The goals of motor activity of children in kindergarten. "Organization of independent motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions

Currently, the problem of the state of health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance.

Health is a basic value and a prerequisite for the full physical, mental and social development of a child. Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have proved that the period of preschool childhood is a critical period in a child's life (Borisova N.E.). After all, it is at this age that the foundation of human health is formed.

One of the many factors affecting the health and performance of a growing organism is motor activity.

“Motor activity is a natural physical and specially organized human motor activity that ensures its successful physical and mental development.”

According to Runova M.A. the concept of "motor activity" includes the sum of all movements performed by a person in the process of life.

All types of movement are one of the most important needs of a growing organism. Motor activity tones the central nervous system of children, during movement, the activation of nerve cells in all areas of the cerebral cortex occurs, metabolism increases, and the release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland increases. It should be noted that physical activity has a positive effect not only on the health of children, but also on their overall development. Under the influence of movements, the emotional, volitional, cognitive sphere of the child develops.

The need of preschool children for motor activity is very high, but it is not always realized at the proper level. Today, children spend more and more time in a static position (at the table, TV screen, computer games). This increases the load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. The strength and efficiency of the skeletal muscles decrease, which leads to a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, a delay in the age-related development of coordination of movements, speed, etc.

Thus, the intensity of the physical development of children, their health directly depends on physical activity. So J. Tissot said: "Movement is the main source of health."

Motor activity should take 50-60% of the time of the entire period of wakefulness of the child. However, it should be noted that the need for movement in all children is different, which is explained by their individual characteristics. In this regard, it is important for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions to create all the necessary conditions for realizing the needs of children in physical activity and its diversity.

The objectives of the development of motor activity in a preschool child are:

  • identification of interests, abilities of children in motor activity and their implementation through the system of physical culture and health-improving work;
  • the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities in accordance with the individual characteristics and health status of the child;
  • development of interest in physical exercises and outdoor games;
  • the formation of moral qualities (willpower, endurance);
  • prevention of colds;
  • education of respect for one's own health and the responsibility to protect it.

The following organized forms of motor activity of children are used in the system of physical culture and health-improving work in preschool educational institutions:

  • physical education;
  • morning exercises;
  • physical education minutes;
  • outdoor games and physical exercises;
  • physical culture leisure, holidays;
  • health days;
  • hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises;
  • independent motor activity;
  • work with parents.

These types of motor activity complement and enrich each other and thus provide the necessary motor activity for each child during the entire time of his stay in the preschool educational institution.

The decisive role in the formation of personal potential and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle belongs to the family. Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it forms their consciousness, habits. Nature provides that children learn the world primarily through the experience and behavior of their parents. Therefore, the issues of raising a healthy child should be resolved in close contact with the family.

Children need to explain not only the significance of certain actions and habits, but also set their own example. So, if adults regularly engage in physical education and sports, observe the daily routine, rules of hygiene, hardening, then children, looking at them, will systematically do morning exercises, exercise and play sports.

The outstanding Polish educator Janusz Korczak wrote: “It seems to adults that children do not care about their health... No. Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, only children do not know what to do for this. Tell them and they will beware."

Thus, the correct organization of motor activity both in the family and in a preschool institution is the key to successful rehabilitation of children. It contributes to the improvement of the emotional state, full physical and mental development, strengthening the health of the younger generation.


  1. Vorotilkina I.M. Physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool educational institution. - Moscow, "Publishing house of NTs ENAS", 2004. - 144 p.
  2. Poltavtseva N.V., Stozharova M.Yu., Krasnova R.S. We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. M.: TC Sphere, 2012
  3. Optimal physical activity: Educational and methodological manual for universities. Compiled by: Rubtsova I.V., Kubyshkina T.V., Alatortseva E.A., Gotovtseva Ya.V. VORONEZH, 2007
  4. Runova M.A. Motor activity of children. - M .: Linko-press, 2003
  5. Kharchenko T.E. Organization of motor activity of children in kindergarten. St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing house "Childhood-press", 2010

1. Theoretical foundations for the development of motor activity in children 5-6 years old

.1 The essence and significance of motor activity for preschool children

Motion- the main manifestation of life; creative activity is unthinkable without it. Restriction of movements or their violation adversely affects all life processes.

A growing body needs a particularly large number of movements. Immobility for young children is tiring, it leads to stunted growth, mental retardation and reduced resistance to infectious diseases. In a huge number of movements of the child, a natural desire for physical and mental perfection is manifested. A variety of muscular activity has a beneficial effect on the physiological functions of the whole organism, helps to adapt to various environmental conditions.

Active muscular activity, according to many researchers (I.A. Arshavsky, T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva, N.A. Bernstein, L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, G.P. Yurko etc.), is a prerequisite for the normal development and formation of a growing child's body.

Physical activity- this is the basis of individual development and life support of the child's body. It is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending, formulated by I.A. Arshavsky. The theory of individual development of a child is based on the energy rule of physical activity. According to this theory, the features of energy at the level of the whole organism and its cellular elements are directly dependent on the nature of the functioning of skeletal muscles in different age periods. Motor activity is a factor of functional induction of educational processes (anabolism).

The peculiarity of the latter lies not simply in the restoration of the initial state in connection with the regular activity of the developing organism that took place, but in the obligatory excessive restoration, i.e. it is necessary to constantly enrich the hereditarily predetermined energy fund. Thanks to the motor activity, the child provides himself with a physiologically complete individual development.

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva note that “from systematic work, the muscles increase in volume, become stronger and at the same time do not lose the elasticity characteristic of childhood. The increased activity of the muscle mass of the body, the weight of which in preschool age is 22-24% of the total weight, also causes an increased functioning of all organs and systems of the body, since it requires abundant nutrition (blood supply) and stimulates metabolic processes. The better the muscle is supplied with blood, the higher its performance.

According to the authors, the growth and formation of muscles occurs simultaneously with the development of the child's skeletal system. Under the influence of physical exercises, the flexible, pliable bones of the child, containing a lot of cartilage tissue, become thicker, stronger, and become more adapted to increased muscle load.

It is extremely important, according to teachers, the influence of muscular activity on the formation of natural curves of the spine. “Good posture requires even development of the trunk muscles. Correct posture has not only aesthetic, but also physiological significance, since it ensures the correct position and normal activity of internal organs, especially the heart and lungs. “That is why, as a result of movements, muscle mass develops, which ensures the growth of the body. But this is not just an increase in mass, this is a prerequisite (structural and energy support) for performing even greater loads in terms of volume and intensity.

)the kinetic factor that determines the development of the organism and the nervous system, along with genetic and sensory factors (N.A. Bernshtein, G. Shepherd);

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity contributes to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory); physical and neuropsychic development; motor development.

Studies were reviewed: L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolova and others about the use of physical exercises in the fresh air, aimed at increasing the physical activity of children; M. Runova on the optimization of the motor activity of children, taking into account the individual level of their development; VC. Balsevich about the conversion of selected elements, the technology of sports training.

Physiologists N.A. Bernstein and G. Shepherd believe that “motor activity is a kinetic factor that largely determines the development of the organism and the nervous system, along with the genetic factor and the influence of multimodal sensory information. Full-fledged physical development, the formation of correct posture, motor qualities, optimal motor stereotype through a developing movement is inextricably linked with the harmonious consistent organization of the nervous system, its sensitive and motor centers, analyzers. Thus, according to scientists, the program of preschool education "Physical development and health" should be equally aimed at both the bodily (physical) and neuropsychic development of the child.

V.A. Shishkina notes the extremely important role of movements for the development of the psyche and intellect. “From the working muscles, impulses constantly enter the brain, stimulating the central nervous system and thereby contributing to its development. The more subtle movements a child has to carry out and the higher the level of coordination of movements he achieves, the more successful the process of his mental development is. The motor activity of the child not only contributes to the development of muscle strength as such, but also increases the energy reserves of the body.

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of motor activity and their vocabulary, speech development, and thinking. They note that under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, favorably affect the mood of children, and increase their mental and physical performance. “In a state of reduced motor activity, metabolism and the amount of information entering the brain from muscle receptors are reduced. This worsens the metabolic processes in the brain tissues, which leads to violations of its regulatory function. A decrease in the flow of impulses from working muscles leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs, primarily the heart, is reflected in the manifestations of mental functions, metabolic processes at the cell level.

Psychologists warn that the child does not act for the sake of the interests of an adult that are alien and not always clear to him, and not because “it is necessary”, but because by doing so he satisfies his own impulses, he acts due to an internal need that has formed earlier or has arisen only now , even under the influence of an adult. One of these internal necessities, in their opinion, is the "joy of movement" born in the form of an instinct.

Speaking about motor activity as the basis for the life support of the child's body, E.Ya. Stepanenkova indicates that it is she who has an impact on the growth and development of the neuropsychic state, functionality and performance of the child. “During muscular work, not only the executive (neuromuscular) apparatus is activated, but also the mechanism of motor-visceral reflexes (i.e. reflexes from muscles to internal organs) of the work of internal organs, nervous and humoral regulation (coordination of physiological and biochemical processes in body). Therefore, a decrease in motor activity worsens the state of the body as a whole: both the neuromuscular system and the functions of internal organs suffer.

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva also note in their studies that in the process of muscular activity, the work of the heart improves: it becomes stronger, its volume increases. Even a sick heart, they note, is significantly strengthened under the influence of physical exercises.

“Blood is cleared of carbon dioxide and oxygenated in the lungs. The more clean air the lungs can hold, the more oxygen the blood will carry to the tissues. Performing physical exercises, children breathe much deeper than in a calm state, as a result of which the mobility of the chest, lung capacity will increase.

The authors note that physical exercises in the fresh air especially activate the processes of gas exchange. The child, being systematically for a long time in the air, hardens, as a result of which the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases increases.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can note motor activity as a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which determines the health of children, their physical and general development. "Movements, physical exercises will provide an effective solution to the problems of physical education, if they act in the form of a holistic motor regime that meets the age and individual characteristics of the motor activity of each of the children" .

Many scientists (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, M.A. Runova, V.A. Shishkina) found that the level of motor activity and the physiological need of the body for movement is determined not only by age, but also by the degree of independence of the child, individual typological features of the central nervous system, health status and largely depends on external conditions - hygienic, social, climatic, etc.

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity in the daily regimen contributes to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), physical and neuropsychic development, and the development of motor skills (Yu.Yu. Rautskis, O.G. Arakelyan, S.Ya. Layzane, D.N. Seliverstova and others).

Particular attention is paid to the use of physical exercises in the fresh air in various forms - physical education, sports exercises, exercises for a walk in the summer, outdoor games (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, O.G. Arakelyan, G.V. Shalygina, E.A. Timofeeva, etc.). The authors of these studies have developed the content and methodology of physical exercises aimed at increasing the motor activity of preschool children, showing the positive effect of a combination of physical exercises and the hardening effect of fresh air on the children's body.

V.G. Frolov, G.G. Yurko note that when conducting outdoor activities, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions. And repeated repetition of exercises in a larger space in the warm and cold seasons contributes to a stronger consolidation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

In the studies of M.A. Runova on the problem of optimizing the motor activity of children in a preschool educational institution, taking into account their individual level of development, notes: “The optimal level of a child’s motor activity should fully satisfy his biological need for movement, correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, and help improve the state of “health and harmonious physical development”.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the main indicators of motor activity - volume, duration and intensity, M.A. Runova divided the children into three subgroups, according to the levels of development of DA (high, medium and low levels). According to the author, this will enable the educator to conduct differentiated work with subgroups and use an individual approach.

M.N. Kuznetsova, speaking of a two-way relationship between physical and neuropsychic development, believes that more intense motor activity contributes to better physical development, and better physical development, in turn, stimulates motor activity and neuropsychic development.

1.2 Characteristics of motor activity of preschool children

The concept of "motor activity" includes the sum of movements performed by a person in the course of his life. In childhood, motor activity can be divided into 3 components: activity in the process of physical education; physical activity carried out during training, socially useful and labor activities; spontaneous physical activity in free time. These components are closely related.

The characteristics of motor activity include such parameters as "level of motor activity" and "motor type".

According to the literature, there are three levels of physical activity:

High level. Children are characterized by high mobility, a high level of development of the main types of movements, a fairly rich motor experience that allows them to enrich their independent activities. Some children of this group are characterized by increased psychomotor excitability, hyperactivity.

Children with an average level of motor activity have medium and high rates of physical fitness and a high level of development of motor qualities. They are characterized by a variety of independent motor activity.

Low level of physical activity - sedentary children. They have a lag in the indicators of development of the main types of movements and physical qualities from age standards, general passivity, shyness, touchiness. No regular changes in the reactions of the cardiovascular system to physical activity are detected.

The “motor type” is understood as a set of individual motor features inherent in a given child. Each child has his own type of physical activity. Failure to identify this type and the imposition of an unusual type of movement, according to the author, leads to the fact that the child has a dislike for this movement, and often for motor activity in general. An increase in the number of physical education classes that are not a necessary psycho-emotional discharge for a child and do not coincide, do not correspond to his type of physical activity, can lead to sharply negative consequences, become a source of long-term stress, contributing to dislike for movements. Individual motor features are revealed in the process of observing the child for a long time with fixation in the diary of those types of movements that he prefers, performs with pleasure. L.M. Lazarev distinguishes the following motor types of the child:

Explosive. Children with this type of physical activity prefer fast, short-term movement;

Cyclical. Children with a cyclic type of physical activity are prone to long, monotonous movements (skiing, running for a long distance);

Plastic. Children with a plastic type of movements prefer soft, smooth movements;

Power. Children with a power type prefer power loads.

Currently, the generally accepted criteria for assessing daily physical activity are: its duration, volume and intensity. Individual differences in these indicators are so great that experts recommend conditionally dividing children into groups of high, medium and low mobility. This gives certain guidelines for guiding the motor activity of children. However, these characteristics are based on an averaged approach, while the task is to determine the individual optimum of physical activity. After all, the high mobility of children, depending on their individual need for movement, can act as both optimal and excessive, and the average for someone may be insufficient. In this regard, the degree of mobility of the concept is more accurately characterized: optimal motor activity (considered as an individual norm), insufficient (hypomobility, or low mobility), excessive (hypermobility). The motor behavior of sedentary and hyperactive children coincides with the characteristics of “slow” and “hyperactive” children, on which physiologists, psychologists and doctors pay serious attention (M.M. Koltsova, V.I. Gabdrakipova, G.G. Garskova, M. Passolt), which further dissuades the importance of assessing the level of mobility of the child.

Thus, the optimal motor activity should be considered the most important indicator of the motor development of a preschooler.

1.3 Motor mode of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of FGT

Analysis of official documents, theoretical sources on this topic shows that a modern graduate of a preschool educational institution must have good health, good physical development, a high level of physical fitness, the ability to maintain correct posture, the need to regularly engage in physical education on their own initiative, the desire to improve their achievements, showing endurance, courage and initiative, high (according to age) working capacity (both physical and mental), which is especially important in terms of preparing him for school. The upbringing of a healthy personality in the broadest sense is the main requirement for the modernization of the education system.

One of the main factors in the improvement of children is physical activity. The first seven years are the years of rapid mental and physical development of the child, whose body and its functions are far from perfect and are easily exposed to various influences. That is why it is so important that during this period of development a pedagogically appropriate environment be provided for children. From the state of health of the child, the ability to control his movements, his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction largely depends on his mood, the nature and content of the game, and further achievements in educational and work activities.

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements);

formation of pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement;

development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination).

The correct organization of the motor activity of children in everyday life ensures the implementation of the motor regime necessary for a healthy physical condition of the child and his psyche during the day.

Motor mode is one of the main components of health. It includes not only training sessions. The motor mode is exactly what Semashko said “Physical education is 24 hours a day!”

Motor mode according to FGT is a rational combination of various types, forms and content of a child's motor activity. It includes all types of organized and independent activities in which the locomotor (associated with movement in space) movements of children clearly appear. In the literature there are the terms "sufficient motor mode", "normal", "increased". All of them focus on ensuring optimal physical activity of children. However, this is a one-sided coverage of the essence of the motor regime. Its purpose is not only to meet the needs of children in movement. The content side is no less important - a variety of movements, types and forms of activity.

The duration of motor activity should be at least 50-60% of the wakefulness period, which is equal to 6-7 hours a day. The highest motor and physical loads occur during the first walk (from 10 am to 12 pm). Motor activity here should be 65-75% of the time spent in the air. In addition, other periods of moderate and expedient physical activity of children are obligatory in the daily routine - this is the time before breakfast and before class, especially if it is mental. You should carefully approach physical activity immediately after a daytime sleep. At this time, organized physical exercises are inappropriate. It is best to give children the opportunity to move independently, creating the conditions for this.

Forms of work on physical education with preschoolers are a complex of health-improving and educational activities, the basis of which is motor activity. This complex includes independent motor activity and organized physical activities. Their percentage is different in groups of early, younger and older preschool age, however, independent movements of children of all ages should be at least 2/3 of their total motor activity. This can be explained by the fact that children's need for movement is most fully realized in independent activities. It is the least tiring of all forms of motor activity and contributes to the individualization of the motor mode. In addition, it is in independent activity that the child most demonstrates his motor creativity, as well as the level of possession of motor skills. The content of this activity is determined by the children themselves, but this does not mean that adults can ignore it.

Organized forms of motor activity include:

  1. physical education;
  2. physical culture and health work during the day (morning exercises, physical exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk, tempering activities);
  3. active rest (physical culture leisure and holidays, health days, vacations;
  4. homework in physical education;
  5. individual and differentiated work (with children with deviations in physical and motor development);
  6. sectional circle classes;
  7. preventive and rehabilitation measures (according to the plan of the doctor).

The main goal of the motor regime is to satisfy the natural biological need of children for movement, to improve their health, comprehensive physical development, to ensure the mastery of motor skills, skills and elementary knowledge of physical culture, to create conditions for the versatile (mental, moral, aesthetic) development of children and education they need systematic physical exercises.

High interest in any activity, the manifestation of creativity to a large extent testify to the psychological comfort of the child, because interests express his specific attitude to the object, due to vital significance and emotional attractiveness.

With careful observation of children, one can quite clearly assess their psychological well-being in a certain period of wakefulness by these criteria. If a child does not want to go to kindergarten, has difficulty parting with his parents, is inactive, often sad, naughty, cries, quarrels with peers, is not active during the waking period, if he is clamped, constrained, then psychological discomfort is evident and urgent action must be taken. !

Forms of work on physical education for a particular group or kindergarten as a whole, according to V.A. Shishkina, are selected according to the principle of consistency. The state of health of children in the group, the characteristics of their physical development, age, general physical fitness, the conditions of family education, the professional and personal interests of educators, the tasks of the preschool institution in the field of physical culture for the coming period are taken into account.

Each preschool institution has the right to its own approaches to physical education; the pedagogical staff of the kindergarten itself determines which forms of physical culture to give preference, evaluating their effectiveness in terms of the dynamics of health and development of children. Group educators can also, at their own discretion, choose one or another systemic and episodic physical education events, subordinating them to the solution of the tasks put forward.

1.4 Means, methods and techniques for managing the motor activity of preschoolers

For the development of motor activity of preschool children, various facilitiesKnowledge of the means of physical education and their characteristics allows the teacher, in accordance with the set pedagogical tasks, to use all types of means, select the most effective physical exercises, and develop new complexes. The modern system of physical education is characterized by complexity in the use of means. The main means are physical exercises, auxiliary - the natural forces of nature and hygiene factors.

V.A. Shishkina singled out in her works; hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, exercise. In addition, the physical education of children is influenced by movements included in various types of activities (labor, modeling, drawing, designing, playing musical instruments, dressing, washing, etc.).

Each of the three listed groups, as noted by V.A. Shishkin, has specific possibilities of influencing the body of those involved, and combines a certain number of typical means on this basis. A variety of means creates, on the one hand, great difficulties in choosing the most effective of them, and on the other hand, wide opportunities for solving any pedagogical problems.

According to V.A. Shishkina, the whole variety of factors can be grouped as follows:

1. The personal characteristics of the teacher and children are the most important factors.

  1. Scientific factors characterize the measure of human cognition
    laws of physical education. The deeper the pedagogical, physiological features of physical exercises are developed, the more effectively they can be used to solve pedagogical problems.
  2. Methodological factors unite an extensive group of requirements to be implemented when using physical exercises.
  3. Meteorological factors (air temperature, humidity, etc.) make up that group of factors, having learned the patterns, the effects of which can determine the optimal conditions for achieving the greatest effect from physical exercises.
  4. Material factors (sports facilities, inventory,
    clothing, etc.) to a greater extent influence the solution of sports problems, to a lesser extent - general education and recreation.
  5. Scientific factors characterize the measure of human cognition
According to M.A. The runic main means of motor activity development are physical exercises and games. physical exercise called motor an action created and applied for the physical improvement of a person. The concept of "physical exercise" is associated with ideas about the movements and motor actions of a person. The author identifies several distinctive features of physical exercises:

1.Physical exercise solves a pedagogical problem
(figuratively speaking, physical exercise is directed “at oneself”,
for your own personal improvement). 2.Physical exercise is performed in accordance with the laws of physical education. 3. Only systems of physical exercises create opportunities for the development of all human organs and systems in the optimal ratio.

The effectiveness of physical education and the development of motor activity is achieved by using the entire system of means, however, the significance of each group of means is not the same: the largest share in solving the problems of training and education falls on the share of physical exercises. This is due to a number of reasons, notes L.P. Matveev:

1.Physical exercises as systems of movements express
thoughts and emotions of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

  1. Physical exercises are one of the ways to transfer social and historical experience in the field of physical education.
  2. Physical exercises affect not only the morpho-functional state of the body, but also the personality of the person performing them.
  3. Among all types of pedagogical activity, only in physical education, the subject of training are actions aimed at the physical improvement of the student and performed for the sake of mastering the actions themselves.
  4. Physical exercise can satisfy a person's natural need for movement.
  5. It is known that the same physical exercise can lead to different effects and, conversely, different physical exercises can lead to the same result. This is evidence that physical exercise itself is not endowed with any permanent properties. Therefore, knowledge of the factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises will improve the manageability of the pedagogical process.
There are several classifications of physical exercises. Let's consider some of them.

The classification of physical exercises is their distribution into interconnected groups according to the most significant features. FROMWith the help of classifications, the teacher can determine the characteristic properties of physical exercises, and, therefore, facilitate the search for exercises that are more appropriate for the pedagogical task. Since the science of physical education is continuously enriched with new data, the classifications do not remain unchanged.

The existing classifications are characterized by some conventionality, but, nevertheless, each of them meets the requirements of practice. M.V. Mashchenko offers the following classification of physical exercises:

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of historically developed systems of physical education (gymnastics, game, tourism, sports). According to this classification, physical exercises are divided into four groups: gymnastic exercises, game exercises, tourist physical exercises, sports exercises.

2.Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the characteristics of muscle activity: speed-strength exercises, physical exercises that require the manifestation of endurance (for example, long-distance running, skiing, etc.); physical exercises that require the manifestation of coordination of movements under strict regulation of the conditions of performance (for example, exercises on gymnastic equipment, jumping into the water, etc.); physical exercises that require a complex manifestation of motor qualities with constantly changing levels of effort in accordance with changing conditions (games, martial arts).

.Classification of physical exercises according to their importance for
solving educational problems: basic exercises (or competitive), that is, actions that are the subject of study in accordance with the educational objectives of the curriculum; leading exercises, that is, actions that facilitate the development of the main exercise due to the presence in them of some movements that are similar in appearance and nature of neuromuscular tension; preparatory exercises, that is, actions that contribute to the development of those motor qualities that are necessary for studying the main exercise.

  1. The classification of physical exercises on the basis of the predominant development of individual muscle groups provides for the allocation of exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the trunk and neck, for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Within this classification, exercises are divided into exercises for the ankle joint, for the knee joint, etc.; for exercises without objects and with objects, individual and paired, standing, sitting and lying down; exercises to develop strength and flexibility.
Classification of physical exercises by sports. It is known that the same physical exercise can lead to different effects and, conversely, different physical exercises can lead to the same result.

This is evidence that physical exercise itself is not endowed with any permanent properties. Therefore, knowledge of the factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises will improve the controllability of the pedagogical process. All physical exercises can be carried out without objects or using various objects and equipment (exercises with sticks, balls, hoops, flags, ropes, on a gymnastic bench, at the gymnastic wall , chairs, etc.).

With children of preschool age, only sports various types of physical exercises are used (skiing, skating, sledding, cycling, swimming, etc.). Forming the basics of the technique of these most simple sports types of physical exercises in children of preschool age, they solve the main tasks of physical education, taking into account age characteristics. Outdoor games differ from other physical exercises in the features of organizing the activities of those involved and managing it. In the game, children's activities are organized on the basis of a figurative or conditional plot, which provides for the achievement of a goal in conditions of unexpectedly changing situations. Game activity is complex and is based on a combination of various motor actions (running, jumping, etc.). Games are used when the movement is mastered and it is required to develop the ability to apply motor skills in various situations. In addition, games are used to develop physical qualities, as well as to educate moral and volitional qualities.

Tourism allows you to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities in natural conditions. Walks are organized with preschool children using various modes of transportation (on foot, skiing, cycling, etc.). On the way, at stops, a variety of physical exercises can be used (for example, jumping off stumps, jumping over a groove, jumping rope, ball exercises, outdoor games, etc.). Walks are organized when the exercise is learned and fixed under normal conditions.

Methods, used in teaching children movements, are collected in accordance with the sources that define them. To them, according to M.A. Runic, include objects of the surrounding reality, the word and practical activity.

When supervising the motor activity of preschoolers, the following are used: visual, verbal and practical, game, competitive teaching methods.

The visual method provides the brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations necessary for the child to have the most complete and specific idea of ​​movement, activating the development of his sensory abilities.

The verbal method helps children comprehend the task assigned to them and, in this regard, contributes to the conscious performance of motor exercises, which plays a large role in mastering the content and structure of exercises, their independent application in various situations.

The practical method associated with the practical motor activity of children provides an effective check of the correctness of the perception of movement on their own musculo-motor sensations.

The game method, close to the leading activity of preschool children, is the most specific, and emotionally effective in working with them, taking into account elements of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking. It makes it possible to simultaneously improve a variety of motor skills, independence of action, quick response to changing conditions, and manifestation of creative initiative.

The competitive method in the process of teaching preschool children can be used subject to pedagogical guidance. This method is used to improve already acquired motor skills (but not competition and struggle for superiority).

In practical work with children, teaching methods are intertwined. According to M.V. Mashchenko, taking into account the content of the exercises, the age capabilities and individual characteristics of the children, the teacher in one case uses visualization as the starting point in teaching - the child's perception of the movement pattern in combination with explanations, on the other - the word, the explanation of the content and structure of the exercise. However, in the second case, the teacher relies on the life experience and specific ideas about movements that the children already have. After visual or verbal methods, the practical actions of children must certainly follow - independent performance of movements under the guidance of a teacher.

The use of teaching methods in the management of the motor activity of preschoolers, notes M.A. Runova, is based on the interaction of the first and second signal systems, providing the most complete, reliable knowledge and correct practical skills.

Each individual method is a specific system of specific tricks. In turn, the system is expressed in the totality of such methods, which are united by the commonality of the problem and a single approach to its solution.

In the process of teaching motor actions to children, methodological techniques are selected in each individual case in accordance with the tasks and content of the motor material, taking into account the degree of assimilation of it by children, their general development, physical condition, age and typological characteristics of each child.

In this regard, teaching methods are combined in various combinations, providing, on the one hand, a comprehensive impact on all analyzers in the perception of tasks by children and, on the other hand, consciousness and independence in the performance of motor tasks by children.

When teaching children movements, the combination of techniques is determined by their interaction. The use by the educator of predominantly visual techniques, for example, showing a pattern of movements at all stages of education and in different age groups (as is sometimes found in practice), can cause a child to mechanically, little consciously copy them.

Visual teaching methods. When teaching children to move, various visualization techniques are used.

Visual clarity consists in a correct, clear, beautiful demonstration - showing the educator a sample of movement or its individual motor elements; in imitation, imitation of the images of the surrounding life; in the use of visual landmarks when overcoming space; the use of visual aids - cinema, photographs, paintings, etc.

Tactile-muscular visibility is used by including physical education aids in the motor activity of children. For example, in order to develop the skill of running with a high knee lift, arc collars placed in a row are used. Raising the legs while running through these arcs helps the child acquire the skill of high knee lift.

Auditory visualization is a sound regulation of movements. The best auditory visualization is music (song). It causes an emotional upsurge in children, determines the nature of the movement and regulates its pace and rhythm.

Performing exercises in coordination with music (due to the formation of conditioned reflex temporary connections) contributes to the development of coordination of the auditory and motor apparatus; development of smoothness, accuracy of movements; educates temporal orientation - the ability to fit one's movements to time in accordance with the various meter-rhythmic structure of a musical work.

Performing movements with musical accompaniment, notes V.A. Shishkin, must obey certain requirements: move in accordance with the nature of the musical work; start and end the movement with the beginning and end of it; change the nature of the movement in connection with a change in the nature of the musical work and its individual parts.

) Verbal tricks. The word used in teaching directs all the activities of children, gives them meaning, facilitates the understanding of the task and the assimilation of the new, causes mental tension and activity of thought, and promotes independence and arbitrariness in the performance of exercises by children. Verbal techniques in teaching movement are expressed in a clear and concise explanation of new movements to children, based on their life experience and ideas; in an explanation that accompanies a specific demonstration of movements or clarifies its individual elements; in the indication necessary when reproducing the movement shown by the educator or independently performing the exercise by the children. In a conversation preceding the introduction of new physical exercises and outdoor games or during training, when an explanation of motor actions is required. Clarification of the plot of an outdoor game, etc.; in questions to children that the teacher asks, before the start of physical exercises in order to determine the degree of awareness of the sequential performance of actions or to check the existing ideas about the images of the plot of the outdoor game, clarify the rules, game actions, etc.

In addition, verbal techniques also include a clear, emotional and expressive presentation of various commands and signals. For example, in the process of rebuilding into the desired stance, the teacher says: “Legs with a jump shoulder-width apart - put!” Or to end the movement: “Stop in place.” “One, two, three – run!” etc. All this requires a different intonation and dynamics, causing the speed and accuracy of the response motor reaction of children.This should also include the distinct chanting of rhymes and the expressive pronunciation of playful beginnings, which are so rich in Russian folk art.

Thus, after analyzing the scientific literature, we came to the conclusion that:

one of the informative criteria for assessing motor development is the motor activity of the child;

physical activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of the child;

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that physical activity is considered as:

)the main manifestation of life, the natural desire for physical and mental perfection (T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva);

)the basis of individual development and life support of the child's body; it is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending (I.A. Arshavsky);

)the kinetic factor that determines the development of the organism and the nervous system, along with genetic and sensory factors (N.A. Bernshtein, G. Shepard);

)satisfaction of the child's own impulses, internal necessity in the form of the instinct "joy of movement" (Yu.F. Zmanovsky and others).

2. Experimental study of the motor activity of children 5-6 years old

Experimental work was carried out in the preschool educational institution "Spark" with. Sovetskoye, Sovetsky district from 01/17/11 to 06/16/11 with children aged 5-6 years conditionally divided into two groups of 7 people. The study involved children of the older group in the amount of 14 people.

At the ascertaining stage, work was carried out to study the development of motor activity in children of senior preschool age.

At the formative stage, the content of pedagogical work was selected. Aimed at the development of motor activity of children of senior preschool age.

At the control stage, the effectiveness of pedagogical work was evaluated.

2.1 Study of the level of development of motor activity of children

In the previous chapter, the role and characteristics of the motor activity of preschool children were considered. To test the effectiveness of the developed motor regimen and methods for managing the motor activity of children, a pedagogical experiment was conducted.

Purpose: to identify the level of development of motor activity in children 5-6 years old.

To carry out the experimental work, the following tasks were set:

1)select diagnostics for the study of motor activity of children;

2)to diagnose the motor activity of children according to the chosen method;

)analyze the results.

Assessment of motor activity is carried out on the basis of a set of indicators :) time of motor activity of children determined using the method of individual timing;) the volume of motor activity (number of movements - locomotion) using the pedometer method;) the intensity of motor activity is the number of movements per minute. It is calculated by dividing the volume of physical activity (number of movements) by its duration (minutes).

Conditions of conduct: in a normal environment during the daytime (from 8.00 to 17.00).

Quantitative measurement of motor activity was carried out using the pedometer method, which allows measuring the volume of motor activity (for a description of the method, see Appendix 1). With the help of the Zarya pedometer, which was placed in a special pocket and fastened on a wide belt on the side of the child, the number of steps taken by the child during the day was determined. The pedometer allows you to record the main movements in which most large muscle groups take part (steps when walking and running, squats, jumps, bends, etc.), without registering the movements of individual muscle groups (shoulder girdle, arms, legs).

Measuring the duration of physical activity of children during the day was calculated using a stopwatch. The intensity of motor activity was determined by dividing the number of movements by its duration in minutes (Appendix 2).

A qualitative study of motor activity was carried out with the help of pedagogical observation. The diary recorded activity in the process of physical education; physical activity carried out during training, socially useful and labor activities; spontaneous physical activity in free time (Appendix 3). The behavior of each child was analyzed in comparison with indicators of physical activity. Depending on the degree of mobility, children were divided into three main subgroups (high, medium and low mobility).

I am a subgroup (high mobility). Very mobile, but not distinguished by special dexterity and coordination of movements, often not attentive during exercise. Impulsive, disorganized, excitable. They do not know how to perform motor tasks at a moderate pace and sometimes do not complete them, make many erratic movements (swaying, half-squatting, bouncing, etc.). Attention Deficit Disorder makes it difficult for them to concentrate, listen to an adult's explanations, and consistently perform elements of various types of movements.

I am a subgroup (Medium mobility). They have a good level of development of physical qualities. They are characterized by a variety of independent motor activities, saturated with games and exercises of varying degrees of intensity, their expedient alternation. They are distinguished by balanced behavior, good emotional tone. These guys are active, mobile, show creative inclinations, strive to be leaders. Even when performing difficult tasks, they do not turn to the teacher for help, but try to overcome the obstacle on their own. However, these children are not always able to correctly and efficiently complete the task, they have insufficient mastery of the technique of movements.

I am a subgroup (Low mobility). These children are characterized by monotonous sedentary activity with a predominance of the static component. Often they are not confident in their abilities, they refuse to perform difficult tasks. When difficulties arise, they passively wait for help from the educator, they are slow, touchy.

After the diagnostics, the following results were obtained:

the average indicator of the volume of locomotion in the experimental group was 13244 steps, in the control group - 14533 steps, which is 1289 steps more than in the experimental group;

the average duration of motor activity in the experimental and control groups was 210 minutes;

the average rate of movement per minute in the experimental group was 63 steps, in the control group - 69 steps, which is 3 steps more than in the experimental group.

During the ascertaining experiment, it was noted that children with a high level of physical activity (Vova Sh., Pasha M., Andrey B., Polina R.) are characterized by monotonous activity, with a large amount of aimless running. These children are dominated by games and exercises of a high degree of intensity (running one after another, running jumps, football). These children are characterized by an inability to perform movements at a moderate pace and an unwillingness to engage in calm activities. These children are characterized by excessive mobility, fussiness, aggressiveness.

For example, Vova Sh., several times a day, goes to the sports corner on his own, without the initiative of educators. Impulsively takes sports equipment (balls, skittles), not having a clear idea of ​​their further use. Acts chaotically, using these items for other purposes (knocks with pins, carries the ball in a basket, swings the rope, etc.). Quickly loses interest in small inventory. Independently does not put objects in place, only at the request of the teacher. Often runs, likes to go up and down the stairs. He tries to reproduce the exercises that the teacher teaches during physical education classes. Losing interest just as quickly. Motor activity is accompanied by separate cries that have no semantic content.

Children with a low level of motor activity (Lena L., Nastya B., Andrey D.) are also characterized by monotonous activity, often interrupted by a static posture. These children were dominated by games and physical exercises of a low degree of intensity - role-playing games, games with small objects, with sand, which accounted for most of the time. These children showed no interest in group games; they preferred to play alone or together. These children often found it difficult to choose games, they often watched the games of their peers. They showed a fairly stable interest in role-playing games, the plots of these games are monotonous and all actions were performed while sitting on a bench (swinging a doll, preparing dinner, etc.) They are characterized by indecision, shyness, isolation, tearfulness, touchiness.

For example, Nastya B., on her own, practically does not fit into the sports corner, only if the educators offer. Often just watching the actions of other children. In the group does not run, ignores morning exercises. He perceives verbal instructions from adults and does not always follow them correctly, he does not comment on his own actions. He prefers to deal with small inventory, more often he simply sorts through objects. He cleans everything in place, at the request of the teachers or imitating the actions of other children.

Children with an average level of motor activity are characterized by a variety of activities, full of games and sports exercises, their appropriate alternation. They widely use various physical training aids, confidently performed well-known exercises. Such children often united independently to perform motor tasks: they threw the ball to each other and caught it, etc. The children had a balanced, good mood, calm sleep, good appetite.

For example, Lera D., no more than once a day is engaged in a sports corner. There is little running in the group. Can work alone for a long time. When working with small inventory, he shows independence, approaches classes with imagination. Imitates the actions of the teacher, commenting on his actions (“take the ball and do like this”). General developmental exercises quickly turn into entertainment (does not complete the sequence, does not show interest in correct execution). During classes on the stairs, he uses additional means (throws the rope over the crossbar; sitting on the crossbar, plays the ball on an elastic band). Tries to involve other children in activities (“come on like this”). After class puts all the items in place.

Thus, it was found that in the control group at the time of the study, the average level of motor activity prevails, and in the experimental group - a low level. This gives grounds for work aimed at regulating the motor activity of children with different mobility.

2.2 Methodology for improving the work on the guidance of children's motor activity

Purpose: to regulate the motor activity of children of the older group of different mobility.

)to develop motor tasks and pedagogical techniques to regulate the motor activity of children of different mobility;

)to implement and test their impact on the development of motor activity in children of the older group.

Motor activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of the child. An increase in motor activity has a beneficial effect on the functional state of all body systems, including the brain. It is believed that by the beginning of schooling, a child should develop a need for movement, corresponding to the age, individual needs of the body and type of nervous system, and even a certain style of activity, manifested in the volume, duration, intensity and content of motor activity.

The development of motor activity needs little - and hyperactive children.

The data of diagnostics and prognosis of the nearest zone of motor skills of each of the children indicate the directions of work on the development of motor activity.

According to the basic program "Praleska", the following tasks should be solved when forming the motor activity of children:

-to bring up a steady interest in organizing outdoor games and simple competitions with peers on their own initiative, the need for motor activity;

-create conditions for the development of psychomotor abilities, creativity, initiative in independent motor activity;

-develop a culture of movements, enrich motor experience;

-enrich the children's active vocabulary with the names of types and methods of movements, sports exercises, games;

-develop the ability to correctly show a particular movement at the request of an adult;

-to form optimal motor activity, the desire to observe the motor mode.

Establishing the levels of formation of motor activity and compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children on their basis made it possible to conduct differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels, and use an individual approach within each of them. The objectives of the differentiated guidance of motor activity were to increase motor activity in children with low mobility to the level of average, to develop their interest in outdoor games and sports exercises, the ability to use the motor skills acquired earlier in the classroom in their independent activities. In children with high mobility - in the development of the ability to control their activities and the development of endurance, interest in games and exercises that require precise performance.

At the very beginning of the experimental work, the most rational game techniques and methods used by the educator were the timely assistance to each child in choosing benefits, a place to play, as well as the use of various stimulating actions; demonstration of exercises by the teacher or the child. Throughout the work, the educator devoted considerable time to the individual guidance of the children's motor activity. Every day, on a walk, the teacher worked out with the children the movements and exercises that were not mastered in physical education classes.

As a result of the analysis of the literature and our own observations of the motor activity of children, two main groups of pedagogical techniques were identified:

) identical - general methods of guiding the motor activity of children with high and low mobility, acting, however, differently on their activity;

) different techniques used depending on the level of mobility of children.

A common technique in the management of motor activity was the involvement of children in helping adults in preparing manuals and equipment for independent activity, the development of interest in labor activity; fulfillment of instructions that caused active actions in sedentary children (sweep the veranda), and in children with high mobility - accurate, slow movements (collect multi-colored cubes in different boxes, arrange skittles at a certain distance).

An important technique in the guidance of motor activity was the introduction of plots into the independent play of children requiring active locomotion, which contributed to an increase in the motor activity of sedentary children and introduced a goal, a certain conscious direction into the aimless running of children with high mobility. The plot orientation of the games, as observations have shown, was facilitated by the use of various physical education aids that prompted children to purposeful actions (climbing “up the ladder to the steamer” - walking on an inclined board; “saving drowning sailors” - children jump from the gymnastic bench directly into hoops, etc. .d.). Indirect influence on the course of independent play was provided by various physical education aids that forced children to perform various movements (for example, I suggested: “Ira, go to the grocery store on a bicycle, it will be faster”).

The general group of techniques included the association of children of different mobility in joint games.

For example, Pasha M. (6 years 2 months), as mentioned above, is an overly mobile boy who is always so keen on running that he does not notice any obstacles in his path, runs into various buildings, often breaks them, and pushes children away.

Lena L. (5 years 6 months) is a sedentary girl who prefers to play with sand, with small objects, sit or stand for a long time, watching the games of her peers.

We found out that both children do not get the same movement - rolling a hoop along a narrow corridor, throwing a ball into a basket. We began to direct children to these types of exercises, having united these children and connected to them one more girl Lera D., who was a model when performing these exercises. Pasha and Lena practiced together for a long time, they had a need for communication, sharing and other exercises: Pasha taught Lena to ride a bike, and she taught him to jump rope. At the end of the experiment, bright qualitative changes were noted in the motor activity of these children. Pasha's motor behavior became calmer, more purposeful, there was a desire to perform exercises accurately. Lena became much more mobile, fell in love with ball games and other sports exercises.

Table 1. Calendar plan for working with children with different levels of physical activity

Date of the event Time of the event Content of the work Purpose 02/28/11 1 half day P / game “The sea is worried ...” P / game “Butterflies and dragonflies” Development of concentration and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. Development of speed of movement, concentration of attention. 01.03.11, 2 half a dayP / game "Butterflies and dragonflies" Exercise with the rules "Bonfire" Development of speed, concentration of attention. Formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one's own activity. 02.03.11, 1 half a day Game exercise "Fun exercise" Exercise with the rules "Bonfire" Development of attention and motor control. Formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one's own activity. 03/03/11 2nd half of the day Game exercise "Fun exercise" Exercise "Catch the hoop" Development of attention and motor control. Development of speed of movements 04.03.11 1 half of the day P / game "Horse-fire" Exercise "Catch the hoop" Development of speed of reaction. Development of speed of movements 07.03.11, 2nd half of the day Exercise “My triangular cap” P / game “Horse-fire” Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. Development of speed of reaction. 03/10/11 1 half of the day Exercise "Dragon" Exercise "My triangular cap" Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 11.03.11, 2nd half of the day finger therapy Exercise "Dragon" Overcoming disinhibition and training perseverance. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 03/14/11 1 half day P / game "Who has more" Exercise "Tsap!" finger acne therapy Development of attention and speed of movements. Overcoming disinhibition and training perseverance. 03/15/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. and Pasha M. The game "Buttons" Development of perseverance, voluntary attention. 03/16/11 1 half day P / games with elements of the competition "Run and jump ”, “Who is faster to the cord”, “Who will wind the cord faster” Development of speed of movements. 03/17/11 2nd half of the day Development of motor control. 03/18/11 1 half day Exercise "Bee" Exercise "Turtle" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. Development of motor control. 03/21/11 2nd half of the day Exercise "Bee" P / game "Who is faster" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. The development of the speed of reaction.22.03.11 1 half day P / game "Who is faster" Relax. ex. "Fire and Ice" Development of speed of reaction. Development of muscle control, elimination of impulsivity. 23.03.11, 2nd half of the dayRelax. ex. "Beach" Exercise with the rules "Naughty" Development of muscle control, elimination of impulsiveness. Development of voluntary regulation. 24.03.11 1 half day Exercise with the rules "Naughty" Exercise "Compass" Development of arbitrary regulation. Elimination of impulsiveness, development of interaction skills with peers. 03/25/11 2 half day Individual work with Lena L., Sasha T. and Nastya B. Exercise games “Who will throw further”, “Catch the hoop” Development of speed of movements and clarity of their implementation .28.03.11 1 half of the day Exercise "Goldfish" Exercise "Teapot with a lid" Development of interaction skills and motor control. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness.29.03.11 2nd half of the day Development of skills of cooperation and motor control. 30.03.11 1 half of the day Development of skills of cooperation and motor control. 03/31/11 2nd half of the day Exercise "Parade" Exercise "Siamese twins" Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 01.04.11 1 half day Exercise "Siamese twins" Exercise "Centipede" Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. Development of interaction skills with peers. 04.04.11 2nd half of the day Exercise "Turtle" Exercise "Hands and feet" Development of motor control. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. 04/05/11 1 half day Relay games Set of exercises No. 1 Development of speed and dexterity. 04/07/11 1 half of the day Exercise "Blooming Bud" Exercise "Stork" Development of skills of joint activity and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. Overcoming disinhibition and training perseverance. 04/08/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. and Pasha M. Exercise "Talk with hands" Teach children to control their actions. 04/11/11 1 half day Exercise "Listen to the claps » The game "Chants-whispers-silences" Training of attention and control of motor activity. Development of observation, the ability to act according to the rule, control of motor activity. 04/12/11 2 half a day Exercise "Broken Doll" Exercise "Ship" Development of muscle self-regulation. Development of the ability to regulate muscle tone. 04/13/11 1 half day Exercise with the rules "Naughty" Exercise "Dragon" Development of arbitrary regulation. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 14.04.11, 2nd half of the day Development of endurance and coordination of movements. Development of speed and agility. 04/15/11 1 half day P / game "Hold the ball" P / game "Who is faster with the ball" P / game "Pass the ball" Development of speed and agility. 04/18/11 2 half day Exercise "Rockclimbers" Exercise "Sea waves" Concentration of attention, control of impulsive movements Teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, help reduce muscle tension. 04/19/11 1 half of the day Exercise "Sea waves" P / game Find your cube "The game" Thread with a needle "To teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, to help reduce muscle tension. Development of attention Development of motor control, dexterity and skills of interaction with peers.20.04.11 2nd half of the day Individual work with Lena L., Sasha T. and Nastya B. Exercise games “Do not drop the ring”, “Who has more”, “ Catch up with the hoop "Development of the speed of movements, dexterity and clarity of their implementation. 04/21/11 1 half of the day Exercise" Quickly in places "And / game" Cycle "Training attention and control of motor activity. Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. 04/22/11 2 half day Relay games Set of exercises No. 2 Development of speed, agility and team abilities. muscle tension from the hands, let the children move in a free rhythm and pace. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 04/26/11, 2nd half of the day Exercise "Counting-mumbling" Game with a change in the tempo of movements "Flower Top" Development of concentration. Development of attention and speed of reaction. 04/27/11 1 half day P / games with elements of the competition "Run and jump", "Who will reach the middle sooner", "Take care of the bag" Development of speed of movements. 04/28/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. and Pasha M. Exercise "Speak!" The game "Yeralash" Development of the ability to control impulsive actions. Development of stability, concentration and volume of attention, calming excitability. 04/29/11 1 half a day Exercise "Bee" Game "Chants-whispers-silent" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. Development of observation, the ability to act according to the rule, control of motor activity.

Children with high motor activity were offered motor tasks with a clearly defined task, with increased gradual complication in the difficulty of performing movements for attention, coordination, dexterity, requiring accuracy of execution (“Hands and legs”, “Buttons”, “Find your house”, etc. ).

Children with low motor activity were given a variety of motor tasks for the same motor quality, which did not require accuracy of execution. These are games-exercises for speed of reaction, for speed and quick switching from one type of activity to another (“Take care of the bag”, “Who is faster to the cord?”, “Catch the hoop”, etc.). Sedentary children were offered relay games, games of a competitive nature. Previously, individual work was carried out on the development of movements, special attention was paid to those movements that were difficult for them (speed running, long jumps, etc.). When doing the exercises, we always encouraged these children, giving them the opportunity to believe in themselves. All of the listed pedagogical methods of an individual approach to children were built on the basis of taking into account the child's interest in games and various activities, in various physical education aids.

Let's give an example: Pasha M. preferred running games, holding a pistol or machine gun. These games were monotonous: Pasha ran all over the site, then sat on the gymnastic wall, shooting from a pistol, then jumped off and ran again ... We gradually attracted the boy to use different movements, achieving precise execution, given the interest in military topics, we explained to Pasha, that the soldiers should be able to do different exercises and offered him to do them. This is climbing to the top of the gymnastic wall, throwing the ball into the basketball hoop, walking on the boom, etc. Having enriched the plot with different types of movements and the use of equipment and physical education aids, we ensured that Pasha M. by the end of the experiment had a steady interest in various independent motor movements. activities, sports activities.

On a walk, the real possibilities of each child (organization, activity, independence) were most clearly manifested. Children with an average and high level of motor activity mastered the physical exercises and motor tasks that were offered to them faster than those with low mobility. Sedentary children had a more tense state, lack of confidence in their abilities, which negatively affected the assimilation of exercises. Therefore, the same exercise was often repeated with sedentary children, always creating a calm, familiar environment. These children learned physical exercises faster on the basis of imitation, that is, with the help of the demonstration method (by the teacher or the child).

For children with medium and high levels of physical activity, the most important was explanation and persuasion using the word.

2.3 Analysis and discussion of the study results

Purpose: To determine the dynamics of the level of development of motor activity in children aged 5-6 years.

) re-diagnose the level of development of motor activity of children in the test group;

) processing of diagnostic data of the control experiment;

) make a comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment.

At this stage, the same diagnostics was used as in the ascertaining experiment. Research protocols in Appendix 5.6.

After re-diagnosis, the following results were obtained:

the average locomotion volume in the experimental group was 14664 steps, in the control group - 15373 steps, based on this, we can conclude that the increase in the volume of locomotion in the experimental group was 1420 steps, in the control group - 840 steps;

the average duration of motor activity in the experimental and control groups did not change and amounted to 210 minutes;

the average rate of movement per minute in the experimental group was 70 steps, in the control group - 73 steps, based on this, we can conclude that the increase in the intensity of movements per minute in the experimental group was 7 steps, and in the control group - 4 steps.

Research results motor activity of children showed that in the experimental group a low level of motor activity was observed in 14% of children and in the control group - in 14%. The average level in the experimental group was in 86% of children and in the control group - in 71%. A high level of development of motor activity in the control group was noted in 14% of children, and in the experimental group - children with a high level of development of motor activity 0%.

Thus, the results of the ascertaining and control experiment showed that in the experimental group the average level of physical activity of children increased by 58%. The low level is down 29% and the high level is down 28%.

In the process of experimental work, the phenomenon of the transfer of motor skills and abilities was discovered. Acquired by children in organizational forms of work on the development of movements in independent activities. The transfer of sports games and exercises was most clearly manifested in children with an average level of physical activity.

Children began to creatively use a variety of physical education aids in their games. Communication between children in the process of jointly performed movements in games has become longer. Constant enthusiasm, the ability to quickly engage in interesting work, a great interest in sports games - all this was typical for the children of the experimental group.

All experimental work carried out in the older group had a positive effect on all three indicators of motor activity (number of locomotions, duration, intensity).

The independent motor activity of children has become much richer in content, they have a steady interest in sports games (badminton, basketball, tennis, towns) and sports exercises. Creative games began to be purposeful with the use of a variety of movements and physical education aids. In the children of the experimental group, all three indicators of motor activity (the number of locomotions, duration, intensity) increased significantly, as well as indicators of motor fitness.

Experimental work was carried out in the preschool educational institution "Spark" with. Soviet, Soviet district from January to September in the 2010-2011 academic year with children 5-6 years old conditionally divided into two groups of 7 people.

The diagnostic study was aimed at identifying the level of motor activity in the test group. To achieve the set goal and objectives, the shagometry method was used, which allows measuring the volume of motor activity. A qualitative study of motor activity was carried out by observing children during classes and free time.

The results of the study showed that in the experimental group, a high level of development of motor activity in 28% of children, an average level of development of motor activity in 28% of children, and a low level - in 43%. In the control group, a high level of physical activity was in 28% of children, an average level - in 57% of children and a low level - in 14% of children.

Establishing the levels of formation of motor activity and compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children on their basis made it possible to conduct differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels, and use an individual approach within each of them.

Pedagogical techniques and methods of motor activity guidance were based on the gradual involvement of sedentary children in active mobile activities. In children with high mobility, they were directed to the gradual switching of their activity to more calm activities.

An important technique in the guidance of motor activity was the introduction of plots into the independent play of children requiring active locomotion, which contributed to an increase in the motor activity of sedentary children and introduced a goal, a certain conscious direction into the aimless running of children with high mobility.

In addition to general pedagogical techniques, children with high and low mobility during a walk, on days when there were no physical education classes, were offered specially selected and developed by us motor tasks in the form of games - exercises.

In the process of experimental work, the phenomenon of the transfer of motor skills and abilities was discovered. Acquired by children in organizational forms of work on the development of movements in independent activities.

The individually differentiated work carried out had a positive impact on the content of the independent activity of the children in the experimental group and on their behavior. There was a general balanced activity throughout the day, good mood, interest in various activities.

In the experimental group, the number of children with medium mobility increased, while the number of children with high and low mobility decreased. In the control group, the changes were insignificant.

Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed pedagogical methods for regulating the motor activity of older preschool children had a significant impact on the rational use of various physical exercises by children in independent activities, as well as on increasing the motor activity of children with medium and low mobility.


Our work is devoted to the formation of optimal motor behavior of children of senior preschool age.

In connection with the goal in the first chapter, the motor activity of older preschool children was considered from the point of view of modern pedagogy and it was found out that motor activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of the child.

Thus, motor activity should be considered the most important indicator of the motor development of a preschooler. For the implementation of optimal physical activity of children, it is necessary to correctly and competently organize a motor mode, the purpose of which is to satisfy the natural biological need of children for movement, to improve the level of children's health, to ensure the mastery of motor skills and abilities.

Knowledge of the features of motor activity of children and the degree of conditionality of its upbringing and training is necessary for the correct construction of the process of physical education of children.

Then, in the practical part, an analysis was made of the state of motor activity of older preschool children in the experimental and control groups. In the course of the ascertaining experiment, we revealed 3 levels of children's motor activity. The high level was in 28% of children in the experimental group and in 28% of children in the control group. The average level is in 28% of children in the experimental group and in 57% of children in the control group. The low level was in 43% of children in the experimental group and in 14% of children in the control group. Establishing the levels of formation of motor activity and compiling psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children on their basis made it possible to conduct differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels, and use an individual approach within each of them.

After the work done, the independent motor activity of children became much richer in content, they had a steady interest in sports games and sports exercises. Creative games began to be purposeful with the use of a variety of movements and physical education aids. In the children of the experimental group, all three indicators of motor activity (the number of locomotions, duration, intensity) increased significantly, as well as indicators of motor fitness.

Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed pedagogical methods for regulating the motor activity of older preschool children had a significant impact on the rational use of various physical exercises by children in independent activities, as well as on increasing the motor activity of children with medium and low mobility.

One of the important tasks in working with children is to ensure that the hours free from the performance of educational tasks are filled reasonably, interestingly, so that they are an effective means of educating children. To a large extent, this depends on the educator, his ability to captivate children with an interesting thing, to give an outlet to their energy, to provide everyone with the opportunity to fully express themselves, realize their abilities.

Based on the analysis of experimental work, it is possible to draw conclusions about the correctness of the put forward hypothesis and the construction of experimental work on the formation of optimal motor behavior in older preschoolers.


preschooler activity motor guide

1.Antonov, Yu.E. Healthy preschooler [Text]: Social and health-improving technology of the XXI century / Yu.E. Antonov, M.N. Kuznetsova, T.F. Saulin. ed. 2nd rev. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2001. - 80 p.

2.Arshavsky, I.A. Your baby may not get sick [Text]: physical education for health / I.A. Arshavsky; - M.: Soviet sport, 1990. - 30 p.

.Voronova, E.K. Games - relay races for children 5 - 7 years old [Text]: a practical guide / E.K. Voronova. - M.: Arkti, 2009. - 88 p.

.Health-saving physical development: Developing motor programs for children 5-6 years old [Text]: a guide for teachers of preschool institutions / Filippova L.V., Lebedev Yu.A., Shilkova I.K., Silkin Yu.R., Bolshev A. FROM. and others - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2001. - 336 p.

.Games and exercises for children with a high level of motor activity [Electronic resource]. - Access mode #"justify">. Kuznetsova, M.N. The system of complex measures for the improvement of children in preschool educational institutions [Text]: a guide for health workers and educators / M.N. Kuznetsova; - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - 64 p.

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.Mashchenko, M.V. Physical culture of a preschooler [Text]: a guide for preschool teachers. institutions, methodologists in physics. education / M.V. Mashchenko, V.A. Shishkin. - Minsk: Urajay, 2000. - 156 p.

.Osokina, T.I. Physical exercises and outdoor games for preschoolers [Text]: a book for kindergarten teachers / T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeev. 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1971. - 159 p.

.Outdoor games for children [Electronic resource]. - Access mode #"justify">. Praleska: preschool education program [Text] / Pod. ed. prof. E.A. Panko. - Minsk: NIO, 2007. - 320 p.

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.Theory and methodology of physical education [Text]: Textbook for in-t nat. culture. / Ed. L.P. Matveeva, A.D. Novikova, volume 2. - M.: FiS, 1976. - 256 p.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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From the moment of birth, a normally developing child strives for movement. At first, these movements are erratic. However, gradually they begin to acquire a more coordinated character. Movements have a comprehensive effect on the human body, and this effect is immeasurably higher for a growing organism. In whatever conditions a child is brought up, he needs the means for the timely and correct development of movements: a spacious room, aids and objects that encourage him to act, outdoor games, musical OD, as well as GCD for the development of physical qualities. In addition to organized forms of work on the development of movements in the motor mode of children, independent activity occupies a large place. The child has the opportunity to play, to move at his own will. However, here, too, his actions largely depend on the conditions created by adults. With proper guidance of children's motor activity, it is possible to significantly influence the variety of their games, movements, without suppressing initiative.

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The main means of physical education of young children are proper nutrition, the widespread use of natural factors of nature, good hygiene care, a well-organized daily routine, methodically correct routine processes (feeding, sleeping, toileting), creating favorable conditions for a variety of activities and, above all, for the development of movements. child

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According to modern data, children move half as much as it is provided for by the age norm, which means that insufficient attention is paid to the independent motor activity of children.

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One of the aspects of the organization of upbringing and personal development is physical culture, which expands the adaptive capabilities of the child. Motor activity helps to improve human health, increases its functionality, the ability to withstand negative environmental factors. This is especially important today, in conditions of a sharply increased pace of life. Motor activity is a necessary condition for the versatile development of a child: he learns the world around him through movements, in them he finds an outlet for his irrepressible thirst for knowledge, energy, and fantasy. Movements create conditions for the development of intelligence, stimulate speech and emotional activity, teach communication; In a word, movement is the life of a child, his element!

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Description of the slide:

Independent activity of children is one of the main models for organizing the educational process of preschool children: the free activity of pupils in the conditions of a subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually

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Independent motor activity of children affects the following functions: Health: protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, promoting the correct physical and mental development of the child's body, increasing mental and physical performance. Developing: development of movements, formation of motor skills and physical qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, endurance), formation of correct posture. Educational: enriching children's knowledge about their body, health, about ways to strengthen it, preserve it, and take a responsible attitude. Educational: education of positive character traits (courage, determination, perseverance), moral qualities (goodwill, mutual assistance), volitional qualities (willpower, the ability to win and lose), the formation of a healthy lifestyle habit, the desire to exercise (including not for the sake of achieving success as such, but for your own health).

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The organization of a rational motor mode is one of the main conditions for ensuring a comfortable psychological state of children. In addition, there is a direct relationship, as experts point out, between the motor rhythm and the child's mental performance. Harmful, they note, both insufficient and excessive physical activity. The starting point in the organization of the motor regime of children should be the natural need of the body for movement. It averages from 10 to 15 thousand active movements in space per day for children 6-7 years old; 10-12 thousand - for children 5-6 years old; 8-10 thousand - for children 3-4 years old; 6-8 thousand - for children 2-3 years old. About 60-70% of this number of movements should fall on the period of the child's stay in an educational institution.

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Increasing the independent motor activity of children can be considered as one of the effective means of maintaining the health of the child, improving his physical fitness, enriching the motor experience, increasing creative and cognitive potential. Children's need for movement is most fully realized in their independent activities. Independently, but under the guidance of the educator, the development of all basic movements takes place. That is why it is so important to create the conditions necessary for each child to have the opportunity to move as much as he wants, so that his activities are meaningful and varied. “... A child in preschool childhood should feel muscular joy and love movement, this will help him carry the need for movement through his whole life, join sports and a healthy lifestyle.”

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Each of the regime segments of independent motor activity is a certain "improving dose" in the form of movements, physical activity, working on the child's health, his correct physical development and physical fitness, gives the child the opportunity to communicate with peers and caregivers, i.e. social comfort, and the development of motor skills is an opportunity for self-expression. When should children move on their own? Anytime they want it! Therefore, the conditions for movements must be thought out. Be sure each of the children should receive their "motor dose" during the morning intake, after breakfast before the OD, for a walk, after a daytime sleep. Each of the regime segments corresponds to special requirements for the intensity of movements. During the morning reception, motor activity is calm, moderate. The teacher is busy receiving children, cannot pay due attention to direct guidance, and therefore creates conditions in advance for simple movements that are well known to children and do not require insurance: lay flat tracks, cords, arcs, skittles on the floor, change their location several times, something cleans up quickly.

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On a walk, children should move a lot, actively. Movements can be complex, as it is possible to teach each child separately and provide him with the necessary insurance. The teacher himself determines the time, content, duration, venue, number of students, guided by his knowledge of the individual characteristics of the kids. An important role in the independent activity of the child is played by outdoor games with rules, with their help initiative, organizational skills and creativity develop. These games contribute to the formation of the children's team and the observance of the rules adopted in them. In the evening, you can use games that promote the development of accuracy and dexterity of movements: checkers, exercises with health balls, hand expanders, etc. It is very good if older children are taught to play chess, which develop logic and active thinking, concentration and purposefulness.

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The main activity in preschool age, as you know, is the game. Therefore, the motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that helps to satisfy the need for movement.

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One of the reasons for the low physical activity of children in independent games is the insufficient and irrational use of physical education aids and sports equipment (balls, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles, scooters, etc.). Taking into account the individual characteristics of children and relying on their interests, the teacher can show different options for more active actions with benefits than those performed by the child, help enrich the game plot, fill it with a variety of movements.

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To meet the motor needs of children, special conditions must be created based on the following principles: continuity (from morning to evening); voluntariness (cause desire, not force); availability of exercises; alternation of organized forms with independent motor activity.

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Communication has a significant impact on the motor activity of preschoolers in games. The introduction of movements into games using aids increases the duration of children's communication

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The formation of the skills of independent motor actions in a child is facilitated by various small and large physical education aids, toys. The third year of life - toys are selected that stimulate initial independent actions - these are wheelchairs, strollers, cars, balls, balls that are used for throwing, rolling into the gate, rolling and rolling down the hill. Large physical education aids are used: slides, ladders, gates, benches, boxes, etc., on which the child practices climbing, crawling, stepping over, etc. The fourth year of life - motor toys, small aids and games: balls of different sizes, bags, rings, ring throwers and ball throwers, throwing shields, hoops, short and long ropes, as well as bicycles, etc. are given for throwing and throwing exercises. , contributing to orientation in space, leading to the assimilation of the rules of safe movement along the street. For 5-6-year-old children, sports games are widely used - towns, serso, ring toss, basketball, badminton, table tennis, etc. These games help prepare for school, go in for sports. Children independently and creatively participate in ball school games, organize relay races and games with elements of competition. The teacher observes these games and corrects their course.

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In the process of guiding the motor activity of children, a significant place should be given to showing a variety of movements with physical education aids. It is important to take into account the individual manifestations of each child. So, overly mobile children should be shown actions that require accuracy or special care when using the manual, for example, roll the ball along a narrow board into the collars; hit the target with a sandbag, etc. Sedentary children can be offered active actions and movements that do not require accuracy: throw the ball into the distance and run after it; jump from hoop to hoop, jump rope, etc.

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Thus, two main stages can be distinguished in the guidance of children's motor activity. First, direct contacts of the educator with each child are established, his interest in games, exercises and physical education aids, his relationships with peers are revealed, and his motor experience is revealed. For the development of independent activity of children, the necessary conditions are created: timely assistance to each child in the choice of games and exercises, physical education aids, and a place to play. At this stage, the following methods and techniques can be applied: joint exercise of the child with the teacher or with other children; explanation and demonstration of more complex elements of movements; promotion. The main direction of the guidance of children's motor activity in the process of independent activity is its enrichment with various movements.

teachers' council

"Organization of motor activity of children in preschool

in accordance with GEF"


1. Refine the knowledge of teachers on the development of motor activity in preschool educational institutions.

2. To activate the mental activity of teachers, to develop their creative potential.

3. Introduce teachers toinnovative approaches to the physical culture and health-improving work of preschool educational institutions.

3. To systematize the work on improving the forms of physical development and strengthening the health of children.

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed and personality develops. One of the many factors affecting the health and performance of a growing organism is motor activity.

What does motor activity mean?

This is the total number of motor actions carried out by the child during the day.

Motor activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of the child.

The federal state educational standards define the targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

  • the child has developed gross and fine motor skills,
  • he is mobile, hardy, masters the basic movements,
  • can control and manage their movements.

The essence and significance of motor activity for children?

Development of the nervous system



physical qualities

Formation of personal qualities


Psychological-emotional state

The main causes of neuropsychiatric and somatic diseasespreschool children - intellectual overload and a decrease in motor activity both in terms of volume and intensity.

Therefore, we can say that the work on the implementation of this task is relevant in our preschool educational institution.

The concept of " motor mode" includesduration, frequency and distribution of all types of physical activity of children during the day. And it means all types of organized and independent activities in which the locomotor (associated with movement in space) actions of children clearly appear.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the motor activity of children, the optimization of the motor mode is characterized by flexibility, but at the same time a clear structuring, therefore, a model of the motor activity of children has been developed, which allows you to trace all the work not only during the day, but also during the week, month, the entire academic year.

Consider the sequence, plan, conditions and features of the implementation of the motor regime in stages, during the day.

"The first half of the day"

This is the shortest stage in time, but the most saturated with educational and recreational activities. It is better to plan games of low or medium mobility “Find what is hidden”, “carry the ball”, etc. During this period, individual work, games, recreational exercises are necessarily carried out.

1. Morning exercises

Morning gymnastics is the most important component of the motor regime, its organization should be aimed at solving health problems, raising the emotional and muscle tone of children.

Different forms of gymnastics are used: traditional (ORU with and without objects), game, plot, recreational running, using an obstacle course,Rhythmic gymnastics.

Morning exercises are included in the regime from the second group of early age and are carried out daily, before breakfast. The complex of morning exercises is performed for 2 weeks. In spring and summer, it is more useful to do gymnastics outdoors, on the playground.

At the beginning of the year, children of the second group of early age are not built before doing exercises: they walk and run in all directions, in a flock. In the future, children begin to build in a line.

In younger groups, general developmental exercises are imitative in nature and are carried out in a playful way. In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing certain exercises, and in the older group - to perform certain elements of the exercise.

It is also necessary to take care of the musical accompaniment. The development of rhythm and coordination of children is facilitated by blows to a tambourine, a drum, etc.

2. Physical minutes

Physical education (short-term physical exercises) are carried out in the process of educational activities. The value of physical education is to change the nature of the activity and posture of the child. yo na put yo m of physical activity, relieving fatigue, restoring the emotionally positive state of the psyche.

It can be done sitting or standing at the table at which the children study. It consists of 2-3 trunk extension exercises, arm movements that activate the muscles and expand the chest, and step in place. Sunѐ this is done within 1-3 minutes. A prerequisite for physical education is fresh air (open transoms, windows). It should be joyful, exciting

Motor warm-upheld in between educational activities in the middle, senior, preparatory group. Consists of 3-4 game exercises: "Ring throw", "Cockfight" or an outdoor game

Game exercises should be familiar to children, simple in content, with a small number of rules, accessible to children with different levels of physical activity.

At least 10 minutes long.

4. Walk

Report "Motor activity of children on a walk"

There are walks 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. A favorable time for individual work with children and the organization of their independent activities.

Outdoor games and exercise during a walk are a form of optimal motor mode.

On a walk, the duration of games and exercises:

10-12 minutes of low intensity at the end of the walk, if directly educational activities for physical development are planned that day, -30-40 minutes on other days;

After a morning walk, you can carry out dosed walking - 3 times a week at the end of the walk in normal seasonal clothes. A certain route is set: 2 - 600m., medium - 800m., senior - 1000m., preparatory - 1.200m.

We should not forget about games - relay races, round dance games.

It is necessary to plan outdoor and sports games for a walk: in winter - hockey; in spring, summer, autumn - football, basketball, badminton, towns and sports exercises: in winter - sledding, sliding on ice tracks, skiing; spring, summer, autumn - cycling, scooters. This form of work opens up wide opportunities for the physical improvement of children, strengthening their health and tempering.

It is important that children have at their disposal game material, physical education aids and equipment that stimulates physical activity.


Exercise after sleep- This is a complex of gymnastic exercises (both traditional and non-traditional), hardening and therapeutic and preventive measures carried out in order to prepare children for vigorous activity, recovery and physical development.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education for preschool education programs in the content of the motor regime suggests the mandatory inclusion of gymnastics after daytime sleep. For the first time this form of work on the health and physical development of children was proposed in the program of Alyamovskaya V.G. "Health".

Hardening procedures are combined with other wellness procedures:

breathing and sound gymnastics, prevention and correction of posture disorders, flat feet, finger gymnastics, self-massage and other exercises.

Carrying out recreational gymnastics after daytime sleep has approximately the following scheme:

1. General developmental and health exercises in bed (lying and sitting), or standing by the bed.

2. Exercises aimed at preventing flat feet and posture disorders;

3. Hardening procedures.

The main purpose of gymnastics after daytime sleep is to increase the vital activity of the whole organism: the muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, to activate the activity of the nervous system, to create conditions for good mental performance, for the transition to an active state of the whole organism.

The choice of a set of gymnastic exercises after sleep is based on the children's motor experience and the nature of the previous physical activity.

For example, if on this day there was a physical education lesson of a training nature, then gymnastics after sleep is carried out with a small load.

In accordance with the requirements of age adequacy, gymnastics should be carried out in the form of games and game exercises in all age groups. It can be a plot or figurative type of gymnastics, or gymnastics with elements of logorhythmics.

Organized motor activityincludes physical education classes.

Physical education classes

The purpose of physical education classes is to:

Ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the body;

To form motor skills and abilities, physical qualities;

To create conditions for the versatile development of children.

Forms of physical culture classes are varied. The following forms of conducting classes are used in the work: educational and training nature, plot, game, thematic, integrated, rhythmic gymnastics, classes using simulators and training devices, control and accounting, outdoor exercises).

The correct alternation of load and active rest during the lesson ensures the preservation of the optimal excitability of the attention and emotions of the child, and prevents naturally developing fatigue.

Interest in classes in any age group is provided by the novelty of exercises and games and the gradual complication of tasks that cause the work of thought, activation of actions, positive emotions, and the desire to achieve results. In order for physical education to bring even greater health benefits, exercises are used daily to prevent postural disorders and flat feet, and work is being done to strengthen the respiratory system.

There are children in our preschool who suffer from a general speech disorder.It is known that the higher the motor activity of the child, the more intensively his speech develops. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poetry, sayings, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills.

It is recommended that a physical education instructor use step-logo rhythmics in physical education classes, which allows you to coordinate the cognitive, speech and motor activity of children, direct them to solve the problems specified in clause 1.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard: “protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being".

The main essence of step-logo rhythms with musical accompaniment is the trinity of the impact of movement, music and words on the overall development of the child.

Independent motor activity

No less important is independent motor activity during the day.. At the same time, the age and psycho-emotional characteristics of children are taken into account.

The teacher, organizing motor activity, must take into account the gender characteristics of children. For boys of senior preschool age, the mode of high physical activity is favorable, and for girls, the average mode is YES. Therefore, it is necessary to consider additional motor activities for boys. It should be remembered that girls need to be encouraged to move, so they should be involved in organizing outdoor games.

Doing it on your own, yo nok focuses on actions leading to the achievement of the goal that captivates him. For the activation of independent motor activity, the motor environment plays a significant role.

The Federal State Educational Standard sets certain requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment: saturation, multifunctionality, variability, accessibility, safety, transformability.

Report "Centers of motor activity"

Conclusion: The life of children during the day should proceed within the established optimal motor regimen, without haste and constant haste, contrary to the basics of hygiene of the nervous system of the child. oh nka. slide 2

Motor activity is the total number of motor actions carried out by the child during the day. Motor activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of the child. What does motor activity mean?

Acquisition of experience by children in the following activities: motor (exercises aimed at developing coordination and flexibility; activities that contribute to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills of both hands, basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastery of outdoor games with rules; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of healthy lifestyle values, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, in the formation of good habits, etc.).

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education: the child shows initiative and independence in various activities; the child owns different forms and types of play; the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, hardy, owns the basic movements; can control and manage his movements; can comply with social norms of behavior; follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene. GEF DO

Development of the nervous system Psyche Intelligence Physical qualities Formation of personal qualities Health Psychological and emotional state The essence and significance of physical activity for children?

1. Physical culture and health-improving classes during regime moments Model of the mode of motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions Types of classes and form of motor activity Younger group (min) Middle group (min) Senior group (min) to school group (min) Features of the organization 1.1 Morning exercises 5-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 Daily in the spa / hall, group, outdoors 1.2 Motor warm-up during the break m / classes 10 10 10 10 Daily 1.3 Physical education. minute (up to 3 minutes) 1.5-2 2 3 3 Daily as needed depending on the type and content of the lesson 1.4. Outdoor games and exercise during walks 6-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 Daily during walks 1.5. Health running 3-7 3-7 10-12 2 times a week in the morning. walk 1.6. Exercise after nap 10 10 15 15 Daily

2. Organized motor activity In physical culture 15 20 25 30 3 times a week, once - in the area for children aged 5-7 years (up to -15 ° C). In bad weather - in a sports / gym 3. Independent motor activity Independent motor activity Duration depends on the individual characteristics of children Daily indoors and outdoors 4. Physical culture and health-improving activities Week of health 2 times a year Days of health 1 time per month Physical culture leisure 15- 20 20-25 25-30 25-30 1 time per month Physical culture sports festival - - 50-60 50-60 2 times a year in the gym or outdoors (summer and winter)

Thanks for attention!

Nowadays, everyone knows that physical education and sports are good for health. As for the movements for the physical and mental development of the child, this is mentioned in almost all books on the upbringing of children. And it is really impossible to imagine a healthy child motionless, although, unfortunately, sedentary children can be found more and more often among pupils of kindergartens, not to mention schoolchildren. The child already in preschool childhood experiences the harmful effects of hypodynamia. Hypodynamia - what is it? Is it a threat to small children?

Physiologists consider movement to be an innate, vital human need. Its complete satisfaction is especially important at early and preschool age, when all the basic systems and functions of the body are being formed.

Hygienists and doctors say: without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. Movement is a warning of various kinds of diseases. Movement is the most effective remedy.

According to psychologists: a small child is a doer!.. And his activity is expressed primarily in movements. The more diverse the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of the correct neuropsychic development at an early age.

All famous teachers from antiquity to the present day note: movement is an important means of education.

Moving, the child learns the world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination of a small child.

The task of creating all the necessary conditions for our children to grow up physically healthy and strong is one of the most important. We, the employees of preschool institutions, are entrusted with the most valuable thing - our children: tender, fragile, each individually and all together. Today, life makes increased demands on children. This means that it is necessary to form a generation with higher morals, mental abilities and physical development. One of the most important areas of physical education, as has already been found out, is the physical activity of children. It is this direction that was chosen by our teachers for experimental activities, during which we are trying to answer questions that are important to us:

· How to help preschoolers improve their health, become stronger, dexterous, resilient?

How to teach them to control their body in order to resist various ailments?

· What new forms of work need to be developed?

· How to interest children, teachers and parents?

How to make work efficient?

We started this work with an in-depth study of various modern programs, such as: "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" by R. Sterkina, "I am a Man" by S. Kozlova, "Hello" by M. Lazarev, "Movement Day by Day" by M. Runova , “Healthy Preschooler” by Yu. Zmanovsky… All programs are aimed at protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of preschool children. We took motor activity as a source of children's health as a basis.

We have identified the main areas of work:

Creation of conditions for the development of motor activity and health improvement of the child;

· development of an integrated system of rehabilitation and education of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions through motor activity;

Implementation of close interaction between the preschool educational institution, family, society.

The main tasks were identified in three areas of work. In the field of work with children they are:

1. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils;

2. Formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle among pupils;

3. Formation of safe behavior skills;

4. Development of children's cognitive interest.

The tasks of working with teachers were determined:

1. Increasing the competence of teachers in the organization of recreational work;

2. Motivation of teachers to improve the quality of the organization of recreational work.

The following tasks were solved in the work with parents:

1. Increasing the competence of parents in the organization of recreational work;

2. Involving families in the educational process based on the pedagogy of cooperation.

The first step for the successful implementation of the experiment was the creation of conditions for the development and health of children.

The kindergarten is equipped with a sports hall equipped with the necessary equipment, sports zones in group rooms, traffic corners, health paths. The kindergarten site was also not left without attention. There are verandas, benches, slides, turnstiles, climbing ladders, treadmills in the group areas.

The center has a sports ground. There is everything you need for classes and physical activity of children: volleyball and basketball courts, a treadmill, a sand pit for long jumps, Swedish ladders of different heights, gymnastic logs, benches, swings, arcs for crawling, stands for throwing at a target, staples for jumping to the target, stepping over, columns of different heights, equipment for the development of coordination of movements. Each group has a sufficient amount of external material (balls of different sizes, jump ropes, sticks, sports games).

Creating a healthy lifestyle for a child in a preschool educational institution is the fundamental principle of his full-fledged upbringing and development. A healthy lifestyle involves introducing children to motor culture through targeted physical education. While moving, children learn about the world around them, learn to love and purposefully act in it. And the next task of our innovative work was the development of a work schedule for the motor activity of children during the day. For this work, all employees of the kindergarten were involved: head teacher, senior teacher, physical education instructor, music director, educators, doctor, nurse. In our work, we proceeded from the fact that only physical activity, hardening provide health, energy, not to mention a good mood.

Therefore, it is very important to rationally organize the regime in kindergarten so that children are on the move as much as possible. Sports and recreation activities in kindergarten are now held daily in accordance with the schedule of physical activity. According to the plan, their implementation is also monitored. Forms of physical culture and health-improving work have become more diverse.

We introduced a second exercise in the garden after sleep - “awakening gymnastics”. Exercises begin from a lying position, and gradually the children get up. Finish gymnastics by walking along the "health paths". They also introduced preventive gymnastics daily before a walk, before going to bed, in free activities. Every day, educators conduct dosed running and walking for a walk in the morning and evening. In music classes, special attention is paid to the development of movements to music. For this, rhythmic, round dance, musical communicative and finger games, games with singing are used. In addition, sports and recreational leisure activities, physical culture holidays were held.

Motor activity is the most important component of the lifestyle and behavior of preschoolers. It depends on the organization of physical education of children, on the level of their motor fitness, on living conditions, individual characteristics, physique and functional capabilities of a growing organism. Children systematically engaged in physical education are distinguished by cheerfulness, good spirits and high efficiency.

Realizing that the issue of motor activity as a health-saving basis for the physical education of children is important, complex and multifaceted, special attention should be paid to planning. We plan motor activity in stages. The stage is a conditional division of physical culture and health work in the daily routine, it has its own tasks, in accordance with which it is necessary to select the means, methods and forms of physical activity of preschoolers.

1st stage of the pedagogical process - " Morning "- the most saturated with educational and health-improving tasks. In the morning we try to plan games of low or medium activity. But at the same time, when planning outdoor games, we always take into account what activities will be after breakfast. If classes are associated with a long static posture (mathematics, speech development, fine arts), then we plan games of medium and greater mobility. If there is a physical education lesson, then we plan a calmer final game.

For hardening the body, increasing the efficiency of children after sleep and regular physical training in order to improve the muscular apparatus and the respiratory system, it is very important morning exercises. We conduct it in various forms: traditional, game, gymnastics using various objects, rhythmic gymnastics.

A positive health effect is possible with regular use. physical education classes, which takes into account the observance of the principles of gradualness, repetition and systematic physical activity. Mandatory for each lesson are exercises to improve posture and develop flexibility of the spine. An indispensable condition during the lesson is the constant monitoring of the well-being of children. All exercises are performed against the background of positive responses of the child.

To prevent fatigue and reduce performance, we carry out dynamic pauses. They help relieve tension in children during prolonged static stress. We also conduct physical education, finger and body games.

2nd stage of the pedagogical process - "Walk". During the day, the walk is organized twice: in the morning and in the evening. A walk is a favorable time for carrying out individual work with children and organizing their independent motor activity.

Educators are responsible for planning a walk, carefully choosing games for walks taking into account the age of children. Games should include various types of movements (running, throwing, jumping, etc.) and contain interesting motor game tasks. Preschool children enjoy playing story games and games with objects. Relay race games, games with rules, elements of competition are popular among older preschoolers.

Dosed running and walking walking is one of the ways to train and improve endurance, the most valuable healing quality. At the beginning or end of the walk, it is recommended to run, for example, around the kindergarten building (speed 1-1.2 m / s), and then switch to walking.

Before nap should be relaxation exercises. They are used to relieve tension in the muscles involved in various activities.

3rd stage of the pedagogical process "Afternoon" .

The main pedagogical task of this period is to arouse the desire in children to come back to kindergarten tomorrow. For its implementation, the educator creates a positive emotional mood in the group.

After a daytime sleep in each group, educators conduct invigorating gymnastics. It consists of 4-6 exercises that children perform while lying or sitting in bed on top of a blanket. In older groups, educators add self-massage. Children wake up, then do exercises in bed, then get up on massage mats and go along the “health paths” located on the floor to the washroom.

In the second half of the day we try to devote more time to independent motor activities of children. Here we are helped by physical education corners, which are in all groups.

So, there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person. Raising a healthy child has been and remains an urgent problem of education and medicine. In our kindergarten, we try to solve this problem with the interaction of teachers and parents. After all, the health of the child largely depends on the environment that surrounds him at home. And a positive result of health-improving work is possible only with the support of parents. For parents, we hold consultations, group and general kindergarten parent meetings, where we make presentations, invite a doctor, nurse, and physical education instructor. In each group there are "parental corners" on which specific recommendations and memos are placed. With the help of various events, we are trying to convey to parents that they are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the individual for their children, that in order to form a healthy lifestyle in the family, there must be a benevolent microclimate and an example of parents; that the best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.

It is necessary that all participants in the pedagogical process - teachers, children, parents - be involved in joint activities, carrying out the interpenetration of the family and the kindergarten. After all, only with such interaction can really achieve great results in strengthening the physical and psychological health of children.

Based on the results of our work, we can state that it is necessary and important to work on the development of children's motor activity. Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. Motor activity is a derivative not only of the individual characteristics of children, but also of the motor regime, which is established in a children's institution and at home. Systematic developing physical culture and health improvement work in preschool educational institutions, carried out in accordance with the indicated priorities, can lead to a number of significant results.

Movements, even the simplest ones, give food to children's imagination, develop creativity, which is the highest component in the personality structure, is one of the most meaningful forms of a child's mental activity. Motor creativity reveals to him the motor characteristics of his own body, forms speed and lightness in the infinite space of motor images, teaches him to treat movement as a subject of game experimentation. The main means of its formation is emotionally colored motor activity, with the help of which children enter the situation (plot), through body movements they learn to convey their emotions and states, look for creative compositions, create new storylines, new forms of movements. In addition, in the process of motor activity, self-esteem of preschoolers is formed: the child evaluates his “I” according to the direct efforts that he made to achieve the goal. In connection with the development of self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-esteem, conscience, pride develop.

The motor mode developed in our kindergarten provides a gradual increase in the physical condition of the preschooler, contributes to the correction of the physique, hardening of the body of the preschooler, aimed at good resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Let's hope that the model of the preschooler's motor regime that we are introducing, which includes the most priority forms of physical education, will allow us to form the necessary volume and control the motor activity of children in a preschool institution.