rejected, replaced by the classic "silk" coat of a spaniel. Dead hair must be removed (trimmed). For this, a "slicker" with short, frequent teeth is used. Move the comb in smooth movements along the growth of the coat, from the base of the head to the tail, first treat the back, then the sides, chest, belly and legs. If you do it regularly, it will give your dog great pleasure in caring for a Cocker Spaniel. Very soon, the dog will begin to expose its sides, roll over onto its back and stretch its paws at the sight of its favorite comb. Just do not forget to remove the instrument after the end of the procedure, for some reason the handles of the combs seem very tasty to the puppies ...

If you own an American Cocker Spaniel, grooming should become a daily routine, like brushing and washing your owner's teeth. English Cocker Spaniel care is somewhat easier, although trimming is essential for all spaniels in the tribe. Only she will allow you to get that smooth, silk wool, which is prescribed by breed standards. Be sure to comb at least twice a week, cleaning the wool from debris after walking. Bathing if necessary.

Caring for a Russian spaniel differs little from the procedures prescribed for an "Englishman". Only a working dog may need to bathe more often during the hunting season.

Take the time to groom and maintain your coat.

Ear care

The charming long ears of spaniels are a kind of "calling card" of the breed. It is believed that the length of the ears should be sufficient so that they can be joined at the tip of the dog's nose. Moreover, the ears themselves, and not the wool that decorates them. However, this beauty has its downsides. Middle ear inflammation is one of the typical breed diseases. This is due to poor ventilation, which leads to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to protect your pet from illness? Try to keep moisture out of the ear canal. Before bathing, close your ears with cotton balls moistened with vegetable oil, if moisture does get into your ear, carefully dry it with a cotton swab. Check your ears regularly for sulfur plugs and ticks.

Closely monitor the dog's behavior, if signs of an ear infection appear (if the dog constantly scratches his ears, shakes his head, if squishing sounds and an unpleasant odor appear in his ear), be sure to contact a specialist.

Nail care

For dogs that regularly take long walks on asphalt or rocky roads, claws are usually not a problem. However, it is necessary to have a claw cutter in your home inventory even in this case - there is always the possibility of damage to the claw, it can break or split. In addition, you always have to trim the claws on the fifth hidden fingers, which are not involved in the movement of the dog.

How to care for a cocker spaniel that travels mainly in the apartment, or mainly on soft forest and swampy soil, claws should be trimmed regularly. For this, a special dog nail clipper is used, which will help you to pick it up in the store, depending on the size of the dog (and, therefore, the size and strength of the claw). You need to trim the puppy's claws from an early age. The length of the claw should not extend beyond the surface of the paw pads. Cut off carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels. Overgrown claws are not only unaesthetic, but can also lead to injury. Sharp edges must be filed after trimming.

How great an American or English Cocker Spaniel looks, the care and maintenance of which is at the proper level, how active and diligent the Russian Spaniel is - caring for a dog is not easy, but the result will pay off your efforts many times over.

American Cocker Spaniel puppies are funny and cute in appearance. There is a lot of potential hidden inside. It often happens that at the first glance at a Cocker Spaniel puppy, a person will fall in love with the breed forever. It is not surprising: a unique look, a funny "skirt", a constantly moving tail and incredible benevolence - allure and enchant. But do not think that puppies and adult dogs are simpletons, if necessary, they can become fearless protectors of the family.

Varieties of the breed

There are two types of cocker spaniels: American and English. American Cocker Spaniels belong to decorative subspecies of dogs, English Cocker Spaniels are intended more for hunting.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are usually easy to raise. They are playful, active and cheerful. The qualities have a positive effect on the health of the puppies. Often, English Cocker Spaniel puppies become stubborn and stubborn, demanding what is absolutely impossible. The transition period quickly passes, the puppies again become cute and obedient. A healthy English Cocker Spaniel puppy exhibits firm muscles, dense bones and a fine silky coat. The weight of a month old English Cocker Spaniel puppy is 1.5 kg. With proper and balanced nutrition, the puppy develops quickly without any health problems. Often breeders are concerned about the condition of the ears in Cocker Spaniel puppies. Healthy ears are pink in color, do not emit odor and sulfur. If dry sulfur appears, the substance is easily removed with a cotton swab. At the slightest deviation from the description of the condition of the ears, they turn to the veterinarian for an examination of the hearing organs.

American Cocker Spaniel puppies are similar in character to their brothers. They are considered decorative, but do not mind going hunting. Perhaps a small pet will start hunting a domestic hamster or an outdoor insect. Do not suppress instinctive actions, for the puppy this is a necessary game. American Cocker Spaniels need constant communication, alone they can become depressed and die. The American Cocker Spaniel and the owner are one.

Cocker Spaniel food

A cocker spaniel puppy is supposed to be fed exclusively correct and healthy food.

  • 40% of the total diet of a puppy is meat. It is recommended to give the puppies veal, beef or lamb. You can not feed the puppies with pork, with caution include chicken dishes containing bones in the puppy's diet. Offer your Cocker Spaniel puppy by-products (liver, kidney, lung) that contain a lot of nutrients needed by a growing body.
  • Include fish and fish dishes in your puppy's food. Bones are first removed from the fish.
  • It is forbidden to give bones to small puppies.
  • 40% of the diet is cereals and cereals. Dishes made from these products strengthen the immune system, promote physical development and fill the puppy's body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and useful carbohydrates.
  • Nutrition of your Cocker Spaniel puppy is important to make healthy, include vegetables and fruits in the food. Pieces of vegetables and fruits will be a reward for training.

Basically, Cocker Spaniel puppies show a good appetite. Breeders need to take into account the peculiarity of the breed and make sure that the puppies do not become overweight. Do not overfeed puppies, this will negatively affect the work of internal organs, which will lead to illness or death of the animal.

The breed was bred by artificial crossing, the main task of which was to become an ideal hunting dog.

In our time, the English Cocker Spaniel has retained not only the ability to hunt, but also has become an excellent sports breed with tireless energy that constantly sets the dog in motion.

If you are an avid hunter and want to buy an English Cocker Spaniel, you will definitely not be mistaken in your choice, it has a sharp nose and very well feels the mood of the owner. It copes well with hunting, both in the water and in the forest. Always ready to bring killed or wounded game. It is believed that before they were used even for falconry.

English Cocker Spaniel description and FCI standard

Purpose: gun dog, search and scare game.

FCI classification: Group of 8 retrievers, spaniels, water dogs. Section 2 spaniels, dogs per bird. With working tests.

Photo english cocker spaniel in red color with a wary look

General appearance: athletic, short in stature, proportionate build with strong bones and well-developed muscles.

Important parameters: the height from withers to ground is almost equal from withers to base of tail.

Personality / Temperament: cheerful, energetic, affectionate and loyal. It is very active on the hunt, the hunting passion is visible in the lively waving of the tail, especially when the English Cocker Spaniel follows the smell of the game.

Head: In proportion to the body, massive but not angular with flowing lines.

Skull: Well developed with clear lines, not overly graceful but not coarse either.

The transition from the forehead to the nose: moderately pronounced, between the nose and the occipital protuberance.

Nose: The nose is wide with well-open nostrils.

Muzzle: square.

Flews: neat, without excessive sagging.

Jaws / Teeth: Regular scissor bite, upper jaw closely overlapping the lower jaw. The teeth are even, white. The jaws are strong.

Cheeks: Not protruding.

Eyes: large, shiny, not protruding. Dark brown or brown in color. The eyelids fit snugly. For chocolate or chocolate white, dark hazel eye color is acceptable. The look is lively, soft, attentive and cheerful.

Ears: Long, oval tips, set at eye level. The edge of the ear should reach the tip of the nose. Densely covered with long, silky hair.

Neck: Medium length, well muscled, merging smoothly into the shoulders, without dewlap or folds.

Case: sturdy, compact.

Topline: Straight, no deflections, sloping gently from croup to root of tail.

Croup: short, wide.

Chest: Well developed, deep, moderately broad. Ribs gently curved towards the middle, false ribs are long.

Tail: Set slightly below the line of the back, carried not above the line of the back. If necessary, it can be stopped.

Docked tail(docking is allowed only in some countries): docked not too shortly, leaving 2-3 vertebrae and continuing the topline.

Undocked tail slightly curved, of medium size, extending to the hocks. Thick at the base with a gradual thinning towards the end. Densely covered with hair.

English cocker spaniel photo in wildflowers

Front limbs: smooth with strong bones. The articulation angles are moderately pronounced.

Shoulders: Set obliquely, flat, pronounced withers. The shoulder blades and shoulders are approximately the same.

Forearm: Straight, straight from elbow to wrist.

Elbows: Close to the body, pointing straight back.

Shoulders: Set obliquely, close to the body, elbows just below the withers.

Feet: Rounded, toes are tightly knit, firm firm pads. Strong nails.

Hind limbs: when viewed from behind, they are even, muscular, with strong bones. The articulation angles are moderately pronounced.

Upper thigh: Muscular, but not loaded.

Lower thigh: Muscular, approximately equal to the thigh. The knee joints are strong and well angulated.

Knees: Well bent.

Metatarsus: Short, well articulated with the hock, allowing a strong push off.

Feet: oval, toes are gathered in a ball, pads are elastic, nails are strong.

Movement: Smooth, confident, wide stride.

Wool cover: guard hair is soft, smooth, sometimes slightly wavy, but never coarsely curly; not too profuse and never curling. On the head it is short and thin, over the whole body of medium length. The English Cocker has a beautiful dressing coat that is not too long so as not to interfere with work in the field. It is trimmed to accentuate natural lines. The forelegs, bottom of the last, groin, and hind legs are covered with abundant hair.

English cocker spaniel color

Solid color:

  • Black
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Chocolate
  • Black and tan
  • Hepatic with tan

White is unacceptable for solid colored cockers. Only a small patch on the chest is allowed.

Spotted (light main background) and piebald (dark main background) colors:

  • Black and white
  • Red & white
  • Liver white
  • Pale white

Spotted and piebald can be with or without specks.


  • Black and white with tan
  • Liver-white with tan.

Roan colors:

  • Black roan
  • Chocolate roan
  • Red roan with black pigmentation
  • Red roan with brown pigmentation
  • Golden roan with black pigmentation
  • Golden roan with brown pigmentation
  • Ginger roan
  • Fawn roan
  • Hepatic roan
  • Blue roan and tan
  • hepatic roan and tan

All other colors or combinations not mentioned above are non-standard.

Disadvantages: Any deviations from the standard are considered as disadvantages, the magnitude of which depends on the depth of the impairment of the state of health, as well as affecting the ability to perform their traditional work.

Disqualifying Vices:

  • Expressed anger or shyness.

P.S. : Male dogs should have two distinct, normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

English cocker spaniel character

The English Cocker Spaniel is cheerful, sociable, and affectionate. But, despite his innate friendliness and sociability, he is extremely distrustful and wary of strangers.

Get along well with children, love to play with them.

Get along well with other pets. A loyal and cheerful disposition, makes the Cocker Spaniel a wonderful pet, perfect for keeping, both in a large family and a single person.

Most often, in the family, he becomes close to one specific person, for him he will be the main owner. The English Cocker Spaniel has a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight, making it an excellent hunter.

But, like many breeds, the spaniel has some drawbacks, its overly cheerful nature, and its ever-wagging tail, often exhibits some fussy movement, especially during training. Although, having gained patience, the owner will eventually overcome this character trait a little.

Photo of black english cocker spaniel on snow

This playful, cheerful, sympathetic and gentle dog by nature, she is sociable and ready to be with the owners all day, play and have fun.

There is an opinion that some individuals are overly dependent on their owner, in this case, it is very important to teach the pet independence. Sometimes there are quite timid and shy cockers, and it depends only on the owner whether he can overcome cowardice in his pet and raise her brave.

There is an opinion that bitches are more stubborn in nature than males, and they always try to dominate.

To different teams, English Cocker Spaniels learn quickly enough, as they always try to please the owner. Many of them are stubborn enough, then it will take more time to train. Some are jealous of their belongings, bowl, toys.

Like any hunting dog, it is very important for the Cocker Spaniel to get adequate exercise. They are able to accept any physical activity, and sometimes it seems that they do not get tired of hunting, but on the contrary, they work quite hard.

This feature is especially noticeable on the street, while walking. She loves active games and exercises. But before you get an English Cocker Spaniel, you should remember that you will have to take time every day for walking, playing, and various exercises for training your pet.

The English Cocker Spaniel is great for keeping in a country house or in the village, because the street and fields are its element. But he gets along well in a city apartment.

English cocker spaniel grooming

English cocker spaniel pictured mother with puppies

Although the English Cocker Spaniel is not a long-haired breed, you will have to work a little to make it look nice and tidy. You should remember that grooming is a daily job.

After all, wool without care will grow back and become thick, sometimes wavy, and then everything from weeds to dust will collect on it. This will be followed by the appearance of tangles, the fight against which becomes impossible.

Therefore, be patient, and teach your pet, when it appears in your house, to the procedure of daily brushing.

It should be taught as early as possible, otherwise an adult dog will resist all sorts of procedures.

To care for the fur coat of a spaniel (grooming), you will need the following tools:

  • two metal combs, one with fine teeth, the other with rare blunt teeth;
  • two brushes, massage and with short bristles;
  • slicker;
  • scissors - thinning;
  • blunt scissors with straight and curved ends;
  • electric clipper with various attachments;
  • grooming glove or mitten;
  • stripping knife and a piece of pumice

Examine your eyes for redness or excessive discharge, and if pus develops, see your veterinarian.

Check your teeth regularly to check for tartar.

Diseases of the English Cocker Spaniel

Chocolate English Cocker Spaniel photo between flowers

  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Allergy
  • Melanoma
  • Lipoma
  • Perianal adenocarcinoma (a benign tumor of the glands around the anus)
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism (thyroid disease)
  • Discopathy (degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs)
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Demodecosis
  • Deafness
  • Cataract
  • Keratoconjunctivitis
  • Progressive retinal degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Cherry eye
  • Turn of the century
  • Eversion of the century
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Distichiasis (additional eyelashes)
  • Dwarfism
  • Hydrocephalus of the brain (characterized by an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.

Caring for a spaniel does not require much work from the owner. The main thing is to allow the pet to throw out its energy, because in the urban jungle it cannot show its hunting talents as intended. The dog needs to be walked regularly, played with it at home and on the street.

Features of the content

There are 3 breeds of Cocker Spaniels - English, American and Russian. Their roots are the same, but there are differences. For example, the American Cocker can be seen more often at the exhibition than at the hunt. The main difference of the breed is the long glossy coat of uniform color. In theory, the American Spaniel is a hunting dog, but it does well in a calm environment.

Russian cocker is a descendant of English. When the British brought these pets to Russia, the breeders liked them. But it was necessary to make the breed more resistant to climate change or hunting conditions. After crossing different species of spaniels, breeders managed to breed a dog adapted to wooded, flat and swampy areas.

The common traits of all three types of spaniels are activity, playfulness, responsiveness, and dedication. Dogs become very attached to the owner, and if this is not controlled, the puppy can completely lose independence.

Cockers adapt their behavior to the situation. The pet behaves friendly with its owner and members of his family, he makes contact, gets along well with children and other animals. But the hunter's skills make the dog a good guardian if need be.

A not very pleasant trait of spaniels is the tendency to bark continuously, not always justified. This will make it difficult to keep a dog in an apartment. Some cockers are stubborn and willful, have an unshakable sense of ownership in relation to their toys.

Heat in female cocker spaniels begins at 7-10 months and lasts 21 days with a break of 5-6 months. In this, the breed is no different from others. Those who are going to breed puppies need to mate the dog with the male during the last 5 days of estrus.

Who can handle the breed

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel is easy. The main conditions of detention are attention to wool and regular outdoor games. It is better to have such a dog in a large family so that someone is constantly at home.

Cockers can be left alone, but not for long. Loneliness affects the psyche of the dog, it gets irritated, gets into the habit of constantly howling, barking and spoiling things. The spaniel is sincerely attached to only one person, but tries to please all family members, treats everyone with love.

This breed is suitable for older people who want to have a loyal companion in retirement. The spaniel will not let you get bored, will be a devoted friend, amuse you with your acting skills.

English and Russian cockers can be got by hunters. If you start raising your puppy right away, it will be a good companion by adulthood. Spaniels have a keen sense of smell, they do not stand up, but immediately rush to the prey, not giving it time to escape. When it finds itself in tenacious teeth, the cocker carries it to its owner neatly, holding it by the very edge so as not to damage it.

American Spaniels are winners of many shows and shows. If you want to compete, the breed's long coat and neat muzzle will win your heart.

All cockers can be safely left alone with children. You may even be away from home for a short while by handing over the reins to your dog. She takes such assignments seriously, not allowing the child to do anything wrong.

All this applies to well-bred dogs, who were shown in childhood who is the boss. If you constantly indulge the whims of a seemingly defenseless puppy, then as he grows up, his character will become unbearable - the pet will sit on your neck, considering himself the main one. The instructor will have to correct such errors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any dog, even a mongrel dog, requires grooming. Keeping a pet with a pedigree will take even more effort. Cocker Spaniels are not overly demanding. Pros of their content:

  1. Easy to train. They try to please the owner, so they master the commands without any problems.
  2. Cockers are smart. They quickly understand what should not be done and what will get away with them.
  3. They love to travel, they tolerate driving well. You don't have to leave your dog to someone close to you when you need to leave for a few days.
  4. Spaniels are loyal. They will not run away from you on a walk, they will not do things that upset you.
  5. Pets are easy-going. If you punish the dog, then it will understand everything, will not take revenge on you and after half an hour will forget about the incident.

But with these animals, not everything is so easy. They also have disadvantages:

  1. Gluttony. Cocker Spaniels will not give up another portion of food, even if they only destroyed a full plate. You will have to make sure that the pet does not overeat, feed him a balanced diet to avoid obesity.
  2. Selfishness. If you raise a dog incorrectly, it will act as it wants, ignore your commands, and arrange fights with other animals on a walk.
  3. Emotionality. Cockers become attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness. If you leave your dog alone for a long time, be prepared to damage furniture, clothing, and anything else your teeth can reach.
  4. A sense of ownership. Cockers are friendly to children, but if the child takes the cherished toy, a war will start.
  5. Demanding attention. Spaniels need a lot of time. While you are at home, play with the dog, feed it, pet it, scratch it. If this is not done, she will get bored and start looking for entertainment for herself, for example, she will try to test your slippers for strength.

What to buy

The dog should be comfortable in the house, it should have its own sleeping place. Get a bed or a house in advance. Other animals must not be allowed into the Cocker's abode, otherwise he will show aggression.

For a puppy, it is better to buy the cheapest collar and a regular leash without a tape measure. When the dog grows up and learns to walk next to you for a walk, pick up more expensive accessories. Choose toys carefully - spaniels love soft and groovy.

Think about what your pet will chew so that he does not choose furniture for this purpose. Buy tendon bones, but not too large for the dog to move to a comfortable place to begin with. You need a regular bowl, without a rack, but with high sides so that your ears don't get into it.

To care for your hair, you need a furminator or a regular brush, but combing out with it will take longer and not as efficiently. For water treatments, you will need shampoos and balms specifically for spaniels.

Cocker Spaniels are small in size, so they feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment. The dog needs to create a separate corner in order to immediately stop attempts to go to sleep in the owner's bed.

The pet can be kept outdoors only in summer - it is not adapted to cold weather. Create a comfortable booth with soft bedding and extra toys.

Cocker cannot be kept on a chain or in an aviary - he constantly needs freedom of action so that he can throw out energy.

The apartment can be equipped with a playpen for dogs. The pet is launched into it if the owners leave for a while. There should be a lot of space in the arena, toys should be put there so that the pet does not get bored and does not look for a way to escape.

Feeding rules

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of your pet. There are two diet options for the Cocker Spaniel - organic food and super premium dry food. If you don't have too much free time, buy ready-made formulations. Feed your dog natural food if you can spend time cooking every day - regular human meals should not be given to the spaniel.

In the first 2 months, the puppy needs to be fed 6 times a day with the same food as in the nursery, the amount of food is about 0.5 cups. The dog's weight should increase from 350-450 g to 4-5 kg. Establish a clear feeding schedule so your puppy knows when to wait for food.

After 2 months, liquid semolina or rice porridge with milk can be introduced into the diet. Minced meat and bone, grated carrots are added to it. The number of feedings is reduced to 5, and after four months of age - to 4. By this time, the weight of the dog is 8-10 kg.

Starting from the age of six months, the puppy is transferred to three meals a day. At this time, its weight is 11-13 kg. After 1 year, the dog is fed 1-2 times a day. The diet should be 80% protein and 20% carbohydrates.

The cocker menu should contain the following products:

Spaniels should not be given pasta, sausages, sausages, confectionery and river fish. Do not feed your dog fried, fatty and smoked, do not allow food from your table.

Hair care

The Cocker Spaniel needs to be taught from childhood to water procedures and combing so that an adult pet does not cause problems. Wash your dog only if the coat looks dirty. Before that, check that there are no tangles in it. Use special dog shampoos or baby products that won't dry out your skin. After the procedure, the pet should be rinsed well so as not to cause irritation.

It is better to take care of the coat with several brushes with metal, not too frequent teeth. Move along the growth of the hair in this order: neck, shoulders, back, sides, the outside of the legs, the area around the tail. Then take a softer brush and comb the ears (especially the inside), body, front legs, armpits, groin, hind legs and tail.

Take the comb with the closest teeth and remove the dead undercoat, then brush again with the main comb. If there are tangles, take them apart with your fingers or a soft brush.

The procedure is performed every 2-3 days. If you live in a private home and often release your dog to "free bread", you will have to comb it every day.

For a cocker haircut, it is best to call a groomer. He knows where to use the scissors and where the clipper, so as not to spoil the breed. Russian spaniels do not need to be trimmed.

Dental care

Once you have a puppy, teach him to periodically look in his mouth and check his teeth. Do this 1-2 times a week, then reward your pet with delicious food.

When milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones (at 6-7 months), they need to be cleaned once a month. Pick up a handy dog ​​brush and veterinary paste. The human one will not work, since the pet cannot be explained that it is necessary to spit out the remains and rinse the mouth. And aggressive substances will cause digestive problems. Regular dental care will prevent dental diseases.

Claw trimming

The Cocker Spaniel also needs to be taught to this procedure from childhood. The claws are cut with a veterinary pruner at an acute angle. First, you need to carefully examine them, find a pulp with an accumulation of blood vessels. You need to cut the claw at a distance of 2 mm from its tip.

If you cut too short, you can stop the bleeding with a veterinarian pencil or powder. If not, sprinkle flour on the injured finger. If not, wrap a bandage around the leg to stop bleeding. If it does not stop for more than 5 minutes, take your pet to the veterinarian.

Only cut nails for dogs that do not grind them while walking. If you are walking with your pet on the asphalt, this procedure is not required. If your favorite spots are public gardens or beaches, then trim your claws when they get too long, without waiting for the dog's health problems.

Diseases of the breed

On average, Cocker Spaniels live 15 years with good care. Usually dogs of this breed suffer from hereditary diseases. Before buying a puppy, check his vaccinations (they are indicated in the veterinary passport).

Frequent diseases in cockers:

  • nephropathy (kidney disease);
  • pathology of bones and joints;
  • eye diseases - conjunctivitis, eversion of the eyelid, retinal atrophy;
  • middle ear infections, deafness;
  • dermatitis, allergies, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (defect in collagen synthesis);
  • obesity.

If your dog is sick, see your veterinarian, do not try to cure it yourself. The doctor will find out what the problem is, carry out tests, select medications and dosage. Your job is to follow your veterinarian's instructions and take care of your pet.

Training Basics

Cocker Spaniels actively perceive training, but for this you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Timeliness. Start teaching your dog the commands from an early age, otherwise it will be more difficult later.
  2. Regularity. Work with your pet daily, otherwise it will forget the learned commands.
  3. Sufficient load. Cockers are hunting dogs, so develop their potential. In training, use more active teams.
  4. Tolerance. Don't scold your spaniel for training mistakes. The animal does not understand your speech, it needs time to get used to it.
  5. Game format. Get your pet interested and the training will go smoothly.
  6. Personal contact. If you consider yourself a Cocker master, do the training yourself, without entrusting it to other family members or trainers.

First, train your spaniel to respond to your nickname, so that it gets its attention. Then teach the command “place”, then “sit”, “to me” and “lie down”. An important stage of training is learning the word "no" or its alternative "fu". They are needed so that your apartment does not look like a place of hostilities.

Walks and games

Walking is the second favorite activity of cockers after meals. Walk your pet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and even better during the day. On the street, the pet must go to the toilet (this takes about half of the entire walk, since the animal can empty its bladder up to 10 times).

You need to play with the dog - let it bring you a ball or a stick. The second educational game is "Take away". Take a stick, but do not throw it - let the dog grab it from the other side. This is how the self-control of the spaniel develops. If he starts to behave aggressively, give the command "fu" and end the game. The walk should last at least an hour.


When acquiring a new family member, a happy owner asks many questions.

What kind of care is right? How to feed your pet? What diseases can he develop? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are small, funny and very interesting. But at the same time, they have great potential.

Very often, future owners fall in love with this at first sight. An inimitable look, funny "pants", a wagging tail and disinterested benevolence attract.

But you should not assume that representatives of this breed are peaceful in everything, if necessary, they will be able to fearlessly protect their family.

It should be noted that some puppies become too dependent on their owners, so you need to teach your pet to independence in time.

English Cocker Spaniels try to please their owner, because of this, they quickly and easily learn everything new.

True, some of these four-legged, are prone to frequent, loud and not always justified barking, which somewhat complicates their content.

Some pets show increased stubbornness and possessiveness, especially with their belongings.

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, and it consists in observing the basic rules. When purchasing a dog of the breed, the English Cocker Spaniel, people think that the puppy's coat does not need special care. In vain.

By the time the dog grows up, his coat will be very difficult to cope with. In addition, a dog that has not been taught from a very young age to such processes will resist becoming an adult, causing a lot of trouble to its owner.

At any age, you need to brush at least three times a week. For this, various coarse brushes and combs are used.


The Cocker Spaniel should be washed regularly, every month. Dogs are bathed using various remedies for dogs with long hair.

Special conditioners, heal the hair and have an antistatic effect.

After bathing, the dog is covered with a large towel and soaked in excess moisture. After that, proceed directly to drying using a hairdryer and brushes.


It is better to entrust the cut of an English Cocker Spaniel to an experienced groomer. Each dog has its own original proportions, and a poor-quality haircut will change the pet's appearance beyond recognition.

The specialist knows where it is better to sharpen the attention, and where, on the contrary, to hide the flaws. Ideally, after that, the cocker spaniel will look beautiful and natural, as if complicated procedures were not carried out on it.

Nail care

The claws of the animal should be trimmed regularly, as they grow back. For this procedure, special claws are purchased.

Dental care

Tartar periodically appears on the dog's teeth. It causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth, and over time, tooth decay can begin. You can get rid of this problem with the help of special tools, or by contacting a veterinary clinic.

In the first days, when the puppy appears in the house, you cannot leave him alone. Don't forget that the Cocker Spaniel is a pet dog despite its hunting instinct.

At home, don't tie your dog up. The English Cocker Spaniel, of any age, needs to move a lot in order for its skeleton and muscles to develop properly.

Prepare in advance a place where the puppy will sleep. Representatives of this breed are very gentle, sociable and love direct contact with the owner, so they always try to lie down next to them, on the sofa, but you should not pamper your pet too much.

The place should be located away from drafts and prying eyes. It is best if it is a bright and warm part of the room.

Try to make sure that the pets can see their owners from where they are. The material for the "crib" can be a children's mattress, it is covered with any natural fabric.

English Cocker Spaniels have an excellent appetite, they are in constant motion and require sufficient, high-calorie food.

From meat products, they use: beef, horse meat, chicken, liver. The main rule is not to feed your dog raw meat products.

Fish and vegetables. The fish is given cleaned of large bones, and the vegetables are pre-grated.

Also, for proper development, the four-legged friend must be fed with various cereals. Do not forget about the vitamin and mineral complexes developed for dogs, especially during the growth period.


When the care of the animal is correct, it rarely gets sick, but if all the rules of keeping are followed, health problems may appear.

Common diseases:

  • otitis;
  • distichiasis;
  • discopathy;
  • cherry eye;
  • entropion;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atopy;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • lipoma;
  • melanoma;
  • hepatitis.

In addition, dogs can suffer from demodicosis, deafness, dwarfism, and skin cancer.

Photo gallery

Let's take a look at pictures of an English Cocker Spaniel that gets along well with children and is friendly towards strangers. Despite the fact that he is a born hunter, he treats the rest of the household well.