Why is kindergarten needed? Why do children need a kindergarten - additional bonuses. Kindergarten - the basis of socialization

Not in every family this issue is solved unambiguously. Fear frequent colds and infection with all childhood diseases are the only, in fact, factors that turn the choice of parents in favor of home raising a baby, since they cannot name more significant reasons.

Of course, there are some advantages of having a child at home. But along with the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages of such education, related primarily to lack of necessary communication.

All his life a person lives and works in society, and how his relationship with society develops is extremely important for his success and self-esteem. It is more difficult for a closed person to achieve results in work and personal life, while a sociable person, no doubt, moves through life easier. The first communication skills of the baby with peers laying the foundations in kindergarten dialogue, exchange of opinions, lessons of compromise and mutual understanding. In addition, in the early stages of a person's life, the process of adaptation in a team occurs in a more natural way.

Often the stress of parents is associated with the open reluctance of the baby to go to the garden, expressed in tears and protests. There may be several reasons. If the child is an “owl”, then early awakening will be difficult for him in any case. It is more difficult for a sleepy baby to get together and accept the persuasion of the parents. The second reason is the unwillingness to follow the daily routine, since compassionate mothers and grandmothers often allow the child to be lazy and evade mandatory procedures washing, dressing, eating breakfast, etc. It is in observing the regime of the day that it consists benefits of kindergarten, because it teaches not to the "barracks", as many believe, but to the basics healthy lifestyle life - timely nutrition, sleep, walks on fresh air. In addition, the skills of independence in life are sure to come in handy.

An important factor is creative development child. Singing, dancing, drawing, modeling, folk crafts are hardly possible in one apartment. In addition, professional teachers really help the kid to express himself in any kind of art and discover new abilities.

However, even in kindergartens it is impossible to ignore it, it really exists, and, perhaps, every child has experienced it. But the absence and immunity of the body is just as detrimental to a child brought up at home, with the only difference being that hyper-caring parents and grandmothers wrap the baby up and take them out less often in cold and windy weather. It is obvious that such behavior is contrary to logic.

One way or another, kindergarten for many parents is the only solution to the problem of raising a child, but this is not so much a forced decision as a balanced and well-considered decision that undoubtedly bears fruit.

By the way, did you know that in the competition "Kindergartens for Children", which was held between kindergartens in Tula, the winner was the kindergarten "Personality"!

Today's agenda - guest post Angelina Demidova , author of the blog Business by the Fireside. Angelina is from that rare breed of people who are not afraid to ask tough questions and go against the grain.

A few years ago, after weighing all the pros and cons of a kindergarten, she preferred it to home education. This post is not a call to abandon the kindergarten for each child and not a manual on home education. This is a call to think, to ask ourselves complex issue to which there are no obvious answers...

So why do we need kindergarten?

I'll start my post with a little story. Once my son came from school (it was in primary school) and says: “Mom, today the guys and I discussed kindergarten, they told me this!!! It’s good that I didn’t go to kindergarten ... "

Of course, all this is from the realm of horror stories, but ... If we discard conventions like “all children should go to kindergarten” and try to assess the situation with an open mind, we can understand the following:

Not every child can go to kindergarten,
not every child needs it,
not every kindergarten is suitable for your child,
not all caregivers and children in groups will treat your child the way you want.

But this is important! The foundation of the personality, its main features and characteristics are laid and formed from 0 to 5-7 years and fall precisely on the “kindergarten period”. Have you ever thought about who and what puts in the head of your child in your absence, what morals and values ​​he instills, what models of behavior he demonstrates, in what ways he educates, limits or vice versa reveals his personality?

A child attending kindergarten spends more time not with his family. And if you remember that the process of education is a continuous process and it takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a break for night sleep, then the question “who and how raises your child” becomes very relevant.

Every child is like an uncut diamond. A lot will depend on who and how will make this cut - jewelry and lovingly remove the unnecessary and polish the best, or rough and indifferently do the job - a lot will depend, including his continued success in life.

What do parents most often follow when sending their baby to kindergarten?

1. You need to go to work, but there is no one to leave the child with
2. The child needs communication
3. The child needs to be developed
4. All children go to kindergarten
5. The child needs a kindergarten

Let's discuss these points in order.

“You need to go to work, but there is no one to leave the child with.” - You can't argue with that. In this case, kindergarten really saves.

“Children need interaction with their peers.” - I agree, the child needs communication, but not any. Why, for example, does he need such communication in which he feels offended or humiliated? The child needs positive communication! It is vital for him to feel like a person who is respected. Agree, you cannot guarantee that in the kindergarten the toys will not be taken away from the child, offended or punished - but does your child need it?

"Children need to be developed." - Of course you need to! But why not do it at home? It’s not possible to engage in the development of the child on your own, it’s not scary! Numerous developing schools for kids will come to the rescue, among which you can choose the one that suits your taste.

All children go to kindergarten. - But with this statement, I will allow myself to disagree - not all! According to statistics (data for 2011), 46% of children in Russia do not attend kindergarten, 14% of children (which is a little more than 1,500,000) do not attend kindergarten voluntarily, and the number of such "home" children is growing every year.

There is another very important point. In a kindergarten, even the best one, you will not be provided with a 100% individual approach to your child. In kindergarten, children are more likely to use a collective approach, they are taught to follow the established rules. I would not say that such methods help the child to open up fully. Rather, they "level" the children, they teach to be like everyone else.

Provide for the child at home individual approach very easy if you want.

And now we come to the last, in my opinion, the most biased argument.

How many times have I heard this phrase when, in response to the question of doctors, acquaintances, neighbors and even friends, “When will you go to kindergarten?” She said, "We'll stay at home." "How! The child needs a kindergarten! they disagree. "Why?" I ask a counter question. Well, I'm very interested in what they will say in response. 🙂

Most often, in response, I get confused silence or arguments like “Uh… well, they still go to kindergarten… the child needs to communicate… and so on. (see the list above 🙂)"

And what do we get in the end? Why does a child need kindergarten?

A child does not need a kindergarten - we believe that he needs it. In reality, children need a mother, communication and development. All this can be successfully given to a child by raising him at home. And if you do not work, think about whether it is worth sending your child to kindergarten? Maybe it's better to give him home education? But how to do it and what to pay attention to is a topic for another post.

Why should a child go to kindergarten...

Generation modern mothers and dads in the majority, who attended kindergartens in their childhood. Indeed, in old days the question of whether the child will go to kindergarten was not even raised in most families. Parents worked, parental leave was short, the state provided places in nurseries and kindergartens for all children. But time does not stand still, Now the situation has changed. Now mothers do not always want to "actively participate in productive work and public life”, as it was in the USSR. In addition, thanks to the development of technology (media, the Internet), a huge amount of information on pedagogy and psychology has become available, in the mass consciousness there is a conviction in the importance of maintaining the attachment of the baby to the mother. Of course, in many families, a woman's exit to work when the child is 3 years old is dictated by vital necessity, and the current grandmothers, for the most part, are working and cannot devote themselves to their grandchildren, especially since they did not “sit” with their own children - they worked. Nevertheless, some parents think about whether it is worth sending their child to kindergarten, because everyone knows that children there cry in the morning, especially at first, they start to get sick ... Nevertheless, why does a child still need to go to kindergarten?

Life does not stand still, developing, any society is always in a state of innovation and reform. Progress affects all spheres of human life, including education. Modernization of the education system is the basis of economic growth and social development of society, a factor in the well-being of citizens and the security of the country. It affects the structure, content, technologies of education and training at all levels of the educational system.

From 1 September 2013 to Russian Federation preschool education for the first time became officially recognized as a full-fledged level of continuous general education. Together with the entry into force of the new law "On Education of the Russian Federation", for all preschool institutions the newest Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education became relevant - the federal state educational standard.

The new coordinate system, which influenced the formation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, calls, first of all, to appreciate, and not evaluate the child. In addition, this is a serious step towards increasing the value and isolation of education in kindergartens as an independent link in general education.

« The Education Law defines preschool education one of the levels of general education. This means that preschoolers are not just part of the school. This is her foundation. How fuller baby resides preschool childhood, the more confidently he learns, the more complete his life becomes in his mature years. For the first time, the law clearly separates the provision of pre-school education from the provision of care and supervision. This means that we will be able to more fully and nationwide regulate the quality of these two fundamental public services in the field of preschool education.

For the first time in our history, a wide public-professional and expert discussion of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education has been developed and is taking place. It is based on the exceptional intrinsic value of the preschool period in the development little man. It creates the legal framework for personal growth child, the formation of the trajectory of his individual development” –from the report of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D.V. Livanova at the I All-Russian Congress of Preschool Education Workers

The main principle of the new GEF of preschool education is that the child’s activity should be as diverse as possible, for which the selection diagnostics, which seeks to isolate a child with a certain set of ZUN, is replaced by developmental diagnostics, which aims to diversify the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child as much as possible.

Changing the pedagogical impact from the one-sided influence of the "teacher-child" to a more multifaceted and voluminous interaction in the "child-adults-peers" system suggests the establishment of a new direction in today's preschool education.

New educational programs for preschool educational institutions will be aimed, first of all, at the comprehensive development of the child on the basis of special, specific activities inherent in preschoolers. That is, it is, of course, a playful and versatile approach based on innovative and active methods pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at revealing the own potential of each child. Thus, at the state level, the system of preschool education is changing, its goals and objectives are changing, which are currently aimed at raising a child as a full-fledged, comprehensive developed personality, with moral and moral values self-aware part of society.

Newborn babies before certain age parents are very happy. “Lapulechka”, “masik”, “bunny” - these and other words themselves ask for the tongue when small miracle muttering, smiling, or doing something new. It touches every step, every word or deed, every curl on the head or a tooth in the mouth. Many first-born parents dream of their child growing up as soon as possible. And now the baby is already 2-3 years old and parents face a new task - should their child go to kindergarten?

Between the ages of two and three, the leap in children's brain development is enormous. The child makes progress in cognition every day. Usually at this time the child is surrounded by a lot of developmental activities. He is already able to sculpt, cut, string, lace, glue ...And kindergartens are equippednecessary equipment for this comprehensive development child. Babies are cared for and cared for qualified specialists- teachers, psychologists, speech therapists. modern education makes serious demands on future first-graders, and parents can entrust the child to a professional, not excluding, of course, their participation various types activities with the baby. All joint activities with the teacher involve fine motor skills, affecting memory, logic, thinking in the most direct way. At home, it is sometimes difficult to provide the baby with enough space for games, sports and creative pursuits. The kid is interested in discovering new types of exercises for his fingers, and the task of parents is to provide him with such an opportunity. Your baby's future talents and abilities will manifest years later, in the future, on the foundation you lay now.

Kindergarten develops independence. If at home the baby largely relies on his mother (dad, grandmother), then in the kindergarten he is deprived of the opportunity to ask his relatives to do something for him. Willy-nilly, the child learns to act independently,The child's imagination develops. He no longer needs an adult who will come up with for him interesting game. The peanut learns to occupy himself and on his own. You can observe how a group in different parts of the kids themselves play with toys, for example, build a house from cubes or a designer, or play the simplest role-playing games with their peers and favorite bears and bunnies.In the garden, the baby is given some freedom in choosing games and the baby learns to make decisions on his own. You gave the child the right push until the age of 2, now you need him to learn to have fun, because this is good for his imagination. Many mothers claim, for example, that it was the kindergarten that helped their children master the potty, eat on their own, or start talking better.

Kindergarten teaches child to communicate, make first contact with peers. Man is certainly a social being. Toddlers from 2-3 years old begin to show an active interest in other children - first they look closely, and then they try to interact. With the help of a kindergarten, it is easiest for a child to organize communication with peers. The baby has the first friends, he learns to respond to conflict situations, act as a team.His limits of communication are expanding, he is now much more in contact with others - like in a kindergarten among other children, also on the street or in the family. The baby learns to make acquaintances, build relationships, he makes friends.

Kindergartens protect modern children from influence electronic gadgets . For a child early age, which one creative thinking is still being formed, the developing effect of cartoons and programs tends to zero. When a child is actively exploring the world of objects, it is important that all channels of perception are involved. To understand that the cube is square and the ball is round, it is not enough for him to see the images - he must definitely touch, feel with the handles the faces and edges of the cube, the roundness of the ball. As a result, the educational video gives a one-sided effect: formally, the child remembers something, but in fact does not master the information deeply and efficiently.Almost all objects of the surrounding world are presented in the kindergarten just "live".

No games and applications will ever replace spontaneous creativity, work with real materials and vibrant color. virtual space deprives him of creativity, because there he can act only within the framework of the options provided by the program manufacturer. AT real life, in kindergartenthe child fantasizes: he glues, sculpts, cuts, paints, combines, finds the most unexpected solutions. All this, of course, gives the child constant opportunities for comprehensive development.

And, of course, bad influence electronic gadgets for health and physical development child. First of all - visual impairment. If a child regularly looks at a computer monitor or a phone or tablet screen for more than 20 minutes a day, then after six months his visual acuity begins to decline. Second aspect negative impact on health is due to the fact that children who spend a lot of time playing games and cartoons move much less, and this systemically affects the state of the whole organism. Children at a computer, tablet, laptop often sit slouched, and this provokes a curvature of the spine and problems with posture and health in general in the future. In the kindergarten, meanwhile, children are engaged not only in a group, but also walk a lot, physical activity here for a very high level, in addition to walks, there are musical and physical activities aimed at the comprehensive physical development of children.

Among the many important tasks educational activities in kindergarten is teaching the baby the mother tongue, speech development, speech communication- one of the main ones. This general task includes a number of special, particular tasks:

Upbringing sound culture speech,

Enrichment, consolidation and activation of the vocabulary,

Formation grammatical structure speech,

The development of coherent (dialogical, monologue) speech

They are implemented in all age groups kindergarten, but their content is different: it depends on age opportunities children.

Under the guidance of a teacher, children learn colloquial speech: learn to understand addressed speech with and without reliance on visibility, make contact with others, express their thoughts, feelings, impressions using speech means.

In the continuous process of communication between the child and adults and peers, the child learns the following:

To understand the speech addressed to him, first with the support of visualization, and gradually without it;

Respond to the appeal using available speech means, answer the questions of the educator;

To relate to oneself the speech of an adult addressed to a group of people, to understand its content, to react in accordance with it;

Make contact with peers and children of other ages to achieve mutual understanding;

Ask questions, report emotionally significant facts, ask for permission, etc.

The child learns the first lessons of the culture of communication: the ability to use speech forms polite communication(hello, goodbye, thank you) using a friendly, calm tone of communication.

In the process of communication, the child develops the first skills of monologue speech - to talk about emotionally significant events, using a statement of two or three sentences, expands vocabulary improves speech literacy. Children also learn simple rules etiquette - to thank, ask, say hello, say goodbye, know the time when you can speak loudly or only in a whisper, be interested in others, share, apologize, etc.

AT Everyday life children use language on their own. But if they are left without adult guidance, they can become fixed negative qualities speech: rough intonation, primitiveness of the dictionary, grammatical errors, etc. In order to create an effective developmental subject environment in a preschool institution in all groups, centers speech activity. Educators have accumulated and systematized a variety of practical material for organization speech games and classes: file cabinets and manuals for conducting articulatory gymnastics, complexes finger games, toys and play aids…

Being in the gardenthe child learns discipline, order, obedience. The world of children of two or three years old "holds" on a certain order of actions (waking up in the morning, walking, eating, etc.). The basis of such orderliness is the work of the child's brain, which accumulates a whole "collection" of associative models from the moment of birth. It is they who help the crumbs to navigate in the world around them and in a new environment. children's institution, with its specific rules. “Kindergarten” children are more likely to comply with the regime than “home”. If at home the time of eating or walking can change from day to day, then in the kindergarten the rules are regulated, without this a high-quality organization of the children's group is impossible. Many children in the team eat better and sleep during the day, while at home they have to be persuaded or come to terms with the failure to fulfill the requirements of adults; in the garden, children quickly learn to put things in order (for example, clean up scattered toys), since this rule applies to everyone - both the teacher and the children in the group, and order accompanies any action. Part of the reason here is also the principle of “imitation of adults”, which guides children, mastering a world unfamiliar to themselves.

Dear parents!! The period of 2-3 years is one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting periods the life of your child, as not only he grows, you grow as parents, the time comes for your baby to go to kindergarten. Adapting to kindergarten can be easy and sometimes difficult. But for sure, as a teacher, I can tell you that attending a kindergarten is a necessity, because there a child learns to interact with society, will show his character, develop skills and abilities, grow and develop comprehensively. Just make an effort on your part to adapt him to this institution, set yourself up for positive tone, keep in touch with your baby's teacher and then the kindergarten for your child will become a full-fledged communication training, preparation for school and for adulthood generally!

Pre-school education in our country is not compulsory, therefore the question of whether to take a child to kindergarten, each parent decides for himself. At the same time, many believe that the kindergarten is needed exclusively by the parents themselves so that the mother can go to work, therefore, if the mother does not work, or the child can be left with a grandmother or a nanny, then the kindergarten seems to be unnecessary. Moreover, many parents oppose kindergartens, believing that attending them has a negative impact on health and mental state child. Let's see if a child needs a kindergarten.

Despite all the difficulties associated with the kindergarten, parents whose children attended this preschool agree that a kindergarten is certainly needed, and the child himself needs it. To the question - why, we suggest finding the answer yourself on the website http://anomir.ru/ - this is a network of kindergartens, but if you are limited in time and are ready to consider our opinion, then we will answer this question further.


Firstly, kindergarten teaches the child to be independent. Here he has to eat, dress, go to the toilet, go to bed, etc., because the children attending the kindergarten usually serve themselves, which removes some of the worries from the parents, which are already complete.


Secondly, the kindergarten contributes to the socialization of the child, instills in him communication skills, teaches the rules of behavior in a team, which is very useful at school and in general in life. Unlike communication on the playground or at a party, in the kindergarten the child does not have support in the form of parents and other familiar adults, because here the baby learns to stand up for himself. In addition, communication in kindergarten contributes to the development of speech. Many parents whose children have started going to kindergarten note that the child began to talk better, and his vocabulary increased significantly.


Another important plus of kindergarten is developmental classes. Educators work with children according to a special program developed taking into account age features children. In the kindergarten, children draw, sculpt from plasticine, make applications and crafts, dance, sing, learn poetry, do physical education. In conjunction with teacher education and extensive experience in working with children of educators, this allows you to develop the talents of the child, make his life more eventful and interesting. Taking a child at home is a whole problem so that the baby does not get bored and does not hooligan, the mother will have to quit all her business and devote all the time to the child, but even in this case it will hardly be possible to give the child as much as they give in kindergarten.


Also, the advantages of kindergarten can not be attributed correct mode. In the garden breakfast, lunch, dinner, daytime sleep and walks are carried out strictly according to the schedule, which teaches the child to order. In addition, waking up, falling asleep and eating in certain time good for health and promotes proper growth and development of the body. Pay attention to the menu in the kindergarten: it is very diverse and consists exclusively of dishes that are healthy for children. To create such a diet for a child at home is simply unrealistic.

Child needs kindergarten

Thus, we can conclude that the child really needs a kindergarten. If your child has just started going to kindergarten and he does not really like it, do not rush to take the baby home, let him adapt, focus his attention on positive aspects visiting the kindergarten, then with highly likely the child will love this place and will be happy to go here.

Back in the spring, the queue for kindergarten came up, and you got a ticket. About a month later the child will go to kindergarten. What can be done in the remaining time so that adaptation to kindergarten is successful? What mistakes should parents avoid so that the baby can more easily survive the stress of addiction? And why go to kindergarten at all?

Why go to kindergarten? The answer is simple: to know how the world works and the relationships of people in it. Kindergarten is the first school of life for a child. There, for the first time, the baby interacts independently with other children and adults who treat him not at all as condescendingly as his mother.

Opponents of kindergarten education argue that at this age the child is not ready to remain outside the family, without its protection. In their opinion, there are enough studios and developing classes. But most first graders modern school attended kindergarten. Such children are quite easy to identify in a peer group. As a rule, they are more sociable, get to know each other more easily, make friends.

There are, of course, shy quiet ones among them. But it is the children at home who remain the longest joint games. They need more time to get used to the volume level at school. They are much slower to get used to the complex and ramified system of relations between schoolchildren. It is easier for them to communicate with adults than with children.

And yet, if you are principled opponents of kindergarten, you should think about playgroups in which children spend several hours and have the opportunity to play with each other outside of developmental activities. Another option is to attend kindergarten in the penultimate year before school, before the start of direct preparation for it. One year, and in some cases even six months, is enough for the baby to adapt to the children's team and be mentally prepared for future schooling.

Is your child ready for kindergarten?

For successful adaptation For kindergarten, it is important to take into account the age and development of the child. For each baby, the age at which he can safely and profitably attend kindergarten must be determined individually.

There is a concept " psychological age”, which describes different rates of psychological maturation of children. Often it does not coincide with the calendar. As a rule, a lot depends on the family. There are families in which children develop faster, and not at all because they are more involved, but because of genetic characteristics.

However, there are some general patterns. Let's say girls mature faster than boys, so they can be sent to kindergarten at three to three and a half years, provided that there are no physical and mental abnormalities.

The stress of adapting to kindergarten

For a baby, the beginning of going to kindergarten is a kind of long-term stress: during this period, all systems child's body work with increased load. But the stress in this case should be understood not as an unhealthy state, but as a tension of all forces, contributing to the transition to a qualitatively new level.

First of all, immunity develops, which manifests itself in a series of mild viral, colds and intestinal diseases. Overloaded and nervous system. Therefore, admission to kindergarten should not coincide with other stressful factors, such as: mother's going to work, birth next child, moving, changing or leaving a nanny to which the baby is accustomed, divorce of parents or quarrels between them.

Any of the above events can significantly complicate or lengthen the period of addiction, and in the worst case, make it completely impossible. Firstly, because the process of getting used to the garden is not quick and often not easy for the baby. Doubling the load is not worth it, so as not to deplete its resources.

Secondly, the thinking of a preschool child is associative, that is, events that coincide in time follow one from the other. For example, the conclusion may be as follows: "A brother was born, and they sent me to kindergarten, because I was no longer needed." Even if this is true, try to disguise this fact.

In the garden with mom?

Mom should not go to kindergarten with her child, even if the contract contains a clause according to which parents have the right to be with the baby in the kindergarten for a certain time. Perception in young children is arranged in such a way that the first event is most often perceived as normal and correct. There is a kind of memorization, imprinting.

That is, a child who spent the first two weeks in kindergarten with his mother may well think that this is how it should be. And he doesn't want to let her go. In addition, while the mother is next to the baby, other children will never accept him as an equal in their team. Simply because they are offended: their mother does not take care of them like that.

It is best to go for a walk with the child before a regular visit to the garden and look at the children through the fence, emphasizing the fact that there are no mothers next to them. Let your child master this information in advance. Always remember that addiction is not a one-time act, but a process whose duration is sometimes difficult to predict.

  • find time to talk with your child;
  • try to get to know the children and parents from the baby’s group better to help him remember the names and navigate the relationship;
  • Be sure to tell your teachers about individual features child before problems arise;
  • play story games with your baby with dolls or toy animals, playing stories typical of kindergarten life; in these games, the child can tell you and show you what he is not able to express in words;
  • in advance, at least two to three weeks before the start of a regular visit to the group, set a daily routine close to kindergarten.

To be continued.

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Comment on the article "A month before kindergarten. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents"

Garden adaptation. - get-togethers. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers Please tell us how you are / did you adapt to kindergarten? shove it into a group and let it yell ...


By the way, if mine went with some business, then it went much more willingly. He needed a rationale for why he needed to go there at all ...
A lot depends on the contact with the teacher. In one of our kindergartens, they worked every other day, they went to one willingly, and had to persuade the other.

Why shove? It's so interesting there, a lot of toys.
I brought mine and left it on the first day before lunch, on the second day I took it after sleep, on the third for the whole day. Because mom has to work. Until the age of three, he sat with a nanny. (I believe that a child does not need a garden until the age of three.) On the fourth day, he cried a little, but the teacher immediately distracted him. A couple more days like this, and I stopped crying altogether.
And we also had a group on duty for the first hour. Every day is different. How he loved it! He especially liked preparatory group spend this hour - there are the most interesting toys.

Kindergarten habit. Kindergarten. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old.


If you need state garden- don't expect a special relationship.
With bread, etc. - the easiest option is to say that the doctor did not allow the child black bread. Well, one more thing to say that if the child does not eat, then there is no need to supplement.
In your case the most a good option- take the child home or transfer to private garden. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you (.

01/06/2017 20:59:39, kindergarten

There is no way to be with discipline in kindergarten - it is and should be. With each of 30 children you will not agree. One does not eat black bread, the other - white, the third - does not eat bread at all, the fourth eats but with persuasion, the fifth wants bread with sausage, the fifth - toasted toast, the sixth - with chocolate butter, and the seventh - dumplings. If you decided to bring your child to kindergarten, you probably imagined that this security institution with its own rules and regulations. And they understood for sure that no one would adapt to the wishes of one parent. Each child is an individual, but children together are a team. And work with them collectively. There is simply no time to negotiate with each child. If your child is not a collective child, not a garden child, then keep him at home, next to you. Just be aware that then a school will begin, where I will force your child to sit, study, be silent, go to the toilet on a schedule, keep your opinion to yourself, walk in formation, eat what they give and walk in established clothes. And no one will care about his and your individuality.

Severe adaptation to kindergarten.. Education. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development A month before kindergarten. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents.


I have an older one, she sobbed constantly in the garden, started walking and quitting, made visits at 3, 4 and 5 years old, she went from 5, because there was nowhere to retreat, she cried constantly until the end of the garden, she sobbed not only in front of the entrance to the garden, but also in the garden, she didn’t eat anything there, she began to get sick, the horror was shorter. The youngest went from 2.5 immediately to a full day, cried for two days at the most, ate and slept always first, more and better than anyone))) constantly came with medals - to the first who fell asleep) or - to the one who ate everything and asked for more) A in the group he has a boy who has been crying every morning for the third year, and sheds such tears and hangs on his mother that it’s scary to look at and after her departure he does not immediately come to his senses.

Try to take a break - 2 months (if possible) ... then he will forget a little and be older - maybe he will look at the garden differently.
If she will cry in the same way, then try to change the group or kindergarten - perhaps she did not find contact with the teacher or she is with him - everything happens. If it doesn’t work out this year - postpone the kindergarten for 1 year - my son was crying at 3 - she postponed it for a year. At 4 I went without any problems at all - I immediately got involved in the game. I didn’t go with my daughter at the age of 2 - during the year they tried to start walking several times: at first with interest, then gradually it got worse and worse, until I couldn’t even walk towards the garden without hysteria. I took a break 2 times - it did not really help. Now I have become older - I hope that I should go normally from September 1. If it does not adapt, I will translate. Because the child is very contact, loves children ... I think that the problem is in the teacher.
I can't stand a crying baby either. It can be difficult for a child to adapt for 1-2 days, but if he sobs for a week, then he doesn’t need to go there.

Tell me am I wrong? Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Or the fact that a disabled child at school and kindergarten is assigned an escort - a tutor who will provide psychological and physical assistance, help complete the task and escort him home.


So the result is:
We have been given a place in the garden since the first of April. Officially - since June, but several children leave the senior group for school (at 6.5) and therefore places are vacated. Already almost everything was drawn up and collected, only a certificate remained.
The payment will be 50% of the total cost (plus 20% back on the book) due to the single mother benefit.
The teachers are very nice in the group, they promised that they would work with their daughter every day, they would give homework, and she would go to school prepared.
Maybe someone thought I was snickering, but I think so - in 2.5 years the line should have reached us anyway. And I sought for my child what he was supposed to by law. AT senior group classes are 2.5-3 hours a day, and in the preparatory - 4.5 hours a day every day. And all this is free. I couldn't have provided this on my own.
But many parents do not even know that they have the right to call their child a caregiver at home if he was not given a place in a nursery at his 1.5 year old. And a lot of people don't know about compensation. It is good if the family is wealthy and does not need these services, but such people are in the minority. So you need to know your rights and defend them.

What is this amendment? A nanny came to you for free whole year for 6 hours a day every day??? or did you pay the same cost as if the child attended the kindergarten?

Is it just for single mothers that such benefits are provided? Please write with a link to the law, if not difficult. There is a relative of a single mother, she cannot go to work because of the child, the maternity leave is over, the child is almost 2, it is not clear with the garden yet, she is on the labor exchange :(

But I understood from your message that such conditions, in the absence of a place in the garden, are only from 3.

About your post. To prepare for school, if the kindergarten is ordinary, and not speech therapy, not a child development center, etc. do not hope. Actually, the training there is so-so and kindergarten children go in orderly rows to paid training at schools (the realities of last year). At the same time, other activities in the garden can be very good, but that's the preparation - hardly.

A month before the garden. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. Is your child ready for kindergarten? For successful adaptation to kindergarten, it is important to take into account the age and development of the child. As a rule, a lot depends on the family. There are families in which children develop ...


Even theoretically it is impossible to calculate either the reaction of the child, or his own, or other family members. We took 6.5 years. There were no problems on his part, he led very well, there really is nothing to reproach. We got used to it for quite a long time, my daughter had a particularly cruel adaptation, she was 10 years old at that time, she flattened hard and for a long time. And now, three years later, it happens that jealousy rolls over her. I was more afraid of the adaptation of the child himself, but it turned out the other way around.

07/15/2013 11:52:07 AM Owl's mother

Kindergartens. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting a nursery. And why do you dislike the garden so much? Does it make sense to adapt to the garden at all, if only you can answer for yourself, why are you taking your child to the garden? How is it that he is up to 6...

Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. I can't stand a crying baby either. It can be difficult for a child to adapt for 1-2 days, but if he sobs for a week, then he doesn’t need to go there. Adaptation to kindergarten for a child: the experience of mother and teacher.


everything is fine with you, even the pictures you took)))) my daughter and I sometimes cry from my daughter bad mood. Well, this is when she gets me really hard, although it’s bad to write like that. when she was quite a baby and dragged on half the night, I wanted to put my head against the wall. but from such thoughts I began to calm down and accepted everything as a normal situation. and the realization came after a couple of months. the husband even felt like a dad faster, from the first touch, so to speak. happiness to you))))

I have a son school age, but when the adaptation began, I was visited by the same thoughts as you. Adaptation is underway, thoughts are changing, my behavior is changing, and we are slowly getting used to a new life, new reality and set the mode. I was also told that I have like postpartum depression; you are not alone... it's even normal, everything will be fine!!!

03/30/2011 21:10:27, Anutochkaaa

You can pick up a paid kindergarten with proven teachers and calm down, but this is not available to everyone, and there are also places in such kindergartens. But first of all, parents adapt the child to new conditions. And the process of adaptation to kindergarten must begin 6 months in advance ...

Should I go to kindergarten before the holidays? Experienced moms, did you take your child to the garden before the holidays? Adaptation of the child to kindergarten: what to do in recent weeks summer. The child went to kindergarten only because in the last year before school, our nanny ...


Is it too much of a burden for the child? I only took mine to training once a week. But all the same, they gave homework assignments and I divided them into several times so that the child would not get tired. Speech therapists and the son and daughter in the gardens know how, so you can be served in working time. About sports section I do not know what to say. I tried to give mine away when I was 5 years old. But what suited me in terms of the time of withdrawal-fence did not like the child. I went to the pool for 3 months and did not want to. You have to run from the kindergarten there after a quiet hour, without really eating. It seems to me that it is better to use for the time being those circles that are available in the kindergarten.

it was the nanny who saved me + the fact that I work 4 days a week instead of five. the nanny comes 2-3 times a week, taking into account the fact that I myself am still studying. the child has a music school (3 times a week), a swimming pool 2 times and construction 1 time.
the garden is the most common: physical education, music classes, modeling, appliqué, etc. no rhythms and vocals there. getting ready for school at home.

A month before the garden. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. There are a few simple recommendations, which will help smooth out the difficulties of the period of adaptation to kindergarten Conclusion: take care of the child's immunity (connect an immunologist, homeopaths to the process ...


"There are certainly advantages to a child's stay in a kindergarten. So, in a team, a baby learns to communicate with peers, a child gets used to observing the daily routine, eating and going to bed on time. However, recent studies by scientists have shown how negatively visiting a kindergarten can garden.

According to scientists, children attending kindergarten, brought up by foster parents and nannies, have mental problems twice as often as those who are constantly with their mother and father.
“Kids suffer a lot without their parents. This can lead to the fact that in the future such a child will feel superfluous in society.

Scientists from Singapore came to such conclusions after examining more than 2,000 children aged 6 to 12 years. The researchers found that the lack parenting leads to emotional and behavioral disorders (depression, anxiety, destructive and aggressive behavior).
In particular, children who have lost their mothers, as well as those growing up with single mothers, divorced women, widows, suffer from mental disorders three times more often than other children, reports Reuters.
Emotional and behavioral problems boys are twice as likely to develop as girls. Risk mental disorders three times higher in boys with low IQ compared with boys with high performance mental development.
AT this study scientists have not tried to find out the reasons for these patterns. “Perhaps children do not have enough support from their parents, strangers take care of them worse. All this affects the psyche of the child,” says study author Bernardine Wu.
Researchers from Singapore are echoed by our specialists. “Kids suffer a lot without their parents. This can lead to the fact that in the future such a child will feel superfluous in society. After all, in childhood he was not given enough attention. He was disliked. Such children may develop low self-esteem. And it happens the other way around: a guy or a girl grows up selfish and then takes revenge on their parents for their inattention, ”says psychologist Olena Khimchenko in the Ukrainian Newspaper.
Of course, there are some advantages to a child's stay in a kindergarten, child psychologists note on the pages of the Novye Izvestia newspaper. So, in a team, the baby learns to communicate with peers, under the supervision of a teacher, the child observes the daily routine, eats on time and goes to bed.
Most importantly, scientists have proven that kindergartens are dangerous for kids

In the kindergarten, a speech therapist works with a child, a music worker teaches them to sing and dance, children draw, sculpt, and in older groups, preparing for school, they learn to count and write. Are there many modern parents can afford to devote their whole day only to activities with a child?
But the benefits of a children's institution, as we see, are more of an applied nature, and the discovery of Singaporean psychologists, perhaps, will make many parents think about whether to send their child to a kindergarten.
The good news is that now parents have a choice: a baby can be sent to a kindergarten earlier or later - at three or five years old, a kindergarten can be district or private, and for home children there is a large number of various children's groups, where you can both get development and find peer friends." An article from today's newspaper (but for some reason I think that this is due to the lack of preschool institutions).

Certainly an adaptation.
There are three degrees of adaptation: 1st. - adapts within 1 month, can get sick, sleep and appetite are not disturbed; 2st. - adapts for 3 months, may get sick, appetite is not disturbed, sleep may be disturbed; 3st. - adaptation for 6 months, often and seriously ill, sleep and appetite may be disturbed.
Tempering and your optimistic attitude can change everything!
My personal opinion is that a garden is necessary.
I tested children for 5 years before school: children who went to kindergarten performed tests (someone was better, someone worse, but they did), and children who did not attend kindergarten (went to developmental and training courses to school) tests were not performed. The tests are not difficult - for fine motor skills, attention and memory. There may be exceptions, but I did not come across, unfortunately.
A plus social development which no course can provide.
But again, this is my personal opinion.

Questions to parents whose children go to kindergarten: 1) What do you expect from a psychologist and educator in a kindergarten? Whether to send the child to kindergarten. Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is a categorical opponent of the nursery, and he is more loyal to the kindergarten.


Everyone thank you so much for the answers!

01/19/2006 12:38:10, -Irina-

1. I expect: awareness of child psychology and loyalty to children, contact with parents, counseling parents.
I have: patience, experience and loyalty, I can get information about my son upon request (how I behaved, etc.), I see interest in work, i.e. a person does not try to escape every minute. Poems as a child were learned in a group without my participation (for the first time in my life).

From a psychologist I expect:
- demolition critical situation and explaining what is happening to parents in an understandable and inoffensive way (something like this: I guess my experience says that it happens this way or that way, I would suggest, I would recommend)
- diagnosing a problem that parents do not see

I have: nothing, I don’t know at all, there is a psychologist there, there is no psychologist there ... however, I don’t need it much yet, but ..

2. Yes, I didn’t see a teacher and I didn’t hear anything about him.
3. teacher only: standard (drawing, modeling), preparation for the New Year's holiday, in a week they will go to the theater for the first time.

Difficulty adapting to kindergarten!!!. Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. A month before the garden. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. There are a few simple recommendations that will help smooth out the difficulties of the period of adaptation to kindergarten...


Well, imagine for yourself, the child vomited, and then he eats anyway.
If a child does not like it in the garden, will he eat after vomiting?
The only thing I didn't understand is what makes her vomit in the morning? Do you feed her breakfast at home?

well, your child is not ready for kindergarten, not physiologically ready, imagine that doctors forbade you to take her to kindergarten, what would you do? Probably, they would have come up with something, a nanny for half a day, a grandfather, a job change for a second shift. And it turns out that the child should adapt to your conditions, and not you :(

Why go to kindergarten. Is your child ready for kindergarten? Kindergarten Survey. Babysitters, kindergartens. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and And my children go to the municipal kindergarten ... and I am completely delighted.


1. 1.11, mid-September
2. immediately walked with joy, neither immediately nor later did not cry
3. in mid-December, i.e. after 3 months
4. -
5. she didn’t ask for a potty, she ate and fell asleep herself
6. Yes, I reorganized myself: I got up earlier, which means I went to bed earlier.

I'm talking about my daughter, my son does not go to the garden yet
1) At 2.11 (September)
2) Immediately. No, of course, she didn’t go through all the garden procedures on the very first day, but there weren’t any special problems, except to persuade the child to go home after dinner, and not stay in the kindergarten (the group at first functioned half a day, there were no beds)
3) At the end of December, I do nothing.
4) -
5) yes, but we were already big
6) no (we don’t even have a regime at home, everything is as it should be), only, of course, we had to wake up early. And she went to bed when she wanted to.

readiness for kindergarten. Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. Preparation for the garden IMHO must begin (and end) with yourself: why do you need it. If the parents firmly decided that the child should go to the garden, because they need to work, then sooner or later ...


A month before the garden. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. Stress of adaptation to kindergarten. For a baby, the beginning of going to kindergarten is a kind of long-term stress: during this period, all systems of the child's body work with increased stress.


I want to thank everyone who replied! Received great moral support! It is a pity that I am not allowed to be with my son in the group at least for a while :((.
We do not practice this in all gardens. And thanks again!

We have gone 3 weeks. It stays all day long. For the first 3 days, he periodically remembered about his mother / grandmother and began to cry. Next days- only in the morning, but he is quickly calmed down. Usually, returning in a couple of minutes to listen, I don’t hear him anymore :-) Although in the morning he mutters that he won’t go to kindergarten and still cries :-((But during the day, they say, he behaves normally. True, he doesn’t eat almost anything - he doesn’t I'm used to kindergarten food, but they're slowly getting used to it.

A month before the garden. Adaptation of the child: what to provide for parents. How to help a child adapt to a new social environment? The adaptation of a child in kindergarten is very often not easy. With adaptation in an unfamiliar language environment, I had no problems, although ...


Don't worry, children adapt just fine, and another language is not a barrier for them at all. When we arrived in Australia, my daughter was 5 years old and in 5 months we had to start school. We sent her to a kindergarten for 1 day a week, so that she could get used to communicating with children, and all she could say then was a toilet, we first of all memorized it so that sin would not happen. She went with pleasure. By school, I had made a lot of progress in English, thanks to English-speaking relatives and neighbors, and there were no problems at school either - I chatted instantly. Plus, the school had special teachers for newcomers, plus for those who have English as a non-native language. Moreover, her English is much better than that of English speakers from the cradle, she comes to the Olympiads in the highest percentage. To be honest, you will have to worry about how to save Russian, because. children switch to the language spoken around them and do not really want to speak Russian.

We gave away our son early, at 2 years 3 months. Moreover, since we are liberal and inexperienced parents :), we got used to kindergarten very gradually together. The first week we sat with him for two or three hours until he went to bed. Then I left for work. He sobbed, didn't want to go. Once I left early (at 10 o'clock), he sobbed all day, so I had to leave work after lunch and pick him up. When he came to the kindergarten, he sat on my lap and watched the children play, but he did not want to go to any play himself.
Then, gradually (even very gradually :)), he began to move away from me a little bit. I defiantly talked to the teachers, saying that they were our friends, that they loved Roma, so that he felt that they could be trusted. Then, I began to leave early. The teacher took him in her arms, he yelled, but then (as they said) calmed down, although he went on strike on various occasions - he refused to eat, sleep, etc. Then (after 2-3 months) he finally began to calmly let go, he even went to close the door behind me.
Now Roma has been leaving for almost a year, he loves his kindergarten (we all call his kindergarten "work", which he is very proud of). He made friends, he just got older and some interests appeared that he shares with the guys in the garden.
So the moral of this fable is this - at first it will not be easy, but then everything will pay off in full. The main thing is not to delay the process and everything will work out.


Adaptation to kindergarten. I ask parents, teachers, specialists in child psychology, pediatricians to respond preschool age with advice on how best to adapt the child to kindergarten, talk about your experience. We have tantrums after kindergarten.


We also recently moved. For me, the main thing was to immediately honestly say that my daughter would not return to the old kindergarten. I focused on the advantages of a new kindergarten for my daughter - a swimming pool, a house for a barbie (for me, there are many times more advantages, but it doesn’t matter to her). But we are in new kindergarten at first they went for a month, for "recovery", and then, after 2 months, they came to this kindergarten completely, and therefore it was important for us to emphasize that this is forever. And it was also important for us to remember the old kindergarten less, to visit there less. The daughter, of course, does not forget anything (both children and teachers), but just so as not to poison her soul.

The most important thing here (if the child was strongly attached to the old kindergarten) is not to tell him that this departure (transition) is FOREVER. Say that you will definitely go to visit as soon as he wants; you can even invite "old" friends to your house (we did this - it helped a lot!). And do not forget to talk a lot with the child in the first days, ask him about his impressions, remember your childhood (if you had a similar experience); it would be nice to set the child in every possible way so that the children in the garden were delighted with him (the teacher "told" you this).
It seems to me important to learn more about the children's team from the educator: who is the leader, who is quiet, who is capricious, who is a fighter, how it is customary to resolve conflicts, etc. Naturally, her view will be subjective, but this is - useful information, since if there is any friction between the child and the group, you will be able to correctly assess the situation and not make irreparable mistakes (after all, your child may also be wrong).
It would be nice to explain to the child that he is new, and therefore he must first look at the rules that exist in the children's team.
In general, children adapt much more easily than adults suggest, so don't worry, everything will be fine! :)

04/01/2000 17:24:34, Irina