How to clean a black felt hat. Woolen clothes and their cleaning. Felt hats - cleaning tips. Removal of grease stains

Felt is natural material, which is made from the wool of rabbits and goats. Felt hats are elegant in appearance and long term service. It is not recommended to wash such products, therefore cleaning should be done in delicate ways with minimal material moisture.

Dry cleaning

At mechanical pollution and the presence of small debris such as lint, hairs, threads and lint, a dry cleaning method is used. You can use a vacuum cleaner or soft brush to remove dust from the outside of the headgear. With regular wear, abrasions and shiny areas appear on the surface of the product. Get rid of them will help salt, which needs to rub the dirty area, and then clean the material with a medium-hard brush.

If the procedure did not lead to desired result, you need to process the spots with fine sandpaper, but it is recommended to do this very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the product. If you don't have sandpaper, you can use a lump of refined sugar. You can use semolina instead of salt. Cleaning is carried out with a cotton swab, after which the hat is shaken out and cleaned with a medium-hard brush.

Wet cleaning

This method is used for severe ingrained contamination and consists in treating the felt surface with various compositions of chemical and biological substances. The most efficient way is cleaning felt from dirt with table vinegar , ammonia and sodium chloride. The components are mixed in a glass container at the rate of one tablespoon of salt for two tablespoons of vinegar and two alcohols and mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved.

The hat is then cleaned with a coarse cloth. The procedure should be carried out quickly in order to exclude prolonged contact of felt with liquid and to avoid excessive wetting of the product. You can also use ammonia with water, taken in equal proportions.

Sweat impurities are removed with the help of burnt magnesia diluted in water to a mushy consistency. The composition is applied to the contaminated area and, after light drying, is removed with a high-hardness brush.

Using wet way cleaning, you need to know that from prolonged contact with water, the hat is deformed, and it will not be possible to return the shape to its previous state.

Removing rain stains

If the hat is very wet after rain, it is necessary to evenly stuff it with newspapers and put to dry in a dry and ventilated room at home. The procedure should be carried out away from open flames and heating appliances. During the drying process, the newspapers should be changed as they get wet. If the wetting was incomplete, there is a risk of traces from individual drops after the product dries. To prevent this from happening, you need to hold the hat over the steam, and then comb the pile with a soft brush.

The use of a household steamer is allowed. Contact with steam should be short-lived and only help to moisten the pile. If it is not possible to use steam treatment, you can clean with a brush dipped in cool water. After processing, the hat must also be stuffed with paper and left to dry completely.

If white streaks appear after the product dries, they must be removed with a paper towel.

Removing greasy and stubborn stains

To remove a greasy stain from a felt surface, you need to mix refined gasoline and potato starch until a mushy mass is obtained. Better to use gasoline for lighters, it is not so caustic and does not leave white lines. The mixture is applied to the stain and brushed off after a few minutes. If streaks appear, you must mix lemon juice with water and wipe the surface.

Old greasy stains can be removed with aviation gasoline by moistening a napkin in it and gently touching the stain. Long contact should be avoided due to the risk of shine and pile caking.

Fresh greasy stains can be easily removed with rye bread. To do this, you need to roll the crumb over the dirty surface, and then shake off the crumbs. You can also sprinkle salt over the stain and leave it on for a while. Then the material is cleaned with a soft brush. Stubborn stains can be removed with a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol mixed in equal parts. To remove limescale contamination, you need to mix a nine percent solution vinegar essence with water 1: 1 and wipe the surface of the hat.

Cleaning different colors of felt

The choice of how to clean a felt hat depends on its color. Contamination from dark and black products can be removed with the help of tobacco infusion, a tablespoon of which is poured with a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is allowed to cool, a hard cloth is moistened in it and the hat is wiped. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance after cleaning persistent odor tobacco, which will help to eliminate many days of airing the product on the balcony using coffee or vanilla flavoring, which are especially good at interrupting pungent chemical odors.

Light-colored products are well cleaned with bran, which must be applied to the hat and rubbed lightly. The bran is removed by percussion from the inside or with a brush. When appearing on light and white headdresses yellow spots you need to dilute four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and two teaspoons of ammonia in a liter of water. Then, wetting a brush of medium hardness in this solution, it is necessary to thoroughly process the surface, and then dry it well. If home remedies prove to be ineffective, then use of stain removers for clothes is allowed.

Dark hats should be treated with a colored product and light products are cleaned with a composition for whites.

Care and storage

You need to store felt hats in cardboard boxes, pre-filled with paper and wrapped in white cloth... For daily wear, you must use a glass jar or a special stand for hats and berets. Hanging your hat on a hook is not recommended- the hat quickly deforms and loses its appearance. It is better to wear felt products in dry weather, this will extend the life of the product and save initial appearance.

When caring for men's felt hats, keep the inner leather rim clean. It should be regularly wiped with a cloth dipped in acetone. Lining men's hats can be washed in a solution of one part ammonia and ten parts water.

Correct care at home will significantly extend the life of the felt hat and keep the original appearance.

A demonstration of dry cleaning of a felt hat is waiting for you in the next video.

As with all garments, as a result of regular wear or, conversely, long-term storage in the closet, hats often lose their attractive appearance. Alas, felt is a rather easily soiled material, so information on how to clean a felt hat will be useful to many.

Easy ways to clean your hat

Before removing any dirt from the hat, it must be cleaned of dust. This can be done with a clothes brush or a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle attachment.

  • To clean the hat from street dust and traces of sweat, mix in a ratio of about 1: 2: 2 regular salt, ammonia and vinegar. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and wipe the dirty areas of the hat with it.
  • If some places on the felt hat are frayed from regular wear and are very shiny, then you can fix the situation by rubbing them a little with fine-grained sandpaper. Table salt and a clothes brush can be used instead.
  • One more uncomplicated recipe- dilute ammonia in water in equal proportions, moisten a rag made of coarse cloth in the mixture. She should wipe the stained places, trying not to wet the felt itself too much, because it can be deformed.

Removing raindrops

Soaked due to bad weather or during cleaning, so that it dries evenly and does not lose its shape, it is recommended to stuff it tightly with newspapers and dry it in a warm, dry place, but not too close to heating appliances.

To remove traces of raindrops, you need to hold the hat over a container of boiling water for a while, and then smooth the pile with a soft brush. You can use a household steamer instead of a saucepan, but don't hold the nozzle too close to your hat. An even easier way is to clean the hat with a medium-hard brush dipped in clean cool water. The same method will return the usual shine and gloss to the faded product.

Simple salt can help remove grease on felt

Fight traces of fat

To remove a fresh greasy stain at home, rub it with a crust of dried rye bread. If it is not at hand, you can sprinkle the greasy drops with salt, as is done for any other fabric. If the stain has gotten old, it has eaten into the felt fabric and no longer lends itself to such simple measures, you will have to use more potent remedy- refined gasoline. A rag or napkin is wetted in it, which gently dabs the dirty area. It gets wet, and not wetted, because otherwise, in this place, the pile will remain caked.

A mixture of refined gasoline with potato starch... The resulting gruel is applied to the stained areas, and after drying, shake off with a brush. If streaks remain on the hat, they are removed with a cloth moistened with water with the addition of citric acid or juice.

Cleaning hats of different colors

Dark felt products can be cleaned with tobacco decoction (a tablespoon of leaves per liter of water). In the resulting liquid, moisten a rag and gently wipe the stains. The only drawback of this method is the tangible smell of tobacco from the product. To get rid of it, you will have to air the hat for several days.

Light-colored items can be cleaned with bran. To do this, they are rubbed into the fabric, and then shaken out with tapping movements with back side hats.

It is easy to clear yellowness on light felt hats using a solution with the addition of 2 teaspoons of ammonia and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water. You should moisten a clothes brush in the mixture and gently clean the product, being careful not to wet it too much.

In no case should you use a product designed to remove stains from white felt on colored items. Most likely, such a stain remover will irreversibly damage the color of the hat in the dirty area.

If folk remedies for some reason they are not suitable, you can use a stain remover, strictly following the instructions for its use, or contact a dry cleaner.

Proper storage is the key to a clean hat

To prevent the hat from having to be cleaned too often, it is recommended to store it in a place protected from dust and moisture. It is good if there are no sources of strong odors nearby, because felt absorbs them perfectly. The ideal storage space is a thick cardboard box. If the hat is removed there for a long time, then it should be stuffed from the inside with soft paper and wrapped in a cloth. Do not hang your hat on a hook for a long time so that it does not lose its shape.

If some kind of pollution has eaten into women's hat so much that it cannot be cleaned by any of the listed methods, then this place can always be decorated with something - a flower, a bow or any other decorative element.

In general, unexpected dirt on your favorite hat is not a reason to hide it on the far shelf in the closet and run to the store for a new one. At home, return cleanliness and well-groomed appearance a felt hat is a snap.

Felt is made from rabbit hair. This material looks noble and impressive. But it is susceptible to the appearance of a wide variety of contaminants. To maintain the attractive appearance of your favorite hat for a long time, you need to properly care for it. It is not necessary to dry-clean the felt product.

Stains may appear on a felt hat of different origins... They can be removed at home with the help of available tools. The cleaning composition should be selected depending on the type of contamination.

First you need to clean the dust off your felt hat. This can be done with a regular clothes brush or a vacuum cleaner turned on at low power.

If the dust has mixed with traces of sweat, then you can use this method:

  • mix table salt, ammonia and table vinegar in a 1: 2: 2 ratio;
  • stir the mixture thoroughly;
  • wipe the contaminated areas with the resulting solution.

You can wipe off dirt from sweat and a brush moistened with ammonia only. After cleaning, wipe the product with a dry cloth.

To avoid the appearance of traces of sweat, it is necessary to put a piece cotton fabric between the inner leather band.

How to get rid of greasy stains?

Sometimes greasy spots form on the felt hat. In this case, you can offer several ways to solve the problem.

  • mix medical and ammonia in equal proportions;
  • moisten a coarse cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the stain.
  • dilute starch with water to a state of gruel;
  • using an old toothbrush, rub the mixture into the greasy stain;
  • wait for the treated area to dry;
  • combine 1 teaspoon of vinegar with 100 ml of water;
  • wet cotton pad the resulting solution and wipe the dry place against the lint.

After that, the product must be dried, leaving it in a well-ventilated area.

If the contamination is fresh, then you can wipe it with a piece of dried brown bread or sprinkle generously table salt... Dried grease stains can be removed from a felt hat with refined gasoline.

For this you will need:

  • moisten a rag with refined gasoline;
  • gently blot the greasy stain;
  • remove stains from gasoline with water and lemon juice.

Contamination needs to be blotted out, not moistened. Otherwise, the pile at the spot will become caked.

After the rain

If your hat does get wet, it is important to dry it properly. First, comb the wet felt with a clothes brush in the direction of the pile. After that, the hat should be pulled over glass jar and wait for the material to dry.

Also, after rain, noticeable traces may remain on the product. You can get rid of them by steaming. To do this, hold the hat over boiling water in a saucepan for several minutes. After that, the dirt is washed with a brush and the product is dried by pulling it over the jar.

Cleansing dark and light hats

Black felt hats are cleaned with tobacco.

Procedure steps:

  • dilute 1 tablespoon of tobacco leaves in 1 liter of water;
  • moisten a cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe contaminated areas.

However, after such cleaning, the smell of tobacco will remain on the hat. You can remove it by wiping the felt vinegar solution... Then the product is left in a well-ventilated area.

Light-colored hats turn yellow over time. Bran will help to correct the situation.

For this you need:

  • rub the bran into the area of ​​contamination from the outside of the product;
  • then knock them out from the back.

Instead of bran, you can use semolina.

You can also use this method:

  • combine 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
  • moisten a clothes brush with the prepared solution;
  • gently clean the felt.

If after cleaning white material has faded, then you can sprinkle it with talcum powder or crushed chalk. Then you need to clean the selected product with a brush, moving against the pile. Do not use products designed to cleanse white felt on colored hats. Otherwise, untidy stains may remain on the product.

Storage rules

It is not enough to simply brush a felt hat. It is imperative to store it correctly. To do this, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not store felt hats by hanging them on the hook of a hanger. As a result, the product is deformed. The hat should lie on a flat, horizontal surface.
  2. There should be no sources near where the felt hat is stored. strong smell, since felt absorbs foreign odors well.
  3. It is advisable to keep the hat tightly cardboard box... First, you need to fill the product with soft paper and wrap it in fabric.

Observing these simple tips, you can keep the original look of the felt hat for a long time. It is important to remember that it requires special treatment and care. Therefore, you need to regularly clean the felt with proven products.

Increasingly, women (and men too) choose hats and hats as a headdress. They can be worn with both classic coats and raincoats, and with youth jackets. But it happens that you bought something, but they don't know how to clean a felt hat at home. And what kind of care is required for felt products are also not in the know.

Effective ways purges are remembered by our grandmothers. That's really who knew how to wear a hat with grace and looked after it, without waiting for it to become dusty or greasy. Of course, you can always take it to the dry cleaner. But the service will cost almost as much as you paid for the hat when you bought it. And if you consider that you need to clean it constantly, then no money is enough to keep it in order.

There are items of women's wardrobe that cannot be saved on: a handbag, shoes, gloves and a hat. These things must be expensive (or original) and very high quality. Always spotlessly clean and matched in style and color. Since they are not cheap and are bought for more than one season, we will collect tips and tricks for cleaning hats from dust and dirt.

Care secrets

Taking care of felt is not difficult, as well as cleaning it from dust, dirt and stains. It would seem that what can be left from the water spray? But no, if the drops are not immediately cleaned off the felt, they will leave untidy whitish marks.

It happens that a hat is not worn at all during the season. This circumstance does not cancel its Timely cleaning. Felt is very delicate: specks of dust and debris are attracted to it like a magnet and firmly eat into it.

A dusty hat will not make a woman elegant, will not give her charm, but rather turn her into a laughing stock. And the man in the dust-gray headdress gives the impression of an unkempt loser. Better a completely bare head than a dusty, wrinkled or dirty hat on your head.

Felt Felted wool, which is shaped on special blocks. You can't just pick it up and wash it. Whatever shape the hat is, it requires gentle cleaning and drying.

  1. Rule number of times... Before putting the felt hat on your head, make sure it is spotlessly clean and has not lost its original shape.
  2. Rule number two... In the off-season, the hat is kept in a hat box. If there is none, wrap it up and stuff with paper its crown. She should lie on the shelf of a closing cabinet royally freely (without the neighborhood of bags and suitcases that can wrinkle her).


It is imperative to clean your hat before storing it. In the same way as before the season, taken out of a box or from a cabinet shelf.

And now let's figure out how they are cleaned so that the pretentious thing that makes us irresistible because of improper care did not turn into a shapeless pancake.

First of all, let's take into account some points:

  • Felt is difficult to get wet, but does not like dampness.
  • Wearing a hat in the rain is not recommended. Or you will have to protect it from precipitation with an umbrella.
  • Immediately upon returning to the room, you will need to shake off and carefully remove moisture with a clothes brush in the direction "along the pile".
  • Now you need to dry the hat and only then put it on the shelf until the next time you go outside.
  • It is clear that you cannot crush it either dry or wet.

Dust cleaning

Wherever this headdress lies, it will collect dust without fail. Each time you pick up a felt hat, shake it off, brush away or blow off the dust. It's a matter of seconds, but this will prevent dusty layers from accumulating.

A hat that is already dusty will take a little longer to clean. But a vacuum cleaner at low speeds or a soft brush do an excellent job with this task.

A dusty hat that stays behind needs more serious measures. Coarse dry salt or clean bran will perfectly clean it from dust. Then you need to shake it off properly.

Dust mixed with sweat on the inside of the crown is removed with a mixture of salt, ammonia and vinegar. The proportions are approximately as follows: 1 tablespoon of salt, half a spoonful of ammonia, the same amount of 9% vinegar.

The hat got caught in the rain

If your hat is soaked through, you have a problem. It is unlikely that there is a special blank in your house, so a three-liter jar, turned upside down, will go. This way the hat deforms less when it dries. Hat round shape you can still pull on the ball suitable size or use an inflatable balloon.

Although dry felt repels water, prolonged exposure to a humid environment or rain will not benefit it. Heavy rain will soak through the tightest felt in minutes.

  1. Whatever rain (torrential or drizzle) your hat gets under, as soon as you return home, take it up.
  2. Shake off by hand.
  3. Brush off any remaining moisture and leave to dry by a heat source. Use a 3 liter jar to keep the brim of your hat from drooping. At home, this is the most affordable way keep the shape.
  4. After drying, the fields and crown can be smoothed with a brush in the direction of the pile.

We clean from dirt

It is better to take an expensive branded thin felt hat to dry cleaning along with the instructions that come with it. Because to clean heavy pollution or a stain, you can only when you are sure that you will not spoil anything. A hat made of thick felt can still be cleaned independently of dirt and stains. But the graceful white hat may not stand up to experimentation.

In any case, whatever you use to clean your hat, apply your chosen product to the inner, most inconspicuous part and see how the material behaves.

Now let's consider what other available tools will help you clean your hat at home.

Cleaning with soapy water

If the hat is not properly cared for and is dusty and dirty before it gets wet, things get complicated.

Make a soapy solution (Amway LOC works best - it does not leave streaks). Dilute a few drops of the product in water (Lock should be added to the water, and not vice versa, so that it does not foam too much).

  • Apply with a sponge over the entire surface and hold for a few minutes.
  • Rinse off with a hard sponge or soft brush, lightly.
  • Wash off clean water... You can use water from a shower head, but very quickly. Do not keep under running water, there is no need to rinse thoroughly.
  • Shake off excess moisture.

If necessary, correct the shape with your hands or use a special hat block (if you are a lucky owner) or a jar and put to dry.

Washing powder or solution simple soap it is undesirable to use, since in order to wash it off, you will literally need to rinse your hat in water. After that, return to her original form will be extremely difficult.


  • Most of the stains on a felt hat are removed by the action of ammonia. Contaminated areas are wiped with its solution.
  • You can use tobacco infusion (for dark felt).

And from that, and from the other can remain persistent, bad smell... Leave to ventilate on fresh air without trying to interrupt with spirits. The mixture is deadly. Better to weather it well first.

Ammonia perfectly breaks down most types of dirt. Most types of stains lend themselves to it. Usually, ammonia is enough for felt; you do not need to prepare complex compositions for removing stains. It can be mixed with semolina, bran, starch. Thus, to the properties that break down oily stains, is added mechanical cleaning.

With complex spots modern stain removers of the Vanish type cope with felt, but it is better to first check the reaction on the inside of the crown.

Additional tricks

  1. Raindrops, melted snowflakes are perfectly removed if you just hold the hat over a saucepan with steam and smooth it over the bristle with a soft brush.
  2. The dusty hat is first brushed, then held over the steam and then brushed again.
  3. With bran, our grandmothers removed yellowing on light felt headdresses. You can buy them in small packages at the supermarket. Or in the markets where, along with potatoes and carrots, they sell feed for horses and cows. A few handfuls can give "for so".

The scuffs and folds became noticeable on the hat. What to do?

Such defects are removed with fine sandpaper. Process it problem areas on felt. It is clear that this must be done carefully and gently.
Alternative - fine salt, the crystals of which act on the pile no worse than sandpaper. However, it is necessary that at the time of cleaning the hat is not a drop of moisture. Salt is poured onto the stain and tinder soft cloth... Then the hat is thoroughly shaken off.

It's great that now you can see girls in cute hats. Hats suit everyone, without exception. Another question is that the classics of the genre require appropriate shoes, outerwear and accessories. However, felt hats have become more democratic, they look great with jackets and down jackets. This is worth taking into account, because you can choose your own style of hat for any type of face, which cannot be said about knitted hats.

However, the purchase of a headdress made of felt obliges. It will take an uncomplicated one, but regular care so that it always looks perfect. From time to time, the question will arise how to clean a felt hat at home. How to store it correctly and what kind of care you need. But we already know all about it, as well as the fact that special efforts and all these measures will not require expenses.

How do I clean my hat? A headdress on a man or on a woman always looks very attractive. But at the same time, do not forget about caring for this thing, since the hats from different types material can get dirty and dusty over time.

Basically, hats, whether for women or men, are made from felt, velor, suede and straw. And for each type of material, there are methods and cleaning instructions, which we will talk about below.

Cleaning the hat

How to clean your hats at home? There is no need to use such expensive specialized preparations for cleaning hats. It will be enough to use the means at hand. But here it is necessary to clarify that the same composition cannot be used for cleaning, for example, felt and suede fabric... Therefore, when choosing a cleaning agent, you should take into account the type of material used for sewing, so as not to spoil the hat.

From felt

How to clean a felt hat at home? Depending on how you stain your hat, the following options are available for cleaning the hat.

If the felt hat is covered with dust, then proceed as follows. Pour cold water into a deep container and place on the stove to boil. As soon as the liquid boils, holding with one hand, bring the hat to the steam and start brushing off the dust particles with a brush in the direction of the pile. When you finish cleaning, use a stiff brush to straighten and raise the pile. After this, the cap should be left to dry.

How to clean a felt product after a strong pouring rain? Sometimes it happens that after rain on the headdress there are stains, marks that greatly spoil the appearance of the hat. To eliminate them, you will need to wet a stiff brush (but not very hard) and lift the pile on the cap with it. Thanks to this procedure, the stains will disappear instantly. The hat should then be taken to a warm, dry room so that the hat dries thoroughly. When cleaning, make sure that the felt hat does not get too wet, otherwise the material may deform.

You can also remove rain stains with an iron that supports steaming. After the procedure, you need to comb the hat and leave to dry.

How to clean a felt hat if the hat is stained with whitewash? How unpleasant it is to touch the whitewashed wall in the entrance with your favorite hat, because of this, the products remain on the surface whitish spots, which are very difficult to get rid of later! But there is a way out of this situation. In a small bowl, combine water and nine percent table vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Treat white stains with a solution, moving from the edge of the stain to its center. When you have washed off all lime stains, take a clean soft cloth, soak it with some water and walk over the surface of the product. Some experts advise using lemon juice instead of vinegar.

How to clean grease stains from a felt hat? Such marks can appear on the headdress not only when the product comes into contact with food, but also from regular contact with the skin, which sweats a lot on hot summer days, leaving traces of sweat on the hat. To remove such stains, it is sometimes advised to use table salt or dry bread crust. But such products are not very effective. Let's consider several ways how it is really possible to remove fat marks from a hat:

  1. Refined gasoline. It is necessary to wet a cloth made of a sufficiently coarse material (cloth is suitable) with the liquid and wipe the marks until they completely disappear.
  2. Ammonium alcohol and denatured alcohol. The two ingredients should be combined in the same ratio and the greasy areas on the hat should be treated with a solution. According to many women, it is this method that helps to clean even old greasy stains on the product.
  3. Ammonium alcohol. This liquid must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and then wipe the greasy spots on the headdress with the mixture.

Sometimes it is also suggested to use a universal stain remover to clean the surface of the headgear from greasy marks. But here you should use only the composition that is suitable for colored clothing. Otherwise, light stains will remain on the hat.

Very often a felt hat dark shades cleaned from various specks using tobacco infusion. You will need to soak a tablespoon of tobacco leaves in a liter of water. In the finished infusion, you should soak a small piece of fabric and wipe the contaminated areas on the product with it. The only thing you might not like about this method is that the hat will smell like tobacco. To eliminate the pungent tobacco smell, the hat must be left in the fresh air for several days.

How to clean white hat? For more light shades products have their own cleaning compositions. For example, to remove greasy marks from a headgear, you will need to mix refined gasoline and potato starch to get a mushy texture. Then the mixture should be rubbed into the surface of the hat and left to dry. When the composition dries up, you just need to shake it off the headdress by knocking on the inside of the hat. After that, you need to comb the pile.

How else can you clean a white felt hat? Instead of refined gasoline and starch, you can use either semolina or dry bran. Any product should be rubbed into the contaminated area of ​​the product until the stain completely disappears. Then the rest of the product will need to be shaken off.

If yellowness appears on your hat from long wearing, then you can use in the following way... In one liter of water, approximately fifteen milliliters of ammonia and four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide should be diluted. The resulting solution is required to wet the product, and then clean the cap. In this way, you can also clean the velor hat at home.

In the midst of summer season a felt hat can fade in the sun if you wear the hat for more than one year. To return the product to its presentable appearance, purchase from the store special paint for the suede shade you want and color the hat.

To remove greasy specks from a felt hat on the inside, prepare the following composition: in a deep container, mix ten parts of ammonia and nine percent table vinegar, as well as about three parts of table salt. Stir the raw materials thoroughly until the grains of salt are completely dissolved. Soak a white piece of cloth in the solution and rub the dirty areas on the cap with it. Once all traces of sweat have been wiped off, comb the hat and dry thoroughly. In this way, you can also clean the velor hat from greasy marks inside the product.

If you don't want to bother cleaning your felt hat quite often, remember a few tips for storing this hat:

  1. Hanging a felt hat on a hook is not recommended, as the product may deform. It is best to place the headgear on a horizontal surface.
  2. If you put your hat in the box for long time then fill the product from the inside newsprint and wrap with a cloth.
  3. The hat should be kept in a closed cardboard box away from damp, dusty places, and away from various sources that emit a strong Strong smell because the felt fabric absorbs all odors very easily.

As you can see, cleaning a felt hat at home, in principle, is not such a thing. difficult task... In this case, the main thing is to act carefully so as not to spoil the material, otherwise the product will lose its presentable appearance.


How to clean a suede hat at home? Such material requires regular delicate care, because it gets dirty very quickly. A suede product, like felt, can be cleaned with ordinary improvised goods, namely: a brush for clothes, a white eraser, ammonia, baking soda, magnesia, nine percent table vinegar and bran. You should also protect delicate skin hands putting on rubber gloves.

If greasy marks appear on your hat, then in order to remove them, you will first need to walk over the surface of the product with a brush, removing all dust particles, and then rub the hat with an eraser (rub against the pile). After that, you need to prepare a soap-alcohol solution. Dissolve baby soap in lukewarm water (you need to grind it on a grater), and then add a couple of tablespoons of ammonia. Apply the solution to a sponge, which should be used to rub the dirty spots on the hat. Then it is required to raise the pile up with a brush and dry the headdress indoors when room temperature... When the product is completely dry, you need to iron the pile with light movements.

You can also use hot steam to clean your suede hat. If you have a steam cleaner at home, you can walk it over the surface of the product. If you do not have such a device, then hold the hat over a pot of boiling water, and then brush the hat with a brush.

To remove greasy stains from a suede hat, you will need to cover the greasy mark on the product with a thick layer of table salt, leaving it for a while so that the remaining fat is well absorbed into the free-flowing composition. After shaking off the salt from the hat, you need to walk along the surface of the product. bread crumb, and then brush the hat with a brush.

It is possible to remove greasy and greasy marks from a suede hat with gasoline. To do this, you need to soak a clean napkin with liquid and rub the dirty places. Then wet areas should be blotted with a dry towel.

You can also get rid of greasy traces with a vinegar solution. In about two hundred milliliters of water, dilute about five milliliters of nine percent table vinegar. Dip a cloth into the solution and treat the grease marks on the product with it. The moisture should be collected with a paper towel.

You can clean a suede hat at home with a mixture of ammonia and starch. Add about ten grams of starch to five milliliters of alcohol and stir until a mushy consistency is formed. Lubricate the dirty area on the hat with the mixture and leave it alone for about a couple of minutes. After two minutes, the remnants of the product must be collected, and the cap must be wiped with a damp cloth.

There is another proven remedy that will help cleanse a suede hat from greasy spots... It will take ten parts of skim milk to dilute one part of baking soda. Moisten a clean cloth with the solution, with which it is necessary to rub all dirty areas of the product. After that, with another damp cloth, you need to collect the remains of the solution, and then wipe the surface of the headdress with a dry napkin, collecting excess moisture.

From straw

How to clean a straw hat? In a headdress made of straw, it is very good, and most importantly, it is not hot in summer. However, this type of material is very quickly contaminated and covered with dust particles, so the straw product must be constantly cleaned. To do this, on arrival home, remove the hat and clean the product with a dry soft brush, especially near the plexus of the straw, but only carefully so as not to break the straw.

If your headdress is very dirty, then in lukewarm water you need to stir a little liquid soap until foam forms. You need to soak a clean napkin with a foamy composition and wipe the surface of the cap with it. Stubborn dirt will have to be cleaned with a soapy brush. After the procedure, the product should be wiped off with a damp cloth and dried with a towel.

If you are the owner of a dark straw hat, then in order to clean it of dust and dirt, you must first clean off all the dust from the product using a dry brush. Then dilute about five milliliters of ammonia in seventy milliliters of water. Moisten the fabric cut with the solution to clean the surface of the headgear.

You can also clean the straw hat with a sponge soaked in vegetable oil. After processing, the product will need to be wiped off with a dry light-colored cloth.

Very often due to prolonged wearing of the same straw hat the product may turn yellow. To return the headdress to its former whiteness, you will need to combine five milliliters of lukewarm water and three percent hydrogen peroxide. The straw product should first be cleaned of dust with a brush, and then soaked with the prepared solution. When the hat dries up a little, the product must be ironed with a damp gauze cut over the hat.

You can also remove yellowness with lemon juice. To do this, you need to squeeze citrus liquid from one lemon and pour it into a spray bottle. Lemon juice must be sprayed over the entire surface of the product and left to dry. After forty-five minutes, the hat should be washed with a damp brush. Next, the headdress must be slightly dried with a cloth, and then ironed using a damp gauze cloth.

Instead of lemon liquid, you can use a solution of ammonia and three percent hydrogen peroxide. Both ingredients should be mixed in the same volume, taking a couple of tablespoons each. With the composition, you need to rub the surface of the product, and then iron it with an iron, covering the top with a damp gauze cloth.

When the season for wearing hats is over, you should think about how and where to keep the straw product so that it retains its beautiful appearance. The headdress should first be cleaned, dried, removing all the jewelry that is on the hat. After that, the product must be put on either on a special stand for hats, or on a plastic bottle and taken to a dark and cool place.

Having studied the information, you now know how to clean hats at home, using for this the usual improvised compositions that can be found in the house of any housewife.