What children say 3 years old. Video: speech therapist. Articulating gymnastics. Show exercise. Causes why a child is silent

Psychologists and teachers do not establish a clear time frame when the baby must actively talk. Some kids replenish the vocabulary, express an opinion on any topic for two years, often bored with parents with obsessive strokes. "The mouth does not close," the exhausted mom and dad sighs.

Sometimes another problem arises: the child does not speak at 3 years. "What to do?" - Ask parents. What is the reason for refusing to communicate with peers and adults? At what age do you need a specialist help? Let's deal with.

When a child should start talking

Familiarize yourself with the estimated indicators of the development of speech. With noticeable deviations from the deadlines do not hesitate, refer to the specialists.


  • most children have a speech actively developing by year. If at 5-6 months it was Agukane, in 6-8 months - separate syllables, then by 11-12 months it is complicated. Initially, words consist of repeating syllables (Ba - Ba, Ma - Ma, Bi - Bi, Pa - PA) or one-room (give, on, AM, GAV);
  • in 1.5-2 years, the vocabulary is expanding, words from several syllables, phrases, simple phrases appear. Karapuz confidently calls familiar people, describes some phenomena, objects and actions ("Masha wants to eat", "Give me a cup"). A noticeable delay in the development of speech should be alert, but you should not panic. The best way out is a visit to the speech therapist;
  • in 3 years we are well developed, the child should describe the picture with simple phrases, interested in the world around the world, ask questions to adults. Than more (within reasonable limits, without the necessary teachings and notations), parents respond, the richer the horizon of the child;
  • in 4 years old, the preschooler should be able to construct complex suggestions, to make a story in the picture, describe items, phenomena, events occurring around.

Single responses do not encourage new questions, often this is a soft hint: "Leave", "don't ask more", "I have no desire to explain everything." The more often you will be silent, through your teeth to pronounce low-touch words, phrases, the less the son or daughter will ask questions. Remember: The lack of communication with parents often makes relations in the family more cool.

Why doesn't a child says: probable reasons

Most often, the problem is developing under the influence of several factors. Often, incorrect behavior of parents is added to congenital anomalies, unwillingness to communicate with the baby at a sufficient level.

If you have noticed that the daughter or son speak a little, think: the child cannot pronounce certain sounds (words) or simply does not want to communicate, prefers to cry out. Perhaps there are neurological violations, medical care is required. Sometimes kids feel comfortable without utning unnecessary phrases, respond with short words. In the absence of promotion from parents of kids, long tirades will hardly be pronounced or reflect on something interesting.

Main reasons:

  • generic injuries. Unfortunately, in the process of heavy childbirth, crumbs are sometimes damaged by separate parts of the brain. Such kids require special attention from parents and doctors. In most cases, deviations are noticeable in the first year of life. The prerequisite is permanent monitoring the development of the newborn. In addition to the pediatrician, parents must regularly show the crumbling neurologist to monitor brain activity;
  • hearing problems. Attentive parents from the first month of life, the baby will pay attention to the first signs of violations. Congenital deafness or partial decline in hearing appear due to the negative impact on the fetus during pregnancy. Sometimes the cause of pathology becomes a hereditary predisposition;
  • children's autism. Every year babies living in "His World" are becoming more and more. Autist, often, is a normal child, but completely immersed in yourself. He simply does not need to communicate with others, the baby does not suffer, it is not in a hurry to speak. The problem of autism is engaged in a psychologist, a children's neurologist and psychotherapist. No less important is the role of parents;
  • lack of attention deficit speech communication. Some parents do not know what they brought up "Molchuna" themselves. The unwillingness to talk to the child, the constant swirls, harmful words and phrases "Sorry, I'm tired," "What are you talking about nonsense," "then let's talk", "do not stick with stupid questions" and the like statements beat off the desire to talk. The child, a quietly sitting in the corner, does not interfere with anyone - the perfect picture for many parents. In fact, psychologists warn about the danger of "care of themselves", the delay in speech development, stiffness, problems in the future;
  • failure to "live" communication. Many parents because of fatigue (laziness / misunderstandings of the importance of contacts with the child) replace the joint reading of books, learning the poems, a song, a heart conversation with a TV, a computer, a tablet. Modern gadgets are fascinated by the baby, unload parents who do not need to answer endless "Why?" Psychologists quickly "calculate" the children with whom they did little. The lack of live communication adversely affects the emotional development of the baby, delays speech development.

Council parents! Have you found similarities with situations that often come from your home? Do you understand that a little communicate with the baby? The main thing: Recognize errors to understand that the problem exists, as soon as possible to seek help from a psychologist and speech therapist.

Most parents are worried about the situation, if the child does not speak at all at 3 years. In such a situation, a timely assistance of a doctor is important. If you do not manage to find an approach to Merschun, visit experienced specialists.

To solve the problem, you will need consultation in several doctors:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist;
  • child neurologist;
  • psychotherapist.

The correction of speech development disorders depends on the factors provoked by the problem. If weak speech is the consequence of the generic injury, the doctor will prescribe special drugs for the normalization of cerebral circulation, recommends therapeutic techniques that reduce the negative impact of neurological disorders. Communicable classes with a speech therapist, a psychologist, visiting the children's developing center.

If the child does not want to talk because of "pedagogical launches", you will have to change the relation to communication. The rather adults will understand the importance of communicating with a son or daughter, the sooner it will be created. Gradually wakes embarrassment, the baby will get rid of the "shell", in which he hid the fault of his parents.

Adults must sincerely interested in the affairs of the baby, encourage questions for any topics and, of course, to find answers. The benefit from the study of a new, interesting material is for all sides - the horizon is expanding not only at the children, but also from parents.

The reasons for the development of iron deficiency anemia in children are written page.

Useful tips:

Some more useful advice:

  • stimulate the development of speech skills. Watch the cartoons together, read the books, consider pictures, drive babies at the exhibition. Ask questions about the read, seen, try to achieve expanded answers, continue the logical chain. Do not press the baby if it is not tuned to the discussion;
  • many specialists advise you to give the baby in the garden. Preschoolers in 3 years old are repeated by each other. In the children's team, even the most stubborn "Molchun" will come up. Be sure to explain the tutorial, ask not to put pressure on the child: let the little man want to communicate himself. There is a lot of examples when, literally, in a week, another after the start of walking in the kindergarten, the baby began to actively speak. For the success of "enterprises", be sure to find how to prepare a child to visiting a kindergarten;
  • children do not pronounce separate sounds? The baby is shy for ridicule due to improper pronunciation, prefers to cry out or responds short: "Yes", "no", "good" and so on? Contact the speech therapist. Regular classes with a specialist, consolidating the knowledge gained house gradually eliminating the problem. If the kid understands that he can clearly utter words and phrases, then the constraint will leave, it will be improved.

Now you know the causes and methods of solving the problem, if a child does not speak a little or poorly in 3 years. Be sure to consult the specialists, change the style of communication with your daughter or son. Patience and love for the child will help to correct the situation.

What if the child does not speak 3 years? Video - Tips to parents:


  1. Snezhana
  2. Anastasia
  3. Anastasia

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education of Russia over the past few years the number of children with a delay in psychorette development increased by 2 times. Usually this problem begins to manifest itself aged 2 to 3 years. Watching the peers of your baby is no longer easy to burst on an incomprehensible language, but make moms with dads, remembering more and more new words, it is difficult to keep calm. So I want to panic and run through doctors with questionings, how to speed up the development of the child's speech. The main thing in this situation is not to panic and not to give will negative emotions. Experts argue that some braking of speech development is not a reason for concern. Usually the delay is due to certain reasons, revealing and eliminating which, you will hear the long-awaited first words of your crumbs. The main thing is to contact the specialists in time. Ideal an option to appeal to a doctor when the baby will be 2 - 3 years. More than adult age, the delay of speech development will slow down the development of the child's thinking. Consider the main criteria by which the development of crumbs can be delayed, and how to overcome them.

River development rates for a child 2 - 3 years: child speech test

First you need to figure it out, whether the child is really characteristic of the inhibition of psychorette development, or this is the fruit of an imagination of his adults. It happens that parents are too much waiting for their baby, although his skills are the norm for such age. We offer to pass the simplest test to determine whether your child has all the necessary speech skills. For each positive answer, put a plus sign, for negative - minus.

  1. Comments (accompanies, pronouncing) the actions of the surrounding items and people with the help of characteristic sounds: BB (about the riding machine), Tu-Tu (about the train), Coc Coca (about the horse).
  2. True pronounces the main sounds, with the exception of sonorny ("p", "l") and hissing ("g", "sh", "h", "sh").
  3. Lexicon in the amount of about 1300 words. For the "measurement", you can use the test from the Internet, for example. It is important to celebrate only those words that are regularly used by your child.
  4. It is capable of designing meaningful sentences from words.
  5. Knowing the items depicted in the picture (as a test, offer a baby an image containing at least 12 - 15 items and phenomena).
  6. Actively uses main parts of speech: nouns (mom, dad, mouse); Adjectives (red, good, kind); Verbs (drank, eat, went for a walk); Pronouns (I, you, we).
  7. Until uses: Communions (offended, fed); Tempecistry (approaching, telling).
  8. It is capable of calling the subject, its quality and accomplishment: "Redhead cat drinks milk."
  9. Able to tell a small fairy tale, an episode of life or quadruples.
  10. Inquisitive - the child is interested in names, actions, characteristics and properties of the surrounding items and phenomena.
  11. Feels melodies, their rhythm.
  12. Copy words and small offers, pronounced by adults.
  13. It has a leisurely speech without swallowing endings.
  14. The child does not have an increased salivation.
  15. Asks about unfamiliar subjects.

If you have noted more than 5 minuses, we recommend consult as soon as possible with a pediatrician. The longer time the child lags behind in speech development from peers, the stronger his mental and mental development is delayed.

If there are less than 3 - 4 minuses, then the doctor you will not need, you can be calm, with the development of the child's speech, everything is in order.

Detailed speech rules from 0 to 3 years old (Tatyana Lanskaya spent)

Causes of "Non-Temporary" 2-3 year old child

All the factors for which by 3 years the child does not own the necessary speech skills can be divided into physiological and psychological.

Physiological include:

  • Stuttering - A rather frequent violation of speech, which usually manifests itself after the child scares something. May arise due to the unhealthy atmosphere in the family. To solve the problem, it is necessary to refer to a neurologist ();
  • Genetic predisposition - In some cases, it takes place, but do not justify the delay in the fact that "our dad also began to talk late." If by 3 years the child does not have the right speech skills, you should contact a specialist;
  • Violation of hearing - With this feature, all difficulties are reduced to the fact that the baby does not well perceive the surrounding speech enough to reproduce it, and with deafness, distorts words / sounds at all;
  • Alalia - Serious neurological disease that requires operational medical correction. It may be the cause of a partial violation or complete speech dysfunction due to the lesion of the parts of the brain;
  • Dyslavlia - The complexity of playing one or several sounds. Requires the help of a speech therapist. Corrected usually from 4 years.
  • Dysarthri - This is a violation - the result of troubleshooting in the work of the CNS. The disease is peculiar to children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which can only put a speech therapist after long-term monitoring of the patient. For the disease, the limited mobility of the articulation apparatus, the fuzziness of speech, problems with shallow motility in a child;
  • Serious injuries and anamnesis infectionswho caused a violation of brain functions;
  • Hypoxia fruit (oxygen starvation) during pregnancy;
  • Mother's disease during the baby tool (infectious diseases, injuries);
  • Heavy gods (rapid, with the cordial cord), the injuries of the child obtained during childbirth (perinatal encephalopathy, damage to the cervical vertebrae);
  • Palsy. - The most serious disease of the central nervous system, for which the defeat of one or several brain departments is characteristic. Psycho development delay is one of the main signs of the disease;
  • Hydrocephalus - disorders of the development of the brain, due to the accumulation of liquids in it;
  • Heat brain ischemia - the disease for which the violation of the normal blood circulation of the brain is characteristic;
  • Epilepsy - severe neurological disease, characterized by the appearance of a special focus of excitation in the core, causing convulsive activity and as a result of convulsive seizures with a loss of consciousness;
  • Other congenital and acquired abnormal oblast areas and the central nervous system.

Psychological reasons for speech development delays:

  • Individual feature. Each child is individual in its development, which often does not comply with generally accepted standards. If other reasons for the delay of speech fail to detect, then most likely that the crumb will tempt the necessary skills, but a little later than their peers;
  • Bilingualism and polylingvism. In the family, where domestic communication is carried out in two or several languages, it is rather difficult to master them at the same time. Therefore, some delays in the development of speech in this case are the norm;
  • No need for speech. The baby needs a living communication to a greater extent than an adult. It is necessary to develop - read fairy tales and poems; retell small works; call surrounding objects, their properties, quality and actions; Set the baby questions. In the family where parents prefer silently bug into a smartphone or computer, the child does not feel the need for speech and does not say;
  • Stress. These include both ill-treatment of the child and excessive guardianship and deprivation of its independence. Children from asocial families, speech development delay is peculiar primarily;
  • Heavy mental injury obtained at an early age. This may be like, it would seem a small fright from the barking dogs, and the scrapets, and the scandals of adults, the reception of the parents of drugs and alcohol, leaving the child for a long time alone, in the dark, without the help of adults.

Treatment of speech delay in a child 2 - 3 years

So, if you have determined that the development of your baby's speech skills is lower than the stated rules, it is necessary to contact a specialist. Alone to correct the situation, without possessing the necessary professional skills, will not succeed. Doubtful techniques of unknown pseudocialists from the Internet will not help either.

It is important to understand that the delay in speech development directly affects the formation of human mental abilities, so it is necessary to seek a good doctor as quickly as possible. The rather it will be done, the lower the likelihood of complications in the further development of the kid. Having postponing the solution to the problem for later, you risk persecution of a child in the development of the development, complexity of school learning, and as a result - translation into a correctional school.

What doctor to contact?

  1. Pediatrician - First of all, it is worth visiting a pediatrician watching your child. He will conduct an inspection of the baby and determined to which narrow-profile expert you need to contact.
  2. Surrisologist - A specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with hearing organs.
  3. Otorhinolaryngologist or, simply speaking, ENT - Medical specialty aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases of the Ear Ear - the throat - nose - head - neck. In case of problems with the speech, the doctor will help to establish whether there is a connection with violations in the work of the articulation apparatus. For example, a short sublingual bridle complicates significantly in children the pronunciation of many sounds. After inspection and audiogram, the doctor will make conclusions and, perhaps, will send to another specialist.
  4. Speech therapist - A specialist who is directly engaged in the elimination of speech violations in children and adults. He will test and determine what the level of development and directly speech of the baby. Perhaps to clarify the diagnosis, he will send you to a psychoneurologist.
  5. Speech therapist-defectologist - A doctor working with speech problems in children.
  6. Neuropathologist - Determine if the delay in the development of speech with impaired brain functions or the central nervous system is not connected. A qualified specialist after a number of procedures will quickly determine whether there are problems on its profile.
  7. Child psychologist - A specialist who has psychological assistance to parents and children. If all other options already "disappeared", and the reason is not found, then they are sent to this specialist (or to a psychiatrist). It is possible that everything is much easier than the panic mother thinks.

In comprehensive diagnostics, inspection and age testing are usually included (approx. - on the Bailey scale, early speech development, Denver test), determining the motility of facial muscles, checking understanding / reproduction of speech, as well as ECG and MRI, cardiogram, etc.

Basic treatments

  • Microtok reflexotherapy - Allowed for use for children from 6 months. Is an impact of a weak electrical pulse on neuroreflex zones and brain areas associated with perception and formation of speech (there are a number of contraindications);
  • Magnetotherapy - a similar technique at which exposure is carried out using low-frequency permanent or pulsed magnetic fields;
  • Medicine - prescribed a neurologist or psychiatrist based on an individual treatment scheme. In most cases, nootropic drugs are used to power the neurons of the brain and the activation of zones responsible for speech activities: lecithin, kogitum, neuromulitivitis, cortecin, etc. These drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so treatment with them need to be coordinated with a narrow specialist;
  • Working with a logopian defectologist - focused on the development of small motorbers, the proper operation of the articulation apparatus and the development of thinking;
  • Speech therapy massage - A very effective procedure, during which the impact on the specific points of the uches and hands, cheeks and lips, as well as the language of the child, which contributes to the relief of pronunciations. Methods of massage on Dyakova, Krause and Prikhodko are considered the most effective.

Alternative treatments

  • Osteopathy - The non-traditional method of impact on biologically active points on the child's body is directed to the regeneration of the functions of the central nervous system and the brain;
  • Hippotherapy - method of treatment with horse riding and animal communication;
  • Dolphinotherapy - treatment with ultrasound oscillations reproducible by dolphins and beneficial on the human brain (bathing with dolphins);
  • Music therapy - psychotherapeutic method that uses music to solve psychological problems;
  • Art Therapy. - method of therapy using creative activity as a medical agent;
  • Working with a children's psychologist - necessary in cases where the delay of speech development is due to a disadvantaged environment in the family, psychological injuries of the child;
  • Home development Speech - A set of games, gymnastics and other occupations focused on the progression of speech and performed at home.
  • And, of course, the exercises that will need to do at home.

Classes and games with a child at home

Hawthily did not work with the baby, narrow-profile specialists, using the most effective techniques, to place hopes exclusively on specialists should not be the lion's share of work on the shoulders of parents. The most important role in eliminating the delay in the development of speech is played by regular daily classes with a child at home.

Development of small motility

Pediatricians and neurologists are told parents about the extreme importance of the development of shallow motility almost from the very birth of a child. Small Motorika is really closely related to the development of speech (the center of the brain responsible for the motoric is bordered by the center, which is responsible for speech). The most effective exercises are the game with sifting and sinking croup, beads, search for toys, "drowned" in the cereal, etc.; drawing with fingers; braiding; finger theater; Games with designers, laying from plasticine or test,

Conversations by pictures

Find books by age with large and bright images. Either the drawings unfolded around the house with the image of people, animals, vegetables and fruits, transport, toys, fabulous characters. Stimulate the child to speech, asking him questions about the format "Who is it?" Or "What is it?", "What does he do?", "What is he?" etc. We tell the child about every picture slowly (children read on lips). Daily find the reason to discuss several pictures - tell a funny episode associated with the image, offer a competition, who will quickly find any animal in the picture, etc. Drawings need to be changed weekly.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

Articulating gymnastics

What kind of child does not like to crumble? Organize the competition for the best terrible or funny face, check who will extend the lips further, will give the nose to the nose. Enter the mirror or camera. Strain the smile than it is wider, the easier it is to say the letter "s." The baby will be delighted, without even noticing that he fulfilled the complex of articulation gymnastics. Today on this topic is offered a lot of books-guidelines - choose your own. Gymnastics for the face muscles is extremely important!


One of the most important aspects of the comprehensive and harmonious development of the kid of any age. In case of delays in the formation of speech skills, it is necessary to actively involve the kid in the reading process, ask to repeat small rhymes, make riddles, learn the patters and sweepers for the smallest. If you read the fairy tale to stop in order to set a few questions of the format "What is the name of the main character?", "Bear good or angry?", "Why did the bunny ran away from the wolf?" etc. Try to retell small episodes of the work or play a mini-play on roles. Read as much as possible, more often with the expression. The kid must be an active participant in your fairy tale or poem. When reading short risms, let's finish the phrase with your crumb.

Dancing and songs

Music is an excellent tool for the development of brain areas responsible for speech. Listen to children's songs, arrange and sing the most beloved. Come up with ritual songs before bedtime, lunch or walk. Looking at bedtime, be sure to spoil the lullaby dolls, teddy toys or machines. Be sure to dance with the child, involving not only hands and legs, but also moving with fingers and building grimaces.

"Misunderstanding" child gestures

If your child talks to you gestures gesture and unobtrusively let's understand the child that you do not understand his signs of requests and ask to voice our desires.

Learn the kid "Vigilant"

You can arrange competitions at home - on the best face. Let Kroch stretches the lips, clicks the tongue, pulls the lips with a tube, etc. Excellent charging!

Charging for language

Maja sponge crumbs jam or chocolate (the area should be wide!), And the baby must lick this sweetness to perfect purity.

Speech therapy games

Their number and variations are limited only by your fantasy. Imitate the voices of animals and birds, spread to the child's toys around the child and talk on their "tongue." Excellent exercise - Mom says the sound ("ka-ka-re-ku", "ha-ga-ha", "meow-meow"), and Krooka guess what an animal is.

Top 5 games from speech therapist who will help the child to speak and develop their speech

The best exercises for speech muscles - do together with my mother!

  • We imitate the voices of animals! We put plush animals along the wall and get acquainted with each of them. An important requirement is only on their "tongue"!
  • Learn to smile! The wider smile, the more active the muscles of the face, and the easier it is to say the letter "s."
  • We take 4 musical toys, in turn "turn on" each that the child remembers the sounds. Then hide toys in the box and turn on one thing - the baby should guess which tool or toy sound.
  • Guess who! Mom publishes the sound that the child knows (meow, Gav-Gav, LJ, Kukarek, etc.), and the baby must guess whose voice was "voice."
  • Place toys sleep every evening (Yes, and the daily sleep of the doll will also prevent). Before bedtime, be sure to sing the dolls of songs.

The development of speech is primarily the result of serious parental control and cooperation with the child. Even enough strong inhibition of psychorette development is quite corrected under the age of 5 - 6 years, so try to take up this issue as soon as possible. After 6 years, the probability of cure is only 0.2%. If you run the process, and the child will not speak up to 7 years, the chances of full recovery are zero.

3 Lifehaka how to develop a speech of a child. We develop a child's speech. Lifehaki from Olga Sakharovskaya speech therapist

How to play to develop speech (Tatyana Lanskaya spent)

If the child does not say, then you need not just do it, but actively play. In this video, I will tell you how to better organize the game with the child so that it brings as much as possible not only the benefits, but also the joy of both parents and the child. You will also learn why to play what games it is better to play to develop speech, the rules of the game, how to make the game speech, and why adults are difficult to play with the child. The video will help those who want to play with their child, but does not know how best. And also those parents who make themselves play with their baby.

Mama on a notic!

Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

Annotation: This article raises the problem of late formation of speech in a child at the age of about 3 years. The author reveals the main stages of speech development and gives practical recommendations to parents of those children who by 3 years do not enjoy active speech as a means of communication. The author focuses on the article focuses on the timely assistance to his child, both from parents and from experts.

In 3 years, the child does not say. What to do?

By the nature of your activity, I often see the children who, at the age of 3 years, they say very little, or do not speak at all. What is the parent position in this case? Is this good or bad? Is it worth worrying or wait until the child speaks?

Let's understand in more detail how to develop a child from birth.

By the 3rd months, the child develops an emotionally expressive response, in other words, "Complex of revitalization". These are mimic, motor, voice reactions. For example, the baby freezes in the first seconds of contact with the mother, throws up the legs, pulls the handles, moves the head, strifting the back towards the adult.

In 5 months, singeling vowels appear in the speech - the rustic stage.

By 6 months - shell (sylides Ba, Ma, Ta, Pa).

The age stage of 1 to 2 years is the time when the development of speech understanding is actively being actively being developed, the ability to imitate adult, the accumulation of the dictionary, the formation of speech as a means of communication with others.

In 1 year, the child speaks 10 words and understands the address facing it, for example, Mom asks the child to "bring a bear" - the child fulfills the request.

In 2 years, the child already utters about 100 words and builds short phrases. By the 2nd year there is an active expansion of the vocabulary stock, children begin to use all those words that in the first half of the year learned to understand. In this age period, the child is formed by the ability to contact various reasons for adults, asked questions, reported in several simple phrases seen or heard.

By 2.5 years, the child's dictionary grows and is already about 200-300 words. The child knows his name, distinguishes his relatives, finds out and distinguishes animal voices. The child can tell that he sees in the picture with a simple plot. On the third year, the child can listen to a short story, verse, and repeat it. The speech of the child is understandable to an unfamiliar adult.

Thus, from all foregoing it follows that by the 3rd year between the child and adults there are communication in the form of a dialogue, the child's speech is understandable for any adult, and not just a baby's mother.

Let us return now to those kids who are not yet spoken by 3 years.

Dear Parents! If your child has almost no active speech by the 3rd year, it is undoubtedly bad. This suggests that the pathological speech mechanism has already been launched, the time is already opposed to your child. And the more you expect that everything will be "passed" itself, the greater the harm you apply to your child.

How to act?

Dear Parents! First of all, you need to contact a neurologist. This specialist will examine your child and will give further recommendations.

You should also visit the following specialists:

  • otolaryngologist,
  • psychologist
  • defectologist
  • psychiatrist.

In addition to visiting specialists, you need to act.

Communicate with your child as much as possible. Communicating with you, the child learns to imitate suites and words.

Use the "Instructions for action" method. An adult encourages the child to fulfill various actions "Give, show, bring, find, take." And be sure after the instructions are fulfilled, ask the child that he brought, where he put, where he walked.

Teaching a child to pronounce words, first of all, give the child a sample: "This is a dog, it's a cat, but the bear holds the ball." At the same time, pronounce the words clearly and not hurry.

In addition to communicating families with the child, it is very important that the baby communicates with his peers.

Emotionally encourage the child for progress, even the most minor. It is important for the child to see that mom is interested in the manifestation of kid's speech activity.

Actively play with a child in finger games. The development of speech directly depends on the degree of development of manual motility.

Dear Parents! Remember! If you start right now to act correctly together with the specialists, your child will speak, and will catch up with his peers who already know how to talk.

Zherdeva O.P.,
teacher speech therapist

Many parents, and especially moms, are worried about their harmonious and not talking children. This problem makes them turn to various experts in the field of speech therapy and spend money for treatment.

Before considering the problem, I want to bring an example one case that my friend told me. This is funny, and amazing. Still, as children can pleasantly rejoice and hit others.

The boy, let's call him, somehow my mother was going for a walk. He did not speak at all, in his 4 years. Neither "Dad" nor "Mom" - nothing. And then Mom, who herself dressed in the corridor hears from his son: "Mom, tie to me shoelaces." Clear and clear. Represent surprise and shock mom? Yes, there are such cases.

Now, let's talk about the problem. Why children are not talking in three years.

Many reasons may affect speech dysfunction

Intricultural pathology. Mother-suffered disease during pregnancy may affect the development of the child in general, not only in the speech plan. Oxygen starvation of the brain (what happened 2 weeks to childbirth - the leakage of the oily water) can also lead to violations of speech in the future.

Premature childbirth and complexity. I think everyone knows what the consequences of preterm birth can be. In addition, the accused of a buoy, the wrong position of the fetus, long-term delivery - all this affects the baby in the future. God forbid that the consequences are not extremely severe.

Neurological violations it follows from the above. Fetal pathology during pregnancy and complex labor, lead to the formation of serious neurological abnormalities.

I am very sorry for such kids. Somehow I got into the neurological department with Masha, we were put on a porch of a light form in question, but after examining the doctor was removed. And I didn't go home back home, because it hurts to be in such a situation ...

Heredity. If mom, dad, grandmother or grandfather began to talk late, not surprisingly, your child will follow the example of his relatives.

Migrated severe diseases In the first years of life, they also affect the development of speech in children. I know a story when a child who has suffered in infancy several operations under anesthesia, generally stopped growing and evolved.

Unfavorable social atmosphere The house very often leads to the closedness of the child. And later to the delay in speech.

How was we

Who read my topic knows that my daughter has features, or rather, we are a little behind the development in contrast to the peers.

Children of my friends at our age are already talking to suggestions and actively ask questions.

Gulil daughter, as it should be for kids. We rejoiced and imagined how she grows and will twitter. I very often imagined myself when my daughter is about 5 years old and she will begin a "questioned" period, which sometimes tires many parents.

My child immediately joined the huge number of books. She always liked to consider colorful pages and listen poems. It is this passion, as it seems to me, helped us talk in the future.

Also, I drove my daughter to classes in a rehabilitation center, where Masha was engaged in a psychologist, a speech therapist and a special teacher.

It is still very important to communicate with other children. There was a period when the daughter was detached with other babies and always watched on the courts. But over time, the contact has improved and the daughter is now stretching towards other kids. Especially she likes to spend time with his cousin Dasha, which is 8 years old.

Masha knows a lot of words in his 3.5 years, talking to phrases, but not suggestions. Asks a pot, asks for. And you know, I am very happy about it, because it could be worse.

My classmate

The boy with whom I studied in the same class did not speak until 5 years! But then he spent sharply as the boy with her mother in the hallway. It seems to me that the psychological aspect is very important here.

Maybe in the family there were some quarrels between parents, or the child suffered some kind of stress or fear that prevented him to speak.

Or just he did not want to talk. I know it in Masha. I ask her "What color?" She smiles slyly and silent. By order, nothing will turn out of it stretch, very rarely. And it happens so that you do not stop.

How to help Molchuna

The first and most important thing - talk to the child. Pronounce all actions, tell him what you see on the street, ask questions. Even if the child does not answer, you still show him that you communicate with him.

Help the child to associate words in phrases and suggestions. Name the subject, ask what color it is, forms, why it is needed.

Read the book and engage in speech therapy available materials. There is an elementary Internet for this. I bought special literature for such purposes and try to deal with my daughter. True, honestly confess, according to the books we have mostly grandmother. Masha herself comes to the room and carries a book.

Repeat the child than you did throughout the day and what you will do on a walk. Masha loves to ride in the subway. Before going out into the street, I tell her to whom we will go, on what, etc.

Communicate with the child, help him and then the result of your work will not make yourself wait.

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