What can be made of a double notebook. More sophisticated flap. How to make paper flap: step-by-step instruction

Similar flappers are well suited for concert performances, street and pajama parties. They add fun, but leave behind the mess, which is quite difficult to remove. Therefore, if you decide to take advantage of a slapper with sparkles in the walls of the building, you first ask the permission of parents, bosses or homeowner and never use a slap with any evil intent.


Outpage of flapper with sparkles

    Homemade slappers with brilliant confetti are similar to factory crackers that people often buy on New Year's holidays, weddings, birthdays and other solemn events. The revealed flappers first appeared in the UK in the 1840s as gifts, part points distributed. If you are preparing for the holiday, you can save a little and prepare homemade crackers with sparkles for him. To do this, you will need the following:

    • cutting in half the cardboard tube from paper towels or tube from the roll of toilet paper;
    • brilliant confetti (multicolored);
    • scissors;
    • stapler and brackets to it;
    • culinary thread or thin cord;
    • scotch;
    • beads;
    • ribbons for serpentine;
    • cardboard;
    • tissue.
  1. Make a starting door for a flap. Flap with sequins explode when someone dramatically pulls behind the lace attached to the launcher. Cut the square from thin wrapping paper, which will be large enough to close the bottom of the cardboard tube (with a side of about 7.5 cm). Circle the contours of the round tube on the cardboard sheet and cut the resulting circle. With the help of hot glue, glue this circle in the center of the square of the wrapping paper. Wait a few seconds to glue glue. Take the scissors or needle and pour the hole in the center of the circle to insert the cord segment into it or culinary threads with your hand.

    Attach the door to the cardboard tube. Before sticking the paper and the door cardboard to the tube, tie a bead by the end of the cord. Make sure that the bead is located on the inside of the door. With the help of hot glue, stick the edges of the wrapping paper of the door to the side of the end of the tube. At this stage, your flap will look like a tube with one sealed end, from which the "tail" sticks out.

    Decorate the tube and fill it with brilliant confetti. To decorate clappers, show your creative abilities. It can be wrapped with colored paper or metal foil, you can stick ribbons or serpentine. Before climbing the inverse end of the flap, take a funnel or a measuring cup and use it with it with sparkles on ½ or ¾.

    Decorate the tip clap in the form of a cone. With the help of a cone tip, turn the cracker in the rocket. Distribute a circle with a diameter of 8.3 mm on the cardboard. Cut the circle with scissors and make an incision on it from the edge to the center. Turn the edge of the cut so that they are left at each other about 1.3 cm and formed a cone from the circle. Secure the cone stapler.

    Open the flap. Keep sharply per cord fixed on the starting door. The door will break off and rain from the sparkle of the sickness of anyone suspects of party guests.

    Turn the hanging flap in the candy flap. Change the trap design slightly so that it can be used as a souvenir for guests, and not just hang. Cleaning-candy explodes sparkles not when they pull the rope, and when the ends of the flap rut sharply in opposite sides. Wrap the cardboard tube with thin wrapping paper. The sheet of wrapping paper should be large enough so that he played the edges of the tube from both ends of the centimeters for ten. Next, take the body of the flapper itself (on top of the wrapping paper) with cardboard, dense paper or metal foil. Then you twist one sticking end of the wrapping paper at the clapper and tie it up with ribbon. Take a funnel and fill the flap with brilliant confetti. Finally, twist and tie the ribbon the second end of the flapper.

    • To blow up the trap, it is necessary to ride it hard and pull them on the sides. Instruct the guests that they need to sharply break the chappercope so that its contents spread out, and not just poured.


    1. Collect all the necessary materials. Making a wand is very simple, so it is perfect for the revival party on the occasion of the birthday or New Year. You will need the following:

      • paper tubes (multicolored);
      • scissors;
      • scotch;
      • paper;
      • bowl (not necessarily);
      • adhesive pistol and suitable sticks with glue.
    2. Cut paper tubes in half. First, bend the tubes in half, and then cut them into the collapse. These tubes you will fill with sparkles. If you can cut the tube in half, the clappers are twice as much. Clappers made of shortened tubes are easier to hold in their hands and open the flapper from the entire tubes.

      Pour the tube on one side. You need to take a tube from one of the ends, and the opposite end to temporarily leave open. To clog the tube, use a few drops of hot glue. Now it will be easier for you to fill the tube with sequins. Only, first give glue to frozen.

      Pliers pilts into the tube. Take the tube vertically in your hand and hold it above the mission open end. Call the paper from the sheet of paper. Insert the prepared funnel into the tube to fill it with sparkles. When the tube is filled with the wake-up sparkles back to the container in which you purchased them. Remove the sleeves from the top edge of the tube. Close it with hot glue and give it to frozen.

      Break the flap. Pull the tube for both ends so that it breaks down. As a result, a small explosion from the sequin should be turned out. Shake by both halves of the tube to shake off the remnants of sequins.

      • During the party, distribute such flappers to all guests and arrange the countdown so that everyone blew them at the same time.

      Peanut Shell Clapper

      1. Collect all the necessary materials. From an empty shell from peanuts, excellent improvised flappers are obtained. They are lungs, compact and well complement small packaging with surprises. You will need the following:

        • pack of peanuts in the shell;
        • scissors;
        • small sparkles (multi-colored);
        • adhesive pistol and suitable sticks with glue;
        • acrylic paints (not necessarily);
        • brushes (optional).
      2. Open the peanut shell. With scissors, carefully open the peanut shell. Place the nut along between the scissors' blades and gently squeeze. When the shell cracks, divide it into two halves and remove peanuts. Repeat the procedure until you do not form a sufficient amount of blanks for "peanut clappers". Make sure that the whole shell is laid in pairs.

        • Throw away any cracking shell into trash.
      3. Fill with sequins shell. Put in front of you two paired halves of the shell and fill one of them with sequins. Repeat the procedure with the entire remaining shell.

Many people think that the origami is pretty boring, tediously and generally uninteresting. Of course, sometimes I don't want to lay some monotonous animals or birds from paper. But after all, in the art of Origami, full of fun and even "loud" crafts. In today's master class, you will learn how to fold the "explosive" clapboard, with which you can surprise your friends and loved ones.

So first you need to take the most ordinary piece of paper.

Now you need to make sure the corners of the house as much as much as possible, as shown in the photo.

After that, you need to add origami along the axis of symmetry in half. That's what should happen at this stage.

On both sides of the fold line, two open pockets were formed.

You need to minimize one pockets inward.

Now it is shifted in half along the fold line.

The same is repeated with another pocket.

In principle, our cracker is ready, but it is too banal. To make cotton not only loud, but also spectacular, you will have to make confetti. For this we need a small piece of paper of any bright color.

The leaf is cut into thin stripes, about one centimeter thick.

Now you need to take stripes into one handheld and cut them into small squares. Confetti is ready.

Now everything is done exactly! To make cotton, you need to take origami for the end, which is closer to the pockets, after which we get crap through the air. Imagine that in your hands samurai sword.

If you all did neatly and with the soul, then this unusual product you should get.

Probably, the flap is one of the easiest and most interesting origami. But it is not worth stopping on it. Try to make something more complicated, beautiful and funny. Creative success and successful undertakings!

The art of origami allows you to create not just beautiful and multidimensional animal figures or birds. If you want to spend time for uncomplicated and noisy entertainment - then paper flappers are created specifically for you. Their manufacture requires only a couple of minutes, a sheet of fine paper A4 and a bit of perfection. Paper flappers are deafening and completely safe. The simplest of them can be used on change, for entertainment, on holidays, as well as to annoy the neighbors.

A sheet of paper for a flap should not be dense. A newspaper or a notebook sheet is best suitable, and still coated paper of any color. Before starting work, the paper sheet needs to be smoothed on a flat surface, then folded fourwise and re-deploy. A pair of folds will appear on it, one of which will be longer than the other. Bend four corners of a sheet to a longer fold line. If you feel easier, the corners need to be folded in the form of a "house". Now the resulting configuration is lowered along the longest fold line, having received something like a trapezium. Further turning its corners accurately to the middle, having received something like a square, which consists of two triangles. This square should be folded in half in such a way that the paper triangles are inside. It is they who will carry out cotton when crackering. Its creation approached the end. So that the paper clap earned in the desired way, it takes it for a sharp edge and sharply shake, waving it down from above. After that, she will crack and slammer. After the "explosion", it can be returned to its original state and use how much you need, while the paper does not break. Sometimes paper products happen "drying", and they do not make loud cotton. In order for such a flap to work again, it will be necessary to relax a fixing element at the bottom. Also, it is also not necessary to smooth it too much, so as not to prevent the fallout of the clapping part from the fixing element.

There is another way to create paper crap. It bleats otherwise, louder than the usual. In addition, cotton sounds not during the wave, when contacting paper with the surface. So, proceed to the manufacture. First you need to find a sheet of loose paper for twenty centimeters long and twenty-eight width. If there is no such, then the usual notebook, escaped from the middle, only cotton in this case will be quieter. Place this sheet horizontally, measure the bottom of five centimeters on both sides of the sheet and wrap it in short on this length. Remelude as much and renewed the upstream. You will have another 5 cm not underwent paper. If it remains slightly less - not scary.

Now it's time to fold the paper in half along. Do it carefully that the fold came out smooth. Remember that you need to bend the sheet inside, and not out. Holding a sheet behind the edges of the unwound paper, pull down until they devourge slightly below the raised edges. Upstairs will remain stitching a small triangle of a still no curved paper, and the flap must have two pockets, shape resembling the edge of the diamond. Take for this little protruding triangle free paper. Do not squeeze your hand too much. It remains lightly slamming the resulting clapboard on the table, letting it with a non-drum edge. It will create a clapping effect that can be strengthened by placing two paper "pockets".

Paper crackers - favorite children entertainment. Their creation will not only take for a long time a restless baby, but will help him break a small motorcy and fantasy.

An alternative to unsafe products Pyrotechnics are paper boats made by their own hands at home. With the help of step-by-step instructions, they can be made by children independently or together with their parents. Such creations are especially relevant to celebrate the new year, birthday, wedding, friendly party, etc.

In the manufacture of different types of homemade toys, only paper is needed, a desire to create, a little kuraza and a minimum of time.

Paper for clappers

The most common material for the rapid creation of "sounding" entertainment schoolchildren use thin sheets of notebooks, magazines, newspapers.

However, to increase the volume of clappers, paper is more suitable, namely:

  • gift (packaging, wrapping) in different colors;
  • cardboard;
  • office coated (white, color).

How to make paper flap: step-by-step instruction

After selecting any of the available species of white or colored paper, you can start making clappers with your own hands, guided by such a step-by-step instruction:

How to make a cracker in the origami technique

Creating a flapper is one of the simplest species of the ancient Eastern decorative and applied art - origami (Origami). In Japan, this name means "folded paper / deity", and in China - the Art of White Sheet.

The main rule of the original and unique origami is the usual folding of dry paper on the scan or more complex - in a moistened form.

An important requirement is to prevent the addition or subtraction of something superfluous.

Today, this type of art extended around the world exists in 2 types:

  1. Classicalorigami, in which in simple figures manually form folds "slides" and "valleys" without the help of scissors, glue.
  2. Modular (Volume)involving the creation of complex compositions using different parts. The use of glue is allowed for their compound.

Beginner Fans of Origami most suitable option is not acquired, but personally made classic paper crap with their own hands.

Step-by-step instructions for creating the most simple model is:

  • make in the middle of the leaf in the length of the sheet of paper (A 4) and bend all 4 angle to it;
  • compose this neoplasm first along the vertical axis, and then - vertical;
  • expand up the bottom of the resulting square;
  • bend up of its lower layer, then - the upper part;
  • the resulting square to proceed in half.

After these actions, with energetic cheems of the flap, the desired cotton will be turned out.

Loud Cardboard Flap

For the manufacture of a loudly sound model, materials are used:

The main processes are performed in this order:

  1. Cut on cardboard a circle with a diameter of the existing cylinder, and then glue it into the resulting hole.
  2. Calculate the circumference of the created base with a rectangular sheet of wrapping paper created along the entire length.
  3. Make an in a similar way a second cylinder and make it for its cropped part the cover equal to ¼ part of the base of future flapper.
  4. Make the center of the cover a small hole using sewn and turn into this hole of the lace with the fixing of one end by the knot.
  5. Fill the cavity of the cylinder decorated with existing billets.
  6. Tightly close the lid, which, after a sharp jerking of the lace, will open with the "fireworks" of sounds flying out filler.

How to make a double flap

The algorithm for performing such a variety of man-made craft is quite similar to a single model. According to the masters, such toys are better to perform from dual sheets of paper. The difference is also in other nuances that provide her losing sound.

For manufacture with your own hands, double flapped paper can be used by the next step by step instruction:

  • carry out the bending of the parties towards the center of the sheet on both of its parties (first - on the line is not long, but a shorter fold);
  • folded the workpiece strictly in the center of the created shape, and then flip over and folded along the folding line in the opposite direction (the semblance of a trapezoid with the hollow in the middle);
  • again folding the figure in half, and then bending the coupling angles ("wings", "pockets") with their repeated double folding. Clappers formed from 2 sides of the "pockets" are capable of increasing the sound due to the sequence of their disclosure with sharp movements of the hand.

Experienced masters for more loud sounds are practicing the manufacture of even triple clappers, i.e. with 3 wings.

Clapper with confetti do it yourself

The basis for creating clappers with confetti is the use of cardboard cylinders with various fillers (small pieces of bright paper, foil, sequin, rain, etc.). Along with the simple creation of a loud craft from cardboard, you can also experiment with more impressive options.

For the manufacture of such "sounding" slappers with confetti, the following materials are needed:

Such an exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Create on thin cardboard holes for a cylinder with a smaller diameter than a tube from a paper towel.
  2. Cut the corrugated paper square (15x15 or a little more), in the middle of which to glue a circle of cardboard. In his center, stretch the needle with a dense thread without full pulling of one end, and on the other - to tie a piece of toothpick or matches. Instead, you can use an inflatable ball, which is securely fixed on one end of the cylinder, and then by pulling to use as a mechanism for a shot.
  3. At the edge of the cylinder, glue the tape (double), and to attach a paper square to it (adhesive can also be used). In this case, the circle of cardboard with a match / toothpick should be inside the cylinder.
  4. Decorate the workpiece with colored paper.
  5. Prepare existing filling and fall asleep in the cylinder.
  6. Make a "plug" in the form of a circle of corrugated paper (diameter - up to 25 cm) and glue it to the workpiece using double-sided tape / glue.

The cracker made in this way can be used repeatedly when replacing the mechanism itself and updating its filling.

The creation of original acting clappers at home involves the accounting of these features:

  • the use of sufficient density paper, large size allows you to achieve spectacular cotton, and small sheets, thin, office - are not able to "sound" loudly;
  • creating a larger number of wings allows you to provide loudest effects;
  • for crafts of this kind, it is necessary to use only perfectly smooth sheets of paper, tube, etc.;
  • in the manufacture of any of the types of clappers, it is necessary to carefully smooth out all the bends thoroughly;
  • the absence of ready-made cardboard sleeves can be replaced with a rolled tube of the desired diameter and a well-squatted piece of cardboard;
  • the use of clappers is not recommended in the presence of small children and animals, since sharp movements, loud sounds can scare them strongly.

How to decorate paper flap

The design of paper clapses has many options that can only be limited to the fantasy of the creators or the lack of the desired decor. Traditionally, colored paper is often complemented by colorful stickers, sparkles, various brilliant tinsel, joking inscriptions. On the wings of clappers can be images in the form of flower, animals, birds, asterisks, etc.

When designing it is appropriate to take into account the features of events, holidays on which crafts will be used.

Christmas claps can be decorated not only by snowflakesBut also the zodiac signs of the coming year, individuals. All these designations easily beat in a personal order during a family friendly party. At the bottom of birth, the family celebration is good to use photos, stickers with good or joking wishes.

Paper slap with their own hands is easily executed if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Decoration of finished products with the help of paints, color pencils are advisable to trust the children. Such involvement allows you to develop the motility of children, develop the skills of self-decision-making. Along with this, they can create extraordinary compositions and different decoration options.

In addition, such involvement in creativity allows you to use the results of their labor to organize children's exhibitions.

The proposed step-by-step instructions of manufacturing with their hands crap from paper can be an impetus for creativity by people of different ages. In addition, such a flap toy, starting from the moment of manufacture - is able to combine close people, and during use - to please how the creators and all those present.

Video: Flap of paper do it yourself Step-by-step instructions

How to make a paper crap with your own hands, look in a video clip:

Origami cracker, master class:

On the eve of the New Year holidays, when the cheerful fuss reigns in the house, it will never be superfluous to find a useful and most importantly fascinating occupation to attract children to him and relax a little yourself - make boats with their own hands for the New Year. So, if you did not have time to go to the store behind the clappers, you can run on midnight colorful and bright paper crap made by the child yourself with the help of parents! Schemes and methods, how to make a chappiest with confetti at home the great set. Consider the most elementary, original and interesting.

Origami Clapper Paper

To make the most ordinary paper flap, it is enough to spend 5 minutes of time. It will take for this sheet of size A4, someone takes a notebook sheet, but it is best to take a tight sheet of colored paper from a child so that the flap is bright and beautiful. Paper folding order for such crackers Next:

  1. A sheet of paper is folded in half, it is well pressed so that the line is visible and turns out again.
  2. In the direction of the central line, we curb all four corners of the sheet, but so that they do not impose on each other, but in contact with the ribs.
  3. Intine the resulting workpiece in half, so that the benges of the corners are inside.
  4. Bend the sheet once again in half, and then exaggerate.
  5. To the line of the resulting bend, it is necessary to bend the angles again, but in such a way that they are connected by the edges exactly on it, after which the workpiece is extinguished.
  6. We fold the leaf anew, but now we fold along the line that appeared at the previous stage.
  7. Again, bend angles on the existing fold line to come out the triangle.

As you can see, make a paper crap is very simple, the product is ready! It remains to take the resulting design during the bottom and the sharp movement of the hand to bring it into action.

"Loud" flapper for boys

Young origami masters will be delighted with a paper toy made with their own hands, which also publishes a loud sound. In order to make the crap for the game, it is enough to take a dense sheet of paper (since the finished toy for the appearance of sound will need to shake hard, then the colored paper is not suitable, it is better to choose a standard landscape sheet, even better - Watman) and produce the following simple manipulations:

  1. We fold the leaf in half, then exaggerate and bend all four corners to the line in the center.
  2. Put the workpiece on the side and bend two angle again to the middle.
  3. The resulting figure, fold in half, so that the "wings diverged."
  4. In order for the cracker "sounded," you need to take it for a protruding sharp tip and make a sharp movement from top to bottom. If everything was done correctly, the toy will make a loud sound.

New Year Clapper of Paper with Confetti

The unchanging attribute of the Name Day and New Year holidays - pyrotechnic products that rain rain from a multicolored serpentine, brilliant confetti and shining rain figured foil pieces. But there are no sushimaevo products, so please please yourself and our guests on the holiday, you can make such a slap at home. How to make a paper crap with confetti? To do this, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • cardboard tube, to make it possible from a dense cardboard as it yourself and take ready, for example, from under shoes, a set of towels or even a roll of toilet paper, it all depends on the desired size of the finished flapper;
  • confetti, which can be independently cut with scissors from foil shiny figures, cut the New Year's rain or collect paper rounds from the hole punch, as well as brinets and New Year's confetti in the ready-made form can be found in the respective supermarket departments;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • list of wrapping paper bright color;
  • scotch;
  • adhesive gun or just good paper glue;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon (suitable as the twine, and the bright ribbon remaining from last year's gifts);
  • character decorations (at the request of the building of the New Year's flapper can be decorated with sparkles and beads).

To make a cracker with confetti with their own hands, such actions will be required:

  1. First you need to cut the starting door through which the lace will pass. To do this, we put a pre-prepared cardboard tube on thick paper, result in a pencil circuit and cut out. In the middle, a small hole is made by a needle or tip of scissors. The lace is inserted into it. From the inside it must be tied on the nodule, so as not to fall. Then the resulting circle is glued to one of the open sides of the pipe.
  2. Now you can take on the decoration of the future Christmas flap. Here it should be completely relying on his fantasy. Someone would prefer to wrap the body of the foil, someone will choose the color paper superimposed by multi-colored layers, and someone will take sticking serpentine with wide gift ribbons. From above, you can also put a glitter on glue, for example, to create a composition of the coming year figures.
  3. After decorating a slapper, you need to fill in confetti. Please note that the pipe is not filled completely, but only half or three quarters. It should also be borne in mind that the lighter and the smallest will be confetti, the more beautiful they will fly out and spin around the room.
  4. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the cone cover, which will close the flap on the other hand remaining the open. To do this, another circle is cut on the cardboard, it is possible on the same diameter that the launcher was done. Then there is an incision from the edge to the center, and the seashed edges are tightened to the cone formation. They can be glued or copped with a stapler.
  5. The tip is saturated and fixed on the pipe again the stapler or glue. If the clapper is suspended to the ceiling, then it is necessary before connecting the pieces of the flap, in the top of the cone, do a small hole and stretch through it, fixing from the inside, another tape.

Having made several such Christmas claps, you can spend their room where the celebration will occur. In order for the claps to work and showered guests to sparkling confetti rain, it will be enough to drag the chattering lark.

Clapper - Balloon

Another original and cheerful way to entertain guests and bring the children's delight at the holiday - make your hands with a balloon cracker. In addition, such homemade clappers will become an excellent addition and framing of contests or festive quizzes. Making a slap on the new year in the form of a balloon will not be difficult. To do this, you will need to prepare only a set of balloons, buy or independently cut as many confetti as possible, as well as find a plastic funnel, with which liquids are poured. Further the procedure is as follows:

  1. In the neck of the balloon, a funnel is inserted and confetti is covered inside. Please note that if serpentine with a rain can be used in the previous flanges, then all elements should be as small as possible.
  2. When the ball is filled, you need to gently inflate it. Do not inhale the air to yourself! Otherwise you can suppress bribes and confetti. Therefore, entrusting the influx of filled balls is still worth an adult. By the way, if you don't want to bind the ball to the lace and hang ready-made crackers around the room, then you can inflate the balls with helium and then they themselves will fly around the room.
  3. Please note that cooking such cottages is best the day before the celebration and no later than a couple of hours before the guests arrive. Since it is too early to make such clappers, then the ball will be blown away, and if too late - then confetti will not have time to evenly distribute inside. When the balls are ready, they are tied with a thread or rope and draw up a room with their help.

Well, in order for such a toy in the form of a balloon with a secret to work, it will need to burst. So the cracker will work out both sound effect and visual. Merry mood and choking in the air confetti is provided to everyone!