Retirement of men in Russia. Early exit on vacation for women. Conditions for establishing preferential length of service for retirement

It is believed that it is this age that is optimal for sending a person to a well-deserved rest. However, experts are increasingly saying that this is not the case. On average in the world, a person is sent to retire if he is over 60-65 years old. And it doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman - the conditions are equal for everyone.

Optimal age for retirement

As for men, the issue of raising the retirement age threshold is quite complicated. This is due to the fact that the average life expectancy of representatives of a strong half of humanity in Russia is only 60 years. And this means that many will not even have time to retire. Therefore, raising the retirement age for men is simply inappropriate.

As for the ladies, their average life expectancy is about 73-75 years. This means that retirement in the prime of life - at 55 - is not always justified.

Naturally, we are not talking about those cases when a woman has serious illnesses. If the lady is healthy and energetic, she can safely continue to work on.

Preferential pension

About 34% of the total, according to the Ministry of Social Development, are categorized as beneficiaries. The concept appeared in connection with the fact that there are a number of industries where the age of workers entering a well-deserved rest is noticeably lower than the generally accepted one.

So, for example, the standard access to a preferential pension should be made 5 years earlier than usual, i.e. women at 50, men at 55. However, there are industries that are equated to the category of harmful (hot shops, chemical industry, etc.). Such workers are offered even more benign conditions. The retirement age in this situation dates back to 50 for men and 45.

However, in order to receive such a benefit, you need to work in production for a certain number of years. For women, this period is 7.5, for men - 10 years.

In addition, mothers with many children, parents of disabled people, disabled people themselves, emergency workers, etc. have the right to a preferential pension. According to statistics, 73% of preferential pensioners continue to work, receiving both a pension and a salary at the same time.

What is planned to be done

For several years now, rumors have been circulating in society that the government plans to raise the retirement age. The parliamentarians themselves are trying to come up with various other schemes that will solve the pension problem with minimal losses for the budget and citizens.

For example, one of the proposals is to find ways to stimulate later retirement. In this case, options for higher rates for the pension part, etc. are offered.

Some legislators are proposing to limit the payment of pensions while they attend work.

So far, from all the proposed initiatives, the people have not chosen a single suitable one - one that would satisfy everyone. However, the search for an ideal solution continues to this day. And perhaps soon a consensus will be found.

Everyone is faced with the concept of retirement age. For this reason, it is necessary to know what should be the age at which women leave for a well-deserved rest earlier than men, despite the fact that, according to statistics, the former live ten years longer than the latter.

Retirement Age Law

More than eighty years ago, the retirement age was established for men and women, based on which the retirement age occurs at 60 and 55 years. respectively. Since then, the age limits have not changed.

Not long ago, the government proposed changing the retirement age. This is due to the fact that almost every third pensioner continues to work after retirement. For this reason, the government has proposed changing the age to allow people to work longer for their own benefit.

In 2017, the retirement age in Russia remains the same as it was during the Soviet Union: women go on vacation at 55, and men at 60. However, some changes are being introduced this year. All citizens employed in public service must retire later.

Pension for women

The retirement age for women in Russia depends on the type of benefits granted and working conditions. If a woman works in a hazardous job, she may retire earlier.

To retire at the specified age, you must also have the appropriate seniority. According to the new law, by 2025 the minimum length of service should be 15 years.

An innovation was the introduction of a point system. According to the government's plan, women will be able to retire at 55 by 2025 if they have 30 points and 15 hp. experience.

It was decided to approach these indicators gradually, increasing the number of experience and points every year. This year, the minimum length of service is eight years, and the number of points is 11. The next year, the length of service should be nine years.

Pension for men

The retirement age in Russia is higher for men than for women. Under current legislation, the stronger sex has the right to apply for a pension at the age of 60. At the same time, the conditions for assigning payments are almost the same as for women.

Change in retirement age

In the past few years, every citizen has been interested in the issue of increasing the retirement age. The latest proposal from the government voiced the need to raise the retirement age in Russia to 65. However, there will be no sharp increase. The plan is a gradual increase in the age of citizens who are going to go on a well-deserved rest. The new rules apply only to civil servants. For people working in other fields, the age range will remain the same.

Early exit on vacation for women

Early retirement is provided for women. Anyone who:

  1. Worked for seven years in hazardous jobs. In this case, women can go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 45 with 7 years of work experience.
  2. Upon reaching the age of 50, a woman can retire if she had difficult working conditions, when working on the railway transport, in the subway, as well as those who raised 8 or more children.
  3. At 50, those who have two or more children and have worked for at least 12 years in a COP or 17 years in an area equated to a COP can leave.

If a woman permanently resides in the Far North and is engaged in reindeer herding, the retirement age begins at 45.

Northern pension

The retirement age in Russia in the Far North differs from the generally accepted one. Every citizen working in such conditions can count on benefits.

A year of work experience in the northern regions is equal to 9 months of work in the conditions of the COP. With the development of 15 years of experience, you can go on a well-deserved rest. In this case, the age of a citizen should be 45 and 50 years, respectively, for women and men. However, some types of work activities allow you to go on vacation before the established time (women at 40, men at 45), if their work is associated with health risks.

Retirement age for military personnel

The retirement age in Russia for a man depends not only on the length of service, but also on his rank. Admirals, colonel generals retire at the age of 65. A major-general and a rear-admiral can go on a well-deserved retirement five years earlier. Colonels and captains retire at the age of 55. The rest of the military are eligible to apply for the appointment of benefits at the age of 50, but these rules apply only to men. Military women have the right to go on a well-deserved retirement at the age of 45.

In connection with the increase in the retirement age, people of a more mature age may go to work in the civil service, since changes in the pension legislation have also affected the age of candidates for open vacancies. For example, they can now take on contract service newcomers without experience at the age of 30. For 20 years of military service, a person manages to get the necessary experience and calmly go on a well-deserved rest.

Last updated February 2019

In June 2018, the pension reform started (on June 16, 2018, a bill on raising the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma).

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe reform was to increase:

  • standard retirement age (65 years for men, 63 years for women);
  • the age limit for the disabled (70 - men, 68 - women),
  • the age level of certain categories (medical workers, teachers, theater workers, workers of the Far North, etc.).

Now the law is undergoing parliamentary proofreading, as well as an assessment of public opinion and collection of wishes and suggestions from the population. What is happening has received a great resonance. Some amendments have already been made to the bill.

On August 29, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation made his contribution to the reformation aimed at softening the provisions of the project.

The main points are as follows:

  • the general retirement age for women will be 60;
  • women with children will be given the right to early retirement (3 children 3 years ahead of schedule, 4 children 4 years earlier, 5 or more children will allow them to retire at 50);
  • the reform will not affect benefits for the indigenous peoples of the North, victims of the Chernobyl accident, certain preferential categories (chemical and hot shops, miners, etc.);
  • the length of service for getting ahead of schedule will be reduced (37 years for women and 42 for men, instead of the current 40 and 45, respectively);
  • those who are currently, on the eve of retirement, are given the right to take a well-deserved rest six months earlier than the due date, that is, a man at 59.5 years old, and women at 54.5 years old.

But this is only an outline so far. Will the deputies adopt the law, and in which edition time will tell. And now the situation is the same as before.

Currently, to retire to a paid old-age pension and receive certain benefits, it is necessary to have the following facts:

  • retirement age (for men at the onset of 60 years, for women - 55 years);
  • the presence of a minimum 6-year insurance experience;
  • the value of the individual coefficient from 6.6.

The required length of service will gradually increase: from 6 years in 2015. up to 15 years old by 2024 And the individual pension coefficient will grow by 2.4 points annually until it reaches 30.

Early retirement

The legislation of our country guarantees a citizen the right to receive a paid old-age pension and receive certain benefits. The grounds for a general pension are regulated by Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 400.

But, there are a number of federal regulations that clearly regulate the grounds for early assignment of retirement pensions.

Early retirement pension at 50 and earlier: list of persons and conditions for appointment

Articles 30, 31 and 32 of the Federal Law No. 400

Articles 30, 31 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 ensure the guaranteed assignment of a labor pension to citizens whose work experience includes the following periods:

  • Work in special territorial conditions;
  • Activities associated with special working conditions;

The list of bases is individual and quite extensive (). For example, it includes:

  • women who have raised more than 5 children, parents and guardians of children with disabilities.
  • the right to early retirement belongs to disabled people: due to military trauma, with pituitary dwarfism, having the first group of vision.
  • citizens permanently residing or working in the Far North and areas equated to it, persons employed in underground, mining industries, doctors in rural areas, etc.

Professions that allow early retirement due to harmfulness are indicated by lists 1 and 2, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR on January 26, 1991.

The procedure for assigning an early pension

    • When can I contact the PF? The appointment of a pension occurs from the day of application, but not earlier than the day the right to it arises. Before contacting the territorial branch of the PF, it is advisable to consult with its specialists or in the personnel department about the required list of documents.
    • How to submit documents? An application for an early appointment of a pension and the necessary certificates can be submitted by a citizen in person or sent by post. The day of receipt of documents or the date on the postmark and will be considered the day of treatment. They are confirmed by a hand-given or mailed receipt.
    • If the list of documents is incomplete? The person has the right, on the basis of the explanation of the PF employee, to convey the missing documents. If the 3-month period from the date of receipt of the explanation is observed, the date of applying for a pension remains the day of receipt of the application.
    • How long does the PF take to consider the application? The Pension Fund is obliged to consider the application and make a decision on the appointment within 10 days.
    • Can they refuse? In case of refusal, the citizen must be notified of this within 5 days. The notice must indicate the reasons and the procedure for the appeal.

Early retirement in case of liquidation of the enterprise or reduction of personnel

Young people everywhere are dear to us, but an employee of pre-retirement age, who has lost his job for the above reasons, often experiences difficulties in finding a job. There is also a way out of this situation - to issue retirement earlier than the established deadlines.

The most essential condition for the appointment of early provision is the age of the reduced. The period remaining until retirement age cannot exceed 2 years. That is, in the absence of other conditions, early retirement:

  • for women is provided only at 53 years old,
  • early retirement for men - at 58 years old.

The following conditions must also be met:

  • Dismissal only due to a reduction in the number of personnel or during the liquidation of the enterprise. Other reasons, such as personal desire or medical reasons, are not provided for by law.
  • Availability of 25 years of insurance experience - for males, 20 years - for women. The length of service may be less than the established one, if the conditions stipulated by the above article 30, 31, 32 FZ are present.
  • A citizen must be recognized as unemployed and registered with the Employment Authority.
  • There should be no vacancies on the exchange corresponding to the education, vacancy and qualifications of the person who has been laid off.

The right to early assignment of a pension is denied to citizens who have offenses that led to the termination of the appointment of social benefits (reduction of its size), or who refused to work for suitable vacancies 2 times.

Rules for registration and appointment of early retirement pension

For a working citizen after dismissal
  • The employer is obliged to pay the employee severance pay within a 2-month period.
  • If during this time it was not possible to find a new job, payments from the former job are terminated, the citizen receives the status of an unemployed and the right to receive benefits (if he independently registered with the Employment Center). The term for its payment is also limited by the time frame and is no more than 12 months.
For unemployed people of pre-retirement age

For unemployed people of pre-retirement age who have an insurance record of more than 20 years for women and 25 years for men, the payment of this subsidy may be extended. Every year, worked in excess of the length of service, extends state support by 2 weeks.

If the employees of the service have difficulties with the selection of vacancies, they will offer the unemployed person in writing to take advantage of the right to early retirement. With this direction, the person must apply to the ROPF. This must be done within a month, otherwise the application will become invalid. The only valid reason for extending the term is an illness confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work. If the answer from the pension fund is positive, the status of unemployed is canceled and the payment of a pension is assigned. An early pension is paid until the beginning of the retirement age, then the transfer of the insurance old-age pension is carried out.

Pension payments are compensated by the PF from the budget of the employment center. Therefore, the latter, when the quotas are exceeded, are often refused referrals. If a future pensioner is faced with an unjustified refusal in his opinion, he can file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor or can challenge the decision in court.

If a citizen finds a job or opens a business

Then the payment of an early pension is terminated and resumed only after the dismissal or closure of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Therefore, it is worthwhile to decide in advance on the choice (pension or salary) that gives the greatest income. About all changes (also about the onset of the age provided for receiving an old-age insurance pension), a citizen must independently notify the offices of the PF.

A package of documents for submission to the regional branch of the PF

Employees of the Pension Fund may require the following additional documents confirming:

  • Change of personal data (full name);
  • The presence of disabled members and dependents in the family (birth certificates, documents confirming their full-time education);
  • Work experience in the Far North, at especially difficult and hazardous enterprises;
  • Assigning disability, etc.

Calculation of the size of pension payments

The amount of early retirement pension is calculated in the same way as the method for determining the old-age pension and depends on:

  • From the amount of payments to the Pension Fund;
  • From wages.

Early retirement pension is also subject to government indexation and recalculation. In parallel, the citizen is given the right to receive service payments.

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Unlike some countries, the pension system operating in our country provides for different retirement ages. for men and for womenequal to 60 and 55 years respectively.

But these indicators are generally established for all citizens with some caveat: for those who have the required minimum experience and the accumulated sum of individual points.

  • For those citizens who could not earn this experience and collect the minimum number of coefficients, a social pension aged 65 years old men and 60 years old women.
  • For citizens who work in hazardous and difficult jobs, the state has provided for an additional reduction in age, taking into account the requirements for length of service in the relevant types of work.

Granting an old-age pension

For example, if a citizen decides to apply for his pension 5 years later, then his fixed amount will be increased by 36%, and the insurance part of the pension by 45%.

Moreover, such a right to increase the pension payment was also granted to the current recipients of the pension. They can refuse the amount received for a period at least a year, then at the subsequent establishment of the payment to them, special coefficients will also be applied.

In addition, the new rules for calculating pensions stimulate citizens to work longer and earn more. The size of the future payment will directly depend on these indicators. It is only important that the salary is official, with which the employer will pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The right to pensions for all citizens of the country is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 39), and the procedure for assigning and paying money is established by a number of Federal laws. The conditions for assigning a labor pension for women and men have some differences, the main of which is the legally defined age limit for receiving benefits.

Age restrictions for receiving a pension from men

The Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” (No. 400, December 28, 2013) established the age criterion for receiving an insurance pension (by age) for men at the age of 65. After the onset of the specified age and subject to a number of conditions regarding the duration of work and the number of pension points, retirement of men in Russia is formalized after submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The law provides for additional benefits that provide a citizen with the opportunity to go on vacation before the established limit of 65 years.

Men whose professional activities are listed in the List of Occupations, Industries with Dangerous and Harmful Working Conditions can apply for a pension several years earlier. The specified List (PP of the USSR No. 10, 01/26/1991), including over 1700 types of work and divided into 2 lists, is applied in accordance with Federal Law No. 400 (Article 30) and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation (No. 665). .According to List No. 1, a man can retire at 50 years of age, with at least 10 years of experience in the relevant types of work and 20 years of insurance experience. According to List No. 2, you can leave at 55 years of age, experience in the relevant types of work at least 12, 5 years and insurance experience 25 years.

The possibility of early retirement (Article 32 of the Federal Law No. 400) is provided for:

  1. Citizens who have received a disability due to injury during military service. Payments are assigned from 55 years old, if the applicant has accumulated insurance experience in the amount of at least 25 years.
  2. Disabled people of group 1 for diseases associated with the organs of vision, from 50 years of age with work experience not less than 15 years in the indicated areas and the duration of the insurance period not less than 25 years.
  3. Those who worked in the regions of the Far North and who have reached 55 years of age with 15 years of experience.
  4. Men who have worked in the Far North for at least 7.5 years or worked in areas equated to the Far North regions when transferring the length of service comes out 7.5 years (1 year of work in the localities \u003d 9 months of the Far North). 25 years. The pension is assigned with a decrease in the generally established age - for 1 year of work it will be reduced by 4 months.
  5. Living in the Far North and equated localities, who have worked as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters and hunters. The right of retirement arises after the onset of 50 years with the accumulated insurance experience in the amount of 25 years or more.
  6. Men with pituitary dwarfism (lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs over 45 years old with more than 20 years of experience.
  7. The father of a disabled child or disabled child from childhood, who raised him until the age of 8 years (Provided that the spouse did not retire on the same basis). The right to retire arises at 55 years of age, with an insurance record of at least 25 years.
  8. A guardian of invalids from childhood, who brought up until reaching the age of 8. In this case, the retirement age will be reduced by 1 year for every 1.5 years of guardianship, but not more than 5 years. The insurance experience must be at least 20 years.
Important: Men with at least 42 years of insurance have the right to apply for a pension 2 years earlier.

The pension reform also affected citizens whose professions are related to creativity, medicine, teaching and public service.

For medical, pedagogical workers and persons of creative activity, the following is provided:

For male civil servants:

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General conditions for granting a pension

Since 2015, as a result of reforming the pension system, there are 2 types of payments in the country - insurance (labor) and funded. Labor is divided into types: by old age (by age), by loss of the breadwinner, by disability.

To receive an old-age payment, a man must meet legal requirements (Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 400):

  • the citizen must reach the age established by law;
  • he must have the required amount of insurance experience (the duration of the receipt of the transfer of contributions to the Pension Fund of the country);
  • he must be credited with a certain number of pension points (personal coefficient).

The length of service required for granting benefits increases by 1 year annually:

  • in 2019 it was 10 years old;
  • by 2024 will increase to 15 years.

The current value of the sum of required points (IPC) is from 16.2 units.

The calculation of the duration of labor activity is made on the basis of contributions to the Pension Fund by employers, which is possible only when a citizen is officially registered at the place of employment and registered in the pension insurance system (OPS).

Benefit in the absence of seniority

A citizen who does not have official confirmation of employment and who carries out activities without signing contracts or other official registration can pay insurance premiums on his own. To do this, you need to contact the PF branch with a statement about the desire to independently pay payments for the accumulation of insurance experience.

Otherwise, only a social old-age pension will be available to a man. This type of budget allowance is not associated with the presence of seniority and is assigned from 70 years.

Calculation of the amount of insurance payment

Amount of pension by age by the new calculation procedure is calculated in points based on the amount of insurance premiums for the GPT. Further, when assigning a specific amount of subsidy, points are converted into rubles.

On the official website of the PF of the country, you can find out the number of points available to the employee (at the time of the request for information) and the forecast for the annual size (based on the received wages).

Through the Unified Portal of Public Services, it is possible to obtain data on the state of your personal account, the balance of funds on it and the frequency and size of transfers.

P \u003d IPK x SIPK + EF, where

IPK - personal pension coefficient,

SIPK - the cost of a point (one pension coefficient),

PV - fixed payment


By 2019, Ivanov, who plans to retire by age, had accumulated 97 points. There are no bonus coefficients, Ivanovs will not continue their further work.

VF in 2019 is 5334.19 rubles.

PC is equal to 87.24 rubles.

The amount of the allowance will be RUB 13,796.47. (97 * 87.24 + 5334.19).

Attention! The amount of the benefit will increase if it is not issued immediately after reaching the age limit. If after the onset of 65 years a man works for another 5 years, then the value of the fixed payment will increase by 36%.

The procedure for assigning a pension

To obtain insurance coverage, a man must submit an application to the PF department, multifunctional center (MFC) or to the personnel structure at the place of work.

The document can be provided:

  • personally by the applicant for benefits;
  • sent by letter through the Russian Post;
  • in electronic form through a personal account on the website of the PF RF.

You should apply for this question no later than 30 days before the planned holiday. You can also contact the FIU six months before retirement for a preliminary reconciliation in order to be able to prepare the necessary package of documents.

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Documents presented for registration

The list of documents required upon retirement for men in Russia to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 958, November 28, 2014) includes:

  • applicant's identity card (passport);
  • confirmation of registration (place of residence);
  • a document on registration in the insurance system (SNILS);
  • documents for confirming employment (work book, contracts, certificates);
  • military ID;
  • marriage certificate ( if there is a change of surname).

If the man who applied is entitled to an increased amount of the benefit, then supporting documents must be provided (about residence in the Far North, about employment in agriculture).

Attention! PF employees may require clarification of some circumstances on the documents received or the provision of additional information. Download for viewing and printing:

Payment of funds

The assignment of the amount is made within 10 working days after the transfer to the Pension Fund of the application and the necessary documents.
Confirmation of the appointment of the payment is a certificate issued to the citizen of the established form.

If the PF has questions about the documents or an incomplete set of information is provided, then the applicant is given 3 months to eliminate the comments. In this case, the payment processing will begin upon the submission of a complete (supplemented) package of documents, and not from the moment the application is received.

Payment is made for the current month. At the choice of the applicant himself, the method of delivery of the subsidy is established:

  • to a bank account;
  • to the post office;
  • on house.

At the request of a pensioner, money can be received by an authorized person, for whom a power of attorney is duly issued.

Advice! In order to avoid misunderstandings and other unpleasant moments when assigning payments, it is important to be interested in the formation of your own pension even during the period of active labor activity. You should control the completeness and timeliness of payment of contributions by employers and keep abreast of changes in the relevant legislation in order to know your rights and opportunities.

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