Technology lesson.Working with paper. Applique works.Magic figures. Project "Magic paper Paper product magic figures presentation

Lesson 9 Paper work. Application work.

Products: "Magic Figures".

Assignments and materials in the workbook: "Magic Figures" (p. 14) and application.

Lesson objectives: introduce new material - paper (household use, properties, working methods, composition); present the methods of working with paper: gluing, cutting, drawing, folding, ironing with a trowel; to form skills of safe work with scissors; present markup rules using templates and folding; to consolidate the skills of connecting parts of the product with glue; learn to make symmetrical figures; learn to use the ironing board; improve cutting skills; continue to develop the skill of drawing up a work plan based on slides; to form ideas about the methods of rational work, to cultivate a careful, economical attitude to the material.

Planned results:

Subject: know the options for using paper in practical life; use in practical work techniques for working with paper; connect parts with glue; save material; use a trowel when folding paper; learn to use tools when drawing blanks (pencil, eraser ).

Personal: formation of the ability to organize the workplace and follow the rules for the safe use of tools and materials for the high-quality performance of the product; the formation of a positive attitude towards work.

Regulatory: the ability to compose a composition of symmetrical figures according to the model; plan practical activities on slides; act according to plan;

Cognitive: explore the properties of paper; comprehension of the algorithm for the execution of symmetrical figures; observe in practical work the rules for working with scissors, the rules for marking with a template, bending; analyze the object in order to identify symmetry

Communicative: development of the ability to jointly discuss the stated issues; the ability to accurately express one's thoughts.

Basic terms and concepts: pattern, symmetry, rules of safe work.

Resources and equipment.

At the teacher: textbook, workbook, “Paper” cluster (an illustrative row can be prepared for it), scissors diagram, colored paper, thick paper or cardboard, scissors, ironing board, glue, finished product.

For students: textbook, workbook, colored paper (it is advisable for the teacher to prepare sheets of colored paper: 4 colors for each), scissors, ironing board, glue, glue tools.

During the classes:

Introductory part(8 min.).

Teacher: “In the past lessons, we got acquainted with two materials - plasticine and natural materials, today we have to get acquainted with new material that a person encounters every day and which helps him. Various products are made from this material, it is used in printed materials, it is painted, written on, it can be transparent and colored, thin and thick. Has anyone guessed what material will be discussed today? (students make assumptions, eventually come to the correct answer: paper). What else do you know about paper? How does it help a person? Do we really face it every day? Students express their assumptions, the teacher writes down the students' answers in a cluster diagram, the information of which he offers to check during the lessons on paper. The cluster can also be used in the following classes.

Approximate scheme.

According to the students' answers, the teacher concludes that paper is a material for writing, printing, and also for other purposes. What is paper made from? Students can answer that it is made of wood, at this stage, clarification is not required ..

The teacher offers to open the textbook on page 32 and complete Vanya's task: look at the drawings and answer how paper is used (for writing, packaging material, for printing).

At the same time, the cluster acquires new features:

Texts can be replaced with illustrations, photographs.

In addition to the proposed material, it can be said that paper is used as a finishing material, for example, walls are pasted over with wallpaper; as a cleaning material - napkins, toilet paper; in the production of money - this information can also be filled in the cluster.

Teacher: “Let's read the dialogue between Anya and Vanya under the picture. So what is paper made from? The guys offer to conduct an experiment and find out what properties paper has. Let's remember what properties are. A property is a quality, a sign that makes up a distinctive feature of someone or something.

We conduct an experiment, observe, draw a conclusion (3 min.)

The teacher, together with the children, performs the actions described in the textbook.

Teacher: “We will perform the actions described under the sign “We carry out experience, observe, draw conclusions. Let's tear a piece of paper first. (students also tear a piece of paper). Did it work? Yes, it turned out, so the paper is torn - this is one of the properties of this material. What do we see at the break point? At the site of the break, we can see the fibers. What kind of fibers are we can read the definition in the "Young Technologist Dictionary". Fiber - a thin unspun thread of vegetable, mineral or artificial origin.

Now let's try to crease the paper, we managed to do it, which means that the paper is crumpled.

Does the paper burn? Of course, yes, probably, many of you have observed how easily it catches fire, I use it to make it easier to kindle the stove, kindle a fire. So the paper is on fire.

Let's read the conclusion that Anya made on page 32 after describing the experiment.

Teacher: “So, we got acquainted with some properties of paper. But in the manufacture of products, we will use another property of paper, namely, paper can be cut with scissors.

Which of you has already worked with scissors? What is this tool? Let's look at it, what parts does it consist of? The teacher can demonstrate the scissors in the diagram.

Scissors - a cutting tool of two sliding blades with handles. To put it simply, scissors are two knives connected together. Elements of scissors: handles, canvas, blade. The edges of the canvases are sharpened - these are blades, and their ends are rounded. Scissor handles end in rings. Scissors can cut a piece of any shape. To make it easy to work with them, you need to check whether the mounting assembly is well adjusted. Scissors should be easy to spread. The main requirement for this tool is to ensure easy movement - the blades must be bred without much effort.

Teacher: "Let's get acquainted with the rules for working with scissors on page 33 of the textbook." When studying the rules, the teacher demonstrates all the actions to the class, if necessary, calls assistants to him. Also, after reading each rule, students explain why it is necessary to do this and not otherwise. The basic rules are aimed at ensuring the safety of working with the tool. After reading, he asks to read Anya's words under the photographs.

Teacher: “Listen to the poem about scissors and tell me what kind of scissors it is talking about and what rule is mentioned in the poem?”


(A. Barto)

Grandfather Misha, an old gardener,

Near the path, the shrubs were cut,

I cut the branches, removed the dead wood -

Let the thick bush turn green!

Grandfather was called, he shouted: - I'm coming! -

And in a hurry he left in the garden

New garden shears.

Grandpa's son-in-law walked along the bush,

He sees scissors - how not to take them.

How not to prune shrubs in the garden,

If on the bench they lie in plain sight

New garden shears?!

He trimmed one branch slightly,

A hand reached out to another branch,

Branch after branch he began to cut,

Fortunately, my grandfather's son-in-law came to his senses.

He caught himself: - I'd better go! -

But, unfortunately, he left in the garden

New garden shears.

Grandfather's grandson walked along the bush,

He was walking, whistling something... And suddenly...

Suddenly, unfortunately, he saw in the garden

New garden shears.

They ask in the hands of the boy.

He whispers: - I will cut one branch. -

The thread has been cut off. (Hear the crunch?)

The bush becomes thinner and thinner:

Click, click, enter the taste

New garden shears.

I would be glad to come to my senses grandfather's grandson,

Can't let go of the scissors

He whispers like a prisoner of scissors:

I'll cut this one! Here is this one!

Hear, hear

Clipping scissors?

Shrugging leaves

Green skin...

bare rods

Hanging out on the path

Left from the bushes

Horns and legs.

Dear friends!

Keep in mind -

Dangerous in the garden

Leave in sight

New garden shears!

Teacher: “Since we will work with paper, we will consider the methods of working with this material on pages 34-35. Consider it yourself (tear, cut, glue, draw, cut, fold, iron with a trowel, pierce, cut, tear off)”. Students clarify what they may not understand. Here it is necessary to discuss the use of such a device as a trowel, what it is, how it is used. A smoother, or folding, is used to more clearly fold the paper; it is such a flat stick, the edge of which is passed over the paper (the teacher demonstrates this action).

Teacher: “Our practical work will be related to patterns. Let's find out what it is."

A template is a plate with cutouts, along the contour of which drawings or some products are made.

this is a device that can be made of thick paper, cardboard, thin plywood or other durable material that has the shape of a part necessary for work.

So, the template must be made of some dense material, it is drawn around the outer contour.

A template stroke is one type of markup. The marking is an image on the material of the contours of the part that will then need to be cut out. Simply put, markup is a drawing.

Teacher: “Let's look at the photos at the bottom of page 37, can you find figures that have symmetry among the objects. What is symmetry, let's see in the Dictionary of a Young Technologist. Symmetry - the arrangement of parts of an object, in which on both sides of the median line of this object all parts are an exact repetition. That is, if you divide a symmetrical figure in half, then on one side and the other there will be the same pattern, the same shape, as in a mirror.

Workbook. Product analysis. Working with a plan.(5-7 min.)

This product can be performed (finished) during extracurricular activities.

Magic figures.

Teacher: “Our practical work will be connected with symmetrical figures, we will learn how to cut them out of paper and make an application.

Let's take a look at our product. We will answer the questions of the young technologist.

1. What will I do? (We will make an application). What can you call this work?

2. What materials and tools will I need to work? (1 sheet of thick paper or cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, glue, scissors, pencil).

3. How will I do the work? In what ways? We will use templates for work, we will cut out the details with scissors.

4. We will draw up a work plan. First, we will draw all the details, that is, we will make the markup using templates, then we will cut out all the details, that is, cutting, and then we will glue everything, that is, we will assemble it.

5. How can I use the product? You can make a frame or insert it into a finished one and give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

We will answer the last question by summing up the results of the work.

Product manufacturing. (20-25 min.)

Teacher: So, let's get down to practical work. First we need to prepare templates. To do this, open the workbook application, find the “Magic Figures”, cut out the proposed figures with scissors along the contour. Remember the rules for working with scissors. What are these figures, name.

Markup. Now put the templates aside, we will work on the first point of our plan, namely the markup, for this we need to fold colored paper. To do this, we will use the rules proposed in the textbook on page 37. Put a sheet in front of you on the table with the colored side up (the teacher demonstrates all the stages of work), bend it away from you so that the bottom side coincides with the top, iron the fold line from the middle to edges first with the edge of the palm, then with a trowel. We will do the same operation with all sheets of colored paper.

Invite one or several students to comment on their actions - how we sequentially fold a sheet of paper.

We will attach the templates cut from the application to the resulting fold. Choose the color that matches the shape. When arranging the templates, you need to remember to save material in order to use it next time, so place it closer to the edge of the sheet. Press the template firmly with your left hand, take a pencil in your right hand, start tracing the template, tilt the pencil slightly to the side in the direction of movement, do not move the template from its place, finish tracing at the point where you started (rules for working with the template on page 36 of the textbook) . We will also circle all the patterns.

cutting. Now cut out all the details along the line. Please note that we do not unfold the paper. We work carefully, remember the rules of working with scissors. If you expand the cut out parts, you will see what you got. In this way, you can make any symmetrical figure.

Assembly. After all the details are cut out, now you need to place them on cardboard and glue them. But first, let's draw a hill and grass on a dense sheet - our background. Now place all the details, glue. Who remembers how to glue? We put the part on the backing sheet, glue the wrong side from the center to the edges with glue. Put on cardboard, lapping sheet on top and blot with a cloth. So we glue all the details. After we wash the brush and wipe it with a cloth.

Let's summarize.(3-5 min.)

An exhibition of works is being held. Students tell if they managed to cut out symmetrical shapes, what they liked, how they will name their picture. Is the job done neatly? Pupils highlight the works they like and explain their choice.

Find symmetrical figures and talk about them in the next lesson.

The electronic application for the lesson includes 3 sections: "New material", "Video", "Do it yourself".

To review the material from the previous lesson, use the "Do It Yourself" section. It contains information about paper, its properties, tools for working with paper.

The "New Material" section provides information on the origin, use and types of bookmarks for books.

It is better to accompany the work on making a bookmark with material from the "Video" section.

Products: "Magic Figures"

Lesson objectives: introduce new material - paper (household use, properties, working methods, composition); present the methods of working with paper: gluing, cutting, drawing, folding, ironing with a trowel; to form skills of safe work with scissors; present markup rules using templates and folding; to consolidate the skills of connecting parts of the product with glue; learn to make symmetrical figures; learn to use the ironing board; improve cutting skills; continue to develop the skill of drawing up a work plan based on slides; to form ideas about the methods of rational work, to cultivate a careful, economical attitude to the material.

Planned results:

Subject: ).

Personal: formation of the ability to organize the workplace and follow the rules for the safe use of tools and materials for the high-quality performance of the product; the formation of a positive attitude towards work.




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“Technology lesson. Working with paper. Applique works.Magic figures.»

Technology lesson. Paper work. Application work.

Products:"Magic Figures"

Assignments and materials in the workbook: "Magic Figures" (p. 14) and application.

Lesson objectives: introduce new material - paper (household use, properties, working methods, composition); present the methods of working with paper: gluing, cutting, drawing, folding, ironing with a trowel; to form skills of safe work with scissors; present markup rules using templates and folding; to consolidate the skills of connecting parts of the product with glue; learn to make symmetrical figures; learn to use the ironing board; improve cutting skills; continue to develop the skill of drawing up a work plan based on slides; to form ideas about the methods of rational work, to cultivate a careful, economical attitude to the material.

Planned results:

Subject: know the options for using paper in practical life; use in practical work techniques for working with paper; connect parts with glue; save material; use a trowel when folding paper; learn to use tools when drawing blanks (pencil, eraser ).

Personal: formation of the ability to organize the workplace and follow the rules for the safe use of tools and materials for the high-quality performance of the product; the formation of a positive attitude towards work.

Regulatory: the ability to compose a composition of symmetrical figures according to the model; plan practical activities on slides; act according to plan;

Cognitive: explore the properties of paper; comprehension of the algorithm for the execution of symmetrical figures; observe in practical work the rules for working with scissors, the rules for marking with a template, bending; analyze the object in order to identify symmetry

Communicative: development of the ability to jointly discuss the stated issues; the ability to accurately express one's thoughts.

Basic terms and concepts: pattern, symmetry, rules of safe work.

Resources and equipment.

At the teacher: textbook, workbook, “Paper” cluster (an illustrative row can be prepared for it), scissors diagram, colored paper, thick paper or cardboard, scissors, ironing board, glue, finished product.

For students: textbook, workbook, colored paper (it is advisable for the teacher to prepare sheets of colored paper: 4 colors for each), scissors, ironing board, glue, glue tools.

During the classes:

Introductory part(8 min.).

Teacher: “In the past lessons, we got acquainted with two materials - plasticine and natural materials, today we have to get acquainted with new material that a person encounters every day and which helps him. Various products are made from this material, it is used in printed materials, it is painted, written on, it can be transparent and colored, thin and thick. Has anyone guessed what material will be discussed today? (students make assumptions, eventually come to the correct answer: paper). What else do you know about paper? How does it help a person? Do we really face it every day? Students express their assumptions, the teacher writes down the students' answers in a cluster diagram, the information of which he offers to check during the lessons on paper. The cluster can also be used in the following classes.

Approximate scheme.

burns well


According to the students' answers, the teacher concludes that paper is a material for writing, printing, and also for other purposes. What is paper made from? Students can answer that it is made of wood, at this stage, clarification is not required ..

The teacher offers to open the textbook on page 32 and complete Vanya's task: look at the drawings and answer how paper is used (for writing, packaging material, for printing).

At the same time, the cluster acquires new features:



For print



For writing


Texts can be replaced with illustrations, photographs.

In addition to the proposed material, it can be said that paper is used as a finishing material, for example, walls are pasted over with wallpaper; as a cleaning material - napkins, toilet paper; in the production of money - this information can also be filled in the cluster.

Teacher: “Let's read the dialogue between Anya and Vanya under the picture. So what is paper made from? The guys offer to conduct an experiment and find out what properties paper has. Let's remember what properties are. A property is a quality, a sign that makes up a distinctive feature of someone or something.

We conduct an experiment, observe, draw a conclusion (3 min.)

The teacher, together with the children, performs the actions described in the textbook.

Teacher: “We will perform the actions described under the sign “We carry out experience, observe, draw conclusions. Let's tear a piece of paper first. (students also tear a piece of paper). Did it work? Yes, it turned out, so the paper is torn - this is one of the properties of this material. What do we see at the break point? At the site of the break, we can see the fibers. What kind of fibers are we can read the definition in the "Young Technologist Dictionary". Fiber - a thin unspun thread of vegetable, mineral or artificial origin.

Now let's try to crease the paper, we managed to do it, which means that the paper is crumpled.

Does the paper burn? Of course, yes, probably, many of you have observed how easily it catches fire, I use it to make it easier to kindle the stove, kindle a fire. So the paper is on fire.

Let's read the conclusion that Anya made on page 32 after describing the experiment.

Teacher: “So, we got acquainted with some properties of paper. But in the manufacture of products, we will use another property of paper, namely, paper can be cut with scissors.




Which of you has already worked with scissors? What is this tool? Let's look at it, what parts does it consist of? The teacher can demonstrate the scissors in the diagram.

Scissors - a cutting tool of two sliding blades with handles. To put it simply, scissors are two knives connected together. Elements of scissors: handles, canvas, blade. The edges of the canvases are sharpened - these are blades, and their ends are rounded. Scissor handles end in rings. Scissors can cut a piece of any shape. To make it easy to work with them, you need to check whether the mounting assembly is well adjusted. Scissors should be easy to spread. The main requirement for this tool is to ensure easy movement - the blades must be bred without much effort.

Teacher: "Let's get acquainted with the rules for working with scissors on page 33 of the textbook." When studying the rules, the teacher demonstrates all the actions to the class, if necessary, calls assistants to him. Also, after reading each rule, students explain why it is necessary to do this and not otherwise. The basic rules are aimed at ensuring the safety of working with the tool. After reading, he asks to read Anya's words under the photographs.

Teacher: “Listen to the poem about scissors and tell me what kind of scissors it is talking about and what rule is mentioned in the poem?”


(A. Barto)

Grandfather Misha, an old gardener,

Near the path, the shrubs were cut,

I cut the branches, removed the dead wood -

Let the thick bush turn green!

Grandfather was called, he shouted: - I'm coming! -

And in a hurry he left in the garden

New garden shears.

Grandpa's son-in-law walked along the bush,

He sees scissors - how not to take them.

How not to prune shrubs in the garden,

If on the bench they lie in plain sight

New garden shears?!

He trimmed one branch slightly,

A hand reached out to another branch,

Branch after branch he began to cut,

Fortunately, my grandfather's son-in-law came to his senses.

He caught himself: - I'd better go! -

But, unfortunately, he left in the garden

New garden shears.

Grandfather's grandson walked along the bush,

He was walking, whistling something... And suddenly...

Suddenly, unfortunately, he saw in the garden

New garden shears.

They ask in the hands of the boy.

He whispers: - I will cut one branch. -

The thread has been cut off. (Hear the crunch?)

The bush becomes thinner and thinner:

Click, click, enter the taste

New garden shears.

I would be glad to come to my senses grandfather's grandson,

Can't let go of the scissors

He whispers like a prisoner of scissors:

I'll cut this one! Here is this one!

Hear, hear

Clipping scissors?

Shrugging leaves

Green skin...

bare rods

Hanging out on the path

Left from the bushes

Horns and legs.

Dear friends!

Keep in mind -

Dangerous in the garden

Leave in sight

New garden shears!

Teacher: “Since we will work with paper, we will consider the methods of working with this material on pages 34-35. Consider it yourself (tear, cut, glue, draw, cut, fold, iron with a trowel, pierce, cut, tear off)”. Students clarify what they may not understand. Here it is necessary to discuss the use of such a device as a trowel, what it is, how it is used. A smoother, or folding, is used to more clearly fold the paper; it is such a flat stick, the edge of which is passed over the paper (the teacher demonstrates this action).

Teacher: “Our practical work will be related to patterns. Let's find out what it is."

A template is a plate with cutouts, along the contour of which drawings or some products are made.

 this is a device that can be made of thick paper, cardboard, thin plywood or other durable material that has the shape of the part necessary for the job.

So, the template must be made of some dense material, it is drawn around the outer contour.

A template stroke is one type of markup. The marking is an image on the material of the contours of the part that will then need to be cut out. Simply put, markup is a drawing.

Teacher: “Let's look at the photos at the bottom of page 37, can you find figures that have symmetry among the objects. What is symmetry, let's see in the Dictionary of a Young Technologist. Symmetry - the arrangement of parts of an object, in which on both sides of the median line of this object all parts are an exact repetition. That is, if you divide a symmetrical figure in half, then on one side and the other there will be the same pattern, the same shape, as in a mirror.

Workbook. Product analysis. Working with a plan.(5-7 min.)

This product can be performed (finished) during extracurricular activities.

Magic figures.

Teacher: “Our practical work will be connected with symmetrical figures, we will learn how to cut them out of paper and make an application.

Let's take a look at our product. We will answer the questions of the young technologist.

1. What will I do? (We will make an application). What can you call this work?

2. What materials and tools will I need to work? (1 sheet of thick paper or cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, glue, scissors, pencil).

3. How will I do the work? In what ways? We will use templates for work, we will cut out the details with scissors.

4. We will draw up a work plan. First, we will draw all the details, that is, we will make the markup using templates, then we will cut out all the details, that is, cutting, and then we will glue everything, that is, we will assemble it.

5. How can I use the product? You can make a frame or insert it into a finished one and give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

We will answer the last question by summing up the results of the work.

Product manufacturing. (20-25 min.)

Teacher: So, let's get down to practical work. First we need to prepare templates. To do this, open the workbook application, find the “Magic Figures”, cut out the proposed figures with scissors along the contour. Remember the rules for working with scissors. What are these figures, name.

Markup. Now put the templates aside, we will work on the first point of our plan, namely the markup, for this we need to fold colored paper. To do this, we will use the rules proposed in the textbook on page 37. Put a sheet in front of you on the table with the colored side up (the teacher demonstrates all the stages of work), bend it away from you so that the bottom side coincides with the top, iron the fold line from the middle to edges first with the edge of the palm, then with a trowel. We will do the same operation with all sheets of colored paper.

Invite one or several students to comment on their actions - how we sequentially fold a sheet of paper.

We will attach the templates cut from the application to the resulting fold. Choose the color that matches the shape. When arranging the templates, you need to remember to save material in order to use it next time, so place it closer to the edge of the sheet. Press the template firmly with your left hand, take a pencil in your right hand, start tracing the template, tilt the pencil slightly to the side in the direction of movement, do not move the template from its place, finish tracing at the point where you started (rules for working with the template on page 36 of the textbook) . We will also circle all the patterns.

cutting. Now cut out all the details along the line. Please note that we do not unfold the paper. We work carefully, remember the rules of working with scissors. If you expand the cut out parts, you will see what you got. In this way, you can make any symmetrical figure.

Assembly. After all the details are cut out, now you need to place them on cardboard and glue them. But first, let's draw a hill and grass on a dense sheet - our background. Now place all the details, glue. Who remembers how to glue? We put the part on the backing sheet, glue the wrong side from the center to the edges with glue. Put on cardboard, lapping sheet on top and blot with a cloth. So we glue all the details. After we wash the brush and wipe it with a cloth.

Let's summarize.(3-5 min.)

An exhibition of works is being held. Students tell if they managed to cut out symmetrical shapes, what they liked, how they will name their picture. Is the job done neatly? Pupils highlight the works they like and explain their choice.

Find symmetrical figures and talk about them in the next lesson.

The electronic application for the lesson includes 3 sections: "New material", "Video", "Do it yourself".

To review the material from the previous lesson, use the "Do It Yourself" section. It contains information about paper, its properties, tools for working with paper.

The "New Material" section provides information on the origin, use and types of bookmarks for books.

It is better to accompany the work on making a bookmark with material from the "Video" section.

"Properties of paper" - Conclusion: Napkin. Experience number 2. Experience number 5. Flammability of paper. Paper origami. The study of the properties of paper. Experience No. 1 Moisture resistance of paper. Writing paper. There are many types of paper. Types of paper. But different papers have different burn rates. paper properties. Galimzyanova Alina. Conclusion: all paper is on fire. Crafts from colored paper.

“Paper toys” - Markozova Margarita Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, school 521 of the Krasnogvardeisky district. We make a square from a rectangle. Folding flower. Content. Folding paper toys. Choose a paper shape. Cat and dog. Information.

"Papermaking" - And later they learned to write on clay tablets. 5. Immerse the screen into the resulting solution. Spread the cellulose evenly over the mesh surface. Use a hair dryer to remove the paper from the screen. Paper production. Homemade paper products. How to make homemade paper. Khan Batu makes a census of the population of Russia.

"Paperwork" - Glue only the bottom of the sheet to the base. Don't forget to make cuts for fastening on the lining. For the stem, roll up a tube from a strip of tissue paper. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time. Equipment: 1) cardboard, paper, napkins; 2) glue; 6) scissors, stapler; 7) audio recording. 13. It turned out a magnificent flower.

"Working with paper" - And gifts made with your own hands are the best! We draw a petal on the eye. Tools and Materials Plan: Everyone loves gifts. From the history of the holiday: Glue colored paper to cardboard. Then glue the edging to the cardboard. We cut through the ribs of each petal deeper, but not to the very center. Working process:

“Paper Folding” - Origami (Jap. “folded paper”) is the ancient art of folding paper figures. Origami paper can be any color. With the help of coloring, you can diversify the figures and create entire series. Crane. Photocopy paper meets these requirements. Initially, origami was used in religious ceremonies.