What can be answered to the question all said. How to answer tactless questions

Unfortunately, not all people around us are well-educated. There's nothing you can do about it. But on the other hand, you can and should learn to communicate with such tactless people. In this article, I will teach you some ways and techniques of communication with which you can easily deal with these ignoramuses.

How did it all start?

Before answering such questions, you need to try to understand for what purpose the person asked them. Basically, of course, not to offend you or "hurt a nerve." Although such people also exist. Usually answers to questions like: when will you get married or have a baby, buy an apartment or get a job? Good work, the person is of little interest. He is just trying to impose intimacy in this way and expresses his opinion (which, of course, you did not ask about). Or for another purpose: to make you embarrassed. Or for the purpose of self-affirmation. But whatever the purpose of your interlocutor, you have the right not to answer such questions, and are not obliged to do so!

But if you do decide to answer such a tactless question, it is important that your answer be witty and original. Just do not forget that wit must be proportionate: sobering up the opponent, but not hurting more than the opponent deserves.

I will give an example of wit from Churchill . Once a lady told him: “If you were my husband, I would pour poison into your glass!”. To which the witty Churchill retorted: "If I were your husband, I would immediately drink it!".

Another example of a witty response to a tactless question . Anna German, who was tall and really didn’t like it when they pointed it out to her, one entertainer once asked: “Tell me, how many meters are you?” She proudly replied: “It doesn’t matter how many metros, it’s important that I am definitely taller than you…”.

Answer to tactless questions it is possible in another way. Of course, the form and level of harshness of the answer always depend on the degree of impudence of the question itself and on your relationship with your opponent. . In addition to the witty answer, there are several more ways.


  • counter question (“And for what purpose are you interested?”, “Why do you need such information?”).
  • Changing the direction of a conversation (the simplest and most effective) - "Oh, what do I have, you'd better tell about yourself."
  • Ignore "What did you say? Oh, today they promised rain in the afternoon.
  • Attitude towards the interlocutor “Well, you asked!”, “You are not in a good mood today, right?”
  • Assessments "From personal question!”, “You still ask how to save the world!”
  • Emotional reaction : imitation of shock or hysteria, you can remain silent or just smile.

List of the most tactless questions

Especially for you, I have compiled a list of the most tactless questions.

With answers to them:

1. "How old are you?". By the way, I was never shy about my age and always answered the truth without being embarrassed about it.

But if this is a tactless and very personal question for you, then answer this way:

  • "Whatever I have they are all mine"
  • A counter question: “How much will you give?”
  • In the words of Carlson: "I am a woman in the prime of life ...".

2. “Are you getting better?”


  • "It's just that you lost weight"
  • "I'm already at the age when they bloom, not dry"
  • A counter question: "What don't you like?"

3. "Are you married?"


  • “I am not “for” my husband, I am “with” my husband.”
  • “Of course, I have three of them to choose from.”
  • Counter: "Are you in doubt?", "Do you want to make me an offer?".

4. A tactless question that baffles both men and women: “Did you have someone before me?” The question, in my opinion, is not only tactless, but also stupid. It was always interesting for me to look at the reaction of a person if he was given the following answer to this question: “Yes, 20 people, probably. Does that bother you?"

Deny the obvious this case stupid, so it's better to answer in an original and romantic way:

  • "If there was someone, then it cannot be compared with you."
  • “Does it matter? I only love you."
  • “Yes, before you were, of course…. Dreams of you."

5. I don’t know about you, but I am baffled by the question asked a stranger on the street or on the phone: “Do you have a minute?”.

Sometimes I want to respond with rudeness, but my upbringing does not allow me to do so, so I answer like this:

  • "Depends on what you need."
  • "Sorry, I'm not wasting time."
  • "Yes, but it costs too much."

6. "Why don't you have children?" (wives, cars, apartments, high office and so on.).

Decent response options:

  • "Not deserved yet."
  • Karma doesn't allow.
  • "It will interfere with my genius."
  • Counter question: “Why are you?”, “Why are you interested in this?”, “Can you offer it to me?”

7. Some try to joke, without realizing it, look stupid. One of these questions: “Where do you get so many little things? What were you standing on the porch?

Answer like this:

  • "Yes, just left the church."
  • “I just collect scrap metal.”
  • "Do you want to go together tomorrow?"
  • "Are you afraid of competition?"

The main thing to remember : when answering such questions, show creativity and creative. Develop speed of thinking, learn to control yourself and do not be embarrassed when meeting with such people.

Psychologists recommend that people who are embarrassed by certain questions solve those problems that they are often asked about. But we are well aware that it is impossible to solve all issues. And most importantly, even if they are all solved, there will definitely be new ones, and so on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, it is also impossible to teach tact to all people. Therefore, try to be patient and calm with people climbing into your soul and into your personal life. (although it's difficult). Perhaps they do this because they do not have their own at all.

Every day we hear “How are you?”, “How are you?” and “What are you doing?” several times. These questions are most often asked out of politeness or to keep the conversation going.

We say something in response, not thinking about the meaning of what was said. In fact, there is a really correct answer to all these questions, which depends on the real situation and on the interlocutor. Consider a variety of options for answering the question "How are you?"

Standard responses

When all is well

  • "I'm fine, and you?". By doing this, you give the opportunity to the interlocutor to tell about yourself.
  • "Great!". Charge the interlocutor with a good mood, tactfully making it clear that you do not intend to listen to the negative.
  • "Normal" A neutral, non-committal response.

When everything is bad

Here the answer depends on how ready you are to share information about your personal (work) affairs with the interlocutor, and whether he will be interested in listening to your spiritual outpourings.

  • "Not really" Hints at the next question - "What's wrong?"
  • "Doesn't matter…." Further details follow.
  • "Bad, but I don't want to talk about it." Next, the interlocutor is waiting for you to ask, “What news do you have?”.

Subtleties of etiquette

It is not customary to give answers that may be misunderstood or poorly interpreted by the rules of etiquette. A person asks this question out of politeness, and does not expect a long story about your problems at all.

If guided by etiquette, the most optimal answer would be “Wonderful” or “Normal”.

You can only practice wit when communicating with people you know well: otherwise, your sense of humor may be misinterpreted.

The answer to the most popular question is dictated primarily by those who ask it. Permissible when communicating with peers, caustic, sometimes vulgar phrases such as “have not yet given birth”, “the case with the prosecutor”, will be unacceptable to the older generation, bosses, parents. In these cases, the answer should be short and concise.

- a separate issue. These are the only people who are genuinely interested in what you do. Therefore, the answer must be specific and exhaustive to the smallest detail. Do not forget to ask about the health of mom or dad in response.

Boss. Your personal affairs are of absolutely no interest to him. By asking the question "How are you?" he means work. Therefore, as a response, he expects a detailed report on recent achievements. In exceptional cases (for example, corporate event) you can limit yourself to the banal “Good”, be sure to add “Thank you”. It's enough.

How to answer the question "How are you?"


Joking and funny answers are most appropriate on the Internet (SMS) - correspondence and when communicating with young people. Friends will always find something to talk about, so here you can give yourself free rein.

  • While alive and rejoice therefore.
  • Now I'll tell you, you'll start to envy, I'd better keep silent.
  • Like in a horror movie - the farther, the more breathtaking.
  • On the letter X (do not think it's good).
  • Get crazy.

At work

The main thing here is subordination and corporate ethics. The answer should be short, without irony and sarcasm.

  • Fine, but how are you (what news).
  • Everything is old.
  • OK, thank you.

On the personal front

Not everyone is interested in knowing all the details personal life interlocutor. And if you are not going to dedicate someone to all the details, then such options are suitable here.

  • Thanks, nothing new.
  • Everything is fine.
  • How about you (you)?
  • Not complaining.


Rude statements are used in cases where the very question “how are you” comes from the lips of an unpleasant person. This is a kind of protective reflex that works in those moments when you want to protect yourself from annoying communication.

  • Back off
  • Go to hell
  • None of your business

To a stranger

This question is the most popular for the first acquaintance - in correspondence or chance meeting. The answer should make it clear to the stranger whether you intend to continue the conversation or not.

To continue dating, you can answer something like this:

  • Everything is great, as usual.
  • Thanks, great.
  • Just like others.

To shine with wit in this case is inappropriate. Answers like “Like on Mars - there is no life”, “Things are going, but past”, “It could be worse” should be saved for a more suitable occasion.

If it is not your intention to continue communication, then it is better to immediately, in a polite way, make it clear.

The best answers in this situation would be:

  • I am married (boyfriend).
  • I am married (to a girl).
  • None of your business (rude, but it works).
  • You won't be interested.
  • You recognized.

How to respond nicely to a question

"What's up?"

  • Life is like a striped zebra.
  • Today is better than yesterday.
  • Great, and I wish you the same.
  • Best of all, but no one is jealous.
  • You're doing great, looking forward to the next question.
  • As you asked, it got better (a bit rough).
  • It depends on what you compare it to.
  • It hits with a fountain, but everything is on the head.

"What are you doing?"

  • Improving (or degrading), come on together.
  • I surf the Internet and chat.
  • I like to listen to others.
  • Guess! You have the opportunity to ask leading questions.
  • I ignore.
  • I'm trying to cross you off my contact list.
  • Meditate (live, breathe, etc.)
  • I fly on a hang glider (parachute, airship).
  • I read the report (pass the exam, test).
  • Sorry, I'm underwater, I can't speak.

In correspondence, the question “How are you?” is most often followed by the no less banal “What are you doing?” Here you can finally show your imagination. The person who asked this question usually waits for the answer “I work”, to which he will ask the counter question “Where and by whom?”.

You can turn the conversation in a different direction with a cool and extraordinary answer, depending on whether you want to “send” the interlocutor in an original way, or are set up for a friendly conversation in a positive way.

Video: What to say in response

How to answer in an original, beautiful, funny way?

Nobody wants to be boring, and you also want to answer comments and questions in an original way, with enthusiasm, somehow beautiful or cool, funny. The best way is to relax and just be yourself, catch the wave. To do this, you can chat and laugh with friends, watch some funny video in general, cheer yourself up. But if you are in thought, here you will find advice and ready recipes that can be answered in a given situation. What is the best way to respond to a comment? What to say?

Starting a Conversation: Answers

What to say to "Hi"?

This is the most common way to start a conversation - a person writes "Hi" and waits for a response. If you know who it is, you can answer Hello, Misha(or whatever his name is). This will save you from possible question“Why don’t you answer,” and you can continue the conversation normally.

If a person writes "Hi, let's get to know each other?" Try to understand who it is. Go to his/her page. Do you want to get to know this person? Answer Hello! Yes, sure. You can add: Tell about yourself in short. You can "smile" to look friendly. Add a smiley face to the answer, like this - :) If you do not want to meet, write Hello, I'm not looking for new acquaintances, sorry. By the way, perhaps the guy writes “let's get acquainted” just to raise self-esteem. He wants to please himself, to be interested in him. In fact, maybe he doesn’t need to get acquainted and he is even afraid of girls in reality. Try to find out.

It all depends on your desire to be friends. If a person just wants to add you as a friend, there is little sense in such friendship (maybe he is competing with friends who has more friends). Let's just subscribe to the page. But if this person is interesting to you (look at his or her page), why not - make friends, chat, you have nothing to lose. You can answer in jest: Come on if you're not afraid.

How to answer the question "How are you"?

They say that a bore is a person who, to the question “How are you?” starts to actually tell how he's doing. Therefore, it is not surprising that you want to answer somehow interesting, intricate and not boring. And most likely, the interlocutor does not need a detailed report on how you are doing, he just wants to communicate with you. can you just answer Yes, it's ok, how about you?

"What are you doing?" - what to say?

Likewise, this question is asked to start a conversation. Answer briefly, for example: I'm lying on the couch, bored and then ask your question: And you?“Of course, if you don’t mind chatting now.

"Why are not you sleeping?" - what to say?

Answer got enough sleep or, if you want more playfully, So this is not a dream? I thought I was sleeping. And to give a certain hint, you can write Not with anyone. Well, you can honestly answer: I'm just surfing the Internet, I don't want to sleep yet.

"What's new?" - how to answer?

A man wants to show that he is interested in you (even though he may not actually be). If you want, tell him what's new- let's say for last week. Maybe something made you special impression(film, TV show, words or deed of a friend, acquaintance). Mentally put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and think about whether he will be interested in what you are going to tell. If yes, then tell me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" - how to answer?

Similarly, a man wants to show his interest in you. Do not be boring and do not describe household details, but look at the hint above, in response to the question "What's new?"

We start the conversation first

What to text a guy? What to write to a girl?

Go to his or her page. Look at the photos, study what the person is interested in. Perhaps you have some common interests. Here you can easily find a reason for a question that he will be interested in answering, and you - to listen to the answer.

A good way to start a conversation is to simply write Hello. A person will look at your page and respond if he likes you.

You can leave a comment on any photo, this can also be the beginning of a conversation. But if you're dating a girl, keep in mind that they're usually fed up with compliments.

If you already know each other and communicate for a while, you can directly write what you want meet, go somewhere(on a date). Being honest in expressing feelings is the most the best way. But also do not be boring, as if your whole life is now fixated on this person. It's good if you're into something that you can talk about.

Responses to compliments

How to respond to "beautiful"?

“Beautiful” or “very beautiful” - these are the guys who most often write in the comments to the photo. It is unlikely that a girl will post pictures where she looks ugly, so it is clear that you are beautiful in all your pictures! And writing “beautiful” as a compliment is the first thing that comes to a guy’s mind if he wants to attract attention, somehow stand out among others, and maybe win you over. Let it be stupid, but if you are pleased, you can answer something to hint that you are not against further communication. For example, Glad you liked it, thanks mom and dad. You can just put a heart(click "Like" on the guy's comments). If compliments from this guy you are not interested, do not answer anything.

Relationship talk

"Have a boyfriend?" What to say?

If you have a boyfriend, say yes, there is. But if you don't want to come clean because you want to hook up with this guy too, say no. Or, for example, Do you want to become one? For fun, you can still answer And you?

What to say to an ex?

Your ex is texting you. What to answer him? You're not sure. On the one hand, I want to send him away, on the other - to return pleasant moments(even if you don't admit it to yourself). What to do? If he wants to get you back, and you basically admit such a possibility, offer to meet and talk. Don't reveal your feelings. If you do not want to see him, write that you are not ready to talk yet. And if you're already dating someone else and you definitely don't want your ex, tell him you're happy and let him live his life. Be a queen!

"I love you". What to write in response?

If a guy is suspiciously easy to confess his feelings, then keep in mind that his words may not be true. But if you love him and are confident in him, then answer Me too(love you). Otherwise, just say that you Nice.


How to answer "May I ask a question?"

This means that a person wants to ask you a question, but not some nonsense, but a more serious one. Maybe related to your personal life. Or maybe this person wants to find out how you feel about him. Anyway, you can answer: Yes, sure!- this will show that trust has already appeared between you, and you are not averse to seeing the question.

If the question turns out to be such that you do not want to answer it, write: May I not answer this question? Please don't be offended.

How to answer the question "Why?"

Let's say a guy offers to meet, but you don't want to. He asks: "Why?" - that is, he wants to understand the reason and at the same time still hopes that you will change your mind. Most likely, he is offended. "Why?" - how to answer this question? The best thing tell the truth. For example, you don't want to date him because you don't like him. Then write like this: "I don't like you." It would be enough.

And how to answer "Because?"

By asking "Why", you can get the answer "Because". Apparently, a person wants to say something in the spirit of “Is it really incomprehensible ?!”. If you don't understand, ask politely: Explain please. Don't be rude.

"What are you?" What to answer, what am I?

What can you say about yourself? What am I? Imagine that your good friends. How would they describe you? What are you - serious, funny, beautiful, cool, cool? So answer. Write Literally in two or three words to interest the guy, but at the same time not to scare him if you have an interest in him. After all, girls love to intrigue men.

"I thought you wouldn't answer"

With these words, the man, as it were, expresses: he thought about you and was worried that you would no longer want to communicate with him. But since you did answer, he is very happy and looks forward to further communication and development of relations.

Why does a person not write, answer?

Maybe he didn't read your message. Or read, but did not answer, because he forgot or he was distracted. Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't mean anything. Later try to write again, give a signal. If you communicated in VK, but the communication was interrupted, you can still send SMS.

How to respond to rudeness?

It is best to ignore the boor, that is, do not pay attention to him and do not answer anything. And for complete peace of mind - block this person, if possible. More about it here:

How to respond to an offensive, negative comment?

You can answer like this: Look, something is happening in your life, and I know that it has nothing to do with me. This is not written in a good mood. Something makes you project your problems onto me. I'm sorry whatever happened to you. But I know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me. Have a good day!


What to say to "Come on"?

"Come on" is a vulgar way of saying "bye" or "goodbye"; it means something like "give a paw", that is, a hand to shake it goodbye. can you just answer Bye or, if you want to hurt a person, tell him that “come on” is vulgar, that only a gopota says that.

How to say goodbye

Sometimes you want to say goodbye in some beautiful or original way, but this can make a strange impression. Better just write For now, let's talk later or Look, I'm going to be a little busy right now, let me text you later. Or you can write Until communication.

Add a comment. Here? Yes, easily!

You can add, submit, leave a comment down here to practice. Or show others how beautiful and original you can write! Spam and insults are removed, don't worry.

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Each of us had to answer tactless questions. Sometimes it makes you angry, sometimes it makes you happy. Often people do not even realize that they are putting someone in an awkward position, but this does not make it easier to deal with such situations.

website collected the most awkward questions, which each of us heard at least once, and found answers to them, seasoned with a share of humor.

1. How much is your apartment?

When it comes to money, any innocuous questions can be tactless. But as soon as you acquire your own housing, every second person wants to know how much you paid for the apartment, invested in the construction of the house, or how much the repair cost.

Speak real price or not - it's up to you, but you can always translate the topic in a different direction.


  • Now there is a place to live, but nothing.
  • It's too early to say, there are still so many years to pay for it.

2. When will you get married? It is high time

There are many jokes that once a girl meets a guy, she immediately begins to “try on” his last name and choose names for children. But often things look different: as soon as you start dating someone, everyone around asks questions about the wedding. Few people are interested in the fact that you are not yet ready, that you are already fine, or that you do not plan to tie the knot at all.


  • Today we just set the alarm clock early in order to be in time at the registry office, but here's the annoyance - we overslept. But tomorrow is a must!
  • When are you going? At what age did you get married?
  • When do you want to marry us?

3. How much are you paid?

Earnings may be interested in different reasons: out of pure curiosity, worrying about you or, for example, envious. But any one of dozens of such reasons does not oblige you to give a full financial report.


  • I have enough to live on!
  • Ninety thousand Taiwan dollars!
  • I get the average salary in the industry (but significantly less than Bill Gates).

4. Why don't you have children? Time goes by

The appearance of a baby in a family is a purely personal matter, but this never stops anyone. Questions about children begin to be asked even before the wedding, backed up with assurances “without a child, this is not a family”, “the time has come a long time ago” and “how can you not want children at all”.


  • In May! 2025.
  • It's already started, we just don't tell anyone about it.
  • Why do you want to know?

5. How old are you?

6. Did something happen to you? you are sad

Of course, if a person close to you asks this question, then most likely he is just worried. But sometimes we do not want to talk about our problems even to the family, and inquiries only aggravate the situation. Try to smile when answering this question in order to dispel all doubts with one look.


  • I just thought about the meaning of life!
  • A little tired, but nothing - I'll get enough sleep and shine again.


  • Still not met her fate.
  • How do you know it's "he"?
  • At first I decided to have a child, suddenly for the second I would like another dad!
  • I will get married as soon as the divorce proceedings are over.

In any case, you can always say directly that you do not want to discuss this or that topic, and avoid crumpled and unpleasant answers to tactless questions.

Helpful Hints

No one wants to just put up with the rudeness and rudeness that you can hear V public transport, at work, online, and just on the street.

No need to play the role of a victim, but learn to respond correctly to aggression towards you.

Obviously, for most people, rudeness towards them can negatively affect well-being, self-esteem and performance.

How to respond to rudeness

To be able to respond to rudeness, you first need to work on increasing self-esteem.

It is worth noting that it is not easy to be rude to a person with a strong spirit.

And yet, if you urgently need to learn how to communicate with a boor, you can use one or more methods of struggle.

responses to rudeness


When talking with like people you should never show them that you are confused. Try to express your point of view frankly, firmly and openly.

Try not to get defensive and speak calmly and relaxed.

Most often, rude people are weak, envious people who are difficult to get used to honesty and calmness, and sometimes do not know these words at all. They take energy for their negativity precisely from those people who succumb to rudeness and begin to get nervous. Don't let them feed on your nervousness.


This method is more suitable as a reaction to prolonged rudeness.

If the person who is rude to you cannot stop, you may well help him to do this.

To begin with, try to listen to him calmly, until he himself is convinced that he is right. After that, sneeze loudly and defiantly - there will be a short pause in which you calmly say the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit" and politely add: "So where did you end up?"


Simply put: you to me, I to you. This method transfers the negativity of your interlocutor to him. You just need to agree with his attacks on you, thank you for the time and effort spent to emphasize your shortcomings.

You can even praise the interlocutor for attentiveness and those "advice" that you heard. Do it calmly and try not to show the causticity of your phrases.

It is worth noting that the more witnesses to the conflict will be, the better for you, because. a rude person is unlikely to receive the necessary approval from the outside, and most likely will cause laughter and jokes in his address.


A similar method can be used by administrators of forums, sites, blogs and groups in social networks. networks.

Although most community members are familiar with general rules, some still deliberately violate them, after which they express dissatisfaction in the administrators' personal messages due to the fact that they were denied access.

After all the arguments are over, these characters move on to outright rudeness and rudeness.

It's easiest to just ban, but if you want to prove you're right, try not to be emotional, describe in detail all the errors of the offender. At first, the interlocutor will resist and continue to "have fun" with rudeness, but when he realizes that they are communicating with him dryly, without emotions, he will simply fall behind.


Perhaps the most famous and simplest method of dealing with rudeness. Sometimes silence is not only effective and safe, but also beautiful.

If you don’t need anything from a rude person, or you are simply not psychologically ready to enter into a debate with him, or if the “interlocutor” is simply out of his mind and can harm your health, just ignore him. Rude people want to win your attention, do not give them this joy.

It is worth noting that it is also necessary to ignore correctly. No need to include an offensive look and sighs- These are signals that you paid attention to him. Do not show any emotions, a boor is an empty place for you.

How beautiful to respond to rudeness

There are several phrases that can be used when "skirmish" with a rude:

"Excuse me, is that all?"

"I had a better opinion of you"

"Rudeness doesn't suit you"

"Do you want a polite answer or the truth?"

"Why are you trying to look worse than you really are?"

"Like everyone else, I also have bad days. Don't worry, you'll be fine"

"Yes, of course, come in. May luck be on your side" (in case someone climbs out of line)

"It doesn't sound like the role is right for you. What do you really want?"

"Thank you for showing interest in my person"

"You want to hurt me? For what?"

How to respond to an insult

If you are accidentally or intentionally scolded, you should not take these words literally and take everything personally.

Understand that if someone who insulted you has Bad mood or is he just not well educated, this does not mean that you are to blame.

In order to be able to respond correctly to insults, you must, first of all, know that the person who insults you is possible ways, he himself is a victim, namely the victim of the obstinacy of his character.

Most often, those who "attack" and try to humiliate others are weak personalities who are simply not able to cope with negative emotions, which makes them splash out on others.

What to do in response to an insult

If insulted by a stranger

The best option is to ignore it. Just try not to notice the one who is trying to offend you. Of course, there are times when you need to act differently, but most often you need to act as if the stranger is not there, and his words are empty words.

If offended by a loved one

From the very beginning, try to dot the "I". You should calmly and directly tell him that the words spoken hurt you. The right step would be to discuss the situation.

If offended by a work colleague/boss

Under this set of circumstances, try to carefully avoid the conflict. If a colleague relentlessly insults and silence you does not help, try to answer with a neutral barb.

In the case of the boss, conflicts are not needed, which means that you do not respond to insults. Instead, imagine your manager as a naughty and pugnacious little child.

In your head, pat him on the head, feed him porridge and help him sit on the potty. This is the way psychologists recommend. You will not only endure insults, but also gain good mood, or at least it will bring a smile on your part and increase your efficiency. In addition, the boss may also pay attention to your stamina.

How to respond to an insult

The person who is trying to insult you wants to assert himself, stand out, which means you need to give him a cold answer, "Well, did you assert yourself at my expense?".

Listening to such a person, try to understand what the goal is, why they want to offend you.

* If you do not know how to respond to an insult, then you need to know one important thing - not wellit is necessary to reach mutual insults and rash reactions.

In addition to looking silly, you are also susceptible to manipulation, which can end up being a trap for you. You don't have to play by the rules that are imposed on you.

*Another main rule - respond to rudeness calmly without losing the feeling dignity . But, it is worth noting that the cultural response to the "attack" of the boor most often does not produce any effect, because. The game takes place on someone else's territory and not by your rules.

* When it comes to trolling, or other similar situations, the best thing ignore the offender.

* It happens that you need to answer, but you obviously know that all your arguments simply will not work against a stubborn rude. In this case, the most the best option will turn around and leave.

* The person who insulted you or is trying to do so may just have a bad day. Therefore, with you enough to ask: "Bad day?" . If a person is adequate, he will agree and may even ask for forgiveness.

But, when it comes to a troll, then such a question is not only inappropriate, but can also lead to additional insults against you.

* More often than not, responding to an insult is not a good strategy, and you can get away with just asking the person neutrally about what they just said to you. Try to pretend that you did not hear his words or did not pay attention to them. In this case, only a frank boor will continue his "attacks".

* If you find yourself in a situation where it is simply necessary to answer the offender, or you are strangled by the desire to do so, do not rush at him. The main thing is to be calm, cold in words and expressions. It is desirable to suppress insults with witty remarks and only after the interlocutor has finished his monologue.

* Sometimes an insult is more like a mockery. In this case, perhaps the best option would be to answer in the form of a joke, which not only does not offend the person, but also maintains a normal relationship.

One of common mistakes, which people allow, is an attempt to justify, they say, "no, you're wrong, it's not my fault". Firstly, such a strategy can make you humiliated, and secondly, trying to justify yourself is simply pointless, because. an excuse, as a rule, no one listens.

uncomfortable questions

"How much?", "When will you get married?", "What is your salary?"- these questions are annoying, and despite the fact that asking them - bad manners some still can't help it.

Several situations can be considered, but first we note a few universal answers.

How to original answer

- "I'm amazed at your ability to ask questions that can lead to a dead end!"

- "You amazing woman(man). I was always amazed by your ability to ask uncomfortable (correct, difficult, rhetorical) questions!"

- "I'll be happy to try to answer your question, just answer you first, why are you so interested in this?"

- "And for what purpose are you interested in this?"

"Do you really want to talk about it?" If the answer is yes, then simply answer: "And I'm not very" - and end the dialogue with a smile.

If a person is not very pleasant to you, and you have no desire to communicate with him, especially after an incorrect question, you can coldly answer: "That's my fucking business."

- Ask again: "I understand correctly that ..."

Questions about money

When you are faced with an unpleasant question, you have every right not to give the interlocutor any specific answer. For example, to the question "How much do you earn?" you can evade the answer "Like most, the average salary in the industry is (significantly less than Abramovich)."

You can also answer this question with a counter question. For example, to the question "How much is the jacket?" you can ask the interlocutor how much his jacket costs. Another way to answer this question is significantly overestimate or underestimate the figure and then turn the conversation into a joke.

Questions about work

"What do you do?", "What do you do at work?".

When answering questions like this, psychologists advise you to name the profession that can give you more confidence in what you are doing. If your work is different, you are doing a lot of different things, you can sort out all the work for the month on the shelves. This way you will know what takes the most time.

Questions about personal life

"Why is there no girl (boyfriend)?", "When is the wedding?", "Why haven't you got married yet?".

Do not take such matters seriously. In response, you can ask the interlocutor why such unusual question came to his mind. In this case, the interlocutor will be in an awkward situation.

There is another option - just answer directly, as it is. For example, to the question "Why one more (one)?" proudly admit that you are patiently looking for your soul mate, who would not leave you in difficult times.

The third option would be "mirroring". For example, "Do I understand correctly that you don't mind holding a candle over my bed?" , or "... that, today, your main task is to discuss my personal life?" , or "... that interest in other people's troubles is in the order of things for you?"

How to respond to rudeness

Hams can be found everywhere. These are people who often experience pressure on themselves, which leads to rudeness as a defense weapon.

Why are they rude

Reason 1: Despair

A person has a bad day - so he is rude. For example, a saleswoman who is tired for the whole working day, a client, a colleague, brought to stress.

Most often, such people, after throwing out all the anger on someone, feel guilty about themselves and may even apologize.

If you decide in such a situation to respond with the same weapon, then the feeling of guilt will go away and the person will think that being rude is normal.

Reason 2: Self-affirmation

When a boor humiliates another person, he feels superior to him, especially if this person, for one reason or another, cannot fight back the offender.

Usually such boors have, albeit not great, but still power. They believe that they can just take out their anger on those who depend on them and get away with it with impunity.

Reason 3: Wanting to be seen

If rudeness is an integral part of a person, then its roots can be hidden in childhood.

A child always wants attention and love from his parents. If he does not receive this, then he begins to be rude, so that at least somehow they pay attention to him. With age, a person uses the same strategy.

Responses to rudeness

Method 1: You don't have to take everything you say personally.

Often a person who is rude does not do it specifically to you - rather, it is anger at the world in general: ill-mannered youth, men are goats, etc. and only the rude man himself is white and fluffy.

One can only sympathize with such a boor, because. the world he lives in is not easy to live in. Remember, each person sees the world differently. If a boor says that you are an uneducated person, you can try to refute his statement with your knowledge, but this is unlikely to succeed.

Method 2: Ham should not become the master of the situation

Try not to give the boor power over the situation so that they do not feel stronger.

If your boss is rude to you, and it is impossible to get away from this, think about the fact that you are not chained to him for life. You are not a slave, you are only doing your job professionally, i.e. you help him to carry out the work, which means that you can call yourself a partner in a certain business. You can demand more respect for yourself, because. you have every right to do so.

Method 3: Remember your rights

When you are rude public place, then it is necessary to fight not with the offenders, but with their superiors.

Find out the name, surname, position and contacts. You can ask for a book of complaints, if there is one. If this does not help, try contacting a consumer protection society or a lawyer.

Use your weapons - human rights and leverage. This method is suitable if the boor is an official, manager, waiter, security guard and other representatives of large organizations

Method 4: turn on your imagination

Try to imagine an offender behind a glass wall: you see him, you notice that he is saying something, but you simply do not hear.

You can also imagine a boor in the form of a big fish in an aquarium: it seems that he moves his lips, moves his fins, but it is not clear why all this is.

If you watched the movie "The Matrix", then remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets fired at him. Imagine that the rudeness thrown at you is bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all the rudeness does not reach you, falling with a ringing on the floor.

Method 5: Try to contact the boor

Try to find out the reason for the aggression. For example, you can say: "Now you are rude to me, why do you need this?" or "You have a smile on your face and you say mean things, so I haven't figured out how to respond to your words yet."

Perhaps the person who heard you will consider his actions, look at himself from the outside and rethink his behavior. You can use this method when communicating with people with whom you will have to meet and talk more than once - work colleagues, acquaintances, relatives.

There is a chance that a person will look at himself from the outside and rethink something in his behavior.

How beautiful to respond to rudeness

Rudeness can be well treated with politeness, which scares boors, forcing them to be careful when communicating:

- "You see, dear, I do not intend (a) to communicate with you in such a tone"

- "Dear, you may have confused me with someone"

If the boor cannot stop in any way, after all your attempts, then save your nerves, wish him all the best and leave the place of conversation.

Sometimes a boor needs to be put in place, otherwise you will make them stronger with your silence. A good answer can close the mouth of a boor. But remember, to be rude to rudeness does not put you higher.

Try to use humor. If you are being rude, smile and say "Well, you and blockhead (fool, idiot)!" Such an act can anger the boor even more, whose reaction will make you laugh.

Smiling back often irritates a boor, so smile sincerely.

- "You deign to be rude to me ... Why? Is your goal to offend me? Why?"

Answer so that your word is the last and then the rudeness will stop.

Pay no attention to the boor. Imagine a scenario in your head: "You are a leaf by the road ... Everything passes by and nothing hurts you" .