Effective facial rejuvenation procedures. Fractional laser rejuvenation. Cosmetic methods of face rejuvenation without surgery and plastic

Absolutely every woman, or rather, an individual approach is needed for her skin and, accordingly, the result. For this, there is a sufficiently diverse procedure called.

In our article you will learn about quite popular methods for skin rejuvenation, which customer reviews work well.

This procedure can be performed using different masks, laser devices, massages, special threads and in other cases of scalpel (depends on the state of your fabrics). You must decide when you make this step, because if you stay, it is unlikely that you can hardly return your former youth for small money. The longer we are waiting for, the more expensive it will cost you in the future.

The so-called natural rejuvenation of the person may be implemented only if your body will produce a certain amount collagen, Elastin and.

These processes have a "fade" property due to time, because your body and body clogged because of various harmful habits and a small part of the beneficial substances are incorrect in them. Also, your exchange processes will slow down, because they will not have enough physical activity, and all this is due to age-related changes.

Any various methods for the rejuvenation of your skin are automatically aimed at restoring the production of utility substances, as well as to resume the regeneration process of the epidermis.

As they say, "the best cosmetologist is a healthy lifestyle", but we can argue, because not only it contributes to the effect of rejuvenation - the ecology is also true.

If you found any signs of aging on your skin, then you need to immediately fight with them, until it has become too late, and for this there is a huge number of different ways.

We only give a couple of the main and most popular among all.

Rejuvenation without operations

One of the ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face without operations to share on:

  • complex home care;
  • special injections;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • as well as thread lifting.

A variety of masks, creams, serums and other products affect the skin from the outside, thereby force cells to work.

Each injection has its own effect, and it depends on the substance administered. Basically, the rejuvenation of the face injections is accompanied by hyaluronic acidwhich is capable of providing the body to the process of moisturizing tissues, but also in addition to the above acid used botoks. - It fills empty areas under wrinkles and smoothes them.

The hardware lift carries a large number of branches, for example, for lifting can be applied ultrasound, Laser, Light impulses, Electromagnetic waves, Radio frequency radiation other.

The rejuvenation of the face with the nitish lifting is made quite quickly and most importantly - reliably. The threads fix the cloth, thereby making your skin smooth and fresh face. Your wrinkles are smoothed, and the contour of the face is restored, and also appears to remove the second chin.

Surgical suspension is a full-fledged plastic surgery that can remove folds, wrinkles, excess skin and fat.

It is designed to remove tissues that have already lost tone. These operations (procedures) can be done when you reach 50 years or after this mark of age, unless of course you are interested in the face rejuvenation.

With such a huge number of lifting methods, every girl or a woman will be able to find a suitable option that can satisfy her desire and achieve the desired result absolutely at any age. Let's take a closer look at what is the non-free face rejuvenation.


In this section, we will list you the most popular types of hardware lifting, describe in detail about the technology of the thread suspenders, as well as the feasibility of cosmetic skin care.

Hardware rejuvenation

First, consider hardware rejuvenation:

Such lifting works in a pair with a muscular-aponeurological system, or as they say shorter than Smas, which is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin.

The method improves the quality of the skin, as well as its contours and relief. With this method, you can make elastic muscles of the neck, as well as eradicate the second chin.

And another plus in this method of rejuvenation, this is a short period of rehabilitation;

The meaning of this technology is to warm the skin (it allows you to remove dead cells, and alive to force work and share). In addition, this procedure leads to the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Such a procedure for rejuvenation of the skin of the face is painless, does not have any complications, as well as able to exclude any possibility of infection.

Improved color, blood circulation and skin elasticity, as well as the resumption of metabolism and disposal of age-related pigmentation - here is the result of a proper procedure;

Electromagnetic waves deeply dug into the skin of the face and warm the inner layers, after which the blood circulation is improved, cells are updated, the amount of collagen also increases.

Such a procedure is not allowed after traces, and does not have any allergic reactions.

Such a half-day procedure is able to achieve the same results that could be with endoscopic face rejuvenation;

This procedure does not occupy a large
The amount of time, and allows you to achieve, so to speak, the natural production of collagen in the active mode, which ultimately gives the result of a healthy and clean skin, and also smoothed wrinkles.

There are other advantages in this method - it can also remove capillary nets and acne.

With help thread The process of rejuvenating the skin of the face is able to be implemented in one procedure, the time of operation that depends on the volume of all the work on the tissues of the skin.

Before the procedure itself, the doctor makes markup on the face, in order to competently enter the threads and achieve the highest possible result, which the client expects.

The introduction of threads does not injure absolutely nothing, as the depth in which the needle penetrates is from 3 to 5 mm. After the procedure was conducted (the introduction process) the tips of these most threads are fixed on the head, in order to hide any traces of lifting.

This type of procedure is able to carry two types of threads - this unproductive and resorbing.

The first type of threads changes in a couple of years after their introduction. The second over time disappears, but the framework of other, new fibers that actually provide a rather long protractor result appear on the place.

Reduced wrinkles, removed second chin, restored contour of the face and raised cheekbones - here is the result of the nite lifting procedure.

Complex skin care

You can also go to the rejuvenation of the face and without hardware exposure and plastics, only such methods are called home careering procedures, or salon.

Cosmetologist is able to remove old passive epidermis cells, such procedures are used as peeling and nutritious masks.

After twenty-five years old, you must have cosmetics in your arsenal anti-aging cosmetics. Such cosmetics increases the level of elastin and collagen, and also stimulates cellular exchange. It will not hurt the use of homemade beauty recipes that allow you to get your body useful substances from products yourself.

Excellent results when rejuvenating the skin of the face you do not get if you do not follow your skin, in a healthy lifestyle, regular moisturizing and daily care - without this, a positive result is impossible.

The correct diet and high-quality products contribute to the correct nutrition, with which your pores become cleaner, and the complexion is aligned, and become uniform.

Massage is able to prevent the aging of your fabrics, and high-quality cosmetics extremely prolongs your youth and benefits skin tissues.

Fractional laser rejuitation

Rejuvenation of the face with a laser fractional way forces cells to actively work, as well as synthesize elastin and collagen. Such a process is activated by heating all the layers of the epidermis (even the most in-depth) special cosmetology equipment.

The technology of this (fractional) process is made by one beam, divided into several sufficiently small things in such a way that the skin surface is treated with the so-called grid, which is most effective than the laser lifting method.

During the effects of heat shock, dead cells fall out, and instead they begin to share new, which fill free cells. With this impact, your skin becomes fresh and young on the view.

There are two ways to rejuvenate the face:

  • Ablative - This method removes the skin microchard, which after a certain period of time is tightened. This lifting is quickly manifested.
  • Non-ablative - This method penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin of the face and regenerates fabrics. Such lifting will manifest a little later.

Such "laser" methods of facial rejuvenation are capable of refreshing the appearance of the skin, eliminate acne and extended pores, and scars, as well as pigmentation and wrinkles.

Thanks to the huge choice of such operations, any woman is able to find a suitable option that it will arrange, having received the expected result.

Rejuvenation by injections

There is an injection procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the face, which is aimed at introducing the skin of a variety of fixing and nutrient cocktails under the tissue.

Choose these compositions depending on the purpose that you pursue and naturally the final desired result. Such a procedure is considered painless, but if you want, you can take advantage of local anesthesia.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular injection lifting methods.

Method Mesotherapy
It is an introduction to the skin of small doses. Active drugs and vitamins of natural origin. For example, it can be:

  • pirogradna, glycolic or hyaluronic acid;
  • fibroplasts;
  • vitamins (biotin, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic and nicotinic acids);
  • connective tissue cells;
  • extracts (elastin and collagen).

Mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate such parts of the body as neck, chest and face. With this method, you can align the oval of faces that contribute to the skin suspender and eliminate the second chin.

Botoks. It works mainly against mimic wrinkles. Such a procedure is quite painless and last only twenty minutes.

Botox leads to skin stretching and relaxes tense muscles after administration. You also will not have tissue atrophy, because when conducting this procedure, blood supply is not disturbed.

If you want to take advantage of this method of rejuvenation after forty years, this is a good idea, since at that time perfectly improves the appearance and smoothes wrinkles.

Gels - A variety of implants composed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. This acid is considered to be a physiological component of the skin fabrics of your face and is carried out by maintaining the level of moisture.

The process of rejuvenation of the skin of the face with hyaluronic acid will help you eradicate wrinkles near the lips, in the eye area, on the cheeks, as well as age changes between and on the forehead. This is quite realistic to pump (increase) lips.

It is very important: after holding such a method of lifting gel, it is impossible to strain any parts of the muscles of the face.

Method of ozone rejuvenation - This is the process of ozone injection (ozone is called one of the varieties of oxygen).

This method stops the aging process and makes your skin fresh, pre-moisturizes and provides power to the cell.

The so-called ozone lifting is one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face, because it improves the relief of the epidermis and the color of your skin, and also leads to normal microcirculation, smoothes wrinkles, removes the top layer of skinny skin, and updates the subcutaneous tissue.

Plasmothherapy method - This is the rejuvenation of the skin of the face with blood enrichment by platelets, which stimulate the process called
Neocolalasez. The last process causes the rejuvenation of the skin tissues at the cellular level. After the procedure, old wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic and new wrinkles will not appear on it.

In addition to all the above-mentioned popular methods, there are still such as reinforcement, 3D modeling and. Each of their such methods is good in its plan, you need to strictly and carefully select the lifting technique under your skin, so that the further end result is not somewhat worse than you expected.


This is a modern technology to rejuvenate the skin of the face, somewhat similar to the photorejuvenation or laser lifting. The same light pulses and high-frequency current deepen into the layers of the epidermis and updates the collagen layer.

This procedure is performed by a special applicator (there is a small tingling), and anesthesia is not required for this.

This method is completely painless and safe, does not affect the eyes with the negative side, and there is also no peeling after the procedure. However, if you have the owner of a dark skin, then you should talk with a specialist and ask him consultations, as there may be burns.

Elos technology
- This is a non-operational rejuvenation of a person who can run the natural regeneration of cells, remove wrinkles, as well as stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Most people have passed the first procedure there are excellent impressions, the skin becomes shining, smooth and fresh. To achieve your goals to rejuvenate the skin of the face (depending on what you need and what result you want) it is possible, a whole course of procedures will be required, mainly in one course are five or more procedures.

Rejuvenation of leeches

If you have a worsening of color and leather flabbiness, acne rashes, wrinkles, cooperose, scars after acne and then Hirudotherapy For you.

We do not recommend that you independently carry out the procedures for rejuvenation with leeches, especially the first due to the nuances present, which should be found from experienced cosmetologists, hirudotherapists and dermatologists. Consider a couple of important points:

  • To start, the leech takes and put on the area that is invisible on your body, for example, for the eye. This is done to evaluate, for the presence of any allergic reactions, and also check the healing rate of the bite;
  • The most important thing is to put a leech on the active area, the biological point, otherwise you will not get any effect. Such points are mostly connected with the nerve, so when you put a leech, you will feel a weak sharp pain, know that this nerve gives a brain about herself to know, feeding him a signal that the protective forces of your body will rush to the patient to cure and restore it ;
  • Such leeches are ordered in a pharmacy, they are specifically delivered from the laboratory. In such laboratories, leeches are mainly grown for their use under sterile conditions;
  • Hirudotherapy carries its contraindications such as inflammatory processes, pregnancy, various blood diseases and poor coagulation, mental diseases and disorders, the exhaustion of the body and other diverse changes in your body.

The method of rejuvenating the skin of the face with leeches contributes to the activation of lymphatic drainage and the restoration of microcirculation using active substances that are distinguished by leeches, injected them into us. Hormotherapy makes your immune system function for further skin rejuvenation. After that, the skin becomes very smooth, elastic and soft.

After several medical treatment procedures, the skin becomes pinkish, the color becomes uniform, and the capillary stars, stains, scars and acne are completely disappeared.

Massage for rejuvenation

Massage at home helps most women retain their young and elastic skin. The impact of massage on a person leads to the norm of metabolism and improves blood circulation, which contributes to the acquisition of special elasticity, the disappearance of swelling, improving the color of the face and smoothing wrinkles.

The use of massage is obvious both for face and for other parts of your body, you just need to know the technique of rejuvenation.

Japanese massage

let's consider "Shiatsu"- This is a special Japanese massage to rejuvenate the skin of the face.

One should only remember important points: it is not necessary to apply force in this massage, it is necessary only to prescribe and massage certain points that help improve blood circulation and lymph - this is the whole point of massage.

It is necessary to learn or print the scheme of certain massage lines that are on the face, and otherwise, if you do not comply with certain rules and chaotically massage not those points, you can configure the reverse effect of the face skin rejuvenation.

So, we will provide you with a sequence of performing this massage, or in other words of massage lifting:

Chinese massage

You have already read the benefit from massage to rejuvenate the skin of the face, we will immediately proceed to clarify the Chinese massage lifting technique:

In such a massage, all movements must occur smoothly, while it is impossible to stretch the skin of the face.

Putting the pads of the fingers must be evenly and most gently, at the same time effectively. For most women, this method is quite effective for the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, because it allows to slow down the aging process in a timely manner and thereby preserve the final result for many years.


Yoga is peculiar, thanks to her, it turns out some rejuvenation of yoga. Every day you need to perform three exercises that allow you to save your skin youth:

These Mimic "Rims" must be repeated from two times a day, and they need to be given from five to fifteen minutes. We recommend that you perform these exercises in the evening when you have already cleaned the skin and caused a night cream for a face. If you are engaged in yoga, it will help you to prevent the sickness of the skin, as well as save the gentle appearance and muscle tone.

Rejuvenation at home

Aging is an irreversible process, but this process can be slowed down, and for this you do not need to go to the salons and spend tens, and then hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Homemade skin rejuvenation methods are no worse than, for example, photorejuvenation, unless of course, in a timely manner, to treat this case, repeating the procedure daily. At home, you can perform a facial gymnastics or massage, or to engage in hirudotherapy, taking advice from a doctor.

The easiest and simple way a pleasant way to rejuvenate the skin of the face is folk remedies. Such means give you the opportunity to take from nature the maximum benefit for your skin, get skin covers with various nutrients, as well as moisturize it. In all this will help you as follows:

In the self-preparation of cosmetics, you do not add various preservatives, stabilizers and others, unnecessary to rejuvenate the skin of the substance. Naturally, you can purchase anti-aging cosmetics, but it will be more expensive than you, rather than at home. Also on skin health influences proper nutrition, no bad habits and full-fledged drinking mode.

Also in cosmetic care includes different exercises for the skin of the face, which you have already read earlier in our article. In order to tone the skin, you can wipe it with ice cubes, in particular the ice from some bravery. The most important thing is to clean your skin in a timely manner, moisturize it and harden in accordance with the type of your skin.


Using folk remedies, the skin rejuvenation is mainly dependent on masks. We will talk about five more popular and that a lot is important high-quality:

  1. It is necessary to break the skin of the face, then apply a whipped almond oil on it. After this mask, your skin will sparkle and shine;
  2. Wake up the protein and connect it with two tablespoons of flour, add another teaspoon of honey. Apply and keep the mask from ten to fifteen minutes, after which you can wash off the mask with warm water;

  3. So-called "English mask". In one cup, connect uniformly any crushed oatmeal with vegetable oil, in the second cup, a grated apple, a tablespoon of honey and juice of half of the lemon, in the third cup of serum, or kefir with a teaspoon of salt (it is impossible to interfere, salt should not be dissolved). To begin with, it is necessary to apply a mixture from the first cup, slightly massaging the skin within a few minutes, after which do not touch five minutes. Apply the contents of a second cup on top of this mass, carry out the same manipulations as with the first cup (two minutes to massage, do not touch five minutes), after which take your cotton disk or the same cotton disk and impregnate the contents of the third cup, and the massiform movements are easily and gently Apply the content on top of the previous mixture. Leave this mask for another couple of minutes, after that everything must be washed off the chamomile decoction or mineral water. Then Moisten your skin with a night cream for face. Such a mask can be applied to any area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and repeated twice a week;

  4. Popular technology - rejuvenation of the skin of the face with solkozeryl and Dimeksid. It is important to know that the two of these products are not a cosmetic product, so before applying them, it is necessary to carry out a test for the portability of these products. To begin with, spread the skin on the elbows to these substances (for checking), and leave for 24 hours. If you do not feel any itching and burning and will not redness, then the products can be applied to the face. The technology of applying a Dimexide product: one teaspoon to dilute in ten teaspoon of water, after smearing the face of the face. Dimexide is a conductor for all existing substances in cosmetology, therefore it is applied to all useful components penetrated into your skin. We recommend to pre-break and clean the face. After you have applied Dimekside, and he is already a mischief, a thick layer of Salcselle is applied on top to it. The mask must keep a whole hour, while taking a timely water to water so that it does not frozen, otherwise you will have difficulty with removal, in some cases honeycomb. In the properties of SolkoSerily include: stimulation of active oxygen absorption by cells, tissue regeneration, intensive collagen production and metabolic processes, improved blood circulation. When it takes an hour, you need to remove the mask with a wet wadding disc, and then apply the nutrient cream. You need to apply a mask individually, looking at the effect on your skin after the first procedure;

  5. Alginate mask
    . To prepare this mask, it is necessary to strictly observe all the proportions. To begin with, it is necessary to connect three teaspoons of sodium alginate with 60 ml of clean water, stir everything and remove for a certain time, from five to six hours to make a mixture of swelling - should get jelly. Take a cup and pour into it 30 ml of water, then throw two teaspoons of laminaries there (you can buy in a pharmacy, be sure to powder). In another cup, two teaspoons of clay with 30 ml of water. Now take the contents of all three cups and very quickly, thoroughly and evenly mix in one cup more, add one or two drops of calcium chloride to it - a thick mixture with small lumps should be obtained. Take and apply a mask on massage lines, start from the neck (remove your hair in advance and clean your face). After 20-30 minutes, remove the mask on the film. It all depends on the state of your skin face, the mask can be repeated daily until a certain result is achieved. Such a mask will give you definitely tightened skin, as if you made the procedure in the cabin.

Rejuvenating facial procedures are salvation for so many women, and especially for those who have turned thirty years. Many different factors can adversely affect the skin. Life in a big city, the environment and especially constant stress make themselves felt. Nowadays there are many technologies that will help women stay young and beautiful.

Rejuvenating facial procedures can help get rid of wrinkles and make the beauty of the face of the net. Do not stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself with a clock, bitterly crushing. It is worth contacting the specialists in this area.

One of the common procedures is mesotherapy. In accordance with this technique, a healing preparation or a special cocktail is introduced into the skin. The action is carried out by means of thin needles, drugs are entered into small doses and on a small depth. Injections are produced directly at a problem. With this method, you can remove problems such as bags under the eyes, the second chin, wrinkles and the so-called "stars", and also this procedure helps to improve such procedures for one course should be carried out about a dozen. Next, you can restrict ourselves to one session per month. The effect will be long and stunning.

Another popular method is photorebulment. You need to know that this procedure is extremely painful. It is recommended to apply a cooling gel on her face. It is also necessary to wear special glasses that protect eyes from bright flashes. The procedure is very effective, just after several outbreaks of light disappear such flaws like acne, rash, freckles. But the main thing is a rejuvenating effect. Literally, wrinkles disappear in front of the eyes, and the skin looks more touched. It is usually required about seven procedures. They need to be done with breaks in a few weeks.

Almost all rejuvenating facial procedures are designed for women in adulthood. But there is such a technique as microdermabrasion is a kind of peeling that can be used for young skin. After such grinding it will not be superfluous to make a mask in order for the effect for a long time. You can go through a large course of procedures, and you can only make one, for example, before visiting a solemn event. Especially this method is suitable for those people whose skin is fat.

For women, a little older has a technique called biorevitalization. The method of impact in this case is used as in mesotherapy. But there will be enough of several procedures. Under the skin, hyaluronic acid is usually introduced, which has several wonderful properties. She is able to make the skin very smooth, moisturized, give her tone, elasticity. The result is instantly manifested.

The thermal procedure is an effect on the skin with radio waves. After the thermage there is no complications, the skin becomes elasticity, and small wrinkles disappear.

Rejuvenating face procedures, especially whole therapy courses, it is better to do in winter. The fact is that all these techniques affect the cells very much, make them update them. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure to the skin of the sun's rays, as a result of which the "stars", stains and other unwanted defects may appear.

All rejuvenating procedures may have contraindications, so before their use should be consulted with a doctor.

LPG massage technology was originally intended for the correction of a female figure. Seeing successful results in the fight against cellulite, the creators of technology decided to develop a similar device, which will affect the skin of the face, neck and zone decollete. Now the apparatus has three methods of exposure: "Kosmukhanik", "Liftmashazh" and "Endertramolift". Each of the methods affects its zone of face and neck.

How is the procedure:Special massage stimulates skin cells to destroy the old collagen and synthesize the new one. The technology is based on the principles of plastic massage, which is traditionally done manually. The skin on our face is quite thin and gentle, but wrinkles, on the contrary, require deep study. With a manual massage, it is difficult not to injure the skin and at the same time affect it effectively and deep. And the LPG massage can achieve such a "golden middle". The massage nozzle is a small chamber where a skin fold is tightened under the action of vacuum. Inside the chamber on the skin it turns out to be exposed. To achieve more tangible results, it is necessary to carry out 10-20 sessions, the result of which will be visible during the six months.

Indications for the procedure: This massage will be useful for any woman older than 25 years.

  • Dry and sagging skin
  • "Second chin" and subcutaneous fat
  • Package, scars and extended pores

Results:Tightening and acquiring a clearer contour of the face, reducing the volume of fat deposition on the face, a decrease in mimic wrinkles, adjustment of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, treatment with hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates, reducing edema.

Recovery process: After the completion of the procedure, you can observe small swelling and hyperemia (redness) is the normal response of the body on the LPG massage. Symptoms disappear in the same day, sometimes - after 1-2 days.

Cost: 8000-15000 tg.

Radiofrequency lifting

Radiolifting is another hardware method of skin rejuvenation without surgical participation.

How is the procedure: The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a special apparatus in the skin penetrate radio waves. First, a special cream is applied to the face, which causes numbness of nerve endings, and then the doctor's radio frequency instrument processes those areas of the skin, the appearance of which should be improved. Radio wave radiated by the tool pass through the outer layers of the skin and deliver thermal energy to muscles and soft tissues. Heat makes these layers shrink, which contributes to more active collagen generation.

Indications for the procedure: Lifting can be carried out from 25 years, but the procedure is ideal for the average age group, 35-55 years. Radiolifting can be done in any season. This method of skin rejuvenation is suitable not only to women, but also to men.

  • Wither skin
  • Out of fabrics face
  • Swimming sections of the skin and hypoderma (subcutaneous fatty fiber), changing the outlines of the facial oval
  • Wrinkles near the eyes, "goose paws"
  • Deep Mimic wrinkles in the field of nasolabial triangle, on the forehead
  • Scars after acne

Results: Lifting creates a smooth contour of the face, improves its color and eliminates mimic wrinkles. Among the main advantages of this method are harmlessness for the body, painlessness, lack of inflammation.

Recovery process: Light redness is allowed on the skin, which take place within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Cost:8000-15000 tg.


Biorevitalization implies the elimination of skin deficiencies by satuating its deep layers with hyaluronic acid.

How is the procedure:Hyaluronic acid is a panacea for maximum skin moisturizing. Before injections, the skin is cleaned from the remnants of makeup, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization takes no more than an hour and is carried out using a thin needle or a special injector. The drug is introduced intradermatically before the formation of a small papule.Despite the small diameter of the needle, the procedure can deliver discomfort, therefore, with an increased sensitivity or at a low pain, the exposure area is pre-lubricated with a cream with lidocaine providing local anesthesia.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated leather
  • Fading leather
  • Reduced tone and skin elasticity
  • Wrinkles
  • Photostusting of the skin, prevention of premature aging
  • Preparation for chemical peels and laser grinding
  • Rehabilitation after chemical peels, laser grinding of microdermabrasion and plastic operations
  • Correction of scars and stretch marks

Results:The biorevitalization procedure gives moisturizing at a deeper level. After the total course of these procedures, the effect is preserved for half a year, and sometimes more. The procedure can be carried out both injectable with the help of the needle and using low-intensity laser radiation. The first procedure is more efficient, the second is more comfortable. But definitely both procedures have a magical effect on the skin.

Recovery process:The rehabilitation period on average takes 3 days, after the procedure there are papules of white, there may be minor hematomas.

Cost:20000-50000 tg.


Facial bioarmination is another of the techniques aimed at the face lifting, an improvement in the face.

How is the procedure:Skin reinforcement of stabilized acid gels on verses under local anesthesia is performed. This procedure is performed once every 2-3 weeks 3 or 4 times. As a result, the lifting of the face is formed by reducing skin tensile, saturation and moisturizing the skin due to the effects of hyaluronic acid, the face is "cracking" and becomes fresh, the quality of the skin is improved.

Indications for the procedure:Since the bioarming of the person involves the fight against the age-related skin changes, the specialists recommend contacting it to women who have already turned 35 years old, but not yet 50. In these age-related framework, this procedure will have maximum efficiency.

  • Updated corners of the mouth or eye, eyebrows
  • Prior skin folds
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Split contours of chin and lower jaw

Results: Active lifting; toorders of wrinkles (elimination of small and smoothing deep folds); E.flective modeling of an oval face.

Recovery period: Usually after the session, the patient quickly enters the familiar rhythm of life: small eath, redness of the skin and edema take place on 5-7 days.

Cost:50000-70000 tg.


Microdermabrasion is a peeling that combines the removal of dead skin cells of the diamonds of laser cut diamonds with a vacuum massage for cleansing and stimulating skin updates.

How is the procedure:Used towers with diamond spraying of various caliber and degrees of spraying.Nozzles are selected depending on the skin type - dry, oily, combined - and treated area: forehead, eyelids, neck, neckline.M. cocodermabrasion is carried out on a special apparatus using vacuum and unique diamond spraying nozzles, with the help of which surface orified layers of skin are removed by light massage movements, stimulating the growth of new young cells, while improving the blood circulation and the launching mechanism of intensive collagen and elastin production mechanism.

Indications for the procedure:Microdermabrasion is carried out in order to remove small defects of the surface layer of the skin.

  • Dull, faded leather
  • Oily leather with extended pores
  • Scars and stretching on the body
  • Acne
  • Scars and Shrama Package
  • Small wrinkles, age-related changes

Results:Leveling texture, tone face. It helps to activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, an increase in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Recovery period:Typically, the period after microdraria occupies an average of 5 to 8 days. The renewed skin has a reddish or pink color that holds for 6-12 weeks. Gradually, face skin pale.

Cost: 7000-10000 tg.

Keravatulating peeling

This is superficial peeling for problem skin.

How is the procedure:The peeling includes glycolic and salicylic acids, vegetable extracts and vitamins. Keravertegulating peeling is carried out in several stages: first the skin of the face is cleared, disinfected and degreases with a special gel, which is washed off by ordinary water. Next N. a hydrogel is applied to the skin, which includes salicylic acid. This has an optionany antiseptic effect, relieves inflammatory processes, soothes the fabric before carrying out the procedure. At the absorption of the hydrogel goes no more than two minutes. Then the basic composition for peeling is then applied to the face of the smooth layer. Product exposure time is 10 minutes. After that, the base is washed off with cold water, the face is thoroughly dried. After aggressive impact, a mask is applied to the skin type. Mask's main purposesoothe fabrics, prepare a face for quick recovery. To complete the session, a specialized cream is superimposed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's epidermis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pore \u200b\u200bblocks with silent traffic jams, black and white dots
  • Seborine leather
  • Eating rash
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation and suppuration of hair follicles on the face

Results: The narrowing of the pores, the leveling of the face color, improving the structure of the skin, skin cell breathing, getting rid of the unpleasant peeling, skin softening.

Recovery process: A specialist who conducted the procedure is obliged to choose a complex and full face care, based on the features of the epidermis, the severity of the problem. The recovery time depends on how clearly the recommendations of the beautician are observed. Preparations are most often assigned from the same ruler, which was used for the procedure. The composition of rehabilitation cosmetics should not include essential oils and aloe juice.

Cost: 10,000-15000 tg.


Photorejuvenation, or IPL therapy is one of the most famous and popular techniques in hardware cosmetology, an effective method of correction of photoregium signs: a network of small wrinkles, pigmentation, vascular asterisks.

How is the procedure:The healing effect has the light of a wide spectrum, which has passed through a small, smooth, transparent tip, which is neatly placed on the skin. The light penetrates into the tissue and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the treatment of vascular lesions or melanin in the treatment of pigment formations coagulating them. The natural processes of the body are removed damaged tissues and returns a more uniform and young look.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Removal of pigmentation
  • Removal of vascular mesh, leather redness
  • Improving face color
  • Removal of small wrinkles
  • The narrowing of extended pores
  • Freckles

Results:Allows you to quickly, effectively and safely eliminate external signs of skin aging, pigmentation disorders, capillary mesh and wrinkles.

Recovery process: After the procedure on the processed zone there will be a slight retirement, which will pass in a few hours. The procedure does not require compliance with the home regime - you can immediately return to the usual way of life.

Cost: from 10,000 to 20,000 tg.

Find out everything about what facial procedures offer today beauty salons and how to choose an optimal methodology for rejuvenating your skin: features of mesotherapy, various types of peeling, classification of salon masks, types of professional massage, advantage of cryotherapy.

Thirty years old - the line, which should make every woman think about how it will look like in 5-6 years. The processes of aging are inevitable, time is inexorably, but nothing to get into depression at all. It's time to buy high-quality, preferably pharmacy cosmetics, put your lifestyle in order.

Well, and most importantly - every self-respecting representative of the fine floor should even occasionally, but still visit the beautician. All kinds of rejuvenating facial procedures in the cabin will allow you to feel like the most beautiful and attractive. The most important thing is to make the right choice among this manifold.

Face Mesotherapy Procedure

One of the most popular and efficient salon procedures for face rejuvenation -. It is an injection introduction under the skin of therapeutic and cosmetic solutions. Most often for this, it is used, which has pronounced rejuvenating, lifting properties.


  • cooperoz;
  • acne;
  • improper work of the sebaceous glands;
  • extended pores;
  • scars and scars;
  • age pigmentation;
  • bad, unhealthy complexion;
  • wrinkles;
  • recently conducted on the face of the operation, laser grinding, mechanical peeling;
  • blurry contour of the face;
  • double chin;
  • dry skin.


  • skin diseases;
  • problems with vessels;
  • chronic diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fever;
  • oncology;
  • problems with blood intake;
  • recent reception of anticoagulants and disagregantes;
  • allergy;
  • age up to 35 years.


Depending on what state is the skin, the beautician can advise from 5 to 10 courses. One facial mesotherapy procedure should not be carried out more often than 1 time per week. The first result is noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

Duration effect

Since hyaluronic acid is gradually excreted from the body, the effect of rejuvenation after mesotherapy disappears approximately six months.

It must be remembered that the mesotherapy of the face is a salon procedure that a professional should be held. At home, it is impossible to engage in such serious experiments. Yes, you can buy a mesaroller, which has recently been very popular, and try to make skin rejuvenation at home. But it is not worth counting on high efficiency. But be ready for all sorts of side effects.

According to history pages

Initially, mesotherapy was exclusively a medical procedure for the treatment of damaged areas of the body and had no relation to cosmetology. She appeared in 1958, thanks to the French doctor Michel Pistor.

Cabin peeling

Make everything, 1-2 times a week applying scrubs for this purpose. But if you decide to clean the skin in the cabin, you will feel the whole difference of these procedures with a unarmed look. Under peeling, hearing the exfoliation of the eroded, already dead layer of the epidermis, under which hesitates in all its glory healthy and young skin.


  • pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • package;
  • stretch marks;
  • preparation for plastic surgery;
  • comedones;
  • double chin;
  • barley.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • the exacerbation of herpes;
  • fresh, not healing wounds and injuries to the face;
  • acne;
  • heat;
  • oncology;
  • warts on the face;
  • reception of a number of drugs.

Procedure course

  1. The skin is cleaned, soften and sprinkled.
  2. A chemical solution is applied.
  3. If necessary, make anesthesia.
  4. If the hardware procedure was selected, the solution for a deeper and uniform penetration is affected by ultrasound, brush, laser, etc.
  5. Remove the remnants of the means.
  6. Proceed with antiseptic skin.
  7. Impose a dressing if necessary.


  • mechanical: without the intervention of hardware cosmetology;
  • chemical: Impact on the skin with various acids;
  • fruit: Face rejuvenation is carried out with natural fruit acids - wine, dairy, glycolic, lemon, apple, grape;
  • laser;
  • diamond.

Most often there is enough one procedure for full and high-quality skin cleaning. But at the same time it should be done regularly, at least 1-2 times a month. In addition, it should be understood that if the surface peeling is gently and gently affects the upper layers of the epidermis, but deep chemical cleaning affects the lowest floors of the dermis. The last form of the procedure is more efficient, but also more dangerous. The rehabilitation period after it can be from 2 to 7 days.

Glump centuries

Peeling Person is one of the most ancient procedures for the face rejuvenation. In ancient Greece, for example, beauties used wine vinegar to clean their skin.

Face masks in salons

Undoubtedly, every woman at home makes masks for skin care. They can be very different: shopping and household, chemical and natural, nutrient and moisturizing, etc. But if you try to go the procedure for rejuvenation of the face with masksthat use beauty salons, you will understand that this is perfection itself. Efficiency can be seen in the reflection of the mirror after the first procedure. There is no such problem for which you would not pick up a mask.

Types of salon masks

  1. for fatty;
  2. for;
  3. for dry;
  4. for combined;
  5. for sensitive, allergenic;
  6. for problem;
  7. for pigmented;
  8. for skin with cooperosis.

Classification of masks in form

  1. Powdered: The components of the mask are in a dry form, to prepare them it is necessary to breed the liquid (water, hydrogen peroxide or other).
  2. Pasty: include clay or medicinal dirt.
  3. Creamy: Have a delicate texture.
  4. Gel-shaped: prepared on the basis of alcohol, aloe extract, essential oils.
  5. Collagen: Assign for a rejuvenating and lifting course of procedures in the cabin to care for already mature skin.
  6. Plasticizing (): Includes alginic acid salt, so that during the procedure, the masks are frozen into dense rubber, paraffin, resins, gelling agents. In the salons are often offered to apply fatty or serum under mask.
  7. Film: After frozen form a thin film. Prepared from polyvinyl alcohol or vegetable glue.

Types of salon masks in composition

  1. clay;
  2. algae;
  3. vegetable;
  4. paraffin;
  5. animal origin (from the placenta, collagen).

Classification of masks by action

  1. moisturizing;
  2. lifting (pull-up);
  3. nutritious;
  4. anti-inflammatory;
  5. whitening;
  6. absorbent;
  7. cleansing;
  8. tonic;
  9. warming (\u003d thermal);
  10. vesselsfactory;
  11. rejuvenating.

Once or two per month be sure to make masks in the beauty salon. The beautician will professionally pick up your skin type and the cosmetology of the miraculous composition that will transform your appearance. No need to refuse this pleasure. Moreover, compared to other salon treatments, this does not break the gap in your home budget.

Historical reference

According to ancient sources, the first mask for the face (milky-honey) came up with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (I century BC), famous for its beauty.

Massage facial procedures

In the salons you can offer a procedure facial massagewhich is made exclusively a professional. It is not only very effective, but also very pleasant. There are different techniques of implementation, but each of them is able to solve the pressing problems of any woman associated with its appearance. As for the choice, a beautician will help you here.


  • wrinkles;
  • ptosis;
  • blurry contour of the face;
  • bryli;
  • double chin;
  • unhealthy, poor complexion;
  • edema;
  • fatigue;
  • the processes of aging.


  • extensive inflammatory processes;
  • jews;
  • numerous acne;
  • abundant angry rash;
  • herpes in the aggravation stage;
  • hemophilia;
  • open, fresh, not healing injuries and wounds;
  • warts;
  • large moles.


  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • chromassage (combines various oriental techniques);
  • japanese (basic action - against wrinkles);
  • silver spoons;
  • spanish (modeling, who makes the sovereign faces is beautiful and impeccable);
  • cryoissage (with liquid nitrogen);
  • darsonval (Special apparatus applies).


Salon massage procedures require an integrated approach, i.e., 8 to 12 sessions. Up to 30 years, it is recommended to conduct 1-2 such courses per year, after 30 years - 2-3 times a year.

Massage has always been a very pleasant and effective procedure, refreshing and rejuvenating skin. Believe that using such a service in the cabin, you will truly enjoy the process, ranging from the preparation of the face and ending with the results.

On the origin of the name

The word "massage" itself is Arabic origin and translates as "gently pressed", while a similar Greek word means "drive", "touch".

Cryotherapy in salons

Cryotherapy is another of the most popular contemporary procedures in the salons. It removes inflammation from the face, improves blood circulation, activates metabolic processes, enhances the protective mechanisms of the skin. The basis - the use of liquid nitrogen, whose low temperature (-150 ° C) is used to cool the upper layer of the epidermis. This salon procedure is safe and painless.


  • comedones;
  • acne;
  • weak immunity;
  • edema;
  • skin inflammation;
  • irritation and itching;
  • aging processes;
  • pigmentation;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • increased fatty skin.


  • cooperoz;
  • problems with vessels;
  • migraine;
  • fever.

Methods of cryotherapy

  • Manual

A cotton applix on the skin is applied with liquid nitrogen with light, moving actions, stopping on problem areas.

  • Cryoraspylitel

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the face not manually, but with the help of a special tool, which is called a cryospel. The recommended temperature within the framework of this salon procedure is minus 180 ° C, but in the absence of serious skin problems, a specialist-cosmetologist can raise it up to minus 60 ° -80 ° C.

  • CinoElectrophorosis

Under the action of pulsating current in the deepest layers of the skin with cryoelectrophoresis, frozen medicines are introduced. Their cosmetologist picks up individually for each woman.


Want a noticeable and long-term effect? Create 9-12 salon procedures for cryotherapy. Once a year to such a type of face rejuvenation after 35 years, it is necessary to seek to suspend the early aging processes and prevent those that are coming in the near future.

Numerous facial treatments in the cabin offer modern women to choose. If there is a desire and financial position allows, you can bring the skin in order for just a few courses.

Despite terrifying stories about side effects and complications after such methods of rejuvenation, in practice they are very rare. 1 case per 1,000. In any case, the cosmetology salon in which you contact is responsible for this. So do not be afraid: the risk is noble, especially when it comes to feminine beauty and already fading youth.

Overview of the most popular facial procedures in beauty salons

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Let's talk about rejuvenating facial procedures at home.

It is no secret that each of the women dreams to be beautiful and well-groomed. She also wants men to admire and turn around, told compliments and gave dear gifts.

If a girl is only 18 years old and she is beautiful, she needs to make a minimum effort to achieve the goal. But what to do if you already have 25 and you begin to notice that the aging process begins: the skin of your face becomes dim, lifeless, its elasticity and elasticity becomes less and begin to appear first wrinkles?

Output one: you need to apply rejuvenating face procedures. And, most importantly, do not tighten with courtship.

The later you will start to give time to your face, the harder and the longer your skin will be restored.

For rejuvenation, you can contact specialists in cosmetology salons and clinics where you will hold a whole range of necessary procedures.

But what to do, if you have a catastrophic lack of money on expensive services of cosmetologists? Take yourself to rejuvenate the face of the house using the necessary tools for care. Let's try to consider what you need for this.

If your body is missing moisture, the skin will be faded every day and becomes less elastic. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is drink a day and a half - two liters of liquid.

Sweet or mineral water is better not to use, drink or (they are rich in antioxidants), purified water, freshly fed juices (there are many vitamins). Only do not overdo it, excess fluid can cause swelling under the eyes. As you can find out about tea in the article on this link.

You will have to completely revise your diet. Try to exclude fatty, smoked and salt products from your food - they spoil your face and make the skin overlooking.

Smaller drink alcoholic beverages - they also have a bad effect on the skin. You eat more food rich, vitamin A, B, with, carotene and other useful substances.

It has long been noticed that antioxidants are effectively struggling with just beginner signs of aging of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to use products containing. For example, thanks to this property, it is widely used in cosmetology for rejuvenating procedures. Come on the link, recognize more.

You can still tell a lot about procedures for rejuvenation, but it is not the main thing - the main thing would be a desire and then you will succeed. Experiment and become more beautiful.

But if you all experimentalized and you hardly helps you, and you want something more serious, then I would recommend an article about that now more and more often use for cosmetics purposes, the use of which gives good results in.

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