Ideas for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the man. Banquet halls for the anniversary. Seating guests: how to do it right

Let A (X 1; y 1) and B (x 2; y 2) be two arbitrary points and C (x; y) the midpoint of the segment AB. Find the coordinates x, y of point C.

Let us first consider the case when the segment AB is not parallel to the y-axis, that is, X 1 X 2. Let's draw straight lines parallel to the y-axis through points A, B, C (Fig. 173). They will cross the x-axis at points A 1 (X 1; 0), B 1 (X 2; 0), C 1 (x; 0). By Thales' theorem, point С 1 will be the midpoint of the segment A 1 B 1.

Since point С 1 is the middle of the segment AiBi, then A 1 C 1 \u003d B 1 C 1, and therefore Ix - X 1 I \u003d Iх - X 2 I. It follows that either x - x 1 \u003d x - x 2 , or (x - x 1) \u003d - (xx 2).
The first equality is impossible, since x 1 x 2. Therefore, the second is true. And from it the formula is obtained

If x 1 \u003d x 2, that is, the segment AB is parallel to the y-axis, then all three points A 1, B 1, C 1 have the same abscissa. This means that the formula remains valid in this case as well.
The ordinate of point C is found similarly. Through points A, B, C, straight lines are drawn parallel to the x axis. It turns out the formula

Problem (15). Three vertices of the parallelogram ABCD are given: A (1; 0), B (2; 3), C (3; 2). Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex D and the intersection of the diagonals.

Decision. The intersection point of the diagonals is the midpoint of each of them. Therefore, it is the midpoint of the segment AC, which means that it has coordinates

Now, knowing the coordinates of the point of intersection of the diagonals, we find the coordinates x, y of the fourth vertex D. Using the fact that the point of intersection of the diagonals is the midpoint of the segment BD, we have:

A. V. Pogorelov, Geometry for grades 7-11, Textbook for educational institutions

How to spend 50 years anniversary if you decide to celebrate it alone, with friends, relatives, work colleagues? In all these cases, it will be necessary to provide for a large number of nuances. We hope that the tips in this article will definitely help you organize your event properly.

Why not do what you have dreamed of for a long time on your own birthday? Do you want to jump with a parachute? So do it finally! It is on your birthday that you are allowed to do everything! Take this chance. You can celebrate your fiftieth birthday the way you want it.

And even if you have always dreamed of spending your 50th anniversary alone, do it without remorse. If you are uncomfortable in front of friends and family, let them know in advance that you will be unavailable on your birthday for some reason. Reasons are optional.

On your birthday, just turn off your phone and do what you dreamed of. Someone just wants a corny sleep and spend the day away from the hustle and bustle. Often such a desire arises in people who are forced to be in society for a long time.

You can watch your favorite movie, eat various goodies, take a walk, go shopping. The main thing is to come up with a celebration program for yourself personally, and then you will not be bored.

How to spend 50 years anniversary with relatives and friends? Make a guest list ahead of time and think about where you can accommodate that many people. If it's impossible to celebrate your birthday at home, consider a restaurant, entertainment center, paintball club, country house, water park, cafe.

If you plan to hold an outdoor event, be sure to resolve the issue with transport. Will guests get to their destination and go home on their own? If not, you will need to rent a minibus.

Think carefully about the menu before you celebrate your 50th anniversary. What are you planning to treat the invitees with? If the event takes place in the office, it is very important that the food is easily divided into portions. People will eat in a work environment, and therefore, it is necessary to prepare meals, the use of which would not lead to discomfort. So, go for sandwiches and snacks. Be sure to resolve the issue with drinks. Remember that frankly cheap alcohol is a sign of bad taste.

If you decide to start organizing a holiday, the tips from this article will definitely come in handy for you. We hope that the information that we offer to your attention will be necessary and useful.

How to celebrate your 50th anniversary

First, talk to the birthday person in order to find out if he has decided on a place to celebrate his birthday. If the hero of the occasion is confused, you can offer him a couple of options. So you can spend the 50th anniversary at home, in a restaurant, or even go out into the countryside.

Birthday, which takes place at home, gives peace and comfort. Invite guests, look at the photos of the birthday person together, talk on various topics, raise your glasses to the health of the hero of the day.

What should be considered when preparing for the holiday, if it takes place at home? First, decide on the number of guests. An average apartment can accommodate about 10-15 people. A larger amount already needs to be carried to a cafe or restaurant. Home celebrations can be considered the most economical, though not always the most fun.

If you want more movement and joy, head to a restaurant. There you can dance and chat to your heart's content, because the banquet hall can accommodate much more guests than an ordinary apartment. Of course, this option is more expensive, but you do not need to cook food and wash the dishes - both the organizer of the event and the hero of the occasion get the opportunity to simply relax and unwind, which is also important.

In good weather, you can celebrate the fiftieth anniversary in nature. Go barbecuing, fishing, or even sunbathing on the beach. In this case, do not forget to think about transporting guests to the place of celebration and back, because many may not have a car.

We will also dwell on those points that need to be taken into account, regardless of where you decide to spend the 50th anniversary. So you need to find out in advance whether there will be people among the guests who, for health or ethical reasons, do not eat this or that product. In this case, you will either need to exclude the "forbidden" ingredient, or prepare the dish for the guest separately.

Also take care of the entertainment program. It's great if you hire a toastmaster. Don't forget to discuss the script, contests, and games with him. Get creative with the process of organizing a holiday, and everything will work out!

Now you know how to celebrate 50 years anniversary. It remains only to apply all the tips in practice!

How to end 50 years anniversary

Usually the holiday goes on as usual: gifts are presented, then a feast follows, toasts are pronounced, games, contests, and dances begin. But it is very important to end the celebration so that the guests and the hero of the occasion will have only positive impressions of the holiday. How to do it? You will find the answer in our article.

It's great if your holiday develops according to a pre-planned scenario. In general, this is one of the best ways to not only end but also spend your birthday in general, as it means that neither you nor the guests will be bored. It is very important to calculate how long this or that event will take in the script. For example, it is known that games and contests should be held already in the middle of a celebration, and their duration should be at most 15 minutes at a time. The intervals between the competition programs can last from 30 minutes - this is enough time for the guests to chat and get ready to play. The same goes for dances, feasts, toasts - everything needs to be timed.

It is important that the hero of the occasion pays attention to the guests, and does not spend time in the kitchen, occasionally running out in order to listen to another toast. If you expect a solid amount of work, invite an assistant (you can hire such a specialist through an agency), and you yourself have fun and have fun. Today you can do it.

It is good if you entrust the organization of the holiday to a professional toastmaster. He knows how to end the anniversary wisely without offending guests who are still keen on having fun. In addition, he can have an interesting birthday, which is also important.

Usually the end of the holiday is marked by a sweet table. This is a kind of hint to guests that the celebration is coming to an end, and it's time to leave. Gather the guests, say a few nice words to them, raise your glasses and then hand each guest a piece of cake as a token of gratitude for the attention they have shown to your person.

Be sure to take a general photo with the guests - this will also become a symbol of the end of the holiday and at the same time will allow you to get a photo that will be pleasant to look at in years to come.

And also, the holiday can be completed by launching fireworks. That's very beautiful!

Now you know how to end the anniversary correctly.

Age 50 can rightfully be called Jubilee... After all, it was this date in Ancient Judea that was considered worthy of celebration and honor.

Preparations for an event of this magnitude begin in advance, especially when it comes to organizing a woman's anniversary. Compose an original script, include more facts about the birthday girl, information about hobbies, as many personal cute details as possible.

For 50 years, life, like a mosaic, consisted of wonderful episodes. Let the anniversary evening remind you of them, and let the birthday girl smile again.

The organizers prefer to take a ready-made funny script for the 50th anniversary as a basis, and then decorate it with personal congratulations to the woman, favorite contests. On our site, you have collected high-quality scenarios for the 50th anniversary of a woman. Piggy bank of materials is open!

Scenario for 50 years old woman funny contests

VED. Dear guests, come in, have a seat. On this solemn day (name the date) Anniversary birthday of all of you dearly beloved and respected ________________.

I want to introduce myself, I am the helmsman of this holiday evening, my name is _______________________.

VED. Have a seat, fill your glasses. In the meantime, men are courting their ladies, let me greet you.

I hasten to tell you - "Hello!"
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - "Goodness!",
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you - “Joy!
Good luck, success and luck! "
To wish everyone in the hall
Great mood.
Let songs, dances, games, jokes
They will come to us in no time!
So friends, I start -
Good evening everyone, gentlemen!

VED. I am glad to greet everyone who came to the anniversary of __________________ today! I am also very happy to welcome those who wanted to come, but did not come. In turn, I want to wish everyone present and even those who are absent happiness, kindness and love!

VED. And now, ladies and gentlemen, under stormy applause we meet the beautiful birthday girl __________________ !!!

(fanfare) __________________ comes out and sits down.

VED. Birthday is a special holiday. From early childhood, we look forward to it. This day is associated with a mountain of gifts, cake, joyful laughter, jokes, sincere congratulations to friends and relatives. ANNIVERSARY is not just a birthday, it is a special date. It is in the year of the anniversary celebration that we try to sum up the results of the lived segment of the path, make plans for the future.
In Siberia they say: 1000 kilometers is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not an age. And this means that our birthday girl still has a lot to come.

VED. Well, now that everyone has filled their glasses.

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years in life.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday cannot be compared with anything
Someone smart once invented
The birthday boy gives joy.
The joy of meeting, smiles, hopes,
Wishes for health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that things are successful!

VED. Let's raise our glasses to the Jubilee birthday, to our birthday girl, to ______________________.

VED. Well, while you eat and drink, of course, among you there are those who adhere to the principle “between the 1st and 2nd gap is not large. Well, all the same, now I suggest that you listen to some music and taste these magnificent dishes. (break 5-10 minutes)

VED. Let me open our evening of congratulations.

Stop, happy moment.
On the day when, of course, they do not - they are sad,
We celebrate the birth with pleasure
The one who is 50 today!

Now I will give the floor to the beloved children of our birthday girl ________________.

And now I would like to give the floor to the woman who became the second mother for our ___________________. The native grandmother of the birthday girl's children _____________________ (after each toast, music is played for 5-10 minutes)

VED. And now, I would like to say a few gentle words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me.

I need you to list any 28 adjectives. (the presenter inserts these adjectives in the missing places.) ………… guests, we have gathered on this ……… .. evening to congratulate our ………. birthday girl. You came to this ………. cafe, sit at this …………. table, eat such …………. dishes, and say yours ………. speech. For our ……… .. jubilee this is …………. and …………. a holiday that she was looking forward to. Today, next to her …………. sons, ………… husband, ………… relatives and ……… .. friends !!! I wish that this… .. evening the fun would not stop, and on your …… .. faces, there were ………… smiles! You all prepared for this ……… .. day, did your ……… hairstyles, bought and sewed your ……… outfits, but our hero of the day was preparing the most! Look at her! She is gorgeous! ___________________ highly …………. wife, ………… .. mom and no less ……… friend. Our …………. the birthday girl possesses …………. mind and …………… appearance, and this gives her self-confidence. And we love her the way she is because she has …………. heart, ……………. eyes, and ……………. smile.

VED. Of course, interesting facts were revealed about our hero of the day. Dear guests, next toast, I would like to raise for the feeling that gives us life, the feeling thanks to which the world becomes more beautiful.

Every day and every morning a new one
We make sure that in our turn
A person must be healthy
Everything else will pass to him!
Everything will pass the ebb and flow
And a sprawling web of fate.
A person must be happy
Otherwise, the soul will begin to harden!
And in order to be invincible in life
And do not smolder like a coal in the ashes,
A person must be loved
And to love what is alive on earth!

VED. Let's raise our glasses and drink standing to love (music by Nikolaev). (break 5 minutes)

VED I ask for a moment of attention.

Don't talk about love!
You can spoil everything with words.
You prove her by deeds,
With eyes, tenderness, lips,
Sprinkle with fragrant flowers
Don't talk about her out loud.

And now I give my word to the most courageous, most charming man in this room.

I ask to go out to congratulate the other half of the birthday man - _________________.

VED. I would like to return to congratulations.

You have an anniversary today,
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could believe sooner
That he is your fortieth,
Charming in appearance, tender,
Well, how not to fall in love with this?
In all matters you are good
And you can be proud of life.
We achieved everything in it<пять>
And keep on striving
An example to be, to emit light,
In business, be the first craftswoman,
It's too early to sum up the results,
They let us down more and more often ...
And you just have to live brightly!
You manage it kind of.
Yes, be happy in the future
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

And give the floor to the husband's parents ____________________ and ___________________.

Who knows the birthday girl best.

VED. Dear guests, while you are still at the table, while we still have not gone to the merry dance, I would like to invite you to take part in the drawing of the first prize. So, the point of the rally is Who knows the birthday girl best. The guest who is the first to answer the question receives a token. The one who has more tokens at the end of the game becomes the owner of a valuable gift. So, into battle …… ..
1.____________ birth parameters (height, weight)? / …… g /
2. What time of day was it? / …… .. /
3. What was the first word you said? / …… /
4. What year did you go to school? /… .. /
5. What education did ____________________ get? / …… ../
6 Favorite food? / ……… /
7 How tall is _______________? / …… /
8 Favorite color? / red /
9 Favorite flowers? / roses / 10
10 Favorite number?
11. Favorite alcoholic drink?

VED. So, we have just revealed the winner of our draw. This is known to everyone, th / ... ... .... This person all the time was distinguished by a quick and logical mind. And this person becomes the owner of the prize, and with applause, I present the prize

VED. But do not forget about congratulations.

Fifty years is a good time!
And there is no need to be sad
Let another half a century pass
Don't just get old.
And on this glorious bright day
We congratulate you
Health, happiness and kindness
We wish you with all our hearts!
We wish you to live the same
And forget about sorrows.
Beautiful, bright, peaceful days
We wish you a jubilee.
Let the years pass slower
May your grandchildren bring joy to you.
And here is our main covenant;
Live healthy for up to a hundred years.

And our evening will be continued by Sister ____________, sister ___________, godfather _______________.

Mystery Auction

VED. Today we are not having an easy auction! This is a mystery auction! We describe the item to you, we sell it.
But we will hand it over only after the auction participants have named the item. It is a violation of our auction rules to name an item until it is sold. Such players will be disqualified. The one who was the first to correctly name the item wins the prize. If you find it difficult to name the subject, you can ask the presenter
suggestive questions.

1. The most necessary item for meeting guests is being played! It is also associated with music! Used to test the strength of friendship! In general, the thing is universal!
Starting price -… .. Who is more? So, sold! So what is it? It's a salt shaker! Used to meet guests according to Russian custom! In addition, SALT is a note. There is even a singing salt in the desert! And in order to test friendship, you need to eat a pound of salt together!

2. An object is played, which enjoys special respect and demand among the people. He is cherished like the apple of his eye, on a par with the closest person! Used on weekdays and holidays! It appears in many proverbs. Starting price - ………… .. Who is more? Sold! So what is this subject? This is a wooden spoon! They say about her: “I will not trust anyone with a spoon, a horse and my wife! "" The road is a spoon for dinner! " “One with a bipod, seven with a spoon! "

3. This item serves as a measure of patience. If used in a diminutive form, then it can measure the degree of hospitality of the hosts. Material, color and shape can be very different! But always needed in the house! Sold! So what is this subject? This is a cup. If we are talking about patience, then they say "the cup of patience", it can overflow. And if we are talking about an ordinary cup, then they say: "A good brew, but a small cup!" Hospitable hosts will always treat you to a cup of tea!

VED. We held the auction, but we still have a lot of congratulations, let's get back to them.

The essence of congratulations is simple
You will live another half a hundred
In a pleasant environment
In love and respect.
Over the years we have been acquiring
And gray hair and light of knowledge.
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long years.
And every year to be nicer
Let happiness fill the house.
We are with a centenary
We will also come to congratulate you.

VED: Let me give the floor to my friends ……………

Male beauty contest

VED: Today is a special day, and here's why: - I intend to hold a beauty contest among men right here and right now.
Are there men in the hall? Perfectly. If you ask me what kind of competition it is, then I will answer you: unlike trivial beauty contests among the representatives of the fair half of humanity, in our case, men will not have to try on swimwear, shining on the stage with biceps-triceps and other body parts - no! Men are most often loved and appreciated not only for the delights of the exterior, but quite the opposite! It doesn't matter if the man has a hairstyle, or, say, a tummy. A real man should be elegantly dressed, should be able to count and make money, value time, be just, damn sexy (although hardly anyone knows exactly what it is). VED .: - But, be that as it may, they are still greeted by their clothes. Remember how the great Pushkin painted the handsome Onegin: "Like a dandy Londoner dressed, haircut in the latest fashion ..." and so on.

Please tell me, does anyone know what a real dandy, a real secular lion should wear?
(Viewers name items of clothing, someone must say: "Tie")

VED: Right! Of course, a tie! Enough, I ask you to come out here, to the playground!
(If the cherished word is called by a lady: she is given the right to choose the first participant).

VED .: Introduce yourself, please! Wait here, I'll bring the rest to you now!

VED .: - As I already mentioned, a real man should be able to count money. Attention, men, which of you now, without reaching into your pocket, can say exactly how much money he has in his pocket? (Someone says: "Zero!").

VED: Here he is - the most economical man, all the money in the bank, zero in his pocket. Please go to the site and - applause to the second player! What is your name? Thank.

VED .: - Now remember the proverbs and tell me what is more valuable than money in our time? (Someone will certainly say: "Time!").

VED: Exactly! Of course it's time! And the clock is considered the counter of time from the century! On mine - ... who has the same result? And whose clock is in a hurry? You? So you're just in a hurry to become the third contestant! And he is in a hurry to live, and in a hurry to feel! Applause to the third participant of the program!

VED .: Meet the rivals! Three heroes, three handsome men for selection. And tell me, dear viewers, who else in history were there three?
(There is an auction, on the account of "three" someone wins).

VED .: Here he is - the fourth handsome man! Applause! Introduce yourself. Under the terms of the game, you are given the right to choose the fifth player! Choose from viewers! There is! And the name of the fifth contestant…. Fine! Applause to the participants of the beauty contest!

1 competition

VED: So, we are starting the competition! It is known that a real man should be elegantly dressed. Nothing, perhaps, adorns a man like a fashionable, properly tied collars ... -eh, sorry, a tie! Here are five self-tying ties, each one. Attention, players! The system of the game is as follows: after each stage, one of you will leave the court with a consolation prize, the rest will continue the fight until victory, but for now - ties at outstretched hands! (Orange tie.)

VED .: Task: to tie a tie with any of the twelve knots in stock in mankind, and as soon as it is tied around your neck, as a sign of readiness to raise your hand up! Clear? But the team "started!" knit a tie around your neck, and - hand up! The one who lifts the last one - has lost. Ready! Let's start!
(Players knit ties with ANY knot, some do the last).

VED: There is a loser! Oh, what a pity, some seconds were not enough for you, but alas, this is so. Here is your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and the rest will continue to fight now.

2 competition

VED .: Well, you've mastered the ties, let's move on. Please stand on one line. I have already said that a real man should be able to make money. But a real man should also be able to beautifully throw money down the drain! Here's the money - 200 tenge each, put it in a "house", and the wind is under your nose. On the command "started!" you need to blow on the bill, letting it go to the wind. The one who is closest has lost. Clear?

Prepared. Let's start!
(Players blow on bills, someone is closer). (Inveterate scammers are money).
VED: Oh, how unlucky you are! Well, it doesn't matter - you're just a little more economical than the others, here's a consolation prize, thanks and applause from the audience! And in the meantime, there were three fighters.

3 competition

VED: And we continue! (The assistants carry out three chairs, put them behind the players). It has already been said that the clock is the counter of time. “Seven do not wait for one” - this is also about time. In the next competition, the task is simple: on the command "start!" you will rush into the hall and collect from the audience - and they, I am sure, will help you - two watches each! Ours are considered. The one who comes to his chair last - lost! So, fans, help! Let's start!
(Players run to the hall, collect watches, someone is the last). (It's time.)

VED: Stop the game! Yes, yes, - it's a pity, you didn't have enough time either! ... But this is not grief - the happy just don't watch the clock! Your prize, and - public applause!

4 competition

VED .: Dear owners of time meters! In a few minutes your watch will return to you, because ahead is the last stage of the game! Attention, contestants! Are you real men? Are you ready to win? You will not give up on the last round and escape from the battlefield? Fine! The last stage is the competition for the sexiest man! Calm down, I'll explain everything now! To inspire a loved one to a reciprocal feeling, any bird, animal, including a person, performs in front of her a kind of erotic dance!
(sex bombs)

VED .: This is exactly what you have to do, and this simple props will help you! (Two ropes are carried out one meter at a time, at the ends - on potatoes and on a clothespin). The task is simple - by attaching a potato on a string to a belt buckle, you, performing erotic body movements back and forth, with the help of a potato must push this box of matches (a box of matches is placed at the feet of each) to this line (at a distance of three or four meters) ... You cannot help yourself with your feet, hands and other organs! So, bring the instrument to a calm position! No, the length, I assure you, does not depend on anything!

VED .: We don't help with our hands and feet - it's unhygienic! Take action on command. The one whose box crosses the finish line first will receive the grand prize. Attention, we started! (Game, someone turned out to be faster).

VED: There is a victory! Here he is - a superhero of the evening, a local sex symbol and just a handsome man! And you - yes, sorry, sorry - just barely had time. Well, nothing, haste does not paint a man. Here's a consolation prize. And to you, dear winner, this is champagne!

VED: And now I invite everyone to the dance floor.

VED: Dear guests, dear birthday girl, you have come to congratulate the sappy maidens-beauties. Please.

(The music turns on "Let's go along the path to the garden, and men in disguise come out.)
(While dancing)

Congratulations-joke for the anniversary

From the guests they choose the 3 most active, cheerful men, dress them up in sundresses. (to the music "My sweet, raspberry berry".)
Then the "Beauties" perform a small impromptu dance and leave. Team competition. Relay races in 3 stages. 2 teams are playing.
1st stage. Oranges are taken and clamped between the player's chin and neck. You need to pass it to your neighbor in the same way - under the chin, without helping with your hands.
2nd stage The facilitator gives two empty boxes without an inner paper box. Objective: to quickly pass the boxes to teammates ... by nose. If the box falls, it is lifted, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems to be simple, but dexterity is indispensable.
3rd stage One person is selected from the team - "model", and the rest of the team members - "fashion designers". "Fashion designers" must create a new, fashionable style of clothing using toilet paper. It should be original, all the paper should be used, and who will do it faster.

(The winning team receives the Best Team medal and prizes.)

Dance competition

The holiday continues, and the host announces a dance competition. Guests wishing to demonstrate their dancing skills will dance sitting on chairs. The presenter seats the contestants on chairs so that they can be clearly seen by all guests, then turns on the recording. Familiar dance melodies sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Without getting up from their chairs, guests show their art. The audience's applause is a reward for the participants in the dance competition, and the most temperamental one gets a gift.

2nd feast

Dear guests, I ask you to return to your seats. As our gala evening continues. Refill your glasses, glasses for the next toast.

The years gone by will not return
And people are sad for a reason.
They didn't have time to look back,
And behind shoulders - 50.
Your life experience, rich
Did not faint and did not fade away,
And we are today with this date
We sincerely congratulate you.
Years fly by, but it doesn't matter
Don't worry about that.
No wonder Vakhtang sings the words:
"My years are my wealth."

VED.: And our second feast is opened by friends ___________________. "Ode to the birthday man".

VED. Please pay attention to the next competition - "Ode to the birthday man". This is a familiar game "Burime", you are given ready-made rhymes, and you need to compose a verse based on them. "Ode to the birthday man" should be composed of the following rhymes:
(Poets read their impromptu performances to the hero of the day. The leader in the strength of the applause determines the best ode, its creator is awarded a prize and a commemorative medal "Best Poet".)

VED. Dear men, I have one question for you: Why do we drink standing up for women?

1. because it is inconvenient to drink while lying down.
2. to proudly rise above them for some time.
3. We drink while standing, because this is more included.
4. we, thus, knead stiff limbs.
5. we get up to shake off the remnants of the salad from our trousers.
6. we get up to better see the women at the table.
7. Thus, we find out who remained under the table to pester women.
And finally, we rise in order not to hear in the very ear "Stop drinking, you already have enough."
So, this toast to our birthday girl and all the women present here. The men drink while standing.

(song for lovely ladies) Birthday songs

VED. Guests are divided into 2 teams, and which team knows more songs for the birthday.

VED .: Dear guests! Let's continue our congratulations to our hero of the day!

We wish you happiness and luck,
Good luck in everything, mood,
Love, reciprocity, warmth,
So that there are only friends nearby
So that all your wishes come true
And all the worries were forgotten.

VED. And now, I want to invite 2 married couples to my place and conduct a test with you. Take pens, pieces of paper, sit down all separately and write on a piece of paper - in a column, under the numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), and in secret from each other. (Then the presenter takes the sheets from the couple and reads out the representatives of the fauna, written by his wife.

So, he, husband, -
Affectionate, like ...
Strong as ...
Sociable, like ...
Authoritative as ...
Independent like ...
Smiling like ...
Neat as ...
Amorous as ...
Bold as ...
Handsome as ...

Then the representatives of the fauna, written by the husband, are called.
So, "Your Wife":

In transport as ...
With relatives like ...
With colleagues at work as ...
In a store like ...
At home like ...
In a cafe or restaurant like ...
With the boss as ...
In a friendly company like ...
In bed like ...
In the doctor's office like ...

The winning pair is determined by applause and receives the Most Original Pair medal and a prize.

VED. Yes, today we have learned a lot about the married couples present here. But, I propose to continue our gala evening.

Half a century is a man's noon
Is it more correct to say - flourishing,
On a long journey - a big milestone -
The pinnacle of youthful years.
Do not cool down past desires
Do not extinguish the fire of the soul
And, becoming even more rosy, -
Blossom and smell, hero of the day!

VED: Hello, citizen. Who are you a fortune-teller or what?

Fortune Teller: Yes, I'm not a fortune-teller! I just have a magical hat - a floral one! The scent of flowers is intoxicating - he tells you everything! To whom I put a hat on my head, I will read all my thoughts! Do you understand?
Fortune Teller: The crux of the problem is, your head is drunk! To guess my thoughts - you need to name the numbers! The fortune-teller puts a hat on the guests' heads, asks a question, and asks for a number from one to five.
Then, having read her fortune, he dances an impromptu gypsy dance and leaves.

Team competition.

Relay races in 3 stages. 2 teams are playing. Equal amount. In each team, the players line up MZHMZHMZH.
1st stage. An empty plastic bottle is taken. Clamped between the knees and transmitted without the help of hands .. Who will do it faster and better ..
2nd stage Without the help of hands, both teams pass a dummy to speed.
thermometer so that it is always under the left hand.
3rd stage One syringe and a tennis ball are given to each team. Objective: to quickly drive a tennis ball with the help of a syringe, without using your hands, around the chair, and pass it to another player. Whose team will make it faster.

VED. Dear friends, birthday is a wonderful holiday, we are looking forward to it in childhood. But childhood leaves, the sprout grows, grows and turns into a beautiful flower, so our birthday girl has grown from a little girl into a beautiful woman. And from all the guests, I would like to wish her that she does not lose that childish feeling that helps us dream, expect something wonderful and be happy.

(Distribute sparklers and sweets to the guests while the verse is being read, the sparklers are on, when the verse is finished reading, everyone fires candy, preferably upwards, and not into the cake)

VED. (A circle is formed, candles are distributed to everyone, the lights in the room go out, they take out the cake with the words of the presenter)

Anniversary candles are lit -
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring you this cake as a gift.
Let in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you ...
Let me wish on a holiday -
Let happiness be only a help.
We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,
We wish you health again
And again let's tell the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits on the way,
And every evening was joyful
And we will ask you in addition -
Manage to blow out these candles!

(Happy birthday music plays right there and everyone sings along, then blowing out the candles, and at this time the music sounds (you have a birthday today))

The half-century anniversary is a great occasion to gather all friends, acquaintances and relatives at one table. After all, 50 years happens once in a lifetime, and this event must certainly be met with all your beloved guests. Such an anniversary can be celebrated in a cafe or in a restaurant, rent a motor ship or sail all to the island. Or you can spend it at home, in a relaxed atmosphere. We will tell you how to spend the 50th anniversary of a woman without a toastmaster at home so that everyone will remember this holiday forever as the most fun and bright.

See our ideas, bring them to life and then your anniversary will be a success.

So, at the beginning of the holiday, you need to meet the hero of the day.

To do this, all guests form a semicircle. Each guest must have firecrackers, paper fireworks and other items in their hands that can harmlessly greet the hero of the day. The guests lined up, armed with items for the meeting. The melody sounds - "Slavyanka's farewell", and someone in the role of the host announces:

Dear friends! Today we are celebrating a wonderful event. Today our dear (surname, name, patronymic of the hero of the day) celebrates its 50th anniversary. And today she says goodbye to her first 50 years of wonderful life. Meet our hero of the day!

The doors open, and the hero of the day comes out. Guests blow up firecrackers and shout: hurray, congratulations, happy anniversary.
After that, the music stops and in the hands of the guests who are the first, signs appear, or sheets of paper are beautifully decorated with photographs of the hero of the day. It is necessary to make photographs of the most memorable moments in the life of the hero of the day on the sheets: birth, bathing, steps, kindergarten, school, college, wedding, children and so on.

When the tablets appeared in the hands of the guests, we ask the hero of the day to come up to each plate in turn. And talking about this stage of her life is something interesting and memorable. This should also be done from birth to the present age.

After the hero of the day has bypassed all her memorable moments of life, then under stormy applause we accompany her to the table, and all the guests also sit down at the tables.

All guests are at the table, and the party can begin. Do not forget to say beautiful toasts to the anniversary before each feast. They will help you express your feelings and your joy from the holiday.

And we are starting the entertainment program.

To begin with, each guest will say their own short but original mini toast. If the guests are sitting at the table on both sides, then the first one sitting to the right of the hero of the day gets up with a glass and pronounces his toast like this: to the hero of the day!
Then he sits down.

The second person sitting behind him gets up and pronounces his toast, which must also begin with the word PER ... But the next word should begin with the last letter of the previous toast - the letter Have so, the toast can be like this: to the native of our city of Samara!
The third guest gets up and says: for the Atmosphere that the hero of the day gives us!
Fourth guest: for Artistry!
Fifth Guest: For a Sweet Smile!
Sixth guest: for a Smile!

If this version of congratulations is difficult for you, then take a look at our section - chants for the anniversary. It has wonderful chants that will help you congratulate the hero of the day in no less original way and involve all the guests in this.

Now let's dance a little.

For the dance, we need to know in advance the names of all the guests at the party. And make a cut of melodies with the names of the guests. Then turn on these cuts in turn, and the guests who hear their name in the songs come out to their original dance. When all the guests are on the dance floor, you can determine who came out the best and give him a prize.

And immediately the next competition to the music.

To do this, guests need to split into several teams of 6 people. If there are few or many guests, then you can yourself determine the number of people in the team. For example, divide it like this: relatives into one team, everyone else into another.
When the teams are formed, they form a circle for a round dance. One team - one circle. Music begins to play, and the presenter says: a good elbow has a neighbor on the right! This means that each team member takes his neighbor on the right by the elbow and so they lead a round dance.
Then the presenter says: the neighbor on the left has a good ear! Team members take their neighbors to the left by the ear and dance in a round dance.
Then the presenter announces: your neighbors have a good waist on the left and right! Here all the guests hug each other around the waist. The melody for the cancan dance turns on, the guests dance cheerfully to it.

Did you dance?

Then you have to play.

We offer you a small comic block for guests and heroes of the day. The host announces that an urgent telegram has just been sent to her. The telegram is handed over to the hero of the day. She reads it out. There, approximately, the following text:
- dear (surname, name, patronymic of the hero of the day)! We are African people. We learned that you have an anniversary, you are 50 years old. And since you are an active member of the You Give Life in Africa charity foundation, we decided to make you a present. We send you a whole parcel of dried apricots! Eat to your health!
P.S. a bone is hidden in one dried apricot. Whoever finds a bone will be lucky all year long!

And here is the package itself with dried apricots! Well, shall we give out one berry to all the guests? Come on, take it. And remember, whoever finds a bone in his dried apricots will have good luck and a small gift!

Guests take one berry at a time and eat. Whoever found a bone (and it must be put in one dried apricot before the holiday), he comes up for a gift.

And here is our lucky one! He had a bone! He gets a packet of apricots! Eat them quickly so they don't turn into dried apricots!

Go ahead, and another little game with all the guests. For this game you need to make cards with inscriptions: pipes, circle, raft, carrot, anniversary, snowball and others. Each guest chooses one card for himself. Then the first guest shows his card and says the word that is written on it. After that, the presenter says what he must do.

The word of the PIPE is a kiss on the lips of the hero of the day!
The word CIRCLE - confess your love to the hero of the day!
The word RAFT - and you tell us an anecdote!
The word CARROT is a song about love from you!
The word JUBILEE - pour yourself a drink and drink it soon!
The word SNOW - dance, or something to us, my friend!

This is how you can originally celebrate the 50th anniversary of a woman without a toastmaster on your own.

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