Why collect a urine test according to Zimnitsky. Collection of urine for analysis according to Zimnitsky. The diagnostic value of the Zimnitsky analysis during pregnancy

Throughout life, most people are faced with tests: either during periods of illness, or in order to prevent them. Medical examination is in any case more effective than treatment, however, it is impractical to conduct a huge number of tests every year, so only the main ones are prescribed. As a rule, these are general urine and blood tests.

But sometimes special tests are prescribed to identify some specific problems in the body and assess the patient's condition. The fact is that substances present in our body are excreted with urine, because the kidneys are one of the filters. Passing blood through themselves, they remove some hormones, drugs, excess glucose, etc. from the body. So, after conducting a test and finding certain elements, one can even make diagnoses. For example, the Sulkovich test reveals a deficiency or excess of vitamin D, which can be a cause or symptom of serious illness, especially when it comes to children. The Nechiporenko analysis is an in-depth version of the general test: the number of various elements in the urine is counted, and those that were not detected in the general case can be detected. Of course, there are special tests aimed at detecting drugs in the body; as a rule, they are resorted to to confirm or remove suspicions of their use. It is also with the help of urine analysis that home pregnancy tests are carried out. But there are also tests that allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the kidneys or identify some problems with the cardiovascular system.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky

This test is not prescribed without a reason, and it is rather difficult to conduct it outside the walls of the hospital.

It is this test that allows you to see the functional work of the kidneys in daily dynamics, while it is one of the simplest and most common. Analysis according to Zimnitsky provides for the measurement of the following indicators:

  • specific gravity of urine separately for each portion;
  • total volume of urine;
  • the ratio of drunk to allocated;
  • daytime diuresis (from 6 am to 6 pm);
  • nocturnal diuresis (from 6 pm to 6 am).

At the same time, the indicators usually taken into account in the general analysis of urine are completely uninteresting. The purpose of the study is only to assess the concentration ability of the kidneys.


Often, pregnant women in maternity hospitals face the need to take a urine test according to Zimnitsky. This is especially true for those who have an increased tendency to edema. But even for those who are not going to become happy parents in the near future, with obvious fluid retention in the body, the mentioned study can also be prescribed. After all, edema can speak of both kidney problems and ailments such as diabetes insipidus or heart failure. That is why it is important to take such a test seriously and do everything in your power correctly.


As a rule, a urine test according to Zimnitsky is carried out in a hospital setting. The patient is given 8 containers, which he fills during the day. In addition, it is necessary to inform the laboratory assistants of the volume of liquid drunk during the same period. So, everything starts on the day of the study, at 6 o'clock in the morning. At this time, it is necessary to empty the bladder, but it is not necessary to collect its contents. But after this moment, every 3 hours the patient must fill the containers - a separate one is intended for each serving. Thus, the next visit to the toilet occurs at 9 o'clock in the morning, at noon, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at 6 o'clock in the evening, at 9, at midnight, and also twice at night - at 3 and 6 in the morning. It is impossible to mix or confuse the contents of the containers, so extreme care is required. Every time it is necessary to carry out the toilet of the genitals. After the end of the material collection, all 8 containers, as well as information about the liquid consumed over the past day, are transferred to the laboratory assistant. Perhaps the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky is one of the most difficult and troublesome for the patient, because for it to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to get up at the alarm clock at night. The only consolation is that it lasts only a day.

Useful information

You can not take drugs with a diuretic effect, it is also not recommended to consume foods that are natural diuretics. Otherwise, it is necessary to maintain the usual diet and drinking regime during the day. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky gives an idea of ​​the state of the body and the preservation of a certain balance inside it. Deviation from normal values, both up and down, gives grounds for making some diagnoses or further research.

Reference values

Increasingly, in the certificates you can see, in addition to the actual numbers, such a word as "normal". However, this does not always happen, in addition, it is not explained what high or low values ​​mean. So only a doctor can interpret the results, especially when it comes to such a test as a urine test according to Zimnitsky. However, the rule is:

  • the allocated liquid is at least 75-80% of the consumed;
  • the relative density of urine in different portions should vary within fairly large limits - from 0.012 to 0.016;
  • at least in one period, the value should reach 1.017-1.020, which is an indicator of the preservation of the concentration ability of the kidneys;
  • daytime diuresis is approximately 2 times higher than nighttime.

If there is a deviation from the normal values, doctors may continue further studies to make various diagnoses. Among them are pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, hydronephrosis, hormonal imbalance, glomerulonephritis, hypertension, heart failure and some others. It is necessary to evaluate the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky in combination with other symptoms, so self-diagnosis and self-treatment should not be done.

Urine is an important diagnostic material for studying the physiological state of the body. There are many techniques for studying it, each of which has its own characteristics. The quantitative and qualitative composition of urine changes during the day and serves as an important characteristic of various states of the body. As a rule, urine sampling for analysis is carried out in the morning, when the concentration of substances in it is the highest. Taking the material during the day occurs according to the Zimnitsky technique and in urgent (urgent) cases.

Laboratory analysis allows not only to determine its chemical composition, physical indicators of specific gravity and acidity, but also the microbiology of the sediment. At the initial stage, the researcher is interested in the organoleptic characteristics of urine: its quantity, color, smell, transparency and foaminess. The natural color of urine is light yellow to dark yellow, depending on the presence of urine pigments called urochromes. A change in the color of urine can signal a number of pathological processes in the body. For example, a violation of the metabolism of mesobilinogen in the liver leads to its sharp darkening. This effect is observed in patients with jaundice, hepatitis or obstructive processes in the bile ducts. Urine staining in the color of meat slops or a reddish color occurs with certain blood diseases and glomerulonephritis. The presence of pus in the urine indicates a bacterial infection in the urinary system. In this case, it will turn grayish-white.

In a healthy person, urine has a characteristic uric odor. A change in the direction of the unusual may give rise to suspect the development of pathology. The acetone smell indicates the presence of ketone bodies in the urine, which happens with diseases of carbohydrate metabolism. With a sharp ammonia smell, cystitis can be suspected. With intestinal infections, the causative agent of which is Escherichia coli, acquires a characteristic fecal odor.

The urine of a healthy person is transparent and has an unstable and not abundant foam. The appearance in the urine of abundant and persistent foam indicates the presence of protein, which is confirmed by laboratory tests.

Normal transparency is changed by the bacteria present in it, salts (urates, oxalates), fat, the presence of epithelial cells and impurities, blood elements.

The density and acidity of urine serve as an important diagnostic feature. Normally, the density is in the range of -1020-1024 g / l, and the pH or acidity ranges from 5.0-7.5. Of these two characteristics, the importance of the value of the specific gravity of urine should be noted. This value is quite labile, has daily changes, depends on the ambient temperature, the amount of fluid taken and a number of pathologies of the body. An increase in its density occurs with dehydration of the body, insufficient kidney function, and some endocrinological disorders. Note the list of urine samples assigned to the patient.

Clinical (general) urinalysis

It is universally prescribed by attending physicians, as it allows you to see the overall picture of the functional state of the urinary system. The method is simple and accessible.

The collection technique is simple. A sterile signed container is prepared in front of the fence, where urine will be collected. All morning urine that has accumulated overnight in the bladder is taken. 70-100 ml is sufficient for analysis. When preparing for the collection of material, a certain rule should be followed: the material should be taken into the container after the hygienic procedure. The patient properly washes the area in the area of ​​urination, in order to avoid the ingress of bacteria and other biological dirt into the material, which will lead to an incorrect study.

Such an analysis provides extensive general information about the work of the kidneys. It allows you to determine not only the density of urine, but also shows the presence of abnormal protein and glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin and urobilinogen, the presence of epithelial cells, blood elements, bacteria and leukocytes, which is an important clinical characteristic for diagnosing a number of diseases. According to the results of a general urine test, it is possible to diagnose renal pathology and some endocrinological diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus. For a reliable result, you should not give urine after taking diuretic drugs that stain food and menstruating women.

Urine sample according to Nechiporenko

Allows you to detect the hidden process of inflammation in the kidneys. Based on this analysis, it is possible to judge cystitis, glomerunephritis, hematuria. This is a more specific analysis, in which the average portion of morning urine with a volume of 20-25 ml is of diagnostic interest. The algorithm for conducting such a test consists of the morning toilet of the relevant organs. The first and last portions of urine during urination descend into the toilet, and the median is collected in a sterile container. Of interest is the quantitative count of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and cylinders.

The analysis technique is not difficult, but has its own nuances, namely, it is not prescribed to women during menstruation, in order to avoid false results, and after diagnostic procedures on the bladder using contrast agents (cystoscopy), catheterization.

For a more complete result, on the eve of the study, medications, dyes, heavy food and physical activity, which can distort the result, should be excluded.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky (Zimnitsky test)

The method allows you to determine the state of the concentration and selection functions. The study of urine according to Zimnitsky allows you to find out the concentration of urine throughout the day with a normal drinking load. Its daily composition and the volume of urination may vary. In the morning it is denser, the concentration of dissolved substances in it is higher, the color is brighter and the smell is stronger.

Normally, the daily diuresis of a healthy adult is in the range of 1.5-2.0 liters.

The limits of 1010-1025 g/l are taken as normal indicators of relative density.

Considering the fact that daytime diuresis should be higher than nighttime, an interesting technique has been developed for portioned urine collection, which allows determining its density in each portion. The analysis is quite laborious, but quite informative.

The Zimnitsky urinalysis algorithm consists of several stages. Preparing to collect material. To do this, you need 8 sterile containers for collecting urine. For convenience, they are signed, indicating on each container the appropriate time at which the next portion will be collected.

It is necessary to collect urine correctly - it is recommended to start at 6:00 in the morning, (this portion is poured out) with an interval of 3 hours, respectively, the numbering of containers occurs according to the time of emptying, namely 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 3:00 6:00.

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In parallel, it is necessary to keep records of the amount of liquid and liquid food taken at this time. Urine collection should be carried out at a strictly defined time and in an appropriately signed container. The algorithm (sequence) of material collection should be strictly adhered to.

The dishes filled with material are stored closed in the refrigerator. When all portions are ready, they, along with the records, are taken to the laboratory. During the analysis, not only daily diuresis is determined, but also the volumes of urine excreted day and night are considered. The specific gravity of each portion is determined.

During normal functioning of the kidneys, the amount of urine excreted per day will be in the range of 50-80% of the volume of all the liquid drunk.

The share of daytime diuresis accounts for two-thirds, and night one-third of the total diuresis.

The density of urine of each portion is not lower than 1.013 and not higher than 1.025 g/l.

Normally, in a healthy person, an adult or a child, the volume and density of urine have daily fluctuations. Morning urine has a volume of about 300 ml and a density of 1022 g / l, by the evening the figures should decrease to 1012 g / l and 50 ml, respectively.

The main functions of the kidneys are concentration and excretion. Urine formation is a complex physical and biochemical process that includes two stages:

  1. Formation of primary urine - filtration in the glomeruli
  2. The formation of secondary urine, at this stage it is concentrated.
  • All blood in the body is filtered under high pressure in the capillaries of the renal glomeruli. The composition of primary urine is similar to the composition of blood plasma, but without the content of proteins. The daily volume of primary urine is about 170 liters.
  • Secondary or final urine is formed as a result of the reverse reabsorption of water and nutrients in the tubules. The walls of the tubules have a unique structure that allows all useful substances to diffuse back into the bloodstream. This is how secondary urine is formed. Its concentration and volume is radically different from the primary one. It lacks proteins and glucose, and an increased concentration of nitrogenous compounds is noted.

The final urine is 95% water, the remaining 5% is the dry residue, consisting of urea, uric acid, ammonia, sodium potassium salts, chlorine. 1.5-2.0 liters of it is released per day, it is more concentrated and has a characteristic smell.

Insufficient work of the kidneys at this stage of urine formation leads to a violation of the process of urine concentration, which is clinically manifested in an increase / decrease in the density of the excreted urine. This is observed in some renal pathologies, toxicosis of pregnant women, metabolic disorders, in particular carbohydrates. The Zimnitsky test will help the attending physician to understand the problem in more detail and make an accurate diagnosis.

When the results of such an analysis deviate from the norm, one can judge a disease.

Low urine density, with results below 1.012 g/l, indicates a violation of the concentrating ability of the kidneys. It is observed in chronic renal failure, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, diabetes insipidus and heart failure stage 3-4. Taking diuretics can cause a decrease in the specific gravity of urine, so this should be taken into account when analyzing the results. Increasing the density of urine, with figures exceeding the norm of 1024 g / l. Occurs when protein and glucose enter the urine in exorbitant concentrations. Similar deviations will be in diabetes mellitus, chronic and acute glomerulonephritis, in which, due to impaired permeability in the renal glomeruli, large molecules of proteins and blood cells penetrate into the urine from the blood into the urine. Clinically, the urine shows an increased content of protein (proteinuria) and blood cells (hematuria) and glucose. A serious danger is hyperstenuria in toxicosis of pregnant women.

There are early and late toxicosis (gestosis). Late toxicosis poses a great danger to the health and life of a pregnant woman. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood. At risk are pregnant women with chronic kidney disease, overweight, which is often accompanied by high blood pressure. Too early pregnancy, as well as late, also increase the risk of such a complication of the course of pregnancy. A genetic predisposition to this problem has also been determined. Early toxicosis is observed in the early stages of 4-12 weeks.

Late occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. First, edema appears, mainly on the hands, on the legs. These are external swellings that are noticeable. Hidden swelling of internal organs is dangerous. The weight of a pregnant woman is growing rapidly, sometimes rising to two kg per week. Gradually, blood pressure rises and the presence of protein in the urine is noted. Such women are observed and treated on an outpatient basis.

With the aggravation of symptoms, the appearance of complaints of persistent headaches, heaviness in the back of the head, cases of a sharp increase in pressure, vomiting caused by a hypertensive crisis, the progression of preeclampsia is judged. This condition requires urgent hospitalization of the patient, as there is a risk of a condition that threatens the life of the mother and the unborn child.

Observation and clinical examination of women preparing for motherhood allows you to control her condition throughout pregnancy, up to childbirth. Timely and periodic blood and urine tests will help assess the health of the expectant mother at various stages of pregnancy. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky in this case is very relevant, as it allows you to monitor the state of the concentration and excretory function of the kidneys and determine its deviation in time.

This laboratory analysis is successfully used for diagnostics in pediatrics. An increase in urine concentration in children can be caused by developing renal failure, endocrine disease - diabetes and insufficient drinking regimen. Normally, the daytime diuresis of the child significantly exceeds the nighttime diuresis - from 50 to 75% of the total volume. The predominance of nocturnal urination indicates insufficient kidney function. Such children should be properly examined for an accurate diagnosis.

In clinical practice, it is sometimes necessary to assess the concentration ability of the kidneys, which makes it possible to make a Zimnitsky test.

Currently, the analysis is used less and less, it is being replaced by the determination of urine osmolarity and SWR.

The analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky is based on the registration of the relative density of urine in samples collected at the same time intervals during the day.

In the human body, normally, the kidneys perform the function of filtering "waste" substances, such as urea, uric acid, and many others.

The filtration process occurs in the nephron glomerulus (structural and functional unit of the kidneys). The filtration itself is due to the difference in diameter between the afferent and efferent vessels of the glomerulus: an arteriole enters the glomerulus of the nephron, which is larger in diameter than the efferent arteriole.

The difference in diameter between the afferent and efferent arterioles provides a high hydrostatic pressure that pushes blood components into the lumen of the tubules.

As a result of filtration, part of the liquid component of the blood with substances and small molecules dissolved in it is carried out into the lumen of the nephron tubules and forms primary urine (the daily amount of primary urine is 150-200 liters).

During the passage of primary urine through the lumen of the tubules, glucose, amino acids, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chlorides are reabsorbed into the epithelial cells and the lumen of the capillaries that encircle the nephron.

Figure 1 - The structure of the nephron

As a result of reabsorption of the liquid, the volume of primary urine decreases, it concentrates and at the end of the collecting ducts (the end sections of the nephrons flow into the collecting ducts) becomes secondary urine.

The concentration function of the kidneys is their ability to excrete urine with an osmotic pressure higher than that of blood plasma.

Epithelial cells are involved in the very process of absorption of water and other substances from the lumen of the tubules. Normally, one and a half to two liters of secondary urine is formed per day, while daily diuresis is determined by the volume of water drunk, ambient temperature, physical activity, and the presence of pathological conditions of the body (with fever, most of the fluid evaporates with sweat).

Damage to the capillaries of the glomeruli, the epithelium of the nephron can lead to impaired filtration, urine concentration and contribute to pathological changes in the volume of urine, its relative density.

The density of urine is determined by the amount of substances dissolved in the urine (mainly urea). Normally, during the day, there is a change in the relative density index in the range from 1004 g / liter to 1030 g / liter (as a rule, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare rarely go beyond 1012-1020 g / liter).

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    1. Who needs a Zimnitsky test?

    1. 1 This test is possible to clarify the diagnosis, with violations in the general analysis of urine, chronic kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc.), systemic diseases accompanied by damage to the kidney parenchyma (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus).
    2. 2 When there are complaints from the patient about the increase and increase in the volume of daily urine, constant thirst.

    When conducting this study, urine is taken as the urge to urinate occurs day and night, and for each three-hour interval, urine is collected in a separate jar marked with a certain time.

    Subsequently, in each of the jars, the volume of urine and its relative density are determined. Also make an assessment of the ratio of volumes of daytime and nighttime diuresis.

    2. How to prepare for the analysis?

    1. 1 Preservation of their usual drinking and eating regimen, physical activity.
    2. 2 The day before the start of urine collection, give up alcohol, products that stain urine (beets), smoked meats, spices, salty foods.
    3. 3 In men, before urination, a hygienic treatment of the penis is required (the foreskin is retracted, the head must be rinsed with soapy water (solution for intimate hygiene), then the solution is washed off with running water at body temperature).
    4. 4 In women, it is not recommended to perform the Zimnitsky test during menstruation.
    5. 5 During the collection of material, sexual life should be inactive.
    6. 6 The day before the test, diuretics should be discontinued.

    3. Where and how to collect urine for research?

    Urine is collected either in pre-sterilized glass jars or pre-purchased sterile plastic containers.

    After passing each sample, tightly close the container with a lid and store the container with analysis in a refrigerator at a temperature of +4 to +8 C.

    How to collect urine for research?

    1. 1 At 6-00 it is necessary to urinate into the toilet, then from 8-00 today to 8-00 the next day, the day is divided into 8 intervals, in each interval for 3 hours.
    2. 2 Each three-hour interval corresponds to a jar with a time stamp.
    3. 3 During the day, the patient urinates into jars.
    4. 4 Jars with analyzes are stored in the refrigerator in a closed state.
    5. 5 If there was no urination in any of the intervals, then the corresponding container remains empty and is delivered to the laboratory along with the rest.
    6. 6 In parallel with the delivery of urine, the patient must record the amount of fluid drunk per day.
    7. 7 In the morning of the next day, jars with urine and data on the amount of fluid drunk per day are sent to the laboratory for research.

    Figure 2 - An example of a sample form according to Zimnitsky

    4. How to decipher the results?

    Normally, during the day, the concentration of urine fluctuates and the greater the interval between the minimum and maximum relative density, the better the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. To a large extent, the results of the test, the density depends on the age of the patient.

    Table 1 - The dependence of the relative density of urine on age. Click on the table to view

    Table 2 - Normal urinalysis results according to Zimnitsky. Click on the table to view

    4.1. Who can be contacted for clarification of the results of the study?

    As a rule, the doctor who ordered the study can interpret the results. In most cases, the Zimnitsky test is prescribed by a general practitioner, nephrologist, urologist.

    5. What do abnormalities mean?

    Tables 3 and 4 present possible causes of deviations in the results of the Zimnitsky test. Recall that the final interpretation of the results should be carried out by the attending physician on the basis of anamnesis data, examination and other research methods.

    Table 3 - Possible causes of hypostenuria

    Table 4 - Possible causes of isosthenuria

    Performing a test according to Zimnitsky does not make it possible to establish a diagnosis, but only indicates a particular violation of kidney function and allows you to narrow the search circle. To establish the exact causes of a particular deviation, the attending physician prescribes additional studies that contribute to the correct diagnosis.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky allows the doctor to obtain the most complete information about the work of the kidneys, namely, their ability to concentrate and excrete urine. The doctor determines the density of urine and its amount allocated at different times of the day. Usually in the morning it is more concentrated, and in the afternoon it is less dense, due to the larger amount of liquid consumed.

The collection of a urine test according to Zimnitsky is similar to how daily diuresis is determined. However, there is a fundamental difference between them.
For a daily urine test, it is necessary to collect the entire amount of urine allocated per day. At 6 am, you need to go to the toilet for the first time and collect all subsequent portions until 6 am of the next day (inclusive) in a pre-prepared container. The container must be at least 3 liters so that everything goes into it. During collection, this container must be kept closed in a cool place to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor and unnecessary changes. Cold in this case plays the role of a preservative. But do not freeze, this may adversely affect the results of the analysis. A small portion of the collected urine (100-150 ml) should be delivered to the laboratory, having previously mixed and measured the resulting amount, which must be written on the form along with personal data.

When a general urine test according to Zimnitsky is prescribed, it is also necessary to collect the entire amount of urine, only in different containers and at a certain time indicated on the leaflet by the doctor (usually 8 jars in which urine is collected every 3 hours during the day). All containers must be clearly labeled with personal data, portion number and time of collection. Collected urine is also recommended to be stored closed in a cool place. All jars with collected urine are delivered to the laboratory.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky, the norm is as follows:

  • the total amount of excreted urine is 1.5-2 liters;
  • the ratio of the amount drunk to the amount allocated - 65-80%;
  • the amount allocated during the day is much greater than at night;
  • the density of urine in separate jars is not less than 1.020;
  • there are fluctuations in the density and amount of urine depending on the time of day.

According to a clinical study, urinalysis according to Zimnitsky, the decoding is clear. It remains to understand what deviations from the norm mean.
Decreased urine density occurs with renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, diabetes insipidus, as well as severe heart failure, leading to impaired kidney function.
Increased density of urine occurs when

Urinalysis sometimes does not show an accurate clinical picture of the alleged diagnosis. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky is an additional laboratory examination that allows you to clearly identify violations in the work of the kidneys. You do not know how to prepare for the analysis and collect the liquid? You will need to collect urine throughout the day, even at night in different jars.

How to collect urine according to Zimnitsky - preparation

Preparation for urine collection is simple:

  • do not change the drinking regimen. Drink up to two liters of water per day, as usual;
  • exclude salty and spicy foods before collecting the liquid;
  • a day before the test, stop taking diuretics. These drugs adversely affect the characteristics of the urine;
  • Prepare an alarm clock and set it every three hours at night. The clock signal will remind you that it is time to urinate. You can use the alarm clock on your mobile phone;
  • Prepare a notepad or piece of paper to take notes. Here you will record information about the liquid that you drank during the day during the collection of the analysis. Write down the volume of water that entered the body with soup, compote, and the like.

How to collect urine according to Zimnitsky - preparing containers

Prepare 8 jars. Buy a special container for passing urine at a pharmacy. You can also take ordinary glass jars of 0.5 liters. Wash them well and cover with clean lids. Number each container and write on it the time at which you will urinate in this jar. Also measure the volume of urine in each container and record. This is necessary so that the laboratory does not get confused.

How to collect urine according to Zimnitsky - the collection process

Your actions are as follows:

  • at 6:00 a.m., go to the toilet and urinate into the toilet. Morning urine is not needed for analysis;
  • urinate for the first time in a jar after three hours - at 9-00;
  • Every three hours after your first trip to the toilet, urinate into a new, signed container. The last fluid collection ends at 6-00 am the next day;
  • place each jar of urine in the refrigerator. Cover tightly.

If there is no urge to urinate at the right time, leave the container empty. If all the urine does not fit in one jar while urinating, take an extra container and urinate into it. Do not pour excess urine down the toilet! The collection of fluid can be done according to a different scheme - prepare 6 cans and urinate in them every 4 hours, starting at 9-00 in the morning. After the last urination, take all the containers filled with urine along with a record sheet of fluids drunk during the day to the laboratory. Also take empty and extra jars to the laboratory assistant, but do not forget to record the time when you did not want to go to the toilet or the volume of urine was large.

Why is urine collection carried out according to Zimnitsky?

The main task of this analysis is to determine the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. Urine may vary throughout the day in color, smell and volume. The laboratory assistant measures the density of the liquid, which helps to determine the total concentration of substances. Normal density - 1003-1035 g / l. Violation of this indicator may indicate such diseases:

  • kidney failure;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • diabetes and diabetes insipidus;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • blood diseases.