Web uk pension. State management company PFR "Vnesheconombank" (VEB). Whether to count on a state pension

Since 2003, the site has been a state management company for trust management of pension savings; since 2012, the site has also been performing the functions of a state management company for payment reserve funds. The site's activities as a state management company are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and other federal executive bodies. Observing the absolute priority of the interests of insured citizens, the site invests pension savings in order to ensure their growth with a minimum level of risk.

Today the site manages the funds of about 39 million future retirees, including the so-called "silent" who have not chosen for themselves any of the portfolios of the state management company or the portfolios of private management companies and have not transferred their savings to non-state pension funds. The site also manages the funds of citizens who have chosen one of the portfolios of the state management company.

In accordance with the agreements on trust management of pension savings, concluded by the website with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the state management company invests pension savings, returns the funds of pension savings to the founder of the management - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to exercise the rights of insured citizens to receive a funded pension, and on other grounds, prepares reports on the activities of trust management of pension savings for submission to the Bank of Russia, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a specialized depository. In the manner and terms established by regulatory enactments, the site discloses information on the activities of the state management company in the field of forming pension savings on its website.

The site, as a state management company for trust management of pension savings, forms two investment portfolios: an extended investment portfolio and an investment portfolio of government securities. Portfolios are formed by the site in accordance with investment declarations approved by the RF Government Resolutions of September 1, 2003 No. 540 and of October 24, 2009 No. 842.

Asset composition of investment portfolios site for placing pension savings

Extended investment portfolio:

  • mortgage-backed securities;
  • bonds of international financial organizations;

Investment portfolio of government securities:

  • government securities of the Russian Federation;
  • bonds of Russian issuers secured by state guarantees of the Russian Federation;
  • funds in rubles and foreign currency on trust accounts with credit institutions.

As a state management company, the site also manages two investment portfolios: the portfolio of the payment reserve and the portfolio of funds of insured citizens who have been assigned an urgent pension payment.

In accordance with the investment declarations approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2012 No. 550, the funds of these portfolios can be invested in the following types of assets:

  • government securities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • bonds of Russian issuers, including those secured by state guarantees of the Russian Federation;
  • mortgage-backed securities;
  • funds in rubles and foreign currency on trust accounts with credit institutions;
  • deposits in rubles and foreign currency;
  • bonds of international financial organizations.

the site separates each investment portfolio, formed at the expense of pension savings, from other investment portfolios, other property held by the site in trust or on other legal grounds, as well as from its own property. A separate balance sheet is kept for each investment portfolio. For each investment portfolio, the site opens separate accounts in credit institutions that meet the requirements of the law, separate accounts in credit institutions serving trade organizers, in international settlement and clearing centers, in depositories, including a specialized depository.

In order to determine the strategy for investing funds transferred to the state management company, the Committee for Trust Management of Pension Savings Funds (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) has been created on the site. The committee is a permanent collegial working body of the site. The Committee determines investment plans, as well as measures to limit risks in the process of trust management of pension savings, establishes additional criteria and requirements for investing pension savings, makes decisions on organizational and technological support for the process of trust management of pension savings.

In order to protect the rights and interests of insured persons, as well as to identify and prevent conflicts of interest in the framework of trust management of pension savings, the site approved the Code of Professional Ethics of the State Development Corporation "site", which carries out activities related to the formation and investment of pension savings. The Code defines measures aimed at preventing the misuse of confidential information in the framework of trust management of pension savings, possible conditions for a conflict of interest and measures to prevent it.

In order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, the site has created an effective internal control system. Control is carried out at all stages of transactions on trust management of pension savings.

To ensure security and counteract unauthorized access to internal information resources on the site:

  • the physical access of unauthorized persons to the premises of the site is limited, designed to carry out operations for the trust management of pension savings;
  • a certain status is assigned to each user using a system of individual passwords;
  • different levels of access for authorized employees to information constituting banking and other secrets, protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been established;
  • access to data on trust management of pension savings in the operating day system of the site and other systems used in the site has been delimited.

The liability of the state management company to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for violation of agreements on trust management of pension savings as a result of possible unlawful actions of third parties or intentional or unintentional actions of employees of the state management company is insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 111-FZ dated July 24, 2002 “On Investing” funds for financing funded pension in the Russian Federation ”. Insurance contracts are concluded annually with the largest insurance companies of the highest level of reliability.

In 2018, by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated
On July 12, 2018 No. 814, the performance of the website of the functions of the state management company for trust management of pension savings and the state management company of the payment reserve funds was extended for another five years - until January 1, 2024.

Old age seems to be some kind of distant event. Like this is what will happen to everyone else, but certainly not to us. Nobody is going to approach the border of old age, to lose some of their physical and mental abilities. But nature in this regard is cruel, she is not interested in other people's considerations. That is why you should find out in advance about the options for managing your own savings from "VEB UK Extended"- what is this?

Benefits of state pensions

Previously, most of the population counted on help from the state, a decent pension was one of the guarantees of a good existence after the termination of professional activity. The instability after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise in the level of economic enlightenment played a role. But there is a few reasons, for which you should not rely solely on your own strength:

  1. Lack of organization... It's hard to force yourself to save a certain amount every month when there are other expenses.
  2. From mandatory payments to the pension fund no one will free it, so the family budget will have to be cut a little.
  3. Inflation... Its level depends not only on the degree of development of the economy. Any financial crisis raises this indicator significantly.
  4. Still relative low level of economic literacy of the population... This will complicate the task of saving funds, which already speaks of their increase.
  5. Lack of any insurance or guarantees from the state or other structures in case of failure.

How to ensure old age on your own?

But a person may find himself in a more difficult situation when there are only 10-20 years of work experience left, and there are only a few entries in the work book. Even with official employment and a "white" salary until the end of employment, it will be difficult to count on at least some kind of pension. If you find yourself in such a seemingly hopeless situation, proceed according to the following scenario:

  • Take action urgently. Time is already short.
  • Do not rely solely on children. They may prove to be a reliable support in the future, or they may not cope with the provision of financial assistance.
  • It is better to put the accumulated funds in trust. Nowadays, many companies promise to increase your capital through investments.
  • Never keep all funds in one bank or in accounts with one company. From time to time, even large offices cease to exist. One can only hope for compensation payments.

Vnesheconombank advantages

For those who are at the beginning of their career path, it is worth considering choosing this very management company. Vnesheconombank has been offering its services in this industry for over ten years and has never failed to disappoint its clients' expectations. Maybe not every year could be called successful, but the organization has saved the funds of its clients, and has also increased it over the past decade. There is a few reasons why it is worth choosing Vnesheconombank as your management company:

  1. More than ten years on the service market... During this time, a solid customer base has been built and lucrative concepts have been developed.
  2. Availability of all necessary government documents- everything is in order with the company's licenses and permits.
  3. State as a co-founder... Therefore, the clients of the office can hope for some support from other government agencies, even in difficult years.
  4. Profitability statistics... All of them are freely available, any owner of access to the network can get acquainted with them.
  5. The choice between several interesting schemes allowing you to get even more profit.

Which management company should you choose?

The company offers its clients two types of investment portfolios.


Government securities

If a new client has not insisted on another portfolio, he will automatically be offered this one.

When concluding a contract, it is necessary to inform employees which portfolio you are interested in.

Showed a loss only in 2008, for the entire period of its existence. Less than half a percent went to the minus.

Also, only one year with a negative profit margin. But this was in 2014 and already by 2%

The investment list can include almost anything.

Portfolio assets are limited to government securities

A more flexible instrument thanks to the presence of international assets. This can play a cruel joke if brokers are indiscreet.

Strongly depends on the economic situation within the country. A prolonged systemic crisis can lead to disastrous consequences.

Usually, a comparative description gives a clear idea and an answer to the question - which is better? But not in our case, because these are only two proposed options for managing your funds, each of them is good in its own way. And each of them is not devoid of certain drawbacks, it all depends on the economic situation.

Before betting on one of the types of management, assess objectively the current state of affairs, familiarize yourself with modern forecasts. This will help you make the right choice and save money.

What is VEB Management Company "Extended"?

So we found out what is hidden behind these abbreviations:

  1. VEB is the good old Vnesheconombank.
  2. UK is a management company.
  3. "Extended" is just the name of an investment portfolio.

As a client of the organization, you will be able to get more detailed information on the managers and the general strategy for the investment of funds. But, of course, no one will reveal all the cards in front of an ordinary client. All that is enough to know:

  • The office has not been seen in any dubious deal over the past decade.
  • Has 100% government support.
  • Like many other organizations, it goes through not the easiest stages of its existence.
  • But at the same time it copes well with the assigned tasks.

Entrusting the savings that have been acquired over the years of backbreaking toil to someone outside is not an easy task. But if you are convinced that you cannot cope on your own, you should resort to the help of professionals. All you need to know about VEB UK Extended is that it is the best possible choice.

Video about "VEB"

Previously, most of the population counted on help from the state, a decent pension was one of the guarantees of a good existence after the termination of professional activity. The instability after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise in the level of economic enlightenment played a role. But there is a few reasons, for which you should not rely solely on your own strength:

For those who are at the beginning of their career path, it is worth considering choosing this very management company. Vnesheconombank has been offering its services in this industry for over ten years and has never failed to disappoint its clients' expectations. Maybe not every year could be called successful, but the organization has saved the funds of its clients, and has also increased it over the past decade. There is a few reasons why it is worth choosing Vnesheconombank as your management company:

State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)"

  • check the investment operations of pension savings for compliance with the requirements of the legislation;
  • control transactions and other operations that may lead to a conflict of interest;
  • carry out official checks on the facts of violation by Vnesheconombank employees of their duties in the process of carrying out activities related to investment of pension savings;
  • ensure coordination of work with the audit organization during the annual audit of accounting and financial (accounting) reporting on the formation and investment of pension savings, including those included in the payment reserve, as well as financing payments from pension savings.
  • investing pension savings exclusively in the interests of insured persons;
  • investing pension savings wisely and in good faith;
  • ensuring the reliability, liquidity, profitability and diversification of investments;
  • ensuring the confidentiality of information.

Vnesheconombank Management Company Review

As of today, about 52 million of future pensioners have been transferred to Vnesheconombank, including the so-called “silent people” who have not chosen for themselves any of the portfolios of GAMs or portfolios of private management companies, and have not transferred their savings to NPFs. Vnesheconombank also manages the funds of citizens who have chosen one of the portfolios of the GAM.

The State Institution Management Company manages two portfolios that make it possible to effectively invest citizens' funds in various financial instruments. By default, funds were channeled into an extended investment portfolio that could provide more stable returns. However, a citizen can independently submit an application to the PFR on the choice of a portfolio of government securities that guarantees an increased level of reliability.

Pension contributions to the state management company Vnesheconombank

In the Russian Federation, a working citizen was offered a choice of one of the options for forming a pension. More precisely, if the worker until the end of 2015 was a person who was born in 1967, then he definitely had to choose how his future pension would be formed. So, for example, you can transfer your pension savings to Vnesheconombank or another NPF at your discretion.

Interesting! Now there is only one GUK in the Russian Federation. The savings in it are formed at the expense of investment income. At the same time, it is useful to know that Russian legislation provides, in order to protect funds, to invest only in those assets that can be called low-risk.

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A collection of answers to your questions Attention PAMs), with which the PFR has concluded trust management agreements, showed an average return of only 0.94% at the end of 2014, ”the RF Pension Fund said in a statement. Today, the management companies hold pension savings of citizens, formed for the period until the end of the first half of 2013. In 2014 and 2015, all insurance contributions under the MPI are directed to the formation of only an insurance pension.

Old age seems to be some kind of distant event. Like this is what will happen to everyone else, but certainly not to us. Nobody is going to approach the border of old age, to lose some of their physical and mental abilities. But nature in this regard is cruel, she is not interested in other people's considerations. That is why you should find out in advance about the options for managing your own savings from VEB UK Extended - what is it? Benefits of state pensions Previously, most of the population counted on help from the state; a decent pension was one of the guarantees of a good existence after the termination of professional activity.

The majority of Russians preferred to leave their savings with the PFR - 41.9 million people, or 54.8% of the participants in the funded system. Their savings are invested by 36 management companies (MC), said Alexander Popov, director of the trust management department of VEB, but most of the funds are about 1.8 trillion rubles. - VEB itself invests. His remuneration is 200 million rubles. plus 0.02% of the average net asset value. The money of the taciturns is in an expanded portfolio, some citizens deliberately chose a state manager and donated funds to the second portfolio of VEB's savings - this is a portfolio of government securities, its size is 27 billion rubles. By managing this portfolio, VEB earned 11.4% per annum for future retirees. Popov explained the difference in yields between portfolios by the fact that in the extended one more than 30% are non-revalued corporate bonds and bonds with an inflation-linked coupon (yield at the inflation rate + 1%). A year ago, in the first six months, the yield on the expanded portfolio was 11.5% per annum, on the portfolio of government securities - 11.7% per annum. The decrease in yields compared to last year was caused by a general decrease in the yields of government and corporate bonds associated with a decrease in inflation and the key rate of the Central Bank, Popov explained.

Citizens who left their pension savings in the Russian Pension Fund, the so-called silent people, did not lose: in the first half of 2019, VEB earned for them 8.8% per annum on the expanded portfolio. This is twice as much inflation - it was 4.4% in annual terms (from July 2019 to July 2019).

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Thus, the profitability is higher than that of the expanded portfolio of VEB, shown by 29 portfolios of non-state management companies. The leader in terms of profitability was Alliance Investments Management Company, with which, by the way, the PFR did not renew the agreement on the trust management of pension savings under the mandatory pension scheme. The return on the Balanced portfolio received by Alliance-Investments is more than 2 times higher than the indicators for both VEB portfolios - it amounted to 20.45%. The TOP-5 leaders in terms of profitability also included MC Solid Management with 12% profitability, Ingosstrakh-Investments - 11.03%, Aton-Management - 10.8%, Capital - 10.6%.

The Pension Fund of Russia published data on the return on investment of pension savings for the third quarter of 2013. More than a third of private management companies that worked with OPS funds during these nine months showed higher returns on pension portfolios than VEB.

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Earlier, VEB reported that the total income from investing pension savings that are under its management in 2015 amounted to 237.3 billion rubles. Moreover, in October-December 2015 alone, the investment of pension savings brought 70.6 billion rubles. “The absolute size of investment income from the expanded portfolio has become a record for 11 years of managing pension savings,” said Popov (quoted by Interfax).

The profitability of the expanded portfolio of pension savings, in which 1.99 trillion rubles is concentrated, at the end of 2015 amounted to 13.15% per annum. The return on the portfolio of government securities (22.7 billion rubles) was 15.31% per annum. The state manager was able to overtake inflation, which at the end of the year amounted to 12.9% per annum.

09 Jul 2018 4880

In the Russian Federation, a working citizen was offered a choice of one of the options for forming a pension. More precisely, if the worker until the end of 2015 was a person who was born in 1967, then he definitely had to choose how his future pension would be formed. So, for example, you can transfer your pension savings to Vnesheconombank or another NPF at your discretion.

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Choosing a convenient option for providing

Changes in legislation in early 2015 stipulate that a pension can be provided in several ways:

  • form only the insurance part of savings and abandon the funded part;
  • provide for both savings and insurance savings.

Until now, many people cannot understand what each of these options represents. In fact, everything is not so difficult.

The insurance part is the basis, having which the future pension in any case will be guaranteed to the person. However, its final size will depend on numerous factors, namely the situation in the state and its budget.

The funded part is organized only by professional market participants and is an obligatory part of the future pension of a citizen, if he chooses that option.

Advice! Caring for your comfortable old age should begin from the first days of employment in an official job.

Where to place your savings

The right to choose is given to every citizen. He independently determines his funded component:

  1. in the state Fund, while choosing the management company (management company) independently;
  2. in NPF, but already without the right to choose the management company, which the fund itself selects according to its own rules and discretion.

In the first case, there are 2 options for the development of events:

  • to choose the state management company (GUK), which today is the well-known bank - Vnesheconombank;
  • another Criminal Code, which is non-state, which exists in our country a lot, but only 38 were allowed at the beginning of 2018.
Important! Vnesheconombank, being the managing company of the PFR, is a fully state-owned corporation.

Vnesheconombank and future pension

So, if it was decided that VEB Management Company would be your management company, then it is worth knowing some important points.

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that the FIU and non-state funds are not directly involved in the management of the transferred finances. For these purposes, there are specially created UCs - public and private.

Interesting! Now there is only one GUK in the Russian Federation. The savings in it are formed at the expense of investment income. At the same time, it is useful to know that Russian legislation provides, in order to protect funds, to invest only in those assets that can be called low-risk.

Thus, a strong alliance between the pension fund and the VEB Management Company has its advantages and possible disadvantages.

Placement of savings in VEB

The GUK assumes the submission of applications for its choice only through the territorial branches of the fund. It will be necessary to additionally provide:

  • SNILS (certificate with a unique individual number);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document confirming his identity.
Advice! In the usual way, the application is submitted in person. You can issue a power of attorney for your representative and apply through him. In this case, the authorized person also needs to have a passport with him.

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Investment portfolio

When transferring your funded part to the bank's management company, you need to take care of choosing an investment portfolio:

  • basic variety;
  • extended version.

They differ from each other in the direction of the securities and bonds of which they are composed. In the first case, it deals only with state-owned companies and enterprises. In the second case, international participants in the financial market also appear.

Interesting! An interesting fact is that the so-called "silent" people who have never entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the management company are transferred to an expanded portfolio. In order to develop an investment strategy in relation to the money transferred to Vnesheconombank, a special Committee for Trust Management of Pension Savings Funds has been established.

VEB profitability issues

Having pension savings in VEB, you definitely need to know about profitability. It is calculated according to several indicators, depending on the calendar periods.
It is noteworthy that Vnesheconombank's information on pension savings, namely profitability, can be found in the public domain.

Important! Also, like the non-state pension fund, VEB Management Company has its own official Internet sources for informing citizens. In addition, Vnesheconombank transfers all pension savings to the user's personal account.

Making a profitable choice

The accumulated part of the pension in Vnesheconombank, or rather, under its management, has its advantages, since investment is carried out in less risky assets - government securities.
And private management companies in the amount of 38 (at the beginning of 2018) have the right to invest money in shares of other private companies.

Vnesheconombank (VEB) functions as a non-state pension fund (NPF). This will be done as part of the transformation of the funded system into an individual pension capital (IPC). Earlier, proposals were discussed to transfer savings to private NPFs in proportion to their assets, or even turn them into points.

Double bottom solution

On the one hand, since 2008, the accumulated profitability of most NPFs was inferior to the profitability of the VEB management company. This negatively affected the Russian pension system as a whole - financial losses also entailed a blow to the reputation of non-state funds.

In this regard, the proposal to endow VEB with the functions of a private pension fund will be perceived by the "silent" as an undoubted plus - their accumulations will actually remain under the dome of the state management company. In addition, for some Russians, VEB's conservative investment strategy is a guarantee of peace and safety of their pension savings.

On the other hand, such a decision will have a negative impact on the pension industry as a whole. Many Russian NPFs were counting on the funds of pension savings held by the PFR. The creation by the state of a major player in the IPC market reduces potential competition.

This will force NPFs to intensify campaigns to attract "silent", which may negatively affect the cost of attracting, as well as cause possible fraud on the part of pension agents. As a result, this will negatively affect the financial stability of the funds themselves.

However, the appearance of a new major player on the part of the state cannot be called the nationalization of the pension system. In fact, the landscape of the pension market remains unchanged - Russians can choose between the huge state-owned VEB, large non-state pension funds, most of which are connected in one way or another with the state, as well as a number of small private pension funds.

It should also be borne in mind that all the latest initiatives of the Central Bank are aimed at tightening the requirements for the quality of NPF assets. This was the reason for strengthening control over risk management services, for conducting stress tests and improving information disclosure procedures. All this is quite costly for small NPFs, which will lead to a further reduction in their number.

Will there be "long" money in the country

The main question connected with the introduction of the PKI is how efficiently the new pension money system will work. The reform has a lot of undermining factors - these are the crisis phenomena in the economy caused by the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, and the general distrust of citizens in the pension system.

Also, Russians can be repelled by the very nature of contributions to the pension system: if pension savings were a mandatory "tax" that was deducted by the employer, then IPC are voluntary contributions deducted from the employee's salary.

Thus, both insurance companies and banks offering similar investment products and deposits will be able to compete for potential "long-term" pension funds.

To increase the interest and involvement of citizens in the IPC system, additional measures of economic incentives are needed - tax incentives and the inclusion of pension capital in the guarantee system. An important aspect is the conscious choice by citizens of a pension fund that will manage their savings.

The pension system in its current state may find itself in a situation where it will take a considerable time (from 5 years or more) to reach full capacity, which will undoubtedly cause a flurry of criticism from skeptics.