Homemade eyelid skin masks: effective lifting and more! Effective eye mask recipes at home

The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, age-related changes appear on it the fastest. To get rid of wrinkles, women resort to a variety of means. Masks are very popular, both purchased and prepared independently according to folk recipes. But in order for them to be useful, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules for their application and possible contraindications.

Features and main problems of the skin of the eyelids

The skin of the eyelids has some features due to which the impact of negative environmental factors affects it the most. In the same area, signs of aging are most clearly manifested. The skin around the eyes is very thin, there is practically no layer of subcutaneous fat under it. Therefore, capillaries often shine through it, creating the effect of blue shadows under the eyes. If this is an individual feature of the body, bruises appear quite early. In adulthood, when the skin turns pale to translucency and even thinner, almost no one is immune from this.

Bruises under the eyes can be just an individual feature, but there are other reasons for their appearance.

As we grow older, after 28–30 years, the production of natural collagen and elastin decreases sharply. Due to the deficiency of these substances responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it sags. There are bags under the eyes, folds on the upper eyelid. The content of hyaluronic acid in the middle and deep layers of the dermis also decreases. It "binds" water molecules, nourishing the skin with moisture. With its lack, the skin under the eyes is covered with a network of small wrinkles, “crow's feet” appear in the corners.

The first wrinkles on the eyelids appear when the skin of the face still looks very good.

Exacerbates the situation and improper care. In this case, the rule "the more the better" does not work. If you regularly overload the eyelids with even the highest quality cream, the process of cellular respiration and normal metabolism is disrupted, since the skin's ability to absorb is limited. Blood and lymph stagnates, edema forms. There is irritation, redness, the skin is flaky. "One-time" edema in the morning may well occur when salty and spicy foods, alcohol, and lack of sleep are abused in the evening. If this is a chronic problem, it is recommended to visit a nephrologist, this symptom is typical for many kidney diseases.

If swelling under the eyes has become a chronic problem for no apparent reason, see a doctor

Another prerequisite for the appearance of problems with the skin of the eyelids is active facial expressions. Of course, no one forbids expressing emotions. But constantly squinting with poor eyesight is already strongly discouraged. This provokes the appearance of early wrinkles, especially if the skin is dry. Dry eyelids can also be associated with improper care. Do not wash your face with too hot water, use lotions and make-up removers based on ethyl alcohol.

Instead of constantly squinting, get glasses or contact lenses.

Video: problems specific to the skin around the eyes

The mechanism of action of masks, skin preparation for the procedure and further care

An eye mask, if chosen correctly, allows you to get rid of many problems. It doesn't matter if it's store bought or homemade. But you can count on a positive result only if certain rules are observed:

  • The mask is applied only to the area cleared of decorative cosmetics. It is useful to pre-make a steam bath for the face. Be sure to remove your contact lenses. To degrease the eyelids, wipe with lotion. The applied product is lightly driven into the skin with fingertips. Accordingly, the hands must also be clean. You need to move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Another option is to apply cotton pads soaked in the composition as lotions on the eyelids. It is best suited for liquid and semi-liquid masks.

    A steam bath, if carried out before applying the mask, allows its active ingredients to penetrate into the middle and deep layers of the dermis

  • Apply the mask gently, in a thin and even layer. The only exception is dark circles on the eyelids. In this case, you can use more funds. If it gets on the eyelashes, mucous membranes and cornea, irritation, profuse lacrimation is possible. On the lower eyelid, you need to retreat about 1 cm from the edge of the eyelashes, on top - leave the moving part clean. It is best to use a small cosmetic brush.

    The mask is applied to the eyelids so that the composition does not get into the eyes

  • When preparing the mask yourself, strictly follow the recipe. Adding ingredients that are not provided for in it can lead to negative consequences. Do not expect that the effect will be faster and more pronounced if you increase the concentration of any components or keep the mask longer than recommended. Usually limited to 20 minutes. Don't wait for it to turn into a crust.
  • For homemade formulations, use only natural, fresh and high quality products. Otherwise, the benefit can not be expected. It is also forbidden to store the mixture, it must be fresh every time.
  • When using folk recipes, try to make the composition as homogeneous as possible, without lumps. It is strictly forbidden to have any large solid particles that can scratch thin skin. The components are mixed in glass, ceramic, wooden, enameled dishes. When in contact with metal, many vitamins are destroyed.

    Self-made eye masks should not come into contact with metal

  • After applying the mask, lie down, try to relax and calm down. At the same time, it is not recommended to do housework, sports, even show strong emotions and actively use facial expressions. The optimal time for the procedure is about an hour before bedtime.

    The effect of the eye mask will be more pronounced if the facial muscles are relaxed as much as possible in the process.

  • Constantly look for new effective means. If you use the same mask for a month and a half, the skin gets used to its ingredients, the effect gradually fades away. New formulations allow you to maintain skin tone.
  • Regularity is very important. It is naive to count on a miracle after one procedure. The mask should be done every 5-7 days, not more often. In case of "oversaturation" of the skin with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, an allergic reaction is possible, even if this product usually does not cause it in you. To obtain a visible effect, you will need at least 10 procedures. With regular application of masks, it gradually accumulates.
  • The sooner you start targeted eyelid skin care, the longer it will take before the first age-related changes appear. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to what this or that composition is intended for. Young girls are shown moisturizing, nourishing, delicately whitening masks, older ladies - anti-wrinkle and lifting-effect products. If you catch yourself at 40 or even later, the result will be mild or not at all.

What effect can be expected:

  • return to the skin of the eyelids of tone, firmness and elasticity;
  • thickening of thinned skin;
  • reduction of sagging, tightening of the overhanging upper eyelid, general lifting effect;
  • lightening brown age spots;
  • smoothing wrinkles - both crow's feet and mesh on the lower eyelids, and deeper ones;
  • activation of tissue renewal processes at the cellular level;
  • smoothing out negative changes caused by prolonged exposure to natural or artificial ultraviolet radiation;
  • restoration of healthy radiance, even skin tone;
  • softening and restoring the skin (it stops peeling, redness, irritation disappear).

Eye masks, homemade and purchased, give the desired effect only with regular use.

After the specified time, the mask is washed off with plain warm water. It is desirable that it be soft - melted, rain, spring. Even for this, infusions of medicinal herbs, cow's milk diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, are suitable. The fluid must be at body temperature. A good effect in this case is given by chamomile, calendula, cornflower, lime blossom, lemon balm, rose petals.

After washing, apply your usual cream to the skin. Or replace it with any base oils used in cosmetics. The most affordable option is olive oil (cold-pressed Extra Virgin), almond, peach, grape seed, shea, jojoba are also suitable. After ten minutes, remove unabsorbed excess by blotting your eyelids with a paper towel.

After washing off the remnants of the mask, apply your usual eye cream to the skin of the eyelids.

It should be noted that no masks will help if eyelid skin care is not combined with a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and proper nutrition. They are useless if dark circles, bruises, swelling are a symptom of any disease.

Eye masks according to folk recipes

What ingredients will be useful for the skin of the eyelids:

  • After 25 years. To provide the skin of the eyelids with vitamins and microelements, any fruits, berries and vegetables will be useful.

    When choosing fruits for a mask, give preference to seasonal and found in your area.

  • After 30 years. Additional hydration is needed to keep the skin in good shape. Pay attention to homemade dairy products, especially cottage cheese and sour cream, aloe juice. If the skin is dry, masks with cosmetic oils, pharmacy vitamins in capsules, honey, egg yolk are needed.

    Homemade dairy products provide hydration and nutrition to the skin of the eyelids

  • After 40 years. Compositions with a pronounced rejuvenating effect are needed. The necessary ingredients are yeast, potato starch, banana pulp, gelatin.

    Gelatin is hypoallergenic, so masks with it are suitable for almost everyone.

  • After 50 years. The lifting effect should be combined with intensive nutrition. Additional ingredients are added to the composition of anti-aging masks - turmeric, parsley, mango, cosmetic oils.

    Cosmetic oils intensely nourish the skin

There are a lot of folk recipes for masks for the skin of the eyelids. The specific one is selected depending on the problem.

To rejuvenate and maintain skin tone:

  • A tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil. Mix well, put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. You should not abuse this composition, the skin of the eyelids can acquire an unhealthy yellowish tint.
  • A tablespoon of gruel from white cabbage leaves grated on the smallest grater, half a teaspoon of almond oil and liquid honey, a quarter of powdered yeast. If there is no fresh cabbage, sauerkraut is also suitable, but the juice, if it gets into the eyes, will burn strongly.
  • A tablespoon of banana pulp mashed to a puree state, half as much olive oil, a drop of pharmacy vitamin E. Oil can be replaced with milk. If you add a peach to a banana, it will be an effective prevention of vascular "asterisks".

    To prepare the mask, you need to take a ripe banana, even slightly overripe is better.

  • Minced pulp of two aloe leaves, two tablespoons of rose hydrosol (rose water), juice and pulp of two grapes (green, red can stain the skin). Mix everything, add half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.

    Aloe juice will give the maximum effect if you cut the lowest leaves from plants aged three years and older.

  • A tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese or sour cream, a teaspoon of potato starch. Grind thoroughly, pour in the contents of the vitamin A capsule and drip the essential oil of any citrus (neroli is best).
  • A thick gruel made from the pulp of white bread soaked in warm milk.

    White bread is yeast that tightens the skin of the eyelids, milk provides its nutrition and hydration, gives a slight whitening effect.

  • A tablespoon of kelp powder or any other seaweed (you can buy it in online stores or pharmacies), two teaspoons of almond oil. Or you can dilute the powder with milk or cream to a thick slurry.

Video: popular recipes for homemade eye masks

To smooth the first wrinkles and fight swelling:

Video: masks to help smooth the skin on the eyelids

For intensive nutrition:

Against wrinkles and dark circles:

Video: eye mask that gives an effect comparable to Botox

Express masks that quickly smooth fine wrinkles:

Video: eye mask with flax seeds

For an intense lifting effect:

  • A tablespoon of heated fat milk, a teaspoon of cornstarch. Mix well, add mashed avocado pulp and 2-3 drops of jojoba oil.
  • A small boiled potato with skin, mashed, a tablespoon of warm milk, half as much castor oil and freshly squeezed aloe juice. The finished mass should easily roll into a ball.
  • A tablespoon of pressed yeast, about the same amount of warm water. Stir, add two teaspoons of cucumber juice and a couple of drops of rose oil.
  • Pour a bag of gelatin with three tablespoons of water, wait half an hour for it to swell. Heat in a water bath until all the grains are dissolved, not allowing to boil. In the mass that has cooled to body temperature, add two tablespoons of full-fat milk or cream, a couple of drops of frankincense oil. Keep on the eyelids for a maximum of 15 minutes so that the skin does not tighten too much.

    For mature skin and to provide a pronounced lifting effect, it is better to use pressed rather than powdered yeast.

  • Puree from the pulp of half a mango and a quarter of an apple, a teaspoon of liquid honey, a drop of sandalwood essential oil.

    Mango pulp has a complex effect on the skin of the eyelids, which is very important in adulthood.

  • A tablespoon of turmeric, twice as much tomato puree. Mix thoroughly, add a teaspoon of peach oil. To enhance the effect, tomato puree can be mixed with apricot. The skin may turn slightly yellow, after the procedure it is necessary to wash thoroughly.

    Turmeric is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

Video: turmeric for eyelid skin care

The best pharmacy and cosmetics

If you do not trust folk remedies, pay attention to the products of cosmetic brands. Eye masks are available from many brands in all price categories. Most popular:

  • Indulge by Mary Kay. Light gel mask that intensively moisturizes the skin and smoothes fine lines. It also helps to get rid of inflammation and redness. The effect is provided by natural extracts - green tea, rose hips, cucumber. To refresh the skin, the gel in minimal amounts can be applied to the eyelids during the day, even over makeup. The approximate price is 800–1000 rubles.

    Mary Kay's Indulge Gel Mask has a very light texture

  • Secret Key Hydro Gel And Spot Patch by Gold Racoony. The patches have a complex effect, intensively nourishing and moisturizing the skin, smoothing out wrinkles. This is possible due to the very rich composition. Active ingredients - colloidal gold, natural extracts of lavender flowers and rosemary. After removing the patches, drum on the skin of the eyelids with the pads of your fingers, “driving in” the remnants of the product. The price is about 800 rubles.

    Despite the funny name, the Korean brand Gold Racoony produces very high quality cosmetics.

  • Fresh Pie from Chocolatte. Very delicate mask, it can be used even with hypersensitive skin. The tool actively nourishes it and smoothes wrinkles. Useful components - kaolin (white clay) and a complex of oils (cocoa, shea, sesame). The cost is 350-400 rubles.

    Fresh Pie from Choccolatte - a suitable budget option for sensitive eyelid skin

  • Mask-cream restoring Green Style from Liv Delano. Popular Belarusian organic cosmetics. The mask is very suitable for dry skin. Intensive hydration is provided by hyaluronic acid, avocado and macadamia oils smooth wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and tone. A slight feeling of warmth during application is normal. The mask costs about 400 rubles.

    Green Style Revitalizing Cream Mask by Liv Delano is made only from natural ingredients

  • Shiseido Express Smoothing Eye Mask. Patches give a visible effect after the first application, visibly smoothing wrinkles. Active ingredients - algae extracts (mucurossi, chlorella, gambir). The skin of the eyelids becomes almost silky, its relief is evened out, traces of fatigue disappear. The mask can be used both as a course and as an express remedy. It is also suitable for skin care around the lips. The average price is 5000 rubles.

    Shiseido's Express Smoothing Eye Mask is a very effective remedy, but not everyone can afford it.

  • Bio-lifting patches with grape seed oil from Novosvit. The patches have an immediate effect, removing swelling and refreshing the skin of the eyelids, removing signs of fatigue and smoothing fine wrinkles. If there is enough time, you can leave them even overnight, but not more than 12 hours. The average price is 300 rubles.

    Bio-lifting patches with grape seed oil from Novosvit can be left on the eyelids even overnight

  • Soothing Mask Eye Contour by Darphin. The mask is suitable for all skin types. It visibly moisturizes and softens it, smoothes even deep wrinkles. The skin looks well-groomed, as if renewed. Useful ingredients - extracts of cucumber, meadowsweet, centella asiatica, wheat proteins. Price - 1500–1600 rubles.

    Darphin Soothing Mask Eye Contour activates tissue renewal processes at the cellular level

  • C-Vit Eye Contour Patches by SesDerma. Very effective mask in the form of patches. The mask increases the skin's resistance to negative external factors, provides antioxidant protection, smoothes wrinkles, and effectively fights signs of chronic fatigue and bruising under the eyes. Such a complex action is possible due to the presence of vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, caffeine, natural fruit extracts. The average price is 1800–2000 rubles.

    C-Vit Eye Contoue Patches by SesDerma is just a "shock" combination of active ingredients

  • Decleor Hydra Floral Hydrating Eye & Lip Mask. The skin looks healthy and fresh, noticeably tightens, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and dark circles disappear. Base - aromatic water of mint and orange blossom, the composition includes plant extracts (cornflower, ivy, wild violet), as well as bitter orange essential oil. The mask costs 2000-2100 rubles.

    Decleor's Hydra Floral Hydrating Eye & Lip Mask is very rich in natural plant extracts.

  • Mask-filler for the eyelids against wrinkles Secrets of Asia Perfect skin from Vitex. The mask gives a pronounced lifting effect on the skin of any type, "filling" wrinkles and as if "pushing" them to the surface, helps to get rid of swelling and bruising under the eyes. Active ingredients - vitamin A, silk proteins, tsubaki oil, natural ginseng extract. The average price is 150 rubles.

    Mask-filler for the eyelids against wrinkles Secrets of Asia Perfect skin from Vitex is suitable for all skin types

  • Mesomask for eyelids Intensive rejuvenation from Belita. Provides comprehensive care, smoothing wrinkles, intensively nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The mask gives a noticeable lifting effect, erases traces of fatigue. A slight tingling after application is normal. As part of the product - hazelnut oil, wheat germ, extracts of brown algae, lemon balm, horse chestnut, acacia bark, gingko leaves, magnolia flowers. Price - 250–260 rubles.

    The creators of Mesomask for the eyelids Intensive rejuvenation from Belita promise an effect comparable to the salon procedure of mesotherapy

Prevention of wrinkles on the eyelids

It is not yet possible to reverse aging. But it is quite realistic to postpone the moment of manifestation of negative age-related changes. Preventing eyelid skin problems is much easier than dealing with them later.

Effective preventive measures:

  • Try to control your emotions as much as possible. The circumocular muscles are involved in almost all of their manifestations. Of course, you do not need to turn your face into a stone mask. But try not to frown or raise your eyebrows often, not to smile unnaturally wide, not to wrinkle your nose and forehead.
  • Never rub your eyes with your fists, as small children often do. By pressing on the skin of the eyelids, you stretch it, you can even damage the capillaries. Another very bad habit is propping your chin up with your fists.
  • Try to minimize stress. If the specifics of the work do not allow this, regularly devote time to relaxation and facial massage, use special anti-stress cosmetics.
  • Give up bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol have never painted anyone. It is very important and proper nutrition, compliance with the drinking regimen. Carrots, red fruits and vegetables, spinach, broccoli activate the production of natural collagen.
  • Use cosmetics suitable for skin type and age, changing it at least once every six months. Pay attention to the composition. Ideally, there should be no preservatives or artificial flavors at all. The reason to refuse the purchase is the presence of silicones. These tools only mask the shortcomings, and do not fight the problem itself.
  • Never use soap to remove makeup. It is advisable to wash your face with soft water not from the tap.
  • Regularly do special exercises, paying attention not only to the muscles of the eyelids, but also to the forehead area. It is the muscles on the forehead that help keep the eyes “open”. The massage is also very helpful. There are many techniques. A good option, for example, Japanese Asahi massage. With deep wrinkles, your own efforts, most likely, will not be enough, contact a beautician.
  • Do not neglect sunglasses when going out in the summer. This accessory must be of high quality. In cosmetics, the presence of an SPF factor (20 and above) is desirable. Sunscreen for the body for the eyelids is absolutely not suitable.
  • Never go to bed without removing your makeup. Remove all sources of electromagnetic radiation from the bedroom, provide access to fresh air.
  • Try to sleep on a pillow that is not too high. If the head is strongly raised, the normal flow of blood and lymph is disturbed, edema appears. It is also not recommended to sleep with your face buried in a pillow. Very much affects the condition of the skin of the eyelids and chronic lack of sleep.
  • At least once a day, wipe your eyelids with cosmetic ice, wrapping the cube in a linen napkin. You can freeze both ordinary and mineral water, as well as fruit juices, infusions of medicinal herbs.

Video: the nuances of eyelid skin care in adulthood

Contraindications, possible negative consequences, precautions

Despite all the possible benefits, in certain cases, eyelid masks are contraindicated:

  • tendency to profuse lacrimation;
  • chronic eye diseases, especially in the acute stage, accompanied by inflammation;
  • multiple vascular "asterisks" on the eyelids or near the mask application area;
  • any dermatological diseases that appear on the face;
  • facial neuralgia;
  • purulent inflammation, unhealed mechanical damage to the skin (burns, scratches, abrasions, microcracks), manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • identified intolerance to any ingredient of the mask;
  • a period of rehabilitation that has not yet ended after any cosmetic salon procedure;
  • recently undergone plastic surgery, after which the stitches on the face have not yet been removed.

Any masks for dermatological diseases can further worsen the condition of the skin.

Before applying the mask for the first time, be sure to test for allergies. Apply a small amount of the composition to the inside of the elbow or wrist, the skin behind the ear or on the temple. If after 25–30 minutes a negative reaction (itching, burning, rash, redness, swelling) does not appear and there is no deterioration in well-being, the composition is suitable for you.

If during the allergy test the skin condition worsened even a little, discard this mask.

It is worth focusing on the technique of applying the mask. You can not do it with sharp rough movements, press hard. The skin of the eyelids is easily stretched, you can get the opposite effect.

  • At any stage of pregnancy and during the entire period of breastfeeding, it is advisable to choose a mask together with a beautician. He will be able to give advice on the mechanism of its action, which are part of the active ingredients. The reaction of an organism undergoing hormonal changes to some of them can be unpredictable.

Sadly, sooner or later every woman, looking in the mirror, notices that the skin around the eyes no longer looks as fresh and attractive as in her youth. Colors have faded, elasticity has disappeared, thin, yet barely noticeable networks of wrinkles have begun to appear ... If you leave what is happening without attention, every day the sad changes will become more noticeable. But the modern woman has a lot of means to slow down the passage of time. One of these remedies is a tightening mask for wrinkles around the eyes and eyelids at home.

Causes of sagging skin

Who is to blame for the fact that the eyelids have lost their tone and treacherously crawled down, succumbing to gravity? First of all - lived years. They are:

  • "steal" collagen and elastin from the skin, which a mature body can no longer produce in the right quantities;
  • deprive the epidermis of hyaluronic acid, and with it the feeling of pleasant “fullness” and elasticity;
  • accelerate the accumulation of free radicals that damage healthy cells.
With age, the skin loses its ability to produce the substances necessary for elasticity.

However, there is nothing to blame for ruthless time if you yourself actively help him paint his face with:

  • strict diets and a diet that is poor in vitamins and useful minerals;
  • non-compliance with sleep and rest;
  • bad habits;
  • inability to relax in order to withstand stress;
  • love for tanning - both natural and obtained under the ultraviolet lamps of the solarium;
  • too generous use of decorative cosmetics.

The lifting procedure is designed to restore a fresh look to the face, tighten limp eyelids and smooth out wrinkles. In difficult cases, it is performed by a surgical or hardware method, in the lungs - using masks with a specially selected composition.

The role of cosmetic masks in eyelid care

Cosmetic masks have a long list of useful properties. Depending on the composition, they are:

  • cleanse,
  • moisturize,
  • feed,
  • smooth,
  • get rid of edema,
  • improve the color
  • relieve irritation,
  • pull up.

However, there are also some downsides.

Table: pros and cons of masks for the skin around the eyes

With regular use, they have a pronounced effect.They act superficially, without penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, and therefore are powerless in solving serious skin problems and pronounced sagging of the eyelids. Starting from a certain age (40, 45, 50 years - depending on the characteristics of the body), masks can only serve as aids in facial care.
Do not require significant financial investments. Even pharmacy masks sold at a fairly impressive price will cost less than salon procedures.
Easy to use.
There are different types depending on the needs of the skin.

How to choose the right mask for wrinkles around the eyes

A cosmetic mask should be appropriate for the type of skin, age and problem to be solved. Mask selection rules:

  • Do not use in the care of the eyelids a product that is not intended for them. No matter how expensive and effective your face lifting cream is, it should not be applied to the skin around the eyes. Here it is too thin and delicate, so instead of a lift, you are more likely to get swelling.
  • Choose masks for your age category. A remedy intended for young skin will not have an effect on mature skin, while the eyelids of a young lady can give an unpredictable reaction to an anti-age mask with its active ingredients.
  • Although the skin of the eyelids, by definition, should be dry (there are actually no sebaceous glands), in rare cases - due to hormonal failure or excessive activity of the sebaceous ducts located on the forehead - it begins to appear oily and sticky. For women who are faced with such a problem, it makes sense to abandon dense creamy products and try light gel masks for the eyelids.

If a woman has any skin diseases, as well as problems associated with eyelashes and eyebrows, you can choose a mask only after consulting a doctor.

Tightening masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids: purchased and homemade recipes

Masks for the skin around the eyes can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. But do not forget to regularly pamper your eyelids with refreshing and tonic. Complementing each other, they will bring double benefits.

Pharmacy and shops

Today, any self-respecting cosmetics manufacturer has in its catalog several products designed for eyelid skin care.

Meso-System Lifting eye mask

The mask for the skin around the eyes from the Spanish NINELLE promises not only to tighten the skin of the eyelids, but also to erase wrinkles from them, smooth out swelling, start rejuvenating processes, provide intensive nutrition and hydration. According to the manufacturer, the effect of the mask is comparable to the injection of active substances under the skin! And if the latter is in doubt, then the composition of the healing agent certainly deserves attention:

  • green coffee,
  • vitamin E
  • mulberry extract to fight free radicals,
  • grapefruit to even out color and improve eyelid turgor,
  • niacinamide, which restores skin tone.

Everything is applied on a fabric base, which remains only to be applied to clean skin around the eyes and eyelids, and after 15 minutes, remove and do a light massage. Rinse off is not required. The cost of the mask is about 110 rubles.

Meso-System has many masks designed to tighten the skin of the eyelids

Kosmoteros Masque Lift Paupieres Active Lifting Eye Mask

The French brand Kosmoteros has become famous both at home and in the Russian market for its love of natural ingredients and consistently high quality products. This time, he presented to the court of his clients an instant mask, which should, after the first application, invigorate and refresh the skin, rid it of edema and slightly whiten. The mask contains a whole collection of useful extracts:

  • relieving spider veins chestnut,
  • moisturizing cucumber,
  • accelerating the regeneration of aloe cells,
  • energizing ginseng,
  • linden that eliminates sagging,
  • vitamin E
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • HYASEALON component derived from marine molluscs.

With regular use (one sachet once a week for 2 months in a row), the mask stabilizes the water content in the intercellular space of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes, constricts blood vessels. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, after which, without washing off, the skin is treated with a rejuvenating cream, preferably from the same company. The cost of a sachet is 114 rubles.

Kosmoteros products are distinguished by their natural composition

Thin, neat, anatomically shaped patches from the South Korean company Arang are designed to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin of the eyelids, stimulate the process of cell renewal, deal with aging-causing free radicals and even out complexion. The active ingredients of the mask are:

  • marine collagen combined with honey and royal jelly,
  • living extracts of seaweed, ginseng, aloe, ginkgo biloba and purslane,
  • thermal water,
  • vitamins,
  • hyaluronic acid.

Patches are applied to clean, dry skin under the eyes, left for 20-40 minutes, and then the used base is removed, allowing the remnants of the mixture to be absorbed. To achieve the best effect, the mask is recommended to be used first for 10 days in a row, and then once a week to maintain the achieved result. The cost of a package containing a couple of patches is 120 rubles.

South Korea has long established itself as a trusted cosmetics supplier.

Transparent yellowish gel mass with a delicate smell and a pleasant texture easily falls on the skin, toning, moisturizing and strengthening it. In addition, the manufacturer promised the effect of smoothing fine wrinkles, removing dark circles under the eyes and returning the skin to a natural even tone. A little about the composition:

  • green coffee invigorates,
  • kelp and fucus from the highland lakes of Canada promote cell regeneration and increase the elasticity of the epidermis,
  • guarana has a drainage effect,
  • glycerin retains moisture,
  • ChroNOline peptide fights aging.

The mask is applied to clean skin around the eyes and eyelids, kept for 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water. A jar with a volume of 100 mm costs about 900 rubles. The tool is made in Russia.

The Russian manufacturer also has something to offer women

And again, the Spaniards - this time in the face of Dermatime - did not disappoint, putting on the cosmetic market a mask with a creamy texture and rich composition. According to her plan, rejuvenation and eyelid lift should provide:

  • vitamin E
  • biopeptides,
  • glycine,
  • wheat germ and sunflower seed oils,
  • extracts of centifolia rose, mountain arnica, kupena, cypress, licorice and rosemary.

The lifting effect of the mask appears after the first use, but to fix it, the manufacturer advises to repeat the procedure regularly, applying the product twice a week to the cleansed skin around the eyes and leaving it for 12-15 minutes. The mask is washed off with plain water. It costs about 2300 rubles.

Lifting mask for the contour around the eyes has an instant effect

The Israeli brand often pampers its customers with a variety of skin care products, a significant part of which are masks, serums and eye emulsions. In a 30 ml bottle, the craftsmen of Holy Land managed to seal:

  • extracts of ginkgo biloba, pomegranate, green tea, camellia and virginian witch hazel;
  • chamomile oil;
  • Castor oil;
  • tocopherol;
  • linoleic acid and many other no less healing components.

The tool is in high demand, despite the impressive price of 3000-3300 rubles. According to the promises of the manufacturer, the mask provides deep nutrition, smoothing and brightening the skin, relieves swelling, accelerates tissue repair and even reduces scarring. The product is applied to the eyelid area, held for a quarter of an hour and washed off with warm water. The recommended frequency of use is 2 to 4 times a week.

Israeli cosmetics is considered one of the best in the world

Lifting masks at home for the eyelids and the area around the eyes

No matter how many showcases of pharmacies and cosmetic stores are full of ready-made cosmetic masks for any occasion, reasonable beauties never refuse the gifts of nature that protect the skin from premature aging.

vitamin ice

Calling ice wiping a real mask can only be a stretch. Although, on the other hand, the moisture left on the eyelids will be absorbed for some time, supplying the skin with healing substances, and the effect of low temperatures will work like a mini-cryosauna, enhancing the tightening effect. So do not neglect this simple remedy.

You will need:

  • still mineral water;
  • milk, juice of vegetables and fruits, strong brewed green tea.


  1. Combine water with your chosen liquid - milk, juice or tea - in a ratio of 2:1.
  2. Pour into molds and freeze.
  3. Every morning, lightly, without pressure, wipe the eyelids and skin around the eyes with an ice cube. If milk is involved in the recipe, after a while you need to wash with plain water, if juice or tea, leave them to dry on the skin.

Ice invigorates in the morning, tones the skin, prevents sagging of the eyelids.

The power of herbs

Parsley is considered one of the most beneficial herbs for eyelids. It moisturizes young skin, refreshes mature skin, relieves age spots and darkening.

You will need:

  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 1 tsp fat sour cream;
  • 1 capsule Aevita.


  1. Finely chop the parsley with a knife or scroll through it in a blender. You can additionally wash the chopped grass with a knife handle so that the juice stands out.
  2. Mix the mass with sour cream.
  3. Cut the Aevita capsule with nail scissors and add its contents to the mixture.
  4. Put sour cream with parsley and butter on cotton pads, cover your eyes with them and lie down for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

Instead of Aevit, you can take a drop or two of any cosmetic oil: peach, jojoba, wheat germ.

ripe banana

Banana pulp has a good effect on the skin of the eyelids at any age, but this fruit is especially recommended for women after 40 years of age, as an effective means of strengthening and providing vitamins.

You will need:

  • ¼ ripe banana;
  • 0.5 tsp fatty cosmetic oil (avocado, grape seed, sea buckthorn).


  1. Crush the banana with a fork into a liquid pulp.
  2. Mix with oil.
  3. Place the resulting mixture on two cotton pads and cover your closed eyes with them.
  4. Lie down for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

Video: bread, aloe and grapes - three recipes for elastic skin of the eyelids

exotic mango

You will need:

  • 1 slice mango;
  • 1 slice of apple;
  • 1 tsp flower honey;
  • 1 drop neroli or sandalwood essential oil


  1. Grind the pulp of mango and apple into a puree and mix.
  2. Add honey and a drop of essential oil to the mixture.
  3. Apply fruit mass to the skin around the eyes.
  4. Wait a quarter of an hour.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

You should not apply fruit puree with essential oil on your eyelids - the last component causes irritation for many.

cabbage juice and oil

This mask should be used in courses of 10 days no more than 1 time in 2-3 months. Excess fatty oil can be bad for the skin of the eyelids, so it should be handled with care.

You will need:

  • 1–2 tbsp. l. sauerkraut;
  • a little olive or other fatty oil;
  • piece of gauze.


Two hypostases of potatoes

An unpresentable, but healthy vegetable shares the first place with parsley in a series of natural remedies for strengthening the skin of the eyelids. And all thanks to starch, which in its pure form can dry out the eyelids, but when it gets on the skin as part of mashed potatoes, it has an extremely beneficial effect on it.

You will need:

  • 1/2 small potato;
  • 1/2 tsp sour cream;
  • 1/2 tsp fatty oil of your choice.


  1. Wash the potatoes and, without removing the peel, boil.
  2. Pound it into a puree, adding sour cream and butter.
  3. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes.
  4. Wash off with warm water after 20-30 minutes.
  5. Since starch can cause skin to tighten a little, treat it with a moisturizer or a drop of cosmetic oil.

Potatoes will serve you just as well raw. The express version of the mask looks like this: grate a potato, put the resulting mass on cotton pads and cover your eyes with them. After 10-15 minutes, wash your face with warm water and lubricate your eyelids with cream.

Video: linen mask with honey

Contraindications and side effects

It seems to many that a poorly chosen mask cannot deliver serious troubles - in the worst case, it will not work. But it's not. Healing tightening mixtures for the eyelids are not recommended for use:

  • girls under 25–30 years old (we are talking primarily about pharmacy masks) - at this age, the skin should work on its own, without relying on external sources of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the maximum that you are shown is cucumber and parsley;
  • women who have recently undergone plastic surgery - such an intervention requires any effect on the skin to be coordinated with a specialist;
  • anyone who has wounds, scratches or irritation in the eyelids.

Masks for the skin around the eyes should not be left longer than the recommended time, so as not to cause swelling. And each composition that has not been tried before is best applied first to a small area of ​​​​skin on the back of the wrist or elbow bend, where the skin is the thinnest and most delicate, and check if an allergy appears.

If you are over 25 years old, then you are probably familiar with the care of the under-eye area: store creams, cosmetic procedures, “miraculous” serums. But this is not always effective and often expensive. There is an alternative that is available to everyone - homemade eye mask recipes. With the help of them, you can get rid of puffiness, wrinkles and dryness, as well as bruises and bags under the eyes.

Homemade recipes are a storehouse of knowledge that help women look their best at any age. There are many recipes for masks for the eyelid area, because this area is especially prone to age-related changes. She needs daily hydration and nourishment. If you avoid care procedures, then the negative consequences will not be long in coming.

In order for the mask prepared at home to have the best effect, you need to follow some application rules:

  1. Before applying any mask, you should cleanse your face. It is enough to wipe the area around the eyes with a tonic or wash your face with warm water.
  2. Make sure the components are fresh. If you use food as mask ingredients, then check their expiration date. And a mask prepared at home is better to use immediately, rather than store it for a long time.
  3. The mask should be applied along the massage lines, with soft movements, without making any special efforts. The skin around the eyelids is especially delicate and thin, so apply the product with your fingertips, driving the composition a little.
  4. After applying the mask, it is best to lie down and relax. Keep home remedies for the eye area should be no more than half an hour, but it is better to focus on the time indicated in the recipe.
  5. It is enough to use homemade masks 1-2 times a week.
  6. If during the procedure you experience a burning sensation or itching, you should immediately wash off the composition from your face.
  7. The final step is to wash your face with warm water.

The time from 8 to 10 in the morning is considered ideal for taking care of your face.

Fighting wrinkles around the eyes

If you want to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, then pay attention to recipes that include foods rich in moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, for example: honey, cottage cheese, oatmeal, etc. They help tighten the skin, smooth fine wrinkles, nourish face with vitamins and minerals.

Table: recipes for masks for wrinkles in the eyelids

Name of the maskIngredientsCooking methodMode of application
white mask
of bread
  • crumb of white bread;
  • vegetable or butter.
Moisten the crumb in a little warmed oil.
  1. Apply the resulting mass
    on the skin around the eyes.
  2. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  • egg yolk;
  • oat flour.
  1. Add half a teaspoon of honey to a teaspoon of egg yolk.
  2. Pour in the same amount of oatmeal.
  3. To mix everything.
  1. Apply honey paste under the eyes.
  2. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cream;
  • milk.
  1. Mix half a tablespoon of cottage cheese with half a teaspoon of melted honey.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of butter and cream.
  3. Finish off with a tablespoon of milk.
  4. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  1. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off.
  • banana;
  • butter.
  1. Melt the butter first.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of banana pulp with a tablespoon of butter.
  1. Distribute the mask under the eyes with driving movements.
  2. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  • apricot pulp;
  • fat sour cream.
  1. Pulp apricot pre-grind into gruel.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sour cream to a tablespoon of apricot pulp.
  3. Mix.
  1. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes.
  2. Wait 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with water.
  • cereals;
  • milk.
  1. Pour half a tablespoon of oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk.
  2. Wait for the flakes to swell.
  1. Spread the warm mixture under the eyes for 20 minutes.
  2. Then rinse with water.
  1. Pour a tablespoon of flax seed into half a glass of cold water.
  2. Boil until a thick slurry is formed.
  3. Strain the resulting mixture.
  1. Apply the paste on the skin under the eyes.
  2. Withstand 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wash with warm water and then cold.

Photo gallery: ingredients of anti-wrinkle masks under the eyes

Oat masks reduce the number of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes Honey retains moisture for a long time, making the skin radiant, soft and supple Curd masks are an excellent moisturizer, emollient and refreshing agent for all skin types Apricots should not be cold: one hour before preparation take them out of the fridge Banana face masks perfectly moisturize and intensely nourish dry and aging skin Bread rich in vitamins and minerals softens and moisturizes dehydrated epidermis Flax seeds contain a large amount of protein, lignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and fat-soluble vitamins A, D , E, F

Recipes for the elasticity of the skin around the eyes

Over time, the skin around the eyes begins to lose its former freshness and elasticity. The look becomes tired, dryness and appear. It is these factors that indicate that your skin lacks elasticity.

Compresses based on natural ingredients that help restore and renew cells will help restore elasticity to the skin around the eyes:

  • pour a tablespoon of sage with hot water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting infusion and apply a compress to the area under the eyes. Wait 15-20 minutes, rinse off the remnants of the product with water;
  • grate the asparagus on a grater, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry. To two teaspoons of asparagus juice, add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, mix. From the resulting mixture, make a compress under the eyes with a cotton pad. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • Pour dill or parsley seeds into gauze and dip into hot milk. Remove the moistened bag after 2-3 minutes, let it cool slightly. Apply a warm compress to your eyes and leave it like this for 30 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face with warm water.

Photo gallery: ingredients of compresses to restore the elasticity of the eyelids

A sage-based compress will remove the feeling of dryness in the eye area Asparagus juice will perfectly cope with dark circles under the eyes, and also moisturize the eyelid skin well A compress of dill seeds restores skin elasticity, moisturizes and nourishes the area under the eyes

Effectively restore skin tone and masks:

  • grate raw potatoes. The resulting mass should be mixed with a small amount of heavy cream or sour cream and applied to the problem area under the eyes. Wait 20 minutes, rinse with water;
  • combine a teaspoon of honey with three crushed strawberries, mix. Such a mask should be distributed under the eyes for 15–20 minutes, after which it is better to wipe the area around the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in milk;
  • chop the parsley and add some grated potatoes. Apply the mask on the area under the eyes for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Photo gallery: ingredients of masks to restore the elasticity of the eyelids

Strawberry mask smooths small wrinkles, well moisturizes the skin around the eyes Potato mask effectively fights dark circles and dry skin around the eyes Parsley green mask brightens the skin around the eyes, gives it a radiance and a healthy look

The best homemade recipes for swelling and bruising under the eyes

Daily stress, exhausting work and lack of sleep are the main causes of swelling and bruising under the eyes. It is not always possible to eliminate these factors, but it is possible to get rid of their consequences if you take a little time to take care of yourself. Try one of the recipes:

  1. Milk compress. Dip a cotton pad in cool milk and place over your eyes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water. Hollywood stars like to use such a compress, because this is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of puffiness.
  2. Cucumber and aloe. Squeeze juice from a fresh cucumber and mix with aloe extract in a ratio of 1: 1. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid, put it on your eyes. The compress must be kept for 20 minutes.
  3. Infusion of chamomile or calendula. Steam chamomile or calendula flowers, refrigerate. In the resulting infusion, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad, apply the resulting compress to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes, then wash with cool water.
  4. Apple pulp. Grate an apple, apply the resulting slurry to the swollen area, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Green tea. Brew green tea and rose hips, strain. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with cool water.

Video: how to get rid of bags under the eyes

Recipes for tightening masks for the upper and lower eyelids at home

Women of different ages need different care for their skin. This also applies to the area around the eyes. If you are a little over 20, then your skin does not need special products, it will be enough to carry out preventive procedures at home. If your age is more than 30 years, then you should carefully monitor the delicate skin of the eyelids, because it is during this period that the first mimic wrinkles begin to appear. For women in their 40s, under eye care should be a weekly ritual if a fresh and healthy look is your goal.

Table: masks for the skin around the eyes after 30–35 years

Name of the maskIngredientsCooking methodMode of application
Tea room
  • cereals;
  • milk;
  • Black tea;
  1. Pour a teaspoon of cereal with two tablespoons of hot milk.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes to infuse.
  3. Brew a teaspoon of tea.
  4. Melt a tablespoon of honey.
  5. Add these ingredients to cereal with milk.
  6. Stir.
  1. Apply the mask evenly
    on the upper eyelid, if desired, you can also distribute the mixture on the lower eyelid.
  2. Keep it on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • egg yolk;
  • choice of oil: shea, olive or jojoba.
  1. Warm up the oil a little.
  2. Combine the egg yolk with a teaspoon of oil.
  3. Stir.
  1. Spread the mixture over
    problem areas.
  2. Wait 15 minutes and wash off.
honey egg
  • egg yolk.
  1. Warm up a teaspoon of honey, but not too hot, otherwise the egg yolk will simply curdle.
  2. Whisk honey and yolk.
  1. Apply the mask immediately after whipping
    thin layer.
  2. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Then wash with warm water.
  • Wheat flour;
  • banana;
  • butter.
  1. Mix a tablespoon of melted butter with a teaspoon of banana pulp.
  2. Add some wheat flour, mix well.
  1. This mask is best used immediately.
    after cooking.
  2. Apply it to the area under the eyes.
  3. Wait 10 minutes and wash off.

Photo gallery: ingredients for masks around the eyes after 30–35 years

Wheat flour mask removes dark circles under the eyes Black tea helps with swelling under the eyes Egg yolk mask helps get rid of the impending eyelid, nourishes and moisturizes Jojoba oil smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates dryness in the eyelid area

Table: masks and compresses for the skin around the eyes after 40 years

Name of the maskIngredientsCooking methodMode of application
  • dill greens;
  • parsley;
  • sour cream;
  • olive oil.
  1. Grind greens in a blender.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with the same amount of greens.
  3. Add 2-3 drops of olive oil.
  4. We mix.
  1. Apply a mask under the eyes for 20 minutes.
  2. Wash off with warm water.
chamomiledried chamomile flower
  1. Soak chamomile flowers in hot water.
  2. We insist half an hour.
  1. Wet a cotton pad with the resulting decoction.
  2. The compress is applied to the eyes for 20 minutes.
from coriander
coriander seeds
  1. Three teaspoons coriander seeds
    brew with hot water.
  2. Let it brew for 60 minutes.
Apply a compress to problem areas for 30 minutes.
Radish mask
  • olive oil;
  • radish;
  • high fat cream.
  1. Mix a teaspoon of oil with two
    tablespoons of grated radish.
  2. Add three teaspoons of cream.
  3. To mix everything.
  1. Use the mask immediately after preparation, applying to problem areas.
  2. Keep it on for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Then wash off with warm water.

The best masks for mature skin from 50 years

After 50 years, the skin requires special care. You can take care of preserving youth with the help of masks:

  • yeast mask. Pour one teaspoon of yeast with boiled hot milk, leave to swell. Add a teaspoon of honey, apply the mixture all over the face, paying special attention to the area around the eyes. This mask should be kept for at least 30 minutes;
  • plantain mask. Mix crushed fresh plantain leaves with honey, to achieve a more liquid consistency, you can add a little boiled water. Spread the mask over the area around the eyes, leave for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face with warm water;
  • glycerin mask. Dilute pharmacy glycerin with melted honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply to the area under the eyes, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse;
  • currant mask. Crush currant berries into gruel, add a little grated cucumber and a teaspoon of sour cream. Stir. You should get a thick consistency. If the mask comes out too liquid, then add a little wheat flour. Apply to the area under the eyes or all over the face. Keep this mask should be 15-20 minutes;
  • pea mask. Boil the peas, crush into gruel and mix with two tablespoons of cream. Apply to face, wash off after 20 minutes.

Water is a source of beauty and health. If you drink enough water per day, the skin of the face will be elastic and toned.

How to prevent deep wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes

The best way to eliminate wrinkles is to prevent them. In fact, it doesn’t take much to make your face look fresh and rested:

  • healthy sleep. A person who observes the daily routine will be healthy both externally and internally.
  • the right pillow. A pillow for sleeping should be medium in size, thin enough and comfortable for you. Avoid a position in which the head is too high up, as the blood in this case may not circulate properly, which leads to puffiness and bags under the eyes.
  • no mechanical effect on the skin of the eyelids. Don't rub your eyes with your hands! If you wake up, it is better to wash yourself with warm water, or apply an herbal compress to the eyelid area.
  • daily care for the skin around the eyes. The appearance of wrinkles is a consequence of too pronounced facial expressions. If you go out on a sunny day, be sure to wear sunglasses so you don't squint in bright light. Also, do not read in low light or while lying down.
  • regular care with the help of homemade and purchased cosmetics. Homemade eye masks are great for all ages, so don't neglect them.

Video: massage for wrinkles and bags under the eyes

The aging process is the natural order of things. It is impossible to avoid it, but it is quite possible to minimize age-related changes. To do this, it is enough just to take care of yourself. Wanting to preserve your beauty, pay special attention to the skin of the face and the area around the eyes, because if our eyes are fresh and rested, this is already half the success.

The skin of the eyelids is extremely delicate, thin and rather sensitive, as it is practically devoid of a protective lipid layer and collagen fibers, and at the same time it is subjected to enormous loads and negative external factors every day.

That is why it is in the eye area that you can see the first mimic and age wrinkles, and over the years there is a drooping (ptosis) of the upper and lower eyelids, which is often accompanied by swelling.

In addition to special cosmetic products, simple lifting eye masks, which are prepared at home, have an undeniable effect.

Combinations of natural ingredients allow you to enhance the effect of each other and thereby achieve the desired result, so regular procedures help reduce the signs of skin aging in this area of ​​​​the eyes and increase its elasticity.

Rules for the use of masks

Masks are applied over closed eyes. To remove puffiness, the mixture is pre-cooled in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or cold components are taken immediately. Liquid mixtures are impregnated with gauze and applied as a compress.

After any mask in the morning, we use a moisturizer, and if the procedure was carried out in the evening, then a nourishing one. Since the skin around the eyes is very sensitive and many are prone to irritation and redness, it is advisable to test any composition on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Lifting eye masks are washed off with cool water or with cotton pads soaked in mineral water, hydrolat or milk. Regularity of procedures 1-2 times a week.

Recipes for eye masks with a tightening effect

Moisturizing eye mask

To prepare the mixture, mix 1 tsp. thick Greek yogurt, 1 tsp. aloe vera gel, 0.5 tsp ground oatmeal and 0.5 tsp. cucumber puree. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. This composition deeply moisturizes, tones and tightens the skin.

Eye mask after 40 years

The composition nourishes the skin, slows down aging and has a pronounced lifting effect. You will need 1 tsp. sour cream and an aevit capsule. Vitamins A and E stimulate cell renewal and regeneration, moisturize, enhance the protective functions of the epidermis, promote oxygenation and collagen production. Apply the resulting mixture on the eyelids and leave for 20 minutes.


Cucumber perfectly removes puffiness, tones and moisturizes the epidermis, and starch tightens. To 1 tbsp. l. cucumber puree, add a pinch of starch, mix the ingredients well and apply on the eye area. Cover with gauze or discs on top. Wash off after 20 minutes.

From algae

The recipe uses spirulina powder. The polyphenols and amino acids it contains are powerful antioxidants that moisturize and prevent premature aging. Active biocomponents and omega fatty acids in base oils deeply nourish, strengthen, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Mix the powder with mineral water, and preferably pink, in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 tsp of powder and 2 tablespoons of water) to obtain a homogeneous paste, add 0.5 tsp. prickly pear, raspberry or jojoba oil and mix again. Apply on the eyelids with a layer of 2 mm. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Potato mask

Finely grate 1 tbsp. l. raw potatoes, mix it with rice flour to make a thick mass. Put on eyelids and leave for 15 minutes. The composition well removes puffiness and tones.


Dip a cotton pad or brush into the egg white and apply to closed eyelids. Wait 15 minutes and wash your face. The protein is known for its lifting properties and helps to firm the skin.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask

Mix 1 tbsp. l. banana puree with 0.5 tsp. avocado oils. Apply for 20 minutes and wash off. Avocado oil has anti-aging properties, and banana nourishes, moisturizes and promotes the elasticity of the epidermis.

In addition to masks, it is useful to carry out oil and ice massage of the eyelids. In the first case, shea butter or coconut oil melted in a steam bath is used. Massage is carried out with fingertips, gently massaging the eye area for several seconds. Blot the rest of the oil with a napkin.

For ice massage, frozen decoctions of herbs are used. The procedure is carried out in the morning, and its duration is about 10 seconds, until the skin turns pink. Then immediately apply a moisturizer or base oil.

Both procedures strengthen the skin, restore its elasticity, improve nutrition and blood circulation.

As you can see, home-made tightening eye masks do not take much time and cost and perfectly complement the effect of cosmetics.

The beauty of the eyes is based not only on radiance, but also on the excellent appearance of the eyelids. So, the slightest omissions can lead to a significant visual "flow" of the whole look. The presented phenomenon is not uncommon. Such eyes look rather dull, which causes a certain kind of discomfort among the fair sex. Here you can use an expensive cosmetic procedure - lifting, but a natural eyelid mask that tightens at home is no less effective. What kind of remedy is this? How to use it, when to start treatment?

Before analyzing the questions of how to tighten the eyelids at home, you should think about the prevention of the presented phenomenon. First you need to familiarize yourself with the possible causes of an unpleasant moment. These include:

  • lack of sleep - leads to swelling and, as a result, to the premature formation of wrinkles;
  • uncomfortable and incorrect pillow - an excessively soft or hard pillow is harmful to health;
  • bad habits - dehydrate or vice versa - lead to edema;
  • improper or unbalanced nutrition - reflected by a deficiency of useful trace elements;
  • weak facial muscles are symptoms of age-related changes.

You should think about a facelift at home even at a young age, when age-related changes are out of the question. It is important to follow some simple rules for eyelid skin care, since it is the most vulnerable and easily exposed to the external environment.

The following are important aspects of prevention:

  1. When using age-related cosmetics, it is necessary to give preference only to those products that correspond specifically to your age category.
  2. Cosmetologists advise to moisturize the skin around the eyes from the age of 20. Here you can apply special expensive cosmetics or use simple fresh cucumbers. A kind of 10-minute compresses from two circles of cucumbers are used daily. This will save you from further resolving the issue of how to tighten the upper eyelid at home, where morning swelling is often the cause of the disease due to a lack of necessary fluid in the skin layers of the eyelids.
  3. Try not to squint. Even if you have impaired vision, use lenses or glasses. Only when choosing these two means to improve vision, attention should be paid to their quality.
  4. Gradually replace artificial cosmetics with natural products that are easy to prepare at home.
  5. Wipe the skin around the eyes and entire face daily with an ice cube.
  6. The application of cosmetic and home remedies should be carried out only with fingertips with patting movements. Observe the direction of the massage lines when applying.

For the beauty of the face, it is important to abandon the use of harmful foods and drinks, as well as cigarettes and other means. In addition, you should follow the rules of healthy sleep - you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Video: Exercises: how to remove hanging eyelids

Serious disease and methods of its elimination

There is a rather serious disease, which also entails the presented unpleasant manifestations. This disease is called ptosis of the upper eyelid, the treatment of which at home requires a lot of effort. It is better to start treatment in the early stages. So, more likely to eliminate an unpleasant ailment.

So, ptosis is a disease characterized by overhanging and further sagging of the upper eyelid. The causes of an unpleasant symptom include:

  • age-related changes;
  • transferred stress, resulting in paresis of the oculomotor nerve;
  • muscle atrophy, provoked by a variety of situations;
  • past trauma or the presence of a tumor;
  • hobby for botox.

Ptosis requires accurate diagnosis to determine the stage of the disease. After the diagnosis, you can apply conservative treatment or resort to a quick surgical method. Also effective are products that are easy to use at home. These include massage, gymnastics and folk remedies.

The following remedies are among the folk remedies for eliminating the impending eyelid over the eyes due to the occurrence of ptosis:

  1. Ice cubes from herbal infusions. To begin with, you should prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs that help eliminate swelling and characteristic swelling. The most popular is an infusion of chamomile flowers. To prepare it, a tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, and then insisted for an hour. The infusion can be used as a compress and then poured into molds and frozen. Wipe the skin around the eyes twice a day.
  2. Compresses. In the same way and in the same proportions prepare the composition for compresses. For infusion, take chopped parsley or birch leaves. Compresses are applied to the eyes twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of ptosis is a rejuvenating eyelid mask tightening at home.

Video: Mask from impending eyelids

How to strengthen the upper eyelid at home

Strengthening the upper eyelid can be done in several ways. Here they use masks and creams, self-prepared at home.

Rejuvenating eye masks

Eye masks are easy to make at home. Here are the products that have a tightening effect:

  1. Parsley and sour cream. For cooking, use a teaspoon of a dairy product and parsley juice. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes.
  2. Egg yolk. To prepare the mask, thoroughly mix the raw yolk and lemon juice from half the fruit. To the resulting mixture, add a tablespoon of linseed and olive oil. The mixture is applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour, and washed off with warm milk.

These are fairly simple remedies that answer questions about how to tighten your eyelids at home.

How to relieve swelling of the eyelids at home

Edema occurs due to manifestations of versatile causes: drinking plenty of water, salty foods, impaired renal function. There is the easiest way to eliminate edema - the use of boiled potatoes. The potato tuber is boiled, allowed to cool and cut into two halves while warm. Apply halves to the eyes for half an hour.

There are also more labor-intensive methods. For example, parsley roots are grated and spread over the eyes. After 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off.

These are the most effective methods on how to relieve swelling of the eyelids at home. Use them as needed.

eye cream recipe

There are many recipes for making eye cream at home. The simplest and most effective is the composition with lanolin. Mixed here:

  • a tablespoon of the main component;
  • one and a half tablespoons of almond oil;
  • just a teaspoon of lecithin;
  • a tablespoon of plain cold water.

Almond oil and lanolin are kept in a water bath for several minutes. Then remove from the bath and add the remaining two components. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spatula. Apply to the face daily. Store the resulting cream in the refrigerator.

Knowing how to remove the overhanging eyelid at home, you can significantly save on expensive cosmetic procedures. You should not acquire the most innovative developments - they can develop severe allergies. Only natural ingredients are safe for weak and defenseless eyelids.

Video: Mask for the skin around the eyes

Be healthy!