Long declarations of love to a girl. The most beautiful declarations of love to your girlfriend (in your own words)

Sometimes there is one step between you and happiness, and this is called “confessing love to a girl.” Sometimes we just can't express how we feel about a person. Did you have such a difficult situation? Or is this question before you right now? No panic. In this article, you will find beautiful declarations of love to a girl that you can copy or use as inspiration to express these thoughts in your own words to tears.

We live in a digital age where love letters are almost a thing of the past. However, there is something romantic and unique about writing a paper letter in prose, especially if you write it to your loved one.

Do not forget the old but true statement: "A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears." The girl will be in seventh heaven if you tell her about your feelings.

Being away from each other, even temporarily, is an ordeal. At times like these, it's important to keep in touch. Daily phone calls, sensual texts, short or very long emails are what we're talking about.

To shorten the distance between you in every way, just remember that you can write to your girlfriend or wife about your feelings. The best option is a romantic declaration of love in your own words.

Examples of confessions

Last night I dreamed of you. Damn, I dream about you almost daily. It seems like I can spend days with you and it still won't be enough. When I close my eyes, I want you by my side.

Next to you, I realized what true love is. Now I'm enjoying this feeling, a life that I never knew before. I will love you until the end of my days.

Many times in life we ​​can find people who win our hearts. We take it for granted. I'm so used to all the wonderful things you do for me and I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate it all. At every moment I am grateful that you are in my life and in my heart.

I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are an important part of my life. In fact, you are the center of my universe. Everything I do is for us, and especially for you. I always try to do the right things that will make our relationship stronger. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. Without you, I would be a completely different person. Thanks to you, I really know what love is.

I'm lonely to tears when you're not around. Even when I go out under a cloudless sky, everything seems to be in a haze. Obviously you are the brightest light in my life. That might explain why I feel so good around you. You give me strength and energize me in difficult moments. I love you very much.

When people said that “behind every great man there is a great woman,” I felt uncomfortable. They seemed to be saying that I couldn't succeed if a woman didn't help me. But now that I've met you, I understand it perfectly. Now I feel that I can do something, because I know that such a wonderful person like you is next to me. You inspire me to be a better, more successful person. I hope I can do the same for you. Together we are better than ever, individually. Love you.

Baby, I'm really madly in love with you. I want to shout it out loud from the top of the highest mountain. We've been through so much and we still have strong feelings for each other. I just want you to always be by my side. I found you and this is forever.

You are more beautiful than a summer sunset on the ocean's horizon. You are more breathtaking than a stunning view from a high mountain. You are brighter than the stars in the suburban sky. You are more seductive than any love song ever sung. I didn't understand what the true meaning of beauty was until I found you.

Before you came into my life, I was just an ordinary person. There was sadness in my heart. I felt like I was missing something. Today I realized exactly what was missing. You. Now that you are with me, I feel that my life is harmonious.

Every time I look into your shining eyes, see your dazzling smile and hear your beautiful voice, I fall more and more in love with you.

I'm in love with you... Touching you makes my heart beat faster.

An incomprehensible and very pleasant feeling appeared in my chest, which I cannot explain. It fills my life with meaning and my eyes with light. It's probably love.

Millions of poems, thousands of compliments, hundreds of sweet words can't make my heart beat faster. Only your single glance did it.

Falling in love with someone means that you see this person not with your eyes, but with your heart, and you feel him not with your body, but with your soul. I have learned to see you this way.

I lost myself in the vast ocean of love, devotion and passion. Being with you means feeling all the beauty of the world and being a part of it.

There is only one answer to the questions: “What is love? What is happiness? What is joy? This answer is you.

It took me three minutes to love you: I thought about your beauty, which struck me, for two minutes, and the strongest feeling was born in my heart during the remaining minute.

Love is when looking into your eyes is much more pleasant than contemplating the stars in the sky.

When you smiled at me, my breathing stopped. When you spoke to me, I couldn't move because of this beautiful and intoxicating feeling. And when you touched my hand, you stole my heart. I love you.

When I first met you, I thought my life would change a little. But what actually happened is that you became my world, my universe, the meaning of life and the only person for whom I live.

Falling in love with you is like magic. Every day I discover in myself more and more warmth, lightness, sincerity and kindness. I am extremely happy that I met you.

Now you know how beautiful it is to confess love to a girl in your own words. Good luck!

A declaration of love to a girl in your own words is deeper than poetry or prose

Everyone experiences love in their own way. Guys and girls can love in different ways: it depends not only on the emotional manifestations of the partner, but also on their own attitude. However, everyone wants to be confessed in feelings, openly and sincerely. This is especially important for the fair sex.

The guy wants to make the best declaration of love to the girl so that she feels the one and only. But how to do that? Many use publics on social networks, some read smart books with once-invented "unique" confessions. However, sincere feelings must come from the depths of the soul, therefore a declaration of love to a girl in your own words is ideal for a long and deep relationship.

A man must remember that a woman does not always believe in words, because some of them scatter them without thinking. Therefore, every promise must be backed up by deeds, and regularly.

The young man knows that he loves, but does not know how to say it. What to do? First of all, do not pinch yourself in your own complexes. You need to make a declaration of love to the girl in your own words, say everything that is in your thoughts, and not what is beautiful and smart. Let it be somewhat non-concise and inconsistent, but from the bottom of my heart.

It is important to remember that in such a situation, excess emotionality only gets in the way. You should also not beat around the bush, it is better to do everything at once and clearly. If your lady of the heart did not reciprocate, you should not panic and hysteria, because such situations may occur more than once in life.

Remember that a declaration of love to a girl in your own words is not only the cherished phrase “I love you”, to which many react violently and are slightly frightened, because nevertheless the words sound very direct and strong. It is also the tenderness that you put into your voice, and the look that will prove your feelings to a woman better than any words, and delicacy, because pressure and onslaught can only frighten.

If you want to make a romantic declaration of love to a girl, you should not choose noisy parties and companies for this, where there is absolutely no romance or solitude. The place and time should be chosen so that the girl is not constrained, confused or tired, because many women, tired after hard everyday life, can respond to this very aggressively.

And the last thing every man who wants to express his feelings to a girl should know: the very phrase “I love you” is not a question, but a statement. Therefore, having said it, you should not look at the woman with a questioning look, expecting a lightning-fast reaction or an affirmative answer. If you offer her some kind of relationship, then, naturally, a reaction is needed: either consent or refusal.

It should be noted that a rather serious issue is friendship, which suddenly develops into serious feelings. Then, having said about love, you will not change anything right away. In this case, everything is not easy, and a long conversation and explanations are required.

A declaration of love to a girl in your own words is what will distinguish you from all the boyfriends who copy other people's thoughts due to the lack of their own.

Declaration of love in your own words

My dear, my good! If you only knew what you mean to me!
From the first minute of our meeting, you changed my life, filled it with meaning, joy and light!
You gave me wings, you taught me how to love! I am very grateful to you for this!
Thank you dear for having me!

You are not around now, and I miss you very much. I miss your every touch, kiss, every moment spent with you. I'm lonely and sad.
And I look forward to the moment when we will be together again, when I can snuggle up to you, and again become the happiest in the whole world!

You taught me how to love and that's wonderful! Only now, when you are not around, my love makes me sad.
I miss you very much, and I really want to see you! I want to go somewhere hand in hand with you again, drown in your arms and kisses.
I want to always be with you, I want to fly on the wings of our love, and never part!
I love you very much and miss you!

My favorite! I thought for a long time and decided. And I want you to know it was not an easy decision.
From today and forever I want to be with you! I want to give you my love and affection!
I want to make you the happiest person in the whole world. I love you very much!

My dear, maybe I rarely tell you about this, but I want you to know.
You are perfect, you are the best man in the whole world.
And I am grateful to fate for bringing us together!
I love you madly and miss you, I'm counting the minutes until we meet!

Once breaking into my quiet and peaceful life, you changed it.
You gave me so many bright and unforgettable emotions!
You taught me to truly love, and only with you can I be truly happy!
I love you very much!

My favorite! You turned my life into a real fairy tale!
In it, you are my glorious hero, my prince, who charmed me and gave me the fulfillment of all desires!
You made me truly happy and gave me your love! Thank you my dear for this!
I love you very much, and I look forward to returning to a fairy tale!

The sun! You are the best in the whole world! And I didn’t even notice how I myself became the best with you!
You give me so many gentle, affectionate and pleasant emotions.
Only you gave me true love, which became the meaning of my life!
You have become the meaning of my life! I love you very much!

There is a distance between us now. But it made me realize what you mean to me.
I miss you so much! I'm sad and lonely without you!
I need you like air! I love you very much and look forward to meeting you!

A source:
Declaration of love in your own words
Here you will find a declaration of love in your own words. Noteworthy, small-sized author's lines will help convey your feelings to your loved one.

Confess love to a girl in your own words

This morning I woke up and realized how much I love. How happy I am that I have a beloved girl, to whom my sincere declarations of love are addressed. You are my dearest person. Your eyes inspire me to smile. Your gentle voice gives me the strength to walk with my head up. Your care gives a feeling of reliability and security. I don't think I've ever loved like this. My heart is filled with only warmth, only positive emotions. My beloved, be the happiest, for this I will try to make a lot of efforts. I want to see your happy eyes, your joyful smile on your face. When you are happy, I feel a great sense of joy and contentment. I ask you to forget all the negative moments, leave only the positive moments in your memory. In turn, I promise not to stop creating pleasant and new emotions for you and your heart.

My favorite and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about it personally - that I love you madly and I have no doubts about my feelings, I value you very much. You are the dearest person for me in this world!

Hey! Today I dreamed of a gorgeous beauty, we walked with her, talked about everything in the world, sat in a cafe, kissed. And I realized that I love this girl madly and do not want to lose her. And then I woke up from her call! Darling, did we call me?

Everything has changed for me since you came into my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone but you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss and say how much I love you. My love is getting stronger every day and it's getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you're around. You are forever in my heart.

My dear, my princess! I love you my beauty. The most important thing for me in life is to realize that there is you nearby. For me, you are like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day. For you, I have millions of words, I just want to scream: I love you! My love, everything is mine, everything is for you. I do not need any wealth, just to see your smile. I am very pleased to see how your eyes sparkle with happiness. In moments of joy, you are even more beautiful. In turn, I will try to create more positive moments for you. Be always the same. You are unique to me. Always remain so serene, let your cheeks burn with joy. My queen, my mistress, I hope you understand how strong my love is. Forgive me if there were mistakes, but I am ready to correct myself from now on. Ready for you to split into pieces and each piece to tell about love!

I have joy today, right from the very morning. At night I dreamed that my beloved was there. You are beautiful, so kind. Coming up to me, she whispered in a dream: I will never betray you. I woke up in the mood that you can walk all the mountains on foot. There are no barriers as long as you are by my side. I ask you, dear, never be sad. For me, you are my star, you must shine on my path of life. My dear girl, I will whisper in your ear: I love you forever. Be beautiful, kind, sweet, never get angry. Be sure, dear, without you there is no way for me. I will always bring joy to life with you. For happiness, we don’t need much, only I was, well, only you are near! Everything will be fine, don't be sad, we will overcome all temporary difficulties. The main thing is that you smile next to me, I will smile and go next to you. I will always support you in everything, no matter what nonsense comes to your mind. I am always with you!

I know why I love you. Because if I had to choose where I want to live, I would choose your bedroom! Because on your bed the world seems so small, all the problems and worries just stop bothering me if I'm with you, my love!

I love you very much, with my soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world. I thank my destiny, God and your parents for giving me you. You are my angel, sun, life, all words are not enough to describe or compare you alone - so one and only I love you, my beloved!

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person does not live, but simply exists. This is Love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I live and breathe. I love you and will love you forever!

I always knew that I was iron. It is difficult to pity me, and not just to piss me off. Alas, cold iron also has one significant drawback - it is powerless against a magnet. And you, apparently, are my magnet. I'm madly drawn to you, and I can't help it. I love you very much!

Confessions of a beloved girl: SMS | In verse

There are many situations in life. Most of them are related to relationships.

A beautiful letter to your girlfriend will help you make peace with your chosen one, write about your feelings and help out in various situations.

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

You know, everyone tells me that writing letters is an old tradition, but I want to express everything that lies on my soul. Don’t laugh and don’t judge strictly, I didn’t have to talk about love so often. I may be a little old-fashioned, but I really want you to read these lines and keep them for a long time.

I really want you to just smile, and a bright gleam appears in your beautiful eyes. I constantly remember all the meetings held with you. Especially lately. I remember every moment how I listened very carefully to your voice, smelled your body, looked at your eyes and could not see enough.

Your breath made my heart beat faster and faster, dreaming of adjusting to your every breath to breathe in unison. I was captivated by your figure, everything is perfect in it, every bend. For me, you have always been and always will be the most beautiful woman.

Your kisses made me perform feats, and your lips were so tender that I dissolved in moments of bliss. You are my ideal, remember this! I think about you every moment, all my thoughts are filled with you. If you feel sad, then immediately remember that there is a person who loves you madly, will always understand you and be ready to listen. It's wonderful when someone is waiting for you and wants to see you as soon as possible. You are the most beautiful, desirable and wonderful girl.

A beautiful letter to your beloved girl can be presented not only on paper, but sent by SMS. There are many options for messages.

Short declarations of love to a girl

In this cold weather, I want to warm you up as soon as possible. There is nothing more beautiful when we are together. You are my dearest person. I always think about you: before going to bed, at work, at the table. My thoughts are filled with only you.

I imagine you smiling, looking at me and laughing fervently. Know that I will never give you up to anyone. I need only you. I love you very much, my princess.

You are the most luxurious woman, there is no one more beautiful than you. Your gaze strikes me on the spot. When I see you, everything turns over in my soul. These are the happiest moments.

Your gaze pierces my every cell. I immediately turn into a constrained person and I can’t say a word, I can’t even move a limb. Exactly, that's why I can't say the most important words to you. I love you, my dear.

My love, before my eyes is always your image. You are mentally present with me everywhere. Your voice is like music and every song is still in my memory. Your eyes are so beautiful and expressive that I want to look at them forever. In this moment I can forget about everything.

It's like looking along the ocean and feeling a slight pleasure. Every touch you make makes my skin crawl. I am very happy that such a wonderful girl appeared in my life. Thank you for being my own.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: a declaration of love to a girl in your own words to tears from experts in their field.

Hello friends. All self-respecting men believe that a beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words, to tears in prose, must be with a bouquet of roses in the form of a heart. It's hard to disagree with this. She is such a love. On this page you will find everything you need in such cases.

My gentle charming princess... My real life began at the moment when I met you, when I saw your eyes the color of cornflowers. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I can no longer live without you. I want to see you every day, hear your voice, like the murmur of a mountain stream, I want to kiss your tender lips, which, like rose petals, beckon to me ... I love you, my angel!

I have never felt a stronger feeling than love for you, my sweet girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, with you I want to enjoy everything around. You won my heart at the first glance of your big brown eyes. And from that moment on, I couldn't think of anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.


Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You came into my life and everything changed. I realized that I have someone to live for, for whom to create, for whom it becomes better and more perfect. For you, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!

Your eyes are like two blue lakes, there is so much warmth and love in them ... Your lips are so similar to rose petals, you want to touch them so much ... Your blond hair, fluttering in the wind, looks like ears of wheat on a fine summer day ... Your graceful figure reminds the camp of a swan, noble and magnificent ... You are perfect. I love you!

Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live with you all my life. I love you, my best of all living on Earth ...

My feeling for you is difficult to describe in words... When I don't hear your sonorous voice, when I don't see you, the whole world becomes gray and insignificant. I want to spend more and more time with you, I want to take care of you, get to know you, your interests, outlook on life. I want to become one with you, so that no one and nothing can separate us. I love you very much…!

Read also: Compliments to a girl

I remember that wonderful day when we met. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful gait, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your gaze, charming and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now in my thoughts only you, only you alone. I want our relationship to become stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!

Every hour, every minute, every second of my life is filled with thoughts of you, my love. I wake up and fall asleep thinking only of you alone. You are the best thing in my life. I am grateful to God that we met on that sunny spring day. I will do my best to always be together!

I like your golden hair, your blue eyes, like the sea, your tender lips, like rose petals ... Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!