Past life hypnosis. Hypnosis is proof of reincarnation. How to get through regressive hypnosis

Surely each of us asked ourselves sometime such questions as:

Is there a past life?

Who was I in a past life?

Why did I come into this life?

Is it possible to travel in time and travel far back?

How can you improve your life?

How to change your life for the better if you visit the past?

The most famous hypnologists who have experimented with past travel are Dolores Cannon, Sylvia Brown, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton and others. Conduct hundreds of thousands of past life immersion tests, they have proven that all this is possible using regressive hypnosis.

Their patients traveled to their past lives. In regressive hypnosis, they could experience them again and took out from this journey all the most important and necessary for real life.

Each of us can see the past (plunge into regression)! Some people are completely immersed in regression, and a person considers everything that happens there to be reality, he does not even understand what to be in regressive hypnosis. For him, there is only that life in which he is. Others feel or just see, it depends on the person. To be precise, it depends on the capabilities of the brain and the channels of perception of the surrounding world.

For example: a visual channel is developed (a person can see bright and colorful images). A kinesthetic channel is developed (then the sensations will be strong and the person will experience all the sensations anew).

Regressive hypnosis is safe! Regression is based on the inner "I" of a person and is completely natural, like a dream. When a person plunges into regressive hypnosis, the consciousness decreases its criticality, and the subconscious, on the contrary, comes to the fore.

During the immersion in regressive hypnosis, the client is well protected and safe.

The hypnologist personally accompanies a person through his life in the past.

The method of regressive hypnosis allows a person to get rid of: psychosomatic disorders, phantom pain, phobias ( of various origins), anxiety (nervousness), complexes (insecurity, stiffness, etc.). regression has worked well for resolving internal conflicts and disagreements. Helps to understand yourself and find answers to questions. Almost anything is possible in regressive hypnosis.

These listed problems are a reaction to the events of the past, they are usually formed in childhood, and appear already in the real life of a person.

Thanks to the technique of regressive hypnosis, a person can plunge into his past, in the most unpleasant moments of his life, and under the strict supervision of the hypnotherapist, part and get rid of the problem that has arisen in the past, and which hinders him in the present. Immersion in Regressive Hypnosis identifies key situations that are closely related to the problem and allows you to access great wisdom and achieve a high level of development of your soul.

Per frequent people do not see the connection between the incident in childhood and the problem that has arisen in the present. All this happens due to the fact that consciousness pushes out bad and tragic events from a past life from memory, But these moments are stored in its subconscious, and sometimes signals about the past negative through fear, various disorders, complexes and panic. In these cases, regressive hypnosis helps the person.

After regressive hypnotherapy, a person leaves an unpleasant and difficult experience that prevented him from enjoying life and going into the front, into his future. A person stops spending vital energy on remembering these negative events and forgets them. It calms down and harmonizes, “Regressive hypnosis. This is an amazing time travel ”is a person's comprehension of the events of the past, forecasting the future and achieving harmony in the present.

A psychic can quite easily look at "who you were" in past lives and tell you about it, but from the point of view of esotericism, such an action can in no way change either you or the world around you. This will be just the knowledge of the psychic, but not your personal experience and not your experiences.

Past life memory immersion sessions involve a real awakening of past memory (reincarnation memory). You yourself remember the events of past lives, see pictures of past events, feel, relive your past lives.

Not all people can open the memory of past lives immediately without preparation from the first session. If the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person is ready to perceive information from past lives, then it is possible to immerse yourself the first time. In another case, in order to achieve the result, 2-3 preparatory sessions are required.

How and why to open the memory of past lives?

A person remembers not only everything that happened to him from birth, but also what happened before his birth. A person keeps in his memory information about all his past incarnations. And this is a fact that has been proven many times over. In essence, Man is a reflection of his reincarnations. Everything that happened to him in past lives is reflected in this life as well. Our present is created from our past - this is the basic tenet of reincarnation medicine.

I have conducted several hundred sessions of immersion in past life memories. Each dive is a new, unique, amazing story.

The session is held in such a way that you simply "suddenly" remember events from the deep past, begin to see pictures and know who you were, how you looked, what happened to you. This knowledge always changes a person. A huge amount of energy is “conserved” in your memory, which is released when the reincarnation cells are opened. Therefore, any immersion in the memory of past lives has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Below I will give the main reasons why people turn to the memory of past lives:

1) To solve recurring problems in this life: in the family, with health, with the ability to achieve anything.

2) To understand the reasons: why am I like this? And where did I get the qualities, abilities ... and so on ...?

3) For the transfer of skills, awareness of their inner abilities and their full disclosure. For example, immersed in the memory of a past life, you remember how you treated people. As you saw the disease, the aura of a person, his problems. Remembering this, usually in this life you begin to do the same. There is a transfer of abilities from your past to your present. From the past, you can transfer character traits and abilities of various kinds, such as: making money; the ability to draw, sing, play music; convince people; achieve your goals and fulfill your desire.

4) To gain knowledge. I have met many people who immersed themselves in the memory of past lives in order to “shoot” a variety of information. For example, in reincarnation you were a member of some mystical order or just trained secret knowledge... Through multiple dives, it is possible to reproduce the training before almost every “lesson”. Accordingly, to "pull" from the past a lot of long-lost information. In this way, recipes for miraculous drugs (Rudolf Steiner) were "read", inventions and archaeological discoveries were made (E. Casey)

It is possible to conduct remote sessions of immersion in the memory of past lives via Skype.

How does this happen? A thorough preliminary interview is conducted. A hypnosis susceptibility test is done. If the client is receptive enough, a session of classical hypnosis is carried out, allowing you to achieve the deepest immersion. In deep somnambulistic hypnosis, the client's consciousness fades. And it does not interfere with the process in the form of certain client fantasies on the topic. In superficial hypnosis, the client remains conscious and can imagine that he is in a "past life". It will be just a game of imagination. This is what usually happens with clients who are afraid to place their consciousness in the "hands of a hypnotist." This fear paralyzes the ability to enter deep hypnosis. The dive goes in stages. First, at a younger age, and then at a child's age, then at the age of a "fetus in the womb", and then in a previous life. Moreover, the client does not play a role in deep hypnosis. He (a) really feels himself "there" as a different person. Sometimes the other sex. the rebound from hypnosis follows the same milestones of age. If not given the "remember everything" suggestion, the client is likely to have spontaneous amnesia. The rise occurs gradually. Likewise for deep diving divers. If you follow these rules, then the state of health after the session is quite normal. Only, the impressions of being in a past life overshadow everything that can happen in reality. This experience provides food for thought to the client. And sometimes he changes his attitude to certain views about his real life. In recent years, similar sessions have sometimes been conducted via Skype. The technical capabilities of the Internet bring hypnosis closer to the interested "consumer". About the same as the sessions of fortune tellers and magicians on Skype.

I wonder why it is possible to recall past lives. And why is this mechanism closed from us at birth? What is the point of immersion in past lives - except for masochists. Here and in this life there are enough fears. It is unlikely that past lives were wonderful, mostly disappointments. If only I could deal with this

There are different people. And each has its own philosophy. For some, "learning about past incarnations is question number one. For others it is not interesting. And no one will convince anyone. Just like in matters of religion and faith."

Regressive hypnosis (regressive therapy) is one of the most interesting areas of hypnotherapy, which consists in medicinal use"Travel" of a person in time. The regression method can be equally attributed to both classical medicine and traditional medicine, since its roots go back to the very depths of the centuries.

Regressive hypnosis is a wonderful technique for depth therapy and personal growth.

Regressive therapy is a method by which a person immersed in deep hypnosis is able to look into the distant past and talk about it. With the help of regressive therapy, many long-standing mental and even physical traumas from the past are healed today.

Problems that can be solved with regressive hypnosis:

Get rid of fears, phobias.

Find the cause of your complexes.

Find the meaning of life.

To understand for what purpose I came into this life.

The past may hide the reasons for today's tensions in the family, at work, or with a specific person.

Find out who you were in past lives. Etc.

What is regressive hypnosis and can you change your destiny for the better with it?

In fact, regressive hypnosis can be divided into three areas:

1. Age regression.

2. Age progression.

3. Travel to past lives.

Age regression - the essence of this method is as follows: more early period the client's life, up to the moment of birth. The hypnologist walks with his client through his entire life with a therapeutic goal. Such in-depth studies of a person's life help to easily identify all those problems, fears, anxieties and stresses that may have long been forgotten by the client, but sometimes leave a heavy imprint on his character, mental and physical health, deform his destiny. At each of the ages living in hypnosis, the hypnologist makes the appropriate suggestions and thus smooths out or even completely removes the consequences of the transferred psychotraumas and, accordingly, their manifestations in the future. The hypnologist removes the cause of the problem, the consequence goes away by itself.

When working in age regression, a person remembers in great detail what happened to him many years and even centuries ago. These memories are so colorful, emotional, realistic that many, having been in past lives, experience these sensations, as if it were happening here and now.

In our past, we can find the causes of various diseases, complexes, fears, negative habits and addictions, difficulties in establishing normal contacts with people, the inability to solve specific problems - for example, to make money - and much, much more.

Age regression enables a person to experience situations where they have failed in the past. A person will be able to see and understand in a new way what was happening to him. From the outside, from the experience of today's life, evaluate these situations and find other solutions, different ways of behaving in them.

Regressive hypnosis provides an opportunity to break the chain of your failures.

As a result of regressive therapy, a person experiences very significant positive changes in his life. For example: getting better family life, there is a breakthrough in career, business, luck turns to the person!

Age regression has long established itself as a serious and highly effective therapeutic method. In a state of age regression, mobilization occurs creativity person. There is also an opportunity to find a predisposition to some skills or sciences and transfer this knowledge into our life. With the help of age regression, a hypnologist returns a person to the period before the onset of the disease, thereby, it is possible to cure many psychosomatic diseases. For example, such as peptic ulcer or hypertension, bronchial asthma, allergy, sexual dysfunctions etc. It is possible, as it were, from childhood, to instill an interest in learning, learning foreign languages, sports, self-improvement, in general, a love of life.

Age progression - the essence of this method is as follows: a later period of the client's life is suggested, that is, the age is older than the real one. What can we use for age progression? This phenomenon can make it clear how a person will react in the future to various stressful and life situations, to possible joyful and tragic shocks and prepare him for them in the most optimal way.

The results of regressive hypnosis are impressive. Human consciousness has undergone many changes and has gone from simple curiosity to learn about past lives to the highest theory of knowledge that carries wisdom. With the help of regressive hypnosis, the door to the area of ​​the spiritual highest ideal opens and here the versatility of the method of regressive therapy becomes obvious. After sessions of regressive hypnosis, a person comes to a special understanding of his main life tasks, and begins to progress rapidly in achieving his goals.

For a long time, the official science did not accept such a phenomenon as Hypnosis, but over the past 20 - 30 years opinion has changed dramatically, the science of hypnology has taken its place worthy of respect among other generally recognized sciences. Hypnologists have learned to widely use hypnosis for good. But even now the phenomenon of hypnosis, like a thousand years ago, is fraught with many miracles and mysteries, and especially the possibilities that open up with regressive hypnosis.

How does age regression work?

All work can be divided into two stages:

The first stage is preparatory.

We conduct test programs, find out your tasks, requests, agree on what you would like to receive as a result of your work. After that, with my help, you get the experience of immersion in trance states. We make a short passage into the past. You study your own impressions and sensations. Many already at this stage manage to pass into their past lives. Sometimes training takes longer and requires an additional meeting. The duration of the preparatory stage depends on the experience and ability to enter trance states, as well as on some personal characteristics.

The second stage is a journey into the past. After the first session, you already have sufficient experience, and easily pass into your own past lives.

Regressive therapyis a method by which a person immersed in deep hypnosis is able to look into the distant past and tell about it. With the help of regressive therapy, many long-standing mental and even physical traumas from the past are healed today.

patients experience not only amazing external changes but it is not uncommon for breathtaking stories to surface during regressive hypnosis.
During such dives, in the most amazing cases, the subjects experienced strikingchange, such as: change in appearance and tone of voice. To the amazement of many witnesses, the faces of people who relived periods of a past life, when they were older than at the time of the experiment, became emaciated and haggard, and vice versa, in people who returned to their youth, wrinkles seemed to be smoothed out.

Physical metamorphosis was also more dramatic: some researchers have cited examples of people under hypnosis showing medical symptoms of diseases that they suffered in past lives, for example, facial muscle spasms during paralysis. One Briton even had a blue rope mark on his neck when he went through the hanging again, and a lot of bruises appeared on the body of another person who died from the beatings. In all cases with the recollection of past lives, there are specific details that prove the existence of this phenomenon.
For example, in March 1983, Australian television organized a program on the topic of reincarnation, which chained viewers across the green continent to the screens and shocked everyone who still viewed the issue with distrust. In Experiences on Reincarnation, four ordinary housewives from Sydney, chosen at random, traveled centuries ago under the hypnosis of Peter Roser.

One of them, Cynthia Henderson, remembered her life when she was a French aristocrat, while she used expressions that had not been used in France for several centuries. She said that the castle where she lived was located near the small village of Fleur. Although the woman had never been to Europe, she easily guided the film crew to the site where the ruins of the castle are still preserved.
Another woman, Helen Pickering, under hypnosis recalled that she was formerly James Boris, who was born in the Scottish city of Dunbar in 1801, and there is evidence that such a person existed. As proof, she drew a plan for Marshall College in Aberdeen, where - and this is absolutely true - Berne studied; although the building that now stands in the same place differs from the one drawn by Mrs Pickering, her plan bears an undeniable resemblance to the plans that were found in the archives of the Scottish College.
As stated in the broadcast, it was ruled out that Mrs. Pickering was familiar with the archival data, it is also extremely unlikely that she studied life path a Scotsman who lived in the nineteenth century.

It so happened that in 1983reincarnation theoryreceived another solid proof, which this time came from England. Liverpool-based hypnotist Joe Keaton had already conducted several hundred return-to-life experiments when London-based journalist Ray Bryant met him. The newspaper for which he worked, The Evening Post, commissioned him to write a series of articles on the paranormal, one of which he decided to devote to reincarnation. To make everything look more reliable, he suggested that the hypnotist return him to a past life so that he could describe his own feelings. Although Bryant had never been hypnotized before, Keaton decided to grant his request. This incident turned out to be the most surprising of Keaton's practice.

Under hypnosis, Bryant recalled several of his past lives, including the one when he fought as a soldier Robin Stafford in the Crimean War, and then returned to England and became a boatman on the Thames. As Bryant recalled, Stafford was born in 1822 in Bridehelmston (Brighton) and drowned in 1879 in the East End of London.
During this experiment, the London journalist began to speak in a lower voice with a Lancaster accent, indicating that Stafford spent most of his life in the north of England. Although it was all overwhelming, I wanted to find real evidence, so the members of Keaton's team, Andrew and Margaret Selby, who were present at the experiment, decided to find documentary evidence of the existence of this person.

And they were lucky: in the Guildhall Library, London, they found a list of those wounded and killed in the Crimean War. Others included Sergeant Robin Stafford, then serving in the 47th Lancaster Infantry Regiment, who was wounded in the arm at the Battle of Carris, in a minor skirmish that took place during the siege of Sevastopol. It also contained information about the further career of Sergeant Stafford, he was awarded medals for courage and was released for health reasons. In the next session, Ray Bryant himself told about all these details. The date, place and name of the Battle of Carris, designated by “Stafford,” as well as other facts of his life, were absolutely correct.

Thus, the search for the Selbis was drawing to a close. After spending several days at the General Bureau of Birth, Death and Marriage Registry, they finally found the death certificate of Reuben Stafford, which stated that he did drown (whether it was an accident or it was all set up - it is not established) and was buried in a poor cemetery in East Ham. The date of death and burial was also accurately named by Ray Bryant during the session.
Could these facts have been known to a journalist, if the possibility of reincarnation was excluded? V this case the possibility of cryptomnesia is practically ruled out, since the details of the life of this soldier were unknown to the general public. Unless we assume that Keaton and his companions fabricated all this material, the return to life of a Crimean War veteran in the body of a journalist from the twentieth century will seem extremely incredible!

The memory of past lives is restored not only as a result of recurrent hypnosis. There are people who retain the memory of past lives without any special procedures... This happens most often with children. It is believed that they recall their past lives more often than adults. Naturally, their memories fade as they grow older.

Mr. Hemendra Banergi, who has lived in America since 1970, founded the Paranormal Association in India in 1957. He observed children who, for some reason, had recollections of relatives and friends from past lives, which convinced him of the reliability of reincarnation. Children who remember their past lives always say: “When I was big ...” Some argue that in this life their gender has changed to the opposite. They miss their relatives or regret lost friendships. They want to have the same food and clothing or live the same lifestyle as in their previous life. This even applies to alcoholic beverages, drugs and cigarettes.

The case of the Indian girl Symi

As one of the examples related to children's memories of their previous life, let me introduce you to the story of the reincarnation of the Indian girl Symi. Master Asahara heard it in Dharmsala during his trip to India. In 1979, a three-year-old girl named Simi, who lives in Nangal, Punjab, unexpectedly insisted on traveling to Sundalnagal to take her injured son to hospital. She also stated that the house where she lived was located there and that her husband, Mohandala Sin, who worked as a driver, lived there.

Due to material problems, her family did not go to meet her. There were economic reasons for this. However, a year later, her father's affairs forced the family to move to a city called Srapath near Sundalnagal. When the father found out about the existence of a man named Mohandala Sin, who works as a bus driver in the same area, he decided to pay him a visit with his daughter.

In March they went to Sundalnagal. When they were near the destination of their journey. Simi herself led her father. Approaching one of the houses, she shouted joyfully: "Dad, this is my house!" - And she listed all the neighbors. Unfortunately for her, Mohandala Sin, who was her husband, left at that time on business in Mandhi; there were no other members of the family. However, in the house she found one photograph, saying: “This is my photograph. My name was Krishna. In 1966, I died due to illness. "

On the 21st of March, Simi did meet with her husband. She remembered exactly what happened in the past. Those who were her sons in her past life gathered and went with her to Pirasbuk to her seventy-year-old mother. The mother spoke to her and was convinced that this three-year-old girl was indeed a reincarnated Krishna. She made a check - showed one handkerchief. Simi said: “Mom, you once made a dress for me from the same material. I remember that very well; it’s a pity that due to illness I didn’t have to wear it. ” Thus, since Simi's memories were so accurate and her relatives are still alive, it was proved that she is indeed a reincarnation of Krishna.

The riddle of the little American

A tragedy struck in the family of Henry and Eileen Rogers: running across the street, he was hit by a truck and his 12-year-old son Terence died. For a long time, grief-stricken parents could not get used to the idea that their only child was no longer there. Three years later, 38-year-old Eileen gave birth to her second boy. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the behavior of Frank, all of whose movements were a copy of the gestures of the deceased older brother. They believed: all newborns behave the same. However, when Frank was two years old, amazing things began to happen to him.

Eileen was knitting in the living room one day. The child went up to the mother, wrapped his arms around her legs (it was a habit of the late boy) and said in Terence's voice: "Turn on the TV, I want to watch a movie about the sheriff from Dodge City." The woman almost felt sick when she heard this voice and this unusual request: the film about the sheriff from Dodge City had not appeared on the screen for ten years. In early childhood, he was one of the older boy's favorite films. Where did Frank know the title of the movie? Hardly any of the adults could remember the old picture. But that's not all.

That same evening, Frank met his father with a joyful exclamation: "Pa has come!" Terence called his father this diminutive, but since the day of his death, no one in the house has ever uttered a word. After a while, the kid suddenly asked where their old red Pontiac was. Indeed, the Rogers, seven years ago, had a car in which they, together with Terence, made long journey to the West Coast. The next time Frank asked his father to repair the tricycle. He did not understand what kind of bike he was talking about, but then he remembered that a long time ago Terence had a bicycle with a broken wheel ...

Of course, it would be foolish to talk about Terence's second birth, but the repetition of the deceased's favorite words, his habits were evident. For example, the baby suddenly baptized Toots' dog in Butch: that was the name of the spaniel with whom Terence loved to play and who died several years ago. Once he asked: "Did you bring Robbie with you?" Robbie is the nickname of a dog that died a long time ago. The child did not even see her in the photograph ...

The parents finally decided to turn to a familiar priest, who, in turn, recommended a psychiatrist to them. The child was shown photographs of Terence's schoolmates, his teachers, distant relatives, and cousins. The doctor was amazed: Frank called everyone by name, listed their habits, recalled some episodes that happened to this or that schoolboy long before the birth of Frank himself.
Three-year-old Frank Rogers became interested in scientists at Harvard University. Now the boy spent more time with doctors in research laboratories than with toys. But the riddle of the little American was never solved.

Strange Elena Marquard

This bizarre incident happened in West Berlin to 12-year-old Helena Marquard, who was badly injured in the crash.When the girl was brought to the hospital, she was unconscious, and the doctor on duty said that her condition was hopeless.

Days passed ... One morning, the girl suddenly came to her senses and spoke in an impeccable Italian language, which she did not know before. Everyone was amazed when Elena said that her name was Rosetta Castellani; that she lives in the town of Noveta, near Padua, in Italy. That she was born on August 9, 1887. Then she exclaimed: "I have two children - Bruno and Frans, they are waiting for me. Tell the doctor that I need to go home." Then she added that she died in 1917.

At first, the doctors decided that it was a brain injury that led to delusional fantasies. But pure Italian? We turned to the famous West German psychologist Rowedder. He went to Noveta with a girl and a reporter and found a record in the old parish register: a girl named Rosetta Theobaldi was actually born on August 9, 1887 and married Gino Castellani on October 17, 1908 ...

They were told the address where she lived, where she died on October 17, 1917, and where her daughter Fransa still lives. The most interesting and curious thing was that when they came to the indicated street, Elena pointed to one of the buildings and said confidently; "This is my home." It turned out that she was not mistaken, Fransa herself opened the door for them. At the same moment, the girl said: "Here is my daughter Fransa."

1. With each incarnation, a person again and again falls into one andthe same situationsthat he did not go through in previous lives. He steps on the same rake, though with one difference - in subsequent lives the rake becomes more and more weighty and heavy and the blows by these rakes become more and more tangible.

Working in the field of karmic psychology, I come to the conclusion that most people "dive" from life to life, repeating the same role in the same performance. Like in the movie Groundhog Day, when the hero wakes up every morning on the same day and all the events around him follow the same scenario, and only he can change them. Unfortunately, in life it happens the same way. How many millions of lives does a soul have to incarnate in order to correctly play just one scene of life ?!

That's why, the first task when working with karma, it is to show the patient that vicious circle of mistakes, along which he, like a squirrel in a wheel, runs from birth to death in each new incarnation. The second stage when working with a patient is to help him develop correct representation about the actions and their consequences in this particular case.
The fact is that if a person, reacting to external events, made the wrong conclusions and, as a result, made wrong actions and repeated it from life to life, then these repeated “wrong” actions were prescribed in a person in a karmic body as unconscious reactions to such annoying situations. Such "automatisms" of karmic baggage lie in our subconscious. Therefore, our psychological unconscious, uncontrolled by the will and reason reactions to this or that life incident, again follow the old hackneyed scenario: again, like in the film Groundhog Day, when other characters every day like biorobots repeat the same experience with ourselves.

What to do? How to get out of this vicious circle? Even if we begin to control all our actions and deeds, where is the guarantee that we have not returned to the old scenario again? After all, it seems to us that this is better from the "past experience" - after all, there were no other options! And again by trial and error? How long will it take for reincarnations?
Therefore, the second an important milestone is working out with the patient new scenario... To do this, you need to enter the memory bank of the Universal School of Soul Education and take there options for hints for a new experience. It takes time and effort, however, the game is worth the candle! Better to spend a little time and energy here than again running around the old scenarios for the next thousand reincarnations.
This is followed by the practice of walking with the patient through this new scenario or scenarios, which can be many. As a result of this work, the reincarnation stereotypes of the perception of the world and behavior in various life situations.

2. Working with karma within the framework of karmic psychology is not only a struggle with karmic stereotypes of perception and behavior, it is also training, and the training is multifaceted. As a result of this training, a person begins to more deeply perceive all the processes that occur to him. New horizons open up in front of him and unlimited prospects for internal development and the realization of his true spiritual needs appear. I want to note that these internal changes directly affect the improvement of his material well-being and authority in the society in which he lives.

3. And finally, the very last acquisition that a person receives as a result of working with karma. This is an improvement in his health. I have had cases, although initially the request was not about the cure of certain physical ailments, when people after several sessions passed various diseases that people have suffered for more than one year.

V. V. Kononov

Before starting to consider the theoretical and practical methods of Karmic psychology, let's try to think about why we came to this world? Each of us, sooner or later, is asked similarquestions:

- What is the purpose of my birth?
- What does this world want from me?
- Why am I so alone in this chaos of events?
- Who are my true brothers and sisters?

These questions are not easy to answer. Sometimes we even think that we have found the answer. And this is already comparable to that anecdote when in a black room they are looking for a black cat, which is not there, and at the same time everyone shouts: “Found it!”. And, nevertheless, we will try to look for that very "black cat". Let's try to formulate these questions a little differently:

What were the goals and objectives of the soul before this incarnation into a human being?

This can be identified by indirect signs, if we evaluate the years of our lives. This becomes clear when we are looking for the reasons for our actions, desires, intentions; considering some personal esoteric experience and the experience of colleagues who offered their services to participate in such experiments, as well as colleagues in misfortune, whose experience is described in numerous volumes of books and manuscripts over the centuries.
Here examples some of the goals of our incarnations.

1. One of the souls decided to come to this world as a guinea pig. For some reason she needed the experience of a "test pilot", and all her life someone has been experimenting with her.
2. Another unfortunate woman incarnated into this world for constant learning, she receives constant cuffs - lessons of life, and tries to understand its meaning.
3. And here's another one, she's only here to just pay off her debts. She typed them in past incarnations, when she was having fun for her own pleasure and now, unfortunately, she has to pay the bills. Perhaps she is simply fulfilling her promises, vows, vows, etc., which she did not have time to fulfill before her previous death.
4. And here are the experimental souls; they incarnate here as creators or co-creators. Yes, do not be surprised - they are the hands of God. They realize their divine creative potential, which finds its embodiment, both in transforming the world around us into more harmonious forms, and in finding new ways to preserve harmony already created by someone. environment.
5. There are observer souls; their embodiment carries the mission of the eyes of God, they are here to contemplate the fruits of their past creativity or the creations of their spiritual brothers.
6. Here also, although very rarely, there are souls carrying a great spiritual and educational mission on Earth. Earthly history has preserved many such incarnations - these are Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Great teachers, saints, etc.
7. Some souls can incarnate here for self-improvement or just for fun.
8. And it also happens: the soul is drawn into a whirlpool of incarnation by accident - and this is not so rare.

Of course, in the listed examples, we could not reflect all the possible goals of incarnations, and this is not possible. But one thing is clear: we are here, on this "sinful" Earth, incarnated for certain reasons.

Why did We come to this world?

Let us pose this question, and let it accompany us throughout our future life, until we answer it. Only after that will our wanderings in the fog of illusion begin to come to an end. We will feel solid ground under our feet and, finally, we will see goals, and with them joy. In life, at last, the true meaning will appear, and not the pitiful goal of the animal struggle for existence, which so deeply struck society that some countries of the world even made it the basis of their domestic and foreign policy programs.

What have we come to this world with?

The answer is simple. This is a huge number of desires caused by unmet needs, like physical body and the baggage that we brought from past lives. All that we did not receive, did not have time to do, those desires and aspirations that we did not satisfy in past lives, we brought into this life. And this nightmare presses on us from all sides - I want! Give! Give it back! Etc.

So we finally got to our tasks of incarnation here and now. It turns out that this is simply meeting the needs of different ranks and levels. This makes it sad. But creativity is also a need, I would say, this is the Creator's need for creation. And love is a huge force that allows you to create. So, after all, not all is lost, you just need to separate the "flies and cutlets" and understand what comes from the heart and what comes from unmet needs. Another interesting aspect: we bring from the past not only desires, but also experience, knowledge that we have received in many, many incarnations.

And again the questions arise:
1. What knowledge have we brought from the past?
2. What experience have we gained in past incarnations?
3. With what internal laws, which we subconsciously follow and obey, did we come to this world?
But everything is covered with a veil of oblivion. We do not remember anything about past lives. Is it so? And how do you remember? And can you remember?

There is a place where this most valuable archive is hidden! All information is stored in the memory bank of our subconscious, where access to consciousness is closed. But access is closed only in one direction. Our subconscious mind constantly interferes with our conscious life and, in fact, controls it. We often become puppets of the subconscious - this bottomless, sometimes even scary world... How to break free from the shackles of the past? How to get out of the web of oblivion and open the door to the subconscious? Don't you think that too many questions have already been asked? But this is just the beginning.

What world does our soul enter?

First of all, during incarnation, the soul receives a "reward" a physical body, in which it will remain throughout its life until death. And this physical body does not have as many possibilities as we would like.

At first, we are in a three-dimensional world with its severe restrictions and the laws of space-time.
Secondly, the human biological body can live and function normally only under certain parameters of the environment.
Thirdly, the body itself has limited physical and biological capabilities, which greatly limits our freedom of action.

But, in addition to physical laws that restrict the freedom of our actions, we are embodied in specific social conditions, which in turn, by certain laws and rules, also make their own adjustments to our existence. These are the conditions for our incarnation.

And one more important aspect!

Social laws, unfortunately, are a pitiful likeness of those true laws that exist on this planet. And this, in turn, is often the cause of strong contradictions between society and spirit. These laws were established by the Creators, at the time of the creation of this beautiful planet and its population with living beings, including humans. The creators still strictly monitor the implementation of the "rules of the game" established by them. Natural disasters, earthquakes, man-made disasters, etc. - this is a consequence of the inclusion of some mechanism of "punishment", which is triggered when people violate the laws of the Creator.

And finally, the most important thing. Incarnation itself, as such, is our conscious choice. Nobody forced us to "dive" into this limited space of gross matter. We are here solely of our own free will. And now, completely confused, we can touch on these concepts, often used for speculation - "fate" or "karma" and deal with the cause of their occurrence.
It already seems clear to us where to look for a black cat, where the prerequisites for the emergence of causes leading to certain consequences are hidden. Now we can try to find the reasons and understand them, understanding the essence of the occurrence of success or failure.

Perhaps the first thin ray of light has dawned in the black room, which can highlight the true reasons that induce us to do good, negative or neutral actions, leading us to the corresponding consequences. It becomes possible to understand why one person is successful and another is not, one is happy, and the other is suffering year after year.

The mystery of reincarnation has been a fascinating question for curious minds for centuries. From time immemorial, man has been occupied with the idea that life is one continuous thread, andbirth and death are only phasesmoving from one stage of existence to another. All life is change, and all changes are life, but eternal life is what the ancient masters promised, and in this area of ​​eternal life everything changes, but nothing changes. What is the reality of human existence? His physical life, his deeds, the principles that he defends, or is there something still more elusive that creates and recreates human life?

A beautiful architectural project is as real as the thought that created it, because at one moment in time and space the symbolic structure will cease to exist, but the thought that created the architectural creation will remain in eternity. Seer Nostradamus wrote many pages, most of which were burned or lost. However, the thoughts of these pages are full of life. This is the substance of eternal life.

Your thought is the real "you"; not the “you” as your relatives, friends or neighbors see you. The real “you” is not your physical body, as it may never admit that its influences end at the skin border. There was no time when you did not exist, and never the time will come when you cease to exist. But parts of yourself will change as you experience constant transformation during your eternal life as your soul travels upward towards perfection.

We can see such changes in the simple beauty of nature's life story. The two caterpillars were friends and spent a lot of time together. Once one of the caterpillars died, after which its true and true friend began a quiet, grief-stricken wakefulness near the body of his departed loved one. Many sad days passed, and one day the caterpillar looked up and saw a butterfly staring at it. "Why are you crying?" the butterfly asked. "Because I lost my friend," the caterpillar replied. Then, in all its splendor and beauty, the butterfly proudly said: "But I am your friend!" For the caterpillar, reincarnation was difficult to understand, but for the butterfly it was a fact, since it overstepped the limits of one physical form and entered another, without losing its true essence in the process.

V ancient egypt the bodies of the dead souls were buried together with the property most dear to them, so that they could be comfortable in their future journey. In India, for many centuries, bodies were burned so that the soul could rise with the ashes up to Brahma. Then they began to leave them as food for birds, realizing that physical shell itself is only a temple that houses the soul. They seem to know that the same thought that created such a temple will create new temples when the soul needs them.

We know that babies are born with a certain character, which begins to show from the very first days of stay in the hospital. Very often these manifestations are so distinct and unique that they contrast inexplicably with their traceable inheritance. In India, there have been cases where children could speak dialects different from those they were taught in the family.

From time to time we see cases of extraordinary innate talent. At the age of four Mozart gave his first concert, using musical knowledge that he could not get in the first four years of his life. The only one probable cause for such a highly developed understanding of music, it may be that he has worked on it in previous lives and culminated in expression in this incarnation.
Apparently, it will be difficult to explain that the talent of the great Michelangelo could have been born with only one life and that he had no knowledge of art in previous incarnations. These natural talents, i.e. what we do well without training is usually what we worked on before our present incarnation.

Some phobias stubbornly resist all forms of psychiatric treatment. We conclude that the source of extreme fear is deeply rooted in the soul, persisting now as a residue, even if the individual no longer consciously remembers the reason. All that is needed to arouse this type of fear is a form of sensory impression that subconsciously reminds the individual of a past incarnation in which he may have had an adequate reason for this fear. The memory of the soul retains the negatives of pictures of every event that the individual has ever experienced. All that is needed is a trigger to bring these negatives into focus - and they will gain the power to influence the individual in his present life.

Without any real understanding of reincarnation, most modern psychologists tries to treat patients suffering from such fears with the help of so-called "desensitization". They hope that by depriving a person of sensitivity, they will eventually achieve less response to this stimulus. Of course, the price to be paid is that the patient is more likely to become insensitive to all stimuli than to choose those that relate to the negatives of his subconscious earlier life pain. When we understand how an individual responds to time, we will have the first clue as to why fears and phobias are so difficult to overcome. It seems reasonable to expect that a habit engrained over two or three lifetimes will require four or five years of treatment from psychologists.

With a subconscious desire better life the individual "squeezes" time... In essence, a chronic past life problem that has existed for thirty or forty years arises in the current life as a “remnant” as a result of an event or perception. Then thirty or forty years of experience is symbolically acquired again within a relatively short period of time. Thus, the emotional response becomes disproportionate to the psychologically discernible triggers in this life. At the same time, the acute trauma of past lives, apparently, is so painful in the memory of the soul that the individual in the current life goes to any extreme measures to avoid those areas and situations that he subconsciously knows will excite these negative manifestations. It seems logical that a person with a fear of heights could have died as a result of falling from a height in a previous life.

It can be concluded that those qualities that are least correlated with the rest of the present life (fortunately or unhappily) are the remnants of the past incarnation. Think about every question you have never been able to answer about yourself. Where do the answers lie?

Individual characteristics - proof of renncarnation

After collecting many examples showing that some people remember their past lives, Professor Stevenson expressed the opinion: "The idea of ​​reincarnation allows you to understand the individual characteristics of any person." He also noticed that the concept of reincarnation allows us to explain such, for example, phenomena as deviations in mental activity, which is difficult to explain from the point of view of modern psychology or psychiatry with all the knowledge that they have.

These features are as follows:

1) congenital fear of certain phenomena in infancy or infancy;
2) unusual interests and games that are found in babies;
3) unusual abilities and behaviors that are often manifested in children and which they could not learn about in infancy;
4) habits and addictions;
5) temperament;
6) early developing sexual response;
7) shyness in front of people of the same sex;
8) differences in identical twins;
9) unexplained ill will;
10) unusual appetite during pregnancy;
11) left-handedness;
12) birthmarks and birth defects;
13) individual character traits inherent in everyone;
14) the ability to recreate in memory the environment that they see for the first time, and so on.

You can briefly explain the essence of the features highlighted by the professor:

1) Fear of this kind is generally associated with the cause of death during the previous incarnation. Burmese Ma Tin Aung Miyo, at the age of four, began to recall that in a previous life she was a Japanese soldier who was killed by a shot from an Allied plane. Subsequently, she was afraid of aircraft for several years.
2) Many children, from infancy, become interested in the profession they want to have when they grow up. From an early age, Saint Catherine of Siena, who was later recognized as a saint, in her games represented herself as a nun and engaged in severe practices such as fasting. At the age of seven, she dedicated her life to Jesus Christ. Her father worked as a dyer in Siena and, like her mother, was a believer. They tried not to interfere with her zealous religious service. However, in their daily life, there were no factors explaining the reason why she became a saint.

3) One man, named Koris Chotkin Jr., remembers how he was an old fisherman and lived in Alaska, so from childhood he was interested in motors, knew how to repair and operate them.
4) Some children who remember their past lives surprise adults by demanding alcohol, tobacco, or drugs such as hashish. They say that they remember how they often used them in a past life, and also that they cannot understand why such things are prohibited.
5) Research has shown that there are significant differences in temperament in infants just a few days after birth. Some experts in this field were confused, unable to explain the reason for these individual differences. As for children who remember their past lives, according to Professor Stevenson's research, some of those who served as a source of information for him argued that the temperament of these children was the same as in the previous incarnation.

6) Some children who remember their past lives, even in infancy, show sexual interest to those who were a wife or loved one in past lives. So, one small child confessed his love to a person of the opposite sex, who reminded him of a loved one from a past life.
7) In many cases, children who remember that they had the opposite sex in a previous life behave in infancy according to the sex they had. Such children often deny, or pretend to deny, the concept of gender as accepted by modern anatomy. For example, some girls say they are boys, wear boy clothes, play boy games, and want to be called male name.
8) Burmese twins named Maun Aung Cho Tin and Maun Aung Ko Tin remember that in their past lives, one of them was a woman and the other was a man. The woman owned a rice mill and the man was a farmer. He grew rice and took it to this mill. When observing the behavior and attitudes of the twins, it was found that one of them behaves arrogantly, like a wealthy mill owner, and the other is courteous, like a rice farmer.
9) Unwarranted hostility that some feel towards certain people or social groups is probably based on memories from past lives - this is similar to the attitude of the murdered, in which there is a strong thirst for revenge, towards his killer. Some people, for example, became angry when they heard something about the British or Americans.
10) A woman named Mountain Mint Tin remembers that in a past life she was an alcoholic, and as a child she often demanded alcohol. Her mother says that four to five months after the onset of pregnancy, she had an irresistible craving for alcohol.

Burmese Ma Kin Sandi, considered the epitome of her grandmother, is left-handed, while her grandmother was not. And none of her family was left-handed. However, after the grandmother went to bed due to a cerebral hemorrhage, her right arm became paralyzed and this condition continued until death occurred a few months later. This is why Ma Kin Sandi has a feeling that her right hand is unable to act, which prompted her to use her left hand.
12) Among children who remember their past lives, many, according to the testimony of those who report it, were born with birthmarks and congenital malformations that corresponded to the injuries that had damaged their physical body in the previous incarnation. In some cases, illnesses in this life correspond to those that they had in a previous life.

If there were no information about such a phenomenon as reincarnation, then any innate human ability would be the result of a random interaction of genes. However, since we have facts that prove its existence, it can be assumed that individual character traits are determined not only by a genetic factor, but also by what character traits were characteristic of a person in previous lives.
14) In some cases related to reincarnation, people, getting into the area where they lived in a past life, feel that they have already been here once, although they came here for the first time in this life. Usually, people who have this feeling do not retain fuller memories and do not remember anything related to their past life, or perhaps remember only a small part of it.

There are many stories about hypnosis and its effect on the human psyche. There are also many descriptions of combat hypnosis, which is successfully used by the intelligence services of all countries. But quite often hypnosis is remembered in connection with the reincarnation of a person. Consider some of the most famous stories cited by proponents of reincarnation as evidence of human reincarnation and the possibility of existence. next life.

There are many such stories about hypnosis and reincarnation. You can treat them in different ways - skeptically, carefully, you can simply dismiss them, but it cannot be denied that they arouse our interest in their uniqueness and mystery. Reincarnation gives us a chance for immortality.

In 1824, a 9-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a wealthy Japanese peasant, declared his older sister that he is absolutely sure that he remembers his past life. This case is one of the first to be officially recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, witnesses and carefully documented. It is more often cited by people who claim that reincarnation is real. Doctors, historians, police and even local healers worked with Katsugoro for a long time and carefully. The boy conquered everyone with his vivid and picturesque memories of his previous life in the smallest detail and a lot of small details that could not be known to a child of such a young age.

First of all, Katsugoro said that in his former life he was the son of another peasant and lived in a completely different village, located on the island of Okinawa. V mature age he became seriously ill and died of smallpox in 1810.

Little Katsugoro came under police cross-examination under the direct supervision of a psychologist and doctors. The boy told investigators about more than 50 different stories and incidents from the life of the village from the island of Okinawa. In addition, the boy revealed the secrets of his previous family, which only a person close and trusted of the same family could know. It should be noted that Katsugoro himself never left his village or visited the islands of Okinawa.

The boy's memories of his own funeral, which he described in great detail, looked very interesting. The boy named the exact date of his own death and the date of the funeral. The investigators checked and compared all the facts about which he was told. All of them received accurate confirmation. It is worth noting: Katsugoro gave the investigation the home names of his former relatives, as well as the nicknames of pets: dogs, cats, cows. half of the XX century. In any case, the British consider this story, if not a proof of reincarnation, then a proof of the possibility of flight and travel of the human soul in time.

Once Graham Huxtable volunteered to participate in a hypnosis session that psychotherapist Aimall Blocksham conducted at the University of Cornwall (Wells. Immersed in hypnosis, Huxtable not only began to remember his previous life, but, as it seemed to numerous witnesses of the experiment among scientists, he moved a certain man named Ben. Already a cursory test revealed that Mr. Ben lived in the XVIII century. He served as one of the gunners on the military royal frigate. Reincarnated in the cheerful and gallant gunner Ben, Huxtable, under hypnosis, began to speak a marine vocabulary, which was dominated by obscene At the same time, the professors of the university, recording the entire session on a video camera, very quickly admitted that Mr. Ben's vocabulary fully corresponded to the language of the commoner of the British Isles of the 18th century. This language was not used in England even in the 19th century. audio recording, felt that Mr. Ben's speech fully corresponded to the vocabulary, vocabulary and slang of sailors of the XVIII century, which are not used today. Judging from Huxtable's speeches, during the experiment, he got on board the frigate at the moment when the sailors were fighting which enemy. According to Huxtale's cries and groans, he was wounded in the left leg in this battle.

In psychologist Bloxham, there were some difficulties in taking the patient out of trance into living reality. Ben didn’t want to “leave the battle and leave his battle number in the cannons. When hypnosis finally ceased to affect the patient, the first thing Huxtable reported was that his leg was numb. Huxtable was later allowed to watch and listen to a recording of his session. He was shocked and claimed to remember nothing.

Therefore, over time, hypnosis can either prove or disprove claims about the possibility of human reincarnation.

edited news Core - 21-02-2011, 20:40

One of the most mysterious topics in the history of mankind is what life after death can be like. I propose to reflect together on such a mysterious and unidentified question. And in the article I will give evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. If you have any other thoughts, comments are open. Write your point of view.

The origins of the theory

The version of reincarnation came from Buddhism and Judaism. These religious movements are based on love of peace, enlightenment and eternal life. Thanks to these commandments, the human soul was endowed eternal life... Our body decays and dies over time, but the soul can live indefinitely. I think many have had to deal with the loss of a loved one.

Unfortunately, in life it is almost impossible to avoid death. If you believe the theory about the transmigration of souls, then it is possible to meet the deceased once again in life, only this time in the form of another person, animal or phenomenon.

There are many cases when close relatives of a deceased person see him in dreams, notice his character in small child or, for example, the same black raven flies to them on the balcony.

This kind of thing can be interpreted as unhealthy fiction or coincidence. Or you can listen to your own feelings.

Scientific facts

Scientists, esotericists, philosophers have been struggling to uncover this secret for more than one century. As a result of years of war for truth, amazing theories have arisen.

According to one version, the human soul is able to maintain a kind of natural balance, as well as to be saturated with experience. Therefore, after the death of the physical body, the soul can only move into the body of the opposite sex.

If the body of the deceased was improperly laid to rest or his grave was abused, then in the next life a person with this soul will suffer serious psychological illnesses... Schizophrenia, persecution mania, and multiple personality disorder are all signs of a failed demise in the past.

By the way, take a close look at your own body... Are there any unexplained marks with which you were born, birthmarks? According to one version, such marks are scars from a past life. In other words, if a person has a large birthmark, then, probably in a past life, his body died from injury in this place.

Exists heated debate over what guise the soul can take in a meager life. According to the law of vitality, the human spirit cannot spend its existence in the body of an animal.

V eastern philosophy everything is a little different. Many Japanese sages say that the soul pays for the sins committed. If serious moral crimes were committed in the human body, then in the subsequent life the energetic matter will drag the existence of a dung beetle or an iron.

Some people claim that they remember events from their past lives. To be more precise, various memories periodically pop up in front of them, events that definitely could not have happened to them. It remains only to hope that it happened sometime in a past life.

Each of you, at least once in your life, has been visited by such a strange feeling as deja vu... There are many theories about the origin of this phenomenon.

Some believe that this is a layering of intertemporal segments, others attribute this to the closure of intracerebral impulses. It's just that at some point it starts to seem to you that all this was. You were in this place, you know what the interlocutor will say and almost foresee further events. But there can be no such coincidence. You may have never been to this place, but here is your soul ...

Cases from science

Experiments to identify the movement of the soul began to be carried out long before scientific research.

Even in antiquity, the peoples of the eastern countries patented original tradition... The deceased relative was given a point on some part of the body, and the hope that it would be inherited by a new family member and become a birthmark. So moles on your body may not just have formed there.

Later, a certain Jim Tucker... Some interesting cases were cited in his works.

One, a year before his birth, had his grandfather died. Before burial he was given a coal the mark on the left hand... The baby was born with a birthmark in the same place.

According to the source, a couple of years later the boy named his grandmother by the name that her husband affectionately called her, that is, the boy's grandfather. Since the death of the man in the family, the grandmother has not been treated like that again. Later, the boy's mother admitted that, being pregnant with him, her father came to her in a dream and expressed a desire to stay with his family.

Here's another example.

Diane worked in one of the social clinics in Miami. The woman was first a head nurse in the clinic, and then a patient.

While working, she looked after a patient with acute pulmonary disease... He suffered from fits of suffocation and coughing. He had a crescent-shaped mole on his shoulder. The man went on the mend, and the young people began an affair. The couple later got married and spent many happy years together.

But before these glorious events, the woman was seen by the clinic's psychotherapist. In one of the sessions, she described her visions.

That during the conflict situation in North America, she, in the body of a native settler, hid with her baby in her arms. Suspecting the attack of the enemy, the girl covered the child's mouth with her hand, as a result of which she strangled him.

And everything in this story would not be so scary if there was no crescent-shaped mole on the back of the child's head.

By the way, according to one of the scientific versions, those who died from asphyxia in a previous life suffer from asthma.

In one of the cities of Turkey, scientists could observe the story of one boy.

He allegedly remembered the life of a soldier who was shot with a gun. By the way, in a local hospital there was a case about a man who was wounded in the right side of his face and died a week later. At the same time, the guy himself, who spoke about his visions, was born with numerous facial defects, of course, on the right side.

Evidence for the existence of reincarnation

Many psychologists and psychotherapists develop on its basis different techniques, allowing you to look into the subconscious of a person. One of them is hypnosis.

With the help of hypnosis, the patient is put into a trance state. A person unconsciously recalls facts from his childhood, past and from another life. When a client comes to his senses, he most likely does not remember anything. This practice allows you to understand many of the nuances of the human perception of the world. History knows several cases that, probably, can confirm the phenomenon of transmigration of souls.

There is such a thing as false memories... A group of scientists conducted a survey among groups of children of different ages. Many of them spoke in detail and colorfully about their deaths. In most cases it came violently - a person was killed. The death occurred several years before the birth of the interviewed child. By themselves clear stories were older guys from two to six years.

Psychoanalyst Brian Weiss describes in his scientific works sessions with girl Catherine.

During a trance, she told the doctor that she saw the presence of his father and son in this room, gave their exact names. She also mentioned that the father died because of a weak heart, for the same reason the son died. Katherine knew little about personal life doctor and could hardly deliberately operate with such facts. Such a hairdryer, when a person sees the dead relatives of his interlocutor, is called twilight zone.

In the seventies, at the age of two, a boy named Kevin. He had a compound fracture of his leg, which grew into more serious illness and killed the kid. The child underwent chemotherapy. The catheter was inserted through the right side of the neck, and there was a noticeable scar from the deformity of the eye caused by the tumor over the left ear.

Ten years later, his mother gave birth to a son, but from another man. The strange thing was that this child also had a scar, a birthmark on the neck on the right, and problems with the left eye. As soon as the boy began to move independently, he began to limp in a strange way. He had no defects or diseases.

As he got older, the baby claimed that he remembered the medication course, he could name the exact place of the catheter - the right side of the neck. Later, he began to talk about his old place of residence, describing exactly the house in which Kevin lived, although the guy himself had never been there.

Psychiatry teacher Ian Stevenson mentions a small a girl from Burma... She was born in the sixties of the twentieth century.

A three-year-old little girl began to talk about herself as a Japanese soldier who was burnt alive by Burmese residents by tying him to a tree trunk. Also, the girl was very different from the locals and ignored their national mentality.

She was attracted by the boy's clothes and short hair... Didn't like traditional spicy food. She did not accept Buddhism. And in fact, in the distant years, Japanese soldiers attacked a Burmese settlement. Like the way they slapped local residents, the little girl treated her peers.

The most amazing thing was that she was born with unusual hands: on right hand the middle and ring fingers were fused like frog membranes.

Only a few days old they were removed to her. On the left hand, some phalanges were completely absent. The girl's mother claims that there was a mark on her right hand that looked like a burn and traces of ropes, but over time it disappeared.

One Indian village there lived a boy named Taranjit Singh... At the age of two, he said that he lived sixty kilometers from his native village and called himself by the name Satnam Singh.

He described himself as a student who, at the age of sixteen, was knocked to death by a man on a scooter. His books were covered in blood, and at that time there was a piece of paper in his pocket with a denomination of thirty rupees.

For a long time, no one believed the child, but he never stopped telling this story. As a result, it occurred to his father to find out if there was even a grain of truth in his words. A local school teacher told him that, in fact, there was once a young man with that name, who died in a ridiculous disaster. The man and his son went to the family of the deceased guy.

The parents confirmed the facts about the bloody books and currency in the pocket. After that, the child was able to identify that unfortunate person from the photo. This story quickly spread to the local outskirts. Local experts and authorities, after conducting an examination, compared the handwriting of two boys, who turned out to be similar to each other, like two drops of water.

Medical practice knows many examples when people begin to speak fluently in a language that is not typical for them. As a rule, this occurs after traumatic brain injury, clinical death, or severe stress. In parapsychology, this phenomenon is called xenoglossia.

Since the carrier cannot learn in any way, for example, Spanish in his usual habitat, and then begins to speak it fluently. The only rational explanation would be that he perfectly mastered it in a past life.

In practice there was a case with one little-known American... The woman for forty years lived in a family of immigrants who spoke Polish, Russian, Czech and English languages... She herself, having moved to Philadelphia, began to study French. Seeking help from a psychoanalyst, she began to show unimaginable things.

During hypnosis sessions, the woman spoke of herself as a Swedish peasant. She spoke naturally in Swedish. The woman calmly answered questions asked in this language using new words and expressions. The English skill has not gone anywhere either. At first, the public was skeptical about such indicators. The woman was repeatedly tested for polygraph and language skills. The results proved that there was no deception in her actions.

Conversations with family members and friends also led to the fact that she could not cross with this language anywhere. The team found that the Swedish the woman parried was mixed with Norwegian. The vocabulary of the man in whose image she came was very meager, and he himself did not shine with intelligence.

All this information is just a grain in the sea of ​​the unknown phenomenon of reincarnation. As you may have noticed, all the facts and examples that history gives us are not scientifically proven. All soul transmigration concept to this day is under big a question... Each has its own truth. Moreover, it is much more pleasant to live, realizing that this is not the last guise in which the light has yet to be seen.

You can check on yourself the technique of remembering past lives, who you were before this incarnation. But before (not hypnosis), with the help of which past lives are remembered.

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< Елена Изотова >

It seems that the phenomenon of reincarnation has existed in both Eastern and Western cultures since ancient times. One example from Ancient China tells of Emperor Wu, whose name was Xiao Yang, during the Nanbeichao period. He ruled for 48 years and died at the age of 86. Since the time of the first emperor Qin Shihuang, he has been a long-liver among the emperors of China. Only Jianlong lived even longer. Historical records indicate that Emperor Wu was a monk in his previous life.

In Eastern religion, it is believed that if a person with a kind-hearted intention does good deeds, he will certainly be rewarded. Reincarnation is also believed to embody the justice of heavenly principles. On this basis, good deeds are rewarded with blessings, and people who do evil will have to suffer later.

A monk in the process of cultivation constantly eliminates bad thoughts, and with all his heart turns to good. Therefore, it can be understood that Emperor Wu in his former monk life, although he could not achieve perfection, but deserved a happy next life.

Maybe we learn about such phenomena in order to reflect and take responsibility for all our affairs. If we all, as the Eastern religions teach, are constantly in the circles of rebirth, many good or bad experiences in our present life may actually be caused by our deeds in past lives. Therefore, it is better for us to consciously monitor our thoughts, words and deeds.

On the website of the Division of Perceptual Studies, an organization founded by Ian Stevenson in 1967 and one of the few similar university-based structures, there is a small note about children remembering their past lives. It contains phrases that such children usually say: "You are not my mom / dad", "I had other parents", "When I was an adult, I had a wife ..." In addition, children talk about their unusual memories through the game. They can call toys by the names of relatives and friends from a past life, they can imagine themselves as a person of the opposite sex, like a girl from Sri Lanka who remembers that she was a boy before. The child with whom the girl associated herself drowned at the age of seven. The girl played boyish games like kite flying and cricket, loved to climb trees and did it all pretty well. Another girl, who lived in Thailand, also remembered her past life in the body of a boy, was interested in men's sports, and successfully went in for boxing. We do not give the names of the children, since Stevenson himself indicates only their initials.

The researcher describes many interesting cases when children talk about their past life through play. The doctor notes that in the course of the game, they resolve conflicts that they cannot resolve otherwise. Stevenson refers to the research of other psychologists, including Lazarus, Freud. According to Freud, play may be an attempt to resolve conflict situation and to reduce the negative emotional consequences of trauma. And such a trauma can be a violent death in a past life.

PS, the son of a professor in Bizauli, a small town in northern India, at the age of two and a half, began playing the owner of a biscuit and soda shop. Stevenson notes that at the time, carbonated water was hardly sold anywhere and was supplied directly to customers. There were separate shops in Bizauli where cookies were sold, but there was not one where soda was made and sold. The boy remembered that in a past life he was a successful businessman who owned a store where soda was produced. Perhaps this explains his game.

The son of a laborer from the Turkish city of Adana remembered that he was the owner of a nightclub. The boy built a bar, filled it with bottles, and assigned children from the neighborhood to various roles in his "club." He also provided two chairs for his wives. In Turkey, polygamy was prohibited, so it is difficult to check if the owner of the club, with whom the child associated himself, had two wives.

Brother and sister from the Indian caste of Brahmins recalled that they used to belong to a lower caste and insisted that they should work, as in their past life, as a cleaner and washer of clothes. For parents, such inclinations of children brought a lot of trouble and annoyed them. It should be noted that games based on memories of a past life could not be inspired by relatives or someone from the inner circle of children.

An interesting observation by Stevenson: their past life is mainly remembered by children aged two to seven or eight years old. He noted that after five years in a child's life there are too many other things to remember, and the past life is forgotten.

An Indian named Mishra took his three-year-old daughter Svornlata on a trip. When the group stopped in the town of Katney for tea, Swornlata said that it would be better if they had tea at "her house", which is "not far from here." These words then surprised the girl's father very much, since his family had never lived in this city. His surprise was further increased when his daughter began to tell other children about the details of her "former life" in Katney. Two years later, Svornlata began to perform unusual dances and songs that she could not learn anywhere, and later began to recognize the people she saw for the first time and talk in detail about their lives. Professor Banerjee, a parapsychologist at the University of Rajasthab in Jaipur, became interested in this case, observed the girl for a long time and found that Swornlata "recalls" the life of the late Biya Pathak.

Johnson was a well-known and respected doctor from Philadelphia. He took up hypnosis to help his patients treat their illnesses. His wife Lydia Johnson agreed to help her husband in his hypnosis experiments. As it turned out, she was a brilliant subject for hypnosis, as she could easily fall into a trance. The first experiments with his wife went well, and the doctor decided to apply the method of hypnotic regression on her and suggest a return back in time. Once in a state of deep sleep, Lydia began, confusing English and foreign words, to describe her past life. During subsequent sessions, she continued to speak in a low male voice about her farming life in a small village ...

Researcher Ian Stevenson cites other, no less interesting, cases. Fraud and trickery are excluded, since every case described has been studied and documented by competent independent researchers. Is there a plausible explanation for all these phenomena without resorting to belief in the transmigration of souls? One of the explanations that skeptics turn to is clairvoyance - the possession of supernormal knowledge about various events and people of the past. However, a person's ability to speak a language or dialect that he has never learned before is not clairvoyance.

In March 1983, Australian television launched a show on the theme of reincarnation, which chained viewers across the green continent to the screens and shocked everyone who still viewed the issue with distrust. In Experiences on Reincarnation, four ordinary housewives from Sydney, chosen at random, traveled centuries ago under the hypnosis of Peter Roser.

One of them, Cynthia Henderson, remembered her life when she was a French aristocrat, while she used expressions that had not been used in France for several centuries. She said that the castle where she lived was located near the small village of Fleur. Although the woman had never been to Europe, she easily guided the film crew to the site where the ruins of the castle are still preserved.

Another woman, Helen Pickering, under hypnosis recalled that she was formerly James Boris, who was born in the Scottish city of Dunbar in 1801, and there is evidence that such a person existed. As proof, she drew a plan for Marshall College in Aberdeen, where - and this is absolutely true - Berne studied; although the building that now stands in the same place differs from the one drawn by Mrs Pickering, her plan bears an undeniable resemblance to the plans that were found in the archives of the Scottish College. As stated in the broadcast, it was ruled out that Mrs. Pickering was familiar with the archival data, it is also extremely unlikely that she studied the life of a Scotsman who lived in the nineteenth century.

It so happened that in 1983, the theory of reincarnation received another strong evidence, which came this time from England. Liverpool-based hypnotist Joe Keaton had already conducted several hundred return-to-life experiments when London-based journalist Ray Bryant met him. The newspaper for which he worked, The Evening Post, commissioned him to write a series of articles on the paranormal, one of which he decided to devote to reincarnation. To make everything look more reliable, he suggested that the hypnotist return him to a past life so that he could describe his own feelings. Although Bryant had never been hypnotized before, Keaton decided to grant his request. This incident turned out to be the most surprising of Keaton's practice.

Under hypnosis, Bryant recalled several of his past lives, including the one when he fought as a soldier Robin Stafford in the Crimean War, and then returned to England and became a boatman on the Thames. As Bryant recalled, Stafford was born in 1822 in Bridehelmston (Brighton) and drowned in 1879 in the East End of London. During this experiment, the London journalist began to speak in a lower voice with a Lancaster accent, indicating that Stafford spent most of his life in the north of England. Although it was all overwhelming, I wanted to find real evidence, so the members of Keaton's team, Andrew and Margaret Selby, who were present at the experiment, decided to find documentary evidence of the existence of this person.

And they were lucky: in the Guildhall Library, London, they found a list of those wounded and killed in the Crimean War. Others included Sergeant Robin Stafford, then serving in the 47th Lancaster Infantry Regiment, who was wounded in the arm at the Battle of Carris, in a minor skirmish that took place during the siege of Sevastopol. It also contained information about the further career of Sergeant Stafford, he was awarded medals for courage and was released for health reasons. In the next session, Ray Bryant himself told about all these details. The date, place and name of the Battle of Carris, designated by “Stafford,” as well as other facts of his life, were absolutely correct.

Thus, the search for the Selbis was drawing to a close. After spending several days at the General Bureau of Birth, Death and Marriage Registry, they finally found the death certificate of Reuben Stafford, which stated that he did drown (whether it was an accident or it was all set up - it is not established) and was buried in a poor cemetery in East Ham. The date of death and burial was also accurately named by Ray Bryant during the session.

Could these facts have been known to a journalist, if the possibility of reincarnation was excluded? In this case, the possibility of cryptomnesia is practically excluded, since the details of the life of this soldier were unknown to the general public. Unless we assume that Keaton and his companions fabricated all this material, the return to life of a Crimean War veteran in the body of a journalist from the twentieth century will seem extremely incredible!

A lot of cases of reincarnation are known today. But not every person is able to remember his “past life”. Meanwhile, according to Pythagoras, all people living on Earth today are already in their 10th or 11th karmic incarnation.

Lowell Cunningham, a psychotherapist from the United States, conducted regression sessions with the famous master of fantastic painting Boris Valejo. Under hypnosis, he suddenly spoke in French. When the doctor asked him to translate what he said into English, the artist repeated his words in English, but with a French accent. When asked to tell about himself, he replied that he had previously been an average musician in Paris and composed tabloid songs. Subsequently, the doctor found in the library a biography of the French composer with the given name. The description of his life coincided with the story of the artist.

Once, a woman suffering from pathological overeating came to see the psychiatrist Richard Sutfeng from the United States. Satfeng decided to try regression. Under hypnosis, the patient told that she was a girl of ten years old and was among people caught in the mountains by an avalanche. They ran out of food supplies and began to eat each other's meat so as not to starve to death. The "girl" recalled how her family ate her grandfather - he himself asked them to do it. The most striking thing is that what the woman said actually took place in 1846. Then large group migrants could not get over the four-meter snow drifts in the Rocky Mountains. Of the 77 people, 47 survived - the rest died or were eaten by their comrades. Patient Sutfeng came to America from Germany in 1953 and had never heard of this tragedy before. According to the doctor, it was the "memory" of the hunger "experienced" more than 100 years ago that could have caused her illness. - A young woman came to me, she was a little over twenty. She was charming despite full figure- says the author of the book "Past Lives - Future Lives", Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who has collected a whole collection of cases from previous lives of people who in one way or another influenced those living today. - Unbelievable, but true: this woman was very afraid of losing weight. She was haunted by the thought that if she became slim, she would face certain death. Using hypnosis on her mind, I returned her to the past: to France, in 1700. Then she was the youngest of seven orphan sisters and the most beautiful. The sisters were fat and unattractive, they bullied the youngest and in the end beat him so that the unfortunate woman died. The patient subconsciously associated beauty with pain, but after several sessions of therapy she got rid of her complex and lost weight to the envy of her friends.

Another amazing incident, told by Goldberg, was that of a small trader. He complained that everyone, including his family members, mistreated him. Hypnosis helped to find out that in a past life he was ... an apprentice with an artist from Bavaria. The year was 1132. The master was known as a cruel man and treated his student like a slave: he beat him, starved him and used every opportunity to humiliate a young man who was dependent on him. Dr. Goldberg explained to the man that one should not be afraid of the past, conducted several sessions special therapy, - he gained self-confidence, and his life went back to normal. Another case from Bruce Goldberg's practice shows how fears from the past plague people in the present. One of his patients complained that she was afraid of heights: she could not think about the elevator without a shudder, and the "ascent" to the second floor was given to her only after a sedative pill. Under the influence of hypnosis, she learned that in a past life she was ... a three year old boy who lived in Switzerland. One fine day, he looked out of the second floor window at his older brother and fell down. The woman remembered such details as the eerie sound from the air cut by the body and the strong blow. Her fear passed shortly after she discovered its nature.

And there is a lot of such evidence. It has already been established with great certainty that those who were hanged or strangled in a past life are often tormented by asthma, those who were physically tortured or injured - diseases of bones and muscles. Claustrophobia - the fear of confined space - can be suffered by people imprisoned in their previous incarnation. Hydrophobia is observed in those who drowned in the river. And in general - people usually experience an inexplicable fear of objects that once caused their death. In many cases, patients can be helped with psychotherapeutic methods. At least, this is what experts who practice "travel to the past" and their patients assure. And yet, despite the long-term practice of past life therapy (this is the name of this direction), scientists cannot reliably say whether their patients really return to former lives... Many are sure that there are no travels, and all wanderings take place in an unknown country called "subconsciousness". It is in this unusual way that it solves mental and physical problems that our consciousness is not able to solve.

Concept regressive hypnosis or hypnotic regression not so long ago came into use and acquired widespread use in the practice of psychologists, and even more so for the wide masses interested in this method of hypnosis. The very existence of not only a concept, but also regressive hypnosis as such, appeared in ancient times when a person first consciously introduced himself into a state of deep trance for the first time, and then conducted this experiment on a fellow tribesman.

Indian yogis have long been known who are able to control the functions of their body up to a complete cardiac arrest, "turning off" pain receptors, and stopping bleeding. These abilities are achieved with the help of another type of influence - self-hypnosis, which is one of the main components of hypnosis in general.

Starting to talk about regressive hypnosis First of all, it is necessary to find out what hypnosis is and what regression is. Basically, hypnosis is a state of deep sleep, when the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person is turned off, and passes into complete submission to the external influence and control of the hypnotist (while being in an active physical wakefulness). Regression is a return to the past, already passed, hence the concept of regressive hypnosis is a retreat into the past of a person who is in a state of deep, "superficial" sleep. Initially, the methods of regressive hypnosis were used to treat mental disorders caused by stressful, tragic, and physical trauma that a person experienced in the past, which resulted in a malfunction of the nervous system.

The hypnologist, introducing the client into, “takes away” his memory at the time when this failure occurred, finds out the specific cause of this failure and “reprograms” the client's subconscious, “erasing” from his memory the feeling of fear, depression, shock. As a result, having returned to the real world, a person no longer feels the echoes of what he has experienced, forgets them, or treats them completely calmly, as to an ordinary, standard situation.

Recently, although this statement is not true - in history, and in ancient history, moments are mentioned of a person's return to past lives, or incarnations, under the influence of priests or sorcerers. By the way, their methods of influence are no different from modern ones. Is that word forms with which the priests accompanied their manipulations. They (word forms) corresponded to their era and concepts.

Recently regressive hypnosis returned its historical foundations, and anyone who wants to find out who he was and where he lived in the past, or in the life before last, can with the help of a specialist hypnologist who has the ability and is fluent in this type of hypnotic influence. However, with the emergence of the concept regressive hypnosis and publicizing the results of its practical application, among curious observers the question arose - is not all this a show? Does he exist, and reincarnation as such in general?

And here the opinions of experts differ sharply. One skeptical side argues that the possibility of reincarnation, or reincarnation, is the fruit of a wild fantasy of hypnotists with a sharp religious bias, and their version is built exclusively on the basis of religious literature. Their opponents, who have devoted many years to research and practical experience, for their part cite many real evidence confirming not only the possibility existence of reincarnation, but also specific facts, by the way, documented. These disputes have not subsided for many years, and will not subside as long as humanity exists, for it is common for any person to doubt.

But, this is far from the only controversial issue that strains the situation in the world of psychologists and psychics. - Why is it necessary, because the violation of the mental state of a person is caused by his current life, real events that happened to him in his present incarnation, and in no way what happened to him a hundred or two hundred years ago does not affect his current state. To this question, skeptics have one, concrete and indisputable answer - this is a waste of time, since reincarnation does not exist in principle, then doing this is a waste of time and effort.

Psychics and hypnologists who recognize the transfer of information and "archives" of memory not only at the genetic level, but also in an intangible, spiritual way, as it is commonly called "karmically", believe that with the help of regressive hypnosis it is possible to save a person from many mental disorders caused precisely by tragic events experienced in past lives. Or, for example, to get rid of the current obsessive fears, which are a consequence of a tragic death in the past.