Breath of a newborn. When your baby is not breathing: a detailed breakdown of resuscitation

If you have a stuffy nose in a baby or a newborn, you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor should examine the child and find out the causes of difficult nasal breathing. It is strictly forbidden to use nasal vasoconstrictor drops without the appointment of a pediatrician.

Nasal congestion in infants only at first glance seems to be a “banality”. Newborns and infants should be closely monitored by medical professionals. Perhaps the cause of a stuffy nose lies in improper care or is physiological in nature. But still, it is better to find out this issue with the doctor.

On the importance of nasal breathing

If the nose of the baby does not breathe, then there is no complete moisturizing, purification, warming of the inhaled air. Such a baby will often get sick with SARS. But there are other, even more serious consequences of obstructed nasal breathing.

  • For babies, normal nasal breathing is extremely important. Because for full-fledged breathing through the mouth, he has not yet physiologically matured. In infants up to 6 months, the tongue pushes the cartilage of the larynx back and blocks the movement of air. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, which negatively affects the overall development of the body. It is important to know about this and try to resume normal nasal breathing as soon as possible.
  • neurological disorders. Hypoxia can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure, a violation of the functions of the central nervous system. A baby with difficulty in nasal breathing is naughty, sleeps poorly.
  • Complications in the ENT organs. Swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion impairs filtration and drainage functions, which leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora and inflammation of the middle ear, adenoids, and paranasal sinuses.
  • Weight loss. If the baby does not breathe through the nose, feeding turns into torment - the baby cannot suckle without interruption, because he is suffocating. As a result, the baby becomes restless, eats poorly and does not gain weight. And this entails a number of other dangers in infancy.

Why is the nose stuffed up in the baby

It is important to determine the causes that caused nasal congestion in an infant. This will help to take adequate measures to provide assistance.

  • Physiological formation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. After birth, within about 2-3 months, the mucous membrane is formed. During this period, its swelling persists, the regulation of mucus is disturbed (sometimes too much, sometimes very little), crusts quickly form in the nose.
  • SARS. One of the first respiratory symptoms is a runny nose. Snot can be liquid and flow out of the nose, then nasal breathing is difficult, but still persists. And there may be thick snot, then the baby has a stuffy nose, the baby grunts, sniffs, is nervous during feeding. Read more about the treatment of a runny nose in infants in our other article.
  • Dry and hot indoor air. This is especially true during the heating season, when in most residential premises the air temperature rises above 22 ° C, and the average humidity is 30%. These parameters are especially harmful to the delicate and sensitive nasopharyngeal mucosa of infants. With such air in the nose, mucus quickly dries up, crusts form, which make it difficult to breathe through the nose.
  • Overheat. In infants, the system of thermoregulation is not formed: babies quickly freeze and quickly overheat. A child who is too warmly dressed has increased sweating. This leads to frequent drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  • Nasal obstruction during teething. In the process of teething, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nasopharynx swells, becomes easily permeable, inflamed. Also during this period, the child's immunity is weakened, and it is easier for him to catch ARVI, a runny nose and all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, during teething, it is recommended to limit the contact of the baby with other people in order to reduce the risk of infection.
  • household allergens. They have been talked about a lot lately, but few parents attach great importance to room hygiene. In everyday life, a person is surrounded by various types of allergens. This is house dust, in which dangerous mites live. This includes household chemicals, washing powders, hygiene products, and animal hair.
  • Pathology of the nasal passages. Congenital anomalies and narrowing of the nasal passages are fortunately rare. However, they cannot be ruled out either. One of the most common congenital pathologies is the closure, fusion of the choana (exit from the nose into the nasopharynx). In this case, complete or partial nasal obstruction occurs.

To rule out pathologies of the nose and nasopharynx, you need to contact a pediatric otolaryngologist. The first preventive examination at the ENT is recommended after 3 months, then it is repeated at 1 year. But if there are persistent signs of difficulty in nasal breathing in a newborn or infant up to three months of age, you cannot wait for a scheduled visit to a specialist.

Why does the baby grunt and sniff when breathing

The respiratory rate in babies is up to 40 times per minute (for example, in an adult - 16 times per minute). Babies breathe irregularly, besides sniffing and even snoring. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, which is explained by swelling and narrowness of the nasal passages. Many mothers are worried when a baby grunts through his nose. But in most cases, the answer is comforting: the baby will grow up, the nasal passages will expand, and the baby will breathe silently and rhythmically.

Why is nasal congestion without snot

Why does the baby have a stuffy nose, but there is no snot? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. There may be several reasons.

  • allergic rhinitis. The absence of snot may indicate an allergic reaction in the baby. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is caused by flowering plants. The cause of persistent nasal congestion can be household allergens, as well as food allergies.
  • Congenital pathologies. Nasal congestion without snot may be associated with various anomalies of the nasal passages and nasopharynx, which were mentioned above.
  • Inflammation of the adenoids. Adenoiditis in infants, although in rare cases, but still occurs. Only examination and special diagnostics can confirm this diagnosis.
  • Sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses occurs as a complication after SARS, influenza, measles, bacterial infections. In newborns and infants up to a year, ethmoiditis occurs - a type of sinusitis, in which the ethmoid sinus becomes inflamed. The disease progresses and is difficult to treat.

With constant nasal congestion, without signs of SARS, you need to contact an allergist-immunologist.

Is it necessary to clean the nose of a baby and how to do it

Previously, nose cleaning was on the list of mandatory and daily hygiene procedures. Today you can also meet the opposite opinion: once again do not touch the nose at all if it breathes normally. Even if the baby grunts with his nose, this does not mean that the procedure should be carried out immediately. After all, the mucosa is a self-cleaning system. Tiny cilia grow on the epithelium of the nasal mucosa, which push out dust and excess mucus. If the air in the room is sufficiently humid and cool, the mucous membrane does an excellent job of cleansing.

Correct cleaning algorithm

With dry and hot air, the baby immediately forms crusts in the nose. They can only be removed mechanically. How to do it right?

  1. A piece of cotton should be twisted into a tube (turunda, flagellum) about 5 cm long.
  2. One end of the turunda should be wide, and the other narrower.
  3. Lightly moisten a cotton swab with boiled water.
  4. Insert the turunda into the nasal passage with the narrow end, carefully twist and pull it out.
  5. If one turunda is not enough, you need to use the next one.
  6. For the other nostril we make a new turunda and do the same.
  7. If the nasal passages are blocked with dried mucus, you need to drop 2 drops of saline solution into the nostril, and then clean the nasal passage with a cotton swab.

Instead of boiled water, you can use pharmacy saline solutions or prepare them yourself at home. Also, turundas can be moistened with boiled vegetable oil (olive, peach, almond and others).

What can not be done?

  • Use cotton swabs to clean your nose. They are long and wide enough for a small nose. They can injure the mucous membrane and disrupt the structure of the nasal passages.
  • Use concentrated saline solutions. To prepare a homemade solution, you need 1 liter of boiled water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Concentrated solutions can burn and dry out the mucosa.
  • Spray nose with aerosols. These drugs are not suitable for young children. Under pressure, the sprayed liquid from the aerosol will enter the middle ear through the auditory tube, which can cause otitis media. Also, young children should not be washed out the nose, you can only bury it.
  • Observe the depth of entry into the nasal passages. It should not exceed more than 2 cm.

What to do if the baby has a stuffy nose? If this is a symptom of SARS, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication and, as an "ambulance", nasal vasoconstrictor drops. Read more about nose drops for children under one year old in our other article. If the reason is dry air, overheating of the baby or household allergens, then the responsibility lies with the parents.

Nasal congestion in infants is often explained by a banal everyday problem: dry air leads to the formation of crusts in the nose, which makes nasal breathing difficult. But there are more serious reasons: thick snot with ARVI, complications after viral and bacterial infections, swelling of the mucosa during an allergic reaction, pathology of the nasal passages. Only a specialist can assess the condition of the baby and identify the cause of difficult nasal breathing.


Parents of a child, especially a baby, often worry about his development and adaptation to the outside world. Some reactions of the baby are different from adults. It happens that sometimes a child in a dream holds his breath for a few seconds. An attentive mother will definitely notice him and may be very afraid for the health of the child. Is it worth it to be afraid? What are the reasons for this state of crumbs?

Reasons for holding your breath

Periodic breathing most often occurs in children under 6 months of age. For them, this is considered the norm and does not require medical intervention. As much as 5-10% of the time a child spends in a dream can fall on such pauses.

Uneven breathing during sleep can have objective causes:

  1. Oxygen deficiency. There is cyanosis of the extremities, the skin around the mouth or on the body. Most often occurs in children under 1 year old. Symptoms - the child gasps for air, cannot take a deep breath.
  2. Infectious diseases. Whistling, loud snoring, gurgling are added. Inflammation of the lungs is often accompanied by an increase in the rhythm, its acceleration.
  3. A lost rhythm in combination with shortness of breath suggests that the child has an elevated body temperature. Shortness of breath can also be observed with heart problems.
  4. False croup and bronchitis with obstruction. Symptoms - lost rhythm, noisy exhalation, cough.

Types of breath holding in children

There are two types of periodic breathing, depending on the symptoms:

  1. cyanoid. Symptoms - sudden cessation of breathing, the rapid spread of cyanosis to the limbs and face, the color of the skin can be from pale blue to deep purple.
  2. The second option often goes unnoticed by parents because it causes pallor. There is a sharp outflow of blood from the skin. The child may even lose consciousness in a dream.

Seizures may be added to these symptoms. It also increases muscle tone. Since periodic breathing occurs during sleep, the child cannot influence the situation.

Complications of frequent pauses in breathing during sleep

This condition occurs most often in children under the age of 2-5 years. By the age of 4, more than half of the babies have all signs disappear. In 17%, symptoms can occur episodically even in adulthood.

The most dangerous condition, especially for newborns and infants, is apnea - a sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep. The disease manifests itself in blue skin (especially around the mouth and nose), disruption of the heart, oxygen starvation. Most often, premature babies suffer from it, in which the respiratory centers in the brain are not fully formed. Heredity, birth trauma, complications during pregnancy of the mother, and infectious diseases also matter.

Sleep apnea refers to episodes of sleep interruptions for more than 10 seconds and at least 15 times per hour. OSAS (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) occurs in approximately 2% of children. It usually occurs after 2 years of age. The causes may be diabetes mellitus, ENT pathologies, neuromuscular disorders, GERD, arterial hypertension. Apnea is especially dangerous for infants and newborns - the disease can lead to sudden death of the baby.

Diagnosis of breathing in babies

With frequent episodes of periodic breathing, you should definitely show the child to the pediatrician. He may be prescribed an examination - polysomnography. It is carried out in a hospital and can take several days (more precisely, nights). Before going to bed, high-precision sensors are installed on the child's body, which will record the physiological processes in the body throughout the night. The results show the number of pauses in breathing and their duration.

In newborns and infants, breathing can normally be intermittent and uneven, since not all systems and organs have had time to “ripen”. Before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to measure the respiratory rate at home. In infants, the measurement process can be carried out visually, observing the rise of the chest for a minute. You can simply put your hand on your baby's chest and count your breaths.

Respiration rates vary:

  • newborn - 40-60 breaths in one minute;
  • 1-2 months - 35-47;
  • up to three years - 28–35;
  • 4–9 years old - 24–30;
  • 10-12 years old - 18-20.

Write down the testimony on a piece of paper and show it to the local pediatrician. Additionally, examinations by an otolaryngologist, neuropathologist and other "narrow" specialists may be required if the cause of periodic breathing or apnea is pathology.

Apnea Treatment Methods

The most common cause of sleep apnea in children 2–7 years of age is chronic tonsillitis or adenoiditis, so surgery to remove the tonsils may be recommended. If the cause is impaired nasal breathing (for example, allergic or chronic rhinitis), symptomatic treatment is indicated: washing the nasal passages, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. An abnormal development of the nose or jaw can also lead to sleep apnea. In this case, surgical correction or wearing special devices during sleep is used.

For newborns and infants, SINP therapy is indicated for moderate or severe apnea. Its essence is to put on the child before going to bed an oxygen mask, which is connected with a hose to the air supply apparatus. In this case, respiratory arrests in children during sleep are excluded.

It is important for parents to know what to do if they find a non-breathing baby. Be sure to wake him up, but be very careful. If the skin begins to turn blue, call an ambulance. In the case when the child does not begin to breathe, it is necessary to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation before the ambulance arrives. Any pause in breathing for more than 10-15 seconds should be a reason for an urgent call to the hospital.

The baby sniffs and grunts, but a cold is excluded, and the nose is clean? Does this problem occur when the baby sleeps or eats?

Do not panic ahead of time: everything is not as scary as it seems.

Why does this happen, and how to make the newborn's breathing easier?

It would seem that all the difficulties are behind, the baby was born healthy and is already at home. But mom, listening to the baby's breathing, gets scared: where do these wheezing come from, why is breathing difficult?

In a panic, there are enough droplets, “just in case” bought before the birth, trying to drip a nose ...

First, let's figure it out - are drops needed, and which ones?

Causes of difficult breathing in babies

The very first thing that parents think of when sniffling and wheezing appears is that the child has a cold.

However, with a cold, breathing difficulties are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Runny nose and breathing through the mouth.
  • Cough.
  • Throat redness.
  • Often - an increase in temperature.

If all this is not there, and the pediatrician does not see signs of acute respiratory infections, most likely the cause of grunting and sniffing is physiological or pathological .

Features of the structure of the nasopharynx of a newborn

In infants, the nasopharyngeal organs are still immature and continue to form during the first year of life. The nasal cavity is low and narrow, the middle and upper nasal passages are still underdeveloped, and the lower one is completely absent, starting to form from 6 months, and finally formed by adolescence.

1.2 - nasal passage; 3 - lower nasal passage; 4 - nasopharynx; 5 - language; 6 - thyroid gland; 7 - trachea; 8 - left lung; 9 - heart; 10 - diaphragm; 11 - right lung; 12 - thymus; 13 - oral cavity; 14 - palate; 15 - folds of the nasal cavity.

The mucous membrane of the nose is extremely delicate, it has many capillaries and blood vessels, so at the slightest irritation it swells, and already narrow nasal passages decrease.

The auditory tube passes close to the nasopharynx, which is why often even a common cold can give a complication to the ears.

Physiological Causes of Difficulty Breathing in Babies

Being in the amniotic fluid during fetal development, the child does not breathe through the nose. Therefore, when born, the baby is not ready to use his respiratory organs to the fullest.

After birth, the nasal mucosa is dry, but already on the first day, adaptation to new breathing conditions begins, mucus begins to be produced.

Sometimes it is produced a lot, while the nasal passages of the crumbs may already be average.

The mucus that accumulates on the back wall of the nasopharynx does not drain well into the larynx, and the child is not yet able to expectorate it on his own. When breathing, it vibrates, from which a grunting sound is heard.

Grunting and sniffling may result from too dry air in the room. The mucous membrane dries up, crusts form in the nose, which impede the passage of air.

The nasal mucosa can become irritated and swell for a reason frequent regurgitation . A short esophagus causes gastric contents to spill out into the nasopharynx, causing it to become inflamed and provoke difficulty in breathing.

Pathological causes of respiratory failure in newborns

A baby can be born with pathological changes in the structure of the respiratory system. For example, with curvature of the nasal septum or anomalies of the nasal passages.

Immediately after birth, it may not be noticeable, but it will manifest itself during the first months of life. An experienced ENT will detect abnormalities on examination. Pathologies are eliminated surgically.

Even babies, unfortunately, are not immune from neoplasms. Tumors can occur in the nasal cavity. As a rule, they rarely metastasize, but are detected at an early stage, and nothing threatens the health and breathing of the baby after the operation.

Foreign body and difficult breathing

Drinking regime

It is especially important if the baby is artificial, give him water. But the lack of liquid is also harmful for a breastfed baby.

Dryness of the nasal mucosa, grunting and sniffing when breathing is just a sign that the body does not have enough fluid.

Comfortable microclimate in the room

To make the baby breathe easier, in the room where he sleeps and is awake, you need to observe the temperature and humidity regime.

“First of all, it is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate in the nursery,” advises neonatologist E. Komar (Rostov-on-Don). - And this implies a room temperature not higher than 24 ° C and sufficient air humidity: about 70%. This becomes especially relevant in winter, when heating and rare ventilation create negative conditions for breathing not only for babies, but also for adults.”

It is not at all necessary to buy a humidifier if your financial situation does not allow: a wet towel on a hot radiator will be a successful alternative.

Ventilation and wet cleaning contribute to maintaining an ideal microclimate in the house.


Regular exposure to fresh air improves the child's condition: the air outside (naturally, not on a gassed avenue, but in park areas or squares) is saturated with pure and optimally humidified oxygen.

This is not only not desirable, but also impossible!

  • Instill breast milk into the nose. The myth about the benefits of milk in the fight against a runny nose and difficult breathing has long been debunked: milk, drying out, forms crusts that further interfere with normal breathing.
  • Use vasoconstrictor drops unnecessarily. Not only is vasoconstriction harmful, but also there is an addiction to them.
  • Suction mucus (not snot) with an aspirator. The more often the mucus is sucked out, the more it appears.
  • Inhalations. They are needed only in the treatment of acute respiratory infections without complications and temperature. With a physiological runny nose, inhalations lead to the effect of a “lazy nose”.
  • Refuse to swim for fear of exacerbating the condition of the child.

If there is no fever, runny nose and cough, shortness of breath - no reason to cancel water procedures. A warm bath will have a relaxing effect, dilate the blood vessels, and it will become easier for the baby to breathe.

In addition, bathing is also hardening, which means prevention of a real runny nose and colds.

On average, with the child's respiratory system becomes relatively adapted to the outside world, and physiological breathing problems leave the baby.

But sometimes the process can take up to a year.

You should not refuse observation by a pediatrician and an ENT, this will allow you to track possible complications in time and reassure young parents.

Mom bent over the crib, looks at the sleeping baby and can't get enough of it. This is her baby, her baby, her blood. Mom examines cute features, kisses tiny fingers, listens to the baby's breathing ...

Without breath there is no life

Respiration is an important physiological process by which oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide exits. Breathing gives a person energy for life. Not a single living being on our planet can live without breathing. A person without air lives a maximum of 5-9 minutes. World records have been set for staying in an airless space up to 18 minutes, and then after special training.

The process of human breathing is divided into two stages. When you inhale, air enters the lungs through the airways, which is separated in the blood into oxygen and carbon dioxide. The second stage involves the saturation of the body with oxygen. Oxygen is carried by the arterial blood from the lungs to all organs. Venous blood collects carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is released during exhalation.

Biologists and physicians have proven the possibility of curing various diseases with the help of special breathing exercises. In Russia and the countries of the world, the methods of V. F. Frolov, A. N. Strelnikova, K. P. Buteyko, I. P. Neumyvakin, V. N. Khrustalev are known, which proved that correct frequent breathing helps to overcome diseases, improve well-being and even build. Children can be taught proper breathing from the age of two.

Respiratory system of babies

In infancy, this system is of particular importance. Not all organs have yet developed and work fully, so the breath of a newborn becomes a life-supporting moment in the body of the crumbs.

Almost all systems of an infant, including the respiratory system, differ from the corresponding systems of an adult, their work has age-specific features that provide the desired age regimen.

The upper and lower airways of an infant are too small for adequate deep breathing. The nose and nasopharynx are short and narrow, so even a small mote causes the baby to sneeze, and a slight runny nose becomes dangerous due to hyperemia of the mucous layer and a decrease in the lumen of the nasal passages and larynx. Not only diseases, but also dust and small specks, getting into a tiny nose, cause sniffling, whistling, snoring.

That is why it is necessary to clean the baby's nose in time and make every effort to prevent colds and viral diseases. Dangerous at this age are rhinitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and any other inflammation. The best preventive action to protect against disease, as well as to develop the respiratory muscles and improve breathing, are massage and gymnastics.

The specificity of the breathing of infants

All tiny systems and organs of the newborn work in an enhanced mode. At birth, the body is not formed, the respiratory organs are anatomically and physiologically immature, and the child's body works, grows, develops. Even the pulse rate in a baby is about 140 beats / min, that is, almost twice as much as in an adult.

The respiratory system of a newborn is not yet mature, it works in an enhanced mode. Normally, the pulse in infants reaches 140 beats / min.

Musculature at birth is weak, airways with a narrow lumen, small ribs do not help breathing, babies do not get deep breaths. Therefore, babies have to use rapid breathing to provide themselves with oxygen. Babies do not know how to breathe evenly, their frequent breathing is superficial, uneven.

The underdevelopment of the structure of the organs makes the breathing of the crumbs superficial, short of breath, irregular, jerky, tense, with possible respiratory failure. But every day of the first years of life there is a growth and improvement of the department, and at about 7 years these organs are fully formed.


Most often, the baby takes two or three short breaths, then one deep. This is normal for a 1-6 month old baby, but an increase in the frequency of inhalations and exhalations up to 40-60 times per minute is required to fully provide the child with oxygen. At 9-12 months, the baby's inhalations and exhalations become uniform, rhythmic, calm.

If the baby breathes without tension, without noises and groans, does not inflate the wings of the spout, then this is the norm. Otherwise, show the baby to the doctor.

The norm is the smooth breathing of the child, without noise, sips, tension. The spout does not swell, it should not be blocked


The number of breaths in one minute is calculated by the movement of the chest when the baby is at rest. The resulting respiratory rate of the child is compared with the table, which contains the norms for children under one year old.

  • from birth to two weeks ─ 40-60 breaths per minute;
  • from 2 weeks to 3 months - 40-45;
  • from 4 months to six months - 35-40;
  • from 7 months to a year old - 30-36.

For comparison: the respiratory rate of an adult is 16-20 per minute, during sleep ─ 12-14.

By counting the frequency of respiratory movements, or RPV, the pediatrician determines the type, depth, rhythm of breathing, as well as whether the chest, abdominal wall, and the cardiovascular system as a whole are working properly. It makes sense for parents to calculate whether the frequency corresponds to medical indicators, since a failure may indicate the onset of the disease.

Type of breath

Defined as thoracic, abdominal and mixed:

  • chest type is characterized by movements of the chest;
  • abdominal ─ movements of the diaphragm and abdominal wall,
  • mixed ─ the chest and diaphragm work.

In the first case, the lower part of the lungs is not sufficiently ventilated, in the second - the tops, as a result of which congestion syndrome is possible. The mixed type of respiratory movements due to the expansion of the chest and movements of the abdominal wall ventilates the lungs in all directions.


Rhythm or frequency disturbances signal pathologies that are asymptomatic in infants or are signs of any disorders.

So, the syndrome of respiratory disorders can occur on the 1-3 day of the life of the crumbs in the hospital. But here neonatologists, pediatricians, obstetricians will undoubtedly help the newborn.

Sometimes the mother is frightened by the sounds that the baby makes with the nose, throat, nasopharynx, and lungs.

The baby wheezes, breathes with difficulty, his breathing is quickened, while he is naughty, he has no appetite - show the child to the doctor

If the baby is healthy, breathes without effort, silently, then the airways are functioning normally. Discuss all extraneous sounds with the attending pediatrician in order to avoid big problems.

  • The baby wheezes, whistles, groans - it means that the breathing tubes are narrowed, the air passes with difficulty. In addition, such sounds appear as a result of inflammation, spasms, infections, edema, and foreign bodies. A sign of serious problems with difficulty breathing is blue around the mouth, drowsiness, inability to make sounds. Urgently call an ambulance, do not pull.
  • Along with wheezing, a cough and a runny nose appeared ─ it means that the baby has caught a cold. Rapid breathing, it is difficult for the baby to inhale and exhale, he is naughty, does not eat ─ call the local doctor, perhaps this is a bronchial disease.
  • Nasal obstruction syndrome results in nasal congestion and can be a disorder.
  • Sometimes gurgling is heard from the respiratory tract. This is saliva that the baby does not have time to swallow, accumulates in the neck and creates gurgling sounds when air passes. This syndrome soon disappears.
  • A fairly common disorder, when a child snores in a dream, inhales through the mouth more often than through the nose, ─ this is another of the disorders and also a reason for a visit to the doctor, adenoids may be enlarged.
  • The child suffocates if he chokes, or breathes very quickly and freezes. This is normal for babies under 6 months old, but be sure to tell your doctor about this.
  • Stopping breathing for a few seconds happens quite often in tiny children. This scares moms, they don’t know what to do, but everything usually goes away on its own. Take the baby upright, sprinkle cold water in the face, give fresh air, pat on the back and ass.
  • Apnea Syndrome ─ a frightening pause in breathing for 10 to 20 seconds, then breathing is restored.

Short pauses during sleep often occur in infants, but it is imperative to warn the doctor.


  • The frequent appearance of extraneous sounds when inhaling while the baby is developing normally and gaining weight, do not let it scare you, the baby will outgrow this by 1.5 years.
  • In a joyfully excited state, with a strong interest or during physical activity, the baby begins to breathe rapidly. This is the natural state.
  • In a dream, a newborn can wheeze, gurgle, purr, grunt, sing like a bird, and all these normal breathing sounds do not cause disorders, but are due to the still imperfect structure of the nasopharynx.

We know that people and animals on Earth breathe oxygen, and carbon dioxide is considered unnecessary, we exhale it. In fact, carbon dioxide is no less important than oxygen, because oxygen gives us energy, burns organic matter, and carbon dioxide is involved in the regulation of metabolism. When breathing, before going out on exhalation, carbon dioxide is involved in the life of the body. It calms the nervous system, dilates blood vessels, anesthetizes, synthesizes amino acids, promotes breathing.

And further. It turns out that with a strong, loud cry, the baby's lungs suffer - they literally burst. A baby may cry if he is hungry or cold and unwell. Let's take care of the babies so they don't have to rip their lungs out.