Adults and kids thought phrases. Adults and children. "Little Prince" quotes about adults

Adults and children, children and adults, aphorisms and more ...

The most cowardly, incapable of resisting people become unforgiving where they can exercise absolute parental authority.

If I was given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but that there are no children, or such people as now, but with children, I would choose the latter.


If one cannot see the ideal of moral perfection in children, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults.


Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much.


All the charm of children for us, their special, human charm is inextricably linked with the hope that they will not be what we are, they will be better than us.


How terrible the world would be if it were not for the constant birth of children, carrying with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!


Children's charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew before the human judgment.


Children are more moral, much more discerning than adults, and they, often not showing or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents, and lose respect for them.


Be both a human and a baby yourself in order to teach a child.


Speaking of honor, of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit, which possesses you.


Before you start raising your children, test your own behavior.


To be truthful and honest with children, not hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only upbringing.


To educate does not mean to say good words to children, to instruct and edify them, but first of all to live like a human being. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty towards children must begin education from himself.


Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.


All moral education of children is reduced to a good example. Live well, or at least try to live well, and you will bring up your children well as you succeed in a good life.


Raising children is a risky business. For in case of success, the latter was acquired at the cost of great work and care, in case of failure, grief is incomparable with any other.


The guilt or merit of children falls heavily on the head and conscience of the parents.


Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country.


Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover's life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved creature into an idol.

"Little Prince" quotes about adults are filled with wisdom. These sayings show the child's view of the world and the attitude of adults towards life.

"Little Prince" quotes about adults

  • All adults were children at first, only few of them remember this. ( epigraph dedication)

Adults never understand anything themselves, and it is very tiring for children to endlessly explain and explain everything to them.

  • Adults are very strange people.

Adults<…>imagine that they take up a lot of space.

Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What is his voice? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? " They ask, “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? " And after that they imagine that they have recognized the person.

Children should be very forgiving with adults.

  • ... kings look at the world in a very simplistic way: for them all people are subjects.
  • Take a look at the sky. And ask yourself: “Is that rose alive or is it no longer? What if the lamb ate it? " And you will see: everything will be different ... And never a single adult will understand how important this is!

People get on fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for, - said the Little Prince. - Therefore, they do not know peace and rush to one side, then to the other ...

  • People grow five thousand roses in one garden ... and do not find what they are looking for.

Vain people are deaf to everything but praise.

Educators who hate children, lay down your arms and go out to the square to build - the country is suffocating without trainers. (M. Zhvanetsky)

To educate does not mean to say good words to children, to instruct and edify them, but first of all to live like a human being. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty to children must start screaming from himself.

In educating others, we educate ourselves first of all.

Those who shouldn't have children are their parents.

Everything in this world is balanced. Perhaps others are doing better than ours, but their children are much worse.

All the children of the world cry in the same language

Everything superfluous to children (N. Fomenko)

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

There are as many humanisms in the world as there are murderers. And each

Even the devil in his own hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Even the devil in his own hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Even the most dull room will be revived by the most ordinary children, neatly placed in the corners.

Let childhood mature in children.

Jackpot Deodorant: Might Protect You, But Made For Jack!

Children are the living flowers of the earth.

Children are not a luxury, but a means of transportation in old age.

Children are the flowers of life. Give flowers to girls!

Children are the flowers of life. And they need pots too.

Children are flowers of life ... Hey, weed, get out of here

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, mess. But when you approach them asleep, you straighten the blanket, kiss on the nose, cheeks, and you realize that this is the greatest happiness in life!

Children are our tomorrow's judges.

Children are our living hope, as often as all other hopes that deceive us.

The children of the Weismannists are like their parents, the children of the Lysenkoites are like the environment (M. Zhvanetsky)

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

Children share grief with their parents, joy with their peers.

Children and courtiers are much less likely to make mistakes than parents and monarchs.

Children do not suffer from unrequited love, they come up to the kid they like, kiss on the cheek and say: "let's be friends."

Children are more moral, much more discerning than adults, and they, often not showing or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents, and lose respect for them.

Children of fathers are always older than their parents: the age of fathers is added to their age.

Children shame us when they behave in public the way we behave at home.

Children are a strict assessment given to parents by Life itself.

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, then there are guests in the house

Children's charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew before the human judgment.

The greatest respect should be given to childhood.

Children and parents sometimes need years to meet face to face.

It's a shame that from tomboy decent and useful people to society grow up no less often than from obedient children. (M. Twain)

One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard. (M. Twain)

others are so nimble that you really cry.

A devil brat is a child who behaves like your own, but was born into a neighbor's family.

The only merit of my children is that everyone has their own mother (M. Zhvanetsky)

If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to force him to obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.

If parents and teachers value the goal and guide the younger generation towards it, then they become partners for children, moving forward and developing with them.

Life is a boomerang. In old age, we will receive as much attention and love from our children as we now give to our parents! And then don't be offended!

Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

Ideal children appear perfect on the outside and are perfect on the inside.

Each child should be given his or her own yardstick, encouraged to take on his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own well-deserved praise. Effort, not success, deserves a reward.

By the time we realize that our parents were right, we already have our children who believe that we are wrong.

Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.

Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

Every person on earth dreams of this - to feel the warmth of the palm of his baby ...

What a wonderful child you have! Is this a cute boy or an ugly girl? (M. Zhvanetsky)

When the baby is at home, the mother's neck hurts; and when he is on the street her heart hurts.

When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him. When I turned twenty-one, I was amazed how the old man had grown wiser during these seven years! (M. Twain)

When our children call us retarded conservatives, we will be comforted that our grandchildren will avenge us.

When the child has grown up, it is time for the parents to learn to stand on their own two feet.

When there is no woman next to a man, he begins to do stupid things. When there is no man next to a woman, she begins to do nasty things.

It was once a good hotel, but I was a good boy too. (M. Twain)

When a man had a son, he became a father, if a daughter was born, then he became a daddy ...

Love your grandchildren - they will take revenge on the children!

It is curious: with each generation the children are getting worse, and the parents are getting better; from this it follows that more and more bad children grow up more and more good parents.

The boy explained with gestures that his name was Juan.

The boy explained with gestures that his name was Juan (N. Fomenko)

Mother's love is the most common and most understandable example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

Motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job.

My son is meditating - after all, it's better than sitting back.

We shower children with gifts, but the most valuable gift for them is the joy of communication. (M. Twain)

We love our children too much and too little our parents.

Trust in yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be tolerated.

You can't be cute. You will never bind anyone to yourself with any children.

A real woman has to cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.

Our understanding of the world, at its very core, is a mold of our relationship with our parents.

Don't teach your father. And that's it!

An unbreakable toy is a toy that a child can use to break all his other toys.

No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

No child can dishonor parents in the same way that a parent can dishonor a child.

Oh, what a thin girl! There is no meat at all, only bones. How am I going to educate her? I'll take my hand off! (F. Ranevskaya)

Father and mother, father and mother are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, that belief in life, in a person, in everything honest, kind and holy is based.

Fatherhood greatly simplifies and comprehends the life process, protects you from crazy and vulgar actions and steps, keeps you in balance. Because it's so simple: you need to work hard, be strong, decent, not completely self-centered and not be a complete selfish if you have children.

Dad, urgently bring penguins to Africa, I'm pouring in geography!

The first half of our life is poisoned by our parents, the second half by our children.

A child educator who does not remember his childhood is bad.

The correct upbringing of children is so that children see their parents as they really are.

The difference between adults and children is the cost of their toys.

The difference between adults and children lies in the cost of their toys (R. Frost)

Tell the children something to the end. And yet they will certainly ask: "And then, and why?". Children are the only brave philosophers.

A child is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

The child is the most effective weapon of female terror.

Your child needs your love most of all when he least deserves it.

My child is like his mother ... Yelling loudly, shrilly! But my eyes are guilty, they run ... (M. Zhvanetsky)

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you failed to make him a wise and kind smile, he will laugh viciously, his laugh will be a mockery.

A child is a rational creature, he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.

Parents are so simple devices that even children can operate them.

We get our parents when they are too old to correct their bad habits.

Parents: Something that kids wear out faster than shoes.

Be nicer with this boy: you are dealing with an extremely sensitive, easily excitable bastard.

The best part about kids is the process of making them.

I'll hand over my father. Inexpensive. Ask


Quotes and Aphorisms 21.04.2018

Dear readers, if you have children, then when asked what is most important for you in life, you know what to answer. And despite the fact that along with the appearance of children in our life, we acquire a mass of new problems and difficulties that we have not encountered before, along with this, children fill our life with meaning and great love.

Quotes and aphorisms about children succinctly and accurately express feelings and thoughts related to childhood and children. And, perhaps, the main idea is that first of all they give us the opportunity to become better ourselves.

We all come from childhood

“All adults were once children. Only few people remember this, ”said Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Quotes about children will help us remember the feeling of lightness and fullness of life that we experienced in childhood.

“Children are younger than us, they still remember how they were also trees and birds and therefore are still able to understand them; we are too old, we have too many worries, and our head is full of jurisprudence and bad poetry. "

Heinrich Heine

“It's only a step from a five-year-old child. There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me. "

Lev Tolstoy

“Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again what it once was and probably will someday again.”

Mikhail Lermontov

"Be yourself both a human and a baby to teach a child."

Vladimir Odoevsky

"Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child."

Arthur Schopenhauer

"Each of us still has a three-year-old child who is scared, who only wants a little love."

Louise Hay

"A great man is one who has not lost his childhood heart."

Meng Tzu

Ah, childhood, your days are pure, like frames of an old film ...

Quotes and aphorisms about children with meaning indicate that children are not just little people who are just beginning to learn about life, but also a chance for our world to become a little brighter and kinder.

"Children are the reason why heaven has not yet destroyed the world."

Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

“How terrible the world would be if it were not for the constant birth of children, carrying with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!”

John Ruskin

“Your children are not your children. They appear through you, but not from you. You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, because they have their thoughts. You can give home to their bodies, but not to their souls. You are only bows, from which living arrows are sent forward, which you call your children. "

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips."

Victor Hugo

“There are no children, there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings. "

Janusz Korczak

"There is often a deep meaning in the play of children."

Friedrich Schiller

“Nature wants children to be children before they are adults. If we want to break this order, we will produce early-ripening fruits that will have neither ripeness nor taste and will not slow down to deteriorate. "

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Children are happiness, children are joy ...

Very often, happiness comes to our home with the birth of a child. And life completely changes along with this, it becomes different, makes you look at yourself, other people, the world around you in a new way. And we begin to see what we have not seen before. Quotes and aphorisms about children and happiness so vividly describe the joy that children bring into our lives.

"Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, because they themselves are, by their very nature, joy and happiness."

Victor Hugo

"Children multiply our everyday worries and worries, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us."

Francis Bacon

"Children are the anchors that keep the mother in life."


"A child is love that has become visible."


"Children are happiness that grows over the years."

“Happiness cannot be bought. But you can give birth to it. "

“I take your palm in my hand and a whole wreath on my wrist. It was not in vain that I experienced torment to give birth to such happiness for myself. "

“The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else. Happiness smiles at mom, turning a smile into laughter. "

“When children are born, order, money, tranquility, rest disappears in the house - and happiness comes.”

"Only when you have children do you understand that there is a life that is dearer than your own."

Children are flowers of life

The quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that children are the flowers of life, which are born with their heads down, is familiar to everyone. Maxim Gorky called children “the living flowers of the earth”. Because a child is a vessel filled to the brim with trust in this world. Children decorate our life and give it meaning.

“Children are holy and pure. You can't make them a plaything of your mood. "

Anton Chekhov

"A child's state of mind goes through our entire life - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God."

Vladimir Levy

"In the theater of life, the only real spectators are children."

Vladislav Grzheshik

"Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much."

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Children are the living force of society. Without them, it seems bloodless and cold. "

Anton Makarenko

“I’m sure that if we had to choose to live where the children's din does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer the incessant noise to the incessant silence.”

Bernard Show

Only one world is limitless - childhood

There are many beautiful quotes and aphorisms about children. They contain all the wisdom and the very essence of such a magical time in human life as childhood.

"Children have no past or future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present."

Jean de La Bruyère

"Children are our tomorrow's judges, they are critics of our views, deeds, these are people who go into the world to do the great work of building new forms of life."

Maksim Gorky

"Children teach adults not to dive to the end and stay free."

Mikhail Prishvin

“The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours ”.

"You will never succeed in creating wise men if you kill the mischievous children."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“First, we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. "

Jan Rainis

"Take care of your children's tears so that they can shed them on your grave."


"Children's charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew before the human judgment."

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

“Tell the children something - all the way. And yet they will certainly ask: “And then? What for?" Children are the only brave philosophers. "

Evgeny Zamyatin

The goal of upbringing is the development of the child

Quotes about parenting give an idea of ​​what exactly it should be and when it is most effective. After all, upbringing is not only and not so much moralizing and reading morals, but the ability to understand what children really need and provide them with an opportunity for further development.

"It is much easier to preach from the pulpit, to drag away from the rostrum, to teach from the pulpit than to bring up one child."

Alexander Herzen

"Upbringing means nourishing the child's abilities, and not creating those new abilities that are not in him."

Giuseppe Mazzini

"A child needs your love the most when he least deserves it."

Erma Bombek

"Let obedience be the child's first lesson - then what you think is necessary can become the second."

Thomas Fuller

"Children need a role model more than criticism."

Joseph Joubert

"All the difficulties of upbringing stem from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but also justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children."

Lev Tolstoy

“Don't make an idol out of a child; when he grows up, he will demand sacrifices. "

Pierre Bouast

“Do you know what is the surest way to make your child unhappy? This is to teach him not to meet with anything refusal. "

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Raising is the most difficult thing. You think - well, everything is over now! It wasn’t there - it’s just beginning! ”

Mikhail Lermontov

“Parents often confuse the concepts of 'upbringing' and 'education' and think that they gave the child upbringing when they forced him to study so many subjects. Hence the frequent disappointment of parents in their children in subsequent years. "

Anton Rubinstein

"Sow an act, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap character, sow character, and you will reap destiny."

William Thackeray

"If you want to raise good kids, spend half your money and twice the time on them."

Sukhomlinsky about children and their upbringing

The great teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky devoted his life to children. Tips on how to discern a child's personality are reflected in Sukhomlinsky's quotes on raising children. They will never lose their relevance.

"The most important feature of pedagogical culture should be a feeling of the spiritual world of each child, the ability to give each as much attention and spiritual strength as necessary for the child to feel that he is not forgotten, his grief, resentment and suffering are shared."

"Only he can become a real teacher who never forgets that he himself was a child."

"By bringing up your child, you educate yourself, assert your human dignity."

“Children do not need to talk a lot, do not stuff them with stories, the word is not fun, and verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiety. The child needs not only to listen to the teacher's word, but also to be silent; in these moments he thinks, comprehends what he has heard and seen. You cannot turn children into a passive object of the perception of words. "

"Let your pupil be rebellious, self-willed - this is incomparably better than silent obedience, lack of will."

“Where everything is based on punishment, there is no self-education, and without self-education, education in general cannot be normal. It cannot, because punishment already frees the pupil from remorse, and conscience is the main engine of self-education; where the conscience sleeps, there can be no question of self-education. The one who received the punishment thinks: I have nothing more to think about my deed, I got what I was supposed to. "

“The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children ”.

Personality education according to Makarenko

The brilliant teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko had his own view of raising children. His methodology was criticized and persecuted, nevertheless, according to UNESCO, he is one of the four people who have had the strongest influence on modern pedagogical science. In Makarenko's quotes about raising children, his vision of how to grow a full-fledged personality.

“Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. "

“The educational process is an ongoing process, and its individual details are resolved in the general tone of the family, and the general tone cannot be invented and artificially maintained. The general tone, dear parents, is created by your own life and your own behavior. "

“Do you want to corrupt the soul of your child? Then do not deny him anything. And over time you will understand that you are not growing a person, but a crooked tree. "

"The concentration of love on one child is a terrible delusion."

"If at home you are rude, or boastful, or get drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about parenting: you are already raising your children, and you are raising badly, and no best advice and methods will help you." ...

“Here we are all inventing upbringing systems: this is how you need to educate, that way ... But in fact, parents and educators have one task: to keep the child's nervous system safe and sound by the age of 18. Life will put such a burden on his shoulders that he will need whole nerves, and we tear them to shreds from an early age ... "

Quotes about children and parents

The relationship between parents and children is not always cloudless. And if you are overtaken by the problem of fathers and children, let us remember that it was we, the parents, who contributed greatly to their occurrence. Children are our reflection, and this idea is clearly traced in quotes about children and parents.

"Children and parents - the same berry field, but grown at different times."

Natalia Rozbitskaya

“How often do children hear that they should be grateful to their parents. For what they put on them all their lives, did not sleep at night, but simply because they were given birth ... Have you ever wondered how much children give their parents? Love, the most real, joy, hope ... How often, next to a child, we feel smart, omnipotent. The child gives us a sense of our own worth. So maybe we shouldn't expect gratitude from the children, because they gave us no less? "

“Children rarely misinterpret our words. They are surprisingly accurate in repeating everything that we shouldn't have said. "

“It’s curious: with each generation the children are getting worse, and the parents are getting better; from this it follows that more and more good parents grow out of poorer children. "

Wieslaw Brudziński

"Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves have instilled in them."

Johann Friedrich Schiller

"When children confuse their father, he sends them to a corner."

Valery Mironov

"Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them regularly."

James Baldwin

“When you finally realize that your father was usually right, your own son is growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong.”

Peter Lawrence

"He who has no children makes the sacrifice of death."

Francis Bacon

Children is our future

We all want our children to grow up better, smarter, happier than us. Quotes on the topic that children are our future reveal to us the whole meaning of this famous phrase.

“You will live in the world ten times, repeated ten times in children. And you will have the right in your last hour to triumph over the conquered death. "

“Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. In them is the justification of my old age. "

William Shakespeare

"Life is short, but man lives it again in his children."

Anatole France

“Children are one third of the population of our country and all of our future. Thanks to the children, I want to live. "

Mohammed Ali

"By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world."

“Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people. "

Anton Makarenko

"Children are living messages that we send to a future that we will not see."

Alfred Whitehead

“Fear for a child is more than fear for one's own life. This is fear for your immortality. "

Victoria Tokareva

The magical world of childhood

It doesn't always take a lot of words to express the very essence of things. Short quotes with a meaning about children only confirm this.

"The child is the future."

Victor Marie Hugo

"A child gives birth to parents."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"All the children of the world cry in the same language."

Leonid Leonov

"Most of us become parents before we stop being children."

Minion McLaughlin

"Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them."

Eleanor Roosevelt

"We are always making our children up."

Voldemar Lysyak

"Every person is always someone's child."

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

"Women make us poets, children make us philosophers."

Malcolm de Chazal

"The efforts of adults are essentially aimed at making the child comfortable for himself."

"The loneliness of the child gives the doll a soul."

Janusz Korczak

"Abandoned children often live with their parents."

"Children are a strict assessment given by life itself."

About children with a smile

Where there are children, there is fun and laughter. And it is right. After all, childhood is the most carefree time in life. Let this selection of funny quotes about children once again remind us of this.